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Need Help on the Console version(Post your problems, maybe we can solve them.)



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    aliengamer79#3452 aliengamer79 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Hello guys. I'm on the Xbox version of the game and I'm at "Boldly We((they) Go" where I'm at "Mind the Gap" part of it. I'm assuming I'm supposed to be able to jump in the spacesuit but I have no idea how to. It says jump from becaon to beacon but I've pressed every button and there's no jumping to be done. Need some help here.

    Hold down LB while aimed at the beacon and you will see the ability next to the one you use to activate the suit. Once you activate it then you will automatically glide to the next beacon.

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    aliengamer79#3452 aliengamer79 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    walligig wrote: »
    Actually here is something I have been wondering. On News and Events it says Crystalline Cataclysm starts on the 29th, but considering consoles don't have Crystalline Catastrophe available right now I am wondering if they will get this event.

    I think we will be getting the Crystalline Cataclysm event since it does list it on consoles. At least I hope we do because I am certainly planning on taking part every day I need to in order to get the rewards.
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    chrisbrown12009chrisbrown12009 Member Posts: 790 Arc User
    how do i train a boff in crf3?

    I am leveled to 60 AND a tactical
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    odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    how do i train a boff in crf3?

    I am leveled to 60 AND a tactical

    Your going to have to search the exchange of a tactical boff who has that ability...Otherwise youll have to wait until they release crafting on the consoles.


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

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    starfiresonstarfireson Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    Hello guys. I'm on the Xbox version of the game and I'm at "Boldly We((they) Go" where I'm at "Mind the Gap" part of it. I'm assuming I'm supposed to be able to jump in the spacesuit but I have no idea how to. It says jump from becaon to beacon but I've pressed every button and there's no jumping to be done. Need some help here.

    Hold down LB while aimed at the beacon and you will see the ability next to the one you use to activate the suit. Once you activate it then you will automatically glide to the next beacon.

    Thanks for the tip. I finally figured it out the hard way.
    Hopefully the next guy who gets stuck will have this info at their disposal.
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    tauron#0651 tauron Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    When leveling my space skills and choosing specialisations, one said it granted access to recipes for Beam turret (higher level than kit I had) another said a Shield emitter, and a third was for a med station. I do not get why the game even makes references to these if they are not included on the console.

    Also, how/where do I get the manuals needed to give away team members specializations as seen on their equip screens (command, Intel, Pilot)? I tried the regular skill manuals under the three headings, but it won't use them.

    The references are for crafting, which has not yet been included in the Platform version (Were currently season 11.5 I think console is around season 11.) It is (Crafting) slated to be added but I think (Cryptic) prolly wanted to see what stuff worked in the PC to console translation.Hold your horses its comin..

    So..For Pilot (http://sto.gamepedia.com/Mission:_Delta_Flight) and Temporal (http://sto.gamepedia.com/Mission:_Ragnarok), each have 1 free manual in I believe are lvl 57 or higher missions.
    As for command, theres a Kobali engineering officer (http://sto.gamepedia.com/Mission:_Dust_to_Dust) that can be found in one of the Delta missions that starts with command and a Hierachy BOff /Mr Potato Head (http://sto.gamepedia.com/Mission:_Alliances) starts with Intel..

    Outside of these things, creating special Skill manuals called "Specialization Qualification-Intel or Pilot or Command or Temporal" are a part of the Crafting element that has yet to be released for console. Once ya'll get that (its coming soon) you can either make em yourself or buy these on the exchange.

    I'm sorry if this is against forum etiquette. But cheers on an extremely valuable post! I'm not sure how I haven't come across the links you provided already. I've been enjoying the game immensely and just got to these questions (well, after spinning my wheels in game a bit looking for the duty officer stuff) and truly appreciate your thoughtful response, Odin.
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    aliennumber5aliennumber5 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    Hey guys are ship interiors up and running yet on console? I have tried every turbolift and so far no command to make them budge.
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    aliennumber5aliennumber5 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    Hey is Elisa Flores' display name bugged? I was able to change the display names and full names of the Vulcan and Bolian females with no issue. But when it came to Flores' display name it couldn't be changed. Her full name could be changed without issue but not the display name. So now I am stuck with a character with two names. Also the fifth crewman on my roster's display name and full name were changed. But when I accessed the uniform talior to change his outfit it gives his old name. Bugs? Glitches? Should I write a ticket? Anyone else having this problem on PS4?
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    tiberious#6095 tiberious Member Posts: 183 Arc User
    How do you get rid of the annoying T6 banner messages coming across the top of the screen for the PS4?
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    walligigwalligig Member Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    @aliennumber5 Elisa Flores's name has never been able to be changed. Same goes for Toven Khev and whatever the Klingon first officer's name is. Unlike Toven however you can get rid of her if you really want too.

    As far as the uniform names, Ive noticed that as well in the Xbox one. Its just the uniform name though and it shouldn't have any effect on the name of your officer.

    @tiberious#6095 If you mean the lockbox congratulations messeges, I don't think you can unfortunately. Atleast I haven't found a way on Xbox and believe me I looked.

    Now here is another question. On console, can anyone upgrade their rep gear? It won't let me upgrade my Gravemetric Torp launcher or any of the gear set from A Step Between the Stars.
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    psyminion#6383 psyminion Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    sorry if this has been asked already but I'm on mobile and can't figure the search out -

    [ps4]upgrading the type 1 phaser (the uncommon one from the guardian of time mission 'past imperfect') seems like it cannot be done?

    every time I try to upgrade from the inventory selection it disappears in the upgrade menu.

    if I open the inventory from the upgrade menu the phaser type 1 isn't even listed as upgradeable?

    I also acquired a second phaser from redoing the mission at a higher level and got the exact same item. not upgradeable.

    any ideas?
    and thank you for reading.
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    aliengamer79#3452 aliengamer79 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    Hey guys are ship interiors up and running yet on console? I have tried every turbolift and so far no command to make them budge.

    Hold down X or A if you are on XBOX. You will then see where you can use the turbolift to go to Crew quarters or to Engineering. Best thing is if you have a shuttle mission you can go to Engineering and switch over to the shuttle from the transporter room.

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    aliennumber5aliennumber5 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    Thanks to all who responded! I will try that aliengamer. I kind of want to see if the interior of my Long Range Science Vessel matches the Voyager set!
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    joker#4649 joker Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    Last I checked the only ship interior we can explore is the default one I have a diplomatic one and am confined to the bridge when I try
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    joker#4649 joker Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    Will someone please tell me how I can make a ship closest looking to the enterprise with a t5 cruiser interior and all, preferably the one from TNG
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    sorry if this has been asked already but I'm on mobile and can't figure the search out -

    [ps4]upgrading the type 1 phaser (the uncommon one from the guardian of time mission 'past imperfect') seems like it cannot be done?

    every time I try to upgrade from the inventory selection it disappears in the upgrade menu.

    if I open the inventory from the upgrade menu the phaser type 1 isn't even listed as upgradeable?

    I also acquired a second phaser from redoing the mission at a higher level and got the exact same item. not upgradeable.

    any ideas?
    and thank you for reading.

    I believe some unique mission rewards are not upgrade-able (not sure whether this is a bug or intention) however as you've already discovered you can receive higher level versions by redoing the mission
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    crashdownbsg#7928 crashdownbsg Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Just got my KDF to lvl 21. I cannot turn in my promotion quest...the Chancellor won't let me talk to him about promotion...
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    d0nomegad0nomega Member Posts: 202 Arc User
    I've got a question; my engineer is about to hit 50, bless his heart, and people say the best Cstore ship for him is the Dreadnought Cruiser. Well I have looked up and down the store and haven't located it yet.

    Am I blind? Is it actually named something else in the store? Is it not available on the XboxOne as of yet?
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    desdekkdesdekk Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Is there a list of features not available for consoles somewhere? Trying to figure things out and discovering, after spending hours, that they are not included on console versions (yet?) thanks
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    odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    desdekk wrote: »
    Is there a list of features not available for consoles somewhere? Trying to figure things out and discovering, after spending hours, that they are not included on console versions (yet?) thanks


    closest I got


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

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    desdekkdesdekk Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Thanks Odinforever. I've seen that page. Maybe you can help with this one. Right now we're trying to figure out how to invite team mates to our bridge? Is this feature not available on console? I've seen pc how to but can't figure it out
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    superman29superman29 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    OK so New player here, and so far i love the game. I tried playing it on the PC when it first came out but could not get the hang of the keyboard and mouse. So when I heard that it was coming out for the ps4 I was stoked.

    On to the question part.

    Ships....I know that I get a free one when leveling (currently lv 34) but I am not sure how often I should get one when I get to the point where they do not give me another new ship. Do I need to pay for a t5 then a t6 ship?

    Also I am a tactical officer so I am supposed to use the Escort c;TRIBBLE ship. If I use that I should get a bonus or something. I have no idea what the bonus is or why it would matter. It looks like the Cruiser is the better route....more shield, weapons, hull and station.....just not as many tactical stations. So does it really matter what type of ship I pick?

    When does the multiplayer stuff start. Like I said I am currently lvl 34 and still playing solo. I have not found anything that I could not handle alone and I do not even know how to group up with people. Is there any place where that is explained?

    Last question. How many DLC's do ps4 and xbox not have access too? Is the oc on t7 or t8 ships now? How much of the game do we not have atm. I do think it is smart not to include all the dlc's right off the bat. I am just curious as to how much more content I have to look forward to.

    Any help is appreciated Thank you. This will be my second mmo with DCUO being the first....so completely different games.
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    joker#4649 joker Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    We have at least one dlc that we do not have yet and that is the Agents of Yesterday one sadly, I wAnna be a TOS Starfleet officer so damn bad. From what I have seen on the ships is pretty much just personalpreference and who you want in the crew stations, personally I like the Science vessels as they have good turning capabilities and it's easy to turn and get the enemy in your sights at almost all times
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    predabuck#8593 predabuck Member Posts: 1 New User
    so glad i found this forum just scrolling through has answered so many questions. I am a lvl 50 fed and the duty officer thing was starting to anger me lol
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    fflymaxsterlingfflymaxsterling Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    I am playing "Night of the Comet" at lvl 15. When I get to the ship combat, the weapons just turn off and stop firing. I have rebooted the PS4 and tried dropping the mission many times. Any clues to why this is happening?
    I've had something similar happen on Xbox One. The targeting system is locked on the ship you disabled. I didn't know that there was a way to change your target, so I would fly to the edge of the map... then fly back and I'd be able to target something else. One Xbox One, apparently the way to select a new target is hover your cursor over the target and press in the right thumbstick. I'm sure the PS4 has their own method of doing the same.

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    fflymaxsterlingfflymaxsterling Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    bonzodog01 wrote: »
    Now, my question - I got to level 30, and was given a shuttlecraft. I tried to equip it with Engineering, Science and Tactical consoles, but the last two won't actually take (the UI shows the Icon for them, but hovering over them shows them as empty slots, and they are still in my inventory). I did manage to equip the Engineering console. Anyone know anything about this?
    Were you trying to do that with a full inventory?
    Do the consoles you're trying to use say they can't be used by certain ship types or can only be used by certain ship types?
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    fflymaxsterlingfflymaxsterling Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    d0nomega wrote: »
    I've got a question; my engineer is about to hit 50, bless his heart, and people say the best Cstore ship for him is the Dreadnought Cruiser. Well I have looked up and down the store and haven't located it yet.

    Am I blind? Is it actually named something else in the store? Is it not available on the XboxOne as of yet?
    I think that ship is only available in one of the lockboxes...
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    For the Romulan mission promotion at level ten you gotta complete the quest for picking a side first then you can go to new Romulus afterwards. As far as shuttlecrafts go buy one for energy credits.

    Now then i have a question is club wear restricted use on pc also? Because i spent many hours and got 250,000 latinium and bought it and now i can't wear it where ever i want on ps4.
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    odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    superman29 wrote: »
    OK so New player here, and so far i love the game. I tried playing it on the PC when it first came out but could not get the hang of the keyboard and mouse. So when I heard that it was coming out for the ps4 I was stoked.

    On to the question part.

    Ships....I know that I get a free one when leveling (currently lv 34) but I am not sure how often I should get one when I get to the point where they do not give me another new ship. Do I need to pay for a t5 then a t6 ship?

    Also I am a tactical officer so I am supposed to use the Escort c;**** ship. If I use that I should get a bonus or something. I have no idea what the bonus is or why it would matter. It looks like the Cruiser is the better route....more shield, weapons, hull and station.....just not as many tactical stations. So does it really matter what type of ship I pick?

    When does the multiplayer stuff start. Like I said I am currently lvl 34 and still playing solo. I have not found anything that I could not handle alone and I do not even know how to group up with people. Is there any place where that is explained?

    Last question. How many DLC's do ps4 and xbox not have access too? Is the oc on t7 or t8 ships now? How much of the game do we not have atm. I do think it is smart not to include all the dlc's right off the bat. I am just curious as to how much more content I have to look forward to.

    Any help is appreciated Thank you. This will be my second mmo with DCUO being the first....so completely different games.
    1.) You get a Free ship every 10th level until level 40. Then no free ships outside of Events (winter and summer events)

    2.) As a Tac officer..Use whatever you like flying.Does not matter. I personally fly the science ship in my sig pic.

    3.) Multiplayer stuff...There are STFs that should be available now but the better ones will be after lvl 50.
    You could ask for another player to join you in some of your single player missions too..

    4.) You dont have access to anything after season 11 (October 15, 2015) as of yet..It is coming. The Agents of Yesterday stuff dropped on the PC ( launched 6 July 2016) not long ago and some of it has some bugs to sort out before they port it over to console I imagine..


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

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    odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    For the Romulan mission promotion at level ten you gotta complete the quest for picking a side first then you can go to new Romulus afterwards. As far as shuttlecrafts go buy one for energy credits.

    Now then i have a question is club wear restricted use on pc also? Because i spent many hours and got 250,000 latinium and bought it and now i can't wear it where ever i want on ps4.

    Clubwear is restricted use to the clubs and I think Risa..


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

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