All I ask for as big news is the Romulans finally able to be a third faction outright instead of being forced to pick and choose over which one isn't as bad as the other as far as content goes. Make the Romulans there own freakin faction and power that doesn't require a choice between the two powers not hard to do really.
What happens to all the existing faction-aligned captains? With their faction-specific doffs and boffs? Also, you'd lose access to level-up ships from the faction when you create new characters.
So maybe a little harder than you thought
IMHO, Romulans should have full access to both Fed AND Klingon content, with the faction choice only coming into play during PvP ... if anyone still DID PvP that is
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
so in other words, you got speculation there until proven otherwise.
i have looked up a number of your previous threads you started op, none of which has any useful contributions, some opinions, speculations and even one that violated the EULA going back as far as 2 weeks, in all of this i would of thought that you would consider what you are hoping to accomplish in all of these threads with mostly empty baseless banter.
i have yet to see a point in any of your threads to date on general, this one included.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
so in other words, you got speculation there until proven otherwise.
i have looked up a number of your previous threads you started op, none of which has any useful contributions, some opinions, speculations and even one that violated the EULA going back as far as 2 weeks, in all of this i would of thought that you would consider what you are hoping to accomplish in all of these threads with mostly empty baseless banter.
i have yet to see a point in any of your threads to date on general, this one included.
The point is to speculate about and/or ridicule statements made by one of the least popular Cryptic employees. Not like there's much else to talk about on here atm anyway ...
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
so in other words, you got speculation there until proven otherwise.
i have looked up a number of your previous threads you started op, none of which has any useful contributions, some opinions, speculations and even one that violated the EULA going back as far as 2 weeks, in all of this i would of thought that you would consider what you are hoping to accomplish in all of these threads with mostly empty baseless banter.
i have yet to see a point in any of your threads to date on general, this one included.
The point is to speculate about and/or ridicule statements made by one of the least popular Cryptic employees. Not like there's much else to talk about on here atm anyway ...
answering speculation with speculation is a pointless exercise, that goes without needing to state it which makes this whole thread a spam thread, pointless.
as for al rivera, so you are reducing this to an insult match? what will that accomplish?
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
so in other words, you got speculation there until proven otherwise.
i have looked up a number of your previous threads you started op, none of which has any useful contributions, some opinions, speculations and even one that violated the EULA going back as far as 2 weeks, in all of this i would of thought that you would consider what you are hoping to accomplish in all of these threads with mostly empty baseless banter.
i have yet to see a point in any of your threads to date on general, this one included.
Hey old buddy! See, here is what you have to try to remember: when you sit down to eat a bowl of cheerios, if it smells kind of funny, like someone might have peed in the cheerios, DON'T EAT THE CHEERIOS! And if you are in such a hurry that you take a bite before you notice the smell, then actually taste something funny like someone might have peed in the cheerios, DON"T KEEP EATING THE CHEERIOS. The point I'm getting at is, don't eat the cheerios when someone has peed in them. Judging from your post above, it's clear this advice comes too late. You clearly have already eaten the cheerios. But NEXT time, try to remember NOT to eat them if someone has peed in them.
so in other words, you got speculation there until proven otherwise.
i have looked up a number of your previous threads you started op, none of which has any useful contributions, some opinions, speculations and even one that violated the EULA going back as far as 2 weeks, in all of this i would of thought that you would consider what you are hoping to accomplish in all of these threads with mostly empty baseless banter.
i have yet to see a point in any of your threads to date on general, this one included.
The point is to speculate about and/or ridicule statements made by one of the least popular Cryptic employees. Not like there's much else to talk about on here atm anyway ...
answering speculation with speculation is a pointless exercise, that goes without needing to state it which makes this whole thread a spam thread, pointless.
as for al rivera, so you are reducing this to an insult match? what will that accomplish?
Had you read the tweet Geko is asking us to speculate. So therefor we will speculate.
As for my suggestion that some will choose to ridicule him, I was not trying to reduce this to an insult match, I was simply referring to the fact that many in the community have been alienated by his actions in the past and have a very pessimistic attitude regarding anything he says, while others are simply looking for any opportunity to attack him. I personally have anot "I'll believe it when I see it" attitude in regards to improvements to this game (or to any F2P game for that matter), so my "speculation" is full of sarcasm.
I would wager that it was Geko's intent to inspire such a thread anyway to get the hype going.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
so in other words, you got speculation there until proven otherwise.
i have looked up a number of your previous threads you started op, none of which has any useful contributions, some opinions, speculations and even one that violated the EULA going back as far as 2 weeks, in all of this i would of thought that you would consider what you are hoping to accomplish in all of these threads with mostly empty baseless banter.
i have yet to see a point in any of your threads to date on general, this one included.
About 75% of the threads started in these forums, are pure speculation anyway so what's the problem?
Who put a bug in yer shorts that you gotta be all up in the Nagus' face??
Seems like most of your posts are nothing but antagonistic and rude expressions of animosity, at least the Nagus is pleasant and good natured.
Ya might learn a thing or two if ya just stopped being so ornery and lighten up a bit.
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
There are some things I want for this "Big Update". Since most people are already saying T6 Connie, Revamp Skill, Gamma Quadrant are the ones coming I'm going in a different route.
The 1st thing I want is an actual PvP revamp. This will include a good damage balance in PvP and a damn good STARBASE SIEGE WAR between Fleets. Oh and some rewards for the winning guild and the top guild or rather Armada.
Lets admit it. Fleet Starbases are nothing mode than a glorified trophy. Sure you can buy good stuff from them on high level and each of the other Fleet facilities as well but that's it. After you have everything you want they just stay there. Lonely and nothing more than a big... Floating... Trophy. In Space.
I do have written something I want to happen on PvP base on my experience on other PvP gamesI played before but never id post it here since well Cryptic isn't that much on STO and PvP, which all end players end up eventually anyway till the next update. Sure PvE and space exploration is fun But seriously STO is becoming a game that after doing everything the only thing you're looking forward to is DPS power creeping. Seriously BFAW+AP hits everything and DPS goes up to 30k above and welcome to the "Elite" where you can finally lash out on people because their build is all about them having fun and doesn't want anything to do with Min-Maxing DPS. Seriously a friend of mine was shun because she was having fun using torpedoes on her sci ship that some Elitist lashed out about her playing style a STF it actually made her cry and quit the damn game. And trying to find someone who's love for a sci ship the moment she played this game and went support (Yes I know STO a Support?) is damn hard to find. Most specially on PvP.
Mind you guys, I'm not that good or strong in the Game but saying a "Skill" is having 4-6 Epic Ap's, Items and binding anything else on a spacebar isn't what I call skills. I call it one having resources. In the end if cryptic gave everyone the same category and type of items and disable the binding keys what real skills would be, base on my experience would be how fast and how you actually try and look at the animation your opponent's toon is dong the rate of his/her attack etch and unleash the proper set of skills on the right time. And doing it with 1,2,3/alt+1,Alt+2,Alt+3/Ctrl+1,Ctrl+2,Ctrl+3 etch which ever hotkeys that is in your bar not just keep on hitting the spacebar where almost everything is binded.
And again that is just my opinion of a real Skilled Player. I've got nothing against Key binders for it is very convenient. But in my own personal opinion I really don't call it skill but just spamming. As always to each his/her own so I respect if you hate what I said and for the record I'm not good at using individual skills as well or rather has the fast attention to execute them and my life would be easier if I just simply bind most of them like other people do but I rather not. It's my own personal issue.
My 2nd want to have on the "Big Update" is actually the currencies STO is using. I want a revamp where:
1. Refined Dil can be traded with EC and Lobi. Set a minimum amount for each Dil to EC trade people can do. And this is Just an Example ok: 50 Dil -> 10k EC. Cryptic can set an amount of each account can buy each day. So no matter how many toons one has they wont abuse the buying or selling. The point is we wont be stuck on the Refined Dil limit per day.
2. Also the Same goes for Dil to Lobi. Since the only way for people to get Lobi are from lockboxes anyway why not let it be tradeable via it's own exchange market? That way people who want's to buy ships from the Lobi store can buy them through Dil and people who have extra Lobi can sell them. Yeah that would also make people decide which to go for, Zen or Lobi. But in the end they still need to buy keys anyway but would be much helpful in a way to new players to get some Lobi stuff and a way for another Dil sink.
My 3rd Wish for this "Big Update" is a sector Control Scheme and By that New races that would meet the KDF, Feds and Romulans Head On. Let them come from another Part of the Galaxy like the Delta or Gamma Quadrant. The Founders, Voth race, A Borg and the Undine would be great. Sure this 3 factions can still kill each other all they want but when Facing feds, KDF and Romulans that's a whole different story. Much like how the Feds, KDF and Roms can have Temporary alliances I think this 3 would be possible. Given they all hate the Feds anyway. Well technically most races not part of the feds hate the feds. Well You know what I mean.
This would also open-up also other possibilities like Cardassian factions, Tholian Faction and of course Mirror verse faction (Well that would be a long stretch though).
Anyway these are just my ideas and well they are just ideas... and dreams for the next "Big Update". I know all o this are far stretched but hey a guy can dream right?
Just thought of something else that would be fun to have in the game.
Something like the Dyson sphere ground zone. But instead of releasing it for one season and then stop all development of this zone, it'd be nice if they added a zone that they maintain or extend on for multiple seasons. I mean, look at the Dyson sphere battlezone. Wherever you go, wherever you look, there's more areas to explore that we, sadly, cannot reach.
Granted, in total they're 4 maps and some episodes deal with other parts of the zone, but they were all added in the same season and never further developed afterwards. So much more could have been done with it. It would have been the perfect opportunity to add a large exploration zone.
It's Geko. Haven't you people learned anything by now? He's all hat and no cattle. Once again he's toying with your emotions and expectations and you're letting him do so.
Not thinking big enough? How's this for size, then?.
Geko finally gets fired from Cryptic and everything he hates and has crushed is added to the game this year.
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
It's Geko. Haven't you people learned anything by now? He's all hat and no cattle. Once again he's toying with your emotions and expectations and you're letting him do so.
Not thinking big enough? How's this for size, then?.
Geko finally gets fired from Cryptic and everything he hates and has crushed is added to the game this year.
So, how do you REALLY feel about the man?
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Actually this is me with my 'Restraint and Decorum' settings fully engaged. lol.
He's actually a nice guy. But he's been in place too long and all of the EP's seem scared of him. And we've heard for a very long time from far too many sources about how many things about STO he hates and says the Dev Team isn't doing.
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
Whatever it is, you can rest assured there will be ways to "monetize" it.... as Geko likes to spout off that word in some of his past interviews. In principle, it's not such a bad thing, but the blatant cash grabs do get tiresome.
-AoP- Warrior's Blood (KDF Armada) / -AoP- Qu' raD qulbo'Degh / -AoP- ProjectPhoenix Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
All I ask for as big news is the Romulans finally able to be a third faction outright instead of being forced to pick and choose over which one isn't as bad as the other as far as content goes. Make the Romulans there own freakin faction and power that doesn't require a choice between the two powers not hard to do really.
What happens to all the existing faction-aligned captains? With their faction-specific doffs and boffs? Also, you'd lose access to level-up ships from the faction when you create new characters.
So maybe a little harder than you thought
what faction boffs? meh either way... HAPPILY SACRIFICED
All I ask for as big news is the Romulans finally able to be a third faction outright instead of being forced to pick and choose over which one isn't as bad as the other as far as content goes. Make the Romulans there own freakin faction and power that doesn't require a choice between the two powers not hard to do really.
Unscramble an egg. Not hard to do, really.
Snark aside, it's not actually that hard, since they could go back and redo the whole thing, where unscrambling an egg is a literal impossibility. It is prohibitively difficult, however, or Romulans would have been their own faction from the beginning. Everything that influenced them to make the decision to have Romulans effectively be Federation or Klingon with a a substitute early story still exists. PvP, which was already somewhat of a mess and eroding prior to Romulans, would still require a 3 faction solution. Duty Officers and assignments for Romulans would still need to be made. Fleet Holdings would still need a whole third option. A ship line would have to be made for Romulans, basically from scratch, since we've already seen every canon Romulan-designed ship in the game in some way or other. These were probably the very stumbling blocks that caused them to implement Romulans as they did, and they're all still there, but now they have all had Romulans as they are added to them, with nearly 3 years of inertia built up, so it would be even more difficult to do now.
Are you going to explain to every Romulan why they now are no longer part of the Federation or Klingon fleet that they helped to build over the past 3 years, and that they'll need to start over from scratch on a new one? Don't tell me they could still choose an ally, because that's even more unrealistic. Why go to the trouble at all if the old system is still going to be there? It would have been nice if they had done the work initially to make Romulans fully-independent, but they didn't, and what we have is what we are going to have. Thinking that they're going to go back and turn it into something different is just tilting at windmills, Don Quixote.
This is an MMO, not a Star Trek episode simulator. That would make for a terrible game.
PvP, which was already somewhat of a mess and eroding prior to Romulans, would still require a 3 faction solution.
or loose the dumbass red v blue mindset and open up pvp and queues and anything else divided by red v blue.
Are you going to explain to every Romulan why they now are no longer part of the Federation or Klingon fleet that they helped to build over the past 3 years, and that they'll need to start over from scratch on a new one? [/quote]
Yes, and most Romulan players I know are of the 'would happily do that' camp... OR see above response... throw away the segregation, let Romulans join fleets of either side. Better yet, let fleet leaders choose the theme for their fleet holdings, romulan, klingon, federation (or hell get really freaky and add more races like spoonhead, ferengi, andorian, gorn etc) since mechanically they are all the same its just a matter of what skin is used. Then let people join whatever fleet the damned well want to.... after all we're all one big galactic union anyways and Cryptic doesn't even want to write decent content for that one faction.
Ok Cpt.Geko, I was joking with my comment before, hence the trollface, as to keep expectations low and evade being dissapointed - however if this is the game you want to play:
- Cardassian faction or fraction, if you will
- TOS themed content for the 50-th anniversary including an end-game TOS Constitution Class
- A brand new, engaging, viable, fun and repeatable exploration system
- William Shatner
- Liscencing agreement to bring certain J.J. Abrams Trek items to STO
- Liscencing agreement to bring Rademaker's Merian Class to STO
- Andrew Robinson
- Option for branching storytelling based on player choice that influences the outcome of the mission, based on faction perhaps?
- Star Trek/Andromeda crossover, with Kevin Sorbo and the Andromeda Ascendant
- End game NX Class full with interiors
Either one of these will do. Or multiple, I don't mind. Now, that said, I double dare you to not dissapoint!
They are not bringing those ships in the game. They have said that many times. What do we need with more ships?? There are enough to choose from as it is! There are far to many people playing this game that have no idea what they are doing when it comes to set ups and abilities, we do not need more flying around in T6 constitution class with polaron, disruptor and Antiproton beams/cannons pulling 3-5k DPS and riding the coat tails of the geared/skilled folks in the advanced/elite runs!
Just add another faction, more content and some real 'end game' stuff for us to do...I am sorry, but reputation, lock boxes and DOFF missions do not constitute end game.
They are not bringing those ships in the game. They have said that many times. What do we need with more ships?? There are enough to choose from as it is! There are far to many people playing this game that have no idea what they are doing when it comes to set ups and abilities, we do not need more flying around in T6 constitution class with polaron, disruptor and Antiproton beams/cannons pulling 3-5k DPS and riding the coat tails of the geared/skilled folks in the advanced/elite runs!
Just add another faction, more content and some real 'end game' stuff for us to do...I am sorry, but reputation, lock boxes and DOFF missions do not constitute end game.
You know, there's a nice sentence on top of the forums, something about change. Maybe the time has come for CBS/Crytpic to change and give the Connie a green light, especialy that we have the 50th anniversary this year.
About the ships, No, there aren't enough, (not for everyone) because some players would want to fly an older design/other/favourite ships and don't be this DPS noob that you mention.
Do you think that only those rainbow warriors/noobs would fly a Connie ? and a noob in a Connie is more anoying than the same noob in a Galaxy/Sovereign/Arbiter/Oddysey etc. etc ?
To add to the topic...
- PVP revamp with a separate pvp server set in TOS/TMP era, with Romulan Star Empire as a full faction, fleet battles for control over sectors of space
- Ships revamp, every ship has it own tiers, individual firing arcs for every weapon slot based on their position on the hull, customization of boff/consoles layout. In general, something similar to ship customization seen in SFC III
- Crafting system revamp with a option to pick mods for a hefty sum of dil
- Exploration/Expansion of Delta Quadrant (people probably prefer to see Gamma, but i would do a "test" of the system on so much "loved" Delta quadrant fisrt, and then do Gamma with feedback from the players)
For the 50th Anniversary
- T6 Connie for the Feds, T6 D-7/K'Tinga for KDF and T6 T'liss for Rommies
- FEs with all of the captains and their VOs
- Some "goodies" from earlier eras
hmm, bigger then new faction masssive update to fix the fed focused nature of 99% of the game. probably not ships but maybe fixing the text in the main story missions to look like they want kdf and rom players... nah couldn't be. :P.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
Big....hmmm ok, fully realised and updated Genesis system to explore an unlimited number of new worlds with a fully opened up Gamma quadrant and expanded Delta to boot. The exploration system we've always deserved.
Oh and some epic voiceover talent from true legends of the franchise, Sulu, Chekov, Piccard, Janeway. Maybe?
They are not bringing those ships in the game. They have said that many times. What do we need with more ships?? There are enough to choose from as it is! There are far to many people playing this game that have no idea what they are doing when it comes to set ups and abilities, we do not need more flying around in T6 constitution class with polaron, disruptor and Antiproton beams/cannons pulling 3-5k DPS and riding the coat tails of the geared/skilled folks in the advanced/elite runs!
Out of 10 things I mentioned in that reply only 2 were ships, yet you decided to hang onto those.....oh well.
I didn't say that we need or don't need more ships, I mentioned those two because they're the only "Enterprises" missing from the end-game in STO which are an iconic trademark of Star Trek in general. Geko said, for better or worse, to "think big" and since he insists of "thinking big" - one of those really big things (not in terms of magnitude or playable content but in emotional importance) would be the legendary Constitution Class to be made available at end-game, something that has been asked, begged and argued about since the inception of STO. Taking into consideration that this year marks the 50-th anniversary of Star Trek that started with TOS, it's not that far-fetched to hope that whoever it is that's throwing the tantrum on the Connie issue finally grows a heart in their chest.
Also, stating that anyone and everyone that would purchase an end-game Constitution would inherently suck compared to the "gods", "wizards", "clowns" or whatever that we're supposed to "worship" or admire in this game these days is very unfair to many players of the game and TOS fans in general.
Besides, have you noticed the game for the past 2 years? It's been like - ship, ship, ship, FE, ship, ship, ship, ship, FE, ship, ship, Season, ship, ship, ship, ship, ship, ship, ship, ship, FE, ship, ship, ship, ship, FE, ship, ship, Season, ship, ship, ship, ship, ship, ship, ship, ship for a while now. I'm not saying that's good at all, I'm just pointing out to the clear pattern which I personally hope changes.
And unless you work for either Cryptic or CBS you can't really say if they are or aren't bringing those ships in the game (they actually are in the game, but limited to low levels), because things change. Even D.Stahl in his infamous statement on the end-game Connie closed with the fact that it's subject to change and didn't dismiss the potential of it happening somewhere down the road if the stars align.
But really, if you notice, I suggested some pretty outlandish stuff in that post - like the Andromeda crossover or licencing J.J. Trek stuff which are far more complicated to happen than the end-game NX or Connie. That was the entire point that I suppose Al wanted to make - let speculation run wild, so I obliged. Think big, he said, so I put out "Big Bill" can't go bigger than that regardless if considering his character's role in Star Trek, or the man's ego as someone suggested.
So there's really no point to argue about any of this, we're speculating just for fun & giggles.
Just add another faction, more content and some real 'end game' stuff for us to do...I am sorry, but reputation, lock boxes and DOFF missions do not constitute end game.
And I also agree with this. That's why my very first suggestion, as a big Cardassian fan, was the Cardassian faction. That would be my preferred outcome of these speculations.
I didn't say that we need or don't need more ships, I mentioned those two because they're the only "Enterprises" missing from the end-game in STO which are an iconic trademark of Star Trek in general. Geko said, for better or worse, to "think big" and since he insists of "thinking big" - one of those really big things (not in terms of magnitude or playable content but in emotional importance) would be the legendary Constitution Class to be made available at end-game, something that has been asked, begged and argued about since the inception of STO. Taking into consideration that this year marks the 50-th anniversary of Star Trek that started with TOS, it's not that far-fetched to hope that whoever it is that's throwing the tantrum on the Connie issue finally grows a heart in their chest.
Very eloquently spoken! And 100% agreed, of course.
Besides, I tend to think that if we don't get one for the 50th anniversary, we probably never will.
This is my opinion too, 50th anniversary would also be prime timing due to a certain other MMO having a new expansion release at about the same time, would help keep people who like both here instead of there.
But tbh I don't care about the actual constitution skin, I just want a T6 Excalibur, I love that ship so much its one of only 2 that I've never had any desire to kitbash, the other being the sovereign.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
IMHO, Romulans should have full access to both Fed AND Klingon content, with the faction choice only coming into play during PvP ... if anyone still DID PvP that is
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
so in other words, you got speculation there until proven otherwise.
i have looked up a number of your previous threads you started op, none of which has any useful contributions, some opinions, speculations and even one that violated the EULA going back as far as 2 weeks, in all of this i would of thought that you would consider what you are hoping to accomplish in all of these threads with mostly empty baseless banter.
i have yet to see a point in any of your threads to date on general, this one included.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
The point is to speculate about and/or ridicule statements made by one of the least popular Cryptic employees. Not like there's much else to talk about on here atm anyway ...
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
answering speculation with speculation is a pointless exercise, that goes without needing to state it which makes this whole thread a spam thread, pointless.
as for al rivera, so you are reducing this to an insult match? what will that accomplish?
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
original join date 2010
Member: Team Trekyards. Visit Trekyards today!
Hey old buddy! See, here is what you have to try to remember: when you sit down to eat a bowl of cheerios, if it smells kind of funny, like someone might have peed in the cheerios, DON'T EAT THE CHEERIOS! And if you are in such a hurry that you take a bite before you notice the smell, then actually taste something funny like someone might have peed in the cheerios, DON"T KEEP EATING THE CHEERIOS. The point I'm getting at is, don't eat the cheerios when someone has peed in them. Judging from your post above, it's clear this advice comes too late. You clearly have already eaten the cheerios. But NEXT time, try to remember NOT to eat them if someone has peed in them.
Join Date: Sep 2008
As Darakoss said:
As for my suggestion that some will choose to ridicule him, I was not trying to reduce this to an insult match, I was simply referring to the fact that many in the community have been alienated by his actions in the past and have a very pessimistic attitude regarding anything he says, while others are simply looking for any opportunity to attack him. I personally have anot "I'll believe it when I see it" attitude in regards to improvements to this game (or to any F2P game for that matter), so my "speculation" is full of sarcasm.
I would wager that it was Geko's intent to inspire such a thread anyway to get the hype going.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
About 75% of the threads started in these forums, are pure speculation anyway so what's the problem?
Who put a bug in yer shorts that you gotta be all up in the Nagus' face??
Seems like most of your posts are nothing but antagonistic and rude expressions of animosity, at least the Nagus is pleasant and good natured.
Ya might learn a thing or two if ya just stopped being so ornery and lighten up a bit.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
The 1st thing I want is an actual PvP revamp. This will include a good damage balance in PvP and a damn good STARBASE SIEGE WAR between Fleets. Oh and some rewards for the winning guild and the top guild or rather Armada.
Lets admit it. Fleet Starbases are nothing mode than a glorified trophy. Sure you can buy good stuff from them on high level and each of the other Fleet facilities as well but that's it. After you have everything you want they just stay there. Lonely and nothing more than a big... Floating... Trophy. In Space.
I do have written something I want to happen on PvP base on my experience on other PvP gamesI played before but never id post it here since well Cryptic isn't that much on STO and PvP, which all end players end up eventually anyway till the next update. Sure PvE and space exploration is fun But seriously STO is becoming a game that after doing everything the only thing you're looking forward to is DPS power creeping. Seriously BFAW+AP hits everything and DPS goes up to 30k above and welcome to the "Elite" where you can finally lash out on people because their build is all about them having fun and doesn't want anything to do with Min-Maxing DPS. Seriously a friend of mine was shun because she was having fun using torpedoes on her sci ship that some Elitist lashed out about her playing style a STF it actually made her cry and quit the damn game. And trying to find someone who's love for a sci ship the moment she played this game and went support (Yes I know STO a Support?) is damn hard to find. Most specially on PvP.
Mind you guys, I'm not that good or strong in the Game but saying a "Skill" is having 4-6 Epic Ap's, Items and binding anything else on a spacebar isn't what I call skills. I call it one having resources. In the end if cryptic gave everyone the same category and type of items and disable the binding keys what real skills would be, base on my experience would be how fast and how you actually try and look at the animation your opponent's toon is dong the rate of his/her attack etch and unleash the proper set of skills on the right time. And doing it with 1,2,3/alt+1,Alt+2,Alt+3/Ctrl+1,Ctrl+2,Ctrl+3 etch which ever hotkeys that is in your bar not just keep on hitting the spacebar where almost everything is binded.
And again that is just my opinion of a real Skilled Player. I've got nothing against Key binders for it is very convenient. But in my own personal opinion I really don't call it skill but just spamming. As always to each his/her own so I respect if you hate what I said and for the record I'm not good at using individual skills as well or rather has the fast attention to execute them and my life would be easier if I just simply bind most of them like other people do but I rather not. It's my own personal issue.
My 2nd want to have on the "Big Update" is actually the currencies STO is using. I want a revamp where:
1. Refined Dil can be traded with EC and Lobi. Set a minimum amount for each Dil to EC trade people can do. And this is Just an Example ok: 50 Dil -> 10k EC. Cryptic can set an amount of each account can buy each day. So no matter how many toons one has they wont abuse the buying or selling. The point is we wont be stuck on the Refined Dil limit per day.
2. Also the Same goes for Dil to Lobi. Since the only way for people to get Lobi are from lockboxes anyway why not let it be tradeable via it's own exchange market? That way people who want's to buy ships from the Lobi store can buy them through Dil and people who have extra Lobi can sell them. Yeah that would also make people decide which to go for, Zen or Lobi. But in the end they still need to buy keys anyway but would be much helpful in a way to new players to get some Lobi stuff and a way for another Dil sink.
My 3rd Wish for this "Big Update" is a sector Control Scheme and By that New races that would meet the KDF, Feds and Romulans Head On. Let them come from another Part of the Galaxy like the Delta or Gamma Quadrant. The Founders, Voth race, A Borg and the Undine would be great. Sure this 3 factions can still kill each other all they want but when Facing feds, KDF and Romulans that's a whole different story. Much like how the Feds, KDF and Roms can have Temporary alliances I think this 3 would be possible. Given they all hate the Feds anyway. Well technically most races not part of the feds hate the feds. Well You know what I mean.
This would also open-up also other possibilities like Cardassian factions, Tholian Faction and of course Mirror verse faction (Well that would be a long stretch though).
Anyway these are just my ideas and well they are just ideas... and dreams for the next "Big Update". I know all o this are far stretched but hey a guy can dream right?
Something like the Dyson sphere ground zone. But instead of releasing it for one season and then stop all development of this zone, it'd be nice if they added a zone that they maintain or extend on for multiple seasons. I mean, look at the Dyson sphere battlezone. Wherever you go, wherever you look, there's more areas to explore that we, sadly, cannot reach.
Granted, in total they're 4 maps and some episodes deal with other parts of the zone, but they were all added in the same season and never further developed afterwards. So much more could have been done with it. It would have been the perfect opportunity to add a large exploration zone.
Not thinking big enough? How's this for size, then?.
Geko finally gets fired from Cryptic and everything he hates and has crushed is added to the game this year.
So, how do you REALLY feel about the man?
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
He's actually a nice guy. But he's been in place too long and all of the EP's seem scared of him. And we've heard for a very long time from far too many sources about how many things about STO he hates and says the Dev Team isn't doing.
Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
what faction boffs? meh either way... HAPPILY SACRIFICED
Unscramble an egg. Not hard to do, really.
Snark aside, it's not actually that hard, since they could go back and redo the whole thing, where unscrambling an egg is a literal impossibility. It is prohibitively difficult, however, or Romulans would have been their own faction from the beginning. Everything that influenced them to make the decision to have Romulans effectively be Federation or Klingon with a a substitute early story still exists. PvP, which was already somewhat of a mess and eroding prior to Romulans, would still require a 3 faction solution. Duty Officers and assignments for Romulans would still need to be made. Fleet Holdings would still need a whole third option. A ship line would have to be made for Romulans, basically from scratch, since we've already seen every canon Romulan-designed ship in the game in some way or other. These were probably the very stumbling blocks that caused them to implement Romulans as they did, and they're all still there, but now they have all had Romulans as they are added to them, with nearly 3 years of inertia built up, so it would be even more difficult to do now.
Are you going to explain to every Romulan why they now are no longer part of the Federation or Klingon fleet that they helped to build over the past 3 years, and that they'll need to start over from scratch on a new one? Don't tell me they could still choose an ally, because that's even more unrealistic. Why go to the trouble at all if the old system is still going to be there? It would have been nice if they had done the work initially to make Romulans fully-independent, but they didn't, and what we have is what we are going to have. Thinking that they're going to go back and turn it into something different is just tilting at windmills, Don Quixote.
"Well you guys keep moaning at us about balance..."
Are you going to explain to every Romulan why they now are no longer part of the Federation or Klingon fleet that they helped to build over the past 3 years, and that they'll need to start over from scratch on a new one? [/quote]
Yes, and most Romulan players I know are of the 'would happily do that' camp... OR see above response... throw away the segregation, let Romulans join fleets of either side. Better yet, let fleet leaders choose the theme for their fleet holdings, romulan, klingon, federation (or hell get really freaky and add more races like spoonhead, ferengi, andorian, gorn etc) since mechanically they are all the same its just a matter of what skin is used. Then let people join whatever fleet the damned well want to.... after all we're all one big galactic union anyways and Cryptic doesn't even want to write decent content for that one faction.
They are not bringing those ships in the game. They have said that many times. What do we need with more ships?? There are enough to choose from as it is! There are far to many people playing this game that have no idea what they are doing when it comes to set ups and abilities, we do not need more flying around in T6 constitution class with polaron, disruptor and Antiproton beams/cannons pulling 3-5k DPS and riding the coat tails of the geared/skilled folks in the advanced/elite runs!
Just add another faction, more content and some real 'end game' stuff for us to do...I am sorry, but reputation, lock boxes and DOFF missions do not constitute end game.
You know, there's a nice sentence on top of the forums, something about change. Maybe the time has come for CBS/Crytpic to change and give the Connie a green light, especialy that we have the 50th anniversary this year.
About the ships, No, there aren't enough, (not for everyone) because some players would want to fly an older design/other/favourite ships and don't be this DPS noob that you mention.
Do you think that only those rainbow warriors/noobs would fly a Connie ? and a noob in a Connie is more anoying than the same noob in a Galaxy/Sovereign/Arbiter/Oddysey etc. etc ?
To add to the topic...
- PVP revamp with a separate pvp server set in TOS/TMP era, with Romulan Star Empire as a full faction, fleet battles for control over sectors of space
- Ships revamp, every ship has it own tiers, individual firing arcs for every weapon slot based on their position on the hull, customization of boff/consoles layout. In general, something similar to ship customization seen in SFC III
- Crafting system revamp with a option to pick mods for a hefty sum of dil
- Exploration/Expansion of Delta Quadrant (people probably prefer to see Gamma, but i would do a "test" of the system on so much "loved" Delta quadrant fisrt, and then do Gamma with feedback from the players)
For the 50th Anniversary
- T6 Connie for the Feds, T6 D-7/K'Tinga for KDF and T6 T'liss for Rommies
- FEs with all of the captains and their VOs
- Some "goodies" from earlier eras
Ok well if im gonna think big , im thinking cardassian faction
Hows that for thinking big, sure not realistic but Geko did say we werent thinking big enough,
well Mr Rivera hows that for thinking big
Hey i still have a sliver of hope for cardis someday
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
The exploration system we've always deserved.
Oh and some epic voiceover talent from true legends of the franchise, Sulu, Chekov, Piccard, Janeway. Maybe?
Out of 10 things I mentioned in that reply only 2 were ships, yet you decided to hang onto those.....oh well.
I didn't say that we need or don't need more ships, I mentioned those two because they're the only "Enterprises" missing from the end-game in STO which are an iconic trademark of Star Trek in general. Geko said, for better or worse, to "think big" and since he insists of "thinking big" - one of those really big things (not in terms of magnitude or playable content but in emotional importance) would be the legendary Constitution Class to be made available at end-game, something that has been asked, begged and argued about since the inception of STO. Taking into consideration that this year marks the 50-th anniversary of Star Trek that started with TOS, it's not that far-fetched to hope that whoever it is that's throwing the tantrum on the Connie issue finally grows a heart in their chest.
Also, stating that anyone and everyone that would purchase an end-game Constitution would inherently suck compared to the "gods", "wizards", "clowns" or whatever that we're supposed to "worship" or admire in this game these days is very unfair to many players of the game and TOS fans in general.
Besides, have you noticed the game for the past 2 years? It's been like - ship, ship, ship, FE, ship, ship, ship, ship, FE, ship, ship, Season, ship, ship, ship, ship, ship, ship, ship, ship, FE, ship, ship, ship, ship, FE, ship, ship, Season, ship, ship, ship, ship, ship, ship, ship, ship for a while now. I'm not saying that's good at all, I'm just pointing out to the clear pattern which I personally hope changes.
And unless you work for either Cryptic or CBS you can't really say if they are or aren't bringing those ships in the game (they actually are in the game, but limited to low levels), because things change. Even D.Stahl in his infamous statement on the end-game Connie closed with the fact that it's subject to change and didn't dismiss the potential of it happening somewhere down the road if the stars align.
But really, if you notice, I suggested some pretty outlandish stuff in that post - like the Andromeda crossover or licencing J.J. Trek stuff which are far more complicated to happen than the end-game NX or Connie. That was the entire point that I suppose Al wanted to make - let speculation run wild, so I obliged.
So there's really no point to argue about any of this, we're speculating just for fun & giggles.
And I also agree with this. That's why my very first suggestion, as a big Cardassian fan, was the Cardassian faction. That would be my preferred outcome of these speculations.
Very eloquently spoken! And 100% agreed, of course.
This is my opinion too, 50th anniversary would also be prime timing due to a certain other MMO having a new expansion release at about the same time, would help keep people who like both here instead of there.
But tbh I don't care about the actual constitution skin, I just want a T6 Excalibur, I love that ship so much its one of only 2 that I've never had any desire to kitbash, the other being the sovereign.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^