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Need Help on the Console version(Post your problems, maybe we can solve them.)



  • hilndr76#8487 hilndr76 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I can't post to the forum yet but am hoping someone might now how to get diplomacy points to increa second rank on Xbox version?
  • hamjamiamhamjamiam Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    Does the Lifetime Subscription on console provide a monthly Zen stipend like on PC?
  • lexifer452lexifer452 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    Forgive my ignorance but what is with the pve queues. Every time I try to join they never start up even with a full twenty. So I tried a private one solo. Was way easy. Granted it too a good ten or fifteen mins to kill 50 kdf ships+20 negvar warships but they never got me below 80% shields. Noticed I was getting decent loot (few rares couple very rarest, mostly consoles and ship weps) so I ran it two more times. Filled my inventory after each, but I got the same klingon one all three times. What gives? Is that the only one? And why is it so easy?

    And speaking of inventory is there a decent place to sell my excess? The replicator recycler seems to only give round 30-40% of listed value and while I've got up to around 80k energy credits there has got to be better way.

    Any insight here would be greatly appreciated.
  • capricantoastercapricantoaster Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    hamjamiam wrote: »
    Does the Lifetime Subscription on console provide a monthly Zen stipend like on PC?

    ^^This. I still would like to know this.
  • nigel#5569 nigel Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    New Arc account so I can only respond to a post and not make a new one.

    I'm playing on PS4 and the Klingon mission Alpha. When I need to recover the Klingon from the tubes, the one on the far right is messing up. The Klingon's head is sticking up out of the tube and I don't get the choice to interact with him. I've dropped the quest and restarted five times and it's the same each time. I don't know how to make an in game ticket.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    I can't post to the forum yet but am hoping someone might now how to get diplomacy points to increa second rank on Xbox version?
    I think you might need to wait until the Duty Officer system is released for the console. I don't know if you can still gain Diplomacy points by doing the Diplomacy missions. I remember vaguely one on Vulcan and one in the orbit of Bajor.

    hamjamiam wrote:
    Does the Lifetime Subscription on console provide a monthly Zen stipend like on PC?
    Apparently not. It seems as if the base price might be a bit lower, though. Whether tha tmakes it worth it is a difficult question.
    lexifer452 wrote:
    Forgive my ignorance but what is with the pve queues. Every time I try to join they never start up even with a full twenty. So I tried a private one solo. Was way easy. Granted it too a good ten or fifteen mins to kill 50 kdf ships+20 negvar warships but they never got me below 80% shields. Noticed I was getting decent loot (few rares couple very rarest, mostly consoles and ship weps) so I ran it two more times. Filled my inventory after each, but I got the same klingon one all three times. What gives? Is that the only one? And why is it so easy?
    It's so easy because the game isn't really hard. Especially at low levels it's very lenient. KDF NPCs aren't the toughest enemies. The Borg might initially provide more challenge (the fully fledged ones, not the ones in the tutorial), the Vaadwaur tend to be the hardest.

    The are other queues, but they will only become available later. They will provide you with different enemiies.

    I am not sure why the queues wouldn't start if there are enough players, though. Could be a bug?
    And speaking of inventory is there a decent place to sell my excess? The replicator recycler seems to only give round 30-40% of listed value and while I've got up to around 80k energy credits there has got to be better way.

    Any insight here would be greatly appreciated.
    Some traders give you a better deal. (Avoid the Ferengi, look at the equipment vendors on your home social zone.)
    Potentially even better deals might be available in player-to-player trade via the exchange. The economy is still young, and inflation seems inevitable voer time - so if you find something really decent looking (Very Rare items), you could hold on to them for a bit longer.

    Note that due to the way the item upgrade system works, low mark items with a rarity of very rare tend to become more valuable then higher mark items.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • lordzulu11lordzulu11 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Wow buggy
    with my fed character is got to LvL 27 started the mission "diplomacy" game crashes error code ce-38700-8 character is completely unplayable
    Wit has my ROM character i get to lvl 10. I got notice of promotion and told to "go to shuttle bay" "go to new romulus command"
    the new romulus system is not populated by romulan yet and can not be entered and I can not get to the shuttlebay. I went to ship vendor at Republic fleet and got MT T2 but am now stuck and can not continue with the story
  • nightkennightken Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    I can't post to the forum yet but am hoping someone might now how to get diplomacy points to increa second rank on Xbox version?

    doffing isn't on xbox yet so no diplomacy

    felix313 wrote: »
    nightken wrote: »
    felix313 wrote: »
    I just got a Graviton Pulse Generator console, how do I trigger it after it's equipped?

    should be under LB/L1, hold so it the ring comes up. if not check LT/L2.

    Tried that, still can't find how to activate the console ;)

    then you found a bug report it. act
    nigel#5569 wrote: »
    New Arc account so I can only respond to a post and not make a new one.

    I'm playing on PS4 and the Klingon mission Alpha. When I need to recover the Klingon from the tubes, the one on the far right is messing up. The Klingon's head is sticking up out of the tube and I don't get the choice to interact with him. I've dropped the quest and restarted five times and it's the same each time. I don't know how to make an in game ticket.

    jump on the rock he is stuck in. you should be about to find the interact.

    if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
  • jaylovesashjaylovesash Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    I have a problem. Have purchased quite abit of zen and got the lifetime subscription which all seems fine but I also got the "all faction mega bundle" it gave me the option to claim which i have done several times now, I then have the option for "federation pack" blocked out as I claimed this but only recieved certain items. I got the uniforms, officer and seven of nine uniform but I didnt get any of the ships. Im aware that you're required to be a certain level to get these but I am already a level 9 Lieutenant and I still see the 500 zen purchase option for both the NX class and the Delta class when I look in c store or when I speak to LT. Laurel (which if im not mistaken are available at my level). I have seen on the forums people have said check inventory but the only thing regarding starships I have there is a Special Req pack (streamrunner) which ive already used and Starship Upgrade Req (Tier 5 to T5-U), I have also checked mail and bank and nothing. I wondered if I was looking in the wrong place but I dont see where else they could be? I have filled in a ticket for assistance but havnt heard anything back yet. Which has me concerned considering the amount of cash involved. I really would appreciate any constructive information or sugestions anyone can offer.
  • sotirios1sotirios1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    So just lvl to lieutenant commander, requisitioned a ship but now I can't find it. So I don't know what to do.
  • alduin303alduin303 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    So I just bought the avenger class battle cruiser
    It comes with that weird weapon system.
    Now my question is this : does it automatically activate? Or what do I need to do in order for it to work. Because I can either not tell that it's working or it is not actually working.
    (On Xbox one FYI)
  • harrymudd1982harrymudd1982 Member Posts: 1 New User
    Hi, started PS4 Fed game yesterday and have a couple of issues.

    In general, I'm finding the controls quite unresponsive at times, and the camera is absolute tosh at the moment, I cant read stuff in space from my sofa.

    Specifically tho, the radial menu on skills and items, I can open the radial menu but I can't seem to select an option to change, I was trying to get my grenades in the middle of a borg battle and it just wouldnt select them. Am I missing something obvious?
  • gibbsy1000gibbsy1000 Member Posts: 2 New User
    Anyone know how you make use of 4th, 5th crew station powers i can only seem to use the first 3 so far even though i have a crew member assigned to the 4th one.
  • gibbsy1000gibbsy1000 Member Posts: 2 New User
    Ignore my comment i worked it out
  • dreadscythe13dreadscythe13 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Yeah I am having the same issue. I hit lvl 10, went to go get my T2 ship, used my point to get it but now i can't even find it in my ship selection.
  • jamesonrookjamesonrook Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Xbox One user here and I have to questions:

    -How does one adjust the game's brightness? I am either going blind and can't find that option or the game does not have it. My game is running a bit dark and it is straining my eyes to the point of giving me a head ache.

    -Is it not possible to zoom in on our ships?
  • lexifer452lexifer452 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    As far as I can tell the options menu only has ui options. Granted there like a lot but I haven't seen any general game options or display options yet. Might have to adjust brightness on your TV for now. Hopefully it gets patched in at some point.

    As far as zooming in, simply hold a and select change camera difference theres a few "zoom" options. For me though the closest camera angle is unusable. It almost shrinks your field of view.
  • lexifer452lexifer452 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    Question for Xbox players about dom-card lock boxes.

    I was thinking about buying a key to try one of these out but I wanted to find out first if it was guaranteed that I would get one of the three ships in the dominion-cardassian lock box news post. Jemhadar escort, keldan class cardi ship or dominion dreadnought carrier. Is it just one of those three items in each lock box or is there a chance to get some other item. Keys go for a lot in the exchange and are like five bucks, I think, if purchased directly from store. Would like to know potential loot from these before I get one ya know?
  • capricantoastercapricantoaster Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    lexifer452 wrote: »
    Question for Xbox players about dom-card lock boxes.

    I was thinking about buying a key to try one of these out but I wanted to find out first if it was guaranteed that I would get one of the three ships in the dominion-cardassian lock box news post. Jemhadar escort, keldan class cardi ship or dominion dreadnought carrier. Is it just one of those three items in each lock box or is there a chance to get some other item. Keys go for a lot in the exchange and are like five bucks, I think, if purchased directly from store. Would like to know potential loot from these before I get one ya know?

    You're not guaranteed any of the ships, it's random each box you open. You can also get things like ship weapons, reputation marks/boosts, lobi crystals, and other stuff.

  • danielboone24danielboone24 Member Posts: 2 New User
    Few questions for Xbox users,
    1. Each new rank I get I am able to select a new bridge officer and I do, but they say I have no room for them, why can't I get them?
    2. I have a few powers selected to do autofire at certain times and they don't seem to work, any ideas?
  • aliengamer79#3452 aliengamer79 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    Few questions for Xbox users,
    1. Each new rank I get I am able to select a new bridge officer and I do, but they say I have no room for them, why can't I get them?
    2. I have a few powers selected to do autofire at certain times and they don't seem to work, any ideas?

    You have a limited number of Bridge Officer Slots and if you currently have them all full you won't be able to add the new ones. You can dismiss current Bridge Officers if one you get is better rated than a current one. Make sure you dump any gear they have that you want too keep into your inventory though as they will take the gear with them. As you reach higher levels you will get more BOF slots so you may want to just let them sit until you are ready to use them.

    As for the abilities each one has a different setting for when they will fire off so pay attention to what they are. I have a lot of mine set to autofire as they are available and some set only when certain requirements are met. Also each one has a cooldown time so even set to autofire they can take a little while before they fire off again.
  • aliengamer79#3452 aliengamer79 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    Does anyone know how we can quickly change from our Uniform to the Off Duty outfit without visiting the Tailor. I know on PC there is an easy way to do it but I can't figure it out on the PS4. Currently I have the WOK Khan outfit as my off duty but I don't want too wear it while out on missions.
  • rozaz#0825 rozaz Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    When I go to my Dilithium store on the ps4 it is blank. Is there something i have to do to unlock it ?
  • aliengamer79#3452 aliengamer79 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    rozaz#0825 wrote: »
    When I go to my Dilithium store on the ps4 it is blank. Is there something i have to do to unlock it ?

    Did you leave one of the other vendors on the sell page? If you visit some vendors in the game after having left a previous vendor on the sell page it will come up blank. The fix is to find a vendor that you can sell things too and then switch it back to the buy page. And yes that can happen with the dilithium store as well. I bet it actually says sell when you click into it instead of buy.
  • rozaz#0825 rozaz Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    > @aliengamer79#3452 said:
    > rozaz rozaz#0825
    > wrote: »
    > When I go to my Dilithium store on the ps4 it is blank. Is there something i have to do to unlock it ?
    > Did you leave one of the other vendors on the sell page? If you visit some vendors in the game after having left a previous vendor on the sell page it will come up blank. The fix is to find a vendor that you can sell things too and then switch it back to the buy page. And yes that can happen with the dilithium store as well. I bet it actually says sell when you click into it instead of buy.

    Thanks it worked
  • shyguyonthewebshyguyontheweb Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    Does anyone know how we can quickly change from our Uniform to the Off Duty outfit without visiting the Tailor. I know on PC there is an easy way to do it but I can't figure it out on the PS4. Currently I have the WOK Khan outfit as my off duty but I don't want too wear it while out on missions.

    Sadly there is still a lot of things not yet brought over to the consoles. I've fought with this also, and with no way to target yourself as in the PC version. I don't think you can switch any other way.
  • redfriarredfriar Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    So i reached rank 40, but i can't find any new missions. The next one says "available" in the mission journal but the npc won't give me a mission. I think i need to be rank 42 for the next one.
  • drunksparky#4366 drunksparky Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Has anyone experienced an issue with the item upgrades? I tried to complete an upgrade on a photon torpedo launcher mk vi, but once completed the game becomes completely unresponsive at the Claim Item screen.

    I'm not able to get out of it with any button presses/combos. No matter how many times i restart the game and/or console, if I come back to the item upgrade screen it's still frozen at the same place, which freezes the game again.

  • lexifer452lexifer452 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    Question for any PC players here.

    Concerning the Xbox version of the game: Why is it that stats received from equipment or gear (consoles, weapons, pretty much everything equippable) do not get factored in to the display in the ship stats window that is viewed from hitting right trigger while in the ship equipping window. An example being "+12% plasma projectile damage" from a tactical console or like the modifiers on ship weapons like "+10% crit severity or 20% accuracy". Every time I look at my stats its said 2.5% crit chance and 50% crit severity. I've seen the notice on every piece of gear. Something about displayed stats do nor rake into account something or other. My question is first is everything applicable factored in to PC players stat screens and also, if not, why do they not make it so everything does get displayed. How hard would that be to do? Elder scrolls online for instance, not to mention a ton of other games, do this effectively without any difficulty. Its just a bit frustrating to not know for certain at all times what my general ship statistics are for damage, resistance, etc. Certain things do seem to get factored in to the display. Traits possibly? Its kind of strange to me to force a player to individually check each piece of gear with a modifier on it and add it all up to know what their active crit chance, or whatever else, is at any given moment.
    I guess I also wouldn't mind more detailed stats of the ones that are their to begin with. Would love to know something of my damage numbers beyond the static display of crit chance/severity. Some general info for currently equipped direct damage dps versus DOT or AOE damage dps and like percentage of whole damage done/shield damage done. Like a battle report after every major fight listing all relevant personal performance data kind of how ESO does for PC players at the end of trials (or it might just be for those with installed modes, not sure).

    I'm no number crunching spreadsheeter trying to min-max for mmo endgame dips but I still would like to know what I'm doing out there in a battle from time to time. Sure it forces me to pay much closer attention to detail during fights but some data being there that I could refer to would be very helpful.

    Starting to rant a little so I will leave it at that.

    I'm hoping this is just an oversight while developing this for console or perhaps something that still needs to be patched in like the duty officer system and crafting but if anyone knows what's up with this for sure please let me know.

    Also, many thanks to the experienced pc players and helpful people on this thread over the past week or so. This thread in particular, along with a few sections of the gamepedia stop wiki, have been immensely useful while I'm still learning how every aspect of this huge and complicated game works.
  • lexifer452lexifer452 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    Also, an actual quick question.

    Does Xbox currently have or at some point gain access to this mission replay feature on PC that I've heard about?
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