I saw the AOE loot suggestion and would say that they really need to fix the back assward system on console where ground looting has a massive range despite the rapid mobility of a ground captain whereas space loot range is tiny and has no consideration towards turning circles.
The current console event and counterpoint is a good example of how badly designed the console port is, you can't interact with things quickly if you target something, the reticle might be over a hostile and red alert running but clicking to lock that target will snap to a friendly or worse a random mine. NPC chatter spams up the right side of the screen obscuring the skill wheel. The skill wheel will change location of things from one character to another and from one ship to another.
Pahvo ground is another clanger of a TFO where the ground clutter will catch players and they will instinctively jump but that same button will also port them back to the centre.
Autofiring abilities rely solely on red alert status but all an enemy has to do is aggro you for a millisecond and you can get locked into an almost perpetual cycle of things firing off even though no weapons are being fired, they should take their cue from the player firing weapons and not them being hit or merely targetted.
But none of this will happen because the STO port has always been rougher than a bears backside and has steadily got worse and worse as more and more visual spam assaults the player and unlike the PC cryptic hasn't been as able to break the dilex so it's clearly not economically viable for them to put the effort into fixing the glaringly basic problems they originally deemed to be ok for launch.
-One of my biggest personal pet peeves ist hat the liberated borg captains, the one you get from buying the LTS, which was a lot of money, don't have full body skins. It's technically the most expensive player race in the game and it just has this horrible head only skin that ends at the neck. It's terrible and it's lazy, and for how much it cost to attain, it should be considerably better. For me, an easy win would be if they had the character artist knock out a few skins for the playable borg captains, showing the differing levels of post assimilation.
-Another quick win, though, i honestly don't know how quick it would actually be, would be to get rid of the need or greed system and just make it so everyone gets an item from group drops. The system never really worked, considering 80-90% of people just need every item, regardless. Unless you're in a decent group of dedicated friends playing, it just serves no purpose, as it does nothing other than assign the loot randomly to whomever hit need. Just do away with it and make the teamwide loot actually team wide.
-Fixing the cooldown timers in the UI. Why is it that once an ability is off cooldown, another 15 to 30 seconds pops back up on it? that makes no sense and is frustrating. It would be nice if any and all things that affect cooldowns, ACTUALLY did what they were supposed to, giving us accurate cooldown timers.
-Making all armors and unlocks available to use in the tailor. I love a lot of the unlocked armors and such but it would just be nice if i could pull pieces from any of them and use them to make more customized armors or a really cool E.V. Suit. I know making an official EV suit slot in the tailor might not be so easy but it would be great to use any and all pieces from all of that gear i have access to, to make something more unique and cool.
@postagepaid Completely agree about space looting. An easy fix would be to increase the loot radius by a factor of 5 or so.
The auto-fire system however would not be an easy fix. Their port has the most basic logic running that system, and it would need a completely overhaul to bring it up to standards.
@kellmg96#5851 I completely agree that combat pets should not be summonable out of combat. Especially since some folks beam into a social map and immediately summon 5 or giant combat pets.
What about a console in fleet locations that allow people that are invited to donate fleet marks. These could be done for credits also. Even official safe trades to by fleet marks from other players in other fleets without having to leave their current guild.
This could be done via a console and a set price per fleet mark. Any invited player could join and donate fleet marks to the guild for an automatic price. This runs out when the ec in the guild runs out. Might just need special protection for any ec going into this system. Or the current system would need to be setup so people can't steal the EC. I would add a special location to put the EC like a vending machine that cannot be taken out of. It could only be taken out via fleet mark donation. This could be done for the guild as a whole also and not just external fleet players.
The main goal is to automate selling fleet marks between guild members as a nice to to generate EC for players. This would have the upside of getting people to play more STF than previously and donate for money.
The only other thing that might be useful is if a setting can be made to sell these fleet marks to yet another fleet. This would allow maximum trade of fleet marks to various fleets and EC for buying whatever.
Maybe the ability to either buy or sell both with an invite or being in the fleet. This would allow easy automatic tradding of fleet marks for various fleet activities.
You could also include fleet credits for those special missions if desired. Heck any other fleet resource could be put in for EC to allow free trading of resources in the game and lots of trading between fleets and normal players alike. It would just be connected to a single console in fleets so you have to visit them to trade.
To be extra fun. Trades would be done with either EC or Refined Dil. This could be a nice way to trade currently untradable resources for fleets use. Or private use if you have the resources. Depends on the setup.
Pretty simple one here. Make the old Party Horns/Poppers available for either Phoenix tokens or in Mudd's. Just something. There were less than ten of the ones from the first two events available on the Exchange the last time that I bothered looking, and I'm certain that some of us would like some of each, either from not being here when they were initially available or for characters created many years later.
This is an MMO, not a Star Trek episode simulator. That would make for a terrible game.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,829Community Moderator
You guys do know that using the resources from the Coffer doesn't bestow Fleet Credits though... right? I mean it's a decent enough system, especially for fleets that aren't active enough or don't want to go farm those particular things, but its also a bit of a balancing factor. Do you want to put in the work for the fleet credits or do you want convenience of filling a project?
Systems like this are a give/take type of thing. They have the advantage of taking some pressure off fleet members, but the trade off for that convenience is lack of reward for that automation.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,829Community Moderator
The difference between the provision items for other holdings and the ones for the colony are that the other holdings only take Fleet Credits from a replicator and give nothing back, but have no other source. The Colony holdings have those minigames AND can be earned from Lukari TFOs and do reward Fleet Credits if input directly from inventory and not the Coffer.
Not only that, pretty sure the minigames on the colony are dailies and not wait five minutes and run again, meaning if you want more you have to wait or do Lukari TFOs.
The old provisions encouraged players to earn Fleet Credits since that was the required currency to get them. PITA but that was the trade off. Work on the holding to get the things to donate to the holding.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
What about a console in fleet locations that allow people that are invited to donate fleet marks. These could be done for credits also. Even official safe trades to by fleet marks from other players in other fleets without having to leave their current guild.
This could be done via a console and a set price per fleet mark. Any invited player could join and donate fleet marks to the guild for an automatic price. This runs out when the ec in the guild runs out. Might just need special protection for any ec going into this system. Or the current system would need to be setup so people can't steal the EC. I would add a special location to put the EC like a vending machine that cannot be taken out of. It could only be taken out via fleet mark donation. This could be done for the guild as a whole also and not just external fleet players.
The main goal is to automate selling fleet marks between guild members as a nice to to generate EC for players. This would have the upside of getting people to play more STF than previously and donate for money.
The only other thing that might be useful is if a setting can be made to sell these fleet marks to yet another fleet. This would allow maximum trade of fleet marks to various fleets and EC for buying whatever.
Maybe the ability to either buy or sell both with an invite or being in the fleet. This would allow easy automatic tradding of fleet marks for various fleet activities.
You could also include fleet credits for those special missions if desired. Heck any other fleet resource could be put in for EC to allow free trading of resources in the game and lots of trading between fleets and normal players alike. It would just be connected to a single console in fleets so you have to visit them to trade.
To be extra fun. Trades would be done with either EC or Refined Dil. This could be a nice way to trade currently untradable resources for fleets use. Or private use if you have the resources. Depends on the setup.
Cross linking fleet marks, EC, dilithium, and fleet banks would sure make things complicated. You can already do what you want with fleet marks and colony provisions on the secondary market if you're trying to profit but yes, you'd have to leave your fleet for a direct donation. Things that would require a rejigging of the fleet system that would also likely affect the greater economy of the game wouldn't be a quick win but a huge change.
The difference between the provision items for other holdings and the ones for the colony are that the other holdings only take Fleet Credits from a replicator and give nothing back, but have no other source. The Colony holdings have those minigames AND can be earned from Lukari TFOs and do reward Fleet Credits if input directly from inventory and not the Coffer.
Not only that, pretty sure the minigames on the colony are dailies and not wait five minutes and run again, meaning if you want more you have to wait or do Lukari TFOs.
The old provisions encouraged players to earn Fleet Credits since that was the required currency to get them. PITA but that was the trade off. Work on the holding to get the things to donate to the holding.
The colony provisions also stack into the thousands. Other provisions only stack to 100. My gamma recruit is sitting on 20+ spaces worth of provisions he can't spend because there aren't any projects available to use them (everything is stalled on dilithium). 20+ spaces of stacks of 100. But not colony provisions. I could pump them into the colony coffers immediately. Also, the colony mini-games have a 30-minute or 1-hour cooldown (I forget which).
That was partially the point of the idea. Allow more storage. Infinite potentially. The rest was swapping resources. Since EC is a resource it would be available to swap. The fleet could set prices of trade for all resources and it would be a side market that only works in fleet locations. This would also get people into fleets. Basically, a fleet market. There is some existing market now, but it's risky as you could donate and not get payed. This could allowa freeform exchange of basically everything fleet. If you need credits' stock up on things people will buy and build credits. Use the credits to exchange for other goods etc. Then everything that goes into a fleet mission can be exchange in a safe manner. Might make some fluency for those who want to get resources. This might help with other areas. Especially if one of those areas is dil. Either no dil exchanges or people start using dil to get other resources to some extent.
As far as complexity. I figured the nature of the market would take over and make it adapt. Then it could also adjust as the game changes. Then one guild could work from low player count while others farm with massive character count. Might help bridge parts of the game. And give more to do as those resources are worth more than their ability to get into a specific fleet mission. Making more gameplay with fairly simple implementation.
You could call it a fleet market. And the holding called a fleet reserve. It's doing what a real fleet would do. Stock up for the future. Then each guild can do more of what it wants to do and not what it is forced or limited to do. And each fleet can act in more unique ways to their talents.
It also might create more fluency in fleets. Then people are rewarded more for their work in the fleet and not as restricted by time gating. Although the base resources can still be time gated to not change the base resource flow into the system.
I was assuming a system where each resource can be sold for any other resource. Either you set a sale price(no price equals not available) and it can be bought/sold at the fleet leaders direction for said other resource. Basically a giant spreadsheet of fleet resources. Want dil, offer EC or Fleet marks etc. You could then donate any other resources freely in and out of the guild and the guilds could exchange goods. They could even have setting to restrict who can do it and fleets can have free ranged trading or private controlled trading. It could be up to each fleet to manage it.
So, you could set up a market or have a money guy running everything(or both.) I think there is an official term for those types of positions in a real fleet/military. I'm assuming there are several.
You could also start with smaller capacity to hold thing and build it up with upgrades. It could be a whole new fleet area and location. This would make it good at helping upgrade itself and other things. This also means more dil sinks. A dil sink with a potential dil sink.
My Humble wish list for what I assume would be simple quality of life fixes/changes
- Eliminate the distinction between Uniforms and Off Duty Wear. Or at least go through the list a bit more thoroughly. It would nice to be able to staff a Ferengi Ship with a Ferengi crew wearing Ferengi outfits for example.
- Make the Lobi store Uniform/Outfit purchases Account Unlocks. This way we might be able to add some variety with our Space Barbie without having to horde our precious Lobi for combat gear.
- More Dil purchasable Account Bound Gear please! The Vanity Shields last year was a good start. maybe throw some weapon cosmetic offerings in there? Maybe some older consoles, etc.
- OK probably not the easiest thing to do. But give us something to actually do with Shuttles? Maybe a series of race courses or racing TFO's ala that Voyager Episode? Give us a reason to trick out and fly shuttles occasionally. You have the basics needed from that Tom Paris Iconian War mission.
- A new inventory tab for commodities, so we don't have to dig through them for actual gear
- Move the Elite Reputation Marks items to the Assets Tab.
- a simple lock feature for the character login list after we sorted it the way we want. My OCD is pure agony when I need something from a small char down the list and then see my main going down the list. Triggers me in Swtor too. In Wow they solved this by always having the list locked but there are little arrows on each toon so you can move them up and down at any time. Perfectly solved.
- an option to ACTUALLY lock the interface instead of moving each window by clicking anywhere on it
- show ALL story arcs in the episode list like the devidians, breen, dominion and so on instead of hiding them in unnecessary side menus
- a little check box to hide warnings when destroying useless loot stacks which can only be clicked on and enter key doesnt work there
- have all store items available at all times. Ive been waiting for a 10th anniversary bundle and see no reason to only temporarily enable it while other bundles are always up. The 11th anniversary bundle has been up for nine months now. Totally arbitrary.
- the launcher only saves the last logged in account. It would be nice to see all accounts we logged into because many of us run multiple accounts from the same installation
- an overhaul of the space interface. We can have a dozen ability bars but there is zero control over size or location. Swtor has this nice UI editor thats simple and effective. I wish we had something similar here.
- fix the disappearing traits bug. After five assurances that its fixed its still there.
- the discovery rep is at the top of the list in the reputation list but at the lower end in the TFO and marks list
- once we level a TOS toon to 65 unlock the warp and transporter animations for all characters on the account. Same with all such specials. Give us a little menu where we can select these for our char so we can match our ship, outfit with warp in/out and transporter animations. Not fun to have the oldest char, an alien flying an alien ship, forced to use a federation transporter.
- when we get a ship with a new prefix unlock it for all ships on that char. For example only mirror ships can have I.S.S. but they cant have none and FED/KDF ships must have a prefix selected totally ignoring any RP implications. I just like to have a human/klingon without a ship prefix.
- find a way to disable the blinking lights on ships. They are SPACE SHIPS, not planes that need to be seen in the sky at all times.
- the discovery rep is at the top of the list in the reputation list but at the lower end in the TFO and marks list
Hasn't every newest rep been added to the top of the list, and then only moved to the bottom once the next newest rep has been added? I've always assumed thats a QoL thing since it ensures the newest rep, the one most people will be working on, is the first thing you see when you open the rep menu. Rather then having to open the rep menu, then go to the bottom of the list, to click on it.
As for me, I would like to see
-A pet inventory
-An auto loot function
-Specs being added to loadouts, and having separate ground/space spec choices
- the discovery rep is at the top of the list in the reputation list but at the lower end in the TFO and marks list
Hasn't every newest rep been added to the top of the list, and then only moved to the bottom once the next newest rep has been added? I've always assumed thats a QoL thing since it ensures the newest rep, the one most people will be working on, is the first thing you see when you open the rep menu. Rather then having to open the rep menu, then go to the bottom of the list, to click on it.
As for me, I would like to see
-A pet inventory
-An auto loot function
-Specs being added to loadouts, and having separate ground/space spec choices
That would be my top requests for new QoL things too, though in my case having a way to lock the loot pickup button to the side instead of randomly jumping up into the middle of the screen would probably be preferable since I usually don't have enough room in inventory for every piece of junk I run across.
Of course, having a system similar to what Defiance did with autosalvage/autosale of incoming autoloot items of less than a specified quality when inventory or other spot (like the device slots) for them fill up would be good as long as the bug that knocks devices off into inventory would not trigger it and lose the equipped items too.
I hope the dev's are paying attention to this thread because there are a lot of good ideas here. A lot that aren't feasible as "quick wins", but also a lot that are.
I love the idea of separate space and ground active specializations. Perhaps one dual purpose primary spec and one of each space and ground secondary specs. Not sure this is easily/quickly doable though.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I thought they meant the separation of specializations by ground and space permanently. They could just split it into two of the existing structures and allow space/ground to pick different main/secondaries as they are.
IE add a flip thing to select space/ground and each has a different set of the existing settings. Then ground has it's own Primary/secondary and space has a separate choice of primary/secondary.
I meant pick three specializations, one primary, one space secondary, and one ground secondary. The space secondary would only be active in space, and mutatis mutandis for the ground secondary .
I would like to have the some of the ship abilities that cause a red alert effect to stop doing that. It's annoying that at the start of the tfo , you activate any of those abilities even starts your ship goes into red alert and you have to snail crawl to the targets . Tactical Team is one that comes to mind but there are a few more as well.
"There is iron in your words of death for all Comanche to see, and so there is iron in your words of life. No signed paper can hold the iron. It must come from men. The words of Ten Bears carries the same iron of life and death. It is good that warriors such as we meet in the struggle of life... or death. It shall be life." - Ten Bears (Will Sampson)
The current console event and counterpoint is a good example of how badly designed the console port is, you can't interact with things quickly if you target something, the reticle might be over a hostile and red alert running but clicking to lock that target will snap to a friendly or worse a random mine. NPC chatter spams up the right side of the screen obscuring the skill wheel. The skill wheel will change location of things from one character to another and from one ship to another.
Pahvo ground is another clanger of a TFO where the ground clutter will catch players and they will instinctively jump but that same button will also port them back to the centre.
Autofiring abilities rely solely on red alert status but all an enemy has to do is aggro you for a millisecond and you can get locked into an almost perpetual cycle of things firing off even though no weapons are being fired, they should take their cue from the player firing weapons and not them being hit or merely targetted.
But none of this will happen because the STO port has always been rougher than a bears backside and has steadily got worse and worse as more and more visual spam assaults the player and unlike the PC cryptic hasn't been as able to break the dilex so it's clearly not economically viable for them to put the effort into fixing the glaringly basic problems they originally deemed to be ok for launch.
-Another quick win, though, i honestly don't know how quick it would actually be, would be to get rid of the need or greed system and just make it so everyone gets an item from group drops. The system never really worked, considering 80-90% of people just need every item, regardless. Unless you're in a decent group of dedicated friends playing, it just serves no purpose, as it does nothing other than assign the loot randomly to whomever hit need. Just do away with it and make the teamwide loot actually team wide.
-Fixing the cooldown timers in the UI. Why is it that once an ability is off cooldown, another 15 to 30 seconds pops back up on it? that makes no sense and is frustrating. It would be nice if any and all things that affect cooldowns, ACTUALLY did what they were supposed to, giving us accurate cooldown timers.
-Making all armors and unlocks available to use in the tailor. I love a lot of the unlocked armors and such but it would just be nice if i could pull pieces from any of them and use them to make more customized armors or a really cool E.V. Suit. I know making an official EV suit slot in the tailor might not be so easy but it would be great to use any and all pieces from all of that gear i have access to, to make something more unique and cool.
Completely agree about space looting. An easy fix would be to increase the loot radius by a factor of 5 or so.
The auto-fire system however would not be an easy fix. Their port has the most basic logic running that system, and it would need a completely overhaul to bring it up to standards.
I completely agree that combat pets should not be summonable out of combat. Especially since some folks beam into a social map and immediately summon 5 or giant combat pets.
This could be done via a console and a set price per fleet mark. Any invited player could join and donate fleet marks to the guild for an automatic price. This runs out when the ec in the guild runs out. Might just need special protection for any ec going into this system. Or the current system would need to be setup so people can't steal the EC. I would add a special location to put the EC like a vending machine that cannot be taken out of. It could only be taken out via fleet mark donation. This could be done for the guild as a whole also and not just external fleet players.
The main goal is to automate selling fleet marks between guild members as a nice to to generate EC for players. This would have the upside of getting people to play more STF than previously and donate for money.
The only other thing that might be useful is if a setting can be made to sell these fleet marks to yet another fleet. This would allow maximum trade of fleet marks to various fleets and EC for buying whatever.
Maybe the ability to either buy or sell both with an invite or being in the fleet. This would allow easy automatic tradding of fleet marks for various fleet activities.
You could also include fleet credits for those special missions if desired. Heck any other fleet resource could be put in for EC to allow free trading of resources in the game and lots of trading between fleets and normal players alike. It would just be connected to a single console in fleets so you have to visit them to trade.
To be extra fun. Trades would be done with either EC or Refined Dil. This could be a nice way to trade currently untradable resources for fleets use. Or private use if you have the resources. Depends on the setup.
Systems like this are a give/take type of thing. They have the advantage of taking some pressure off fleet members, but the trade off for that convenience is lack of reward for that automation.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Not only that, pretty sure the minigames on the colony are dailies and not wait five minutes and run again, meaning if you want more you have to wait or do Lukari TFOs.
The old provisions encouraged players to earn Fleet Credits since that was the required currency to get them. PITA but that was the trade off. Work on the holding to get the things to donate to the holding.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Cross linking fleet marks, EC, dilithium, and fleet banks would sure make things complicated. You can already do what you want with fleet marks and colony provisions on the secondary market if you're trying to profit but yes, you'd have to leave your fleet for a direct donation. Things that would require a rejigging of the fleet system that would also likely affect the greater economy of the game wouldn't be a quick win but a huge change.
That was partially the point of the idea. Allow more storage. Infinite potentially. The rest was swapping resources. Since EC is a resource it would be available to swap. The fleet could set prices of trade for all resources and it would be a side market that only works in fleet locations. This would also get people into fleets. Basically, a fleet market. There is some existing market now, but it's risky as you could donate and not get payed. This could allowa freeform exchange of basically everything fleet. If you need credits' stock up on things people will buy and build credits. Use the credits to exchange for other goods etc. Then everything that goes into a fleet mission can be exchange in a safe manner. Might make some fluency for those who want to get resources. This might help with other areas. Especially if one of those areas is dil. Either no dil exchanges or people start using dil to get other resources to some extent.
As far as complexity. I figured the nature of the market would take over and make it adapt. Then it could also adjust as the game changes. Then one guild could work from low player count while others farm with massive character count. Might help bridge parts of the game. And give more to do as those resources are worth more than their ability to get into a specific fleet mission. Making more gameplay with fairly simple implementation.
You could call it a fleet market. And the holding called a fleet reserve. It's doing what a real fleet would do. Stock up for the future. Then each guild can do more of what it wants to do and not what it is forced or limited to do. And each fleet can act in more unique ways to their talents.
It also might create more fluency in fleets. Then people are rewarded more for their work in the fleet and not as restricted by time gating. Although the base resources can still be time gated to not change the base resource flow into the system.
I was assuming a system where each resource can be sold for any other resource. Either you set a sale price(no price equals not available) and it can be bought/sold at the fleet leaders direction for said other resource. Basically a giant spreadsheet of fleet resources. Want dil, offer EC or Fleet marks etc. You could then donate any other resources freely in and out of the guild and the guilds could exchange goods. They could even have setting to restrict who can do it and fleets can have free ranged trading or private controlled trading. It could be up to each fleet to manage it.
So, you could set up a market or have a money guy running everything(or both.) I think there is an official term for those types of positions in a real fleet/military. I'm assuming there are several.
You could also start with smaller capacity to hold thing and build it up with upgrades. It could be a whole new fleet area and location. This would make it good at helping upgrade itself and other things. This also means more dil sinks. A dil sink with a potential dil sink.
- Eliminate the distinction between Uniforms and Off Duty Wear. Or at least go through the list a bit more thoroughly. It would nice to be able to staff a Ferengi Ship with a Ferengi crew wearing Ferengi outfits for example.
- Make the Lobi store Uniform/Outfit purchases Account Unlocks. This way we might be able to add some variety with our Space Barbie without having to horde our precious Lobi for combat gear.
- More Dil purchasable Account Bound Gear please! The Vanity Shields last year was a good start. maybe throw some weapon cosmetic offerings in there? Maybe some older consoles, etc.
- OK probably not the easiest thing to do. But give us something to actually do with Shuttles? Maybe a series of race courses or racing TFO's ala that Voyager Episode? Give us a reason to trick out and fly shuttles occasionally. You have the basics needed from that Tom Paris Iconian War mission.
- A new inventory tab for commodities, so we don't have to dig through them for actual gear
- Move the Elite Reputation Marks items to the Assets Tab.
- an option to ACTUALLY lock the interface instead of moving each window by clicking anywhere on it
- show ALL story arcs in the episode list like the devidians, breen, dominion and so on instead of hiding them in unnecessary side menus
- a little check box to hide warnings when destroying useless loot stacks which can only be clicked on and enter key doesnt work there
- have all store items available at all times. Ive been waiting for a 10th anniversary bundle and see no reason to only temporarily enable it while other bundles are always up. The 11th anniversary bundle has been up for nine months now. Totally arbitrary.
- the launcher only saves the last logged in account. It would be nice to see all accounts we logged into because many of us run multiple accounts from the same installation
- an overhaul of the space interface. We can have a dozen ability bars but there is zero control over size or location. Swtor has this nice UI editor thats simple and effective. I wish we had something similar here.
- fix the disappearing traits bug. After five assurances that its fixed its still there.
- the discovery rep is at the top of the list in the reputation list but at the lower end in the TFO and marks list
- once we level a TOS toon to 65 unlock the warp and transporter animations for all characters on the account. Same with all such specials. Give us a little menu where we can select these for our char so we can match our ship, outfit with warp in/out and transporter animations. Not fun to have the oldest char, an alien flying an alien ship, forced to use a federation transporter.
- when we get a ship with a new prefix unlock it for all ships on that char. For example only mirror ships can have I.S.S. but they cant have none and FED/KDF ships must have a prefix selected totally ignoring any RP implications. I just like to have a human/klingon without a ship prefix.
- find a way to disable the blinking lights on ships. They are SPACE SHIPS, not planes that need to be seen in the sky at all times.
As for me, I would like to see
-A pet inventory
-An auto loot function
-Specs being added to loadouts, and having separate ground/space spec choices
That would be my top requests for new QoL things too, though in my case having a way to lock the loot pickup button to the side instead of randomly jumping up into the middle of the screen would probably be preferable since I usually don't have enough room in inventory for every piece of junk I run across.
Of course, having a system similar to what Defiance did with autosalvage/autosale of incoming autoloot items of less than a specified quality when inventory or other spot (like the device slots) for them fill up would be good as long as the bug that knocks devices off into inventory would not trigger it and lose the equipped items too.
I love the idea of separate space and ground active specializations. Perhaps one dual purpose primary spec and one of each space and ground secondary specs. Not sure this is easily/quickly doable though.
Actually there's also Commando and Strategist that are not dual space/ground. Pilot just happens to be a full spec tree that is space only.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
IE add a flip thing to select space/ground and each has a different set of the existing settings. Then ground has it's own Primary/secondary and space has a separate choice of primary/secondary.