Why not? The game could do with another adventure zone like New Romulus.
How about instead of the entire planet, the Tzenkathi attack Bajor to lure the Federation away from their real motive with the egg things? and if we want to keep our Bajoran overlords alive, the destruction could be limited to a continent or city.
Why not? The game could do with another adventure zone like New Romulus.
How about instead of the entire planet, the Tzenkathi attack Bajor to lure the Federation away from their real motive with the egg things? and if we want to keep our Bajoran overlords alive, the destruction could be limited to a continent or city.
How about Ferenginar? Players could buy and sell commodities and stocks based on randomly fluctuating prices, do some black market scavenging and trading, bribe some Ferengi women with Oo-mox for insider information, and run some super secret missons for the Grand Nagus. Personally though. I would like to visit the home of Ezri Dax's family on Trill, hopefully while Erzi Dax is home visiting her family and getting to visit the Aventine before she is finished her Shore Leave.
It's greatly encouraging to see folks can still get past the derailing attempts and talk like civilized people!
Yes, at least some people see a potential out-of-character self-destruction of a species as bad and those promoting this as wrong and so uncivilized.
As opposed to the OP's ideas, I'd suggest a mostly non-combat zone on Bajor where respectful Bajorans ask Alliance to peacefully talk down potential rioters by providing them facts to counter alternative facts and stun more violent individuals so they can be sent in custody so other Bajorans can convince them they're misguided.
As for where the lack of day/night would come to play, well, there would be two map versions with minor changes, the most important being that there would be fewer people outside at night. The players would be sent to one or the other depending on the internal clock with a window giving them a choice to beam to their ship and get some rest or continue to help keep Bajor at peace.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Bajoran radicals threaten an archeological site which may contain information which either supports or discredits their ideology. Either way, they must be stopped and the archaeologists protected so their work can continue unimpeded.
A rare large animal native to Bajor has become a crop pest. A way must be found to eliminate the threat or farmers will eradicate the species.
a) Chemical Warfare solution: find a scent which drives the beasts away.
b) Psychological Warfare solution: use scarecrows to intimidate the beasts.
c) Actual Warfare solution: adapt Terran Agonizers to teach the beasts to stay away.
d) Capture And Release solution: use a mobile transporter to capture the beasts, then rematerialize them in a wildlife preserve set aside for them.
The player must find the beasts, investigate them, then create the appropriate solution, which may be different each time randomly, based on conversation links, or based on the free choice of the player.
A horde of giant arthropods native to a small Bajoran moon erupt from a recently dug well, and hunters are needed to externminate them before they overwhelm the local ecology. After the area red alert, players may receive a prompt to explore the well where a strange device is discovered. Deactivating the device teleports the team to a similar device on the small moon, which is guarded by hordes of arthropods. The team must survive until they reach the surface and are able to use their communicators. Also: what are the devices? My guess is they are relics of the corporeal prophets, who used them to transmit energy to Bajor from power stations on the moon which are now long gone. Although the devices will eventually reset themselves, the Bajorans absolutely refuse to allow anything more than passive scans of the Relics of the Prophets.
A species native to Bajor has been displaced by Cardassian Voles, and requires a broad-based breeding program to insure the survival of the species, which also happens to be small and cute, sort of like a ground squirrel. A character must purchase a breeder's permit, then capture a breeding pair of this highly territorial critter. Thereafter, the single offspring of each mating of the pair may be returned to Bajor for release into the wild, (and for Bajoran credits,) or kept and trained as a pet.
Cardassians attempted to destroy Bajoran cultural heritage. What they could not confiscate or destroy they hid. Scanning may reveal the existence of hidden artifacts, or simply odd shaped rocks buried in out-of-the-way locations. Each offers a point toward the Bajoran Archaeologist accolade, similar to the Risian and New Romulan exploration accolades.
Train with the Bajoran Militia to learn some Bajoran combat techniques. (Similar to Samba Master, earns new emote or combat animation.) Allows purchase from Bajoran weapons store.
Teach at the Bajoran Military Academy for access to Bajoran BOffs and DOffs.
Anyway, the idea here is that there is ample room for the growth of Bajor. Ideas on what to do there are easy to come by. Hathlon, with repaired lighting, can remain as is, and the adventure zone could open to players after completing one or more story arcs involving Bajor.
If they turned the city of Hathlor into a social hub with all the commonly used npc's and the exchange...etc into a small easy to access area (perhaps that courtyard near the federation command center or that area by the temple) so that players don't need to run around a lot to access services it would get used a lot.
Ferenginar Economic Advenure Zone has been the #1 community request for years.
Already got one - It's called the exchange. You just have to "role play" the Ferenginar part. I hear Quark's might be a good place to do that. If you get good enough, they might even let you join the ranks of the "Elite" one day...
cait will never be getting anything done for it without first getting a place on the map - and since its placement would put it well outside the game's usable (i.e. going outside it crashes the game currently) area, that'll never happen unless/until they update the engine
ferenginar, however IS already on the map, so if any world gets a makeover, it has as equal a chance as any other faction's homeworld...which is a slim one, but slim is better than none
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
I'd love to see ground adventure zones created for all of the worlds in game. I know it's a task far too large to actually be realized, but it could begin with the major races of the Trekverse and be done over time, with monetization of some aspect to cover the cost of creating them.
The following are just examples, so don't be upset if it's not your cup of tea:
The Streets Of San Francisco: access to unique tailors offering a wide variety of C-store clothing options. Also, restaurants with gourmet food items and shops with non-weapon ground gear, especially medical supplies which are superior to anything in game. Combat lite, rp heavy zone.
The Forge: your dream vacation is a religious pilgrimage on Vulcan. Walk the path of Sarek, and while you are on Vulcan, purchase some of the galaxy's finest science gear, as well as some psionic foci which sell for zen.
Arena: test your mettle, or join the crowds watching the galaxy's greatest combat games. Remember to bring warm weather gear! Andor's unique weapons can be purchased here, along with training, (for zen of course,) which unlocks unique combat animations.
Mine City: deep beneath the surface of Tellar Prime vast caverns exist where generations ago valuable materials were extracted. There you can always get in an argument, or shop the various shops for engineer's tools. Learn to hurl insults, (no, the animation you purchase for zen here is not the one-finger-salute!) which so infuriate your opponent that he leaves himself defenseless when he attacks.
Along with fetchit and intrigue quests which offer replayable content, each such zone could offer starting points for Official and Foundry missions, and be added to over time with a new NPC here and a new quest there, both reducing the initial investment of build time and giving older, jaded players an excuse to return from time to time. (This aspect served really well in the reuse of DS9 and Hathlon in the Terran story arc.)
cait will never be getting anything done for it without first getting a place on the map - and since its placement would put it well outside the game's usable (i.e. going outside it crashes the game currently) area, that'll never happen unless/until they update the engine
ferenginar, however IS already on the map, so if any world gets a makeover, it has as equal a chance as any other faction's homeworld...which is a slim one, but slim is better than none
Not discounting the truth of this, and you are correct on it. I was refuting this claim...
Ferenginar Economic Advenure Zone has been the #1 community request for years.
Since I have seen way more people ask for Cait then I have for Ferenginar. Now granted this is only in my experience, but to be honest Druk is one of the few I have ever seen ask for Ferenginar, and maybe three people asking for it a hundred times doesn't make three hundred different requests.
I created a topic on that several years ago. While there were jeers about the usefulness of such a zone, there were also many who posted supporting comments and alternate ideas. Since these forums seem to be haunted by a very small part of the community, I'd say there is not enough evidence to either prove or refute the desirability of such a zone. But I'd vote yes. Please deposit your respects in the mouth of Grand Negus Gint.
Yeah in a game with dinosaurs, pigs, elves and bearded comic aliens/smurfs I don't really get why Caitians are such a problem to some people.
There is of course a specific subset of the playerbase with some weird fantasies or Caitian-only fleets (that also go against the IDIC principle) but in the end that's exactly that: a weird subset.
In a game based on a TV show with an audience stereotyped as weirdos, cosplayers, and nerds, I would be reluctant to lable any group as deviant. You are, by the very fact of being a fan of an RPG based on a TV show, a member of a group of deviants.
IDIC should be our unifying principle, not judgementalism based on stereotypes. Lord knows we Trek fans have been victims of that for quite some time now.
I don't like Caitians either, I think they're just playing into the whole 'neko' thing that I personally can't stand. But just because I don't like them, it doesn't mean someone else can't. IDIC goes two ways. Like it or not, they are part of Star Trek. As long as they don't do something explicit/mature in public (ERP, cough--cough), it's fine, I can just turn and mind my own business, as someone else having a Caitian character doesn't hurt me.
So, can we just get along & accept everyone likes/dislikes different things?
[10:20] Your Lunge deals 4798 (2580) Physical Damage(Critical) to Tosk of Borg.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator "bIghojchugh DaneH, Dumev pagh. bIghojqangbe'chugh, DuQaHlaH pagh." "Learn lots. Don't judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness."~Day[9] "Your fun isn't wrong."~LaughingTrendy
Can you elaborate regarding this ERP thing? Is it an acronym for a special in-game ability? Why does it make people cough? Is there a training manual available for it so your boffs can do it as well? Couldn't find it in the STO wiki.
Can you elaborate regarding this ERP thing? Is it an acronym for a special in-game ability? Why does it make people cough? Is there a training manual available for it so your boffs can do it as well? Couldn't find it in the STO wiki.
Erotic role-playing. But somehow I get the feeling you were well aware of what it stands for. My scarcasm-detector may be broken, or not.
In all seriousness though: I'm sure there's ERP'ers among the Caitian population (and other sub-populations in the game). But I have yet to encounter the first one. I think the main reason why players choose to play as a Caitian is because of the increased jump heigth - which is really the only unique trait that is both active 100% of the time and something that allows for an unique experience (contrary to, for example, barely recognisable passive boosts such as those for Fed Klingons, Joined Trill or liberated Borg, or traits such as the Vulcan nerve pinch have which can only be used once every x minutes).
Besides creating more hubs for different species, the main other thing I would like to see, and which touches upon the subject discussed here, is more unique traits for species. The Caitian one is a good example of how it should be done imo.
Thanks @risian4. My Ferasian doesn't engage in any such activities.
What does erotic play have to do with the OP's Bajoran grave world concept? One of the finest and most well thought out concepts I've seen posted in the past year? Does this forum have an upvote function?
Liberated borg have always seemed like kind of a kinky bunch, but that's just my impression.
This is not true. M'Zowla, my Caitian main, saluted you once on Defera and you saluted him, with honour even. The q'apla emote
Well, again - not my character & I try to be nice. Just because I don't like this & that, it doesn't give me right to be utterly rude/mean, especially when not deserved at all. I'd not make a Caitian character personally, ever. But - if someone says 'hi', salutes, or otherwise interacts in game with me, I usually return the favor, unless I'm afk or the person in question is being annoying about it. We don't have to like the same things to get along and have fun in the game together.
[10:20] Your Lunge deals 4798 (2580) Physical Damage(Critical) to Tosk of Borg.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator "bIghojchugh DaneH, Dumev pagh. bIghojqangbe'chugh, DuQaHlaH pagh." "Learn lots. Don't judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness."~Day[9] "Your fun isn't wrong."~LaughingTrendy
Can you elaborate regarding this ERP thing? Is it an acronym for a special in-game ability? Why does it make people cough? Is there a training manual available for it so your boffs can do it as well? Couldn't find it in the STO wiki.
Those who participate often refer to it as "Elite Role Play" not erotic..but that's what it is. Adults only, supposedly. The word "erotic" is something that can cause controversy or activate filters.
How about instead of the entire planet, the Tzenkathi attack Bajor to lure the Federation away from their real motive with the egg things? and if we want to keep our Bajoran overlords alive, the destruction could be limited to a continent or city.
How about Ferenginar? Players could buy and sell commodities and stocks based on randomly fluctuating prices, do some black market scavenging and trading, bribe some Ferengi women with Oo-mox for insider information, and run some super secret missons for the Grand Nagus. Personally though. I would like to visit the home of Ezri Dax's family on Trill, hopefully while Erzi Dax is home visiting her family and getting to visit the Aventine before she is finished her Shore Leave.
As opposed to the OP's ideas, I'd suggest a mostly non-combat zone on Bajor where respectful Bajorans ask Alliance to peacefully talk down potential rioters by providing them facts to counter alternative facts and stun more violent individuals so they can be sent in custody so other Bajorans can convince them they're misguided.
As for where the lack of day/night would come to play, well, there would be two map versions with minor changes, the most important being that there would be fewer people outside at night. The players would be sent to one or the other depending on the internal clock with a window giving them a choice to beam to their ship and get some rest or continue to help keep Bajor at peace.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Bajoran radicals threaten an archeological site which may contain information which either supports or discredits their ideology. Either way, they must be stopped and the archaeologists protected so their work can continue unimpeded.
A rare large animal native to Bajor has become a crop pest. A way must be found to eliminate the threat or farmers will eradicate the species.
a) Chemical Warfare solution: find a scent which drives the beasts away.
b) Psychological Warfare solution: use scarecrows to intimidate the beasts.
c) Actual Warfare solution: adapt Terran Agonizers to teach the beasts to stay away.
d) Capture And Release solution: use a mobile transporter to capture the beasts, then rematerialize them in a wildlife preserve set aside for them.
The player must find the beasts, investigate them, then create the appropriate solution, which may be different each time randomly, based on conversation links, or based on the free choice of the player.
A horde of giant arthropods native to a small Bajoran moon erupt from a recently dug well, and hunters are needed to externminate them before they overwhelm the local ecology. After the area red alert, players may receive a prompt to explore the well where a strange device is discovered. Deactivating the device teleports the team to a similar device on the small moon, which is guarded by hordes of arthropods. The team must survive until they reach the surface and are able to use their communicators. Also: what are the devices? My guess is they are relics of the corporeal prophets, who used them to transmit energy to Bajor from power stations on the moon which are now long gone. Although the devices will eventually reset themselves, the Bajorans absolutely refuse to allow anything more than passive scans of the Relics of the Prophets.
A species native to Bajor has been displaced by Cardassian Voles, and requires a broad-based breeding program to insure the survival of the species, which also happens to be small and cute, sort of like a ground squirrel. A character must purchase a breeder's permit, then capture a breeding pair of this highly territorial critter. Thereafter, the single offspring of each mating of the pair may be returned to Bajor for release into the wild, (and for Bajoran credits,) or kept and trained as a pet.
Cardassians attempted to destroy Bajoran cultural heritage. What they could not confiscate or destroy they hid. Scanning may reveal the existence of hidden artifacts, or simply odd shaped rocks buried in out-of-the-way locations. Each offers a point toward the Bajoran Archaeologist accolade, similar to the Risian and New Romulan exploration accolades.
Train with the Bajoran Militia to learn some Bajoran combat techniques. (Similar to Samba Master, earns new emote or combat animation.) Allows purchase from Bajoran weapons store.
Teach at the Bajoran Military Academy for access to Bajoran BOffs and DOffs.
Anyway, the idea here is that there is ample room for the growth of Bajor. Ideas on what to do there are easy to come by. Hathlon, with repaired lighting, can remain as is, and the adventure zone could open to players after completing one or more story arcs involving Bajor.
Already got one - It's called the exchange. You just have to "role play" the Ferenginar part. I hear Quark's might be a good place to do that. If you get good enough, they might even let you join the ranks of the "Elite" one day...
Actually, I have heard way more people ask for Cait then Ferenginar.
We come in peace, SHOOT TO KILL!
Homeworld of the Caitans.
We come in peace, SHOOT TO KILL!
So much for the whole "other people's fun isn't wrong" concept.
ferenginar, however IS already on the map, so if any world gets a makeover, it has as equal a chance as any other faction's homeworld...which is a slim one, but slim is better than none
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
The following are just examples, so don't be upset if it's not your cup of tea:
The Streets Of San Francisco: access to unique tailors offering a wide variety of C-store clothing options. Also, restaurants with gourmet food items and shops with non-weapon ground gear, especially medical supplies which are superior to anything in game. Combat lite, rp heavy zone.
The Forge: your dream vacation is a religious pilgrimage on Vulcan. Walk the path of Sarek, and while you are on Vulcan, purchase some of the galaxy's finest science gear, as well as some psionic foci which sell for zen.
Arena: test your mettle, or join the crowds watching the galaxy's greatest combat games. Remember to bring warm weather gear! Andor's unique weapons can be purchased here, along with training, (for zen of course,) which unlocks unique combat animations.
Mine City: deep beneath the surface of Tellar Prime vast caverns exist where generations ago valuable materials were extracted. There you can always get in an argument, or shop the various shops for engineer's tools. Learn to hurl insults, (no, the animation you purchase for zen here is not the one-finger-salute!) which so infuriate your opponent that he leaves himself defenseless when he attacks.
Along with fetchit and intrigue quests which offer replayable content, each such zone could offer starting points for Official and Foundry missions, and be added to over time with a new NPC here and a new quest there, both reducing the initial investment of build time and giving older, jaded players an excuse to return from time to time. (This aspect served really well in the reuse of DS9 and Hathlon in the Terran story arc.)
Not discounting the truth of this, and you are correct on it. I was refuting this claim...
Since I have seen way more people ask for Cait then I have for Ferenginar. Now granted this is only in my experience, but to be honest Druk is one of the few I have ever seen ask for Ferenginar, and maybe three people asking for it a hundred times doesn't make three hundred different requests.
We come in peace, SHOOT TO KILL!
There is of course a specific subset of the playerbase with some weird fantasies or Caitian-only fleets (that also go against the IDIC principle) but in the end that's exactly that: a weird subset.
IDIC should be our unifying principle, not judgementalism based on stereotypes. Lord knows we Trek fans have been victims of that for quite some time now.
And if your character is anything other than a human, then you are one of the so called "deviants" pretending to be something "other than."
Self-loathing explains a lot.
So, can we just get along & accept everyone likes/dislikes different things?
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator
"bIghojchugh DaneH, Dumev pagh. bIghojqangbe'chugh, DuQaHlaH pagh."
"Learn lots. Don't judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness." ~Day[9]
"Your fun isn't wrong." ~LaughingTrendy
Find me on Twitterverse - @jodarkrider
This is not true. M'Zowla, my Caitian main, saluted you once on Defera and you saluted him, with honour even. The q'apla emote
Erotic role-playing. But somehow I get the feeling you were well aware of what it stands for. My scarcasm-detector may be broken, or not.
In all seriousness though: I'm sure there's ERP'ers among the Caitian population (and other sub-populations in the game). But I have yet to encounter the first one. I think the main reason why players choose to play as a Caitian is because of the increased jump heigth - which is really the only unique trait that is both active 100% of the time and something that allows for an unique experience (contrary to, for example, barely recognisable passive boosts such as those for Fed Klingons, Joined Trill or liberated Borg, or traits such as the Vulcan nerve pinch have which can only be used once every x minutes).
Besides creating more hubs for different species, the main other thing I would like to see, and which touches upon the subject discussed here, is more unique traits for species. The Caitian one is a good example of how it should be done imo.
What does erotic play have to do with the OP's Bajoran grave world concept? One of the finest and most well thought out concepts I've seen posted in the past year? Does this forum have an upvote function?
Liberated borg have always seemed like kind of a kinky bunch, but that's just my impression.
Well, again - not my character & I try to be nice. Just because I don't like this & that, it doesn't give me right to be utterly rude/mean, especially when not deserved at all. I'd not make a Caitian character personally, ever. But - if someone says 'hi', salutes, or otherwise interacts in game with me, I usually return the favor, unless I'm afk or the person in question is being annoying about it. We don't have to like the same things to get along and have fun in the game together.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator
"bIghojchugh DaneH, Dumev pagh. bIghojqangbe'chugh, DuQaHlaH pagh."
"Learn lots. Don't judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness." ~Day[9]
"Your fun isn't wrong." ~LaughingTrendy
Find me on Twitterverse - @jodarkrider
Those who participate often refer to it as "Elite Role Play" not erotic..but that's what it is. Adults only, supposedly. The word "erotic" is something that can cause controversy or activate filters.