UPDATE: In case you missed it, the patch notes today included a fix for the skill invalidation, by clicking respect.

So claim away!
Hey folks,
We've been looking into the lag and rubber banding issues in the game, and determined the cause. Unfortunately, the cause was a fix we'd put in place to fix an entirely different bug - that Captains were getting their skills invalidated by claiming Tier 6 reputations. Because the lag is a larger issue throughout the game, we've decided to remove the previous fix as of a few minutes ago. This means that until our next update, where we'll be instituting a fix that should solve
both problems, you should avoid claiming a Tier 6 Reputation. We apologize for the inconvenience - the fact that these two things are even related is mind boggling, but that's coding for you.
I picture the coding at Cryptic going a lot like this.
I have my fingers crossed for you guys that it works.
just walking between the ship requisitions and the bank lags every single time (opening a dialog at each location, too). This is most noticeable when getting items from the bank, going to sell them, and going back. Lag every time. Often times, the lag causes my character to roll forward, instead of walk, due to input delays.
There's also a lag when you activate reputation projects, which doesn't trigger the box until like a minute later.
That's been in the game for years.
Still, I appreciate the discussion on it. I assume if I don't care about losing my skill assignment, I can still claim a T6 rep if I want to? IOW, there's nothing else to worry about?
I've already claimed about 95% of my reps, but a few characters are behind, and still have a few days to finish.
Maintenance next week will be early due to next Thursday being Thanksgiving. So expect it around Tuesday of next week. Might not be any patch notes though, just routine shard maintenance.
yes, fingers crossed for coding, thats how it works.
Edit not tier 6 rep related this is Gamma auto complete related. I'm finding if I convert 500/250/50 marks to dil the 1st time auto complete is near instant if I then do exactly the same project the auto complete can lag for anything up to 30 secs. Its not a problem if a queue 500 then 250 just if I do 500 - 500 or 50 - 50
Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
I'm surprised that the fix could be removed without a patch or taking down the servers.
See this thread.
Skills Invalid?
The bug was also reported in the Tribble forums before "Age of Discovery", but I'm not going to bother looking up all those posts.
Also: This needs an in game announcement, not a forum one. I wasn't on the forums yesterday and wound up claiming several T6 reps on one alt. THANKS SO MUCH for only posting it here.
it was put on social media if they follow STO on that they got the info.
as for some saying this lag has been going on for weeks the lag you were feeling was nothing compared to the lag/rubberbanding that hit yesterday.