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Need Help on the Console version(Post your problems, maybe we can solve them.)



  • aliengamer79#3452 aliengamer79 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    Does anyone know how we can quickly change from our Uniform to the Off Duty outfit without visiting the Tailor. I know on PC there is an easy way to do it but I can't figure it out on the PS4. Currently I have the WOK Khan outfit as my off duty but I don't want too wear it while out on missions.

    Sadly there is still a lot of things not yet brought over to the consoles. I've fought with this also, and with no way to target yourself as in the PC version. I don't think you can switch any other way.

    Thanks. I bet we will eventually get most of what the PC version has. It makes since that we would get a minimum to start with so they can make sure it works well and fix what doesn't while adding things in later too keep it fresh. I just hope that they will add more big content to all of the systems it is on.

  • felix313felix313 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    redfriar wrote: »
    So i reached rank 40, but i can't find any new missions. The next one says "available" in the mission journal but the npc won't give me a mission. I think i need to be rank 42 for the next one.

    I had this problem as well so I just re-ran some of the earlier missions to get from 40 to 42 (also allowed me to pick up a couple of alt rewards I liked)
  • krayen1979krayen1979 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I purchased the joined trill and fed Klingon bridge off from the c store but I can't redeem them at bridge officer requisition. They don't show up anywhere. Anyone have any advice
  • aliengamer79#3452 aliengamer79 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    krayen1979 wrote: »
    I purchased the joined trill and fed Klingon bridge off from the c store but I can't redeem them at bridge officer requisition. They don't show up anywhere. Anyone have any advice

    Are you sure they didn't show up as cards in your inventory? I got a couple of things from that and they came as cards and I had to basically use them from there to actually get the items.

  • kageryu#7927 kageryu Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    > @drunksparky#4366 said:
    > Has anyone experienced an issue with the item upgrades? I tried to complete an upgrade on a photon torpedo launcher mk vi, but once completed the game becomes completely unresponsive at the Claim Item screen.
    > I'm not able to get out of it with any button presses/combos. No matter how many times i restart the game and/or console, if I come back to the item upgrade screen it's still frozen at the same place, which freezes the game again.
    > HELP.

    I had this happen, and it took me a bit to figure out too (including several log-outs and log-ins with no help). For me, my inventory was full, and so there was no room for the new item, which the game could not handle apparently (even though the item I was upgrading was equipped on a ship).
    To fix this, log back in, go to a store, and make some room in your inventory by selling something. Once that is done, go back to the upgrade screen and you should be able to claim the item.
  • kageryu#7927 kageryu Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    On Xbox One
    When choosing skills and specializations I have several that say they added recipes for Kits for my character to make. Some of them would be very useful. I cannot find anywhere to go to use these recipes or build these kits. Where do I use these recipes from skills?

    A console-specific wiki would be great, because as it is the online help is next to useless. If I hadn't read through this thread I would still be looking for the Duty Officer window and weeding through info only applicable to PC. I hate having to make forum accounts to find out about a game.
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    On Xbox One
    When choosing skills and specializations I have several that say they added recipes for Kits for my character to make. Some of them would be very useful. I cannot find anywhere to go to use these recipes or build these kits. Where do I use these recipes from skills?

    A console-specific wiki would be great, because as it is the online help is next to useless. If I hadn't read through this thread I would still be looking for the Duty Officer window and weeding through info only applicable to PC. I hate having to make forum accounts to find out about a game.

    The problem is Crypitc hasnt given the console guys access to everything PC currently has..In time it'll all match up..

    What Kits are you looking for?


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • I am playing "Night of the Comet" at lvl 15. When I get to the ship combat, the weapons just turn off and stop firing. I have rebooted the PS4 and tried dropping the mission many times. Any clues to why this is happening?
  • visha70#4783 visha70 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    How in the name of gorn do I promote a bridge officer?

    This game is so good, but hard to learn due to NO STINKING CONSOLE INFO!!!!!

    That is all.
  • scuderia07#5082 scuderia07 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    How in the name of gorn do I promote a bridge officer?

    This game is so good, but hard to learn due to NO STINKING CONSOLE INFO!!!!!

    That is all.

    when you are looking at the window where it shows what they have equipped, RT (XBOX) to the career tab.
  • redfriarredfriar Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    Are console vendors no longer a thing? I was looking to buy some cheap common tac consoles. ..
  • ukgouki#7276 ukgouki Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    does anyone know how to use training manuals on bridge officers xbox one? i have around 10 different skills i could train them in i know they have to follow the same carrier path ive looked everywhere on how to do this unless its not added yet like the duty officers...
  • skyttylskyttyl Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I'm wonderjng of there's a way to disable ship visuals on the console version. I just recently got the reman prototype covariance shield array and, of course, when you equip it, it changes the look of your ship. I know how to turn off visuals on pc, but since this is console, i'm wondering if there's a way to do it here. I've scoured the options menu and tried every button on the actual shield while in its slot, but no joy.
  • ukgouki#7276 ukgouki Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    ok i figured out how to use them you go to crew stations in the skills menu you can only train upto the crew stations rank i.e ensign,lt,ly commander, commander :D
  • capricantoastercapricantoaster Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    lexifer452 wrote: »
    Also, an actual quick question.

    Does Xbox currently have or at some point gain access to this mission replay feature on PC that I've heard about?

    I'm pretty sure it's already in. I've replayed multiple missions now. You just need to go back into the episode list and select which one you want to replay.
  • danielboone24danielboone24 Member Posts: 2 New User
    edited September 2016
    @aliengamer79#3452 said
    You have a limited number of Bridge Officer Slots and if you currently have them all full you won't be able to add the new ones. You can dismiss current Bridge Officers if one you get is better rated than a current one. Make sure you dump any gear they have that you want too keep into your inventory though as they will take the gear with them. As you reach higher levels you will get more BOF slots so you may want to just let them sit until you are ready to use them.
    > As for the abilities each one has a different setting for when they will fire off so pay attention to what they are. I have a lot of mine set to autofire as they are available and some set only when certain requirements are met. Also each one has a cooldown time so even set to autofire they can take a little while before they fire off again.>

    That's my problem, with bridge officers, I have no open slots I can only have my original 4 officers and have yet to get any more slots for the other officers to join my ships, do I have to get past level 20 or is it just me
  • sunpyre65sunpyre65 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Does anyone know what's going on with the camera follow type options. I've always had my camera set to "follow" on the PC version.
  • aliengamer79#3452 aliengamer79 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    @aliengamer79#3452 said
    You have a limited number of Bridge Officer Slots and if you currently have them all full you won't be able to add the new ones. You can dismiss current Bridge Officers if one you get is better rated than a current one. Make sure you dump any gear they have that you want too keep into your inventory though as they will take the gear with them. As you reach higher levels you will get more BOF slots so you may want to just let them sit until you are ready to use them.
    > As for the abilities each one has a different setting for when they will fire off so pay attention to what they are. I have a lot of mine set to autofire as they are available and some set only when certain requirements are met. Also each one has a cooldown time so even set to autofire they can take a little while before they fire off again.>

    That's my problem, with bridge officers, I have no open slots I can only have my original 4 officers and have yet to get any more slots for the other officers to join my ships, do I have to get past level 20 or is it just me

    I am now rank 42 and got another slot around 40. You can always just drop one of the original four if you want but honestly in the early part of the game bridge officers don't matter as much. It won't really be until you get into the end game that you really want to put some effort into them and the skills they have.
  • walligigwalligig Member Posts: 308 Arc User
    So I was looking through the Cstore on Xbox and I noticed there was no way to increase the EC cap. So does that mean anyone without lifetime is stuck at 10mil?
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    On XBOX and targeting, there seem to be 2 modes from what I can tell and you switch using the right stick button press.

    1) You fire on what you can see and the game decides is your target
    2) You focus on a target and press the right button stick to select it and slecect different ones by pressing left or right on the stick.
  • melekdad#2159 melekdad Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Been playing for a few days and noticed one thing that is bugging me. The Bridge Officer Trainer at Earth Starbase had training manuals for sale when I first explored the base. Now after leveling up some, he has NONE available for the past several days. Does he ever replenish his store? I'm assuming someone is buying up all the manuals and putting them up for resale on the exchange at a high markup.
  • shyguyonthewebshyguyontheweb Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    sunpyre65 wrote: »
    Does anyone know what's going on with the camera follow type options. I've always had my camera set to "follow" on the PC version.

    I've found the options when in space, but strangely they are grayed out. Don't know why yet, or how to access them.
  • walligigwalligig Member Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    @melekdad#2159 Its a little glitch with that vendor. When that happens go back to a console or weapon vendor and move the tab from "Sell" to "Buy" and then go back to the bridge officer trainer and he should sell the manuals again.
  • mickmadden058mickmadden058 Member Posts: 1 New User
    Hey Guys, I have the Promotion mission. It tells me to go to New Romulus Command but I am not able to enter the system or the world. I am level 10, I have not had this issue with either the Federation of Klingons at all,
  • sunpyre65sunpyre65 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    sunpyre65 wrote: »
    Does anyone know what's going on with the camera follow type options. I've always had my camera set to "follow" on the PC version.

    I've found the options when in space, but strangely they are grayed out. Don't know why yet, or how to access them.

    Same here, I've tried different combinations of the other options. Thinking it may become available then, but still nothing.

    There are a few options that are greyed out. I hope they become available soon.
  • varaloniavaralonia Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    > @melekdad#2159 said:
    > Been playing for a few days and noticed one thing that is bugging me. The Bridge Officer Trainer at Earth Starbase had training manuals for sale when I first explored the base. Now after leveling up some, he has NONE available for the past several days. Does he ever replenish his store? I'm assuming someone is buying up all the manuals and putting them up for resale on the exchange at a high markup.

    The Vendors seem to stay on Sales Tab if you sold something and go on to the next Vendor without switching back to Buy Tab.

    To solve this go to a Vendor where you can actually sell something like equipment and switch back to the Buy tab.

    Then head back to the Bridge Officer Trainer and you should see what he has to sell again.
  • varaloniavaralonia Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    > @mickmadden058 said:
    > Hey Guys, I have the Promotion mission. It tells me to go to New Romulus Command but I am not able to enter the system or the world. I am level 10, I have not had this issue with either the Federation of Klingons at all,

    Fly to the Romulan Fleet and visit the Shipyard. You should get your new ship there.
  • wilky#4549 wilky Member Posts: 1 New User
    Hi all. I'm on the mission Cold Case where you need to position away team members on plates on the ground in a certain pattern. How do you control individual away team members?
  • nightkennightken Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    wilky#4549 wrote: »
    Hi all. I'm on the mission Cold Case where you need to position away team members on plates on the ground in a certain pattern. How do you control individual away team members?

    lock on to them then press up and move them where you want.

    if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
  • allentrillallentrill Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    ok does the console version have ways to raise yor diplomacy? I came across a federation mission that had a greyed out conversation option that requires diplomacy. Just wondering what i need to get that choice available.
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