Character: Ethrin
Faction: Starfleet
Item: Console - Universal - Ferrofluid Hydraulic Assembly
Mk and Rarity: MkXV, Epic
The approximate date/ time it was last seen: 1/29/20. Around 5pm EST.
I noticed it was missing after switching around on ships and it was no longer loading with loadouts on other ships. Does not appear in inventory, overflow bag, or bank.
Character: Dova
Faction: Starfleet
Items: Heavy Biomolecular Phaser Turret Mark XV Very Rare, Trilithium Enhanced Phaser Turret Mark XV Rare, Fleet Dual Heavy Cannons Mark XV Epic
Approx. time last seen: 1/25/2020
Noticed they were missing when trying to place them on one of my ships, after playing with beams for a while. Could not find them in bank, inventory or on other ships.
Was advised to post this here by a GM.
I have had one of my three T6 Ship Tokens disappear from my Account Bank. I filed a bug report in-game when I noticed it, but I can't even view my tickets in-game to see if anything has resulted in it. I have had no communication on the issue, when reported, which was a couple of weeks ago.
ok here we go i just lost a few items is all the are on my two science bridge officer one name is Nar and the other one also science bridge officer Nelen Exll they both had Very Cold in Space I, II, III they no longer have it please help thank you
A Great man once said "Live Long and Prosper, I have been and always shall be your friend"
Character: Hilda
Handle : @gurneyhallek
Faction : KDF aligned Romulan
Missing : Vulnerability locater [Tricobalt] Mk XV epic
Last seen: ~November 21-25 2019, during item upgrade weekend
Bought and upgraded a full tricobalt build, saved loadout and then switched back to quantum loadout. Recently, upon switching to the tricobalt loadout, 1 of my spire tac consoles is missing and it's ghost image says it's equipped on another ship but it isn't and is nowhere in any of my inventory. I've had items go missing in the past and have become diligent about changing protected status to 'On,' so I'm confident I didn't somehow toss it out by mistake.
January 29, 2020 Created Iconian deflector array through the reputation tab. It was in my inventory, I double clicked on it and ....POOF.....disappeared!!! Not on ship nor on any ship in my possession, nor in any inventory that I can access.
January 29, 2020 Created Iconian deflector array through the reputation tab. It was in my inventory, I double clicked on it and ....POOF.....disappeared!!! Not on ship nor on any ship in my possession, nor in any inventory that I can access.
On January 30th 2020, I paid zen to complete the Borg event and obtained a 100% Discount Coupon: Tier 6 Ship. I then proceeded to pay 720 Zen to complete the mission I had listed under "Second Chance" in the events tab which should have awarded me a 2nd 100% Discount Coupon: Tier 6 Ship. I have yet to receive this item. Can you please assist in correcting this. I have been asked by a GM to post a bug report in this forum on this issue. I have now done so and I see I am not the only one to have reported this issue via the forums as another player posted the same issue 3 days prior to my experience with this problem. Please fix and provide T6 Coupon please and thank you.
ok here we go i just lost a few items is all the are on my two science bridge officer one name is Nar and the other one also science bridge officer Nelen Exll they both had Very Cold in Space I, II, III they no longer have it please help thank you
ok here we go i just lost a few items is all the are on my two science bridge officer one name is Nar and the other one also science bridge officer Nelen Exll they both had Very Cold in Space I, II, III they no longer have it please help thank you
ok none of the winter training manuals are showing up on my; bridge officers (
A Great man once said "Live Long and Prosper, I have been and always shall be your friend"
The Section 31 Heavy Phaser Rifle is no longer available in my Reclaim Tab and the issue is account wide. None of my toons can reclaim it as it is not even listed anymore.
My 3 piece borg space set are all gone. They where all on "protection on" mode and have made a ticket about it ingame also asking for help to get it back.
Re: Ticket #91140 Use of older T6 Token: Can not use this token, it is not recognized and when attempted to use, response is " can not mount this item". ARC says it looks like a bug and will pass this info on BUT does not tell me if I will get a new one or credit for this one. They say the ticket is closed/resolved, well maybe for them but not for me. I would appreciate a response, thank you.
Re: Ticket #91140 Use of older T6 Token: Can not use this token, it is not recognized and when attempted to use, response is " can not mount this item". ARC says it looks like a bug and will pass this info on BUT does not tell me if I will get a new one or credit for this one. They say the ticket is closed/resolved, well maybe for them but not for me. I would appreciate a response, thank you.
What ship were you trying to purchase using the older T6 token? Ships that are in the New category of the exchange are not able to be purchased this way until they are out of said category.
Appreciate the come-back but as I mentioned above NONE of the ship categories recognized the token and as stated above when "clicked on" states that "can not mount the item" for any ship.
Appreciate the come-back but as I mentioned above NONE of the ship categories recognized the token and as stated above when "clicked on" states that "can not mount the item" for any ship.
after what seems like a few year hiatus...i logged into my account and was looking at one of my characters bank. i selected the lobi crystals in my account, in an attempt to view the store....and they disappeared.
I lost my T6 ship coupon, unsure how it happened. Was debating on which ship I should buy one day, the next it was gone. I have a previously unfinished T6 ship coupon sitting at 750/3000 from summer last year, and the 3000/3000 completed and claimed coupon on my event page. No buttons to claim it under event tab in reputation either. I did buy out the coupon at around 2100/3000 progress if I recall, but I'm unsure if that would be related to the bug of it disappearing on me.
Character: Brentwood Faction: Starfleet Item: Skill Retrain Token Missing amount: 3 Date/Time: February 4, 2020 at around 1:15 pm PST I beleive.
i redeemed the Alienware Discovery starter bundle and through that got the Elite Services starter pack but never received the 3 retrain tokens that came with the starter pack.
Missing BALTH Science Intel (T6) from Acquire Ship Store. I got the Cross Faction Intel Pack Promotion but the ship doesn't appear so that I can claim it.
I have equippped Hangar Pets disappeared from their ship on two different chars:
Vye@Kn0chengeiger, Federation
Ship: Fleet Tellarite Pralim Flight Deck Assault
Pets: Elite Tellarite Adamant Fighters, Ultra Rare
I had 2 Hangars of Elite Tellarite Fighters equipped on the Pralim. I bought them both on the same day in the Fleet Starbase about mid 2019. Now one Hangar bay suddenly is empty, the other Hangar still has it's Pets. The missing Hangar Fighters are nowhere in my inventory. I can't say exactly when they disappeared, since i didn't play from mid 2019 to November 2019, they have disappeared sometime in that timeframe.
Xai's@Knochengeiger, Federation
Ship: Voth Bastion FDC T5U
Pets: Voth Heavy Fighers, Rare
Same case as above, except these are the standard Fighters that came with the Ship and are not bought from Starbase.
I have several other Chars with Hangar Ships, both 1 or 2 Hangars of different classes. The Bug did not affect any of those.
Both of my romulans are missing their combat horta from mine enemy?
Although i reran the mission to replace one of them, i have no intention of rerunning the mission to replace the other one.
I replaced the first one cause i thought maybee i forgot which aparently i did not, then i see the other romulan is also missing his so now i know theres an issue someplace.
jarok@tomilak would appreciate being returned his combat horta which up until recently i know he had.
My Advanced Radiant Quantum Torpedo Launcher Mk XV has disappeared from my ships on Twelve@MonkeyThief
It had been on my Legendary Pilot Warship and when I was setting up my next ship (Alliance Battlecruiser), found it had disappeared. I had it on 21 Feb when I set up the Pilot Warship. Switching back to the Pilot Warship left a blank slot.
Support recommended that I report a bug that caused all of my ships gear to completely disappear when I readied a new ship. It was nowhere to be found. My character will need to be rolled back to before it happened to get my gear back.
Character name: Trent
Handle: @Howell2751
Items missing:
40k Energy Credits
32,500 Dilithium
4 P.stellaviatori Spores
750 Discovery Marks
Date/Time: February 29th around 7:30-7:50 pm EST
Was asked by a GM to make a post to progress the investigation, so here it is. Tho this is more my goof (I think) than a bug, but I was filling up one of my reps for the Discovery Warp Core and when I was filling the last spore container, I either accidentally hit cancel or the reputation ate my items, except for 1 spore canister. Really just looking to get my Dilithium and marks back.
I just upgraded to a Prolonged Engagement phaser array to a MK XIV then it disappeared from my inventory.. The kicker is that according to the Dil store I have a Prolonged Engagement phaser in my inventory.. Help I spent Two Omega (mark and Quality) and one phoenix upgrades on it.
the account's name is Raneko the Character is Kathy Cable.
Also not getting the experimental Railgun when I unpack the Legendary NX-class.
The free bridge options known as Defiant, Strategic, Victory, and Vivid have disappeared from my Ship Customization. They are no longer available in any form. It is effecting all my characters and is unfortunate because they are my favorite bridges. GM tells me it's a glitch and to report it here. Please look into this and tell me how to fix it.
Faction: Starfleet
Item: Console - Universal - Ferrofluid Hydraulic Assembly
Mk and Rarity: MkXV, Epic
The approximate date/ time it was last seen: 1/29/20. Around 5pm EST.
I noticed it was missing after switching around on ships and it was no longer loading with loadouts on other ships. Does not appear in inventory, overflow bag, or bank.
Faction: Starfleet
Items: Heavy Biomolecular Phaser Turret Mark XV Very Rare, Trilithium Enhanced Phaser Turret Mark XV Rare, Fleet Dual Heavy Cannons Mark XV Epic
Approx. time last seen: 1/25/2020
Noticed they were missing when trying to place them on one of my ships, after playing with beams for a while. Could not find them in bank, inventory or on other ships.
Was advised to post this here by a GM.
Handle : @gurneyhallek
Faction : KDF aligned Romulan
Missing : Vulnerability locater [Tricobalt] Mk XV epic
Last seen: ~November 21-25 2019, during item upgrade weekend
Bought and upgraded a full tricobalt build, saved loadout and then switched back to quantum loadout. Recently, upon switching to the tricobalt loadout, 1 of my spire tac consoles is missing and it's ghost image says it's equipped on another ship but it isn't and is nowhere in any of my inventory. I've had items go missing in the past and have become diligent about changing protected status to 'On,' so I'm confident I didn't somehow toss it out by mistake.
January 29, 2020 Created Iconian deflector array through the reputation tab. It was in my inventory, I double clicked on it and ....POOF.....disappeared!!! Not on ship nor on any ship in my possession, nor in any inventory that I can access.
Is it in your Visuals tab?
ok none of the winter training manuals are showing up on my; bridge officers
What ship were you trying to purchase using the older T6 token? Ships that are in the New category of the exchange are not able to be purchased this way until they are out of said category.
That is a very strange bug!
Has this happened to anyone else?
Faction: Starfleet
Item: Skill Retrain Token
Missing amount: 3
Date/Time: February 4, 2020 at around 1:15 pm PST I beleive.
i redeemed the Alienware Discovery starter bundle and through that got the Elite Services starter pack but never received the 3 retrain tokens that came with the starter pack.
Handle: @borgOvermind
Faction: JH
Item: Universal Kit Module - Agony Field Generator
Missing amount: 4
Note: I intentionally kept 6 of them from during Discovery launch and when re-searching my inventory I could only find 2.
Account: Shelok@kc0iws
Vye@Kn0chengeiger, Federation
Ship: Fleet Tellarite Pralim Flight Deck Assault
Pets: Elite Tellarite Adamant Fighters, Ultra Rare
I had 2 Hangars of Elite Tellarite Fighters equipped on the Pralim. I bought them both on the same day in the Fleet Starbase about mid 2019. Now one Hangar bay suddenly is empty, the other Hangar still has it's Pets. The missing Hangar Fighters are nowhere in my inventory. I can't say exactly when they disappeared, since i didn't play from mid 2019 to November 2019, they have disappeared sometime in that timeframe.
Xai's@Knochengeiger, Federation
Ship: Voth Bastion FDC T5U
Pets: Voth Heavy Fighers, Rare
Same case as above, except these are the standard Fighters that came with the Ship and are not bought from Starbase.
I have several other Chars with Hangar Ships, both 1 or 2 Hangars of different classes. The Bug did not affect any of those.
Although i reran the mission to replace one of them, i have no intention of rerunning the mission to replace the other one.
I replaced the first one cause i thought maybee i forgot which aparently i did not, then i see the other romulan is also missing his so now i know theres an issue someplace.
jarok@tomilak would appreciate being returned his combat horta which up until recently i know he had.
It had been on my Legendary Pilot Warship and when I was setting up my next ship (Alliance Battlecruiser), found it had disappeared. I had it on 21 Feb when I set up the Pilot Warship. Switching back to the Pilot Warship left a blank slot.
Handle: @Howell2751
Items missing:
40k Energy Credits
32,500 Dilithium
4 P.stellaviatori Spores
750 Discovery Marks
Date/Time: February 29th around 7:30-7:50 pm EST
Was asked by a GM to make a post to progress the investigation, so here it is. Tho this is more my goof (I think) than a bug, but I was filling up one of my reps for the Discovery Warp Core and when I was filling the last spore container, I either accidentally hit cancel or the reputation ate my items, except for 1 spore canister. Really just looking to get my Dilithium and marks back.
the account's name is Raneko the Character is Kathy Cable.
Also not getting the experimental Railgun when I unpack the Legendary NX-class.
Accidentally deleted gear when ship was discharged, need to have character rolled back to date prior to March 7
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