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Official Feedback Thread for the Skill System Revamp



  • jam3s1701jam3s1701 Member Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    Ok so the removal of things like attack patterns does this mean then will be built into our toons now then or are they being replaced.

    sorry but I'm getting confused from reading and stuff. . .
  • nateham101#2745 nateham101 Member Posts: 420 Arc User

    Here's what I came up with:


    A few things of note from this translation:

    * "Attack Patterns" no longer exists, so there's no equivalence. However, any abilities you had that scaled from that skill have been altered so that the now behave, baseline, as if you had +100 Attack Patterns skill in the old system.
    * "Weapons Training" is no longer a skill. It's something that all players just get naturally. So there's no equivalent, but it's also "free" now.
    * Under the translation that I posted, you'll end up with slightly more Shield Capacity, as well as gaining a boatload of resistance to Drain effects.
    * I just noticed that I didn't buy Hull Plating in my translation, but there are enough leftover points here to do so.

    I think that, overall, you're going to come out ahead here...

    And the way I understand it, these new Hull Penetration and Shield Penetration skills are new? I will not lose anything I have now by skipping them? Same goes for the Tactical Readiness Skill?

  • letsfadeawayletsfadeaway Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    Tried out the tree with a new KDF science character, here are the things I noticed:

    The Skill UP button next to the EXP gauge keeps blinking even if all points are spent, annoying, but not game breaking.

    Not taking the damage skills during an XP bonus weekend may lead to new players not being able to finish the fights against 2 (later 3) federation frigates in "Space Chase" as they will have starting gear, no money, 2 BOFF skills (HY and ET) and at level 10 not enough damage to destroy at least one ship before being blown up.
    So maybe allowing players to respec for free until level 15 or so would help tremendously.

    Ultimate Abilities: Need some more information in their tooltips, ie: duration, cooldown, stats

    Some of the tooltips could be made clearer with a bit of more information.
    For example: Add the resulting end stat in the description of Shield Regeneration/Hardness.
  • meurikmeurik Member Posts: 856 Arc User
    jam3s1701 wrote: »
    Ok so the removal of things like attack patterns does this mean then will be built into our toons now then or are they being replaced.

    sorry but I'm getting confused from reading and stuff. . .

    The old skill system "Attack Patterns" skill is removed. And it's effects are made baseline with the Attack Pattern abilities that you and your Bridge officers might have.
  • crypticspartan#0627 crypticspartan Member Posts: 847 Cryptic Developer
    crit hit and crit damage from skills is not being added to base crit stats

    couple concerns, haven't had a chance to test the flow/pg/grav from embassy consoles yet... or the threat amp/nul

    one thing that really glared out at me is the lack of Driver Coil at low level. This is actually one of the first skills that i try and fill out because it helps out big time with travel times and with power levels leaving full impulse at those starting levels.

    it's not such a big deal when you level and get better Warp/sing cores and some points into EPS, but at the start it really hurts not having this ability.

    As with the old skill tree, Particle Manipulator and with the Tactical Flagship trait, critical hit chance or severity that is limited to affecting specific things, such as exotic damage or weapons, will not show in the stats window.
  • jam3s1701jam3s1701 Member Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    Ok so baseline this means and sorry for repeating myself like attack patterns buffed boffs they won't now and will now with the new skills mean we get a flat bonus to them if that makes sense?

    Has anyone played around with the leech etc etc to see how this works now?
  • hungryandorianhungryandorian Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    I'd like to see the third and fourth passive unlocks for the tactical tree mixed up. I love my all beam boats and the third passive unlock is a choice between projectile crit chance and projectile crit severity which give beam boaters no benefit and the fourth being the same but for energy weapons. Perhaps make the third passive a choice between crit chance on energy weapons OR projectiles and the fourth passive unlock crit severity to projectiles OR beams to spread it out a little to allow someone to apply both bonuses to their weapon of choice. Since the bonuses are 5% severity and 1% chance, even having both for one weapon type wouldn't be overkill. Arranged like this would be preferable in my opinion and spread the wealth of the new skill tree layout.
    Phasers!! Moar Phasers!
  • arrmateysarrmateys Member Posts: 466 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    I'm open to hearing suggestions.
    perhaps expanding the weapon range by 0.5 km per level? or would that imbalance things too much, or require another rewrite?

    another thing could be increasing the horizontal ranges by a few (5 maybe) degrees per level, so beams/cannons/torpedoes could fire while the ship is rotated a bit more away from the target.

    decreasing weapon fire cooldown by a few percent per level, so they can fire a little bit more rapidly.​​
    Post edited by arrmateys on
    Now clowns, that's another story. They scare the cr​ap out of me.
    We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
    We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.
  • nebfabnebfab Member Posts: 672 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    All right. "Purchase skills" button starts blinking the moment you earn a level 2 (or maybe, the moment you earn a level 2, get SNR'ed and re-login.) even though there's no actual skill points yet.

    Whiny feedbacky thingy... [coi] now directly boosting sector space speed and a 25% boost fairly deep in the Sci tree (which it would be foolish to take, if it doesn't break warp 10 cap, as transwarp boost is more useful in late game) makes early game a pre-warpcores sector space snorefest. I understand that the full impulse aspect of Driver Coil is largely replaced by tier 3 impulse engine skill, but no sector space aspect that is even close in power and availability is just... Well... Boring. I don't know what the adequate solution might be, but I'll miss my teen-level characters being able to go at Warp 8.

    ADD: Itt may also make Obelisk core with its base warp 5 largely pointless.

    ADD2: Especially with the way FEs work now, a new character may need to go half the quadrant to the mission...
  • dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    I'd like to see the third and fourth passive unlocks for the tactical tree mixed up. I love my all beam boats and the third passive unlock is a choice between projectile crit chance and projectile crit severity which give beam boaters no benefit and the fourth being the same but for energy weapons. Perhaps make the third passive a choice between crit chance on energy weapons OR projectiles and the fourth passive unlock crit severity to projectiles OR beams to spread it out a little to allow someone to apply both bonuses to their weapon of choice. Since the bonuses are 5% severity and 1% chance, even having both for one weapon type wouldn't be overkill. Arranged like this would be preferable in my opinion and spread the wealth of the new skill tree layout.
    You know, I agree. I run a mix and the current setup works fine for me, but it's not the best for players who want to specialize in one or the other.
  • hajmyishajmyis Member Posts: 405 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    I would Like to say That I love this new system.

    I found that the new system brings some interesting new build ideas, as well fixing old builds that went to the waste side with the great faw dps race.

    IMO the best part and hope @borticuscryptic hears this. The new system has so much more gave and take, which should go a long towards re-balancing the game.

    I do feel that most if not all the whining on the forums about this is High dps build wont be able to tank nor heal as much as before.

    As I tested on tribble today I have found that, if on holodeck right now if you spec into alittle of everything, then your build(s) should do just fine on this new system, and not lose anything.
    "Frankly, not sure why you're on a one man nerf campaign. "
  • hajmyishajmyis Member Posts: 405 Arc User
    lucho80 wrote: »
    Remember, they lowered the effect of Aux at the high end.

    While true, it didn't change by much.

    Old Modifier @ 125 Aux = 1.1666666...
    New Modifier @ 125 Aux = 1.125

    Which is a difference of 0.0416666666...

    It gets a little more pronounced if you're exceeding the 125 cap, but still not by a lot.

    I assume this would have a big impact on those OSS3 pg builds? 8)

    Is it planned to do that same effect for weapon power?
    "Frankly, not sure why you're on a one man nerf campaign. "
  • alphahydrialphahydri Member Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    I've tested it a bit and I have to say the tooltips are a major improvement over what we have now. They give detailed information about what each skill gives you when you spec into it, which is huge. The layout is also easy to follow as a whole, though some different icons for different skills would be nice. Right now they all have the same icons and it can get confusing.

    One downside I've noticed about it though is that when you're messing around with skill point placement there's no undo button, i.e. once you place a point somewhere you cannot replace it somewhere else unless you use a respec token. When this goes live that really needs to be changed, as with the current system you can fuddle around with your points for hours before actually hitting the "commit" button.

    Another thing I find odd is the distribution of training manual crafting. For example, a Tactical captain needs to spend 17 points in Science skills in order to create training manuals for Beam Fire at Will III, 22 for Beam Overload III, or 17 points in Engineering skills to craft Attack Pattern Beta III manuals. Given most Tactical captains would want to max out their offensive skills and therefore forgo a lot of Engineering and Science skills, they will be missing out on these. In the old system you could craft these manuals as a Tactical captain by spending points in things that actually boosted weapon strength, now not so much. I fear this will make these manuals really overpriced on the Exchange or you'll have people spending respec tokens just to be able to craft a few of these manuals, which is wholly unnecessary and inconvenient.

    Adding to this, there appear to be training manuals missing. For example, my Tactical captain cannot craft Torpedo: High Yield III, Tactical Team III, Target Engines Subsystem III, or Target Auxiliary Subsystem III manuals and there appear to be no skills you can spec into that will give you the ability to craft these. A similar situation occurs for Science captains with Energy Siphon III, Scramble Sensors III, Science Team III, and Charged Particle Burst III. Engineers are missing Auxiliary to Battery III and Engineering Team III. Will there be an alternative way to craft these manuals or have these powers been removed from the game entirely? Also, does Auxiliary to Battery III exist now? I mean, spending 22 points in Science skills lets Engineering captains craft Aux to Inertial Dampeners III which previously didn't exist, so is it a possibility Aux to Bat III is around now too?

    Also, though I understand why they're only allowing new characters on Tribble right now, they really need to let us import our Holodeck server characters sooner than a week from now. I and I'm sure the vast majority of players are way more concerned with how this revamp is going to affect our current builds and max-level characters rather than how they'll affect the leveling process of our yet-to-be-created alts.

    EDIT: I just recently noticed that none of the skills in the new skill system revamp affect ground captain abilities, or at least Tactical ones. The old Squad Command, Special Forces, and Advanced Tactics skills would improve Fire on my Mark, Target Optics, Tactical Initiative, Strike Team, and Security Escort, but none of these new skills boost those. The only one that I thought would boost those captain abilities was Kit Performance Expert and Kit Performance Master, but I've specced into them and nada. Out of all the things I've mentioned in this post this has to be the most significant one. @borticuscryptic, please take a look into this!
    Post edited by alphahydri on
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    This makes sense, however, I also think of Science Vessel captains, who would benefit far more from an easily obtained Torpedo buff than an energy weapon one. I'll have to put together more test trees, my "Science" character I built on Tribble is actually really tac-heavy, so I got up to rank...3, I think? in that Tactical progression. (And agreed that we really need an official name for these.)

    I actually did consider this. However, factoring in literally every other class and ship type, as well as the fact that we also have the Energy Wep heavy (and very popular) Vesta-class, the nudge pushed it over to the Energy Weps. Needs of the Many and all that jazz.[/quote]

    The popularity of energy weapons is due to the meta though. With a skill revamp, it's the perfect time to shake that up. Pushing projectiles earlier might help encourage players to move off the beaten path a bit more. Personally I'd swap them around. I'd also put threat control earlier to make it more accessible to tanking builds.

    I'd have:

    Projectile CritH -> Threat -> Energy CritH -> PetH
    Projectile CritD -> Stealth -> Energy CritD -> HangarW

    Ok, I've looked at the other two "Unlock Trees" (Seriously, do we have an official name for them? I keep getting them confused with Traits and the Fallout-style Perks, we need a distinctive name here or all hell is gonna break loose in a Whose on First? manner).

    Both are far more balanced than the Tactical one, but I see some issues:

    Engineering Unlocks (Current):

    SubSystem Repair => Battery Expertise => Weapon SubSys Power => Max Hull Cap
    Engine Power => Aux SubSy Power => Shield SubSystm Power => Dmg Res Rating

    I want to juggle this around a bit to benefit the most people of the most classes first, with engineers and heavy tanks last

    Engineering Unlocks (Proposed):

    Weapon SubSys Power => Engine Power => Battery Expertise => Max Hull Cap
    Shield Sub Sys Power => Aux Power => SubSystm Repair => DMG Res Rating

    Everyone needs Weapons or Shields at low level, Science and Escort Captains come into their own at mid-levels, so Aux/Eng choice there works better, Batteries vs SubSystem Repair drives Engineers in to a deeper choice, and the last set were fine as is as they mostly effect Engineering heavy tanks.

    I'd actually move Weapons/shield power to third tier.

    Battery -> ShPow-> WeapPow -> HullCap
    EngPow -> AuxPow -> SubSysRep -> DmgRes

    My reasons:
    - Batteries help bridge the gap in power needs in early gameplay and continue to be useful towards endgame (with all the craftable batteries).
    - Weapon Power is almost always set to max for most builds. At lower tiers, it can be augmented by batteries and EPtW. Towards endgame, it can be augmented by traits, consoles and abilities. IMO if someone wants to get full benefits, they'll have to invest more than have that in a lower tier.
    Science Unlocks (Current):

    Ship Perception => Sector Spc Travel => SubSystem EnDrn Res => Max Shield Cap
    Control Resists => Transwarp CD Rd => Shield Drain Resistnc => Shield Hardness

    This one is just all over the place. Everything's got a good counterpart, but it doesn't seem to think about crossover rolls or what matters to people. Revised version below.

    Science Unlocks (Proposed):

    Sector Spc Travel => SubSystem EnDrn Res => Ship Perception => Max Shield Cap
    Transwarp CD Rd => Shield Drain Resistnc => Control Resists => Shield Hardness

    The logic I went for this one needs some explaining.

    Rank 1: Sector Space Travel affects every class and player in the game. There's no reason for this to be a Rank 2 skill when it provides no combat or mission bonus.

    Rank 2: Resistences to Shield and Subsystem drains are important at early/moderate levels, especially with the Gorn and Nausicaan powers being thrown around. And then there's the Romulan D'Ds which mess up everyone, and the Cardassians with the Spiral Wave Disruptors who can disable subsystems, plus the Borg's Shield Drain, and so on, so this should be relatively easily accessible to a wide range of builds, especially with the Federation's focus on Phasers. (This would be a slight Phaser buff as a result).

    Rank 3: Ultimately, we're coming into a more precision build here, with focus on perceiving ships under cloaks and from far distances and dealing with control effects like Grav Well. These aren't essential, but they are very nice buffs to have and work on a variety of builds.

    Rank 4: Dedicated Shield Tanks will use these the most. All others need not apply.

    This looks good. :smile:
    hajmyis wrote: »
    lucho80 wrote: »
    Remember, they lowered the effect of Aux at the high end.

    While true, it didn't change by much.

    Old Modifier @ 125 Aux = 1.1666666...
    New Modifier @ 125 Aux = 1.125

    Which is a difference of 0.0416666666...

    It gets a little more pronounced if you're exceeding the 125 cap, but still not by a lot.

    I assume this would have a big impact on those OSS3 pg builds? 8)

    Is it planned to do that same effect for weapon power?

    Would like to know too.

    As suggested by many earlier, I'd like to add my vote in combining projectile and energy weapon skill training into one. That would expand build choices and allow for "canon" builds to be more prevalent.
    Post edited by e30ernest on
  • leethorogoodleethorogood Member Posts: 302 Arc User
    First of all, following the feedback from others I do think it's worth keeping in mind that while virtually useless to Starfleet characters, having Starship Stealth at Rank 1 is probably a good thing for KDF & Romulan characters as their ships have cloaks right from the start.

    I have a suggestion for the GUI, can the Engineering / Science / Tactical Headings on the space tab be placed above the scroll area so they are always present at the top of each tree / column.
  • hajmyishajmyis Member Posts: 405 Arc User
    One thing noticed, the stat page (where you look at hp etc) does not show how much you have in one skill.
    "Frankly, not sure why you're on a one man nerf campaign. "
  • leethorogoodleethorogood Member Posts: 302 Arc User
    hajmyis wrote: »
    One thing noticed, the stat page (where you look at hp etc) does not show how much you have in one skill.
    Borticus said previously that this is intentional for now.
  • hajmyishajmyis Member Posts: 405 Arc User
    hajmyis wrote: »
    One thing noticed, the stat page (where you look at hp etc) does not show how much you have in one skill.
    Borticus said previously that this is intentional for now.

    ty, I did not catch his post
    "Frankly, not sure why you're on a one man nerf campaign. "
  • jslynjslyn Member Posts: 1,790 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    bridgern wrote: »
    Energy and Torpedo Training should be combined

    The specific specializations are gone, which is good. However I agree the torpedo and energy base abilities could do with combining as well so long as we can find a suitable replacement for the other three points.

    I'm open to hearing suggestions.

    I haven't gotten a chance to look at the new system because my Tribble has some massive updating to do, so forgive me if this is already in there but:

    How about combining Energy and Torpedo Weapons in to one skillset and using the freed up slots for Martial Arts Expertise. Having something that buffs Unarmed Combat Damage, Critical Chance, and (just a touch of) Strike Range would be welcome. I for one love all of the Martial Arts Combos but it takes so long to defeat enemies with it that I have a hard time justifying its use. This could fix that and open up an avenue to an underutilized playstyle.

  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    Ok, so you have said that the +25 points you get for a Skill when you Crit those Doff Skill Missions will be converted to something equivalent in the new system.

    Now let's say the current Holodeck character has been able to add +600 points across many different Skills through a diligent running of those Missions. When you do the reset on Holodeck when this system goes live are those +600 points going to stay and be converted to whatever or are they going to be lost?
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • alphahydrialphahydri Member Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    jslyn wrote: »
    I haven't gotten a chance to look at the new system because my Tribble has some massive updating to do, so forgive me if this is already in there but:

    How about combining Energy and Torpedo Weapons in to one skillset and using the freed up slots for Martial Arts Expertise. Having something that buffs Unarmed Combat Damage, Critical Chance, and (just a touch of) Strike Range would be welcome. I for one love all of the Martial Arts Combos but it takes so long to defeat enemies with it that I have a hard time justifying its use. This could fix that and open up an avenue to an underutilized playstyle.
    Ground stuff and space stuff are separate, always have been, always will be. It would make no sense to sacrifice space skills like energy and projectile weapons for stuff like melee combos and the like unless starships suddenly sprouted limbs and fought in hand-to-hand combat, LOL. Besides, there are a couple of skills in the ground trees that affect melee attacks. I believe one of them is a -damage resistance when attacking with a melee weapon/skill that refreshes each subsequent attack.

    Also, what would you consider "strike range"? Like melee range, or just weapon range?
    Post edited by alphahydri on
  • nateham101#2745 nateham101 Member Posts: 420 Arc User
    I have found, thanks to @borticuscryptic help, a build that pretty much matches up with what would be my current build on Holodeck. I would like to make a suggestion that may help people distribute their points more efficiently.

    How about combining the shield and hull capacity skills into a single 3 tier skill and allowing us to allocate those three extra points into something else? For example, the build I chose does not pick up the some of the new tactical skills like Shield Penetration. Or come up with a new optional, but not game changing option.
  • borticuscrypticborticuscryptic Member Posts: 2,478 Cryptic Developer
    How about combining the shield and hull capacity skills into a single 3 tier skill and allowing us to allocate those three extra points into something else?

    There's really no need for this. Both are potentially worthwhile Skills entirely on their own.

    If all you want is more Skill Points... well, maybe you need to try sacrificing something else? ;)
    Jeremy Randall
    Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
    "Play smart!"
  • jslynjslyn Member Posts: 1,790 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    alphahydri wrote: »
    Ground stuff and space stuff are separate, always have been, always will be. It would make no sense to sacrifice space skills like energy and projectile weapons for stuff like melee combos and the like unless starships suddenly sprouted limbs and fought in hand-to-hand combat, LOL. Besides, there are a couple of skills in the ground trees that affect melee attacks.

    Hey, if they can sprout hands for Vulcan Salutes....

    But you are absolute right. I was thinking keeping the same number of over-all Skill Slots, not Regional Slot. Yeah, it probably wouldn't work that way. Maybe if the Cryptic peoples were to just include an couple of extra Ground Skills, then that would do.
    I believe one of them is a -damage resistance when attacking with a melee weapon/skill that refreshes each subsequent attack.

    I am not sure if hands count as Melee Weapons behind the curtain. I remember that they had one Ground Set a while back that boosted melee damage and the Set required a gun.

    Also, what would you consider "strike range"? Like melee range, or just weapon range?

    I was suggesting an Unarmed Combat Skill Set, so Melee Range. As is they mostly stand in place and swing. That makes their limbs the range of the attack. When I suggested adding a touch of Strike Range I meant like give the character up to one step before swinging so that you don't miss a target that is right there. So... 0.5 Meters?
  • icegavelicegavel Member Posts: 991 Arc User
    So... am I reading it right that there IS no natural health regen in combat anymore? 'Caaaause.... that's kinda dumb. Revert this maybe?
  • jslynjslyn Member Posts: 1,790 Arc User
    icegavel wrote: »
    So... am I reading it right that there IS no natural health regen in combat anymore? 'Caaaause.... that's kinda dumb. Revert this maybe?

    Maybe it is a Species-Only Ability now. Because Humans should not spontaneous regenerate. Something like a Klingon with their redundant organs could, though.
  • evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 7,012 Arc User
    Copy/Paste of my feedback that I posted elsewhere:
    Kinda wish this poll could filter results by folks that have actually tried out the new system on Tribble, and those that're jumping to conclusions which may or may not be accurate.

    Updated Tribble, wasted time doing the tutorial, and tried out the new system

    1) It still reminds me way too much of the Vanilla WoW skill system. While I agree a skill revamp was needed, this is not the revamp I was looking for.

    2) The first Tactical Unlock is completely useless to anyone who does not have either a cloaking device (or similar skill), or a hangar. That is a LARGE portion of the player base that gets absolutely no benefit, while the Eng and Sci have at least one option each that DOES do something for you.

    3) Admiral level skills are all kinda ... lame for high end skills, with the exception of the engineer warp core skills which will likely be mandatory.

    4) [BUG] Starting at level two, the little alert in the top left corner that says "Spend Skill Points" starts flashing, even though you can't spend them until level 5.
    Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
    ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
  • hajmyishajmyis Member Posts: 405 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Looking deeper into this system I do have one main questions. Consoles giving 60 in drain exp, Deflectors giving 60 in control exp.

    I can forsee 600 Control/Drain builds.

    Are the effectiveness of GW, or Tyken Rifts etc being adjusted to compensate for the major increase in those sills, or will we soon diminishing returns as you go higher in those skills.
    "Frankly, not sure why you're on a one man nerf campaign. "
  • mhall85mhall85 Member Posts: 2,852 Arc User1
    So, I have spent 25 points in the Tactical tree... but I need to spend 26 points to unlock the Ultimate Skill.

    This does not jive with the blog post or patch notes, which says "25 points or more..."
  • mrtsheadmrtshead Member Posts: 487 Arc User
    ltminns wrote: »
    Ok, so you have said that the +25 points you get for a Skill when you Crit those Doff Skill Missions will be converted to something equivalent in the new system.

    Now let's say the current Holodeck character has been able to add +600 points across many different Skills through a diligent running of those Missions. When you do the reset on Holodeck when this system goes live are those +600 points going to stay and be converted to whatever or are they going to be lost?

    Are we really concerned that temporary doff mission buffs aren't going to survive the transition properly? I mean, heck, it seems like the only situation where that's even an issue is one where you trigger them before the season 11.5 patch, but don't run the duration out before the update, and then the "loss" to you is only whatever length of time was left on those buffs that you didn't use. I'd imagine any of those buffs you earned but didn't trigger (by not claiming the mission rewards) would certainly work "correctly" after the new system drops, and my guess would be that currently running buffs would probably (but not definitely) get converted over as well, but I certainly don't think it's an issue if the running buffs went away.
This discussion has been closed.