I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I could have sworn Spock piloted that thing alone. Otherwise, wouldn't there be a whole crew of people in the alternative timeline, and not just Spock. Sure, it could have happened that way, but it just seems something seriously left out of the original discussion.
Fleet Admiral Duane Gundrum, U.S.S. Merrimack
Fleet Admiral Ventaxa Proxmire, U.S.S. Shaka Walls Fell
Blog: http://www.sarbonn.com/?page_id=1990
Foundry series: Bob From Accounting & For the Sake of the Empire
In the film he borrowed it from the Daystrom Institute and although he was piloting it solo from what we see in the film, it doesn't preclude a crew necessarily from being on board. Or perhaps this will be a variant of the jellyfish. We saw several examples of Runabouts being piloted and flown around solo in DS9 and similar via automation, including the Cardassian Dreadnought Missile in Voyager. Not that much of a stretch to assume similar couldn't have happened with the jellyfish and Spock. Just saying there's several ways they can spin this.
"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations
Not really a surprise that it is coming. The real question is: pet, shuttle or full blown starship.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
In the film he borrowed it from the Daystrom Institute and although he was piloting it solo from what we see in the film, it doesn't preclude a crew necessarily from being on board. Or perhaps this will be a variant of the jellyfish. We saw several examples of Runabouts being piloted and flown around solo in DS9 and similar via automation, including the Cardassian Dreadnought Missile in Voyager. Not that much of a stretch to assume similar couldn't have happened with the jellyfish and Spock. Just saying there's several ways they can spin this.
As if there is not enough spinning with that thing already...
All that spinning must make the crew mighty dizzy.
Why? The cockpit is in the fixed ball in the movie, that hammerhead part spins around it just like the engines spin around that that axel that sticks out from behind the ball. I imagine seeing the edge of the hammerhead spinning from the "bridge" might get a bit annoying after a while though. It looks like the silly offspring of a TIE fighter and a B-Wing but it could be based on the same kind of "fast dynamic warp" tech that the Orion Intruder class uses since the remastered stuff came out.
It would make a good fast non-pilot ship with a built-in sector speed advantage on the side or whatever, or maybe even a sci-pilot one (though they have been hitting the pilot ships trough a lot lately). Also, it seems like all the weird torque effects would make it a bad candidate for a pilot ship.
Hopefully it is not a lockbox ship, I heard rumor's it is supposed to be the anniversary ship like the Vulcan science one last year but rumors are not exactly reliable.
Seems quite early for promo-ing an anniversary ship, although it is the 10th one. Would have thought they'd aim for something more traditional trek than a jarjar verse ship.
If it was an R&D gamblebox that'd be a nail in the coffin for the dilexchange's hopes of recovering.
One thought is that it might get put into the muggs market, maybe as a shuttlecraft though likely full ship as shuttle content is very few and far between.
Seems quite early for promo-ing an anniversary ship, although it is the 10th one. Would have thought they'd aim for something more traditional trek than a jarjar verse ship.
If it was an R&D gamblebox that'd be a nail in the coffin for the dilexchange's hopes of recovering.
One thought is that it might get put into the muggs market, maybe as a shuttlecraft though likely full ship as shuttle content is very few and far between.
It is not going to be the anniversary ship since the roadmap stated the Jellyfish would come out in December not January or February. As a C-Store ship or part of the Mudd's Market would be far more preferable than the R&D Promo Pack or Lockbox.
I like the looks of it. I think it is a very respectable variation of the movie Jellyfish. The red energy weapons look like pulse phasers. The blue could be a torpedo variant & it looked like torp spread in the vid. Then of course that red matter special torpish thing looks really cool & leaves a nice effect. Possibly another Sciscort?
If it is introduced by Promo then "let them eat cake" & I won't have much interest unless Cryptic has upped their criteria for being a Promo ship compared to the last (Franklin). It would be nice to see in the C-Store but I don't see them releasing just 1 ship for C-Store although it has happened in the past, I just don't see it as efficient. I think the probability is Lobi, Mudd's, or lock box.
Good vid on this soon to be ship & it looks like a darn nice little ship, but I'll await stats & Cryptic's delivery method.
Unless Cryptic plans to have a nice cyber-Mon sale I was disappointed in this year's black-Fri sale again. Kudos to Cryptic for going beyond -25% on a few things, but not all so lackluster for a black-Fri sale overall. I didn't mind the staggering of the sales as they did, it had decent pacing. Expansion packs didn't even have a deeper discount pass -25% & this is suppose to be the biggest sale of the year?
In the film he borrowed it from the Daystrom Institute and although he was piloting it solo from what we see in the film, it doesn't preclude a crew necessarily from being on board. Or perhaps this will be a variant of the jellyfish. We saw several examples of Runabouts being piloted and flown around solo in DS9 and similar via automation, including the Cardassian Dreadnought Missile in Voyager. Not that much of a stretch to assume similar couldn't have happened with the jellyfish and Spock. Just saying there's several ways they can spin this.
Canonically the Vengeance didn't even need to have a crew in the conventional sense. Yes, THAT gigantic monstrosity. Almost all systems can be directly controlled from the bridge.
In the film he borrowed it from the Daystrom Institute and although he was piloting it solo from what we see in the film, it doesn't preclude a crew necessarily from being on board. Or perhaps this will be a variant of the jellyfish. We saw several examples of Runabouts being piloted and flown around solo in DS9 and similar via automation, including the Cardassian Dreadnought Missile in Voyager. Not that much of a stretch to assume similar couldn't have happened with the jellyfish and Spock. Just saying there's several ways they can spin this.
Canonically the Vengeance didn't even need to have a crew in the conventional sense. Yes, THAT gigantic monstrosity. Almost all systems can be directly controlled from the bridge.
Well, in my own "Goddesses" cannon, Cassy's ship, the Hoagland, is similar.
I just got a bad feeling about this.....is this gonna be ANOTHER RD box? The promo ship horders/scalpers are probably licking their lips at another opportunity for billions of EC. >_>;;
It looks like it has a Red Matter torpedo that generates a minature black hole. Hopefully, it is not a Promo Box ship.
To nitpick, the term miniature black hole is nonsense. Black holes are utterly tiny things by virtue of the strength of the gravity collapsing things that could be comprised of the mass of ten suns (usually far more) into an object the size of a basketball.
However, the force from something so tiny is the same kind of gravity you get from that much mass in a star form. It is ludicrous to see Romulan warships implode in STO, yet the uncontained singularity has no effects on the rest of the ships in the map. If they were actually black holes that generated that kind of gravitational force to fully implode a Romulan ship, then you should have map-wide effects not unlike the Gravity Kills STF. Yet they also evaporate in seconds so they couldn't have been very massive at all, and could never actually be proper black holes.
Some people might remember there was some silly hysteria back in the day regarding the CERN collider and nonsensical fears of it creating a black hole. Not only is that absurd, its impossible. There is not enough mass in the entire solar system, much less our own planet, and certainly not the collisions of two subatomic particles, to create a black hole. A hypothetical singularity created from collided particles could pass through anyone with zero ill effects, because the gravitational force of such a singularity would be far less than the gravitational force of a cell in your body, which is far too small to do anything itself.
"I'm totally fine with hand-held energy weapons, tricorders and miraculous medical apparatus, transporters and warp drive, but I really must pick nits when you start talking about black holes!"
It looks like it has a Red Matter torpedo that generates a minature black hole. Hopefully, it is not a Promo Box ship.
To nitpick, the term miniature black hole is nonsense. Black holes are utterly tiny things by virtue of the strength of the gravity collapsing things that could be comprised of the mass of ten suns (usually far more) into an object the size of a basketball.
However, the force from something so tiny is the same kind of gravity you get from that much mass in a star form. It is ludicrous to see Romulan warships implode in STO, yet the uncontained singularity has no effects on the rest of the ships in the map. If they were actually black holes that generated that kind of gravitational force to fully implode a Romulan ship, then you should have map-wide effects not unlike the Gravity Kills STF. Yet they also evaporate in seconds so they couldn't have been very massive at all, and could never actually be proper black holes.
I don't think the lack of mass here is anywhere near the most ludicrous thing Star Trek has done with black holes. Remember the episode where Voyager flew into one without even noticing, the crew took half an episode to figure out where they were and then determined they needed to find the hole they'd made in the event horizon to get out again?
Technically speaking we have no real idea on the decay/collapse rate of non-sustaning black holes. There was a theory that micro black holes could form on a scale that was small enough to sustain itself for brief periods if matter was present but really we have little beyond mathematical models which as we've discovered only last until the next big practical observation which turns everything around again.
Safe to say that since it is described as an artificial singularity (and it is very different since it gave that one species fits when they put their young in it) that there is some way they artificially maintain a small enough singularity that it would self collapse. Maybe what we see when the ship implodes is the burst of the singularity momentarily going out of control before imploding.
About as easy to handwave as some of the other issues from the previous series, and less annoying than magic mushroom drive.
So. We've got the details, and color me unimpressed. Another R&D promo ship that almost nobody will ever get to fly, and the curious state of being labeled a "Scout Vessel" yet lacking the raider flanking that has been part of the Scout type's shtick.
Didn't even bother looking at the stats otherwise. I did the grinding for T6 Connie, because that ship was worth it. A billion-plus EC for Jellyfish? Nope. Just nope.
Well the news article is super confusing. Is the ship a promo ship or not? If not, why put the stats in the article with the Freedom promo ship?
The jellyfish is the new promo and the freedom is being added to 'chose your ship' promo box. Same thing they always do basically. New one is added last one is moved to the infinity style box.
So. We've got the details, and color me unimpressed. Another R&D promo ship that almost nobody will ever get to fly, and the curious state of being labeled a "Scout Vessel" yet lacking the raider flanking that has been part of the Scout type's shtick.
Didn't even bother looking at the stats otherwise. I did the grinding for T6 Connie, because that ship was worth it. A billion-plus EC for Jellyfish? Nope. Just nope.
Same here. Second time in a row I can savely pass.
Glad that not everything in this game is about DPS, saves me a lot of EC.
Thumbs up Cryptic, way to go!
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
It looks like it has a Red Matter torpedo that generates a minature black hole. Hopefully, it is not a Promo Box ship.
To nitpick, the term miniature black hole is nonsense. Black holes are utterly tiny things by virtue of the strength of the gravity collapsing things that could be comprised of the mass of ten suns (usually far more) into an object the size of a basketball.
However, the force from something so tiny is the same kind of gravity you get from that much mass in a star form. It is ludicrous to see Romulan warships implode in STO, yet the uncontained singularity has no effects on the rest of the ships in the map. If they were actually black holes that generated that kind of gravitational force to fully implode a Romulan ship, then you should have map-wide effects not unlike the Gravity Kills STF. Yet they also evaporate in seconds so they couldn't have been very massive at all, and could never actually be proper black holes.
Some people might remember there was some silly hysteria back in the day regarding the CERN collider and nonsensical fears of it creating a black hole. Not only is that absurd, its impossible. There is not enough mass in the entire solar system, much less our own planet, and certainly not the collisions of two subatomic particles, to create a black hole. A hypothetical singularity created from collided particles could pass through anyone with zero ill effects, because the gravitational force of such a singularity would be far less than the gravitational force of a cell in your body, which is far too small to do anything itself.
Technically the Romulan powerplants are not 'black holes', they are zero point quantum singularities (more or less a crude form of a Stargate ZPM) which is a quantum distortion, not a huge supercompressed mass though they both have similar effects when containment breaks down. They cannot last long in normal space though so they pop like soapbubbles as the infinitesimal knot in the quantum membrane straightens itself out in the absence of the chamber.
And yes, it is wonky sideways science but that is typical for Hollywood since most writers are not physicists and tend to misinterpret the popular explanations of theories.
Read that and first reaction was I F'ing knew it. Put even more pressure on the dilex and encourage folk to waste money on R&D boxes that have pretty much zero value due to the volume of materials folk already get via endeavours and the endless tfo event system.
I personally would rather go without and settle for a C-Store ship then gamble on something that could potentially be more costly than a C-Store ship will be. If it goes on the exchange for less than 150m I might consider it when I have enough EC, if not and its more then again, C-Store Ships here we come.
I don't have any R&D box ships either since it is not practical to buy the boxes, so if the jellyfish is indeed in the R&D boxes it is irrelevant scenery as far as I am concerned.
I personally would rather go without and settle for a C-Store ship then gamble on something that could potentially be more costly than a C-Store ship will be. If it goes on the exchange for less than 150m I might consider it when I have enough EC, if not and its more then again, C-Store Ships here we come.
R&D packs are worthless (unlike lock boxes) and you must open (on average) 100 packs to get one ship, so the pack ships sell for 1.3 billion EC on PC.
When everything gets monetized, like when lock box ships become promo ships, it's a cash grab. Most likely due to declining revenue elsewhere so they HAVE to start releasing more content to generate income to maintain profit margins.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Fleet Admiral Ventaxa Proxmire, U.S.S. Shaka Walls Fell
Blog: http://www.sarbonn.com/?page_id=1990
Foundry series: Bob From Accounting & For the Sake of the Empire
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
It looks like it has a Red Matter torpedo that generates a minature black hole. Hopefully, it is not a Promo Box ship.
As if there is not enough spinning with that thing already...
Why? The cockpit is in the fixed ball in the movie, that hammerhead part spins around it just like the engines spin around that that axel that sticks out from behind the ball. I imagine seeing the edge of the hammerhead spinning from the "bridge" might get a bit annoying after a while though. It looks like the silly offspring of a TIE fighter and a B-Wing but it could be based on the same kind of "fast dynamic warp" tech that the Orion Intruder class uses since the remastered stuff came out.
It would make a good fast non-pilot ship with a built-in sector speed advantage on the side or whatever, or maybe even a sci-pilot one (though they have been hitting the pilot ships trough a lot lately). Also, it seems like all the weird torque effects would make it a bad candidate for a pilot ship.
Hopefully it is not a lockbox ship, I heard rumor's it is supposed to be the anniversary ship like the Vulcan science one last year but rumors are not exactly reliable.
If it was an R&D gamblebox that'd be a nail in the coffin for the dilexchange's hopes of recovering.
One thought is that it might get put into the muggs market, maybe as a shuttlecraft though likely full ship as shuttle content is very few and far between.
It is not going to be the anniversary ship since the roadmap stated the Jellyfish would come out in December not January or February. As a C-Store ship or part of the Mudd's Market would be far more preferable than the R&D Promo Pack or Lockbox.
If it is introduced by Promo then "let them eat cake" & I won't have much interest unless Cryptic has upped their criteria for being a Promo ship compared to the last (Franklin). It would be nice to see in the C-Store but I don't see them releasing just 1 ship for C-Store although it has happened in the past, I just don't see it as efficient. I think the probability is Lobi, Mudd's, or lock box.
Good vid on this soon to be ship & it looks like a darn nice little ship, but I'll await stats & Cryptic's delivery method.
Unless Cryptic plans to have a nice cyber-Mon sale I was disappointed in this year's black-Fri sale again. Kudos to Cryptic for going beyond -25% on a few things, but not all so lackluster for a black-Fri sale overall. I didn't mind the staggering of the sales as they did, it had decent pacing. Expansion packs didn't even have a deeper discount pass -25% & this is suppose to be the biggest sale of the year?
My character Tsin'xing
Well, in my own "Goddesses" cannon, Cassy's ship, the Hoagland, is similar.
I just got a bad feeling about this.....is this gonna be ANOTHER RD box? The promo ship horders/scalpers are probably licking their lips at another opportunity for billions of EC. >_>;;
To nitpick, the term miniature black hole is nonsense. Black holes are utterly tiny things by virtue of the strength of the gravity collapsing things that could be comprised of the mass of ten suns (usually far more) into an object the size of a basketball.
However, the force from something so tiny is the same kind of gravity you get from that much mass in a star form. It is ludicrous to see Romulan warships implode in STO, yet the uncontained singularity has no effects on the rest of the ships in the map. If they were actually black holes that generated that kind of gravitational force to fully implode a Romulan ship, then you should have map-wide effects not unlike the Gravity Kills STF. Yet they also evaporate in seconds so they couldn't have been very massive at all, and could never actually be proper black holes.
Some people might remember there was some silly hysteria back in the day regarding the CERN collider and nonsensical fears of it creating a black hole. Not only is that absurd, its impossible. There is not enough mass in the entire solar system, much less our own planet, and certainly not the collisions of two subatomic particles, to create a black hole. A hypothetical singularity created from collided particles could pass through anyone with zero ill effects, because the gravitational force of such a singularity would be far less than the gravitational force of a cell in your body, which is far too small to do anything itself.
There was a theory that micro black holes could form on a scale that was small enough to sustain itself for brief periods if matter was present but really we have little beyond mathematical models which as we've discovered only last until the next big practical observation which turns everything around again.
Safe to say that since it is described as an artificial singularity (and it is very different since it gave that one species fits when they put their young in it) that there is some way they artificially maintain a small enough singularity that it would self collapse. Maybe what we see when the ship implodes is the burst of the singularity momentarily going out of control before imploding.
About as easy to handwave as some of the other issues from the previous series, and less annoying than magic mushroom drive.
Didn't even bother looking at the stats otherwise. I did the grinding for T6 Connie, because that ship was worth it. A billion-plus EC for Jellyfish? Nope. Just nope.
The jellyfish is the new promo and the freedom is being added to 'chose your ship' promo box. Same thing they always do basically. New one is added last one is moved to the infinity style box.
Same here. Second time in a row I can savely pass.
Glad that not everything in this game is about DPS, saves me a lot of EC.
Thumbs up Cryptic, way to go!
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Technically the Romulan powerplants are not 'black holes', they are zero point quantum singularities (more or less a crude form of a Stargate ZPM) which is a quantum distortion, not a huge supercompressed mass though they both have similar effects when containment breaks down. They cannot last long in normal space though so they pop like soapbubbles as the infinitesimal knot in the quantum membrane straightens itself out in the absence of the chamber.
And yes, it is wonky sideways science but that is typical for Hollywood since most writers are not physicists and tend to misinterpret the popular explanations of theories.
Read that and first reaction was I F'ing knew it. Put even more pressure on the dilex and encourage folk to waste money on R&D boxes that have pretty much zero value due to the volume of materials folk already get via endeavours and the endless tfo event system.
R&D packs are worthless (unlike lock boxes) and you must open (on average) 100 packs to get one ship, so the pack ships sell for 1.3 billion EC on PC.
Honestly not a good sign.