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2021 Anniversary Legendary Bundle



  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,409 Arc User
    You know you messed up when the Klingons LITERALLY have a legendary ship (the Sarcophagus) and the latest mission treats a specific D7 as a powerful relic of the past... and you don't add them to a legendary pack, even without new skins.
  • isolinear360isolinear360 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2021
    If I were to step back and ignore all the "Year of the Klingon" branding, and look at this simply as an "Anniversary" bundle, the bundle itself actually is not entirely that bad, if you want all the extras in the bundle (and that's the kicker for most IMHO). For me, I don't, so it's a loss, and I can already purchase T6 versions of the presumed ships in the bundle from the C-Store (maybe not "Legendary," but they are still T6):
    • T6 BoP Kor (includes B'rel skin).
    • T6 Vor'ral (includes Vor'cha skin) - If this instead is a K'Vort, then I guess I can't get that as a T6. I can get a Kor and pretend it's big.
    • T6 Resolute Advanced Heavy Cruiser (includes Excelsior skin).
    • T6 Narendra (includes Ambassador skin).
    • Two T6 coupons, so there are two more ships I can buy today from the C-Store.

    So, the bundle's only difference is "Legendary" and any fluff that is thrown in. Why would I get the bundle?

    Why this is a loss to me, and why I won't be buying it: Total of ships @25% discount from C-Store = 13,500, leaving 5250 for the rest. Since that 5250 has a 25% discount in it, it's 7000 to compare to normal prices. If I did buy any of that stuff, I'd only get the 6 ship slots and maybe the upgrade tokens. The ultimate tech would be nice to have, but I can't figure a normal price for that; I'll ultimately Phoenix box it at some point during an upgrade weekend. Really, I probably wouldn't get any of it, but let's just say I did. So what I might want from the extra stuff costs 5500. That leaves me 1500 in the hole, or 1125 accounting for discount. But, at most, I might get a couple dry dock packs. So, this isn't so much a deal for me.

    The biggest problem I see with this bundle is that this is the "Year of the Klingon." You can't launch the game without noticing that. Major win on marketing that. Thus, to me, this bundle is a (Legendary?) marketing faux pas. People were expecting, you know, "Klingon" stuff. So I wasn't thinking about buying an Excelsior or Ambassador anyway. I'd get something Klingon (hello, Negh'Tev - includes Negh'Var skin).

    But who knows. An accidental graphic in the launcher "revealing" the ships might help them out, actually. It apparently wasn't meant to happen, because it was pulled, meaning it is also "unofficial." So maybe they'll consider some of the feedback. What if, by some stroke of luck, genius, review of comments, or what have you, they threw in a D7, or made a surprise modification to the bundle? I suppose we can always hope. One positive is that I didn't realize I could get all those ships in the C-Store. So, I'll just wait for what they might later call a Legendary "Klingon" bundle that has ships I'm looking for. But to me, this isn't that. There might be a few who don't have any of those ships and want all that extra stuff, and maybe it appeals to some people. I don't have the metrics they do, so maybe there's a huge group of people who might want this. So to them, congrats, enjoy the bundle. But I haven't seen nearly as many of them commenting about how awesome the bundle is. Ah, what could have been for the rest of us.
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  • starshine#7408 starshine Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    You know you messed up when the Klingons LITERALLY have a legendary ship (the Sarcophagus) and the latest mission treats a specific D7 as a powerful relic of the past... and you don't add them to a legendary pack, even without new skins.

    Those two ships would be brilliant. As the Crossfield was lockbox and Legendary, it sets that the Sarco could be too.
    I'm still alittle hopeful, the promo pic is just a promo pic and not the contained ships and when they reveal them a D7 might be in it.

    They might be saving the Klingon special ships for an end of year of kling event mudd pack or something?

    B'rel question, as I've only ever had UFPs, do the other variant skins move like the base does? or is that functionality only for the base skin?

    Bring the Enterprise XCV-330 to STO
  • megacharge07megacharge07 Member Posts: 476 Arc User
    edited February 2021
    This is very out of touch.

    The B'rel... there is nothing legendary about this B'rel. Only having 4 forward weapon slots is a major head scratcher it should really be 5 and honestly we've already got enough B'rels'. this should really be a K'vort with pilot maneuvers and it should have 5 fore weapon slots. Also, all the other ships in the pack should be Klingon too considering there's already a legendary Federation bundle with plenty of Federation ships. Nothing wrong with adding those two new Fed ships individually to the Zen store for a separate price or making them their own 2 ship bundle.

    Using bloat that no one needs or wants to inflate the asking price of bundles has reached it's threshold. The player base is tired of this as is quite evident.
    As it stands there is not nearly enough legendary substance or Klingon substance in this bundle and it's massively over priced and over bloated.

    Try again.
    Post edited by megacharge07 on
  • foppotee#4552 foppotee Member Posts: 1,704 Arc User
    Legendary horseshit

    lol succinct
  • arisvakhbaarisvakhba Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Came here for the first time in years just to voice my opinion.(@cryptic marketing: that's a really bad sign.) So far I've spent much more than I should have on this game, including getting the 2020 legendary bundle AND the mirror bundle. But this... man I was *sooooo* hyped about Year of Klingon, the recruitment, etc. that I wanted to be able to fly T6 versions of my favourite ships right from the start of my recruits. And now you tell me what I should be flying with my KLINGON recruits is amby and exe? Really? That is an honorless disgrace. Qapla'
  • spectre2kspectre2k Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I'm sorry but this isn't a bundle worthy of a Legendary tag on it. Please run another pass on this before you finalize it, basically having 2 fed ships and two non-legendary throw away tokens in a bundle that should have been purely KDF is a bit insulting considering you added not only a mechanic to circumvent the restriction but also even included the unlock in the pack. Please please please retool this and release something more in line with what a Legendary pack is, we would gladly wait longer if it means we actually get something of value for something like this.
  • woerligenwoerligen Member Posts: 262 Arc User
    joshmaul wrote: »
    woerligen wrote: »
    The Ambassador does not have a 25th century-style counterpart, so this might be it.

    The Narendra. Yes, it's based off a concept design for the earlier design, but Cryptic has made it the "modern" design.

    Yeah, the Narendra is a 25th century ship, but it's not following the 25thC style. White with black highlights, etc.

    Leipzig University, 1409-2409
  • sgtfloydpepper#7911 sgtfloydpepper Member Posts: 1,111 Arc User
    I would have hoped they'd make the legendary excelsior better than the Resolute, but it still has the 4/4 weapon loadout and a useless ensign slot. They should have taken the ensign slot and lieutenant slot out and put in another Lt. Commander slot.
  • rickpaaarickpaaa Member Posts: 637 Arc User
    I was looking forward to a pilot B'Rel with 5 in front. I guess I'll just be content with the T6 I have. Now if you make the Vor'Cha a miracle worker like the Excelsior, I'll reconsider. If you make a Legendary D7, take my money please!!!!!

    Member since December 2009

  • foppotee#4552 foppotee Member Posts: 1,704 Arc User
    From the screenshots the Repulse ship-skin looks good & it's a MW so that's good.

    Worth noting the Transwarp Computer console can be used by any ship but the Tactical Maneuvering Matrix can only be used by an Excelsior variant.

    A bit interesting that 1 of the ship-skins shares the class name: Sao Paulo with the Defiant-class. Oh yeah, now I see the resemblance. :-)

    Overall though still "repulsed" by this laughable legendary bundle.

    That B'rel opening act was just pitiful & the lack of interest shined through imo by Cryptic.

  • revanindustriesrevanindustries Member Posts: 508 Arc User
    rickpaaa wrote: »
    I was looking forward to a pilot B'Rel with 5 in front. I guess I'll just be content with the T6 I have. Now if you make the Vor'Cha a miracle worker like the Excelsior, I'll reconsider. If you make a Legendary D7, take my money please!!!!!

    MW Vorcha would be great but probably not happening, especially considering they are most likely going to go as diverse as possible to let the cross-faction play "shine."
  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,409 Arc User
    So it does have a new skin. At least a good thing that proves me wrong in that regard.

    Though, I wonder what the PR department was thinking by NOT showcasing it and instead showing the TOS movies/DS9 skin, even in the blog introducing the stats as the new model is first shown in the second-to-last pic of the blog and it's named "Legendary Excelsior Miracle Worker Heavy Cruiser" instead of "Legendary Repulse Miracle Worker Heavy Cruiser".

    I'm pretty sure "Sao Paulo" and "NX" aren't supposed to be the correct class names here.
  • captaincelestialcaptaincelestial Member Posts: 1,927 Arc User
    So it does have a new skin. At least a good thing that proves me wrong in that regard.

    Though, I wonder what the PR department was thinking by NOT showcasing it and instead showing the TOS movies/DS9 skin, even in the blog introducing the stats as the new model is first shown in the second-to-last pic of the blog and it's named "Legendary Excelsior Miracle Worker Heavy Cruiser" instead of "Legendary Repulse Miracle Worker Heavy Cruiser".

    I'm pretty sure "Sao Paulo" and "NX" aren't supposed to be the correct class names here.

    NX would probably what the Excelsior would look like if it was made in the NX period, like some of the ships having a Excelsior/TOS movies era parts. The mistake in the picture for the NX Variant is using a copy of the Standard Excelsior picture.

    Sao Paulo definitely is the wrong name, for sure. Is this what the fleet variant of the Excelsior looks like?

  • lordbrowaruslordbrowarus Member Posts: 48 Arc User

    NX would probably what the Excelsior would look like if it was made in the NX period, like some of the ships having a Excelsior/TOS movies era parts. The mistake in the picture for the NX Variant is using a copy of the Standard Excelsior picture.

    Sao Paulo definitely is the wrong name, for sure. Is this what the fleet variant of the Excelsior looks like?


    They are not the same. NX is probably that one from ST III, NX-2000. Sao Paulo has different nacelles and looks like smaller saucer.
  • captaincelestialcaptaincelestial Member Posts: 1,927 Arc User
    edited February 2021
    There's supposed to be a Klingon Legendary coming later this year. This bundle covers two of the Enterprise ships that wasn't part of the Starfleet Legendary Bundle (Enterprise B and C). Any BoPs in the Klingon Legendary bundle will most likely have a different specialty than the one in this bundle (such as Intelligence/scout and Temporal/ST IV: Voyage Home).
  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,409 Arc User
    edited February 2021
    There's supposed to be a Klingon Legendary coming later this year.
    The CM already said it was supposed to be the Legendary "KDF" pack. There will be other Legendary packs but closer to the Romulan, and DSC Legendary ones.
  • jexsamxjexsamx Member Posts: 2,803 Arc User
    Literally couldn't even manage half the number of ships as last year's pack, and as if that wasn't bad enough, manage to bungle it further by only making half the pack we are getting actually Klingon ships in the "Year of the Klingon".

    I understand it says "Anniversary" in the title and not "Klingon", and I'm not trying to suggest having Fed ships in it is bad. How do I put this... this bundle is tone-deaf. Rounding out the Year of the Klingon, announcing during Klingon Recruitment Event, happening just after all these really good changes and additions... and you can't even budget a third KDF ship to stick to the theme? Even if you wanted to save a couple of the iconic KDF ships for a standalone mini-bundle like the DSC and Romulan ones, was it really too much to put out a legendary Sarcophagus Ship or something? Did it not occur to anyone at any point that ships, the crux of this game's moneymaking power, maybe would have been a good thing to push to sell the Year of the Klingon?

    This is baffling to me.
  • rickpaaarickpaaa Member Posts: 637 Arc User
    rickpaaa wrote: »
    I was looking forward to a pilot B'Rel with 5 in front. I guess I'll just be content with the T6 I have. Now if you make the Vor'Cha a miracle worker like the Excelsior, I'll reconsider. If you make a Legendary D7, take my money please!!!!!

    MW Vorcha would be great but probably not happening, especially considering they are most likely going to go as diverse as possible to let the cross-faction play "shine."

    Yeah. We can expect the Vor'cha to have Command seating to make a Legendary fail.

    Member since December 2009

  • psiameesepsiameese Member Posts: 1,650 Arc User
    That image with the model variants for Excelsior is...confusing. And inaccurate.

    The model labelled Sau Paulo is the Enterprise-B variant. Sao Paulo is actually a Defiant-class variant. The model labelled NX Variant, is the original Excelsior model that is a Fleet unlock in STO. It's NX registry was swiped, by the Enterprise series, for a starship class name. *eye-rolls*
    (/\) Exploring Star Trek Online Since July 2008 (/\)
  • foppotee#4552 foppotee Member Posts: 1,704 Arc User
    I had wondered if there's that Excelsior NX version because maybe at that time it was testing that once experimental transwarp drive?
  • foxrockssocksfoxrockssocks Member Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    The "NX" and "Sao Paulo" variants of the Excelsior are not new, they are already available in game via other Excelsiors. They are obviously mislabeled, likely referring to the Lakota and Ent-B versions.
  • This content has been removed.
  • resumodresumod Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    What can I say.

    I am interested in ships. Always. And I like the Ambassador, BoP and Vorach.
    Sadly placements for several beams turns me away from using something like the Ambassador.

    What I am not interested in:

    Turning items gold. It happend a few times while upgrading to MK 15. But I never used any gold upgrade I got from events or from whatever. The last thing I would do is paying money for turning stuff golden.

    Keys. I use Keys I got for free. I might have bought keys a single time. But I simply don't care about lockboxes.

    RnD promo packs. Why on earth should I bother with them?

    More ship slots. My chars are build for one ship and fly that ship. And if I switch the ship a character does use it is a long time switch. The only time I use more ships on a char is when grinding the shiptraits.

    100% off coupons for ships. I got the T6 ships I am interested in. In fact I even would count some of my T6 and T5 as bad purchase (even back then), because they didn't turned out as expected.

    Holo Boffs of known Star Trek characters. I might use a hero boff here or there on a secondary char. But I usually preffer them to be my bridge crew.
    We can talk about Worf, if he brings his Boffskills from Sphere of Influence though.

    I don't care about any kind of "title".

    And because of the store system I hate packs that contain stuff I already bought or own in a pack, because it will not reduce the price I have to pay.

    Let me the option to buy just the ships in a pack for a reasonable price but I won't pay that much for a ton of bloat I am not interested in just for getting ships I am interested in.
    Simple as that.

    I bought the fed legendary pack, I bought the rom pack (because I was very interested in that ships).
    I skipped the disco legendary pack and I skipped the mirror GalX pack.

    I don't got any problem with skipping this pack.
  • redshirt1981redshirt1981 Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    What makes me think is that they post this to discuss...we say how unhappy we are, but there is no reaction from the devs. Why even post a discussion thread? It would be interesting to know why exactly this ships were chosen for the kdf pack.
  • foppotee#4552 foppotee Member Posts: 1,704 Arc User
    What makes me think is that they post this to discuss...we say how unhappy we are, but there is no reaction from the devs. Why even post a discussion thread? It would be interesting to know why exactly this ships were chosen for the kdf pack.

    Usually, even in these unusual times, if Cryptic's Ten Forward Weekly livestream on Twitch is scheduled the few days before a ship, expansion, pack, or bundle release they show-off the goods while discussing them sometimes including insights about what you asked. That's one of the reasons I enjoy their 10FW livestreams.

    These official forums, by my observation & speculation, seem to be leaning a bit more negatively about this "legendary" bundle whereas I have no idea how any of the third party social media sites are greeting this bundle. Heck, the crowds on those sites could be requesting pre-orders. lol
  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,623 Arc User
    ...I have no idea how any of the third party social media sites are greeting this bundle. Heck, the crowds on those sites could be requesting pre-orders.
    Well, Twitter response is similar to what's in here.
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
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