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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
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    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Wilson pops out looking around whistling at the wreckage of the area.. twenty years would do very little to the ruins and to the new Shoal Zone, Elibisi tech and the Elibisi still remained as reminders and a danger zone blocked off by many Confederation powers. *

    Wilson: They still haven't cleaned this area.. Makes me wonder if dead gods still dream..

    *First time in a while Tara A sees that he isn't completely an insane man child. The patrols were no where near them so they could proceed to the ruins of DS9 and Bajor quickly.. *

    Wilson: Guessing they are keeping their distance from the Shoal Zone to avoid the risk of indoctrination.. Go in at low power their sweeps will think we are a wreck..

    *Tara A sets the runabout adrift, leaving only the manoeuvring thrusters online.*

    Tara A: Computer, locate possible landing zones on Bajor.

    *A map appears with the possible landing sites. Tara A meditates for a moment before selecting one.*

    Tara A: I'll take us down once we clear the debris field.

    *They float there as a Elibisi Captial vessel floats by, dead but a pressure in her head knows that something strange is happening..*

    Wilson: Longer we stay here, the higher the chance we become indoctrinated. Even with the war over for two decades it still creeps me out.

    *He looks to the other person with them.*

    Trust me they were scarier alive...

    *The wreckage floats as Tara A can't help but to agree. Though the attitude change in Wilson has her wonder..*

    *Tara A looks over at Sara, who is clearly frightened.*

    Tara A: Don't worry. I can shield us from it for a time...

    These things killed my best friend... She was an Innotankan. They indoctrinated her and made her force me to...

    *She shakes her head, closing her eyes.*

    Sara, I promise you, we'll get Zoe back.

    *Sara nods slightly as the Runabout enters the atmosphere. Within a few minutes, they've landed in a clearing near the Fire Caves and the coast.*

    *Wilson can't help but to feel more frayed as they approach the cave..*

    Wilson: So let me get this straight.. Oh.. Wait.. What are we even looking for?

    Wilson's other personality: Oh i dunno, my guess is something not a piece of junk...

    Tara A: Something's drawing me here... I need to know what...

    *She turns to both of them.*

    You two don't have to come in with me.

    Wilson: Hey beasty boy will rip me in half if I don't, and you have no idea how much of a pain in the neck that is to regenerate..

    Sara: I'd rather stay with you...

    Tara A: Alright...

    *They walk into the caves.*

    *The caves themselves are eeriely silent and still even with the Elibisi indoctrinated dead all around... As if they were looking for something.*

    Wilson: Hate fighting in caves..

    Other Wilson Personality: Yeah tightly cramped and dark.. Like a sardine..Yick.

    Tara A: Everything in here has been dead for 20 years.

    Wilson: These are the fire caves.. Pah-Wraiths I hear can do quite a bit, if legend is right.

    Other Wilson: Ooo creepy fire ghosts..

    Tara A: Relax.

    *They keep walking to where Tara A is being drawn.*

    Wilson: Yeah of course..

    *That feeling doesn't seem to materialize.. something is missing..*

    *Tara A looks around confused.*

    Wilson: Okay whiskers the wonder girl... Whats up..

    Tara A: This is where I've been being drawn to, but... There's something missing...

    *OOC: Throw me a bone here? What is she looking for?*

    *OOC: Has to do with the station, and is a relic. You did not think this was going to be that easy did you?*

    Wilson: Great a scavenger hunt.. in the middle of one of the creepiest places in the galaxy..

    *Tara A steps outside, looking up.*

    Tara A: That's why...

    This place is a prison for the Pah'Wraiths, Prophets who were cast out for trying to interfere actively with Bajor's development. I wasn't being called here, it just felt familiar.

    Sara: Then where were you...?

    Oh, you have to be kidding. Back up to the scary mecha-aliens?

    Tara A: They're dead, Sara. Besides, I can shield you from their indoctrination, remember?

    Wilson: Well the station could be usable given the place is an abandoned ruin, with damage. I could teleport us there without risking the shuttle again..Might want to get into EV suits just in case..

    Tara A: You can teleport us across the system?

    Wilson: Come on.. of course I can.. How do you think I have time to annoy you?

    *Shuts up when he has been had.. *

    *They return to the shuttle and get into EV suits.*

    *Wilson has his own suit on..*

    Wilson: Okay ladies hang on and do not grip too hard.

    *They hold on.*

    *There is a pop and a crack and they find themselves in the DS9 ruins, the gravity is out of whack as some area's have gravity. Other's do not. There are corpses of indoctrinated everywhere and frozen bodies.. *

    Wilson: Creepy floating around here..

    *Tara A telekinetically pulls them to the deck and she and Sara activate their gravity boots.*

    Tara A: Whatever I'm looking for, it's close...

    Let's check the shrine first.

    *They turn on their helmet lights and head for the Bajoran Shrine.*

    Wilson: *Back to the other personality* Oh yeah the creepy shrine.. in a ruin of a station.. where there is supposed to be an orb... Fan.. freakin tastic..

    Tara A: You got a better idea?

    Wilson: Are you sure its supposed to be something that grand? Maybe its something smaller and not as grand.. Don't ask me why but it seems Gods.. or heavens gate looking... fellows. *watching his mouth in the presence of a little one.* Might put something important in a trivial item of seemingly little importance. Especially to you or me..

    Tara A: Possibly, but it doesn't hurt to check.

    Wilson: Alright do as you want.. lets go..

    *As they cross the threshold he mutters to himself.*

    Wilson: Maximum Effort...

    *Tara A checks to see if the Orb is still there.*

    *Nothing is at the altar, it is as barren as the station has been for years.. The place was evacuated quickly.. a ship does go by, one of Kazon design.. Renegades...*

    Tara A: Oh, Hell...

    *She takes Sara by the arm and they head towards the turbo-shaft.*
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,243 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Susan: I don't pity you!

    Karen: Oh, please! 'I swear I didn't know Torin was checking me out!'

    *She gives Susan a shove.*

    Susan: What's wrong with you? *angry*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Susan: I don't pity you!

    Karen: Oh, please! 'I swear I didn't know Torin was checking me out!'

    *She gives Susan a shove.*

    Susan: What's wrong with you? *angry*

    Karen *angry*: I've had it!

    *She takes a swing at Susan.*
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,243 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Susan: I don't pity you!

    Karen: Oh, please! 'I swear I didn't know Torin was checking me out!'

    *She gives Susan a shove.*

    Susan: What's wrong with you? *angry*

    Karen *angry*: I've had it!

    *She takes a swing at Susan.*

    *Susan dodges it and uppercuts Karen*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Susan: I don't pity you!

    Karen: Oh, please! 'I swear I didn't know Torin was checking me out!'

    *She gives Susan a shove.*

    Susan: What's wrong with you? *angry*

    Karen *angry*: I've had it!

    *She takes a swing at Susan.*

    *Susan dodges it and uppercuts Karen*

    *Karen flies back against the bed, picking herself back up and wiping some saliva from her mouth, before roaring and spearing Susan into the wall, trying to pin her there.*
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,243 Arc User
    Susan: I didn't come here to fight! *headbutts her and shoves her back*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Susan: I didn't come here to fight! *headbutts her and shoves her back*

    Karen *angry*: Too bad! You've got one!

    *She throws a haymaker followed by a straight kick.*
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
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    ryan218 wrote: »
    *That night Quinton shows up at Mila's quarters his nerves are jittery.. But he knows she wants to do this again.*

    *Mila opens the door, smiling warmly at him. She's wearing a sky blue blouse with Prussian blue trousers of a silk-like material. Her hair is combed neatly (for the first time since her injury on the Columbia) into a sweeping arc on the right side of her face, just overlapping the eyebrow, with a sky blue headband.*

    OOC: Shall I go add the KO points to her record? :D

    *OOC: Your call.. *

    Quinton: Impeccable timing Mila.. Get a feeling I was there or did you count on punctuality..

    Mila: Punctuality more than anything.

    *She let's him step inside.*

    So, what do you think?

    Quinton: Elegant.. Simply Elegant..

    *Mila smiles, blushing slightly.*

    Mila: So, what are you cooking?

    Quinton: My mom was not quite the cook so I don't want to torture you with that.

    Mila: So I'll cook then, shall I?

    Quinton: Probably.. *He smirks a little* Or the replicator so the outfit doesn't get ruined.

    Mila: Replicator it is.

    *She walks over to the replicator and gets dinner.*

    Quinton: What is on the instant menu tonight?

    *She can't help but to feel a flicker in her stomach as butterflies are putting around in it.. She knows something is up.. *

    Mila: I was thinking fries and maybe some helat?

    Quinton: Helat.. Odd choice I know you must have seen it around at function with the rest of your family..

    Mila: Actually, my Aunt introduced me to it. Apparently, it's a Turanian meat.

    Meat from what exactly, is anyone's guess.

    *She smiles as she brings the plates over.*

    Quinton: That is going to be an interesting adventure then.. Hopefully its better than the pasta I try and make..

    Mila *teasing*: Oh, that was meant to be pasta? I thought you'd just over cooked the gagh.

    Quinton: Oh hah hah.. Can probably do on the road stuff or Klingon food..

    *Mila smiles and tucks in to her food.*

    *Quinton tries it, kind of grisly but not terrible.. Noticeably..*

    Quinton: What would you do at those functions by the way? I seem to recall your folks going to one in the Republic..

    Mila: Smile for the camera... Eat dinner politely... Under no circumstances show any personality whatsoever in public...

    Let's just say I'm kinda glad I'm no longer the President's daughter. You know me, I'm a spitfire at heart.

    Quinton: Yeah.. I was referring to the one you went to was it two years ago? James got caught with the Republic Ambassador's daughter.. I will say though Casval was more acquitted for that kind of environment, with diplomatic functions.

    Mila: Well, he doesn't have as bad a temper as I do and unlike James he doesn't sleep with every female he meets.

    Quinton: Oh come on.. it was a funny story from what Casval tells me.. Your brother has a playbook..

    Mila: Oh it was very funny. Funniest part was when he got the chewing-out of a lifetime from Dad.

    Quinton: Damn what did Casval tell me the story was to get the Ambassador's daughter.. I think it had to do with being a famous jock pilot named Lance ... *his face neglects the last name as he knows Mila would not find her brother's pervy humor funny*

    Mila: Quin' I really don't need to hear this story!

    Quinton: Sorry.. I just find it pretty funny.

    Mila: Anything else you want to talk about?

    Quinton: What was it like growing up, I never asked.

    Mila: For the most part, fairly dull. Like I said, I was basically expected to be the perfect child for the press when Dad was President.

    Did I ever tell you that I almost signed up for the Republic instead of Starfleet? I guess that was the rebel in me wanting to stick it to the Press' expectations.

    Just about the only times I got to be myself was when me and Mom went to Khitomer, where the local government tells the Press to keep their distance, and when Mom was teaching me how to fight. I got to talk about what I actually felt, not what the politicians wanted me to say...

    In fact, one second...

    *She picks up a PADD and shows it to him.*

    Even now, the press want to interview the former President's daughter about being 'unjustly criminalised by the vicious Republic Navy'. Ugh...

    Quinton: *Sits near her..* Media attention I guess is the thing that can bother someone endlessly.. Speaking of getting grilled by me must get you all aggravated..

    *He gives her a look.*

    How about this. We toss this.

    *Takes the Pad from her gently and tosses it to the side. *

    And focus on us. Besides I am pretty sure the press don't have bugs in these rooms. From what I hear Fali hates that kind of thing.

    *He gives her a kiss*

    *Mila returns the kiss.*

    *The evening goes on without a hitch, no one really noticing that the Admiral has been missing for several hours... But that morning, Casval is at his brother's quarters, thoughts about what kind of scene he is going to find running through his head.. *

    *He knocks...*

    Casval: Please be a scene I don't have to scrub my memory warehouse for..

    *Inside the door opens Sala steps out quickly *

    Sala: *Slightly panicking* Pardon me..

    *Casval steps aside but still gets partially walked through.. *

    Casval: Okay... *his brain trying to process what just happened, his brother James is in there in a robe muttering to himself.*

    *Casval enters..*

    Casval: Hey!

    *James Jr stammers gripping his head in agony..*

    James Jr: Ah.. Cas.. you don't need to yell like that.

    Casval: What exactly happened in here between you and Sala..

    James Jr: Please.. *rubbing his temples.. bloodshot eyes closed trying to ignore the pounding head.* Shut up..

    Casval: You know Mila is going to be really pissed...

    James Jr: *grumbles and grunts as Casval replicates a coffee from the replicator.. placing it as loud as he can next to his brother.*

    Casval: Not to mention Cassandra..

    James Jr: Cas.. I love you little brother but please.. *taking the coffee* do me a favor..*sipping it* shut up..

    *On the Bridge *

    *Wade enters the bridge to find the morning crew saluting him *

    Wade: *looking around* Lieutenant where is Admiral Allen.. ?

    Lieutenant Carter: No idea sir. He is running later than normal..

    Wade: Did he ever leave his ready room?

    Carter: *looks at him * No sir.. Commander Alvin reported that the Admiral did not come out at shift change.

    Wade: He probably slept there.. I will go and check.. Have someone check his quarters.

    Carter: Yes sir..

    *Wade walks over to the ready room as Carter comms in for security to make a morning call. He taps in the code to open the door and finds the room empty, the terminal running, and duty rosters on the desk signed or unsigned, along with the mission assignments signed off on...*

    Wade: * sinking feeling in his gut now goes through his system.. something is wrong.* Lieutenant... have security report to me immediately if they find the Admiral.

    *Mila's quarters finds Quinton up early with his over coat over Mila on the couch.. and replicating breakfast. But she does wake.. Before Sala comes to the door..*

    Quinton: Come

    *Sala enters the room surprised to find him there.*

    Sala: Why are you here.. ? *slightly confused and hungover..*

    Quinton: Had a date. Mila fell asleep on the couch..

    Sala: We have a shift up..

    *They hear her stir and not all that pleasantly as something is going on in her head too.. before waking..*

    Mila: What's going on...?

    *On the Bridge*

    Wade: What do you mean the Admiral is not on the ship Fali?

    *Fali through an eye comm unit*

    Fali: He is not here Captain.. My guess would be to investigate this, and maintain calm. I will send investigation drones up to the ready room.

    *In Mila's Quarters*

    Sala: It seems your father is not on the ship anymore..

    Quinton: What was going on Mila? What was bothering you.. *She can tell Sala is uncomfortable being there...* Do her siblings know?

    Sala: I don't know.. They might by now..

    Mila: Hold on, slow down...

    *She grabs a cup of coffee and looks at Sala.*

    Okay, what's the matter with you?

    Sala: Not a thing.. Just hungover.. But your dad is probably missing.

    Mila: Okay...

    Wait, how did you get hungover?

    *She grabs her uniform jacket and activates her combadge.*

    Security, Ensign Allen going on duty.

    *Sala grimaces in as she tries to brush off the loud pounding sensation going on in her head. *

    Sala: Please not so loudly...
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
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    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Wilson pops out looking around whistling at the wreckage of the area.. twenty years would do very little to the ruins and to the new Shoal Zone, Elibisi tech and the Elibisi still remained as reminders and a danger zone blocked off by many Confederation powers. *

    Wilson: They still haven't cleaned this area.. Makes me wonder if dead gods still dream..

    *First time in a while Tara A sees that he isn't completely an insane man child. The patrols were no where near them so they could proceed to the ruins of DS9 and Bajor quickly.. *

    Wilson: Guessing they are keeping their distance from the Shoal Zone to avoid the risk of indoctrination.. Go in at low power their sweeps will think we are a wreck..

    *Tara A sets the runabout adrift, leaving only the manoeuvring thrusters online.*

    Tara A: Computer, locate possible landing zones on Bajor.

    *A map appears with the possible landing sites. Tara A meditates for a moment before selecting one.*

    Tara A: I'll take us down once we clear the debris field.

    *They float there as a Elibisi Captial vessel floats by, dead but a pressure in her head knows that something strange is happening..*

    Wilson: Longer we stay here, the higher the chance we become indoctrinated. Even with the war over for two decades it still creeps me out.

    *He looks to the other person with them.*

    Trust me they were scarier alive...

    *The wreckage floats as Tara A can't help but to agree. Though the attitude change in Wilson has her wonder..*

    *Tara A looks over at Sara, who is clearly frightened.*

    Tara A: Don't worry. I can shield us from it for a time...

    These things killed my best friend... She was an Innotankan. They indoctrinated her and made her force me to...

    *She shakes her head, closing her eyes.*

    Sara, I promise you, we'll get Zoe back.

    *Sara nods slightly as the Runabout enters the atmosphere. Within a few minutes, they've landed in a clearing near the Fire Caves and the coast.*

    *Wilson can't help but to feel more frayed as they approach the cave..*

    Wilson: So let me get this straight.. Oh.. Wait.. What are we even looking for?

    Wilson's other personality: Oh i dunno, my guess is something not a piece of junk...

    Tara A: Something's drawing me here... I need to know what...

    *She turns to both of them.*

    You two don't have to come in with me.

    Wilson: Hey beasty boy will rip me in half if I don't, and you have no idea how much of a pain in the neck that is to regenerate..

    Sara: I'd rather stay with you...

    Tara A: Alright...

    *They walk into the caves.*

    *The caves themselves are eeriely silent and still even with the Elibisi indoctrinated dead all around... As if they were looking for something.*

    Wilson: Hate fighting in caves..

    Other Wilson Personality: Yeah tightly cramped and dark.. Like a sardine..Yick.

    Tara A: Everything in here has been dead for 20 years.

    Wilson: These are the fire caves.. Pah-Wraiths I hear can do quite a bit, if legend is right.

    Other Wilson: Ooo creepy fire ghosts..

    Tara A: Relax.

    *They keep walking to where Tara A is being drawn.*

    Wilson: Yeah of course..

    *That feeling doesn't seem to materialize.. something is missing..*

    *Tara A looks around confused.*

    Wilson: Okay whiskers the wonder girl... Whats up..

    Tara A: This is where I've been being drawn to, but... There's something missing...

    *OOC: Throw me a bone here? What is she looking for?*

    *OOC: Has to do with the station, and is a relic. You did not think this was going to be that easy did you?*

    Wilson: Great a scavenger hunt.. in the middle of one of the creepiest places in the galaxy..

    *Tara A steps outside, looking up.*

    Tara A: That's why...

    This place is a prison for the Pah'Wraiths, Prophets who were cast out for trying to interfere actively with Bajor's development. I wasn't being called here, it just felt familiar.

    Sara: Then where were you...?

    Oh, you have to be kidding. Back up to the scary mecha-aliens?

    Tara A: They're dead, Sara. Besides, I can shield you from their indoctrination, remember?

    Wilson: Well the station could be usable given the place is an abandoned ruin, with damage. I could teleport us there without risking the shuttle again..Might want to get into EV suits just in case..

    Tara A: You can teleport us across the system?

    Wilson: Come on.. of course I can.. How do you think I have time to annoy you?

    *Shuts up when he has been had.. *

    *They return to the shuttle and get into EV suits.*

    *Wilson has his own suit on..*

    Wilson: Okay ladies hang on and do not grip too hard.

    *They hold on.*

    *There is a pop and a crack and they find themselves in the DS9 ruins, the gravity is out of whack as some area's have gravity. Other's do not. There are corpses of indoctrinated everywhere and frozen bodies.. *

    Wilson: Creepy floating around here..

    *Tara A telekinetically pulls them to the deck and she and Sara activate their gravity boots.*

    Tara A: Whatever I'm looking for, it's close...

    Let's check the shrine first.

    *They turn on their helmet lights and head for the Bajoran Shrine.*

    Wilson: *Back to the other personality* Oh yeah the creepy shrine.. in a ruin of a station.. where there is supposed to be an orb... Fan.. freakin tastic..

    Tara A: You got a better idea?

    Wilson: Are you sure its supposed to be something that grand? Maybe its something smaller and not as grand.. Don't ask me why but it seems Gods.. or heavens gate looking... fellows. *watching his mouth in the presence of a little one.* Might put something important in a trivial item of seemingly little importance. Especially to you or me..

    Tara A: Possibly, but it doesn't hurt to check.

    Wilson: Alright do as you want.. lets go..

    *As they cross the threshold he mutters to himself.*

    Wilson: Maximum Effort...

    *Tara A checks to see if the Orb is still there.*

    *Nothing is at the altar, it is as barren as the station has been for years.. The place was evacuated quickly.. a ship does go by, one of Kazon design.. Renegades...*

    Tara A: Oh, Hell...

    *She takes Sara by the arm and they head towards the turbo-shaft.*

    Wilson: Great.. the space trash of the galaxy..

    *The Kazon vessel halts at a functioning docking bay, and docks.. *

    Great... Why is it almost always these guys!!
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
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    ryan218 wrote: »
    *That night Quinton shows up at Mila's quarters his nerves are jittery.. But he knows she wants to do this again.*

    *Mila opens the door, smiling warmly at him. She's wearing a sky blue blouse with Prussian blue trousers of a silk-like material. Her hair is combed neatly (for the first time since her injury on the Columbia) into a sweeping arc on the right side of her face, just overlapping the eyebrow, with a sky blue headband.*

    OOC: Shall I go add the KO points to her record? :D

    *OOC: Your call.. *

    Quinton: Impeccable timing Mila.. Get a feeling I was there or did you count on punctuality..

    Mila: Punctuality more than anything.

    *She let's him step inside.*

    So, what do you think?

    Quinton: Elegant.. Simply Elegant..

    *Mila smiles, blushing slightly.*

    Mila: So, what are you cooking?

    Quinton: My mom was not quite the cook so I don't want to torture you with that.

    Mila: So I'll cook then, shall I?

    Quinton: Probably.. *He smirks a little* Or the replicator so the outfit doesn't get ruined.

    Mila: Replicator it is.

    *She walks over to the replicator and gets dinner.*

    Quinton: What is on the instant menu tonight?

    *She can't help but to feel a flicker in her stomach as butterflies are putting around in it.. She knows something is up.. *

    Mila: I was thinking fries and maybe some helat?

    Quinton: Helat.. Odd choice I know you must have seen it around at function with the rest of your family..

    Mila: Actually, my Aunt introduced me to it. Apparently, it's a Turanian meat.

    Meat from what exactly, is anyone's guess.

    *She smiles as she brings the plates over.*

    Quinton: That is going to be an interesting adventure then.. Hopefully its better than the pasta I try and make..

    Mila *teasing*: Oh, that was meant to be pasta? I thought you'd just over cooked the gagh.

    Quinton: Oh hah hah.. Can probably do on the road stuff or Klingon food..

    *Mila smiles and tucks in to her food.*

    *Quinton tries it, kind of grisly but not terrible.. Noticeably..*

    Quinton: What would you do at those functions by the way? I seem to recall your folks going to one in the Republic..

    Mila: Smile for the camera... Eat dinner politely... Under no circumstances show any personality whatsoever in public...

    Let's just say I'm kinda glad I'm no longer the President's daughter. You know me, I'm a spitfire at heart.

    Quinton: Yeah.. I was referring to the one you went to was it two years ago? James got caught with the Republic Ambassador's daughter.. I will say though Casval was more acquitted for that kind of environment, with diplomatic functions.

    Mila: Well, he doesn't have as bad a temper as I do and unlike James he doesn't sleep with every female he meets.

    Quinton: Oh come on.. it was a funny story from what Casval tells me.. Your brother has a playbook..

    Mila: Oh it was very funny. Funniest part was when he got the chewing-out of a lifetime from Dad.

    Quinton: Damn what did Casval tell me the story was to get the Ambassador's daughter.. I think it had to do with being a famous jock pilot named Lance ... *his face neglects the last name as he knows Mila would not find her brother's pervy humor funny*

    Mila: Quin' I really don't need to hear this story!

    Quinton: Sorry.. I just find it pretty funny.

    Mila: Anything else you want to talk about?

    Quinton: What was it like growing up, I never asked.

    Mila: For the most part, fairly dull. Like I said, I was basically expected to be the perfect child for the press when Dad was President.

    Did I ever tell you that I almost signed up for the Republic instead of Starfleet? I guess that was the rebel in me wanting to stick it to the Press' expectations.

    Just about the only times I got to be myself was when me and Mom went to Khitomer, where the local government tells the Press to keep their distance, and when Mom was teaching me how to fight. I got to talk about what I actually felt, not what the politicians wanted me to say...

    In fact, one second...

    *She picks up a PADD and shows it to him.*

    Even now, the press want to interview the former President's daughter about being 'unjustly criminalised by the vicious Republic Navy'. Ugh...

    Quinton: *Sits near her..* Media attention I guess is the thing that can bother someone endlessly.. Speaking of getting grilled by me must get you all aggravated..

    *He gives her a look.*

    How about this. We toss this.

    *Takes the Pad from her gently and tosses it to the side. *

    And focus on us. Besides I am pretty sure the press don't have bugs in these rooms. From what I hear Fali hates that kind of thing.

    *He gives her a kiss*

    *Mila returns the kiss.*

    *The evening goes on without a hitch, no one really noticing that the Admiral has been missing for several hours... But that morning, Casval is at his brother's quarters, thoughts about what kind of scene he is going to find running through his head.. *

    *He knocks...*

    Casval: Please be a scene I don't have to scrub my memory warehouse for..

    *Inside the door opens Sala steps out quickly *

    Sala: *Slightly panicking* Pardon me..

    *Casval steps aside but still gets partially walked through.. *

    Casval: Okay... *his brain trying to process what just happened, his brother James is in there in a robe muttering to himself.*

    *Casval enters..*

    Casval: Hey!

    *James Jr stammers gripping his head in agony..*

    James Jr: Ah.. Cas.. you don't need to yell like that.

    Casval: What exactly happened in here between you and Sala..

    James Jr: Please.. *rubbing his temples.. bloodshot eyes closed trying to ignore the pounding head.* Shut up..

    Casval: You know Mila is going to be really pissed...

    James Jr: *grumbles and grunts as Casval replicates a coffee from the replicator.. placing it as loud as he can next to his brother.*

    Casval: Not to mention Cassandra..

    James Jr: Cas.. I love you little brother but please.. *taking the coffee* do me a favor..*sipping it* shut up..

    *On the Bridge *

    *Wade enters the bridge to find the morning crew saluting him *

    Wade: *looking around* Lieutenant where is Admiral Allen.. ?

    Lieutenant Carter: No idea sir. He is running later than normal..

    Wade: Did he ever leave his ready room?

    Carter: *looks at him * No sir.. Commander Alvin reported that the Admiral did not come out at shift change.

    Wade: He probably slept there.. I will go and check.. Have someone check his quarters.

    Carter: Yes sir..

    *Wade walks over to the ready room as Carter comms in for security to make a morning call. He taps in the code to open the door and finds the room empty, the terminal running, and duty rosters on the desk signed or unsigned, along with the mission assignments signed off on...*

    Wade: * sinking feeling in his gut now goes through his system.. something is wrong.* Lieutenant... have security report to me immediately if they find the Admiral.

    *Mila's quarters finds Quinton up early with his over coat over Mila on the couch.. and replicating breakfast. But she does wake.. Before Sala comes to the door..*

    Quinton: Come

    *Sala enters the room surprised to find him there.*

    Sala: Why are you here.. ? *slightly confused and hungover..*

    Quinton: Had a date. Mila fell asleep on the couch..

    Sala: We have a shift up..

    *They hear her stir and not all that pleasantly as something is going on in her head too.. before waking..*

    Mila: What's going on...?

    *On the Bridge*

    Wade: What do you mean the Admiral is not on the ship Fali?

    *Fali through an eye comm unit*

    Fali: He is not here Captain.. My guess would be to investigate this, and maintain calm. I will send investigation drones up to the ready room.

    *In Mila's Quarters*

    Sala: It seems your father is not on the ship anymore..

    Quinton: What was going on Mila? What was bothering you.. *She can tell Sala is uncomfortable being there...* Do her siblings know?

    Sala: I don't know.. They might by now..

    Mila: Hold on, slow down...

    *She grabs a cup of coffee and looks at Sala.*

    Okay, what's the matter with you?

    Sala: Not a thing.. Just hungover.. But your dad is probably missing.

    Mila: Okay...

    Wait, how did you get hungover?

    *She grabs her uniform jacket and activates her combadge.*

    Security, Ensign Allen going on duty.

    *Sala grimaces in as she tries to brush off the loud pounding sensation going on in her head. *

    Sala: Please not so loudly...

    Mila: Let's get you some oxi-pills. Then I'm going to find James... And I may or may not kill him...
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
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    *That night Quinton shows up at Mila's quarters his nerves are jittery.. But he knows she wants to do this again.*

    *Mila opens the door, smiling warmly at him. She's wearing a sky blue blouse with Prussian blue trousers of a silk-like material. Her hair is combed neatly (for the first time since her injury on the Columbia) into a sweeping arc on the right side of her face, just overlapping the eyebrow, with a sky blue headband.*

    OOC: Shall I go add the KO points to her record? :D

    *OOC: Your call.. *

    Quinton: Impeccable timing Mila.. Get a feeling I was there or did you count on punctuality..

    Mila: Punctuality more than anything.

    *She let's him step inside.*

    So, what do you think?

    Quinton: Elegant.. Simply Elegant..

    *Mila smiles, blushing slightly.*

    Mila: So, what are you cooking?

    Quinton: My mom was not quite the cook so I don't want to torture you with that.

    Mila: So I'll cook then, shall I?

    Quinton: Probably.. *He smirks a little* Or the replicator so the outfit doesn't get ruined.

    Mila: Replicator it is.

    *She walks over to the replicator and gets dinner.*

    Quinton: What is on the instant menu tonight?

    *She can't help but to feel a flicker in her stomach as butterflies are putting around in it.. She knows something is up.. *

    Mila: I was thinking fries and maybe some helat?

    Quinton: Helat.. Odd choice I know you must have seen it around at function with the rest of your family..

    Mila: Actually, my Aunt introduced me to it. Apparently, it's a Turanian meat.

    Meat from what exactly, is anyone's guess.

    *She smiles as she brings the plates over.*

    Quinton: That is going to be an interesting adventure then.. Hopefully its better than the pasta I try and make..

    Mila *teasing*: Oh, that was meant to be pasta? I thought you'd just over cooked the gagh.

    Quinton: Oh hah hah.. Can probably do on the road stuff or Klingon food..

    *Mila smiles and tucks in to her food.*

    *Quinton tries it, kind of grisly but not terrible.. Noticeably..*

    Quinton: What would you do at those functions by the way? I seem to recall your folks going to one in the Republic..

    Mila: Smile for the camera... Eat dinner politely... Under no circumstances show any personality whatsoever in public...

    Let's just say I'm kinda glad I'm no longer the President's daughter. You know me, I'm a spitfire at heart.

    Quinton: Yeah.. I was referring to the one you went to was it two years ago? James got caught with the Republic Ambassador's daughter.. I will say though Casval was more acquitted for that kind of environment, with diplomatic functions.

    Mila: Well, he doesn't have as bad a temper as I do and unlike James he doesn't sleep with every female he meets.

    Quinton: Oh come on.. it was a funny story from what Casval tells me.. Your brother has a playbook..

    Mila: Oh it was very funny. Funniest part was when he got the chewing-out of a lifetime from Dad.

    Quinton: Damn what did Casval tell me the story was to get the Ambassador's daughter.. I think it had to do with being a famous jock pilot named Lance ... *his face neglects the last name as he knows Mila would not find her brother's pervy humor funny*

    Mila: Quin' I really don't need to hear this story!

    Quinton: Sorry.. I just find it pretty funny.

    Mila: Anything else you want to talk about?

    Quinton: What was it like growing up, I never asked.

    Mila: For the most part, fairly dull. Like I said, I was basically expected to be the perfect child for the press when Dad was President.

    Did I ever tell you that I almost signed up for the Republic instead of Starfleet? I guess that was the rebel in me wanting to stick it to the Press' expectations.

    Just about the only times I got to be myself was when me and Mom went to Khitomer, where the local government tells the Press to keep their distance, and when Mom was teaching me how to fight. I got to talk about what I actually felt, not what the politicians wanted me to say...

    In fact, one second...

    *She picks up a PADD and shows it to him.*

    Even now, the press want to interview the former President's daughter about being 'unjustly criminalised by the vicious Republic Navy'. Ugh...

    Quinton: *Sits near her..* Media attention I guess is the thing that can bother someone endlessly.. Speaking of getting grilled by me must get you all aggravated..

    *He gives her a look.*

    How about this. We toss this.

    *Takes the Pad from her gently and tosses it to the side. *

    And focus on us. Besides I am pretty sure the press don't have bugs in these rooms. From what I hear Fali hates that kind of thing.

    *He gives her a kiss*

    *Mila returns the kiss.*

    *The evening goes on without a hitch, no one really noticing that the Admiral has been missing for several hours... But that morning, Casval is at his brother's quarters, thoughts about what kind of scene he is going to find running through his head.. *

    *He knocks...*

    Casval: Please be a scene I don't have to scrub my memory warehouse for..

    *Inside the door opens Sala steps out quickly *

    Sala: *Slightly panicking* Pardon me..

    *Casval steps aside but still gets partially walked through.. *

    Casval: Okay... *his brain trying to process what just happened, his brother James is in there in a robe muttering to himself.*

    *Casval enters..*

    Casval: Hey!

    *James Jr stammers gripping his head in agony..*

    James Jr: Ah.. Cas.. you don't need to yell like that.

    Casval: What exactly happened in here between you and Sala..

    James Jr: Please.. *rubbing his temples.. bloodshot eyes closed trying to ignore the pounding head.* Shut up..

    Casval: You know Mila is going to be really pissed...

    James Jr: *grumbles and grunts as Casval replicates a coffee from the replicator.. placing it as loud as he can next to his brother.*

    Casval: Not to mention Cassandra..

    James Jr: Cas.. I love you little brother but please.. *taking the coffee* do me a favor..*sipping it* shut up..

    *On the Bridge *

    *Wade enters the bridge to find the morning crew saluting him *

    Wade: *looking around* Lieutenant where is Admiral Allen.. ?

    Lieutenant Carter: No idea sir. He is running later than normal..

    Wade: Did he ever leave his ready room?

    Carter: *looks at him * No sir.. Commander Alvin reported that the Admiral did not come out at shift change.

    Wade: He probably slept there.. I will go and check.. Have someone check his quarters.

    Carter: Yes sir..

    *Wade walks over to the ready room as Carter comms in for security to make a morning call. He taps in the code to open the door and finds the room empty, the terminal running, and duty rosters on the desk signed or unsigned, along with the mission assignments signed off on...*

    Wade: * sinking feeling in his gut now goes through his system.. something is wrong.* Lieutenant... have security report to me immediately if they find the Admiral.

    *Mila's quarters finds Quinton up early with his over coat over Mila on the couch.. and replicating breakfast. But she does wake.. Before Sala comes to the door..*

    Quinton: Come

    *Sala enters the room surprised to find him there.*

    Sala: Why are you here.. ? *slightly confused and hungover..*

    Quinton: Had a date. Mila fell asleep on the couch..

    Sala: We have a shift up..

    *They hear her stir and not all that pleasantly as something is going on in her head too.. before waking..*

    Mila: What's going on...?

    *On the Bridge*

    Wade: What do you mean the Admiral is not on the ship Fali?

    *Fali through an eye comm unit*

    Fali: He is not here Captain.. My guess would be to investigate this, and maintain calm. I will send investigation drones up to the ready room.

    *In Mila's Quarters*

    Sala: It seems your father is not on the ship anymore..

    Quinton: What was going on Mila? What was bothering you.. *She can tell Sala is uncomfortable being there...* Do her siblings know?

    Sala: I don't know.. They might by now..

    Mila: Hold on, slow down...

    *She grabs a cup of coffee and looks at Sala.*

    Okay, what's the matter with you?

    Sala: Not a thing.. Just hungover.. But your dad is probably missing.

    Mila: Okay...

    Wait, how did you get hungover?

    *She grabs her uniform jacket and activates her combadge.*

    Security, Ensign Allen going on duty.

    *Sala grimaces in as she tries to brush off the loud pounding sensation going on in her head. *

    Sala: Please not so loudly...

    Mila: Let's get you some oxi-pills. Then I'm going to find James... And I may or may not kill him...

    Quinton: What for?

    Sala: I don't think flying off the handle like this is right at this time.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
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    *Wilson pops out looking around whistling at the wreckage of the area.. twenty years would do very little to the ruins and to the new Shoal Zone, Elibisi tech and the Elibisi still remained as reminders and a danger zone blocked off by many Confederation powers. *

    Wilson: They still haven't cleaned this area.. Makes me wonder if dead gods still dream..

    *First time in a while Tara A sees that he isn't completely an insane man child. The patrols were no where near them so they could proceed to the ruins of DS9 and Bajor quickly.. *

    Wilson: Guessing they are keeping their distance from the Shoal Zone to avoid the risk of indoctrination.. Go in at low power their sweeps will think we are a wreck..

    *Tara A sets the runabout adrift, leaving only the manoeuvring thrusters online.*

    Tara A: Computer, locate possible landing zones on Bajor.

    *A map appears with the possible landing sites. Tara A meditates for a moment before selecting one.*

    Tara A: I'll take us down once we clear the debris field.

    *They float there as a Elibisi Captial vessel floats by, dead but a pressure in her head knows that something strange is happening..*

    Wilson: Longer we stay here, the higher the chance we become indoctrinated. Even with the war over for two decades it still creeps me out.

    *He looks to the other person with them.*

    Trust me they were scarier alive...

    *The wreckage floats as Tara A can't help but to agree. Though the attitude change in Wilson has her wonder..*

    *Tara A looks over at Sara, who is clearly frightened.*

    Tara A: Don't worry. I can shield us from it for a time...

    These things killed my best friend... She was an Innotankan. They indoctrinated her and made her force me to...

    *She shakes her head, closing her eyes.*

    Sara, I promise you, we'll get Zoe back.

    *Sara nods slightly as the Runabout enters the atmosphere. Within a few minutes, they've landed in a clearing near the Fire Caves and the coast.*

    *Wilson can't help but to feel more frayed as they approach the cave..*

    Wilson: So let me get this straight.. Oh.. Wait.. What are we even looking for?

    Wilson's other personality: Oh i dunno, my guess is something not a piece of junk...

    Tara A: Something's drawing me here... I need to know what...

    *She turns to both of them.*

    You two don't have to come in with me.

    Wilson: Hey beasty boy will rip me in half if I don't, and you have no idea how much of a pain in the neck that is to regenerate..

    Sara: I'd rather stay with you...

    Tara A: Alright...

    *They walk into the caves.*

    *The caves themselves are eeriely silent and still even with the Elibisi indoctrinated dead all around... As if they were looking for something.*

    Wilson: Hate fighting in caves..

    Other Wilson Personality: Yeah tightly cramped and dark.. Like a sardine..Yick.

    Tara A: Everything in here has been dead for 20 years.

    Wilson: These are the fire caves.. Pah-Wraiths I hear can do quite a bit, if legend is right.

    Other Wilson: Ooo creepy fire ghosts..

    Tara A: Relax.

    *They keep walking to where Tara A is being drawn.*

    Wilson: Yeah of course..

    *That feeling doesn't seem to materialize.. something is missing..*

    *Tara A looks around confused.*

    Wilson: Okay whiskers the wonder girl... Whats up..

    Tara A: This is where I've been being drawn to, but... There's something missing...

    *OOC: Throw me a bone here? What is she looking for?*

    *OOC: Has to do with the station, and is a relic. You did not think this was going to be that easy did you?*

    Wilson: Great a scavenger hunt.. in the middle of one of the creepiest places in the galaxy..

    *Tara A steps outside, looking up.*

    Tara A: That's why...

    This place is a prison for the Pah'Wraiths, Prophets who were cast out for trying to interfere actively with Bajor's development. I wasn't being called here, it just felt familiar.

    Sara: Then where were you...?

    Oh, you have to be kidding. Back up to the scary mecha-aliens?

    Tara A: They're dead, Sara. Besides, I can shield you from their indoctrination, remember?

    Wilson: Well the station could be usable given the place is an abandoned ruin, with damage. I could teleport us there without risking the shuttle again..Might want to get into EV suits just in case..

    Tara A: You can teleport us across the system?

    Wilson: Come on.. of course I can.. How do you think I have time to annoy you?

    *Shuts up when he has been had.. *

    *They return to the shuttle and get into EV suits.*

    *Wilson has his own suit on..*

    Wilson: Okay ladies hang on and do not grip too hard.

    *They hold on.*

    *There is a pop and a crack and they find themselves in the DS9 ruins, the gravity is out of whack as some area's have gravity. Other's do not. There are corpses of indoctrinated everywhere and frozen bodies.. *

    Wilson: Creepy floating around here..

    *Tara A telekinetically pulls them to the deck and she and Sara activate their gravity boots.*

    Tara A: Whatever I'm looking for, it's close...

    Let's check the shrine first.

    *They turn on their helmet lights and head for the Bajoran Shrine.*

    Wilson: *Back to the other personality* Oh yeah the creepy shrine.. in a ruin of a station.. where there is supposed to be an orb... Fan.. freakin tastic..

    Tara A: You got a better idea?

    Wilson: Are you sure its supposed to be something that grand? Maybe its something smaller and not as grand.. Don't ask me why but it seems Gods.. or heavens gate looking... fellows. *watching his mouth in the presence of a little one.* Might put something important in a trivial item of seemingly little importance. Especially to you or me..

    Tara A: Possibly, but it doesn't hurt to check.

    Wilson: Alright do as you want.. lets go..

    *As they cross the threshold he mutters to himself.*

    Wilson: Maximum Effort...

    *Tara A checks to see if the Orb is still there.*

    *Nothing is at the altar, it is as barren as the station has been for years.. The place was evacuated quickly.. a ship does go by, one of Kazon design.. Renegades...*

    Tara A: Oh, Hell...

    *She takes Sara by the arm and they head towards the turbo-shaft.*

    Wilson: Great.. the space trash of the galaxy..

    *The Kazon vessel halts at a functioning docking bay, and docks.. *

    Great... Why is it almost always these guys!!

    *They head to one of the lower levels of the Habitat Ring, Tara A taking out her EV suit's tricorder and calling the runabout.*

    Tara A: It'll take about half an hour for the runabout to get within transporter range. Can you port us out again?
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
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    *That night Quinton shows up at Mila's quarters his nerves are jittery.. But he knows she wants to do this again.*

    *Mila opens the door, smiling warmly at him. She's wearing a sky blue blouse with Prussian blue trousers of a silk-like material. Her hair is combed neatly (for the first time since her injury on the Columbia) into a sweeping arc on the right side of her face, just overlapping the eyebrow, with a sky blue headband.*

    OOC: Shall I go add the KO points to her record? :D

    *OOC: Your call.. *

    Quinton: Impeccable timing Mila.. Get a feeling I was there or did you count on punctuality..

    Mila: Punctuality more than anything.

    *She let's him step inside.*

    So, what do you think?

    Quinton: Elegant.. Simply Elegant..

    *Mila smiles, blushing slightly.*

    Mila: So, what are you cooking?

    Quinton: My mom was not quite the cook so I don't want to torture you with that.

    Mila: So I'll cook then, shall I?

    Quinton: Probably.. *He smirks a little* Or the replicator so the outfit doesn't get ruined.

    Mila: Replicator it is.

    *She walks over to the replicator and gets dinner.*

    Quinton: What is on the instant menu tonight?

    *She can't help but to feel a flicker in her stomach as butterflies are putting around in it.. She knows something is up.. *

    Mila: I was thinking fries and maybe some helat?

    Quinton: Helat.. Odd choice I know you must have seen it around at function with the rest of your family..

    Mila: Actually, my Aunt introduced me to it. Apparently, it's a Turanian meat.

    Meat from what exactly, is anyone's guess.

    *She smiles as she brings the plates over.*

    Quinton: That is going to be an interesting adventure then.. Hopefully its better than the pasta I try and make..

    Mila *teasing*: Oh, that was meant to be pasta? I thought you'd just over cooked the gagh.

    Quinton: Oh hah hah.. Can probably do on the road stuff or Klingon food..

    *Mila smiles and tucks in to her food.*

    *Quinton tries it, kind of grisly but not terrible.. Noticeably..*

    Quinton: What would you do at those functions by the way? I seem to recall your folks going to one in the Republic..

    Mila: Smile for the camera... Eat dinner politely... Under no circumstances show any personality whatsoever in public...

    Let's just say I'm kinda glad I'm no longer the President's daughter. You know me, I'm a spitfire at heart.

    Quinton: Yeah.. I was referring to the one you went to was it two years ago? James got caught with the Republic Ambassador's daughter.. I will say though Casval was more acquitted for that kind of environment, with diplomatic functions.

    Mila: Well, he doesn't have as bad a temper as I do and unlike James he doesn't sleep with every female he meets.

    Quinton: Oh come on.. it was a funny story from what Casval tells me.. Your brother has a playbook..

    Mila: Oh it was very funny. Funniest part was when he got the chewing-out of a lifetime from Dad.

    Quinton: Damn what did Casval tell me the story was to get the Ambassador's daughter.. I think it had to do with being a famous jock pilot named Lance ... *his face neglects the last name as he knows Mila would not find her brother's pervy humor funny*

    Mila: Quin' I really don't need to hear this story!

    Quinton: Sorry.. I just find it pretty funny.

    Mila: Anything else you want to talk about?

    Quinton: What was it like growing up, I never asked.

    Mila: For the most part, fairly dull. Like I said, I was basically expected to be the perfect child for the press when Dad was President.

    Did I ever tell you that I almost signed up for the Republic instead of Starfleet? I guess that was the rebel in me wanting to stick it to the Press' expectations.

    Just about the only times I got to be myself was when me and Mom went to Khitomer, where the local government tells the Press to keep their distance, and when Mom was teaching me how to fight. I got to talk about what I actually felt, not what the politicians wanted me to say...

    In fact, one second...

    *She picks up a PADD and shows it to him.*

    Even now, the press want to interview the former President's daughter about being 'unjustly criminalised by the vicious Republic Navy'. Ugh...

    Quinton: *Sits near her..* Media attention I guess is the thing that can bother someone endlessly.. Speaking of getting grilled by me must get you all aggravated..

    *He gives her a look.*

    How about this. We toss this.

    *Takes the Pad from her gently and tosses it to the side. *

    And focus on us. Besides I am pretty sure the press don't have bugs in these rooms. From what I hear Fali hates that kind of thing.

    *He gives her a kiss*

    *Mila returns the kiss.*

    *The evening goes on without a hitch, no one really noticing that the Admiral has been missing for several hours... But that morning, Casval is at his brother's quarters, thoughts about what kind of scene he is going to find running through his head.. *

    *He knocks...*

    Casval: Please be a scene I don't have to scrub my memory warehouse for..

    *Inside the door opens Sala steps out quickly *

    Sala: *Slightly panicking* Pardon me..

    *Casval steps aside but still gets partially walked through.. *

    Casval: Okay... *his brain trying to process what just happened, his brother James is in there in a robe muttering to himself.*

    *Casval enters..*

    Casval: Hey!

    *James Jr stammers gripping his head in agony..*

    James Jr: Ah.. Cas.. you don't need to yell like that.

    Casval: What exactly happened in here between you and Sala..

    James Jr: Please.. *rubbing his temples.. bloodshot eyes closed trying to ignore the pounding head.* Shut up..

    Casval: You know Mila is going to be really pissed...

    James Jr: *grumbles and grunts as Casval replicates a coffee from the replicator.. placing it as loud as he can next to his brother.*

    Casval: Not to mention Cassandra..

    James Jr: Cas.. I love you little brother but please.. *taking the coffee* do me a favor..*sipping it* shut up..

    *On the Bridge *

    *Wade enters the bridge to find the morning crew saluting him *

    Wade: *looking around* Lieutenant where is Admiral Allen.. ?

    Lieutenant Carter: No idea sir. He is running later than normal..

    Wade: Did he ever leave his ready room?

    Carter: *looks at him * No sir.. Commander Alvin reported that the Admiral did not come out at shift change.

    Wade: He probably slept there.. I will go and check.. Have someone check his quarters.

    Carter: Yes sir..

    *Wade walks over to the ready room as Carter comms in for security to make a morning call. He taps in the code to open the door and finds the room empty, the terminal running, and duty rosters on the desk signed or unsigned, along with the mission assignments signed off on...*

    Wade: * sinking feeling in his gut now goes through his system.. something is wrong.* Lieutenant... have security report to me immediately if they find the Admiral.

    *Mila's quarters finds Quinton up early with his over coat over Mila on the couch.. and replicating breakfast. But she does wake.. Before Sala comes to the door..*

    Quinton: Come

    *Sala enters the room surprised to find him there.*

    Sala: Why are you here.. ? *slightly confused and hungover..*

    Quinton: Had a date. Mila fell asleep on the couch..

    Sala: We have a shift up..

    *They hear her stir and not all that pleasantly as something is going on in her head too.. before waking..*

    Mila: What's going on...?

    *On the Bridge*

    Wade: What do you mean the Admiral is not on the ship Fali?

    *Fali through an eye comm unit*

    Fali: He is not here Captain.. My guess would be to investigate this, and maintain calm. I will send investigation drones up to the ready room.

    *In Mila's Quarters*

    Sala: It seems your father is not on the ship anymore..

    Quinton: What was going on Mila? What was bothering you.. *She can tell Sala is uncomfortable being there...* Do her siblings know?

    Sala: I don't know.. They might by now..

    Mila: Hold on, slow down...

    *She grabs a cup of coffee and looks at Sala.*

    Okay, what's the matter with you?

    Sala: Not a thing.. Just hungover.. But your dad is probably missing.

    Mila: Okay...

    Wait, how did you get hungover?

    *She grabs her uniform jacket and activates her combadge.*

    Security, Ensign Allen going on duty.

    *Sala grimaces in as she tries to brush off the loud pounding sensation going on in her head. *

    Sala: Please not so loudly...

    Mila: Let's get you some oxi-pills. Then I'm going to find James... And I may or may not kill him...

    Quinton: What for?

    Sala: I don't think flying off the handle like this is right at this time.

    Mila: You're hungover... I can take a pretty good guess as to how you got hungover...
  • Options
    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Carter beams back to his waiting prowler holding the padd still as he walks to the center of the bridge.

    Carter: engage stealth systems and set course for the border.

    Helm: aye sir.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,243 Arc User
    *Susan blocks and kicks Karen in the sromach*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • Options
    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: well time to start making ONI the more secretive and somewhat evil organization it is suppose to be.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
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    *That night Quinton shows up at Mila's quarters his nerves are jittery.. But he knows she wants to do this again.*

    *Mila opens the door, smiling warmly at him. She's wearing a sky blue blouse with Prussian blue trousers of a silk-like material. Her hair is combed neatly (for the first time since her injury on the Columbia) into a sweeping arc on the right side of her face, just overlapping the eyebrow, with a sky blue headband.*

    OOC: Shall I go add the KO points to her record? :D

    *OOC: Your call.. *

    Quinton: Impeccable timing Mila.. Get a feeling I was there or did you count on punctuality..

    Mila: Punctuality more than anything.

    *She let's him step inside.*

    So, what do you think?

    Quinton: Elegant.. Simply Elegant..

    *Mila smiles, blushing slightly.*

    Mila: So, what are you cooking?

    Quinton: My mom was not quite the cook so I don't want to torture you with that.

    Mila: So I'll cook then, shall I?

    Quinton: Probably.. *He smirks a little* Or the replicator so the outfit doesn't get ruined.

    Mila: Replicator it is.

    *She walks over to the replicator and gets dinner.*

    Quinton: What is on the instant menu tonight?

    *She can't help but to feel a flicker in her stomach as butterflies are putting around in it.. She knows something is up.. *

    Mila: I was thinking fries and maybe some helat?

    Quinton: Helat.. Odd choice I know you must have seen it around at function with the rest of your family..

    Mila: Actually, my Aunt introduced me to it. Apparently, it's a Turanian meat.

    Meat from what exactly, is anyone's guess.

    *She smiles as she brings the plates over.*

    Quinton: That is going to be an interesting adventure then.. Hopefully its better than the pasta I try and make..

    Mila *teasing*: Oh, that was meant to be pasta? I thought you'd just over cooked the gagh.

    Quinton: Oh hah hah.. Can probably do on the road stuff or Klingon food..

    *Mila smiles and tucks in to her food.*

    *Quinton tries it, kind of grisly but not terrible.. Noticeably..*

    Quinton: What would you do at those functions by the way? I seem to recall your folks going to one in the Republic..

    Mila: Smile for the camera... Eat dinner politely... Under no circumstances show any personality whatsoever in public...

    Let's just say I'm kinda glad I'm no longer the President's daughter. You know me, I'm a spitfire at heart.

    Quinton: Yeah.. I was referring to the one you went to was it two years ago? James got caught with the Republic Ambassador's daughter.. I will say though Casval was more acquitted for that kind of environment, with diplomatic functions.

    Mila: Well, he doesn't have as bad a temper as I do and unlike James he doesn't sleep with every female he meets.

    Quinton: Oh come on.. it was a funny story from what Casval tells me.. Your brother has a playbook..

    Mila: Oh it was very funny. Funniest part was when he got the chewing-out of a lifetime from Dad.

    Quinton: Damn what did Casval tell me the story was to get the Ambassador's daughter.. I think it had to do with being a famous jock pilot named Lance ... *his face neglects the last name as he knows Mila would not find her brother's pervy humor funny*

    Mila: Quin' I really don't need to hear this story!

    Quinton: Sorry.. I just find it pretty funny.

    Mila: Anything else you want to talk about?

    Quinton: What was it like growing up, I never asked.

    Mila: For the most part, fairly dull. Like I said, I was basically expected to be the perfect child for the press when Dad was President.

    Did I ever tell you that I almost signed up for the Republic instead of Starfleet? I guess that was the rebel in me wanting to stick it to the Press' expectations.

    Just about the only times I got to be myself was when me and Mom went to Khitomer, where the local government tells the Press to keep their distance, and when Mom was teaching me how to fight. I got to talk about what I actually felt, not what the politicians wanted me to say...

    In fact, one second...

    *She picks up a PADD and shows it to him.*

    Even now, the press want to interview the former President's daughter about being 'unjustly criminalised by the vicious Republic Navy'. Ugh...

    Quinton: *Sits near her..* Media attention I guess is the thing that can bother someone endlessly.. Speaking of getting grilled by me must get you all aggravated..

    *He gives her a look.*

    How about this. We toss this.

    *Takes the Pad from her gently and tosses it to the side. *

    And focus on us. Besides I am pretty sure the press don't have bugs in these rooms. From what I hear Fali hates that kind of thing.

    *He gives her a kiss*

    *Mila returns the kiss.*

    *The evening goes on without a hitch, no one really noticing that the Admiral has been missing for several hours... But that morning, Casval is at his brother's quarters, thoughts about what kind of scene he is going to find running through his head.. *

    *He knocks...*

    Casval: Please be a scene I don't have to scrub my memory warehouse for..

    *Inside the door opens Sala steps out quickly *

    Sala: *Slightly panicking* Pardon me..

    *Casval steps aside but still gets partially walked through.. *

    Casval: Okay... *his brain trying to process what just happened, his brother James is in there in a robe muttering to himself.*

    *Casval enters..*

    Casval: Hey!

    *James Jr stammers gripping his head in agony..*

    James Jr: Ah.. Cas.. you don't need to yell like that.

    Casval: What exactly happened in here between you and Sala..

    James Jr: Please.. *rubbing his temples.. bloodshot eyes closed trying to ignore the pounding head.* Shut up..

    Casval: You know Mila is going to be really pissed...

    James Jr: *grumbles and grunts as Casval replicates a coffee from the replicator.. placing it as loud as he can next to his brother.*

    Casval: Not to mention Cassandra..

    James Jr: Cas.. I love you little brother but please.. *taking the coffee* do me a favor..*sipping it* shut up..

    *On the Bridge *

    *Wade enters the bridge to find the morning crew saluting him *

    Wade: *looking around* Lieutenant where is Admiral Allen.. ?

    Lieutenant Carter: No idea sir. He is running later than normal..

    Wade: Did he ever leave his ready room?

    Carter: *looks at him * No sir.. Commander Alvin reported that the Admiral did not come out at shift change.

    Wade: He probably slept there.. I will go and check.. Have someone check his quarters.

    Carter: Yes sir..

    *Wade walks over to the ready room as Carter comms in for security to make a morning call. He taps in the code to open the door and finds the room empty, the terminal running, and duty rosters on the desk signed or unsigned, along with the mission assignments signed off on...*

    Wade: * sinking feeling in his gut now goes through his system.. something is wrong.* Lieutenant... have security report to me immediately if they find the Admiral.

    *Mila's quarters finds Quinton up early with his over coat over Mila on the couch.. and replicating breakfast. But she does wake.. Before Sala comes to the door..*

    Quinton: Come

    *Sala enters the room surprised to find him there.*

    Sala: Why are you here.. ? *slightly confused and hungover..*

    Quinton: Had a date. Mila fell asleep on the couch..

    Sala: We have a shift up..

    *They hear her stir and not all that pleasantly as something is going on in her head too.. before waking..*

    Mila: What's going on...?

    *On the Bridge*

    Wade: What do you mean the Admiral is not on the ship Fali?

    *Fali through an eye comm unit*

    Fali: He is not here Captain.. My guess would be to investigate this, and maintain calm. I will send investigation drones up to the ready room.

    *In Mila's Quarters*

    Sala: It seems your father is not on the ship anymore..

    Quinton: What was going on Mila? What was bothering you.. *She can tell Sala is uncomfortable being there...* Do her siblings know?

    Sala: I don't know.. They might by now..

    Mila: Hold on, slow down...

    *She grabs a cup of coffee and looks at Sala.*

    Okay, what's the matter with you?

    Sala: Not a thing.. Just hungover.. But your dad is probably missing.

    Mila: Okay...

    Wait, how did you get hungover?

    *She grabs her uniform jacket and activates her combadge.*

    Security, Ensign Allen going on duty.

    *Sala grimaces in as she tries to brush off the loud pounding sensation going on in her head. *

    Sala: Please not so loudly...

    Mila: Let's get you some oxi-pills. Then I'm going to find James... And I may or may not kill him...

    Quinton: What for?

    Sala: I don't think flying off the handle like this is right at this time.

    Mila: You're hungover... I can take a pretty good guess as to how you got hungover...

    Sala: Okay..
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
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    *Wilson pops out looking around whistling at the wreckage of the area.. twenty years would do very little to the ruins and to the new Shoal Zone, Elibisi tech and the Elibisi still remained as reminders and a danger zone blocked off by many Confederation powers. *

    Wilson: They still haven't cleaned this area.. Makes me wonder if dead gods still dream..

    *First time in a while Tara A sees that he isn't completely an insane man child. The patrols were no where near them so they could proceed to the ruins of DS9 and Bajor quickly.. *

    Wilson: Guessing they are keeping their distance from the Shoal Zone to avoid the risk of indoctrination.. Go in at low power their sweeps will think we are a wreck..

    *Tara A sets the runabout adrift, leaving only the manoeuvring thrusters online.*

    Tara A: Computer, locate possible landing zones on Bajor.

    *A map appears with the possible landing sites. Tara A meditates for a moment before selecting one.*

    Tara A: I'll take us down once we clear the debris field.

    *They float there as a Elibisi Captial vessel floats by, dead but a pressure in her head knows that something strange is happening..*

    Wilson: Longer we stay here, the higher the chance we become indoctrinated. Even with the war over for two decades it still creeps me out.

    *He looks to the other person with them.*

    Trust me they were scarier alive...

    *The wreckage floats as Tara A can't help but to agree. Though the attitude change in Wilson has her wonder..*

    *Tara A looks over at Sara, who is clearly frightened.*

    Tara A: Don't worry. I can shield us from it for a time...

    These things killed my best friend... She was an Innotankan. They indoctrinated her and made her force me to...

    *She shakes her head, closing her eyes.*

    Sara, I promise you, we'll get Zoe back.

    *Sara nods slightly as the Runabout enters the atmosphere. Within a few minutes, they've landed in a clearing near the Fire Caves and the coast.*

    *Wilson can't help but to feel more frayed as they approach the cave..*

    Wilson: So let me get this straight.. Oh.. Wait.. What are we even looking for?

    Wilson's other personality: Oh i dunno, my guess is something not a piece of junk...

    Tara A: Something's drawing me here... I need to know what...

    *She turns to both of them.*

    You two don't have to come in with me.

    Wilson: Hey beasty boy will rip me in half if I don't, and you have no idea how much of a pain in the neck that is to regenerate..

    Sara: I'd rather stay with you...

    Tara A: Alright...

    *They walk into the caves.*

    *The caves themselves are eeriely silent and still even with the Elibisi indoctrinated dead all around... As if they were looking for something.*

    Wilson: Hate fighting in caves..

    Other Wilson Personality: Yeah tightly cramped and dark.. Like a sardine..Yick.

    Tara A: Everything in here has been dead for 20 years.

    Wilson: These are the fire caves.. Pah-Wraiths I hear can do quite a bit, if legend is right.

    Other Wilson: Ooo creepy fire ghosts..

    Tara A: Relax.

    *They keep walking to where Tara A is being drawn.*

    Wilson: Yeah of course..

    *That feeling doesn't seem to materialize.. something is missing..*

    *Tara A looks around confused.*

    Wilson: Okay whiskers the wonder girl... Whats up..

    Tara A: This is where I've been being drawn to, but... There's something missing...

    *OOC: Throw me a bone here? What is she looking for?*

    *OOC: Has to do with the station, and is a relic. You did not think this was going to be that easy did you?*

    Wilson: Great a scavenger hunt.. in the middle of one of the creepiest places in the galaxy..

    *Tara A steps outside, looking up.*

    Tara A: That's why...

    This place is a prison for the Pah'Wraiths, Prophets who were cast out for trying to interfere actively with Bajor's development. I wasn't being called here, it just felt familiar.

    Sara: Then where were you...?

    Oh, you have to be kidding. Back up to the scary mecha-aliens?

    Tara A: They're dead, Sara. Besides, I can shield you from their indoctrination, remember?

    Wilson: Well the station could be usable given the place is an abandoned ruin, with damage. I could teleport us there without risking the shuttle again..Might want to get into EV suits just in case..

    Tara A: You can teleport us across the system?

    Wilson: Come on.. of course I can.. How do you think I have time to annoy you?

    *Shuts up when he has been had.. *

    *They return to the shuttle and get into EV suits.*

    *Wilson has his own suit on..*

    Wilson: Okay ladies hang on and do not grip too hard.

    *They hold on.*

    *There is a pop and a crack and they find themselves in the DS9 ruins, the gravity is out of whack as some area's have gravity. Other's do not. There are corpses of indoctrinated everywhere and frozen bodies.. *

    Wilson: Creepy floating around here..

    *Tara A telekinetically pulls them to the deck and she and Sara activate their gravity boots.*

    Tara A: Whatever I'm looking for, it's close...

    Let's check the shrine first.

    *They turn on their helmet lights and head for the Bajoran Shrine.*

    Wilson: *Back to the other personality* Oh yeah the creepy shrine.. in a ruin of a station.. where there is supposed to be an orb... Fan.. freakin tastic..

    Tara A: You got a better idea?

    Wilson: Are you sure its supposed to be something that grand? Maybe its something smaller and not as grand.. Don't ask me why but it seems Gods.. or heavens gate looking... fellows. *watching his mouth in the presence of a little one.* Might put something important in a trivial item of seemingly little importance. Especially to you or me..

    Tara A: Possibly, but it doesn't hurt to check.

    Wilson: Alright do as you want.. lets go..

    *As they cross the threshold he mutters to himself.*

    Wilson: Maximum Effort...

    *Tara A checks to see if the Orb is still there.*

    *Nothing is at the altar, it is as barren as the station has been for years.. The place was evacuated quickly.. a ship does go by, one of Kazon design.. Renegades...*

    Tara A: Oh, Hell...

    *She takes Sara by the arm and they head towards the turbo-shaft.*

    Wilson: Great.. the space trash of the galaxy..

    *The Kazon vessel halts at a functioning docking bay, and docks.. *

    Great... Why is it almost always these guys!!

    *They head to one of the lower levels of the Habitat Ring, Tara A taking out her EV suit's tricorder and calling the runabout.*

    Tara A: It'll take about half an hour for the runabout to get within transporter range. Can you port us out again?

    *Wilson is tossing around a baseball in a case.. *

    Wilson: Yeah.. I can..
  • Options
    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: oh and Allen if you want to bring ONI into your plan they just need to go to Carter:)
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • Options
    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Carter: alright set course for sector 097.04

    Helm: aye sir slipspace drive ready for jump.

    Carter: engage. Inform me when we arrive.

    Officer: aye sir.

    Carter makes his way to his ready room as he sets the padd down and pours himself a drink.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • Options
    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User

    Kovan is walking through one of the large gardens. He has spent most of his tIke alone. Still unsure of what he plans now for his future.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Susan blocks and kicks Karen in the sromach*

    *Karen grunts as she recovers, before locking up with Susan.*
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
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    ryan218 wrote: »
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    ryan218 wrote: »
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    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Wilson pops out looking around whistling at the wreckage of the area.. twenty years would do very little to the ruins and to the new Shoal Zone, Elibisi tech and the Elibisi still remained as reminders and a danger zone blocked off by many Confederation powers. *

    Wilson: They still haven't cleaned this area.. Makes me wonder if dead gods still dream..

    *First time in a while Tara A sees that he isn't completely an insane man child. The patrols were no where near them so they could proceed to the ruins of DS9 and Bajor quickly.. *

    Wilson: Guessing they are keeping their distance from the Shoal Zone to avoid the risk of indoctrination.. Go in at low power their sweeps will think we are a wreck..

    *Tara A sets the runabout adrift, leaving only the manoeuvring thrusters online.*

    Tara A: Computer, locate possible landing zones on Bajor.

    *A map appears with the possible landing sites. Tara A meditates for a moment before selecting one.*

    Tara A: I'll take us down once we clear the debris field.

    *They float there as a Elibisi Captial vessel floats by, dead but a pressure in her head knows that something strange is happening..*

    Wilson: Longer we stay here, the higher the chance we become indoctrinated. Even with the war over for two decades it still creeps me out.

    *He looks to the other person with them.*

    Trust me they were scarier alive...

    *The wreckage floats as Tara A can't help but to agree. Though the attitude change in Wilson has her wonder..*

    *Tara A looks over at Sara, who is clearly frightened.*

    Tara A: Don't worry. I can shield us from it for a time...

    These things killed my best friend... She was an Innotankan. They indoctrinated her and made her force me to...

    *She shakes her head, closing her eyes.*

    Sara, I promise you, we'll get Zoe back.

    *Sara nods slightly as the Runabout enters the atmosphere. Within a few minutes, they've landed in a clearing near the Fire Caves and the coast.*

    *Wilson can't help but to feel more frayed as they approach the cave..*

    Wilson: So let me get this straight.. Oh.. Wait.. What are we even looking for?

    Wilson's other personality: Oh i dunno, my guess is something not a piece of junk...

    Tara A: Something's drawing me here... I need to know what...

    *She turns to both of them.*

    You two don't have to come in with me.

    Wilson: Hey beasty boy will rip me in half if I don't, and you have no idea how much of a pain in the neck that is to regenerate..

    Sara: I'd rather stay with you...

    Tara A: Alright...

    *They walk into the caves.*

    *The caves themselves are eeriely silent and still even with the Elibisi indoctrinated dead all around... As if they were looking for something.*

    Wilson: Hate fighting in caves..

    Other Wilson Personality: Yeah tightly cramped and dark.. Like a sardine..Yick.

    Tara A: Everything in here has been dead for 20 years.

    Wilson: These are the fire caves.. Pah-Wraiths I hear can do quite a bit, if legend is right.

    Other Wilson: Ooo creepy fire ghosts..

    Tara A: Relax.

    *They keep walking to where Tara A is being drawn.*

    Wilson: Yeah of course..

    *That feeling doesn't seem to materialize.. something is missing..*

    *Tara A looks around confused.*

    Wilson: Okay whiskers the wonder girl... Whats up..

    Tara A: This is where I've been being drawn to, but... There's something missing...

    *OOC: Throw me a bone here? What is she looking for?*

    *OOC: Has to do with the station, and is a relic. You did not think this was going to be that easy did you?*

    Wilson: Great a scavenger hunt.. in the middle of one of the creepiest places in the galaxy..

    *Tara A steps outside, looking up.*

    Tara A: That's why...

    This place is a prison for the Pah'Wraiths, Prophets who were cast out for trying to interfere actively with Bajor's development. I wasn't being called here, it just felt familiar.

    Sara: Then where were you...?

    Oh, you have to be kidding. Back up to the scary mecha-aliens?

    Tara A: They're dead, Sara. Besides, I can shield you from their indoctrination, remember?

    Wilson: Well the station could be usable given the place is an abandoned ruin, with damage. I could teleport us there without risking the shuttle again..Might want to get into EV suits just in case..

    Tara A: You can teleport us across the system?

    Wilson: Come on.. of course I can.. How do you think I have time to annoy you?

    *Shuts up when he has been had.. *

    *They return to the shuttle and get into EV suits.*

    *Wilson has his own suit on..*

    Wilson: Okay ladies hang on and do not grip too hard.

    *They hold on.*

    *There is a pop and a crack and they find themselves in the DS9 ruins, the gravity is out of whack as some area's have gravity. Other's do not. There are corpses of indoctrinated everywhere and frozen bodies.. *

    Wilson: Creepy floating around here..

    *Tara A telekinetically pulls them to the deck and she and Sara activate their gravity boots.*

    Tara A: Whatever I'm looking for, it's close...

    Let's check the shrine first.

    *They turn on their helmet lights and head for the Bajoran Shrine.*

    Wilson: *Back to the other personality* Oh yeah the creepy shrine.. in a ruin of a station.. where there is supposed to be an orb... Fan.. freakin tastic..

    Tara A: You got a better idea?

    Wilson: Are you sure its supposed to be something that grand? Maybe its something smaller and not as grand.. Don't ask me why but it seems Gods.. or heavens gate looking... fellows. *watching his mouth in the presence of a little one.* Might put something important in a trivial item of seemingly little importance. Especially to you or me..

    Tara A: Possibly, but it doesn't hurt to check.

    Wilson: Alright do as you want.. lets go..

    *As they cross the threshold he mutters to himself.*

    Wilson: Maximum Effort...

    *Tara A checks to see if the Orb is still there.*

    *Nothing is at the altar, it is as barren as the station has been for years.. The place was evacuated quickly.. a ship does go by, one of Kazon design.. Renegades...*

    Tara A: Oh, Hell...

    *She takes Sara by the arm and they head towards the turbo-shaft.*

    Wilson: Great.. the space trash of the galaxy..

    *The Kazon vessel halts at a functioning docking bay, and docks.. *

    Great... Why is it almost always these guys!!

    *They head to one of the lower levels of the Habitat Ring, Tara A taking out her EV suit's tricorder and calling the runabout.*

    Tara A: It'll take about half an hour for the runabout to get within transporter range. Can you port us out again?

    *Wilson is tossing around a baseball in a case.. *

    Wilson: Yeah.. I can..

    *Tara A takes the case off of him.*

    Tara A: This is a PRICELESS ANTIQUE!
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,243 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Susan blocks and kicks Karen in the sromach*

    *Karen grunts as she recovers, before locking up with Susan.*

    *Susan tries to take her down*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Susan blocks and kicks Karen in the sromach*

    *Karen grunts as she recovers, before locking up with Susan.*

    *Susan tries to take her down*

    *Karen holds her ground, throwing a knee into Susan's gut.*
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,243 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Susan blocks and kicks Karen in the sromach*

    *Karen grunts as she recovers, before locking up with Susan.*

    *Susan tries to take her down*

    *Karen holds her ground, throwing a knee into Susan's gut.*

    *Susan takes it and falls down*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Susan blocks and kicks Karen in the sromach*

    *Karen grunts as she recovers, before locking up with Susan.*

    *Susan tries to take her down*

    *Karen holds her ground, throwing a knee into Susan's gut.*

    *Susan takes it and falls down*

    *Karen breathes heavily as she drops her guard.*

    Karen: Had enough?
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,243 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Susan blocks and kicks Karen in the sromach*

    *Karen grunts as she recovers, before locking up with Susan.*

    *Susan tries to take her down*

    *Karen holds her ground, throwing a knee into Susan's gut.*

    *Susan takes it and falls down*

    *Karen breathes heavily as she drops her guard.*

    Karen: Had enough?

    Susan: F**k you! *Cries a little, gets up and starts leaving*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Susan blocks and kicks Karen in the sromach*

    *Karen grunts as she recovers, before locking up with Susan.*

    *Susan tries to take her down*

    *Karen holds her ground, throwing a knee into Susan's gut.*

    *Susan takes it and falls down*

    *Karen breathes heavily as she drops her guard.*

    Karen: Had enough?

    Susan: F**k you! *Cries a little, gets up and starts leaving*

    *Karen watches, feeling bad as she sits on her bed and sighs.

    Tara walks over to Susan and puts a hand on her shoulder.*

    Tara: What's wrong?
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,243 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Susan blocks and kicks Karen in the sromach*

    *Karen grunts as she recovers, before locking up with Susan.*

    *Susan tries to take her down*

    *Karen holds her ground, throwing a knee into Susan's gut.*

    *Susan takes it and falls down*

    *Karen breathes heavily as she drops her guard.*

    Karen: Had enough?

    Susan: F**k you! *Cries a little, gets up and starts leaving*

    *Karen watches, feeling bad as she sits on her bed and sighs.

    Tara walks over to Susan and puts a hand on her shoulder.*

    Tara: What's wrong?

    Susan: I was trying to be a good friend that's whats wrong.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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