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Interesting idea for Picard related content.



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    phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,618 Arc User
    edited March 2020
    khan5000 wrote: »
    > @phoenixc#0738 said:
    > (Quote)
    > So in other words they took the least plausible path possible. That does not say good things about the writing at all.

    How was that least plausible?

    Simple. In "The Undiscovered Country" the Klingon moon Praxis was full of some sort of extremely energetic ore and when it exploded it produced a subspace shockwave that disrupted communications, bounced Excelsior out of warp, and generally made it plain something bad happened in the Klingon capital system. That was believable, producing a subspace shockwave was a bit of a stretch, but since the FTL part of the Praxis explosion only did things to ships in warp it is not immersion-breaking.

    Then ST:2009 featured the Hobus supernova that somehow had an FTL component that did not just effect things that had their own subspace component, it blew up planets lightyears away. That is really immersion-breaking level bad writing, though it is interesting how STO salvaged the screwy idea with their modification of that particular story element (avoiding spoilers here).

    Then PIC supposedly solved the FTL explosion problem by making it "Romulus's star".

    Now that idea could have actually worked if they made the system a distant binary and the other star (the one which would have blown up) was a few light-weeks (or even a light-month or two) away, which sets a very tight but doable deadline for an evacuation and they would not need ridiculous FTL explosions. Of course, they could have made it closer if they wanted the plasma itself to hit in that time, but they would have needed some gimmick that blocked the gamma rays racing out ahead (which is itself believable given that they show planetary shields that damp energy (like transporters) already) but that would not stand up to the plasma wave.

    But they apparently chose not to do it that way, and went back to an FTL blast wave at least hundreds or more lightyears in diameter in order to catch the colony worlds too. They must have fallen into the "writers do not understand time and distance" trope trap in a very big way. Who is their science advisor anyway, professor Ludwig Von Drake?

    And how many Federation worlds did that supernova take out then? They showed a canon map of the location of the Romulan capital in TOS, and it is much closer to the Federation border then it is to many of their colony worlds shown along the length of the neutral zone, so in order to be big enough to take them out the Federation would have lost worlds to it as well.

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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    literally the only differance between the Romulans and the many many species the UFP has simply shrugged and watched die is the romulans had warp drive)

    Seen PIC of late?! The writers behind the Federation are so xenophobic, the Romulans now just look like regular humans. :(

    Kirk: "You know something, Spock, we're all human."

    Guess Kirk was right.
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    khan5000khan5000 Member Posts: 3,007 Arc User
    Excelsior wasn’t at warp:
    “Stardate 9521.6, Captain's log, U.S.S. Excelsior. Hikaru Sulu commanding. After three years I've concluded my first assignment as master of this vessel, cataloguing gaseous planetary anomalies in the Beta Quadrant. We're heading home under full impulse power. I am pleased to report that ship and crew have functioned well.”
    Your pain runs deep.
    Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    khan5000 wrote: »
    What don't get is what is why in PIC they are acting like all the Romulans were on the homeworld instead of spread out in the major interstellar empire the RSE was always depicted as in other Treks. It is something that always annoyed me with TNG, the idea that if you destroy the homeworld of a people you somehow automatically destroy the entire interstellar community they created no matter how big and established it was and how many worlds they spread to.

    So ok, the supernova fried one or two worlds out of dozens or even hundreds, knocked out the seat of government (who realistically would have been some of the first to evacuate btw), and killed as many as five or ten percent of the RSE's population.

    Why would the homeworld have so small a percentage of the total population you might ask?

    Remember, their ships were too slow up until their tech exchange with the Klingons to really support a limited single-industry "boutique worlds" setup, their colonies would have had to become self-sufficient to survive back when a (probably not huge) ship would only come by once in a while after the initial push to set each particular colony up in order to show the flag and whatnot to keep them from splintering into independent worlds.

    On top of that, the proto-Romulans left Vulcan in 370AD so even with relatively slow interstellar drives like the Romulans had in "Balance of Terror" they had a long time to spread out and colonize their territory so many of their worlds were probably quite established and populated by the time the supernova happened.

    So what are the other 90-95 percent of them doing? What actually caused the fall of the RSE?

    Sure, they may be depending on STO to fill in the blanks instead of some obscure novel like Disney does with Star Wars, but if so they are not getting the savage political infighting that tore the RSE apart in STO across very well at all.

    The supernova didn’t just wipe out Romulus. It took out colonies too. According to the book the resettlement was originally going to be on worlds wishing the RSE but then they discovered the blast from the supernova was gonna bigger than they thought and they had to start looking at worlds outside the RSE.

    Yeah, color me confused. :o Didn't we play an entire arc where the Romulan homeworld was destroyed because they had stolen the last 'something' (forgot what it was) from the Iconians?

    N.B. But speaking of Super nova, we could actually use a Nova, the T6 kind. :p
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    But they apparently chose not to do it that way, and went back to an FTL blast wave at least hundreds or more lightyears in diameter in order to catch the colony worlds too. They must have fallen into the "writers do not understand time and distance" trope trap in a very big way. Who is their science advisor anyway, professor Ludwig Von Drake?

    And how many Federation worlds did that supernova take out then? They showed a canon map of the location of the Romulan capital in TOS, and it is much closer to the Federation border then it is to many of their colony worlds shown along the length of the neutral zone, so in order to be big enough to take them out the Federation would have lost worlds to it as well.
    Well did you listen to what old Spock said? "a star will explode and threaten to destroy the galaxy" Is Spock saying that the Red Matter was the only way to stop the shock wave from literally shredding the entire galaxy?

    But a Federation border world with a few hundred people on it is easy to evacuate. Romulus had billions.
    My character Tsin'xing
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    phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,618 Arc User
    edited March 2020
    khan5000 wrote: »
    Excelsior wasn’t at warp:
    “Stardate 9521.6, Captain's log, U.S.S. Excelsior. Hikaru Sulu commanding. After three years I've concluded my first assignment as master of this vessel, cataloguing gaseous planetary anomalies in the Beta Quadrant. We're heading home under full impulse power. I am pleased to report that ship and crew have functioned well.”

    I must have forgotten that rather bizarre log entry (though it makes me wonder how many decades Sulu planned to take to get back home running at sublight), it has been a while since I saw the movie.

    However, considering they always seem to have their warp core running (sensible since it takes a half hour to restart it) at least on idle, it probably amounts to the same thing anyway as far as getting tossed around by subspace shockwaves are concerned. And considering the subspace transtator is the basis of so much of the technology of the ship (according to dialog from "A Piece of the Action") it is likely to throw it for a loop even if the core was shut down and they were running on batteries.
    But they apparently chose not to do it that way, and went back to an FTL blast wave at least hundreds or more lightyears in diameter in order to catch the colony worlds too. They must have fallen into the "writers do not understand time and distance" trope trap in a very big way. Who is their science advisor anyway, professor Ludwig Von Drake?

    And how many Federation worlds did that supernova take out then? They showed a canon map of the location of the Romulan capital in TOS, and it is much closer to the Federation border then it is to many of their colony worlds shown along the length of the neutral zone, so in order to be big enough to take them out the Federation would have lost worlds to it as well.
    Well did you listen to what old Spock said? "a star will explode and threaten to destroy the galaxy" Is Spock saying that the Red Matter was the only way to stop the shock wave from literally shredding the entire galaxy?

    But a Federation border world with a few hundred people on it is easy to evacuate. Romulus had billions.

    Why would a Federation border world only have a few hundred people? Not only would colonies in the area have a century or two to build up population since the war, other homeworlds were probably near the Romulan border too (the Federation has something like 250 full member worlds, it is not just Earth colonies), similar to the way the Tellun star system (where Elas and Troyius are) is a well populated system near the Klingon border.
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    captainbrian11captainbrian11 Member Posts: 733 Arc User
    it's a little late to complain about the whole romulan super nova. if thats a deal breaker for you might wanna stop playing STO
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    phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,618 Arc User
    it's a little late to complain about the whole romulan super nova. if thats a deal breaker for you might wanna stop playing STO

    It would be a little late if that is what I was doing, but it isn't. As I pointed out, the STO version of the event actually makes some sense, in fact it is the only FTL version that does (I will not go into detail about that here, if you play it though you will see what I mean).

    The Picard show on the other hand makes the least sense of any of the possibilities. Supposedly PIC wanted to get rid of the FTL part of the supernova and changed it from the Hobus system to what they call the "Romulan star", but just compounded the problem by saying it took out the colonies as well, an area many times the size of the 2009 movie version.

    Their best bet would have been to either keep it a mystery until an investigation showed the same (or at least similar) cause as the STO version (which gives a plausible reason for the FTL part), or get rid of the FTL blast wave stuff altogether and make the Romulan star system a distant binary where the larger star is a few light-weeks distant from the one that the Romulan capital orbits (similar to the distance between Alpha and Proxima Centauri) which would give enough time for a quick partial evacuation and set things up reasonably for the start of PIC.
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    captainbrian11captainbrian11 Member Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited March 2020
    the Picard prequal novel notes that there is some evidance that it may not be a natural phenomina.
    Also there's a bit of a timeline involved here, the star didn't go super nova immediatly, there was some warning, the problem is the romulan government pissed away a lot of the time playing politics and downplaying the threat to avoid public unrest while they evacuated the Important people. (or those they deemed important) . keep in mind that beyond worlds that would be effected by the blast they would have had to also address worlds dependant on those worlds for survival. Is the science a bit odd? maybe but the idea star trek is scientific is a load of bullpucky. just about every trek series has some pretty laughable science an aweful lot. I mean clearly the answer to the super nova is quantum quantum phase flux quantum!
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    legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,282 Arc User
    there was some warning, the problem is the romulan government pissed away a lot of the time playing politics and downplaying the threat to avoid public unrest while they evacuated the Important people. (or those they deemed important) .

    remind you of anything in the real world?​​
    Like special weapons from other Star Trek games? Wondering if they can be replicated in STO even a little bit? Check this out: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1262277/a-mostly-comprehensive-guide-to-star-trek-videogame-special-weapons-and-their-sto-equivalents


    A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
    An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
    A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
    A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"

    "It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
    "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
    Passion and Serenity are one.
    I gain power by understanding both.
    In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
    I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
    The Force is united within me.
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    captainbrian11captainbrian11 Member Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited March 2020
    there was some warning, the problem is the romulan government pissed away a lot of the time playing politics and downplaying the threat to avoid public unrest while they evacuated the Important people. (or those they deemed important) .

    remind you of anything in the real world?​​

    numerous things.

    anyway we shouldn't allow kvitching about Picard to derail this thread TBH. like or it not, Picard is star trek, and STO will almost certainly attempt to include content from it. even if they just snag every ship they possiably can to sell in the c store and or lock boxes.
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    khan5000khan5000 Member Posts: 3,007 Arc User
    edited March 2020
    khan5000 wrote: »
    Excelsior wasn’t at warp:
    “Stardate 9521.6, Captain's log, U.S.S. Excelsior. Hikaru Sulu commanding. After three years I've concluded my first assignment as master of this vessel, cataloguing gaseous planetary anomalies in the Beta Quadrant. We're heading home under full impulse power. I am pleased to report that ship and crew have functioned well.”

    I must have forgotten that rather bizarre log entry (though it makes me wonder how many decades Sulu planned to take to get back home running at sublight), it has been a while since I saw the movie.

    However, considering they always seem to have their warp core running (sensible since it takes a half hour to restart it) at least on idle, it probably amounts to the same thing anyway as far as getting tossed around by subspace shockwaves are concerned. And considering the subspace transtator is the basis of so much of the technology of the ship (according to dialog from "A Piece of the Action") it is likely to throw it for a loop even if the core was shut down and they were running on batteries.

    Depends on where “home” is for the Excelsior. She could be stationed at a near by star base.

    Back to the topic...the easiest thing they can do (easy to me, not sure how easy it is from a dev point of view) is to up date the 2410 character effects...update the beaming effects, scanning and then go from there.
    Your pain runs deep.
    Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
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    siotaylorsiotaylor Member Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited March 2020
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    phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,618 Arc User
    edited March 2020
    khan5000 wrote: »
    khan5000 wrote: »
    Excelsior wasn’t at warp:
    “Stardate 9521.6, Captain's log, U.S.S. Excelsior. Hikaru Sulu commanding. After three years I've concluded my first assignment as master of this vessel, cataloguing gaseous planetary anomalies in the Beta Quadrant. We're heading home under full impulse power. I am pleased to report that ship and crew have functioned well.”

    I must have forgotten that rather bizarre log entry (though it makes me wonder how many decades Sulu planned to take to get back home running at sublight), it has been a while since I saw the movie.

    However, considering they always seem to have their warp core running (sensible since it takes a half hour to restart it) at least on idle, it probably amounts to the same thing anyway as far as getting tossed around by subspace shockwaves are concerned. And considering the subspace transtator is the basis of so much of the technology of the ship (according to dialog from "A Piece of the Action") it is likely to throw it for a loop even if the core was shut down and they were running on batteries.

    Depends on where “home” is for the Excelsior. She could be stationed at a near by star base.

    Back to the topic...the easiest thing they can do (easy to me, not sure how easy it is from a dev point of view) is to up date the 2410 character effects...update the beaming effects, scanning and then go from there.

    True, though I doubt the Klingons would have tolerated a Federation Starbase within 20 minutes strike range (at an Excelsior's maximum warp) of their capital.

    The supernova nonsense and other hints of sloppy writing aside, in general PIC seems to have been done in an inclusive way instead of the way Moonves tried (and failed) to slip a sneaky reboot past the fans in DSC.

    With that in mind, it would be nice to have the smooth forehead option in the Romulan character generator (yes, you can do them using "alien" but still it would be a nice touch to have a mainline version too).

    Other than that, the hero ship and those ones that attacked Mars seem to be the only things so far that STO would have to draw on to add to the game, though more will probably turn up eventually. Of course having only seen clips and plot breakdowns and whatnot I have undoubtedly missed some thing (like the beaming effects you mention).

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    rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,143 Community Moderator
    With that in mind, it would be nice to have the smooth forehead option in the Romulan character generator (yes, you can do them using "alien" but still it would be a nice touch to have a mainline version too).

    You can already. I've got 2 legit Romulans like that.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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    phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,618 Arc User
    edited March 2020
    rattler2 wrote: »
    With that in mind, it would be nice to have the smooth forehead option in the Romulan character generator (yes, you can do them using "alien" but still it would be a nice touch to have a mainline version too).

    You can already. I've got 2 legit Romulans like that.

    You are right. Lately I have mainly been making aliens (like pseudo-Vorta) using the Romulan generator so it has been a while since I made an actual Romulan and I got the generator limitations mixed up (it is the Klingons you have to use "alien" for to get the TOS version).
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    rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,143 Community Moderator
    I think if you have a TOS character who's come to the 25th Century, that does unlock customization options. I got a Klingon BOff KDF side that is TOS style. I don't have a PLAYER character that's Klingon though so... *shrug* I just know that the options are supposed to be available once you get a TOS Fed past a certain point.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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    joshmauljoshmaul Member Posts: 519 Arc User
    rattler2 wrote: »
    I think if you have a TOS character who's come to the 25th Century, that does unlock customization options. I got a Klingon BOff KDF side that is TOS style. I don't have a PLAYER character that's Klingon though so... *shrug* I just know that the options are supposed to be available once you get a TOS Fed past a certain point.

    This does indeed apply to player characters as well. So does the TOS Gorn.
    "There's No Way Like Poway!"

    Real Join Date: October 2010
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    khan5000khan5000 Member Posts: 3,007 Arc User
    edited March 2020
    > @phoenixc#0738 said:
    > (Quote)
    > True, though I doubt the Klingons would have tolerated a Federation Starbase within 20 minutes strike range (at an Excelsior's maximum warp) of their capital.
    > The supernova nonsense and other hints of sloppy writing aside, in general PIC seems to have been done in an inclusive way instead of the way Moonves tried (and failed) to slip a sneaky reboot past the fans in DSC.
    > With that in mind, it would be nice to have the smooth forehead option in the Romulan character generator (yes, you can do them using "alien" but still it would be a nice touch to have a mainline version too).
    > Other than that, the hero ship and those ones that attacked Mars seem to be the only things so far that STO would have to draw on to add to the game, though more will probably turn up eventually. Of course having only seen clips and plot breakdowns and whatnot I have undoubtedly missed some thing (like the beaming effects you mention).

    I’m not sure where Excelsior was when Praxis went up...other than Beta Quadrant. However if the feds put a base that close I’m pretty sure a Klingon base would be nearby.

    We have the attack drones, the hero ship, change in beaming and scanning effects, Free Cloud and a new social hub,
    Your pain runs deep.
    Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
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    nimbullnimbull Member Posts: 1,564 Arc User
    edited March 2020
    Truely I hope they up the gore in STO like in Picard. When Seven blasted that woman in to a puddle of goo it was a first for Star Trek going down such a FPS gibbing route. Maybe if you melee someone they can explode in bits of gore and blood with bone and such all around. Heck could have that Romulan kids sword and use it to behead NPCs and players. So many new things to try from the new series.
    Green people don't have to be.... little.
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    rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,143 Community Moderator
    Eh... if I want gore I'd go play DOOM.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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    nimbullnimbull Member Posts: 1,564 Arc User
    rattler2 wrote: »
    Eh... if I want gore I'd go play DOOM.

    Normally I would agree with you but the new series is taking quite the dark route. Be neat to see STO go down that path. Running around those competitive arena's with the Romulan sword going "KLINGON CHOP!" like the old Bugs Bunny cartoon and lopping a few heads off like in the TV show.
    Green people don't have to be.... little.
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    sthe91sthe91 Member Posts: 5,564 Arc User
    nimbull wrote: »
    Truely I hope they up the gore in STO like in Picard. When Seven blasted that woman in to a puddle of goo it was a first for Star Trek going down such a FPS gibbing route. Maybe if you melee someone they can explode in bits of gore and blood with bone and such all around. Heck could have that Romulan kids sword and use it to behead NPCs and players. So many new things to try from the new series.

    I would rather it remain T and not M. Thank you kindly. I have a weak stomach. :)
    Where there is a Will, there is a Way.
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    jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,396 Arc User
    edited March 2020
    They didn't call it "Romulus' star". They called it "the Romulan star". In the same sense that, say, Alpha Centauri A is a Federation star, and if something could make a G-class star go supernova Earth would be in danger in four years, but it's not the star the Federation capital actually orbits.

    That was one reason why several Fed worlds didn't feel it necessary to engage in a crash program to rescue Romulans, too - they had no idea the wavefront would propagate at warp velocities. They should have had years to take care of things. In the event, that's not how it worked, and nobody knew why, but it's not like a Starfleet investigative team could be sent right away even if they could get the backing of the Council - they'd need buy-in from the Romulans, and between the disarray of the government post-Hobus and the fact that for all the Feds knew it could have been a secret program the Romulans would kill to hide, the impetus to go all Kirk and just charge across interstellar boundaries simply wasn't there.
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    captainbrian11captainbrian11 Member Posts: 733 Arc User
    khan5000 wrote: »
    khan5000 wrote: »
    Excelsior wasn’t at warp:
    “Stardate 9521.6, Captain's log, U.S.S. Excelsior. Hikaru Sulu commanding. After three years I've concluded my first assignment as master of this vessel, cataloguing gaseous planetary anomalies in the Beta Quadrant. We're heading home under full impulse power. I am pleased to report that ship and crew have functioned well.”

    I must have forgotten that rather bizarre log entry (though it makes me wonder how many decades Sulu planned to take to get back home running at sublight), it has been a while since I saw the movie.

    However, considering they always seem to have their warp core running (sensible since it takes a half hour to restart it) at least on idle, it probably amounts to the same thing anyway as far as getting tossed around by subspace shockwaves are concerned. And considering the subspace transtator is the basis of so much of the technology of the ship (according to dialog from "A Piece of the Action") it is likely to throw it for a loop even if the core was shut down and they were running on batteries.

    Depends on where “home” is for the Excelsior. She could be stationed at a near by star base.

    Back to the topic...the easiest thing they can do (easy to me, not sure how easy it is from a dev point of view) is to up date the 2410 character effects...update the beaming effects, scanning and then go from there.

    True, though I doubt the Klingons would have tolerated a Federation Starbase within 20 minutes strike range (at an Excelsior's maximum warp) of their capital.

    The supernova nonsense and other hints of sloppy writing aside, in general PIC seems to have been done in an inclusive way instead of the way Moonves tried (and failed) to slip a sneaky reboot past the fans in DSC.

    With that in mind, it would be nice to have the smooth forehead option in the Romulan character generator (yes, you can do them using "alien" but still it would be a nice touch to have a mainline version too).

    Other than that, the hero ship and those ones that attacked Mars seem to be the only things so far that STO would have to draw on to add to the game, though more will probably turn up eventually. Of course having only seen clips and plot breakdowns and whatnot I have undoubtedly missed some thing (like the beaming effects you mention).

    I also count 4 new ships, 3 distinct new romulan ships and a reskin for the t'liss, and thats just judging by 7 episodes so far. one of the romulan ships is actually described pretty well in the latest episode.
    It's called a snakehead (romulan name pending) described as a small scout ship with high powered thrusters and "massive firepower for their size" I'm going to toss it out as a potential canidate for a new series of shuttlecraft with a specialist seat. (in this case maybe pilot) I mean.. a pilot shuttle could be kinda fun
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    mez83mez83 Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    How about beards for Romulans
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    ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,571 Arc User
    A takeaway could also be that in future Missions they can kill off a boatload of NPCs like VanZyl, Kurland, Drake etc.
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    rattler2 wrote: »
    I think if you have a TOS character who's come to the 25th Century, that does unlock customization options. I got a Klingon BOff KDF side that is TOS style. I don't have a PLAYER character that's Klingon though so... *shrug* I just know that the options are supposed to be available once you get a TOS Fed past a certain point.

    Yes, it's KLINGON.
    My character Tsin'xing
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    phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,618 Arc User
    edited March 2020
    mez83 wrote: »
    How about beards for Romulans

    Actually, the beard in "Mirror, Mirror" was supposed to be Spock flaunting his human half for calculated sociopolitical gain, with the idea was that pure Vulcans did not have beards. It would seem weird nowadays anyway, the popular idea of Vulcans and Romulans being "space elves" of sorts is well established and Elves usually do not have beards either.

    In fact, cultural papers have been written about Star Trek and other sci-fi mirroring ancient mythology and how among other things the Vulcans represent the rigidly straightlaced and often passionless seelie court while the Romulans represent the darker more passionate and chaotic unseelie court.

    Of course, like Spock there are half-Vulcans so that option would not be too weird I suppose as long as everyone and their dog does not start sporting the things.
This discussion has been closed.