I really like the idea of the Catian Escort to go with my Atrox for my Fed toons to use. But then I look at the announcement date and realize this may just be an April fools joke that they have started "announcing" a bit early to make it look legitimate.
I really hope it is just me being a bit skeptical of any game announcements from Game Devs near April 1st every year. Still want my Tier 6 Orion ships for My KDF toons, but more Catian and Allied race designs are great tho. That is as long as it isn't just a joke on us.
Cryptic's April fools jokes are way more obvious than that. Like a playable Horta species or Star Trek Online Rebirth.
For some reason I remember something a few years back being a ship announcement that the stats were released on April 1st after the initial announcement was posted a day or 2 early. Been playing for more than 5 years now so it could be my memory is just off. I just always distrust game devs around the week of April 1st to avoid getting my hopes up and then realizing it was a joke.
Oh, wait, wait wait! Does this mean "Allied Science Vessel pack" - T6 D'kyr and "Allied Cruiser pack" - Tellarite cruiser?
Oh, or even better, since we shifted the caitian from carrier to escort: Allied science will be a Andorian ship, Allied carriers a Tellarite carrier and Allied cruisers a Vulcan cruiser.
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
After reading the article again I do hope that the Heavy weapon slot comes to the Tier 5-U Raiders, Destroyers and Escorts as well since they were promoted as being on par with Tier 6 ships minus 1 Mastery Rank that unlocks the ship trait and 1 less bridge officer ability slot. With the Heavy weapon slot added to the perks of Tier 6 only that will be a disappointment for those of us that like some of our T5-U ships that don't have T6 versions yet such as the Andorian Escorts.
wait.... when did us Romulans suddenly get hit with the ugly stick? Thats one warbird I *wont* be buying... yuk. Not even a Klingon could love that. (strange, since the Fed and KDF ships are so nice they are almost Romulan)
LUKARI GUERILLA GARDENING MILITIA - Glowing fingers are Growing fingers!
wait.... when did us Romulans suddenly get hit with the ugly stick? Thats one warbird I *wont* be buying... yuk. Not even a Klingon could love that. (strange, since the Fed and KDF ships are so nice they are almost Romulan)
Because it's Reman?
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
Maybe they'll never add heavy weapon slots to t5u so as to allow for real life inflation. But cryptic does need to ask itself what the real difference should be between t5u and t6. In this case it's not fair because no t6 vessel has ever had more weapon slots than a t5u!
Cruisers and Sci ships are already more powerful compared to most escorts so they don't need boosting yet again in the dps area! But when somebody said secondary warp core, that idea sounded interesting. It could be on par with secondary deflectors.
However, cryptic needs to be careful to make sure all three main classes of ships remain balanced, otherwise you'll get tac classes zipping right back to their cruisers with QQ from having wasted money on these t6 escorts. But such is STO, the misdirection of which ship is best is how to make money. Science ships got a boost last, followed by a nerf to Sci abilities. It's escort's turn finally!
Personally, it'll be great to see more tac players in escorts, they'd lose hull % faster so might make them have more dps using gdf. I also like that they're not pigeon holing tacs into escorts either, like they did with science captains in science ships.
I have a question about these heavy weapon mounts. Will they be put onto carrier frigates? Are there going to be different colours of beam?
After reading the article again I do hope that the Heavy weapon slot comes to the Tier 5-U Raiders, Destroyers and Escorts as well since they were promoted as being on par with Tier 6 ships minus 1 Mastery Rank that unlocks the ship trait and 1 less bridge officer ability slot. With the Heavy weapon slot added to the perks of Tier 6 only that will be a disappointment for those of us that like some of our T5-U ships that don't have T6 versions yet such as the Andorian Escorts.
Now that most T5s have a T6 available now, I highly doubt they will be doing that, they're going to want you to spend more money and get the T6. Hell, the last time they released a new T5 to the C-Store (that one AoY cruiser) they made it so that that ship could not be upgraded so that you would have to buy the T6 instead.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Part of the point is the ammo doesn't explode, and the projectiles would have less impact force than hitting a speck of dust at hyper-luminal velocities (with which even non-combat navigational deflectors can easily cope on a continuing basis), A railgun won't get a projectile up to a significant percentage of light speed, so the mass of the physical projectile would be the other factor in calculating force. The shot for this bugger (to be at all effective) would have to be HUGE! So how many shots could you store on a tiny escort before you'd have to run back to starbase to reload?
Compared to a gunpowder cannon or a rifle, a railgun would be a devastating weapon. Compared to the ship-mounted energy weapons or torpedoes already in the game, it would be a massive, unwieldy, inefficient joke.
I see no reason why we should assume that the rail gun projectile would move at sublight speeds. They would in the real world, but that's because we have no other option.
After reading the article again I do hope that the Heavy weapon slot comes to the Tier 5-U Raiders, Destroyers and Escorts as well since they were promoted as being on par with Tier 6 ships minus 1 Mastery Rank that unlocks the ship trait and 1 less bridge officer ability slot. With the Heavy weapon slot added to the perks of Tier 6 only that will be a disappointment for those of us that like some of our T5-U ships that don't have T6 versions yet such as the Andorian Escorts.
I can't see them adding a T5-U heavy weapon slot for all the reasons people have said, but a T5U heavy weapon upgrade token might show up.
Please make them fleet grade from the ground up, there's already have more than enough ships which have additional fleet variants, I just want an escort which doesn't require one this time so all my characters have it at its best rather than only my few which I use fleet ships with.
I am more interested in the retroactive Heavy Weapons Slot than I am the ships. Although, the Federation and Klingon designs are spiffy.
I wonder if you have the Dreadnoughts if the Lance will be unlocked as a Heavy Weapon option for other ships. The same for the Destroyers' Lotus weapon.
Nice that escorts finally get some love. Faw-tard beam boat cruisers being top DPS is kinda silly. What's the point of Tactical ships if they don't do as much or more damage while being squishier.
Well the promised balance changes will nerf both Fire at will and Overload so cannons will once again become a viable alternative.
Cryptic won't bring back the Phoenix box just yet, the exchange hadn't recovered to pre-Phoenix levels from the first time when they released a second.
2 things are going to cause the rate to climb- new ships, and ship sales. Since the T6 Vesta hasn't yet been through a 20% discount cycle, I can see plenty of players who were previously holding off taking the plunge then.
As I've been writing this, they've released the stats as expected- they usually announce the presence on the Tuesday, the stats on the Wednesday and release the ships themselves on the Thursday, after the weekly maintenance.
Let me start by saying that I am not complaining, I am confused. You say "are coming" yet the article says "are available"
"We’re very excited to announce three new Tier 6 Escorts, one for each faction. These starships are available in the C-Store and can be purchased by level 50 players (Vice Admiral and Lieutenant General ranks)."
Not only that, but if they are coming, what is the release date cause I didn't see one in the article. I am hoping to grab these as soon as they are available cause they look awesome!!!!
Let me start by saying that I am not complaining, I am confused. You say "are coming" yet the article says "are available"
"We’re very excited to announce three new Tier 6 Escorts, one for each faction. These starships are available in the C-Store and can be purchased by level 50 players (Vice Admiral and Lieutenant General ranks)."
Not only that, but if they are coming, what is the release date cause I didn't see one in the article. I am hoping to grab these as soon as they are available cause they look awesome!!!!
Most likely tomorrow after the maintenance, as usual.
I figure this might actually drive up the sale of some of these ships.
In Zen store description Ouroboros Temporal Raider got 4 Fore and 2 Aft Weapons - so i don't think it will qualify... too bad.
But next winter we can expect T6 Breen Raider - and it should qualify.
I figure this might actually drive up the sale of some of these ships.
In Zen store description Ouroboros Temporal Raider got 4 Fore and 2 Aft Weapons - so i don't think it will qualify... too bad.
But next winter we can expect T6 Breen Raider - and it should qualify.
All T6 Raiders qualify, they got explicitly singled out.
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
Cruisers and Sci ships are already more powerful compared to most escorts so they don't need boosting yet again in the dps area! But when somebody said secondary warp core, that idea sounded interesting. It could be on par with secondary deflectors.
Thats with current balance look at the tribble changes and you will see it's not so much anymore. Cruisers need a unique item.
I have a idea for dreadnoughts though, give them a up-gradable super weapon slot. Which include the phaser lance, scimitar Thalaron pulse or with tier 6 ones a plasma equivalent etc, they are cone and lance attacks that devastate enemies but have small arcs, and have long recharge timers, some like Thalaron pulse require charging and can't be auto attacked with.
Replace the 3 piece bonus for scimitar with reduced recharge time for barrage console and makes secondary shielding permanent extra shielding that recharges slowly at a set rate?
The lack of discount on introduction means not for me today. They did the same thing with the T6 Multi-Mission Explorers Bundle. Releasing these T6's at T5 prices on the first weekend that they were available had been a staple of T6s since their beginning. Well, I will wait until a 20% off sale and get them even cheaper (4,800 vs 5,000).
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
For some reason I remember something a few years back being a ship announcement that the stats were released on April 1st after the initial announcement was posted a day or 2 early. Been playing for more than 5 years now so it could be my memory is just off. I just always distrust game devs around the week of April 1st to avoid getting my hopes up and then realizing it was a joke.
Regardless, great work Cryptic. I've been looking forward to some gameplay tweeks and I hope this sets the stage for further developments
Oh, or even better, since we shifted the caitian from carrier to escort: Allied science will be a Andorian ship, Allied carriers a Tellarite carrier and Allied cruisers a Vulcan cruiser.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Because it's Reman?
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Maybe they'll never add heavy weapon slots to t5u so as to allow for real life inflation. But cryptic does need to ask itself what the real difference should be between t5u and t6. In this case it's not fair because no t6 vessel has ever had more weapon slots than a t5u!
Cruisers and Sci ships are already more powerful compared to most escorts so they don't need boosting yet again in the dps area! But when somebody said secondary warp core, that idea sounded interesting. It could be on par with secondary deflectors.
However, cryptic needs to be careful to make sure all three main classes of ships remain balanced, otherwise you'll get tac classes zipping right back to their cruisers with QQ from having wasted money on these t6 escorts. But such is STO, the misdirection of which ship is best is how to make money. Science ships got a boost last, followed by a nerf to Sci abilities. It's escort's turn finally!
Personally, it'll be great to see more tac players in escorts, they'd lose hull % faster so might make them have more dps using gdf. I also like that they're not pigeon holing tacs into escorts either, like they did with science captains in science ships.
I have a question about these heavy weapon mounts. Will they be put onto carrier frigates? Are there going to be different colours of beam?
Now that most T5s have a T6 available now, I highly doubt they will be doing that, they're going to want you to spend more money and get the T6. Hell, the last time they released a new T5 to the C-Store (that one AoY cruiser) they made it so that that ship could not be upgraded so that you would have to buy the T6 instead.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
My character Tsin'xing
I thought that was a re-release? Either way I tend not to think of that one since it's been available for much longer than its been in the C-Store.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
I see no reason why we should assume that the rail gun projectile would move at sublight speeds. They would in the real world, but that's because we have no other option.
I can't see them adding a T5-U heavy weapon slot for all the reasons people have said, but a T5U heavy weapon upgrade token might show up.
I wonder if you have the Dreadnoughts if the Lance will be unlocked as a Heavy Weapon option for other ships. The same for the Destroyers' Lotus weapon.
Cryptic won't bring back the Phoenix box just yet, the exchange hadn't recovered to pre-Phoenix levels from the first time when they released a second.
2 things are going to cause the rate to climb- new ships, and ship sales. Since the T6 Vesta hasn't yet been through a 20% discount cycle, I can see plenty of players who were previously holding off taking the plunge then.
As I've been writing this, they've released the stats as expected- they usually announce the presence on the Tuesday, the stats on the Wednesday and release the ships themselves on the Thursday, after the weekly maintenance.
Let me start by saying that I am not complaining, I am confused. You say "are coming" yet the article says "are available"
"We’re very excited to announce three new Tier 6 Escorts, one for each faction. These starships are available in the C-Store and can be purchased by level 50 players (Vice Admiral and Lieutenant General ranks)."
Not only that, but if they are coming, what is the release date cause I didn't see one in the article. I am hoping to grab these as soon as they are available cause they look awesome!!!!
In Zen store description Ouroboros Temporal Raider got 4 Fore and 2 Aft Weapons - so i don't think it will qualify... too bad.
But next winter we can expect T6 Breen Raider - and it should qualify.
All T6 Raiders qualify, they got explicitly singled out.
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
Now i just hope for summer event ship to be T6 upgrade of Risian Corvette...
The T6 Corvette would be great if they did one for us. I still love my T5-U version all these years later.
I have a idea for dreadnoughts though, give them a up-gradable super weapon slot. Which include the phaser lance, scimitar Thalaron pulse or with tier 6 ones a plasma equivalent etc, they are cone and lance attacks that devastate enemies but have small arcs, and have long recharge timers, some like Thalaron pulse require charging and can't be auto attacked with.
Replace the 3 piece bonus for scimitar with reduced recharge time for barrage console and makes secondary shielding permanent extra shielding that recharges slowly at a set rate?
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'