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    tigerariestigeraries Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    dark4blood wrote: »
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    dark4blood wrote: »
    dark4blood wrote: »
    ^This will NOT help botting, as now everyone will have to Omega farm because you can only get them once a year. This literally is just punishing actual players into hoarding for an entire year worth of Omegas or be screwed for upgrades.
    Why would anyone need to farm Omegas when the Phoenix box now runs 365 days a year, and Phoenix upgrades are better?

    Really, at this point, Omega upgrades aren't worth it.

    ^Phoenix upgrades are not better for upgrading from mk II VR to mk anything Gold... Obviously you don't know how to use upgrades or you would know this.
    Phoenix are better now. You might have to use more of them up but you will have way more of them for less time spent. Upgrading to gold via Omega will takes many hours of extra grinding. For cutting down grinding and time saved Phoenix are better.

    Come on, if you think that making a mk go to gold is easier with Phoenix I literally can't take you seriously or you are just a noob.

    The point is if you can earn dil for 5 Phoenix upgrades in the time it takes to grind the components for one Omega, then the comparison is _5_ Phoenix not one.

    Omega: 25,600 tech points, 4X quality chance
    Phoenix: 51,200 tech points. 1X quality chance

    i.e. 5 Phoenix gives 10 times the tech upgrade points as one Omega.

    You also have to look at what else you get while earning the dil: marks (TFOs and patrols), reputation levels and mostly junk gear (rep dailies), credits (admiralty).

    Also look at which grind you'd rather do: is a TFO more fun (or less un-fun) than the omega mini-game?

    time spent on getting omega part is a bit questionable...

    if the mini game does NOT crash on me, and I have zero lag... I can am at collecting 90% or more all the particles. So seldom do I only get 1 particle in a "game". Yeah I've farmed them into stacks of 999 for each color... it's not hard (use wired mouse). Just play in window and have YT or something in back ground playing... music or show.

    sides the fun/less-fun is subjective... i've done the missions and patrols... most of everything in games are time sinks... question for me is do I want to pay cold hard cash to get upgrades or grind. so long as it's not too bothersome or complicated and I can multitask things, I'd grind. if its too much I can play something else. nice balance. grind omegas with something else playing side by side... now they tweaked the omegas so you can get them to focus even more on quality upgrades, thats good new for me.
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    postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 2,899 Arc User
    Omega event is basically, go to point A start scan, stick the kettle on and come back. Then either travel to next particle at point A because the game screwed you or move on to B, scan, make coffee before moving to C.

    Or if you already have a drink, tab between lts and f2p accounts (and maybe console if the timers overlap) to get it done.
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    echattyechatty Member Posts: 5,914 Arc User
    echatty wrote: »
    Omega event only comes once in a blue moon while EC and DIL bots populate STO hour after hour. I guess better to scorch earth rather than deal with the problem individually.

    Omega event comes every year on Anniversary.

    Ok so what but might as well just retire it IMO...won't waste anytime on it.​​

    I don't see any reason to retire it. You're welcome to dislike it and not 'waste' time on it, but plenty of us will still farm it to get some Omega kits. Me included. I've never sold my particles or traces, or whatever, I use them to make as many kits as I can.

    No need to retire it. You're doing the sensible thing since you don't like it and not participating. No need to take away other's fun because you don't like it.
    Now a LTS and loving it.
    Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
    I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything. :D
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    where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    I agree with echatty. Do it if you want.
    You are allowed to run it once a day just to collect the ship token...if that is all you want to deal as far as that mini game goes.

    I am doing it because I like practicing the Omega game.
    But then I have always lacked hand eye coordination and am too slow for most things. And this is a challenge for me to do. Plus my issues with video game playing doesn't effect other player's fun.

    Collecting the upgrades is just a side reward. There are other ways to go about acquiring upgrade tokens.

    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
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    kronin#4685 kronin Member Posts: 325 Arc User
    Whether it's making the Phoenix boxes constantly available or making the omegas bound, the result is the same. The players who counted on selling Omegas to earn EC have just had their personal economy nerfed. This, in turn, has devalued the game for those players. This is not how to celebrate a ten year anniversary.
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    Whether it's making the Phoenix boxes constantly available or making the omegas bound, the result is the same. The players who counted on selling Omegas to earn EC have just had their personal economy nerfed. This, in turn, has devalued the game for those players. This is not how to celebrate a ten year anniversary.

    Advantages may come and go. Crafting, with specific mods, became obsolete overnight too, when they introduced re-engineering. These things happen. Doesn't mean the game should remain stagnant per se, just to protect everyone's (self-) interest.
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    davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,538 Arc User
    edited January 2020
    Whether it's making the Phoenix boxes constantly available or making the omegas bound, the result is the same. The players who counted on selling Omegas to earn EC have just had their personal economy nerfed. This, in turn, has devalued the game for those players. This is not how to celebrate a ten year anniversary.

    Cryptic can't please everyone.

    Several changes over the last few years have made things better for "regular" players while nerfing dil or credit sources for the heavy farmers. Some changes have hurt farmers while not particularly helping anyone else.

    Cryptic apparently has decided that favoring the regular players is better for the overall health of the game than favoring the farmers.

    Your farming fun isn't "wrong" or an "exploit" (unless botting) but Cryptic is under no obligation to enable it either.

    The nerfs have probably driven away some farmers, but that then helps keep the dil exchange from hitting the 500 limit.
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    tobiashirttobiashirt Member Posts: 630 Arc User
    > @davefenestrator said:
    > (Quote)
    > Cryptic apparently has decided that favoring the regular players is better for the overall health of the game than favoring the farmers.
    > Your farming fun isn't "wrong" or an "exploit" (unless botting) but Cryptic is under no obligation to enable it either.

    Pretty much... these changes are really only affecting a small slice of people while being a net gain for the 'average' player. That, and a very many things have been made obsolete over the years, and it's Cryptic's perogative to change stuff at will... Infinity Boxes messing up people's carefully calibrated enconomies, anyone?
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    homeboy2011homeboy2011 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    Look, no one has compared the right thing yet, at least for me. I am never going to grind the mini-game for hours on end to get the omegas. It is way too much of a grind. The comparison that needs to be made is "Buying Omegas" vs "Buying Phoenix". I would always grind a few omegas while the event was active but I usually wait for the omegas to bottom out in price and then buy all that I need. This is no longer possible. THAT is a huge nerf for people like me. I will NOT ever grind omegas now and if I can't buy them, this removes a portion of the game for me that has kept me playing.

    So, before I could buy the omegas and then use them on MK II VR to get to gold by VII or VIII. Much, much easier than "Buying Phoenix". There are many ways to get EC in this game that have not really been mentioned here. And, yes, I am probably considered a whale because I do spend money occasionally. But this is a major nerf for me and I will probable login long enough to do the daily for the T^ ship and logout. Pretty much what I have been doing for a while now. Changes like this are pushing long time players like me away, not retaining us. Regardless of the reason why they have done this, it is a bad move.
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    davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,538 Arc User
    Look, no one has compared the right thing yet, at least for me. I am never going to grind the mini-game for hours on end to get the omegas. It is way too much of a grind. The comparison that needs to be made is "Buying Omegas" vs "Buying Phoenix". I would always grind a few omegas while the event was active but I usually wait for the omegas to bottom out in price and then buy all that I need. This is no longer possible. THAT is a huge nerf for people like me. I will NOT ever grind omegas now and if I can't buy them, this removes a portion of the game for me that has kept me playing.

    So, before I could buy the omegas and then use them on MK II VR to get to gold by VII or VIII. Much, much easier than "Buying Phoenix". There are many ways to get EC in this game that have not really been mentioned here. And, yes, I am probably considered a whale because I do spend money occasionally. But this is a major nerf for me and I will probable login long enough to do the daily for the T^ ship and logout. Pretty much what I have been doing for a while now. Changes like this are pushing long time players like me away, not retaining us. Regardless of the reason why they have done this, it is a bad move.

    Not everyone is going to be happy with any change. Pretty much everything Cryptic has done since I started playing in 2012 has had at least one person complaining about it ruining their fun.

    Changes Cryptic makes might drive X players away while improving retention enough to add Y new players. If the Y players spend more real world money as a group than the X players then Cryptic has made the right choice since they are a business not a charity.

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    starcruiser#3423 starcruiser Member Posts: 1,225 Arc User
    edited January 2020
    Worst of all. Devs do not listen and their boss MR EP only sees $$$.

    One of these days when the servers stop working someone will finally realize...Oh $#!! what have we done? we ran out ALL of our players and pi$$ them off and not enough of the newbies to offset the balance sheet to our Chinese owners.

    For 10 years no problem here and then all of a sudden heck let's FIX this so called exploit. Illogical to say the least. mouse-14.gif

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    ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,571 Arc User
    edited January 2020
    See, the problem is announcing a BINDING change like this. It then has the effect of insider trading, because those who are sitting on piles of these things will put them on the Exchange for really jacked up prices.

    Best to do what they did unintended with yesterday's patch notes. Say you're going to be down for patching and release the notes hours after it is over. 'By the way, this is what we changed this morning'.

    Post edited by ltminns on
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
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    homeboy2011homeboy2011 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    Not everyone is going to be happy with any change. Pretty much everything Cryptic has done since I started playing in 2012 has had at least one person complaining about it ruining their fun.

    Changes Cryptic makes might drive X players away while improving retention enough to add Y new players. If the Y players spend more real world money as a group than the X players then Cryptic has made the right choice since they are a business not a charity.

    This comment didn't really address the issue I raised. Basically, driving people away and or replacing them based on a business decision is not the core issue. The issue is, this was working for me and now isn't. I have talked with a few friends who feel the same as I do. As you can tell, I do not post a lot since I usually don't want to get caught up in the mindless bickering that ensues.

    The system they had in place was working. They decided to change it. As a result, I won't be increasing my play time and it may even make me play less. Punishing the long time player base to possibly stop botters is a true waste of effort/energy. Or bothering to sit in a zone for 12 hours + a day to grind resources. LOL. But, more and more mmos choose to make these "decisions" because they don't see a way to handle botters. It won't surprise me at all to see them make more items BoA.

    It also will not encourage me to pay more to circumvent this decision either. I just won't upgrade as mush or as often. So, the attempt to force players to play the way Cryptic wants them to play will just drive me, and others like me, away. it is what it is /shrug.
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    davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,538 Arc User
    edited January 2020
    Not everyone is going to be happy with any change. Pretty much everything Cryptic has done since I started playing in 2012 has had at least one person complaining about it ruining their fun.

    Changes Cryptic makes might drive X players away while improving retention enough to add Y new players. If the Y players spend more real world money as a group than the X players then Cryptic has made the right choice since they are a business not a charity.

    This comment didn't really address the issue I raised. Basically, driving people away and or replacing them based on a business decision is not the core issue. The issue is, this was working for me and now isn't. I have talked with a few friends who feel the same as I do. As you can tell, I do not post a lot since I usually don't want to get caught up in the mindless bickering that ensues.

    The system they had in place was working. They decided to change it. As a result, I won't be increasing my play time and it may even make me play less. Punishing the long time player base to possibly stop botters is a true waste of effort/energy. Or bothering to sit in a zone for 12 hours + a day to grind resources. LOL. But, more and more mmos choose to make these "decisions" because they don't see a way to handle botters. It won't surprise me at all to see them make more items BoA.

    It also will not encourage me to pay more to circumvent this decision either. I just won't upgrade as mush or as often. So, the attempt to force players to play the way Cryptic wants them to play will just drive me, and others like me, away. it is what it is /shrug.

    Cryptic makes changes they think will improve the game and/or make them more money. Some players are happy, some are not. If they make more money and/or make more happy than unhappy then they got it right.

    Yes, Cryptic made the game worse for you and some people who agreed with you, farmers and farm produce buyers. You may play less and spend less.

    Some other people don't care about farming or buying Omega bits, and may just be happy about the new crafting choices.

    If nerfing the Omega farming (especially the botting) helps with server load then most players may be happier because of the more responsive servers.
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    echattyechatty Member Posts: 5,914 Arc User
    The issue is, this was working for me and now isn't. I have talked with a few friends who feel the same as I do.

    So because it doesn't work for YOU now it's a bad decision.

    If it works for other people, as Dave has been pointing out, and it works for more people than it doesn't work for then it was a better decision than leaving it to please you.

    The ToS states they can change the game at any time. When they do, some will like it and others won't. That's how it is with every decision to change things.
    Now a LTS and loving it.
    Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
    I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything. :D
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    rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,117 Community Moderator
    You know... I've said it for years now.

    Cryptic changes something, people complain.
    Cryptic doesn't change something, people complain.
    Cryptic EXISTS, people complain.

    No matter what, there will be some group that is not happy with something in the game. Personally I just wish they wouldn't rage post on the forums so quickly with kneejerk reactions without ALL the information. Do we know how we're being compensated for the change to Bind on Pickup? No. We just know that we will get more, but no actual numbers.

    Honestly people really should just wait and see how it turns out, then if you don't like it, be rational about it rather than attack the Devs, and anyone who doesn't agree.

    STO is an MMO, constatly evolving. Everything changes. Some good, some bad... but that is a fact of life for an MMO. Constructive feedback is far more useful than ragepost attacks lashing out at anyone and everyone.

    Right now the only real feedback that is being presented now is "I hate change!" and "I can't farm for my entire year's income because I don't want to actually play the game outside of 30 days out of the year!"

    While that may not be what some of the angry posters are trying to say... that IS how it is coming across to many of us. And honestly... its irrational, and in some cases extending into fearmongering and attacks on anyone who doesn't agree.

    The best course of action is to just wait and see how this change affects us rather than instantly cry DOOOOOM, then provide feedback based on gathered information. What works, what doesn't, what can be tweaked for next year's Anniversary, ect.

    As one of the resident Voices of Reason, I feel that I need to at least say something. I fully expect to get attacked for basically saying "calm down and just wait and see what happens", but... goes with the territory I suppose. I still enjoy STO, even though my activity has kinda declined a bit due to event fatigue. But if you want something to change... its better to present concerns in a more constructive manner that actually gives useful information than it is to rant and attack.

    Some people wonder why the Devs don't frequent the forums... well... this thread is kinda why. The vitriol that is being thrown around does not make for a good venue for discussion with the community. And trying to sort through the hate for useful information that can actually improve the game via feedback can be hard.

    Now if you will excuse me, I'm gonna fortify my foxhole and prepare for the bombardment for daring to be reasonable. A friend keeps telling me I shouldn't even bother anymore, or that I should try to convince others to not "feed trolls", but maybe I just care too much at times or I'm just too stubborn for my own good.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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    echattyechatty Member Posts: 5,914 Arc User
    Thank you, rattler.
    Now a LTS and loving it.
    Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
    I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything. :D
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    jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,389 Arc User
    Kits, schmits, I'm playing it for a free starship.
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    foxman00foxman00 Member Posts: 1,485 Arc User
    edited January 2020
    rattler2 wrote: »
    You know... I've said it for years now.

    Cryptic changes something, people complain.
    Cryptic doesn't change something, people complain.
    Cryptic EXISTS, people complain.

    No matter what, there will be some group that is not happy with something in the game. Personally I just wish they wouldn't rage post on the forums so quickly with kneejerk reactions without ALL the information. Do we know how we're being compensated for the change to Bind on Pickup? No. We just know that we will get more, but no actual numbers.

    Honestly people really should just wait and see how it turns out, then if you don't like it, be rational about it rather than attack the Devs, and anyone who doesn't agree.

    STO is an MMO, constatly evolving. Everything changes. Some good, some bad... but that is a fact of life for an MMO. Constructive feedback is far more useful than ragepost attacks lashing out at anyone and everyone.

    Right now the only real feedback that is being presented now is "I hate change!" and "I can't farm for my entire year's income because I don't want to actually play the game outside of 30 days out of the year!"

    While that may not be what some of the angry posters are trying to say... that IS how it is coming across to many of us. And honestly... its irrational, and in some cases extending into fearmongering and attacks on anyone who doesn't agree.

    The best course of action is to just wait and see how this change affects us rather than instantly cry DOOOOOM, then provide feedback based on gathered information. What works, what doesn't, what can be tweaked for next year's Anniversary, ect.

    As one of the resident Voices of Reason, I feel that I need to at least say something. I fully expect to get attacked for basically saying "calm down and just wait and see what happens", but... goes with the territory I suppose. I still enjoy STO, even though my activity has kinda declined a bit due to event fatigue. But if you want something to change... its better to present concerns in a more constructive manner that actually gives useful information than it is to rant and attack.

    Some people wonder why the Devs don't frequent the forums... well... this thread is kinda why. The vitriol that is being thrown around does not make for a good venue for discussion with the community. And trying to sort through the hate for useful information that can actually improve the game via feedback can be hard.

    Now if you will excuse me, I'm gonna fortify my foxhole and prepare for the bombardment for daring to be reasonable. A friend keeps telling me I shouldn't even bother anymore, or that I should try to convince others to not "feed trolls", but maybe I just care too much at times or I'm just too stubborn for my own good.

    Well said

    USS Zuikaku stands by to assist to provide artillery support Captain Rattler
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    fleetcaptain5#1134 fleetcaptain5 Member Posts: 4,871 Arc User
    Did people actually grind those?

    Why not simply use Phoenix upgrades?
    [4:46] [Combat {self}] Your Haymaker deals 23337 (9049) Physical Damage(Critical) to Spawnmother

    [3/25 10:41][Combat (Self)]Your Haymaker deals 26187 (10692) Physical Damage(Critical) to Orinoco.
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    fleetcaptain5#1134 fleetcaptain5 Member Posts: 4,871 Arc User
    foxman00 wrote: »
    rattler2 wrote: »
    You know... I've said it for years now.

    Cryptic changes something, people complain.
    Cryptic doesn't change something, people complain.
    Cryptic EXISTS, people complain.

    No matter what, there will be some group that is not happy with something in the game. Personally I just wish they wouldn't rage post on the forums so quickly with kneejerk reactions without ALL the information. Do we know how we're being compensated for the change to Bind on Pickup? No. We just know that we will get more, but no actual numbers.

    Honestly people really should just wait and see how it turns out, then if you don't like it, be rational about it rather than attack the Devs, and anyone who doesn't agree.

    STO is an MMO, constatly evolving. Everything changes. Some good, some bad... but that is a fact of life for an MMO. Constructive feedback is far more useful than ragepost attacks lashing out at anyone and everyone.

    Right now the only real feedback that is being presented now is "I hate change!" and "I can't farm for my entire year's income because I don't want to actually play the game outside of 30 days out of the year!"

    While that may not be what some of the angry posters are trying to say... that IS how it is coming across to many of us. And honestly... its irrational, and in some cases extending into fearmongering and attacks on anyone who doesn't agree.

    The best course of action is to just wait and see how this change affects us rather than instantly cry DOOOOOM, then provide feedback based on gathered information. What works, what doesn't, what can be tweaked for next year's Anniversary, ect.

    As one of the resident Voices of Reason, I feel that I need to at least say something. I fully expect to get attacked for basically saying "calm down and just wait and see what happens", but... goes with the territory I suppose. I still enjoy STO, even though my activity has kinda declined a bit due to event fatigue. But if you want something to change... its better to present concerns in a more constructive manner that actually gives useful information than it is to rant and attack.

    Some people wonder why the Devs don't frequent the forums... well... this thread is kinda why. The vitriol that is being thrown around does not make for a good venue for discussion with the community. And trying to sort through the hate for useful information that can actually improve the game via feedback can be hard.

    Now if you will excuse me, I'm gonna fortify my foxhole and prepare for the bombardment for daring to be reasonable. A friend keeps telling me I shouldn't even bother anymore, or that I should try to convince others to not "feed trolls", but maybe I just care too much at times or I'm just too stubborn for my own good.

    Well said

    USS Zuikaku stands by to assist to provide artillery support Captain Rattler

    Can I join you? The crew of the Turaahn hasn't seen much action lately. ;)
    [4:46] [Combat {self}] Your Haymaker deals 23337 (9049) Physical Damage(Critical) to Spawnmother

    [3/25 10:41][Combat (Self)]Your Haymaker deals 26187 (10692) Physical Damage(Critical) to Orinoco.
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    tribbulatertribbulater Member Posts: 292 Arc User
    Actually, Rattler and others have dismissed a voice that myself and others have put in here several times, somehow conflating it all with farmers and EC hoarders.

    That voice is the one that says: "I want to have Omega upgrades available, and I am willing to pay EC on the exchange for the privilege. I am either so bad at the mini-game, or busy during the one period per year when they are available, or just hate the grind of it, that gathering my own Omegas is not an option. If I want to buy some Omegas, and someone else wants to sell them, why shouldn't we?"

    It is an assumption that this new binding has anything to do with lag, bots, or farmers. For one thing, since the event only occurs once per year, it only affects lag or botting once per year. Personally, I see lag and bots on a daily basis, so not sure how this one event is supposed to fix those.

    My own belief is that, as has been mentioned before, Cryptic somehow feels it is good for the game to force as many people to do as many activities themselves as possible. That is still only an assumption based on past Cryptic changes, however.

    While the reasons why and wherefore are open to conjecture, the fact of binding is not. If you are unavailable, unable or unwilling to grind your Omega particles during the annual event, then you will do without for the rest of the year. This does not seem to be a 'positive' change to me.

    If farming them needs to be addressed, it seems a daily limit on the number of particles earned would have been a better solution. The point of an MMO is to interact with other players to accomplish things you couldn't do yourself, not to force us all to complete every activity on our own.
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    foxman00foxman00 Member Posts: 1,485 Arc User
    foxman00 wrote: »
    rattler2 wrote: »
    You know... I've said it for years now.

    Cryptic changes something, people complain.
    Cryptic doesn't change something, people complain.
    Cryptic EXISTS, people complain.

    No matter what, there will be some group that is not happy with something in the game. Personally I just wish they wouldn't rage post on the forums so quickly with kneejerk reactions without ALL the information. Do we know how we're being compensated for the change to Bind on Pickup? No. We just know that we will get more, but no actual numbers.

    Honestly people really should just wait and see how it turns out, then if you don't like it, be rational about it rather than attack the Devs, and anyone who doesn't agree.

    STO is an MMO, constatly evolving. Everything changes. Some good, some bad... but that is a fact of life for an MMO. Constructive feedback is far more useful than ragepost attacks lashing out at anyone and everyone.

    Right now the only real feedback that is being presented now is "I hate change!" and "I can't farm for my entire year's income because I don't want to actually play the game outside of 30 days out of the year!"

    While that may not be what some of the angry posters are trying to say... that IS how it is coming across to many of us. And honestly... its irrational, and in some cases extending into fearmongering and attacks on anyone who doesn't agree.

    The best course of action is to just wait and see how this change affects us rather than instantly cry DOOOOOM, then provide feedback based on gathered information. What works, what doesn't, what can be tweaked for next year's Anniversary, ect.

    As one of the resident Voices of Reason, I feel that I need to at least say something. I fully expect to get attacked for basically saying "calm down and just wait and see what happens", but... goes with the territory I suppose. I still enjoy STO, even though my activity has kinda declined a bit due to event fatigue. But if you want something to change... its better to present concerns in a more constructive manner that actually gives useful information than it is to rant and attack.

    Some people wonder why the Devs don't frequent the forums... well... this thread is kinda why. The vitriol that is being thrown around does not make for a good venue for discussion with the community. And trying to sort through the hate for useful information that can actually improve the game via feedback can be hard.

    Now if you will excuse me, I'm gonna fortify my foxhole and prepare for the bombardment for daring to be reasonable. A friend keeps telling me I shouldn't even bother anymore, or that I should try to convince others to not "feed trolls", but maybe I just care too much at times or I'm just too stubborn for my own good.

    Well said

    USS Zuikaku stands by to assist to provide artillery support Captain Rattler

    Can I join you? The crew of the Turaahn hasn't seen much action lately. ;)

    The more the merrier :)
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    starcruiser#3423 starcruiser Member Posts: 1,225 Arc User
    edited January 2020
    I don't speak for anyone but myself and not getting on a high horse to save the damsel in distress that could be portrayed as Cryptic. I only speak my mind respectfully and totally disagree with the nerf hammer being used in this event.

    I only going to say this one more time. 10 years this game has been alive....Devs, Mr EPs come and gone and yet not a single minuscule ounce of issue with a so called exploit until today now January 2020? Is this logical for an event that only takes once a year?​​
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    fleetcaptain5#1134 fleetcaptain5 Member Posts: 4,871 Arc User
    edited January 2020
    Actually, Rattler and others have dismissed a voice that myself and others have put in here several times, somehow conflating it all with farmers and EC hoarders.

    That voice is the one that says: "I want to have Omega upgrades available, and I am willing to pay EC on the exchange for the privilege. I am either so bad at the mini-game, or busy during the one period per year when they are available, or just hate the grind of it, that gathering my own Omegas is not an option. If I want to buy some Omegas, and someone else wants to sell them, why shouldn't we?"

    It is an assumption that this new binding has anything to do with lag, bots, or farmers. For one thing, since the event only occurs once per year, it only affects lag or botting once per year. Personally, I see lag and bots on a daily basis, so not sure how this one event is supposed to fix those.

    My own belief is that, as has been mentioned before, Cryptic somehow feels it is good for the game to force as many people to do as many activities themselves as possible. That is still only an assumption based on past Cryptic changes, however.

    While the reasons why and wherefore are open to conjecture, the fact of binding is not. If you are unavailable, unable or unwilling to grind your Omega particles during the annual event, then you will do without for the rest of the year. This does not seem to be a 'positive' change to me.

    If farming them needs to be addressed, it seems a daily limit on the number of particles earned would have been a better solution. The point of an MMO is to interact with other players to accomplish things you couldn't do yourself, not to force us all to complete every activity on our own.

    But you don't really need Omega upgrades. And, hence, you are not forced to complete that activity.

    The time spent on collecting them can also be used to gather resources to buy Phoenix upgrades. Which are permanently available now, so also to those who take a break from the game or who were not playing at some point for whatever reason.

    Omega upgrades are best thought of as a currency. Many other currencies, including the Phoenix upgrades (and anything else from those boxes) have always been bound to character or account.

    And this has never been a problem for most currencies because they can be earned whenever you like. The Omega upgrades may be different in that sense, but they perform the same function as another currency that is available year-round.
    [4:46] [Combat {self}] Your Haymaker deals 23337 (9049) Physical Damage(Critical) to Spawnmother

    [3/25 10:41][Combat (Self)]Your Haymaker deals 26187 (10692) Physical Damage(Critical) to Orinoco.
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    boweninugamiboweninugami Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    Rattler, and all you other voices of reason. Thank you for being more eloquent with your opinions than I would be. The Omega Event was just a farming exercise for bots and the like and then people would sell the stacks on the exchange for EC so they could go buy their high end stuff. I've noticed a lack of complaining about the special tech upgrads (Romulan, Ultimate, Phoenix, so on and so forth) that are account bound. Honestly, at the end of the day it's just, as usual, a vocal minority complaining about how they can't take advantage of others to fund their EC greed.
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    fleetcaptain5#1134 fleetcaptain5 Member Posts: 4,871 Arc User
    I've always considered the Omega particles to be a nice extra while earning the anniversary ships. I never bothered to go out and grind those specifically.

    Why not?

    Because I would likely have spent more time collecting the Omega upgrades needed to upgrade my gear than I would spend time using that gear.

    I imagine that for casual players, actually playing the game when you do play it once in a while and earning dilithium that can be used to buy Phoenix upgrades is a more attractive option than trying to earn hundreds of thousands or millions of EC to get a single Omega upgrade.
    [4:46] [Combat {self}] Your Haymaker deals 23337 (9049) Physical Damage(Critical) to Spawnmother

    [3/25 10:41][Combat (Self)]Your Haymaker deals 26187 (10692) Physical Damage(Critical) to Orinoco.
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    sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    I would be sad if I sold omegas. I sell lolnuts and christmas ornaments. not to a crazy extent - but maybe 200 mil a year or so. I would be sad to see that stopped. and I wouldn't be too surprised to see it this summer. But half the reason I sell them is to force myself to fully participate in the event and earn more. Then I spend them on the items I need and bank the leftovers to sell when the event is announced the next year. If they became bound I know my participation would go way down.

    Omega has always been different to me because I have always used all that I make throughout the year. Now that I am done upgrading I would have just banked them just for the heck of it. And it would have spent a lot less time this year anyway. With the new rarity flavor I'll make maybe 50 of those and just keep them because I'm a horder.

    But I do sympathize with those this hurts.

    As far as lag and bots go for this. You can not play this minigame on the ground or in a populous instance. I have posted guides on this over the years. You must be in space with less than 5 people in the instance and a blank background. I know removing botters will not help with this. The lag in any instance we have now with over 10 people will make the minigame impossible to score well.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

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    kristaswiftkristaswift Member Posts: 306 Arc User
    It seems a weird thing to do. There are only so many items in the game that actually get traded between characters. The Omega stuff, I would gather a few myself, then shop on the AH to even up the numbers. It's annoying when you get 320 Yellows, 350 Blues, and only 190 reds.

    This won't stop bots from botting it (since they will still want plenty for their own accounts, even if not as many as before). It just stops players from trading for them. This doesn't even create an EC or other sink, basically it's just prevents you from using your own EC for something more useful to you.

    I prefer to play a game my way, on my schedule. Sort of "My playstyle generates EC and Dil, and I sometimes purchase Zen, and I get to choose what I do with those things to acquire the stuff I want, but didn't want to grind".

    Cryptic's plan seems to be "You will play what we tell you, when we make it available, or do without".

    Well said and Sad Sad Sad day for Cryptic to do this. Well....it had a good run while it lasted but does put you think what other stuff do the Executive producer and devs think about to kill what it used to be "fun" for others?​​
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    rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,117 Community Moderator
    Thanks for the backup guys. I appreciate it.
    Actually, Rattler and others have dismissed a voice that myself and others have put in here several times, somehow conflating it all with farmers and EC hoarders.

    I haven't dismissed that actually. My overall point was that we should wait and see how this affects us. I was calling out the rageposting more than anything.

    I'm not dismissing any legit concerns. Economy wise being able to trade Omega traces and stuff got ECs to move around more. However on the other hand there were elements that were abusing the system, probably to the detriment of us all in the form of lag.

    We just don't have the data Cryptic has. So it is pretty hard to try and say one way or the other if this is a bad move or not. Its not all black and white like some people like to believe it is. Its all shades of grey, with players falling in all over the spectrum. We have the hardcore on one end, the casual on the other, and everyone else in between. Its not one or the other exclusively.

    Once we actually can see how this change affects us, then we can start to discuss what worked and what didn't work. At the end of the day, we all care about STO in one way or another.

    Also you wanna talk currency hoarding... we can talk about the state of GPL in another thread. ;)
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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