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Operational Support Team: Now Recruiting!



  • aeternusdoleoaeternusdoleo Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    Are you guys still looking for volunteers? I'm an IT support tech with some basic knowledge about game design and modeling - I've done some modding for a Freelancer (mickeysoft game) based mod. Only started playing STO about a month ago but I'm enjoying the game and see myself stick with it for quite some time. Might as well help stamp out a few bugs.

    Already have one for you:
    - Having the "Fight Tholians (Zone)" from Nukura prime active in your in progress missions seems to cause a significant memory leak in the client. It'll cause the game to crash roughly every one to two hours, but not before it's memory usage balloons to process maximum (~3.5GB working set). On computers with less then 8GB RAM, this could heavily impact performance before and after the crash. This may not be the only mission that has this problem.
    ... forget your fears. And want no more...

    Ex-PWI player (Dawnglory): Ulsyr (BM 104/104/103)
    Now on STO. More fun there.
  • homeboy2011homeboy2011 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    If you are still considering folks, I'd like to participate.

    20+ years IT experience - now retired. I worked with several software developers over the years to install, rollout and support various applications. Some programming over the years. I have pretty solid troubleshooting skills and am good at finding bugs and isolating the issue as well as reporting on it. LTS in STO; been playing since 2011. If you want to know more, please contact me. Thanks!
  • cheesebasketcheesebasket Member Posts: 1,101 Arc User
    i can help...i'm relatively good at breaking things and know of a few bugs that have been persistant for a while now...includeing that pesky little bug in "What Lies Beneath" where the boffs dissapear in the hallway to the computer core

    (you can get them back by slotting the away team in the shuttle slot...warps the boffs back to ya, but if they touch the walls they'll just poof again)
    The hamster will RULE ALLL....

  • fleudermausfleudermaus Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    Hello Trendy, I'll join in the hunt for bugs as I seem to run into quite a few of them. I haven't done a lot of programming in any of the more modern environments used for 3D visual gaming but I can report things like Game state, environment, time, activity, suspected cause (eg: combination of things to produce repeatable results in order to isolate and solve issues)

    I'm an LTS member and have played on one account or another since just after release. I am online nearly everyday and usually for several hours.


  • marimariam#3881 marimariam Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    I know someone who worked for quality assurance in a dozen or so games that were like this and did a good job, but he does not like trendy so she banned him :(
  • mooncrystalpowermooncrystalpower Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    EHHHHHHhhh, I'd LOVE to join the team and all, but I'm not THAT tech-savvy, and I'm kinda busy fighting other evil... ~-~vº(^v^')ºv~-~
    I am the one, the ORIGINAL/Official Sailor Moon of STO! ~-~º(^v~)ºv~-~
  • noybmannoybman Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    If you are looking for people (or more precisely when you are looking for people 'again'); hit me up.
    Send your interview/criteria my way. I have a full time job but when I'm playing games it is usually STO ;)

  • ramos40kramos40k Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    I am interested in joining the program!
  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    Perhaps a more public display of what the Operational Support Team has actually accomplished is in order.
    I'd like to see some write ups of what they have done to make my STO and forum experience better.
    Seems like this idea was all the rage for a bit and then it vanished.
    Public acknowledgement and thanks from the Dev Team for the OST's accomplishments is long overdue and sadly still remains overlooked.
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • sqwishedsqwished Member Posts: 1,475 Bug Hunter
    Perhaps a more public display of what the Operational Support Team has actually accomplished is in order.
    I'd like to see some write ups of what they have done to make my STO and forum experience better.
    Seems like this idea was all the rage for a bit and then it vanished.
    Public acknowledgement and thanks from the Dev Team for the OST's accomplishments is long overdue and sadly still remains overlooked.

    This really isn't necessary, as any active member of the O.S.T will confirm, there's been a whole host of issue's that we've raised that have been fixed. Every time a set of patch notes is released we know what we've helped sort out. I would personally like to say thank you to those people that have approached us with issue's and those that have helped us test and confirm or dispel those issue's. The O.S.T has far from vanished. Many have been tied up testing on tribble. I for have been tied up with my day job so I haven't been able to do as much as I would have liked.​​
    Oh, it's not broken? We can soon fix that!

  • comrademococomrademoco Member Posts: 1,694 Bug Hunter
    As much as we'd love to make our reports public, we can not, many exploits have been found that if posted else were can lead to players tanking advantage of them!

    And as squished mentioned, OST is till here and strong... Proof is in the patch notes, lots of bugs have been fixed!


  • primar13primar13 Member Posts: 1,896 Bug Hunter

    Seeing things we have found in the Patch notes, is all the recognition we need. :smile:
  • darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,805 Community Moderator
    Perhaps a more public display of what the Operational Support Team has actually accomplished is in order.
    I'd like to see some write ups of what they have done to make my STO and forum experience better.
    Seems like this idea was all the rage for a bit and then it vanished.
    Public acknowledgement and thanks from the Dev Team for the OST's accomplishments is long overdue and sadly still remains overlooked.

    We're still alive I promise ;) Most of us i'm sure have been occupied with recent things about to release tomorrow. For me personally I'm just glad to see the game in a better shape from the bug fixes. Makes it better for us and hopefully less of a headache for the devs.

    As others have said we can't really go into the reports that we make due to the nature of some of the things we discover. Alot of what we deal with is just some of your run of the mill bugs such as graphics bugs, a mission acting up, or stuff you might expect as a bug like that. However we do catch exploits from time to time as well that for obvious reasons can't be shared with the general populace of the game. There's a few bug fixes I've seen in patch notes that I know myself and a few others have turned in reports on. The devs are pretty good at fixing things that we report and that they catch themselves as well.

    Now if they wanted to make me a t6 Keldon, t6 Typhoon or some other ship I wouldn't say no as the Keldon is my dream ship in game at the moment after my Galor. Always liked the old Typhoon model. Anyways that's just me with wishful thinking lols :D
    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

    Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
  • eristhevortaeristhevorta Member Posts: 1,049 Bug Hunter
    edited April 2016
    Meow, I am still alive as well. One of the smallest, but funniest contributions of mine was the addition of "Industrial Replicators" as common loot drops from critters, because they never dropped those commodities in all those years since launch of STO (that was fixed some time ago and is noticable in the patch notes last winter).

    So, even though sometimes contributions are small and might not be seen by most of the players, we monitor the game closely and if we see something suspicious or exploitous or just buggy, then we post the stuff in the special OST forum and we get quick feedback from the developer team.

    ~ Eris The Swiss Vorta
    "Everything about the Jham'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris
    Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
  • f19specterf19specter Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    Hrm, sounds like a noble deed.. I could help out in any way possible... I tend to be... rather analytical when it comes to interactions between things in game... and I know plenty of folks that send things through the vine for me.
  • jackokasonjackokason Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    I'm interested in helping find bugs. Already found a bunch since closed beta and wanting to help out with more.
    Michel "Mic" Nardy
    Fleet Admiral
    Task Force Omega
    United Federation of Planets
  • artemida82artemida82 Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    I really need help. I have problem with my moving on the Ground scenarios. I playing on my notebook Lenovo G50-70 more then 2 and half years. Evertyhing was O.K., before season 11.5. Now in a groung mission my charakter in "B" mode going only forward. I have still click on button "Ctrl", if I want turn not only with camera look, but with my charakter move. Anytime, when I do not running and I stoped, I must have one my finger on Touchpad (for move), with another my finger click on Ctrl, and after I could moving with my charakter for look around, see enemies, could shooting and moving on ground. But if I stop run (moving), after I must doing everything again. What is wrong with Options?! I'am absolutly powerless and tired from that problem. Thank you, for any resolution and answer. Sincerelly, author and writer Victoria Kanakaredes.

    Writer and Author: victoriakanakaredes.webnode.cz

    "On the world is only one good, and it's knowledge. And is only one evil, and that is ignorance."
  • kyrrokkyrrok Member Posts: 1,352 Arc User
    More importatantly is there a place in the game where bugs can be reported where the staff will actually look at them? There is still much that is just broken in this game.

    The voiceovers that are not part of the cutscenes are for the most part gone, but for a few. K'mtar once was heard in Rura Penthe, and also along with Worf at Forcas. Now that is no longer the case. Neither Sela nor Tovan Khev are heard during the indoctrination tasks on "Mind Games" The pirates on Nimbus in the space fight against Hassan in the mission "The Undying" are also dead silent.

    Bridge officers are also leaving me to face enemies all alone after the door that I pass and they don't. In missions like Installation 18 and Facility 4028, they just stop following.

    Why are the bugs increasing at an alarming rate?
  • captainperkinscaptainperkins Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    Thank you for bringing us the TOS series, please include the first six movie series sets, and ship interiors. And update the game engine soon- if this doesn't happen within 24 months the game is gone. I love this game and want to see it thrive.
  • pauldangerpauldanger Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    I guess everyone is volunteering to be part of the team! I spend too many hours of my life on here and love it. I would love to join the team to help make it better.

    I sat with my brother recently and showed him what the game was like these days, he hadn't played for two years and I could see it intimidated him—well to quote him, "It looks like a complicated game got even more complicated." It'd be good to be able to drag old players back and get new players involved by trying to minimise the games complexity.

    I'd love to be involved
  • bloctoadbloctoad Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    Cloaking device has been broken for six years. I've been voluntarily reporting this bug since launch.
    Jack Emmert: "Starfleet and Klingon. ... So two factions, full PvE content."
    Al Rivera hates Klingons
    Star Trek Online: Agents of Jack Emmert
    All cloaks should be canon.
  • aphelionmarauderaphelionmarauder Member Posts: 184 Arc User
    can i sign up? i think i found something myself...
    Support the movement!
    Come stand with us in supporting Star Trek: The Animated Series content for STO! (It's canon!) #TASforSTO

    Time travel and glass-cannon ships hurt my head and is NOT what Trek is about. Trek is exploration, becoming better as a species, and gaining scientific knowledge while holding on to the traditions that got us where were are.
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • kb3rcmkb3rcm Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I would be glad to help in anyway. If it helps..why not.
  • smithdecksmithdeck Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    Is this still a thing? Im always up for improving the state of the game, I have a large group of friends in STO and we always seem to spot stuff or complain about the game, wouldn't mind making those complaints into some suggestions for the game.
  • zachydad#9488 zachydad Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    I would be interested. I have done debugging on multiple systems over the past couple of decades. I think it would make for interesting time off. Please let me know if you are still taking volunteers.
  • necreliosis#4763 necreliosis Member Posts: 112 Arc User
    I would love to be a part of this. I spend a lot of time exploring and finding bugs. I have an eye for detail so I specialize with finding visual glitches, out of place object or textures, that sort of thing. These are some of my favorites so far :smiley: .

    The Conjoined Twins:

    Bellow Bajor:
  • iggy2029iggy2029 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    i would like to join this team but have no experience at somthing like this.
  • moshpet02moshpet02 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    This sounds like a job for Red Squad.
    I used to be pretty good at reporting bugs, before I took a polaron beam to the knee.

    If you need an old hand, I can help out.

    Moshpet, (designer of the ancient forum bug report format.)
  • dawnpromisedawnpromise Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    Im still interested in doing this - I havent heard anything back. Or any news since the launch.
    Stellarum, mea sunt
    The Stars are Mine.
  • x13ax13a Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    I'd like to be considered, I'm a hobbyist programmer and would enjoy helping stomp bugs.
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