I'd rather have them sell boff traits in lockboxes.
I would normally be an advocate of wanting to get more out of your subscription, but even I would have to say no on this... There has to be a separation of perks between lifetime subscription or not otherwise whats the point in it... But doff traits in lockboxes or c-store would be nice!. I would love to have some of those superior traits, should start a poll on that
Thing is, zen is easy to buy, I can do that easy with steam wallet or even an arc card. But to subscripb or to buy the lifetime you have to have something like a debitcard or credit card to buy it. No other means to buy the subscription from and I don't think they create prepaid subscription cards for sto anymore so not able to do it that way. I could get ahold of the xbox one or ps4 version of the subscription since they have means to pay for that with prepaid point cards which iritates me since there is not an option like that for the pc versione. Which is reason why I want to see them put it on steam is because that would give me one way to possibly by it. Another thing they need to do is allow the arc cards to go towards a lifetime sub or subscription and not just zen. This would be another thing they could do. But point is, not everyone has a credit card or debit card or has paypal or even a bank account. I would like to get the lifetime subscription but I need the means to do it. Is it too much to ask to have the means to get the lifetime sub. So yes they need to either give the arc prepaid cards the ability to go towards subscription or add the option to buy lifetime sub from Steam.
you can buy the sub with zen on ps4
Except it is not really a sub. After all, you can't have subs in a F2P game. The PC version of STO is Freemium not F2P. Although, it is not as restrictive as some Freemium MMOs like SWTOR.
Neverwinter has an optional monthly subscription and a lifetime sub on all platforms
I've never seen the lifetime option for Neverwinter. Did they add it recently? Last I checked they didn't have a lifetime option like STO and CO.
I've just checked the Zen store and.... all they have is 1,3 and 6 months VIP subs, don't know why i thought they had a LTS
Draal - FED, Saurian, LV60 - TAC
Mirak - FED 23c, Vulkan, LV60 - TAC
Ascaran Bloodclaw - KDF, Gorn, Lv18 - TAC
Melchiah - KDF, Gorn, LV60 - TAC
Ne'roon - KDF,Lethian, L60, TAC
Turel - ROM-KDF, Reman, 30, TAC
Elric - ROM-Fed, Romulan, L60, TAC
Richtor Belmont - FED 23c, Human,LV20, SCI
G'Kar - KDF, Gorn, L10
USS Sharlin NCC79713 B (part of sheridans access code) - T6, Hestia Class Advanced Escort
USS Babylon IV - T6 Krenim Science Vessel
USS Brakiri - T6 Elachi Escort
"I am Grey. I stand between the candle and the star."
"We are Grey. We stand between the darkness and the light."
I've never seen the lifetime option for Neverwinter. Did they add it recently? Last I checked they didn't have a lifetime option like STO and CO.
I've just checked the Zen store and.... all they have is 1,3 and 6 months VIP subs, don't know why i thought they had a LTS
The Heroes of the North pack is the closest thing to a LTS with the cost of $200 and Priority Login access. However unless they add more VIP rewards, purchasing two 6 month VIP subs amounts to a LTS.
What for ?
The Liberated Borg Captain is obsolete by now ...
imbedded Traits:
Ground:"Borg Nanites" (+10% HP is buggy for years) Space:Efficient - efficiency is not as useful as you might think
even on the Ferengi Nandi with 6 Bridge Officer Seats
+30 Warpcore Efficency (from Captain)
+45 Warpcore Efficency (from 6x Efficient B.O.'s = 7,5 x 6 )
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+75 Warpcore Efficency
at Power level 50 = 3
at Power level 15 = 8
I rater take "Pirate" or "SRO"
and i don´t see any other reason besides a few cosmetics choices ...
get yourself a Alien Captain
Not all of us are obsessed with min-maxing ... I for one choose a race for my captains purely for roleplay reasons, I don't really give a poo what traits are available
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
My problem with this request is that it feels alot like someone demanding recompense for their purchases beyond the value of their purchases... That or for PWE to acknowledge the value of virtual currency accrued on Steam. As if the money they've spent on the game is somehow more valuable than the things they've bought with it. If the money has been spent then you've already gotten your money's worth for those purchases, no matter how anyone may personally believe it as being overly expensive (won't argue that last one, $30 for a ship is unconscionably steep). PWE doesn't owe anyone for any money spent beyond what was bought with it. Additionally, the Steam wallet is only applicable in Steam. It's "store credit" which has no intrinsic value outside of Steam and the only way it'd have value again is if it was transferred out of Steam and into a proper bank account. This all strikes of an entitled attitude, that the originator is due for having been a 'loyal customer' and shouldn't have to spend anymore money to get the benefits of those who have.
They should sell the sub perks package for Zen, like they do on consoles.
However, the only interest I personally would have in liberated Borg is if I could get the implants unlocked for my Alien main.
The Seven of Nine uniform and hand implants can be used for any female captain or almost any female bridge officer while the face implants are only usable by Starfleet and TOS Starfleet female captains and female bridge officer and only the Federation-aligned Romulan female captains. Strangely enough, the Liberated Borg Klingon Bridge Officer from the C-Store can't use the Seven of Nine costume even though any other female Klingon Bridge Officer can use the uniform and hand implant. Not sure if the Liberated Borg Romulan (KDF) from the Lobi Store can use the Seven of Nine costume since I don't have it. The Seven of Nine costume only becomes available when a female Romulan joins Starfleet or the TOS Starfleet character reaches the 25th Century. So if your alien main is Starfleet or Federation-aligned Romulan, then the Seven of Nine costume is an option.
They should sell the sub perks package for Zen, like they do on consoles.
However, the only interest I personally would have in liberated Borg is if I could get the implants unlocked for my Alien main.
Would definitely give more options cosmetically. This is something that I would like to see for LTS players. Unlock the eye implants for Alien race as an option. Something to add, for example, for a character wanting a cybernetic to replace the eyepatch. Same w/ granting 7/9's head implant options for KDF females, to go along w/ their access of the other costume bits from the outfit pack.
whoa, wait, you saying my LTS's liberated borg are outdated? just check, devs are redoing klingons for next patch or soon, it just matter of how soon all other captains get makeover updates.
if you want to get LTS cheaper, wait for few months or near end of the year for limited time reduced sales. only cost $299 dollars if you wait, so you have plenty of time saving up until they are ready.
whoa, wait, you saying my LTS's liberated borg are outdated? just check, devs are redoing klingons for next patch or soon, it just matter of how soon all other captains get makeover updates.
... the Klingon revamp is something they've been working on for two years now ... I wouldn't hold my breath for any other race revamps any time soon, not unless it's a major part of the next expansion ...
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
I thought if you bought one of those $200 Neverwinter Packs you became a VIP.
Really ought to remain an LTS exclusive. The other LTS exclusive is a Talaxian. Why don't we see people clamoring for that?
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
I am F2P and I am very opposed to this. Chipping away one piece at a time at the LTS perks is a bad idea. Because it removes the reasons for anyone to spend for LTS. OP, if you want to play as a Liberated Borg, you already can. Just as soon as you spend for the LTS. Since you've implied you have allegedly spent over $500 (and we have only your word for this on the Internet. Which is filled with the most truthful of people), I am wondering why you did not spend for the LTS and get all of the perks already.
Oh. Waitaminnit. Went back and read your post again. Through Steam, hunh? Wouldn't be angling for something which improves your personal lot over on Steam or being too obvious about it, now would you? So, this is really all about you and earning "loyalty points" over on Steam then, isn't it? You made no mention of wanting to unlock such a benefit for people who don't use Steam, did you? Nope. Sure didn't.
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
They should sell the sub perks package for Zen, like they do on consoles.
However, the only interest I personally would have in liberated Borg is if I could get the implants unlocked for my Alien main.
The Seven of Nine uniform and hand implants can be used for any female captain or almost any female bridge officer while the face implants are only usable by Starfleet and TOS Starfleet female captains and female bridge officer and only the Federation-aligned Romulan female captains. Strangely enough, the Liberated Borg Klingon Bridge Officer from the C-Store can't use the Seven of Nine costume even though any other female Klingon Bridge Officer can use the uniform and hand implant. Not sure if the Liberated Borg Romulan (KDF) from the Lobi Store can use the Seven of Nine costume since I don't have it. The Seven of Nine costume only becomes available when a female Romulan joins Starfleet or the TOS Starfleet character reaches the 25th Century. So if your alien main is Starfleet or Federation-aligned Romulan, then the Seven of Nine costume is an option.
The face implant is NOT available for Fedroms.
And even without the stupid restrictions, one minimalist face implant would be of limited use for serious customization.
Normally I don't side with most LTSers (aside from a select few), but here, I have to put out a resounding HELL NO.
As was stated many times before me, what's the point of getting an LTS if you can just buy the perks for much cheaper than the package? Besides, as was also stated, the Borg BOff is somewhat underpowered and not nearly as useful as many others for the current game.
So no. Just... no.
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
whoa, wait, you saying my LTS's liberated borg are outdated? just check, devs are redoing klingons for next patch or soon, it just matter of how soon all other captains get makeover updates.
... the Klingon revamp is something they've been working on for two years now ... I wouldn't hold my breath for any other race revamps any time soon, not unless it's a major part of the next expansion ...
The devs have say they like to make the Cardassians, Jem'Hadar, and Borg all playable fractions. Were most likely getting the Cardassain fraction in the fourth expansion follow by Jem'Hadar. I think we are a couple expansion away from getting a playable Borg fraction.
whoa, wait, you saying my LTS's liberated borg are outdated? just check, devs are redoing klingons for next patch or soon, it just matter of how soon all other captains get makeover updates.
... the Klingon revamp is something they've been working on for two years now ... I wouldn't hold my breath for any other race revamps any time soon, not unless it's a major part of the next expansion ...
The devs have say they like to make the Cardassians, Jem'Hadar, and Borg all playable fractions. Were most likely getting the Cardassain fraction in the fourth expansion follow by Jem'Hadar. I think we are a couple expansion away from getting a playable Borg fraction.
I honestly don't see any way that a Cardassian or dominion faction could ever happen at this point. Everything you need to create a dominion toon is already available (my delta recruit is an aliengen Vorta with an all Jem'Hadar crew equipped with dominion rifles, flying a JHSS and JHDC). On the Cardassian side of things, the only things missing are the uniforms and ground weapons. There really is no point in making either one of them a faction now.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
of course there is a point...all that stuff is fake and people like authenticity - like all of the people who HAD fakeulans before actual romulans came out
and the playerbase at large has already demonstrated that they will rebuy the things they already have if it's even a marginally bit better *cough*T6*cough*
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
I would normally be an advocate of wanting to get more out of your subscription, but even I would have to say no on this... There has to be a separation of perks between lifetime subscription or not otherwise whats the point in it... But doff traits in lockboxes or c-store would be nice!. I would love to have some of those superior traits, should start a poll on that
I've never seen the lifetime option for Neverwinter. Did they add it recently? Last I checked they didn't have a lifetime option like STO and CO.
USS Sharlin NCC79713 B (part of sheridans access code) - T6, Hestia Class Advanced Escort
USS Babylon IV - T6 Krenim Science Vessel
USS Brakiri - T6 Elachi Escort
"We are Grey. We stand between the darkness and the light."
– Grey Council greeting
The Heroes of the North pack is the closest thing to a LTS with the cost of $200 and Priority Login access. However unless they add more VIP rewards, purchasing two 6 month VIP subs amounts to a LTS.
The Liberated Borg Captain is obsolete by now ...
imbedded Traits:
Ground: "Borg Nanites" (+10% HP is buggy for years)
Space: Efficient - efficiency is not as useful as you might think
even on the Ferengi Nandi with 6 Bridge Officer Seats
+30 Warpcore Efficency (from Captain)
+45 Warpcore Efficency (from 6x Efficient B.O.'s = 7,5 x 6 )
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+75 Warpcore Efficency
at Power level 50 = 3
at Power level 15 = 8
I rater take "Pirate" or "SRO"
and i don´t see any other reason besides a few cosmetics choices ...
get yourself a Alien Captain
Not all of us are obsessed with min-maxing ... I for one choose a race for my captains purely for roleplay reasons, I don't really give a poo what traits are available
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
However, the only interest I personally would have in liberated Borg is if I could get the implants unlocked for my Alien main.
Will they? Never...
The Seven of Nine uniform and hand implants can be used for any female captain or almost any female bridge officer while the face implants are only usable by Starfleet and TOS Starfleet female captains and female bridge officer and only the Federation-aligned Romulan female captains. Strangely enough, the Liberated Borg Klingon Bridge Officer from the C-Store can't use the Seven of Nine costume even though any other female Klingon Bridge Officer can use the uniform and hand implant. Not sure if the Liberated Borg Romulan (KDF) from the Lobi Store can use the Seven of Nine costume since I don't have it. The Seven of Nine costume only becomes available when a female Romulan joins Starfleet or the TOS Starfleet character reaches the 25th Century. So if your alien main is Starfleet or Federation-aligned Romulan, then the Seven of Nine costume is an option.
Would definitely give more options cosmetically. This is something that I would like to see for LTS players. Unlock the eye implants for Alien race as an option. Something to add, for example, for a character wanting a cybernetic to replace the eyepatch. Same w/ granting 7/9's head implant options for KDF females, to go along w/ their access of the other costume bits from the outfit pack.
if you want to get LTS cheaper, wait for few months or near end of the year for limited time reduced sales. only cost $299 dollars if you wait, so you have plenty of time saving up until they are ready.
... the Klingon revamp is something they've been working on for two years now ... I wouldn't hold my breath for any other race revamps any time soon, not unless it's a major part of the next expansion ...
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
They want you to use their payment system, not something else like Steam.
You are unlikely to get what you want here.
Really ought to remain an LTS exclusive. The other LTS exclusive is a Talaxian. Why don't we see people clamoring for that?
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Oh. Waitaminnit. Went back and read your post again. Through Steam, hunh? Wouldn't be angling for something which improves your personal lot over on Steam or being too obvious about it, now would you? So, this is really all about you and earning "loyalty points" over on Steam then, isn't it? You made no mention of wanting to unlock such a benefit for people who don't use Steam, did you? Nope. Sure didn't.
VIP Game Access (Priority Login) from the $200 Neverwinter Pack is different from the VIP system.
And even without the stupid restrictions, one minimalist face implant would be of limited use for serious customization.
As was stated many times before me, what's the point of getting an LTS if you can just buy the perks for much cheaper than the package? Besides, as was also stated, the Borg BOff is somewhat underpowered and not nearly as useful as many others for the current game.
So no. Just... no.
The devs have say they like to make the Cardassians, Jem'Hadar, and Borg all playable fractions. Were most likely getting the Cardassain fraction in the fourth expansion follow by Jem'Hadar. I think we are a couple expansion away from getting a playable Borg fraction.
I honestly don't see any way that a Cardassian or dominion faction could ever happen at this point. Everything you need to create a dominion toon is already available (my delta recruit is an aliengen Vorta with an all Jem'Hadar crew equipped with dominion rifles, flying a JHSS and JHDC). On the Cardassian side of things, the only things missing are the uniforms and ground weapons. There really is no point in making either one of them a faction now.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
and the playerbase at large has already demonstrated that they will rebuy the things they already have if it's even a marginally bit better *cough*T6*cough*
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
If you chose to spend 500 dollars on items, then you got exactly what you paid for and should be entitled too.
Message me in-game (@tm706) for help
1st Alpha Quadrant Fleet