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Operational Support Team: Now Recruiting!



  • smithdecksmithdeck Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    Is this still a thing? Im always up for improving the state of the game, I have a large group of friends in STO and we always seem to spot stuff or complain about the game, wouldn't mind making those complaints into some suggestions for the game.
  • zachydad#9488 zachydad Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    I would be interested. I have done debugging on multiple systems over the past couple of decades. I think it would make for interesting time off. Please let me know if you are still taking volunteers.
  • necreliosis#4763 necreliosis Member Posts: 112 Arc User
    I would love to be a part of this. I spend a lot of time exploring and finding bugs. I have an eye for detail so I specialize with finding visual glitches, out of place object or textures, that sort of thing. These are some of my favorites so far :smiley: .

    The Conjoined Twins:

    Bellow Bajor:
  • iggy2029iggy2029 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    i would like to join this team but have no experience at somthing like this.
  • moshpet02moshpet02 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    This sounds like a job for Red Squad.
    I used to be pretty good at reporting bugs, before I took a polaron beam to the knee.

    If you need an old hand, I can help out.

    Moshpet, (designer of the ancient forum bug report format.)
  • dawnpromisedawnpromise Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    Im still interested in doing this - I havent heard anything back. Or any news since the launch.
    Stellarum, mea sunt
    The Stars are Mine.
  • x13ax13a Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    I'd like to be considered, I'm a hobbyist programmer and would enjoy helping stomp bugs.
  • ccs46ccs46 Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    I made a post earlier in the year when you guys first started recruiting. I would like to know if you guys are still doing this? I am still interested in participating.

    Edit: Spelling :tongue:
  • wuchisanwuchisan Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    I'd like to jon the team. I play often, have an degree in IT and would like to help. Why not help this game the I love stay around as long as we can? Count me in!!!!
  • didz117didz117 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Hi I would like to join the team for bug hunting, I did find one myself, with my Temple Character, i can't Auto fire click on my character for space or for ground. How can i sign up, i've been playing since season 5.5
  • brackynewsbrackynews Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    Every time I log in to the game I typically report one or more bugs.
    The only role I would actually volunteer for is proofreader.
    Because y'all have needed one for a few years now, and it's clearly not something anybody is paid to do.
    =/\= Transwarp 10.0 Victory Achieved on 26-July-2012, Six Months After F2P =/\=
  • rhblueflamerhblueflame Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    I'm in. I love Star Trek Online despite the problems and I am willing to do whatever it takes to help improve the quality of the game.
  • haarddhaardd Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    Count Me In
    30yrs of troubleshooting/bug-hunting should be useful
  • hypnoticbeasthypnoticbeast Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    Sign me up!! I have seen so many bugs and the 4 million plus tickets are starting to add up. For instance The Voth armor Costume project will not show up in the reputation at all and the shield that shows up when you crouch does not activate anymore. The Federation Battle rifle {sniper} you get from the omega task force will no longer open the muzzle when using the secondary fire option. Also the omega force armor has a second costume project but does not give any other options after you finish it. And that's just off the top of my head.
  • mmthebatmanmmthebatman Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    I'd be happy to assist
  • xanime0xxanime0x Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    got a simple quest what happened to the last group you set up to do the an the one before that ?
  • zerosinderzerosinder Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    I'd love to be a part of this program. I have been playing on and off again since release and even beta tested it. I think I would be a good addition to the team. I have played the game a ton and have lots of hours and coinage invested into the game. Would be nice to give feedback when I come across new bugs, clipping issues frame rate drops ect. I belong to a large active guild who also gives me feedback on issues they may come across. I also think the game really needs to be explained better in certian areas so skill points and ship selection are better understood to new or returning players.
  • casualstocasualsto Member Posts: 672 Arc User
    This, if done as intended, is a full-time job. Being payed in the civilised world. It's called QA/Live Testing and Issue Reporting.

    I encourage the people who have free time and are willing to report to report all that they can found, hoping that some of them will be fixed.

    I will give some freebie product related hints here for the dev-team to drop their eyes upon, but something tells me they're aware already. (exclusively blatant issues) Yet a freebie is a freebie.

    - New content always has performance issues on maps. Days of Doom has severe performance issues to stuttering. It's 100% reproductive.
    - There are multiple visual bugs on transitions between maps, showing partial textures and hollow insides *unnaceptable for a post pre-alpha game*. These should be covered, if fixing is not in the budget.
    - The collisions between ships and space items are blatantly clipping. - Fix suggestion, slightly enlarge the collision boxes/collision edges of the ships slightly to avoid strange side or tip clipping.
    - The performance drops during intense combat are "hindering gameplay experience". That is unnaceptable for a launched game. Regardless of the min-spec, this is not a data-connection issue, but clearly coding bugs. Pointless to argue upon "they should get a new PC". It's not lagspiking (That could be ISP), it's bad coding resulting in stuttering and very low fps.
    - Most of the weapon buffs have unexpected attachment points for visuals. For example, the Trajectory Bend Tactical Kit skill attaches into most awkward angles to staffs or other weaponry without a barrel.

    To sum it up, we know that trying to get major fixes in might result in serious bugs and could involve alot of time and work. And that some fixing might destabilize the actual build, but it's like a rubick cube, you gotta keep rubbing it until it's done, even if changes might ruin some facets.

    I support this activity and I recommend prioritising the devteam on performance issues at first and at "under-carpetting" the visual issues. (The complete visual fixes would require titanic ammounts of effort and are not cost-efficient at the actual point for STO).

    Great job on the concepts though and on the improvements brought to the game via each update. It's good to see the devteam working to improve and implement the design to their best.
  • griceneilgriceneil Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    I have been playing Star Trek Online on PC since Launch, Id love the opportunity. Thankyou
  • starsider64starsider64 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    If their is still need then I would be happy to assist.
  • macarthur1961macarthur1961 Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    You folks are quite aware of me from my almost daily tickets in this vein already. I am a former Combat Engineer whom spent several decades in Quality Control. In heavy manufacturing, building construction and Architectural Sheet Metal. I am also an awesome mechanic in RL.
    Additionally, I am a problem solver where possible. And I love STO and would love to see it work smoothly... for the enjoyment of all.
    As well, Due to my current situation, I play STO 12-16 hours a day or more. Every day as a rule. I spend this time equally between episodes and dil gathering... and helping newer players via Public PvE Ques and Zone chat.
    Post edited by macarthur1961 on
  • macarthur1961macarthur1961 Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    You folks are quite aware of me from my almost daily tickets in this vein already. I am a former Combat Engineer whom spent several decades in Quality Control. In heavy manufacturing, building construction and Architectural Sheet Metal. I am also an awesome mechanic in RL.
    Additionally, I am a problem solver where possible. And I love STO and would love to see it work smoothly... for the enjoyment of all.
    As well, Due to my current situation, I play STO 12-16 hours a day or more. Every day as a rule. I spend this time equally between episodes and dil gathering... and helping newer players via Public PvE Ques and Zone chat.

    Can you PLEASE remove my posting here. You folks have not responded to me and my post here has merely resulted in is me being called a "rat" in the game. Thanks a lot. I sent in a ticket about this... and yet I still see my post here. Are you folks trying to sabotage those trying to improve STO or is this just a dead thread, Laughing Trendy...? [PS: hope I got your name correct as I am so angry atm about this that I can hardly think clearly]
  • hairtrigger99hairtrigger99 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    How about giving tactical players a reason to stay the new tier six tactical ships are dog TRIBBLE look at the T-6 battle cruiser, it does not even have a commander tactical seat the TACTICAL fleet escort has one pilot seat then look at engineer and science vessels they have multiple bridge officer specializations seats. Tactical ships have maybe one bridge officer specialization seat and its never geared towards TACTICAL abilities. With how hard ARC craps on tactical players its easy to see why there are next to none. Whats the point of bridge officer abilities if tactical players cant even use the top commander abilities and the normal abilities are junk look at beam overload it cant be used with beam target systems like shields or weapons which means tactical officers have 3 or 4 abilities that go completely unused not to mention beam overload doesn't even compare to gravity well or other top science or engineering abilities. As a tactical officer that spent hard earned money on ships that are garbage (yet they are the best tactical ships) i can not continue to pay for or play a game that spits in my face every time i board one of my $30.00 "tactical" ships as a tactical player you are better off buying science or engineering ships at least then you can use all the new fun abilities as of now ARC has clearly stated threw action that they don't care about the game play for a large portion of there paying customers how they can release multiple patches and vessels that leave an entire class on the side lines the new bridge officer abilities look fun but i will never know as tactical ships don't even have commander seats to find out.
  • supershtickeysupershtickey Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    rtiberiu wrote: »
    I am a computer programmer myself so i know how hard it is to narrow down the cause of an error. Count me in, i would like to help improve the quality of the game.

    count me in Im also a tech and software designer from home. umm does this come with finge bennifit of trapping bug processes in a decompiler as i run visual studio enterprise 2014
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    Ok so do we all need to get re-promoted to bug hunter to be able to use that forum now?
    My character Tsin'xing
  • marcusdkanemarcusdkane Member Posts: 7,439 Arc User
    You folks are quite aware of me from my almost daily tickets in this vein already. I am a former Combat Engineer whom spent several decades in Quality Control. In heavy manufacturing, building construction and Architectural Sheet Metal. I am also an awesome mechanic in RL.
    Additionally, I am a problem solver where possible. And I love STO and would love to see it work smoothly... for the enjoyment of all.
    As well, Due to my current situation, I play STO 12-16 hours a day or more. Every day as a rule. I spend this time equally between episodes and dil gathering... and helping newer players via Public PvE Ques and Zone chat.

    Can you PLEASE remove my posting here. You folks have not responded to me and my post here has merely resulted in is me being called a "rat" in the game. Thanks a lot. I sent in a ticket about this... and yet I still see my post here. Are you folks trying to sabotage those trying to improve STO or is this just a dead thread, Laughing Trendy...? [PS: hope I got your name correct as I am so angry atm about this that I can hardly think clearly]
    Just edit them both yourself and type something like 'deleted post' to remove everything...
  • dogbeatr#3482 dogbeatr Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    I'd like to be a member please
    Fleet Admiral Doan
    U.S.S. DogBeatr NCC-1716 E (Tactical Odyssey)
    U.S.S. Gotham NCC-4195 A (Yamato Dreadnaught)
  • This content has been removed.
  • Hello,
    Thank you very much for promoting me to New User on the forums. I just started playing Star Trek online and it is a very good time. I like to fly the smaller, faster escort ships but I thought they would handle more like a fighter plane would.
    I asked some of the older players and they said that there was a problem with it that would be fixed on the 15th and they would handle more like a fighter ship should.
    How did they fly before?
    Will it really get better on November 15th or should I try to fly the bigger ships you think?

    I'm not sure if this is where I am supposed to ask questions. I am on PS4 console and didn't see a spot to ask questions for the PS4.

    Thank you for this game! I hope to see all the characters.
  • fcedfced Member Posts: 385 Arc User
    If it can help to debug the game more quickly than it is now, I am ready to help.
    Count me in, I am volunteer for STO PS4 bug report ...
    PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
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