There would serious hatred amongst console players if sto went cross play think of how unbalanced not to mention unfair it would be so It's for the best that they never do cross play.
I remember when Home Turf came out and broke the PS3. (And there have been plenty of comments from players upgrading from the PS3 to PS4, and then commenting, "now I see what you PC players were talking about.) There's a reason that STO's going to the PS4 and not 3.
Sorry guys but I've just got to have this said i am tired off all these pc players complaining and bitching about not being able to transfer there pc saves to console everywhere i look waeee i want to transfer my ships to console waeee am not starting all over again waeee as a life time member i should be allowed to do that NEWS FLASH sto on consoles has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH PC PLAYERS now dont get me wrong i understand that the though of having start from scratch is not appealing but you have to understand sto on console is NOT about pc gamers It's about console players and as a console player a think i speak for my fellow console gamers when i say we dont want pc players on console servers not only would it ruin our experience but it would make future pvp events absolutely pointless and one sided so again sorry for this extensive rant but i cant stand the selfish point of view that some pc players have especially since you guys have had access to sto for like 6 years.
I only recently read the news that this game's coming to the PS4 (mid-July's when I think I first found out), and I'm more than excited. Added to that was the excitement (for me) that the Romulans became a playable race/faction (however relatively piecemealed).
What I'm curious about, though, and am impatient to learn, is whether the same subscription service will be ported to the consoles (Silver/Gold/Lifetime). I also distinctly heard through the walkthrough video a couple days ago that they're only porting two expansions--any word one which of the three they're not?
I only recently read the news that this game's coming to the PS4 (mid-July's when I think I first found out), and I'm more than excited. Added to that was the excitement (for me) that the Romulans became a playable race/faction (however relatively piecemealed).
What I'm curious about, though, and am impatient to learn, is whether the same subscription service will be ported to the consoles (Silver/Gold/Lifetime). I also distinctly heard through the walkthrough video a couple days ago that they're only porting two expansions--any word one which of the three they're not?
I am fairly certain that Agents of Yesterday won't make it in. And I suspect that's only "temporary".
As I understand it, to deliver a game to the consoles, you need to pass a certain testing regime. Cryptic probably freezed one build for the consoles and polishes it so it passes the tests and that it's really fully working on the consoles. (I imagine it's more difficult on the Play-Station 4 then X-Box, since X-Box and PC probably are very similar under the hood.)
The PC game is on a weekly update schedule, and they won't be able to do that on the consoles.
Also, this would have the advantage that they could release the AOY expansion to consoles at an opportune point in time when they need to reinvogerate interest in the game on consoles.
We don't know what they plan for subscriptions. They might not offer any at all, and I suspect they will not offer LIfetime subscriptions. (Note that a lifetime subscriptin is the same as being a regular Gold subscriber. The nly difference is that you pay a one-time sum, and that you unlock all Vetaran rewards immediately.)
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
There is still no official word from Cryptic regarding the exact release date other than Fall 2016. Cryptic even released an official "development" trailer for STO on the console on either August 11th or 12th and it simply stated "Fall 2016".
Brand new to the forums, so be gentle
What I'm curious about, though, and am impatient to learn, is whether the same subscription service will be ported to the consoles (Silver/Gold/Lifetime). I also distinctly heard through the walkthrough video a couple days ago that they're only porting two expansions--any word one which of the three they're not?
STO Console will be released as of Season 11.5. That means it the two expansions included would be Legacy of Romulus (2013) and Delta Rising (2014). The 3rd expansion is Agents of Yesterday (AoY), but that will likely not launch for STO Console until sometime in 2017... and that a good thing...
AoY launched on July 6th and despite weekly patches including one or two emergency patches there are still a lot of bugs and graphic glitches that were introduced with that expansion on top of existing bugs. Cryptic will likely not release AoY for console until they fix most of the issues for STO PC that AoY introduced so that console gamers will not have to deal with the same or similar issues.
Due to the fact that Sony and MS have pretty rigid guidelines games and patches must undergo before they can be made live on the console there will definitely not be weekly or even bi-weekly patch updates for STO Console. While that may delay the release of new content it also helps reduce the number of possible game breaking bugs that may take up to a month before they are addressed.
While AoY is referred to as an "expansion", based on feedback within the forum (a minority of the actual player base), many do not consider it to be an expansion because it only introduces 9 main story missions to the game as well as 3 end game queue missions. Of the 9 main story missions, 6 of them are exclusively for a 23rd century Federation character. 25th century Federation characters as well as KDF and Romulan characters cannot access any of those 6 missions. They get a short introduction mission to the concept of the Temporal Cold War which gives them access to the other 3 main story missions.
However, Cryptic did put a lot of effort into the 6 story missions strictly for 23rd century Fed characters to give them a TOS feel with visual and sound effects and overall pretty good story. Those 6 missions have pretty high production standards, which is normally the case for tutorial missions. Too bad the developers do not have budget to maintain that level of quality for all missions. A F2P model with a relatively small player base (in comparison to other more popular MMOs) cannot support that type of budget requirements.
There is no preferential treatment for PC gamers at present... in many ways it's the opposite: because there is no means of linking accounts, nothing a player has purchased on one platform is usable on the other platforms. That does help keep everyone at the same starting point, but also creates a strong disincentive for players to change platforms from where they have already made C-Store purchases, caught a Giveaway (such as the KT uniform coming next week, which probably won't be available on console at launch because AoY won't be present yet), or unlocked during an Event (make sure to catch the Winter Event this year; you won't be able to get the prior Breen ships, unless they drop the "exclusivity" kick they've been on, but the Event itself is silly fun and you'll be able to pick up whatever ship they release this time).
It is what it is; just don't expect to take your laptop with you on vacation to catch special stuff for your console account.
You're assuming the consoles are even going to get Events.
If cryptic have to get the Event code done months in advance and then get it vetted twice for two separate consoles, given their historic laziness I doubt the consoles will get any.
Especially as having to do the Event coding so far in advance would give them more then enough time to fix any and all bugs in the Events and less excuse to keep on resurrecting the same old bugs year after year.
Since Neverwinter gets events, perhaps you should actually research before you shoot your response off.
@mustrumridcully0 Thanks for the reply. That makes sense about AoY; but I'm curious about what you said regarding subscriptions: what makes you think they'll limit to Silver or Gold only? If the game were developed well enough for the console version, I'd be willing to purchase a Lifetime account, which leads me to believe that there are others that'd be willing to do the same, but is there something that would prevent them from offering it outside of PC?
@jaguarskx Thanks for your response regarding AoY; so, in your opinion, they won't release AoY on the consoles at all?
With regards to a LTS.... that is something that does not fit into PWE strategy based on the other games that they offer. I am only aware of two games that offers LTS on the PC and those games are STO and City of Heroes. Both games were in existence when PWE acquired Cryptic Studio which means the LTS existed for those games.
Neverwinter was released after Cryptic was acquired by PWE and there are no LTS offered whether on the PC or the console. A VIP program is offered for Neverwinter, but that is on a monthly basis. Using Neverwinter as an example for Cryptic Studios, there will not be a LTS for STO console.
AoY will be released for STO console, but it will need a lot of polish before that will happen. There may be a about 6 month difference in the content release cycle between PC and consoles. On the PC side, they typically release a patch every Thursday, but sometime they need to do an emergency patch on Friday or even the following Monday. On the console they will not have the liberty of releasing patches whenever they wish.
Sony and MS have guidelines that all contents / patches / updates must go through before they are allowed to go live. One of the STO producers mentioned in a Priority One Podcast stated those guidelines are over 100 pages. Basically, they need the time to get patches / updates done right on the PC before they do the same on the console.
If a game breaking bug slips by on the PC they can do an emergency maintenance whenever they want that will hopefully fix the issue. For the console, well... the update need to go though that 100+ page gauntlet that may take up to 4 weeks to fix. The moral of the story is to get it right as much as possible that way there is no needs to rush out a patch that fixes the problem which will only go into a "process queue" because Sony and MS needs to review content, patches and updates for other games that need to go through the validation process.
@jaguarskx Okay, I get what you're saying about AoY.
As far as LTS, I get where you're coming from there, as well, from a business standpoint; however, I guess I can certainly hope that they honour what they currently offer PC players when the time comes. Like I said, from what I've seen regarding the content of the game, if it translates well to console, I'd certainly consider purchasing it.
Thanks for the reply. That makes sense about AoY; but I'm curious about what you said regarding subscriptions: what makes you think they'll limit to Silver or Gold only? If the game were developed well enough for the console version, I'd be willing to purchase a Lifetime account, which leads me to believe that there are others that'd be willing to do the same, but is there something that would prevent them from offering it outside of PC?
It doesn't seem part of PWE's strategy to offer lifetime subscriptions - only Champions Online and Star Trek Online have them, and tha tmight be partially because they are "grandfathered" in.
I don't know if the platform owners, Sony or Microsoft, might have strange ideas on what kind of cut they get for a lifetime subscription.
I am also not convinced it would really be worth it. You can get a lot of Zen for 300 $, and it takes quite sometime for the 500 Zen Stipend to catch up on that. Sure, there are some exclusive perks in there (Liberated Borg, Talaxian), but they are hardly crucial, IMO.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
This whole lack of a specific release date on Consoles is so annoying i can't help but think the only reason for a non specific release date would be because of unspoken doubt that it will be released this year just my opinion but worrying none the less.
This whole lack of a specific release date on Consoles is so annoying i can't help but think the only reason for a non specific release date would be because of unspoken doubt that it will be released this year just my opinion but worrying none the less.
My guess is that there target is October and if that is the case we probably won't get an exact release date till sometime in September. We didn't get an exact release date on AoY till the middle of June if I remember correctly and that came out on the 6th of July. Cryptic doesn't like to post release dates until they are absolutely sure that they will be able to launch on that date because being wrong could be costly.
I suppose it would be nice if the game is announced to be released on Sept. 8th. But that may be unlikely.
Autumn (Fall) 2016 officially starts on Sept 22nd and ends on December 20th. So I guess anytime between those dates. I assume Cryptic is still polishing the piece of tur... ummm.... the game...
As the launch of the two console versions of Star Trek Online approaches, we’d like to mention the cool packs and exclusive gift items we’ll be offering for those games. Read on to find out more!
Players on the Xbox One console version of STO will receive a free Tier 1 Blockade Runner Escort Steamrunner-class Starship. On the PlayStation 4 console version, players will receive a free Tier 1 Andorian Light Escort. Note that these items will be available for free for two weeks after launch!
PlayStation Plus users will also receive a free Wrath of Khan Starfleet Uniform.
Speaking of Khan, all players who link to Arc will receive his outfit for free.
We’re also offering some cool packs to players on both consoles. Players can outfit themselves with a Federation, Klingon, or Romulan pack filled with ships and uniforms for their faction.
There’s something for everyone in each of those packs, to be sure. We can’t wait to see you for the exciting upcoming launch of Star Trek Online on Xbox One and Playstation 4!
The interesting part to me is the mention of linking to Arc; would that imply that it's possible for appropriate C-Store assets to be made available cross-platform, so long as the relevant accounts are linked via Arc?
(By appropriate, I mean actually available on that platform; we aren't going to be flying Temporal ships before they exist on PS4 or XBONE, despite their nature. Also, I'm referring only to account-level unlocks... requiring separate characters on separate platforms does make sense so long as cross-platform play is off the table.)
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
From what I've seen, the UI for consoles is just going to kill the game for consoles. STO just has too many buttons and timings to be fumbling around in a power wheel in the middle of combat. Oh, the idea of auto firing abilities.....bah. Waste of time. If I want the game to play itself while all I do is just fly around, I'll just quit the game. I love the challenge of using abilities at certain times in preparation, or cause of abilities. If I get hit with one torp, and it only knoocks me down by 1%, I don't want engineering team to activate. There is no cause for that.
Now unless there is an option to forgo the console UI for a PC UI on consoles with a keyboard and mouse support, then I MIGHT think about trying it. Otherwise, it'll be a pass. Now if the free stuff is connected to my ARC account and I can access it on the PC version as well, then I'll go for it.
I have a question about the recently announced exclusives. I'm a fan of the Steamrunner class, which was announced as an Xbox One exclusive, but I own a PS4. Is there going to be any other way for PS4 players to still acquire the Steamrunner class?
I grabbed it on the XBOne, and STILL haven't seen it. 3-5 hour queue times for players who don't pay their insanely expensive bribe to get into the premium queue? I played it on the PC, it's not a good enough game to warrant that, not by a long shot.
I have a question about the recently announced exclusives. I'm a fan of the Steamrunner class, which was announced as an Xbox One exclusive, but I own a PS4. Is there going to be any other way for PS4 players to still acquire the Steamrunner class?
Probably not the starter version. Given the length of time you spend in them, it's really not worth anything they may charge to get it. It's the reason why the starter Andorian ship is by far the rarest in the game, probably still even after the Gold Nagus debacle.
Okay I know with information releases they space them out, but this one could have used just a tad bit more. Now seeing that I dont own ether console I wont be playing on them. So I have only one question really, the Andorian Light Escort; a little ship I have wanted since Neverwinter launched but honestly I wasn't going to fork out several hundred dollars for a Neverwinter pack just to get that ship. And since the Launch of Neverwinter there has not been any other way (as far as I know) offered to aquire said little ship. So will those of us who will only still be playing on the PC version of the game have a chance to get this Tier1 Ship?
Space is vast, it's wonderful and maddening. Yet in that madness is some of the greatest beauty I have ever seen.
Exclusive stuff... Not surprised but still have to get my official "Why do they get free stuff?!?!" in.
That's some pretty basic free stuff... and it offers nothing to beginning KDF/KDFRom players. I think we'll live.
It's the principle!
I don't particularly want either ship.
I doubt I'd use either ship.
It's just that as a PC user I feel so excluded... so... unloved...
To be honest, the ships are already done items.
Granted I wish there was a way to get the Andorian T1 ship, but considering I doubt XBOne players can access Steam, we PCers can get the other T1 through Steam.
Thank you for the time...
STO CBT Player - 400 day+ Vet, Currently Silver
Cryptic, would you actulaly like me to spend actual Money? It's Simple:
Full, Story-driven, select from start 1-50 Klingon Side
Scrap current Lock Box & Lobi system for something more reasonable
Expand Dil and Rep/Fleet Marks to regular story content
I remember when Home Turf came out and broke the PS3. (And there have been plenty of comments from players upgrading from the PS3 to PS4, and then commenting, "now I see what you PC players were talking about.) There's a reason that STO's going to the PS4 and not 3.
Brand new to the forums, so be gentle ;)
I only recently read the news that this game's coming to the PS4 (mid-July's when I think I first found out), and I'm more than excited. Added to that was the excitement (for me) that the Romulans became a playable race/faction (however relatively piecemealed).
What I'm curious about, though, and am impatient to learn, is whether the same subscription service will be ported to the consoles (Silver/Gold/Lifetime). I also distinctly heard through the walkthrough video a couple days ago that they're only porting two expansions--any word one which of the three they're not?
I am fairly certain that Agents of Yesterday won't make it in. And I suspect that's only "temporary".
As I understand it, to deliver a game to the consoles, you need to pass a certain testing regime. Cryptic probably freezed one build for the consoles and polishes it so it passes the tests and that it's really fully working on the consoles. (I imagine it's more difficult on the Play-Station 4 then X-Box, since X-Box and PC probably are very similar under the hood.)
The PC game is on a weekly update schedule, and they won't be able to do that on the consoles.
Also, this would have the advantage that they could release the AOY expansion to consoles at an opportune point in time when they need to reinvogerate interest in the game on consoles.
We don't know what they plan for subscriptions. They might not offer any at all, and I suspect they will not offer LIfetime subscriptions. (Note that a lifetime subscriptin is the same as being a regular Gold subscriber. The nly difference is that you pay a one-time sum, and that you unlock all Vetaran rewards immediately.)
There is still no official word from Cryptic regarding the exact release date other than Fall 2016. Cryptic even released an official "development" trailer for STO on the console on either August 11th or 12th and it simply stated "Fall 2016".
STO Console will be released as of Season 11.5. That means it the two expansions included would be Legacy of Romulus (2013) and Delta Rising (2014). The 3rd expansion is Agents of Yesterday (AoY), but that will likely not launch for STO Console until sometime in 2017... and that a good thing...
AoY launched on July 6th and despite weekly patches including one or two emergency patches there are still a lot of bugs and graphic glitches that were introduced with that expansion on top of existing bugs. Cryptic will likely not release AoY for console until they fix most of the issues for STO PC that AoY introduced so that console gamers will not have to deal with the same or similar issues.
Due to the fact that Sony and MS have pretty rigid guidelines games and patches must undergo before they can be made live on the console there will definitely not be weekly or even bi-weekly patch updates for STO Console. While that may delay the release of new content it also helps reduce the number of possible game breaking bugs that may take up to a month before they are addressed.
While AoY is referred to as an "expansion", based on feedback within the forum (a minority of the actual player base), many do not consider it to be an expansion because it only introduces 9 main story missions to the game as well as 3 end game queue missions. Of the 9 main story missions, 6 of them are exclusively for a 23rd century Federation character. 25th century Federation characters as well as KDF and Romulan characters cannot access any of those 6 missions. They get a short introduction mission to the concept of the Temporal Cold War which gives them access to the other 3 main story missions.
However, Cryptic did put a lot of effort into the 6 story missions strictly for 23rd century Fed characters to give them a TOS feel with visual and sound effects and overall pretty good story. Those 6 missions have pretty high production standards, which is normally the case for tutorial missions. Too bad the developers do not have budget to maintain that level of quality for all missions. A F2P model with a relatively small player base (in comparison to other more popular MMOs) cannot support that type of budget requirements.
Since Neverwinter gets events, perhaps you should actually research before you shoot your response off.
Thanks for the reply. That makes sense about AoY; but I'm curious about what you said regarding subscriptions: what makes you think they'll limit to Silver or Gold only? If the game were developed well enough for the console version, I'd be willing to purchase a Lifetime account, which leads me to believe that there are others that'd be willing to do the same, but is there something that would prevent them from offering it outside of PC?
Thanks for your response regarding AoY; so, in your opinion, they won't release AoY on the consoles at all?
Neverwinter was released after Cryptic was acquired by PWE and there are no LTS offered whether on the PC or the console. A VIP program is offered for Neverwinter, but that is on a monthly basis. Using Neverwinter as an example for Cryptic Studios, there will not be a LTS for STO console.
AoY will be released for STO console, but it will need a lot of polish before that will happen. There may be a about 6 month difference in the content release cycle between PC and consoles. On the PC side, they typically release a patch every Thursday, but sometime they need to do an emergency patch on Friday or even the following Monday. On the console they will not have the liberty of releasing patches whenever they wish.
Sony and MS have guidelines that all contents / patches / updates must go through before they are allowed to go live. One of the STO producers mentioned in a Priority One Podcast stated those guidelines are over 100 pages. Basically, they need the time to get patches / updates done right on the PC before they do the same on the console.
If a game breaking bug slips by on the PC they can do an emergency maintenance whenever they want that will hopefully fix the issue. For the console, well... the update need to go though that 100+ page gauntlet that may take up to 4 weeks to fix. The moral of the story is to get it right as much as possible that way there is no needs to rush out a patch that fixes the problem which will only go into a "process queue" because Sony and MS needs to review content, patches and updates for other games that need to go through the validation process.
Okay, I get what you're saying about AoY.
As far as LTS, I get where you're coming from there, as well, from a business standpoint; however, I guess I can certainly hope that they honour what they currently offer PC players when the time comes. Like I said, from what I've seen regarding the content of the game, if it translates well to console, I'd certainly consider purchasing it.
Thanks for taking the time to reply, so far.
I don't know if the platform owners, Sony or Microsoft, might have strange ideas on what kind of cut they get for a lifetime subscription.
I am also not convinced it would really be worth it. You can get a lot of Zen for 300 $, and it takes quite sometime for the 500 Zen Stipend to catch up on that. Sure, there are some exclusive perks in there (Liberated Borg, Talaxian), but they are hardly crucial, IMO.
My guess is that there target is October and if that is the case we probably won't get an exact release date till sometime in September. We didn't get an exact release date on AoY till the middle of June if I remember correctly and that came out on the 6th of July. Cryptic doesn't like to post release dates until they are absolutely sure that they will be able to launch on that date because being wrong could be costly.
Autumn (Fall) 2016 officially starts on Sept 22nd and ends on December 20th. So I guess anytime between those dates. I assume Cryptic is still polishing the piece of tur... ummm.... the game...
The interesting part to me is the mention of linking to Arc; would that imply that it's possible for appropriate C-Store assets to be made available cross-platform, so long as the relevant accounts are linked via Arc?
(By appropriate, I mean actually available on that platform; we aren't going to be flying Temporal ships before they exist on PS4 or XBONE, despite their nature. Also, I'm referring only to account-level unlocks... requiring separate characters on separate platforms does make sense so long as cross-platform play is off the table.)
That's some pretty basic free stuff... and it offers nothing to beginning KDF/KDFRom players. I think we'll live.
Now unless there is an option to forgo the console UI for a PC UI on consoles with a keyboard and mouse support, then I MIGHT think about trying it. Otherwise, it'll be a pass. Now if the free stuff is connected to my ARC account and I can access it on the PC version as well, then I'll go for it.
Probably not the starter version. Given the length of time you spend in them, it's really not worth anything they may charge to get it. It's the reason why the starter Andorian ship is by far the rarest in the game, probably still even after the Gold Nagus debacle.
It's the principle!
I don't particularly want either ship.
I doubt I'd use either ship.
It's just that as a PC user I feel so excluded... so... unloved...
To be honest, the ships are already done items.
Granted I wish there was a way to get the Andorian T1 ship, but considering I doubt XBOne players can access Steam, we PCers can get the other T1 through Steam.
Thank you for the time...
Cryptic, would you actulaly like me to spend actual Money? It's Simple: