Clearly the devs think the throwins are worth 1500 (or more), since the ships are available sold separately.
Well... we are talking account unlocks of three lobi outfits and a lobi weapon. Not sure on the value of the vanity device (which is slightly different than the one they gave to Foundry authors).
If we consider the normal price of a C-Store uniform, which is 500 Zen... Math actually... works out at a slight discount because its not factoring in the device or the Phaser Pistol at all? Anyways...
6k for 2 ships, another 1.5k for the outfits... yea... probably accurate actually.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
The bonuses absolutely ARE worth the added 1500 zen, given there's 3 uniforms and every single uniform to date (That made it into the C-Store) has been priced at 500 zen - and it isn't JUST uniforms in there either.
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
This is one pack i won't mind breaking up with one of my remaining 100% off coupons. That is if i decide i actually want that piece of explodium in my inventory.
I like science ships and fly them often, but i cannot say I'm wooed by either ship/console or trait. As i type this i am gradually straying further away from a purchase.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
While I myself do plan on buying it for the uniforms and pistol alone, I do kind of agree that it's slightly overpriced. Regular C-Store ship bundles typically offer a built-in discount compared to buying both ships individually, for example three ship bundles are usually priced as if they were "buy two get one free". This bundle on the other hand is essentially the two ships at full price, plus the Lobi uniforms at normal C-Store uniform price and two extras. IMO 6k-6.5k would've been the correct price as that would essentially put a discount on the second ship similar to what past bundles have offered.
Past bundles were designed to save you money compared to buying everything individually, but this one is clearly designed to simply extract more money out of people.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
If they put in the extras in the store for $20 I would have gotten it, but the two ships are really meh
The same could sort of be said for the Legendary Mirror Dreadnaught bundle, but the mirror dreadnaught is decent, if not exactly great. And it came as fleet level, instead of having to spend more money on FSMs to get the real version
No actually it's not overpriced, in fact it's a discount compared to what you could be paying. Fleet ship modules are 500 zen a pop and the experimental upgrades are 1k zen a pop. that alone is 3k zen normally. If you assume 500 zen for each uniform and 500 zen for the compression pistol, that's another 2k zen there.
Overall this bundle should cost around 12,500 zen, or roughly $125 USD. You're getting the bundle for nearly half of what it should be going for if we were to total everything up individually. For that matter you can also buy the ships individually if you wanted to. On top of that they're giving you the bundle 35% off of the normal price for a time, meaning you're paying even less than what you would normally. Assuming 35% off the 7500, you're paying 4875 zen, which is barely even a ship and a half of cost.
If folks legitimately don't want the extra stuff, then by all means that's up to you how to spend your cash. However it boggles my mind they can give people deals like this, which cost far less than what they should, and some people STILL complain.
"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations
If you don't like the extras, you can always buy the ships individually for 3k each. Since this is not a sci/tac/eng variants bundle, there is no reason to expect a discount for "buying in bulk".
However it boggles my mind they can give people deals like this, which cost far less than what they should, and some people STILL complain.
It boggles MY mind that you actually consider this bundle a deal at all. I doubt anyone cares about the fleet module and Experimental Upgrade, infact I keep forgetting they're even there (I already have a stack of each rotting away in my account bank), so the subjective "value" they provide is non-existent. The items people are going to care about are some combination of the two ships and the uniforms, which have no bundled discount except for essentially giving the pistol for free. As I said in my earlier post this should have been priced in the 6k-6.5k range to keep it in line with previous bundles of normal C-Store ships, people who want both ships would get some extras and people who only want one of them would have some extra incentive to buy both instead, THAT is how these bundles used to work (though admittedly they were usually ships only except for expansions).
Bundles in STO USED to actually mean you were getting a deal, but whoever is in charge of these things now only treats them as a means to charge even more money. I'm still buying it because I want the uniforms (not interested in either ship), but the way things have been monetized and priced lately is starting to overshadow the things I like about STO and have a serious negative impact on my opinion and enjoyment of the game overall.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
If you don't like the extras, you can always buy the ships individually for 3k each. Since this is not a sci/tac/eng variants bundle, there is no reason to expect a discount for "buying in bulk".
There were other styles of bundles in the past (two faction, three faction, etc). And they all had some sort of 'bulk' discount. It was the entire point of bundles before they started this "throw in lots of random junk" thing.
Clearly the devs think the throwins are worth 1500 (or more), since the ships are available sold separately.
Well... we are talking account unlocks of three lobi outfits and a lobi weapon. Not sure on the value of the vanity device (which is slightly different than the one they gave to Foundry authors).
If we consider the normal price of a C-Store uniform, which is 500 Zen... Math actually... works out at a slight discount because its not factoring in the device or the Phaser Pistol at all? Anyways...
6k for 2 ships, another 1.5k for the outfits... yea... probably accurate actually.
Still deciding on the package, just wondering if the 3 Lobi outfits will be for ALL races or just for the few main races.
"Nuke the entire site from orbit--it's the only way to be sure"
*Shrug* I think Loui Vuitton bags are overprice garbage. Yet you will still get someone paying $100k for one of them. Because to some people, that is actually pocket change.
Same goes with the bundles. The accountant team are not stupid, and STO has been going for a LONG time. They KNOW what peope are willing to pay, and price accordingly.
A rip off to you (and me both), to others, its 'meh, it's buttons, I'll buy it'.
Pic below, is an ACTUAL $150k Vuitton bag. And it does actually look like garbage:
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
No actually it's not overpriced, in fact it's a discount compared to what you could be paying. Fleet ship modules are 500 zen a pop and the experimental upgrades are 1k zen a pop. that alone is 3k zen normally. If you assume 500 zen for each uniform and 500 zen for the compression pistol, that's another 2k zen there.
Overall this bundle should cost around 12,500 zen, or roughly $125 USD. You're getting the bundle for nearly half of what it should be going for if we were to total everything up individually. For that matter you can also buy the ships individually if you wanted to. On top of that they're giving you the bundle 35% off of the normal price for a time, meaning you're paying even less than what you would normally. Assuming 35% off the 7500, you're paying 4875 zen, which is barely even a ship and a half of cost.
If folks legitimately don't want the extra stuff, then by all means that's up to you how to spend your cash. However it boggles my mind they can give people deals like this, which cost far less than what they should, and some people STILL complain.
A discount on a grossly inflated price tag, is still a grossly inflated price tag. $75 is the release cost of a fairly high-budget game . This bundle would be a $7.5 DLC or less in any other genre but FTPMMO. For $75 I should expect a whole new campaign, new game options, a new species or two, a few new maps. 2 ship skins and some mothball-ridden character skins and "gimme some mo munny" tokens for $75 is just plain greed. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. At *some* point, even Cryptic will have to admit that there is so little difference between individual ships of a class that they may as well be recolours and are in no way worth $30-150 a pop. These items have 0, nil, no inherent value, only an assigned cost. They are utterly worthless outside of the STO servers.
@jozen#9312 - that's the F2P MMO model. Cosmetics cost cash monies. It's what the players have voted for over a monthly fee + $20 for content packs.
$70 for an AAA single-player game gets you one set of content often with no online group play and no events. The Season Pass is another $50+, other DLC at release is $10-30. That can be a better deal than F2P MMOs if you don't care about Space Barbie and mingling with other players.
As F2P MMOs go, STO is more generous than most of them. You don't need to spend a penny unless you do want specific ships, and you can even grind for those. Plus there are 3-4 free endgame ships per year through events.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,966Community Moderator
Still deciding on the package, just wondering if the 3 Lobi outfits will be for ALL races or just for the few main races.
Odds are they're Fed/Fed Allied only, just like the Lobi Store versions. But again they are account unlocks so any current and future Fed/Allied characters can benefit. The phaser pistol should probably be available for all.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Reminder that the 3 uniforms, the weapon, plus the device thingy... they are account unlocked.
Even though I bought a few for my characters (back when they were still in the Dil-Store at 1- 1.5 M), I have enough characters to make it worth getting those for my current characters, let alone future ones.
I've a feeling that Federation aligned characters will be able to use them with the account unlock (i.e. Romulans and Jem'Hadar who are Fed aligned), which is an added benefit.
I bought the first legendary pack because - Enterprise(s) I bought the Legendary D-7 because it's D-7. the Oberth was and is a target for a BoP, and the other does not interest me. Neither one is a hero ship
I bought the first legendary pack because - Enterprise(s) I bought the Legendary D-7 because it's D-7. the Oberth was and is a target for a BoP, and the other does not interest me. Neither one is a hero ship
These aren’t legendary ships. They’re plain old fashioned zen store ships.
Even if you missed the fact that the word legendary appears associated with them not even once. They come with fleet modules. Legendary ships do not have fleet versions.
All this talk keeps reminding me how far we've come from 2006, where an account-unlocked horse armor pack at $2.50 was considered an insult, to now, where $5 for a skin, $10 for a token to boost stats a bit and $40-50 season passes are considered "reasonable".
If folks legitimately don't want the extra stuff, then by all means that's up to you how to spend your cash. However it boggles my mind they can give people deals like this, which cost far less than what they should, and some people STILL complain.
And it also boggles the minds the lengths some will go to in order to justify these over inflated costs. The reasons for why people feel the bundle is a poor deal have been laid out, you have laid out why you disagree. If you feel the pricing is fair, then great.. enjoy your bundle, but that doesn't mean everyone has to agree with you. The concept of forcing 'extras' into bundles to further increase their base cost is not a tactic some of us do not appreciate, deal with it.
The one thing I will give credit for in this case is that they at least made the ships available individually so that people could side step the bloat bundle and buy what they actually want. Props to Cryptic for at least doing that.
It boggles MY mind that you actually consider this bundle a deal at all. I doubt anyone cares about the fleet module and Experimental Upgrade, infact I keep forgetting they're even there (I already have a stack of each rotting away in my account bank), so the subjective "value" they provide is non-existent. The items people are going to care about are some combination of the two ships and the uniforms, which have no bundled discount except for essentially giving the pistol for free. As I said in my earlier post this should have been priced in the 6k-6.5k range to keep it in line with previous bundles of normal C-Store ships, people who want both ships would get some extras and people who only want one of them would have some extra incentive to buy both instead, THAT is how these bundles used to work (though admittedly they were usually ships only except for expansions).
Bundles in STO USED to actually mean you were getting a deal, but whoever is in charge of these things now only treats them as a means to charge even more money. I'm still buying it because I want the uniforms (not interested in either ship), but the way things have been monetized and priced lately is starting to overshadow the things I like about STO and have a serious negative impact on my opinion and enjoyment of the game overall.
You personally may not care about the extra stuff, and that's perfectly fine if you don't. However you are one person with one opinion on how things should be. If you don't want to buy the bundle with the extra stuff, that's your call with your cash. For folks like you, there is the option to purchase the ships individually without the fluff. This is something folks have wanted since the original Legendary Fed Bundle and people are STILL complaining which is again mind boggling to me.
If you think my math above is off, go into the cstore in game and feel free to verify it for yourself. Considering the contents of the bundle on their own will go for far more than that, if someone wants both ships, I consider this a steal, especially if we take the opening 35% off sale into account. It's not going to get much cheaper than it is now. If someone intends to make either ship their main ship or at least use these ships quite often, the work of getting a fleetship module and the experimental token is done for them. Clearly you are not the target audience for this bundle by your statements. You not being the target audience of the bundle doesn't make the bundle overpriced.
Yes, bundles typically are meant to make more money for a business while giving folks a deal of some kind, this is basic business 101. They're giving people a bundle for 7500 zen that should cost 12,500 zen, with an opening sale AND the option to buy the ships individually for those that don't want the bundle itself, yet STILL it's not good enough and STILL people are complaining. I'm not a fan of some of the changes either but this is one of the better priced bundles as of late and is actually a steal.
"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations
For folks like you, there is the option to purchase the ships individually without the fluff.
I really don't think you actually read my post that you quoted here, as I explicitly stated that I don't want either ship but will be buying the bundle anyway for the uniforms, and only for the uniforms. However my willingness to buy does not prevent me from seeing that this is very clearly massive step backwards from how normal C-Store ship bundles were priced in the past.
In 2018 a new two ship bundle was 4k zen ($40), and as much as I personally like the uniforms and pistols there is simply no way I could ever argue that all the extras add $35 worth of value to the bundle. I stand by my statement that the regular price is too high and that it should have been 6.5k, however after some quick math I will say that the SALE price is actually spot on where it should be as I feel a lower regular price should come with a reduced sale of 25% off, so I do feel a little less ripped off considering I'll be buying during the sale window.
Cryptic's price: 7500 at 35% off is 4875
My suggested price: 6500 at 25% off is 4875
Now that I see that, I don't think their price decision has anything to do with getting extra money per sale, I think it was done this way to make the sale price more attractive and push week one sales. They have some very clever Ferengi working over there now.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,966Community Moderator
Pretty sure the older bundles you were referencing didn't include lobi outfits either. However in regards to any bundle, to each their own.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
The Mirror Dreadnought Bundle came with Lobi Uniforms.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Well... we are talking account unlocks of three lobi outfits and a lobi weapon. Not sure on the value of the vanity device (which is slightly different than the one they gave to Foundry authors).
If we consider the normal price of a C-Store uniform, which is 500 Zen... Math actually... works out at a slight discount because its not factoring in the device or the Phaser Pistol at all? Anyways...
6k for 2 ships, another 1.5k for the outfits... yea... probably accurate actually.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more makes you poor!"
I like science ships and fly them often, but i cannot say I'm wooed by either ship/console or trait. As i type this i am gradually straying further away from a purchase.
Past bundles were designed to save you money compared to buying everything individually, but this one is clearly designed to simply extract more money out of people.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
The same could sort of be said for the Legendary Mirror Dreadnaught bundle, but the mirror dreadnaught is decent, if not exactly great. And it came as fleet level, instead of having to spend more money on FSMs to get the real version
Overall this bundle should cost around 12,500 zen, or roughly $125 USD. You're getting the bundle for nearly half of what it should be going for if we were to total everything up individually. For that matter you can also buy the ships individually if you wanted to. On top of that they're giving you the bundle 35% off of the normal price for a time, meaning you're paying even less than what you would normally. Assuming 35% off the 7500, you're paying 4875 zen, which is barely even a ship and a half of cost.
If folks legitimately don't want the extra stuff, then by all means that's up to you how to spend your cash. However it boggles my mind they can give people deals like this, which cost far less than what they should, and some people STILL complain.
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
It boggles MY mind that you actually consider this bundle a deal at all. I doubt anyone cares about the fleet module and Experimental Upgrade, infact I keep forgetting they're even there (I already have a stack of each rotting away in my account bank), so the subjective "value" they provide is non-existent. The items people are going to care about are some combination of the two ships and the uniforms, which have no bundled discount except for essentially giving the pistol for free. As I said in my earlier post this should have been priced in the 6k-6.5k range to keep it in line with previous bundles of normal C-Store ships, people who want both ships would get some extras and people who only want one of them would have some extra incentive to buy both instead, THAT is how these bundles used to work (though admittedly they were usually ships only except for expansions).
Bundles in STO USED to actually mean you were getting a deal, but whoever is in charge of these things now only treats them as a means to charge even more money. I'm still buying it because I want the uniforms (not interested in either ship), but the way things have been monetized and priced lately is starting to overshadow the things I like about STO and have a serious negative impact on my opinion and enjoyment of the game overall.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
There were other styles of bundles in the past (two faction, three faction, etc). And they all had some sort of 'bulk' discount. It was the entire point of bundles before they started this "throw in lots of random junk" thing.
Still deciding on the package, just wondering if the 3 Lobi outfits will be for ALL races or just for the few main races.
Clearly people have.
*Shrug* I think Loui Vuitton bags are overprice garbage. Yet you will still get someone paying $100k for one of them. Because to some people, that is actually pocket change.
Same goes with the bundles. The accountant team are not stupid, and STO has been going for a LONG time. They KNOW what peope are willing to pay, and price accordingly.
A rip off to you (and me both), to others, its 'meh, it's buttons, I'll buy it'.
Pic below, is an ACTUAL $150k Vuitton bag. And it does actually look like garbage:
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more makes you poor!"
Spock to Kirk, as Kirk is about to hug him.
Star Trek V: "The Final Frontier"
A discount on a grossly inflated price tag, is still a grossly inflated price tag. $75 is the release cost of a fairly high-budget game . This bundle would be a $7.5 DLC or less in any other genre but FTPMMO. For $75 I should expect a whole new campaign, new game options, a new species or two, a few new maps. 2 ship skins and some mothball-ridden character skins and "gimme some mo munny" tokens for $75 is just plain greed. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. At *some* point, even Cryptic will have to admit that there is so little difference between individual ships of a class that they may as well be recolours and are in no way worth $30-150 a pop. These items have 0, nil, no inherent value, only an assigned cost. They are utterly worthless outside of the STO servers.
$70 for an AAA single-player game gets you one set of content often with no online group play and no events. The Season Pass is another $50+, other DLC at release is $10-30. That can be a better deal than F2P MMOs if you don't care about Space Barbie and mingling with other players.
As F2P MMOs go, STO is more generous than most of them. You don't need to spend a penny unless you do want specific ships, and you can even grind for those. Plus there are 3-4 free endgame ships per year through events.
Odds are they're Fed/Fed Allied only, just like the Lobi Store versions. But again they are account unlocks so any current and future Fed/Allied characters can benefit. The phaser pistol should probably be available for all.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Even though I bought a few for my characters (back when they were still in the Dil-Store at 1- 1.5 M), I have enough characters to make it worth getting those for my current characters, let alone future ones.
I've a feeling that Federation aligned characters will be able to use them with the account unlock (i.e. Romulans and Jem'Hadar who are Fed aligned), which is an added benefit.
So 7500 zen is a great price if you want the items.
4800 or whatever the intro price is is more than a 50% discount when all is considered.
If you don’t want the items then obviously the personal value to you is diminished but apples for apples it may be one of the best bundles we’ve seen.
These aren’t legendary ships. They’re plain old fashioned zen store ships.
Even if you missed the fact that the word legendary appears associated with them not even once. They come with fleet modules. Legendary ships do not have fleet versions.
And it also boggles the minds the lengths some will go to in order to justify these over inflated costs. The reasons for why people feel the bundle is a poor deal have been laid out, you have laid out why you disagree. If you feel the pricing is fair, then great.. enjoy your bundle, but that doesn't mean everyone has to agree with you. The concept of forcing 'extras' into bundles to further increase their base cost is not a tactic some of us do not appreciate, deal with it.
The one thing I will give credit for in this case is that they at least made the ships available individually so that people could side step the bloat bundle and buy what they actually want. Props to Cryptic for at least doing that.
You personally may not care about the extra stuff, and that's perfectly fine if you don't. However you are one person with one opinion on how things should be. If you don't want to buy the bundle with the extra stuff, that's your call with your cash. For folks like you, there is the option to purchase the ships individually without the fluff. This is something folks have wanted since the original Legendary Fed Bundle and people are STILL complaining which is again mind boggling to me.
If you think my math above is off, go into the cstore in game and feel free to verify it for yourself. Considering the contents of the bundle on their own will go for far more than that, if someone wants both ships, I consider this a steal, especially if we take the opening 35% off sale into account. It's not going to get much cheaper than it is now. If someone intends to make either ship their main ship or at least use these ships quite often, the work of getting a fleetship module and the experimental token is done for them. Clearly you are not the target audience for this bundle by your statements. You not being the target audience of the bundle doesn't make the bundle overpriced.
Yes, bundles typically are meant to make more money for a business while giving folks a deal of some kind, this is basic business 101. They're giving people a bundle for 7500 zen that should cost 12,500 zen, with an opening sale AND the option to buy the ships individually for those that don't want the bundle itself, yet STILL it's not good enough and STILL people are complaining. I'm not a fan of some of the changes either but this is one of the better priced bundles as of late and is actually a steal.
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
In 2018 a new two ship bundle was 4k zen ($40), and as much as I personally like the uniforms and pistols there is simply no way I could ever argue that all the extras add $35 worth of value to the bundle. I stand by my statement that the regular price is too high and that it should have been 6.5k, however after some quick math I will say that the SALE price is actually spot on where it should be as I feel a lower regular price should come with a reduced sale of 25% off, so I do feel a little less ripped off considering I'll be buying during the sale window.
Cryptic's price: 7500 at 35% off is 4875
My suggested price: 6500 at 25% off is 4875
Now that I see that, I don't think their price decision has anything to do with getting extra money per sale, I think it was done this way to make the sale price more attractive and push week one sales. They have some very clever Ferengi working over there now.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'