Hello, I am a new player and have been pretty much confused about most things in the game since I have started. I am now 65 and running Rep, R&D, Admiralty etc daily to keep them going. I am just now hitting Rep 5 on some as this takes months to complete to get to 6. The same for commendations to achieve max. For this event, if I read this correctly, I have to make a brand new "Tos" character and to achieve the rewards/unlocks, I have to basically start back over on a new toon and grind for months to receive these benefits?
Hello, I am a new player and have been pretty much confused about most things in the game since I have started. I am now 65 and running Rep, R&D, Admiralty etc daily to keep them going. I am just now hitting Rep 5 on some as this takes months to complete to get to 6. The same for commendations to achieve max. For this event, if I read this correctly, I have to make a brand new "Tos" character and to achieve the rewards/unlocks, I have to basically start back over on a new toon and grind for months to receive these benefits?
That is correct, to unlock the biggest Temporal Recruit bonus you need to level a brand new TOS character to 65 and grind most reps to T5 on that character (I'm not sure if part of the update will change which reps are required, but originally it only required the reps that existed at the time AoY launched).
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
It means you need to make a new alt in the character generator for the event, but it does not mean you have to stop playing your main after you get the temporal transponder (or whatever they are calling it in this recruitment) device. The recruit will likely get some extras during the event itself (during Delta those recruit got more dilithium than usual iirc) but once the new alt has the transponder they are good to from then on so there is no rush to complete everything during the event itself.
A lot of people just run their various recruits as a change of pace and still play their regular mains most of the time. And the rewards your main will get from having the recruit are more than worth the time and effort of making one.
It's going to be interesting since it's happening in the middle of the Pahvo event, Defend Pahvo in two different Task Force Operations in order to progress Event Campaign III, and earn progress towards a free Promotional or Lock Box Ship, The Defense of Pahvo Event will begin on Xbox and Playstation on September 2nd, 2021 and run for 3 weeks before concluding.
Like I pointed out above, this recruitment is happening in the middle of a meta event, The special Temporal Agent Recruitment event is coming back on September 8th on all platforms, console players will either have to constantly switch characters to keep up with both events at once or they'll have make a AOY character, get the temporal transponder and then wait until Pahvo ends to continue where they left off with their temporal recruits.
Both the Romulans and the Klingons have Temporal operative story arcs in other events, why don't they get one here?
Romulans and Klingons don't have Temporal Operative story arcs in other events. They have a Delta Recruit story arc, which isn't the same as a Temporal Agent story arc. Federation, Klingon, and Romulan, characters don't have a Gamma Recruit storyline, and Feds, Romulans, and Dominion, don't have a Klingon Recruit storyline, either.
True, which is a sad thing for the Gamma recruit event since the only Vorta characters that players can have in the game are actually from the other factions because of the severely lacking nature of the faction and are therefor barred from participating in the Gamma recruit event. And some players simply cannot stand playing a Jem'Hadar for various reasons.
It's going to be interesting since it's happening in the middle of the Pahvo event, Defend Pahvo in two different Task Force Operations in order to progress Event Campaign III, and earn progress towards a free Promotional or Lock Box Ship, The Defense of Pahvo Event will begin on Xbox and Playstation on September 2nd, 2021 and run for 3 weeks before concluding.
Like I pointed out above, this recruitment is happening in the middle of a meta event, The special Temporal Agent Recruitment event is coming back on September 8th on all platforms, console players will either have to constantly switch characters to keep up with both events at once or they'll have make a AOY character, get the temporal transponder and then wait until Pahvo ends to continue where they left off with their temporal recruits.
As far as I know of the Pavo stuff is not level-locked and it does not take long to level up to twenty or thirty where playing those scenarios is practical (if difficult). That is especially true if the player has some of the experience boosters left over from the rocket-building event, or other sources of XP boost.
Personally I don't do an entire event using the same character (with the exceptions of the Recruitments which of course require the character to complete the string at least as far as the point where they get the transponder device), so doing it with a more advanced character for a few days or so then doing it with either one interchangeably for the rest would not be a problem.
For that matter, I tend to use two or three characters out of my rather large stable of them (I am an altaholic) per session anyway. I am on PC though, so there may be some particularly annoying stumbling block to switching characters on Console that I don't know about.
> @duasyn said: > I hope 'visual updates' means you can turn off the film grain? I found that extremely annoying.
I thought that was a nice touch 🙁. It probably appeals to me because it reminded me of the syndicated broadcasts that hooked me. The grain effect may look ugly if you watched TOS remastered and cleaned up. I think the TV I watched it on was pretty crappy too.
> @duasyn said:
> I hope 'visual updates' means you can turn off the film grain? I found that extremely annoying.
I thought that was a nice touch 🙁. It probably appeals to me because it reminded me of the syndicated broadcasts that hooked me. The grain effect may look ugly if you watched TOS remastered and cleaned up. I think the TV I watched it on was pretty crappy too.
I like the film grain, made the AOY storyline feel like actual TOS episodes, I might be one of the few millennials who happens to both appreciate and respect the classics rather than making TRIBBLE reboots that have literially have nothing in common with the original material, look at how they massacred Star Wars, Doctor Who and He-Man (Twice), what's next Planet of the Apes, Island of Doctor Moreau even Superman wouldn't be safe from this awful plague, sorry I went off topic, but personally the film grain was a nice touch in my opinion.
> @duasyn said:
> I hope 'visual updates' means you can turn off the film grain? I found that extremely annoying.
I thought that was a nice touch 🙁. It probably appeals to me because it reminded me of the syndicated broadcasts that hooked me. The grain effect may look ugly if you watched TOS remastered and cleaned up. I think the TV I watched it on was pretty crappy too.
I like the film grain, made the AOY storyline feel like actual TOS episodes, I might be one of the few millennials who happens to both appreciate and respect the classics rather than making TRIBBLE reboots that have literially have nothing in common with the original material, look at how they massacred Star Wars, Doctor Who and He-Man (Twice), what's next Planet of the Apes, Island of Doctor Moreau even Superman wouldn't be safe from this awful plague, sorry I went off topic, but personally the film grain was a nice touch in my opinion.
I was born in 1982, and hold TOS in high regard. That said, I would prefer the aesthetic be toned down just a little; as it is, the series (Enterprise interior especially) just screams "Sixties!" which is really something that should be said quietly.
> @duasyn said:
> I hope 'visual updates' means you can turn off the film grain? I found that extremely annoying.
I thought that was a nice touch 🙁. It probably appeals to me because it reminded me of the syndicated broadcasts that hooked me. The grain effect may look ugly if you watched TOS remastered and cleaned up. I think the TV I watched it on was pretty crappy too.
I like the film grain, made the AOY storyline feel like actual TOS episodes, I might be one of the few millennials who happens to both appreciate and respect the classics rather than making TRIBBLE reboots that have literially have nothing in common with the original material, look at how they massacred Star Wars, Doctor Who and He-Man (Twice), what's next Planet of the Apes, Island of Doctor Moreau even Superman wouldn't be safe from this awful plague, sorry I went off topic, but personally the film grain was a nice touch in my opinion.
I also dislike the camera shake in space combat. It just doesn't feel 'real' to me that my camera, which is kilometers away from the ship, should shake when the ship gets hit. Just like having an old TV resolution filter on my game feels unrealistic. If 'I was there' there'd not be a static-y film grain over my eyes. But to each their own, as long as there's a toggle to turn such stuff off.
The grain effect may look ugly if you watched TOS remastered and cleaned up.
For me at least I simply have no nostalgia towards things I could clearly see as technical limitations as a kid. I grew up with 80s and 90s tube TVs and VHS tapes, but now that such poor quality isn't necessary anymore I prefer to see things crisp and clear, so any time I play a game that includes film grain I IMMEDIATELY turn it off, and if I ever find a singleplayer game that doesn't let you turn it off I'll find a mod that does it instead.
Other graphics options I ALWAYS disable or mod out (SP only) include motion blur, depth of field, and vignetting.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Both the Romulans and the Klingons have Temporal operative story arcs in other events, why don't they get one here?
Yeah, that'd be cool to get. Maybe something to think about adding in future AoY event re-runs. It's not like the TOS era starter missions were super long. Making similar length ROM/KDF versions shouldn't be that labor intensive?
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,874Community Moderator
Hello, I am a new player and have been pretty much confused about most things in the game since I have started. I am now 65 and running Rep, R&D, Admiralty etc daily to keep them going. I am just now hitting Rep 5 on some as this takes months to complete to get to 6. The same for commendations to achieve max. For this event, if I read this correctly, I have to make a brand new "Tos" character and to achieve the rewards/unlocks, I have to basically start back over on a new toon and grind for months to receive these benefits?
It would be a good opprotunity to try a career class you didn't chose for your other character. So for example if you started a Tactical, you can use this to try Engineer or Science.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Hello, I am a new player and have been pretty much confused about most things in the game since I have started. I am now 65 and running Rep, R&D, Admiralty etc daily to keep them going. I am just now hitting Rep 5 on some as this takes months to complete to get to 6. The same for commendations to achieve max. For this event, if I read this correctly, I have to make a brand new "Tos" character and to achieve the rewards/unlocks, I have to basically start back over on a new toon and grind for months to receive these benefits?
It would be a good opprotunity to try a career class you didn't chose for your other character. So for example if you started a Tactical, you can use this to try Engineer or Science.
My personal recommendation would be Eng. Sci is a little too esoteric for a new player (I tried it when I'd only been in the game a couple of months, with indifferent results), while in my experience Eng is like Tac but with more emphasis on survivability.
Hello, I am a new player and have been pretty much confused about most things in the game since I have started. I am now 65 and running Rep, R&D, Admiralty etc daily to keep them going. I am just now hitting Rep 5 on some as this takes months to complete to get to 6. The same for commendations to achieve max. For this event, if I read this correctly, I have to make a brand new "Tos" character and to achieve the rewards/unlocks, I have to basically start back over on a new toon and grind for months to receive these benefits?
It would be a good opprotunity to try a career class you didn't chose for your other character. So for example if you started a Tactical, you can use this to try Engineer or Science.
My personal recommendation would be Eng. Sci is a little too esoteric for a new player (I tried it when I'd only been in the game a couple of months, with indifferent results), while in my experience Eng is like Tac but with more emphasis on survivability.
Second the Eng recommendation. Sci is also more expensive to do well than the other career paths, in my experience.
> @duasyn said:
> I hope 'visual updates' means you can turn off the film grain? I found that extremely annoying.
I thought that was a nice touch 🙁. It probably appeals to me because it reminded me of the syndicated broadcasts that hooked me. The grain effect may look ugly if you watched TOS remastered and cleaned up. I think the TV I watched it on was pretty crappy too.
I like the film grain, made the AOY storyline feel like actual TOS episodes, I might be one of the few millennials who happens to both appreciate and respect the classics rather than making TRIBBLE reboots that have literially have nothing in common with the original material, look at how they massacred Star Wars, Doctor Who and He-Man (Twice), what's next Planet of the Apes, Island of Doctor Moreau even Superman wouldn't be safe from this awful plague, sorry I went off topic, but personally the film grain was a nice touch in my opinion.
I was born in 1982, and hold TOS in high regard. That said, I would prefer the aesthetic be toned down just a little; as it is, the series (Enterprise interior especially) just screams "Sixties!" which is really something that should be said quietly.
My first run through Agents of Yesterday left me with a male Andorian Tactical officer (my main), a male Vulcan Science officer, and a Human female Science officer. I am going to complete the founding members of the Federation by adding a Tellarite Engineer to the roster for this event. And probably another Vulcan?
Both the Romulans and the Klingons have Temporal operative story arcs in other events, why don't they get one here?
Yeah, that'd be cool to get. Maybe something to think about adding in future AoY event re-runs. It's not like the TOS era starter missions were super long. Making similar length ROM/KDF versions shouldn't be that labor intensive?
With Klingons you could give them some of the same missions but from the Klingon POV, like "The Taurean Affair" but you shoot Feds that are trying to leave the planet, or "The Battle of Caleb IV" where your in one of the cloaked ships, and have to fight off a Fed boarding party, your ship explodes but you are saved by Lieutenant Q'on at last minute and sent to 25th Century, Romulan would be tricky, since they'll be doing their own thing, however you could be part of Envoy's meeting you left because you heard rumours of an enemy threat knocking out guards posing as a member of Tal Shair (Future version of the player), so when you do "Core of the Matter" later done the line, there is going to be special dialogue stating that you left to take care of something, this would have to be the same day you got recruited by Romulan Temporal Defense and Subcommander Kail.
I have something funny planned, I'm going to break the entire star trek timeline with this new toon that will be based on an iconic character from TOS.
I know it doesn't follow the normal Trek theme style, but Faith of the Heart will always be my favorite Trek song. It does an absolutely perfect job of evoking the feeling of eagerly stepping out into the unknown for the first time, which was very fitting for Enterprise.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
I sure hope they have an option to RETURN to the 23rd century for our Temporal Agents in the new 'fixes'.
A simple copy/paste separate instance of 23rd century ESD (with all NPCs) would be perfect. Just have a dialog option on Philip Crey on modern ESD to go back in time. (it would be at a point our before our character's 'deaths' while our original was on a mission away from 23c. ESD. "Say, weren't you looking into that Romulan problem?" "I forget something and had to come back" lol)
I sure hope they have an option to RETURN to the 23rd century for our Temporal Agents in the new 'fixes'.
A simple copy/paste separate instance of 23rd century ESD (with all NPCs) would be perfect. Just have a dialog option on Philip Crey on modern ESD to go back in time. (it would be at a point our before our character's 'deaths' while our original was on a mission away from 23c. ESD. "Say, weren't you looking into that Romulan problem?" "I forget something and had to come back" lol)
They already said a hard no to this, many many times to the point they limited even further what you could do in the 23rd because it was breaking things and because of certain 'exploits'.
When did Cryptic say this?
What was breaking? I could see 'exploits', or at least what the devs termed it, going back and picking up TOS Bridge Officers and skills that unless you KNEW ahead of time you would never be able to return, missed out on getting.
That is why they need to have a SEPARATE instance of 23c. ESD that TOS Temporal Recruits can return to. It doesn't break anything - and we can pick up those things we missed to first time around. Plus it could be a springboard for future 23rd century content.
Yea, me too. The TOS missions actually look great now.
Tho am worried 'mission hardening' means lots of added time gates.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
A lot of people just run their various recruits as a change of pace and still play their regular mains most of the time. And the rewards your main will get from having the recruit are more than worth the time and effort of making one.
Like I pointed out above, this recruitment is happening in the middle of a meta event, The special Temporal Agent Recruitment event is coming back on September 8th on all platforms, console players will either have to constantly switch characters to keep up with both events at once or they'll have make a AOY character, get the temporal transponder and then wait until Pahvo ends to continue where they left off with their temporal recruits.
True, which is a sad thing for the Gamma recruit event since the only Vorta characters that players can have in the game are actually from the other factions because of the severely lacking nature of the faction and are therefor barred from participating in the Gamma recruit event. And some players simply cannot stand playing a Jem'Hadar for various reasons.
As far as I know of the Pavo stuff is not level-locked and it does not take long to level up to twenty or thirty where playing those scenarios is practical (if difficult). That is especially true if the player has some of the experience boosters left over from the rocket-building event, or other sources of XP boost.
Personally I don't do an entire event using the same character (with the exceptions of the Recruitments which of course require the character to complete the string at least as far as the point where they get the transponder device), so doing it with a more advanced character for a few days or so then doing it with either one interchangeably for the rest would not be a problem.
For that matter, I tend to use two or three characters out of my rather large stable of them (I am an altaholic) per session anyway. I am on PC though, so there may be some particularly annoying stumbling block to switching characters on Console that I don't know about.
> I hope 'visual updates' means you can turn off the film grain? I found that extremely annoying.
I thought that was a nice touch 🙁. It probably appeals to me because it reminded me of the syndicated broadcasts that hooked me. The grain effect may look ugly if you watched TOS remastered and cleaned up. I think the TV I watched it on was pretty crappy too.
I like the film grain, made the AOY storyline feel like actual TOS episodes, I might be one of the few millennials who happens to both appreciate and respect the classics rather than making TRIBBLE reboots that have literially have nothing in common with the original material, look at how they massacred Star Wars, Doctor Who and He-Man (Twice), what's next Planet of the Apes, Island of Doctor Moreau even Superman wouldn't be safe from this awful plague, sorry I went off topic, but personally the film grain was a nice touch in my opinion.
I was born in 1982, and hold TOS in high regard. That said, I would prefer the aesthetic be toned down just a little; as it is, the series (Enterprise interior especially) just screams "Sixties!" which is really something that should be said quietly.
I also dislike the camera shake in space combat. It just doesn't feel 'real' to me that my camera, which is kilometers away from the ship, should shake when the ship gets hit. Just like having an old TV resolution filter on my game feels unrealistic. If 'I was there' there'd not be a static-y film grain over my eyes. But to each their own, as long as there's a toggle to turn such stuff off.
Other graphics options I ALWAYS disable or mod out (SP only) include motion blur, depth of field, and vignetting.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Yeah, that'd be cool to get. Maybe something to think about adding in future AoY event re-runs. It's not like the TOS era starter missions were super long. Making similar length ROM/KDF versions shouldn't be that labor intensive?
It would be a good opprotunity to try a career class you didn't chose for your other character. So for example if you started a Tactical, you can use this to try Engineer or Science.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
My personal recommendation would be Eng. Sci is a little too esoteric for a new player (I tried it when I'd only been in the game a couple of months, with indifferent results), while in my experience Eng is like Tac but with more emphasis on survivability.
Second the Eng recommendation. Sci is also more expensive to do well than the other career paths, in my experience.
I quite like it myself.
With Klingons you could give them some of the same missions but from the Klingon POV, like "The Taurean Affair" but you shoot Feds that are trying to leave the planet, or "The Battle of Caleb IV" where your in one of the cloaked ships, and have to fight off a Fed boarding party, your ship explodes but you are saved by Lieutenant Q'on at last minute and sent to 25th Century, Romulan would be tricky, since they'll be doing their own thing, however you could be part of Envoy's meeting you left because you heard rumours of an enemy threat knocking out guards posing as a member of Tal Shair (Future version of the player), so when you do "Core of the Matter" later done the line, there is going to be special dialogue stating that you left to take care of something, this would have to be the same day you got recruited by Romulan Temporal Defense and Subcommander Kail.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
When did Cryptic say this?
What was breaking? I could see 'exploits', or at least what the devs termed it, going back and picking up TOS Bridge Officers and skills that unless you KNEW ahead of time you would never be able to return, missed out on getting.
That is why they need to have a SEPARATE instance of 23c. ESD that TOS Temporal Recruits can return to. It doesn't break anything - and we can pick up those things we missed to first time around. Plus it could be a springboard for future 23rd century content.