Today's big announcement is that Sir Pat-Stew is coming back to do a new Picard series. Since this is obviously set post-TNG, how do you think this will effect the storyline STO has already made for itself? If the show writers decide to go in a completely different direction, will this game's story be changed to mesh with canon or left in conflict?
Well it'll possibly not affect the game unless we get something that can be shoehorned into the stories somehow. STO is set following Hobus, and that is already a fair bit into the TNG era crews future.
I'm guessing that if they are continuing the story of Picard they move him off the Enterprise and into ambassadorial role of sorts perhaps, maybe he is involved in the Romulan unification and the new show leads up to Hobus along with the aftermath?
So unless anything really crazy happens to alter the canon established for the Kelvin films leading up to Hobus, I think we should be pretty safe here. Maybe we'll get some new ships etc that are not wildly different as they'd follow on from existing lines.
Well it'll possibly not affect the game unless we get something that can be shoehorned into the stories somehow. STO is set following Hobus, and that is already a fair bit into the TNG era crews future.
I'm guessing that if they are continuing the story of Picard they move him off the Enterprise and into ambassadorial role of sorts perhaps, maybe he is involved in the Romulan unification and the new show leads up to Hobus along with the aftermath?
So unless anything really crazy happens to alter the canon established for the Kelvin films leading up to Hobus, I think we should be pretty safe here. Maybe we'll get some new ships etc that are not wildly different as they'd follow on from existing lines.
The obvious points of conflict will be the HUGE galaxy-spanning events Cryptic has done (Iconian War, Hurq Invasion), so if the show contradicts those things then any dream of STO being canon is officially out the window. And thank god!
Well it'll possibly not affect the game unless we get something that can be shoehorned into the stories somehow. STO is set following Hobus, and that is already a fair bit into the TNG era crews future.
I'm guessing that if they are continuing the story of Picard they move him off the Enterprise and into ambassadorial role of sorts perhaps, maybe he is involved in the Romulan unification and the new show leads up to Hobus along with the aftermath?
So unless anything really crazy happens to alter the canon established for the Kelvin films leading up to Hobus, I think we should be pretty safe here. Maybe we'll get some new ships etc that are not wildly different as they'd follow on from existing lines.
The obvious points of conflict will be the HUGE galaxy-spanning events Cryptic has done (Iconian War, Hurq Invasion), so if the show contradicts those things then any dream of STO being canon is officially out the window. And thank god!
Yeah true enough.
But Hobus happens in 2387 so that leaves a massive window to fit a series into, especially as Nemesis (where the last screen Picard story ends) was in 2379. That leaves a massive 30 year period to fit in all maner of great plots without even affecting STO's storylines.
Patrick Stewart did say that his new series would be approximately 20 years after Nemesis.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
The obvious points of conflict will be the HUGE galaxy-spanning events Cryptic has done (Iconian War, Hurq Invasion), so if the show contradicts those things then any dream of STO being canon is officially out the window. And thank god!
AoD will be considered franchise canon. Source: Ten Forward Weekly interview following the announcement.
As for the main game: the new show is set 20 years after nemesis. STO: 30. That ~10 year gap is equivalent to the start of TNG and end of DS9. A lot can happen and a lot can be explained away, even assuming that CBS is building an absolute firewall between the creative decisions of STO (which they have no reason to, they're working closely with Cryptic on the tie-in with Discovery so why not use STO as a working demonstration of a post-nemesis setting and improve from there. That improves the chances of the new show while ensuring STO remains a marketing tool.)
And any discrepancy that does arise can be tuned into STO as necessary. Even if a major character, who's already a cameo, dies; their role can be assumed by an original character and the voice acting replaced to continue the game as it largely is (if a technobabble explanation can't be found to bring them back, which is not difficult in this franchise.)
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
I would like the new series to take place in the immediate aftermath of the Dominion war. With the Cardassian Union in ruins, the Klingons and Romulans severely weakened, the Federation recovering from the war and the Gamma quadrant once again open for business, this would offer plenty of room for interesting stories. Maybe a new power could even try to take advantage of the great powers' current weakness.
STO ends up an alternate non-canon continuity the same as any number of Star Trek novels that were jossed by later TV canon. The End.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
STO ends up an alternate non-canon continuity the same as any number of Star Trek novels that were jossed by later TV canon. The End.
Interestingly enough, several of the novel authors have said, since the announcement was made, that they knew the show was coming, and yet are contuing the novel-verse they had already set up, which is interesting because CBS mandated they follow screen canon some time ago, so they must be confident that the new show won't end up undoing the novels.
Likewise, the announced writer of the new Picard show is one of the writers of the novels, so they are probably going to be influenced by the novel-verse, and while STO had diverged away from the novels, much of its background is from the novels, so we might be in for new, but not contradictory, material.
Given that they suggested Picard might not be a captain anymore, we might get to see "Ambassador Picard" from the Countdown comic books/Path to 2409. 20 years after Nemesis would still be three years before he retires.
Pocket Books has already had to tie itself in knots to compensate for what ENT did with Andorians (no evidence of four biological sexes, for one thing--comments from Shran seem to indicate them being a "normal" dual-sex species, though that could admittedly be the universal translator scr*wing the pooch), and last I checked they hadn't even caught up with Hobus yet (their last big series was still in 2385). Too, the Primeverse-set comic books that deal with the Hobus event are from a different publisher.
To say nothing of TNG and Nemesis turning half of what Diane Duane wrote for the Romulans pre-novelverse upside-down. Just for starters, she depicted the Remans (Havranssu) as being a Romulan ethnic group and Remus (ch'Havran) as a Class M garden world, rather than a different species from a tidally locked wasteland. (The "tidally locked" part comes from tie-in material for Nemesis, mind, so strictly speaking not canon.) Ditto John Ford's The Final Reflection for the Klingons (jossed by TNG), or the Debt of Honor comic book having Kor say that the smooth-forehead and ridged-forehead Klingons are simply different ethnic groups (jossed by DS9 and ENT).
I just accept the fact that eventually STO and the novelverse are going to be to canon Star Trek what Legends now is to canon Star Wars.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
> @avoozuul said: > I wish they could actually do a series of Captain Riker commanding the Titan.
Or Captain Dax and the Aventine.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
> @avoozuul said:
> I wish they could actually do a series of Captain Riker commanding the Titan.
Or Captain Dax and the Aventine.
I still think that was among the lousiest of a great many lousy creative decisions the novels made with canon characters (up there with dumping The Sisko out of the wormhole and reducing him to an ordinary starship captain because the Prophets were done needing the Emissary). I've joked occasionally that Novel!Ezri, or Super-Dax, is secretly a STO player character, because she gets command of her ship when her captain is killed in a Borg attack and becomes this hypercompetent borderline-Mary Sue who gets everywhere faster and does everything better than any other CO in the fleet. (To say nothing of breaking her up with Julian. )
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
With even Patrick Stwart saying "It's a different take on Picard, 20 years later..." I would say "not much if anything at all."
I don't think the series will be "TNG Continues..." like most TNG fans hope. I think it'll be "Picard...the Irumodic Syndrome years.." (And no, I'm not joking.)
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
> @crypticarmsman said: > With even Patrick Stwart saying "It's a different take on Picard, 20 years later..." I would say "not much if anything at all." > > I don't think the series will be "TNG Continues..." like most TNG fans hope. I think it'll be "Picard...the Irumodic Syndrome years.." (And no, I'm not joking.)
More like Blunt talk but then with Picard , lol imagine that
One interesting factor for me how they deal with the Enterprise - it may very well not be the focal point of whatever we're getting, but you just know that an Enterprise of some kind will turn up somewhere in the equation.
Nemesis took place in 2379, this new series is to be set circa 20 years later (so 2399 or thereabouts).
Current canon as I understand it, albeit 'soft canon' from the books, is that Data took command of the E until it was lost in mysterious circumstances at some point before 2409, at which point it was replaced (in the STO storyline at least) by the Odyssey Class Enterprise-F with which we are all familiar.
It'll be interesting to see how that series of events is dealt with in the new show - if the Enterprise is referenced, will they still have it that the E is out there somewhere (hello, Brent Spiner cameo), or will they think "new show, new Enterprise" and give us an official, on screen Enterprise-F? If they take the latter option, would they use the Oddy, or come up with something else entirely?
One interesting factor for me how they deal with the Enterprise - it may very well not be the focal point of whatever we're getting, but you just know that an Enterprise of some kind will turn up somewhere in the equation.
Nemesis took place in 2379, this new series is to be set circa 20 years later (so 2399 or thereabouts).
Current canon as I understand it, albeit 'soft canon' from the books, is that Data took command of the E until it was lost in mysterious circumstances at some point before 2409, at which point it was replaced (in the STO storyline at least) by the Odyssey Class Enterprise-F with which we are all familiar.
It'll be interesting to see how that series of events is dealt with in the new show - if the Enterprise is referenced, will they still have it that the E is out there somewhere (hello, Brent Spiner cameo), or will they think "new show, new Enterprise" and give us an official, on screen Enterprise-F? If they take the latter option, would they use the Oddy, or come up with something else entirely?
I would surmise that if the Enterprise-F is mentioned in the new series, it will remain the Odyssey-class that we have come to know. The reason being is that most--if not all--content in STO must be approved by CBS in some fashion before it can go live, not the least of which would be the Enterprise. CBS approved the Odyssey design for the Enterprise-F once and I personally see no reason why they would not do so again.
According to the soft cannon of STO, the U.S.S. Odyssey NX-95000 launched either in December of 2408, or spring of 2409. It seems unlikely that the new Picard series would go for that long if it is initially set in 2399. My personal take on it is that if (and I stress the IF ) the Enterprise-F is seen in the series, it will a quick fan service flyby in the pilot at Utopia Planitia with the ship under construction, probably with Picard on his way to different ship, maybe the Enterprise-E finishing a refit or some such.
So, funny thing I noticed today. I was replaying "Butt-fly" to get the rewards for my Vogon White Star build, and Tiaru Jarok makes a comment in the alternate timeline complaining that the Borg have stolen Romulan cloaking devices "like the Klingons did" (not her exact words, but near enough). Which is pretty solidly contradicted in the DSC pilot.
STO ends up an alternate non-canon continuity the same as any number of Star Trek novels that were jossed by later TV canon. The End.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
I'm guessing that if they are continuing the story of Picard they move him off the Enterprise and into ambassadorial role of sorts perhaps, maybe he is involved in the Romulan unification and the new show leads up to Hobus along with the aftermath?
So unless anything really crazy happens to alter the canon established for the Kelvin films leading up to Hobus, I think we should be pretty safe here. Maybe we'll get some new ships etc that are not wildly different as they'd follow on from existing lines.
The obvious points of conflict will be the HUGE galaxy-spanning events Cryptic has done (Iconian War, Hurq Invasion), so if the show contradicts those things then any dream of STO being canon is officially out the window. And thank god!
But they might still use it as inspiration, where possible, or create some alternate timeline / parallel universe hopping scenarios to utilize it.
If Star Trek's canon is expanding again, it will certainly cause challenges for a game like STO, but also incredible opportunities.
Yeah true enough.
But Hobus happens in 2387 so that leaves a massive window to fit a series into, especially as Nemesis (where the last screen Picard story ends) was in 2379. That leaves a massive 30 year period to fit in all maner of great plots without even affecting STO's storylines.
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AoD will be considered franchise canon. Source: Ten Forward Weekly interview following the announcement.
As for the main game: the new show is set 20 years after nemesis. STO: 30. That ~10 year gap is equivalent to the start of TNG and end of DS9. A lot can happen and a lot can be explained away, even assuming that CBS is building an absolute firewall between the creative decisions of STO (which they have no reason to, they're working closely with Cryptic on the tie-in with Discovery so why not use STO as a working demonstration of a post-nemesis setting and improve from there. That improves the chances of the new show while ensuring STO remains a marketing tool.)
And any discrepancy that does arise can be tuned into STO as necessary. Even if a major character, who's already a cameo, dies; their role can be assumed by an original character and the voice acting replaced to continue the game as it largely is (if a technobabble explanation can't be found to bring them back, which is not difficult in this franchise.)
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
— Sabaton, "Great War"
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Pocket Books has already had to tie itself in knots to compensate for what ENT did with Andorians (no evidence of four biological sexes, for one thing--comments from Shran seem to indicate them being a "normal" dual-sex species, though that could admittedly be the universal translator scr*wing the pooch), and last I checked they hadn't even caught up with Hobus yet (their last big series was still in 2385). Too, the Primeverse-set comic books that deal with the Hobus event are from a different publisher.
To say nothing of TNG and Nemesis turning half of what Diane Duane wrote for the Romulans pre-novelverse upside-down. Just for starters, she depicted the Remans (Havranssu) as being a Romulan ethnic group and Remus (ch'Havran) as a Class M garden world, rather than a different species from a tidally locked wasteland. (The "tidally locked" part comes from tie-in material for Nemesis, mind, so strictly speaking not canon.) Ditto John Ford's The Final Reflection for the Klingons (jossed by TNG), or the Debt of Honor comic book having Kor say that the smooth-forehead and ridged-forehead Klingons are simply different ethnic groups (jossed by DS9 and ENT).
I just accept the fact that eventually STO and the novelverse are going to be to canon Star Trek what Legends now is to canon Star Wars.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
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> I wish they could actually do a series of Captain Riker commanding the Titan.
Or Captain Dax and the Aventine.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
I still think that was among the lousiest of a great many lousy creative decisions the novels made with canon characters (up there with dumping The Sisko out of the wormhole and reducing him to an ordinary starship captain because the Prophets were done needing the Emissary). I've joked occasionally that Novel!Ezri, or Super-Dax, is secretly a STO player character, because she gets command of her ship when her captain is killed in a Borg attack and becomes this hypercompetent borderline-Mary Sue who gets everywhere faster and does everything better than any other CO in the fleet. (To say nothing of breaking her up with Julian. )
— Sabaton, "Great War"
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And, @somtaawkhar that infographic gave me a headache, lol...
I don't think the series will be "TNG Continues..." like most TNG fans hope. I think it'll be "Picard...the Irumodic Syndrome years.." (And no, I'm not joking.)
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
> With even Patrick Stwart saying "It's a different take on Picard, 20 years later..." I would say "not much if anything at all."
> I don't think the series will be "TNG Continues..." like most TNG fans hope. I think it'll be "Picard...the Irumodic Syndrome years.." (And no, I'm not joking.)
More like Blunt talk but then with Picard , lol imagine that
Nemesis took place in 2379, this new series is to be set circa 20 years later (so 2399 or thereabouts).
Current canon as I understand it, albeit 'soft canon' from the books, is that Data took command of the E until it was lost in mysterious circumstances at some point before 2409, at which point it was replaced (in the STO storyline at least) by the Odyssey Class Enterprise-F with which we are all familiar.
It'll be interesting to see how that series of events is dealt with in the new show - if the Enterprise is referenced, will they still have it that the E is out there somewhere (hello, Brent Spiner cameo), or will they think "new show, new Enterprise" and give us an official, on screen Enterprise-F? If they take the latter option, would they use the Oddy, or come up with something else entirely?
Oh god yes....I'd LOVE that!
I would surmise that if the Enterprise-F is mentioned in the new series, it will remain the Odyssey-class that we have come to know. The reason being is that most--if not all--content in STO must be approved by CBS in some fashion before it can go live, not the least of which would be the Enterprise. CBS approved the Odyssey design for the Enterprise-F once and I personally see no reason why they would not do so again.
According to the soft cannon of STO, the U.S.S. Odyssey NX-95000 launched either in December of 2408, or spring of 2409. It seems unlikely that the new Picard series would go for that long if it is initially set in 2399. My personal take on it is that if (and I stress the IF ) the Enterprise-F is seen in the series, it will a quick fan service flyby in the pilot at Utopia Planitia with the ship under construction, probably with Picard on his way to different ship, maybe the Enterprise-E finishing a refit or some such.
So I return to my previous statement:
— Sabaton, "Great War"
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