I was thinking, they are going to include some type of Star Trek Picard related content in the game at some point. Since Picard is set only 10-11 years from the current STO timeline, they wouldn't have to throw in time travel in the mix like they did with Discovery.
I was thinking something like a cross between the Victory Is Life and Age of Discovery event. You would start a new toon in 2399, something happens you have to take command of the ship, solve a mystery that can be related to Picard's storyline, something related to rouge synths or Tal Shiar agents in Starfleet, or something like that. That lasts a few episodes, enough to get you to level 10, where you then jump to level 40-60, as a full captain and/or admiral, the previous episode's being that character's backstory! Would be an interesting way to set up a new character within the Picard timeline - and wouldn't have to resort to old time travel standby.
Such artificial lifeforms must use a lot of makeup, I imagine?
No, they're all cajuns...
"You a coon-TRIBBLE you?"
"That statement is illogical"
First the storyline for season 1 needs to be completely aired and then negotiations with actors, drawing up a storyline and missions. even when they get around it, it'll take about a year from when Picard finishes to the game due to content already in their pipeline. so about a year to a year and half on a guess for something as big as what you describe.
Uniforms might come a lot sooner, same with ships.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
by including elements that did work. there'd be little problem with say... tossing the Fenresian rangers or the quwat milat in, or having a story line involving the zhat vash etc.
But the rangers are there patrolling because in Picard the quadrant is basically like the wild west where the Federation is on the path to collapse...none of that is happening in STO.
The are few things that can actually fit other than maybe borrowing some ships and stuff. A small group of vigilante rangers is bound to be hunted by Starfleet as much as its enemies because Starfleet/Federation isn't falling apart. So unless you want Seven to be a enemy and Icheb dead there really isn't much that can be added.
> (Quote)
> But the rangers are there patrolling because in Picard the quadrant is basically like the wild west where the Federation is on the path to collapse...none of that is happening in STO.
> The are few things that can actually fit other than maybe borrowing some ships and stuff. A small group of vigilante rangers is bound to be hunted by Starfleet as much as its enemies because Starfleet/Federation isn't falling apart. So unless you want Seven to be a enemy and Icheb dead there really isn't much that can be added.
I may have miss understood but I’m pretty sure the rangers are patrolling former Romulan space that the Fed was helping after the super nova. The Fed changed policies and withdrew and the rangers stayed. They are not patrolling Fed space.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
To be fair, the Federation could have been going though a bad patch about ten years before STO and it just might have felt that it was all coming apart. In fact J'mpok may have inadvertently done the Federation a big favor in declaring war which would tend to draw the Federation back closer together in response.
In the new FE Seven already mentions the Rangers, so they do exist in STO. However its possible that they're focusing their efforts in regions the Federation can't, such as the majority of former Imperial Romulan territory that was terrorized by the Tal Shiar pre-Iconian War, and helping to maintain the peace in those regions post war. And the fact that the Federation's fleet was decimated in the Iconian War... you can easily fit the Fenris Rangers in just fine.
Icheb was never a major character in STO. Like Captain Calhoun and Naomi Wildman, just a presence on K-7 really. I think Wildman used to give out a couple old quests, and I think Icheb did as well. Other than that they aren't major players in the story.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
But that isn't how it works, Picard was designed to lead right into the collapse of the Federation that will be seen in season 3 of Discovery. You know, that flag they unveil that looks like the Federation insignia but with very few stars on it?
If the Federation was this racists and or isolationist state that is seen in Picard then they would have never allied with the Klingons again...they would have never helped build the Romulan Republic
Starfleet standing alone would have been crushed by the Borg...or the Domionion...or Undine...or Iconians. If events were similar then ESD would have been destroyed, perhaps Earth. That planet killer would have destroyed Qo'nos.
Like or hate Picard there is just little that is truly compatible with STO story from what we've seen.
That is one theory, but rather unlikely if it is on the same timeline as the other shows since the Federation was still going strong in 2450 according to DS9's "The Visitor", and even as far as 3074 according to VOY's "Living Witness". I seriously doubt the Picard series will span the time between 2399 and 3074 much less all the way to whenever the fall in DSC happened.
*sighs* ok the federation isn't all racists and isolationists. are there isolationist elements in the federation? yes. and there likely always have been. (the prime directive is, at it's heart, a somewhat isolationist concept. literally the only differance between the Romulans and the many many species the UFP has simply shrugged and watched die is the romulans had warp drive) I think people take too much from a single reporter. I mean... look would you want me to judge the entire USA on Sean Hannity?
the thing is, the federation we see even in the BEGINNING of STO where self absorbed fools. unwilling to truely listen to the Klingons who claimed they had proof of Undine infiltration, the Federation/Klingon/Romulan Republic alliance is real politik at it's finest, forged in diplomatic NECESSITY. and even in STO we see signs of this "racism" Admiral Tanae is quite clear that she doesn't trust the Romulans.
thing is, the federation is a democracy, it can change course with an election.
Q: Is there a link between Star Trek: Picard (Federation downfall) and Discovery Season 3 (Federation gone)?
CHABON: “Federation downfall”? What Federation downfall? The Federation is still very much alive and well and home to trillions (quadrillions?) of safe, housed, fed, educated citizens with the potential to lead fulfilling lives.
There was a crisis 15 years ago, in the wake of the costly Dominion War and the Romulan emergency, which had a negative impact on the lives of many people, including most of our principal characters, in one way of another, during which Starfleet (and by extension the Federation) did not acquit itself well – in Picard’s eyes.
From Admiral Clancy’s viewpoint, which is likely the mainstream view, Picard’s attitude was unrealistic, quixotic, and even dangerous. She may be right! They may be right, and both wrong. But that was fifteen years ago, and the Federation is still going strong.
Perhaps in the eyes of some, it lost its luster, its air of invulnerability, its claim to the moral high ground, a process that began during Deep Space Nine times. That is hardly a “downfall,” though.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
And Mr. Chabon is absolutely right - see DS9 S6 - "In the P{ale Moonlight" - Sisko mentions EVERYTHING he did/planned was in fact SANCTIONED by the Federation Council and Star Fleet Command as he's recording a personal log on the matter that he ultimately deletes.
During all that time, Jean-Luc Picard is serving as Captain of the 1701-E, and NOT complaining or considering "Starfleet no loger Starfleet" during all this...
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
While I don't think Picard would've had anything to do with Sisko's decision to *coughblowuparomulansenatorcough* bend the rules a bit - as he would've had his own problems during the war - I'm fairly sure he would've known of the existence of Section 31. Whether he would have known about the morphogenic virus, though, that's debatable.
Still... people have pointed out that Picard has protested against unethical actions taken with the tacit blessing of the Federation Council (i.e. the Ba'ku relocation in Insurrection) before, and it worked out in his favor. He bluffed, they folded. In the case of the whole Romulan evacuation, he bluffed, they called... and in this case, nothing was not a cool hand.
"There's No Way Like Poway!"
Real Join Date: October 2010
So ok, the supernova fried one or two worlds out of dozens or even hundreds, knocked out the seat of government (who realistically would have been some of the first to evacuate btw), and killed as many as five or ten percent of the RSE's population.
Why would the homeworld have so small a percentage of the total population you might ask?
Remember, their ships were too slow up until their tech exchange with the Klingons to really support a limited single-industry "boutique worlds" setup, their colonies would have had to become self-sufficient to survive back when a (probably not huge) ship would only come by once in a while after the initial push to set each particular colony up in order to show the flag and whatnot to keep them from splintering into independent worlds.
On top of that, the proto-Romulans left Vulcan in 370AD so even with relatively slow interstellar drives like the Romulans had in "Balance of Terror" they had a long time to spread out and colonize their territory so many of their worlds were probably quite established and populated by the time the supernova happened.
So what are the other 90-95 percent of them doing? What actually caused the fall of the RSE?
Sure, they may be depending on STO to fill in the blanks instead of some obscure novel like Disney does with Star Wars, but if so they are not getting the savage political infighting that tore the RSE apart in STO across very well at all.
The supernova didn’t just wipe out Romulus. It took out colonies too. According to the book the resettlement was originally going to be on worlds wishing the RSE but then they discovered the blast from the supernova was gonna bigger than they thought and they had to start looking at worlds outside the RSE.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
So in other words they took the least plausible path possible. That does not say good things about the writing at all.
> (Quote)
> So in other words they took the least plausible path possible. That does not say good things about the writing at all.
How was that least plausible?
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
they also do note the super nova blast wasn't acting entirely natural and may have been CAUSED.
thing is, let's look at the facts. ok, let's assume for a moment romulus and Remus both have a population equal to modern day earth. this BTW is low balling is, Star Trek Charts lists a population of 18 billion for romulus. but I'm going to use 7 billion people across both romulus and remus, (BTW according to the novel BTW starfleet only needed to evac 900 million, so presumably the ~17 billion was what the RSE could natively evac) anyway using a 7 billion figure we arrive at needing 5 thousand galaxy class vessels to evac this many people