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STO Holodeck Connection Issues [2/13]



  • modmike1981modmike1981 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    damit every time i join server i get kicked
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    Yep. I'm in and looking into it.

    So how much coffee (and sanity) has all of this cost you and the poor network team?
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • judgemarkjudgemark Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    looks like its back up, problem solved, good work in handling this to the cryptic team
    you are appreatited (dont mind my bad spelling))
  • trygvar13trygvar13 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    Well I guess it's time to go play TOR's new chapter.
    Dahar Master Qor'aS
  • ussprometheus79ussprometheus79 Member Posts: 727 Arc User
    Hmmmm. First time I've been online when this has been going on. Doing a bit of reading, I wonder what the guy's original beef is....it's a kinda sad thing to do anyhow.
    sov42 wrote: »
    I fully encourage spamming his twitter with My Little Ponies. >:)

    Careful, @jodarkrider said we should not be discussing this guy. You don't want to get in trouble.

    Don't know who that is, but people are apparently saying Trendy has said something different. All I know I'm concerned with is knowing there is good team of people looking at this for us.
    If you've come to the forums to complain about the AFK system, it's known to be bugged at the moment.
  • minmacdougalminmacdougal Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    Guess who's back?
    Back again?
    Skrub is back!
    Tell a friend.
    Guess who's back?
    Guess who's back?
    Guess who's back?
    Guess who's back?
    Guess who's back?
    Na na na naaaa
  • jasonl21jasonl21 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Hmmmm. First time I've been online when this has been going on. Doing a bit of reading, I wonder what the guy's original beef is....it's a kinda sad thing to do anyhow.
    sov42 wrote: »
    I fully encourage spamming his twitter with My Little Ponies. >:)

    Careful, @jodarkrider said we should not be discussing this guy. You don't want to get in trouble.

    Don't know who that is, but people are apparently saying Trendy has said something different. All I know I'm concerned with is knowing there is good team of people looking at this for us.
    Yeah, Looking at it waiting until he gets bored or falls asleep.

    Doesn't stop them looking at it. 9_9
  • risingstar1971risingstar1971 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    I'm thinking Microsoft is at it again. ARC fails to launch after the latest update in ANY mode. Uninstall, Reinstall, no joy

    Update: Roll back to previous build, functionality restored but generating a WSCLIENT32.DLL Banned app list error. Link included with steps to fix:


    ARC installed, Launcher enabled, testing game now...will update

    Update: sitting in sector space, all is well.
    Post edited by risingstar1971 on
  • pwlaughingtrendypwlaughingtrendy Member Posts: 2,966 Arc User
    Alright. Things are looking in clear.
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Alright. Things are looking in clear.

    Till the Tribbles get spooked again...
    elmershh.png ...Be verwy, verwy, quiet...

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • thecallup1thecallup1 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    Alright. Things are looking in clear.

    I bet to differ, respectfully.
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited February 2016

    At what point is it giving attention to the DDOS'er in question, and not questioning PWE/Cryptics ability to deal with the attacks on its service?

    The DDOS'er is the symptom of the problem, as a whole, and not purely the problem themself.

    I want to know more about why the game/organization is being reactive and not proactive in dealing with breaches to its security of operations.

    Forcing the players, days after day, to just wait out the attacks is not a reasonable plan for Coninuation Of OPerations.

    Securing the system from these sort of attacks will do more to not feed the DDOSers cravings than just "not talking about them".
  • culexofborgculexofborg Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    What do you really expect cryptic to do... The whole point of a DDoS is to use thousands to millions of systems which means thousands to millions if not hundreds of millions of unique IP addresses to flood the servers with requests.. Even if you can identify the clients all you can really do is try and filter out the extranious packets and drop them on the floor as well as nullroute the offending IPs.

    That all sill takes time but there are still several hundred fold more potental IPs for attacks to come from... The only way to prevent this stuff is on the fly.. That is unless you want them to just block ALL incoming connections until the event stops..

    Also, you can't leave all IPs nullrouted forever.. As many are dynamic as hell and just go back into the pool where legit users get assigned them later.

    There really isn't any single perfect solution here.. If you don't believe me.. Learn a thing for two about how our global interconnected network actually works.
  • predconpredcon Member Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    They could put STO on a server separate from the server of the game this guy has a beef with.

    Not sure if guy's still at it, but I'm getting more lag and rubberbanding still.
  • uncharted2420uncharted2420 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    It's up, I'm back in game! :)
    It's down again...because of that TRIBBLE
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    @pwlaughingtrendy - I think he's at it again, getting a lot of SNR's over and over all of a sudden.
  • uncharted2420uncharted2420 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    I'm not in a good mood right now, I just lost a friend of my family and this is the only thing that is distracting me...If i wanted my words to be censored by the company's censors i would have asked them to do it. I don't care WHAT you have to do to get it done, JUST GET IT DONE...or I'm going to stop holding back on my mouth and vent like I've never vented before about every single problem I've had in this damn game and including how long it took Admins to respond and NO I really don't care if there is a problem with my words. Not with how I'm feeling right now
  • torrynwoodsrunnertorrynwoodsrunner Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    Ayup...can't stay connected more than 30 seconds...if I get in at all.
  • salazarrazesalazarraze Member Posts: 3,794 Arc User

    At what point is it giving attention to the DDOS'er in question, and not questioning PWE/Cryptics ability to deal with the attacks on its service?

    The DDOS'er is the symptom of the problem, as a whole, and not purely the problem themself.

    I want to know more about why the game/organization is being reactive and not proactive in dealing with breaches to its security of operations.

    Forcing the players, days after day, to just wait out the attacks is not a reasonable plan for Coninuation Of OPerations.

    Securing the system from these sort of attacks will do more to not feed the DDOSers cravings than just "not talking about them".
    I recommend you read a up on how these kinds of attacks work so you don't make any more foolish statements.
    When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    FFS... just wanna get my doffing done and go to bed. >_>
  • kermanikermani Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    I noticed a person on my friends list logging on and off very rapidly. This went on for several hours and is unusual for that player. Is this a sign his computer could be infected and unwittingly part of the DDOS?
  • olixioolixio Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    Again? Yeesh!
  • tinyfistedtinyfisted Member Posts: 193 Arc User
    kermani wrote: »
    I noticed a person on my friends list logging on and off very rapidly. This went on for several hours and is unusual for that player. Is this a sign his computer could be infected and unwittingly part of the DDOS?

    Nope. He might be being particularly _affected_ by the DDOS, but it's not in itself a sign of being compromised.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    kermani wrote: »
    I noticed a person on my friends list logging on and off very rapidly. This went on for several hours and is unusual for that player. Is this a sign his computer could be infected and unwittingly part of the DDOS?

    No, it means he's unable to maintain his connection to the server due to the attack.
  • culexofborgculexofborg Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    tinyfisted wrote: »
    kermani wrote: »
    I noticed a person on my friends list logging on and off very rapidly. This went on for several hours and is unusual for that player. Is this a sign his computer could be infected and unwittingly part of the DDOS?

    Nope. He might be being particularly _affected_ by the DDOS, but it's not in itself a sign of being compromised.

    He may just be switching tunes as well.. doffs omega etc.. Likely right now just from SNRs
  • kermanikermani Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    tinyfisted wrote: »
    kermani wrote: »
    I noticed a person on my friends list logging on and off very rapidly. This went on for several hours and is unusual for that player. Is this a sign his computer could be infected and unwittingly part of the DDOS?

    Nope. He might be being particularly _affected_ by the DDOS, but it's not in itself a sign of being compromised.

    Thanks for the reply. I was a little worried for my friends account!

  • superfoxyplushsuperfoxyplush Member Posts: 87 Arc User
    I have to say, I'm getting rather tired of this day-in, day-out. Not only am I sick of the Patch downtime being in the middle of the day ( EU ) for 6 years without consideration but this constant DDOS rubbish from an "Eggs-in-one-basket" MMO company is obserd.

    Even if you can't do much about the attacks or the little pillock doing it, least you can do is minimise the impact as best you can. Everytime I try to "Give ST:O a break" I get stuck, again, just trying to do something simple and end up logging off for hours at a time. Even with the T6 ships and sale .. I just can't justify giving any money because I just keep getting slapped by many bugs that haven't been patched 'yet' and then not being able to use the game you want me to pay for...

    *Sigh* ... I hope you get all this fixed because, to be honest .. I'm getting to the end of it with ST:O.

  • kekvinkekvin Member Posts: 633 Arc User
    I think we are all getting frustrated. Staff at cryptic and us customers included. Just have a lil faith in trendy and co to get it sorted. When its all done I hope we have a 'event' to celebrate :D
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    Mine Trap Supporter
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