Keep it as a 4/4 layout or add another two on each side, 5/5 layout. Disagree on 5/3. To me, it will be unbalanced.
5/5 is even more out guys. You're setting yourselves up for disappointment like the Defiant guys have with unrealistic expectations. Look at the stats of other ships, especially those that have actually transitioned from T5->T6. You will find that other than Specialization Hybrid Stations, improvements to BOFF layouts, new consoles, that T6 is half a step better than T5U. Things like weapon slots, turn rates, etc. remain the same from the T5U versions.
Now these designs are originally for ship class which is going to be mentioned in my ST book I'm working on. However, still some guidelines could be used in T6 design. And don't mind third nacelle concept. It's just my version of Sovereign X
Btw sorry for bad picture quality. I've taken the shots with my cellphone, so pictures might not be that good. And if you have any questions about designs feel free to ask me.
Always kinda liked the Sovereign-X...wish we could see one in game.
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
just wishful thinking regarding a 5/3 layout like the Avenger and Scimitar. The only Cannon Tier 6 that they actually made a massive improvement on so far is the Galaxy. the others are so so,
The T6 Sovereign will be bear identical as the T5-U Sovereign; just as the FT6 Sovereign is the near identical to the FT5-U.
Major differences are one Boff slot, 5th trait mastery and profession specialization and new specific console. They may make the lieutenant tac in a universal and bump up the other universal to Lieubtenant Commander. Now that would be cool.
Also the only reason why the Galaxy is getting 'better" is simply because it sucked that badly. Of course the improvement will be astounding as it has a lot of ground to cover to be so.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "Look at me I'm a target!" "Fire the Lance on my mark... MARK! "How many times have we gone into the breach again R'shee?" My proposal for a Galaxy bundle
The T6 Sovereign will be bear identical as the T5-U Sovereign; just as the FT6 Sovereign is the near identical to the FT5-U.
Major differences are one Boff slot, 5th trait mastery and profession specialization and new specific console. They may make the lieutenant tac in a universal and bump up the other universal to Lieubtenant Commander. Now that would be cool.
Also the only reason why the Galaxy is getting 'better" is simply because it sucked that badly. Of course the improvement will be astounding as it has a lot of ground to cover to be so.
Except the Galaxy is just like every other T6 Retrofit...there are no major changes to it...people just act like they can't do any damage at all unless they have FaW III.
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
The T6 Sovereign will be bear identical as the T5-U Sovereign; just as the FT6 Sovereign is the near identical to the FT5-U.
Major differences are one Boff slot, 5th trait mastery and profession specialization and new specific console. They may make the lieutenant tac in a universal and bump up the other universal to Lieubtenant Commander. Now that would be cool.
Also the only reason why the Galaxy is getting 'better" is simply because it sucked that badly. Of course the improvement will be astounding as it has a lot of ground to cover to be so.
Except the Galaxy is just like every other T6 Retrofit...there are no major changes to it...people just act like they can't do any damage at all unless they have FaW III.
Come on man, remember where the T5/T5U Galaxy was at before then look at what it can do now at T6 You know for a fact that a mere total Lt TAC station at the very most for an endgame Cruiser was pretty worthless. The T6 version retained the same heavy survivability of the T5 Galaxy but the LtCmdr TAC finally gave it that extra possible offensive option that the T5 version had no way of reaching.
Personally, I think the Galaxy would have been better served and have the Guardian's BOFF layout to make it markedly different from it's Galaxy-X sister. Or enable the Guardian to use the Galaxy skins. But that boat has sailed already. I still will take it's current T6 version any day of the week over what it used to be able to do with T5 only.
The T6 Sovereign will be bear identical as the T5-U Sovereign; just as the FT6 Sovereign is the near identical to the FT5-U.
Major differences are one Boff slot, 5th trait mastery and profession specialization and new specific console. They may make the lieutenant tac in a universal and bump up the other universal to Lieubtenant Commander. Now that would be cool.
Also the only reason why the Galaxy is getting 'better" is simply because it sucked that badly. Of course the improvement will be astounding as it has a lot of ground to cover to be so.
Except the Galaxy is just like every other T6 Retrofit...there are no major changes to it...people just act like they can't do any damage at all unless they have FaW III.
Come on man, remember where the T5/T5U Galaxy was at before then look at what it can do now at T6 You know for a fact that a mere total Lt TAC station at the very most for an endgame Cruiser was pretty worthless. The T6 version retained the same heavy survivability of the T5 Galaxy but the LtCmdr TAC finally gave it that extra possible offensive option that the T5 version had no way of reaching.
Personally, I think the Galaxy would have been better served and have the Guardian's BOFF layout to make it markedly different from it's Galaxy-X sister. Or enable the Guardian to use the Galaxy skins. But that boat has sailed already. I still will take it's current T6 version any day of the week over what it used to be able to do with T5 only.
I'm not saying the Galaxy wasn't weak or anything...I'm just saying that the Galaxy hasn't broke the mold which some people seem to make it sound, it got a 2nd Lt Commander like a lot of ships and a Ens Uni like some ships.
Plus was more a shot at the people who call the Jupiter useless because it doesn't have a Lt Cmdr Tac...
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
The T6 Sovereign will be bear identical as the T5-U Sovereign; just as the FT6 Sovereign is the near identical to the FT5-U.
Major differences are one Boff slot, 5th trait mastery and profession specialization and new specific console. They may make the lieutenant tac in a universal and bump up the other universal to Lieubtenant Commander. Now that would be cool.
Also the only reason why the Galaxy is getting 'better" is simply because it sucked that badly. Of course the improvement will be astounding as it has a lot of ground to cover to be so.
Except the Galaxy is just like every other T6 Retrofit...there are no major changes to it...people just act like they can't do any damage at all unless they have FaW III.
Come on man, remember where the T5/T5U Galaxy was at before then look at what it can do now at T6 You know for a fact that a mere total Lt TAC station at the very most for an endgame Cruiser was pretty worthless. The T6 version retained the same heavy survivability of the T5 Galaxy but the LtCmdr TAC finally gave it that extra possible offensive option that the T5 version had no way of reaching.
Personally, I think the Galaxy would have been better served and have the Guardian's BOFF layout to make it markedly different from it's Galaxy-X sister. Or enable the Guardian to use the Galaxy skins. But that boat has sailed already. I still will take it's current T6 version any day of the week over what it used to be able to do with T5 only.
I'm not saying the Galaxy wasn't weak or anything...I'm just saying that the Galaxy hasn't broke the mold which some people seem to make it sound, it got a 2nd Lt Commander like a lot of ships and a Ens Uni like some ships.
Plus was more a shot at the people who call the Jupiter useless because it doesn't have a Lt Cmdr Tac...
I'm sure we're going to see a 5/5 weapon layout, and 6 tactical consoles, and a TAC Cmdr boff seat, and saucer separation ability, and more!
The only changes from the T5u version of the Sovereign to a T6 version will include:
A larger hull hitpoints pool
Either the Lt ENG or Lt UNIV upgraded to a Lt.CMD boff seat
A Hybrid Lt.Cmd seat (most likely either with Intel or Command)
A new Console
A new look and (hopefully) a redesign of the Sovereign skin
A new ship mastery trait
I would not expect any other changes from it's current configuration. The Fleet version would get the same console upgrade as the Fleet T5u gets. If we get anything else I'd be shocked.
Keep it as a 4/4 layout or add another two on each side, 5/5 layout. Disagree on 5/3. To me, it will be unbalanced.
Still what I mentioned as a possible idea for T6 sovereign class plus I think it should have +5 all bonus power levels or +5 to 3 of the 4 power systems and +10 to weapons. Same boff layout as sovereign or regent class but increased in level. If it is going to be post season 10 ship, it should have newer technologies learned and added. Same goes for all other ships. For example have the ship made from a new materiel, which increases the resistance. It is a cruiser after all and should have the similar abilities plus that added assault for a ship of that size. Also increase turn rate and impulse speed, possibly increase FTL speed as well. How about a new deflector dish, that combines the features of a neutrino and one other? Increase to hull strength and shield strength. Also have a two designs for the ship, a new one to match season 11 era and the sovereign refit, which John Eaves posted an image on his website years after Star Trek Nemesis was released.
From what I remember about Star Trek and the technologies used, when something new or newer is available it goes to all ships able to have that technologies. Same should be done in STO.
Some of these ideas can also go towards the fleet version.
The T6 Sovereign will be bear identical as the T5-U Sovereign; just as the FT6 Sovereign is the near identical to the FT5-U.
Major differences are one Boff slot, 5th trait mastery and profession specialization and new specific console. They may make the lieutenant tac in a universal and bump up the other universal to Lieubtenant Commander. Now that would be cool.
Also the only reason why the Galaxy is getting 'better" is simply because it sucked that badly. Of course the improvement will be astounding as it has a lot of ground to cover to be so.
The Assault Cruiser Refit, which the Fleet T5 is based on, has a LtC Tac, Lt Eng, and Lt Universal (instead of a Lt Sci). The T6 Sovy will more than likely be based on the Refit, with the Lt Eng becoming a LtC Eng with a Command Specialization. That is on the basis that there is a rule of thumb for which Bridge Officer slot gets upgraded. Similar to what they did when they added a console slot to the T5U ships. An Engineer ship, with a LtC ship in either Sci or Tac, but with a Lt Eng receiving the upgrade to LtC.
"I'm not big on telepaths myself. I'm not big on guns either. But if everyone else has them, I want to make sure I can get my hands on the biggest one I can."
I would say make the T6 sovereign class the first 5/4 cruiser but have a hard mounted heavy quantum tower taking up the fifth front weapon slot. Have the quantum tower fire like the Valiant's quantum console but have it be high yields that charge up instead of all torps being released at once. The patrol escort has a fourth aft weapon. Let the assault cruiser get the first 5th fore weapon to distinguish it from other cruisers.. just my 2 cents
I would say make the T6 sovereign class the first 5/4 cruiser but have a hard mounted heavy quantum tower taking up the fifth front weapon slot. Have the quantum tower fire like the Valiant's quantum console but have it be high yields that charge up instead of all torps being released at once. The patrol escort has a fourth aft weapon. Let the assault cruiser get the first 5th fore weapon to distinguish it from other cruisers.. just my 2 cents
Hard mounted Quantum Torpedo weapon is an awesome idea. Just like the patrol escort or the Science Destroyer with the Proton cannons. They need to do something special that distinguishes it from other T6 cruisers.
I'm hoping that with regards to the bridge officer seating, the Lt Universal will be converted into a Lt. Com Univ/Hydrid (Intel I hope but most likely Command) seating. Unfortunately the cynical/realistic part of me tells me the Lt. Engineer will be changed to Lt.Com ENG/Hydrid (most likely command). That change will make it not much different from the Resolute (T6 Excelsior) which really sucked.
I don't know...I hope the Devs do something special. It is the last canon Enterprise and its going to be Star Trek's 50th anniversary. Devs PLEASE throw us a bone....and we'll empty our wallets for you.
I'd really like to see a nice T6 Sovvy version. Maybe if it looked like this draft for one of the intel ships...
It's very similar to it, and very FED style. Would love if it had a Lt.Cmdr Univ/Univ Spec (I'd go for Intel, Override Subsytem Safeties III is pure gold to me); so we could fit in anything we wanted. And the rest basically like every T5 ship upgraded to T6...
For the design of the T6 assault cruiser, I was thinking, other than the post nemesis design, to have a version of the post nemesis sovereign design but with a neck or some would say a longer neck. Since it is a cruiser that is supposed to be very manoeuvrable. Could they combine the features of the Pilot ship and Command cruiser so it will make it a hybrid?
You all are not being unreasonable enough. 5/5 weapons layout? +5 to engines, shields, aux, AND +10 to weapons, for a total bonus of an unprecedented +25 power? 6 tac console slots? You all are not smoking enough crack here. lol
Here is my list of demands.
-A +20 to weapons, and +15 to all else.
-An 8/8 weapons layout
-hull HP at base 150k
-shield mod at 3.0
-8 tac console slots, 7 eng, 6 sci
-Pilot, command, and intel abilities, shipboard, not just boff posts
-Cloak make that battlecloakmake that enhanced battlecloak and make it shipboard!!! I am not wasting a console slot on the Defiant console
-Turn rate at 15, don't you bork my cruiser just because it's a cruiser.
-Can load cannons Make that Can load 3 wide arc cannons!
-I want to be able to see through cloaking devices. I don't want no warbird sneaking up on me.
-I want ship mastery traits that double my beam damage, and another ship mastery trait at Tier 6 mastery that doubles beam damage again. I want to drop a cube in a second.
You all are not being unreasonable enough. 5/5 weapons layout? +5 to engines, shields, aux, AND +10 to weapons, for a total bonus of an unprecedented +25 power? 6 tac console slots? You all are not smoking enough crack here. lol
Here is my list of demands.
-A +20 to weapons, and +15 to all else.
-An 8/8 weapons layout
-hull HP at base 150k
-shield mod at 3.0
-8 tac console slots, 7 eng, 6 sci
-Pilot, command, and intel abilities, shipboard, not just boff posts
-Cloak make that battlecloakmake that enhanced battlecloak and make it shipboard!!! I am not wasting a console slot on the Defiant console
-Turn rate at 15, don't you bork my cruiser just because it's a cruiser.
-Can load cannons Make that Can load 3 wide arc cannons!
-I want to be able to see through cloaking devices. I don't want no warbird sneaking up on me.
-I want ship mastery traits that double my beam damage, and another ship mastery trait at Tier 6 mastery that doubles beam damage again. I want to drop a cube in a second.
Now that's how you build the ultimate ship!
That's right, I'm being silly here.
This is very Tier 8. Nerfed stats, would be Tier 7 (which is what I expect for the inevitable Flagship pack).
I'd really like to see a nice T6 Sovvy version. Maybe if it looked like this draft for one of the intel ships...
It's very similar to it, and very FED style. Would love if it had a Lt.Cmdr Univ/Univ Spec (I'd go for Intel, Override Subsytem Safeties III is pure gold to me); so we could fit in anything we wanted. And the rest basically like every T5 ship upgraded to T6...
You all are not being unreasonable enough. 5/5 weapons layout? +5 to engines, shields, aux, AND +10 to weapons, for a total bonus of an unprecedented +25 power? 6 tac console slots? You all are not smoking enough crack here. lol
Here is my list of demands.
-A +20 to weapons, and +15 to all else.
-An 8/8 weapons layout
-hull HP at base 150k
-shield mod at 3.0
-8 tac console slots, 7 eng, 6 sci
-Pilot, command, and intel abilities, shipboard, not just boff posts
-Cloak make that battlecloakmake that enhanced battlecloak and make it shipboard!!! I am not wasting a console slot on the Defiant console
-Turn rate at 15, don't you bork my cruiser just because it's a cruiser.
-Can load cannons Make that Can load 3 wide arc cannons!
-I want to be able to see through cloaking devices. I don't want no warbird sneaking up on me.
-I want ship mastery traits that double my beam damage, and another ship mastery trait at Tier 6 mastery that doubles beam damage again. I want to drop a cube in a second.
Now that's how you build the ultimate ship!
That's right, I'm being silly here.
This is very Tier 8. Nerfed stats, would be Tier 7 (which is what I expect for the inevitable Flagship pack).
Well, I suppose that may be worth the $50 at T8 for you, but not for me. By the time it gets to T8, I would have already learned my lesson about the dev's willingness to render things people pay for obsolete. I am not doing this again even at T7.
You all are not being unreasonable enough. 5/5 weapons layout? +5 to engines, shields, aux, AND +10 to weapons, for a total bonus of an unprecedented +25 power? 6 tac console slots? You all are not smoking enough crack here. lol
Here is my list of demands.
-A +20 to weapons, and +15 to all else.
-An 8/8 weapons layout
-hull HP at base 150k
-shield mod at 3.0
-8 tac console slots, 7 eng, 6 sci
-Pilot, command, and intel abilities, shipboard, not just boff posts
-Cloak make that battlecloakmake that enhanced battlecloak and make it shipboard!!! I am not wasting a console slot on the Defiant console
-Turn rate at 15, don't you bork my cruiser just because it's a cruiser.
-Can load cannons Make that Can load 3 wide arc cannons!
-I want to be able to see through cloaking devices. I don't want no warbird sneaking up on me.
-I want ship mastery traits that double my beam damage, and another ship mastery trait at Tier 6 mastery that doubles beam damage again. I want to drop a cube in a second.
Now that's how you build the ultimate ship!
That's right, I'm being silly here.
This is very Tier 8. Nerfed stats, would be Tier 7 (which is what I expect for the inevitable Flagship pack).
Well, I suppose that may be worth the $50 at T8 for you, but not for me. By the time it gets to T8, I would have already learned my lesson about the dev's willingness to render things people pay for obsolete. I am not doing this again even at T7.
At least from where things look now, there will only be a handful of T7 ships, and only 4 T8 ships.
You all are not being unreasonable enough. 5/5 weapons layout? +5 to engines, shields, aux, AND +10 to weapons, for a total bonus of an unprecedented +25 power? 6 tac console slots? You all are not smoking enough crack here. lol
Here is my list of demands.
-A +20 to weapons, and +15 to all else.
-An 8/8 weapons layout
-hull HP at base 150k
-shield mod at 3.0
-8 tac console slots, 7 eng, 6 sci
-Pilot, command, and intel abilities, shipboard, not just boff posts
-Cloak make that battlecloakmake that enhanced battlecloak and make it shipboard!!! I am not wasting a console slot on the Defiant console
-Turn rate at 15, don't you bork my cruiser just because it's a cruiser.
-Can load cannons Make that Can load 3 wide arc cannons!
-I want to be able to see through cloaking devices. I don't want no warbird sneaking up on me.
-I want ship mastery traits that double my beam damage, and another ship mastery trait at Tier 6 mastery that doubles beam damage again. I want to drop a cube in a second.
Now that's how you build the ultimate ship!
That's right, I'm being silly here.
This is very Tier 8. Nerfed stats, would be Tier 7 (which is what I expect for the inevitable Flagship pack).
Well, I suppose that may be worth the $50 at T8 for you, but not for me. By the time it gets to T8, I would have already learned my lesson about the dev's willingness to render things people pay for obsolete. I am not doing this again even at T7.
At least from where things look now, there will only be a handful of T7 ships, and only 4 T8 ships.
That's what I thought would happen with the T6s I was wrong.
You all are not being unreasonable enough. 5/5 weapons layout? +5 to engines, shields, aux, AND +10 to weapons, for a total bonus of an unprecedented +25 power? 6 tac console slots? You all are not smoking enough crack here. lol
Here is my list of demands.
-A +20 to weapons, and +15 to all else.
-An 8/8 weapons layout
-hull HP at base 150k
-shield mod at 3.0
-8 tac console slots, 7 eng, 6 sci
-Pilot, command, and intel abilities, shipboard, not just boff posts
-Cloak make that battlecloakmake that enhanced battlecloak and make it shipboard!!! I am not wasting a console slot on the Defiant console
-Turn rate at 15, don't you bork my cruiser just because it's a cruiser.
-Can load cannons Make that Can load 3 wide arc cannons!
-I want to be able to see through cloaking devices. I don't want no warbird sneaking up on me.
-I want ship mastery traits that double my beam damage, and another ship mastery trait at Tier 6 mastery that doubles beam damage again. I want to drop a cube in a second.
Now that's how you build the ultimate ship!
That's right, I'm being silly here.
This is very Tier 8. Nerfed stats, would be Tier 7 (which is what I expect for the inevitable Flagship pack).
Well, I suppose that may be worth the $50 at T8 for you, but not for me. By the time it gets to T8, I would have already learned my lesson about the dev's willingness to render things people pay for obsolete. I am not doing this again even at T7.
At least from where things look now, there will only be a handful of T7 ships, and only 4 T8 ships.
That's what I thought would happen with the T6s I was wrong.
Anyways, we should get back to plugging for a T6 Assault Cruiser. Plug.
I'd really like to see a nice T6 Sovvy version. Maybe if it looked like this draft for one of the intel ships...
That design seems very decent indeed. As for the specialization I also think Intel (or Pilot maybe) would be the most appropriate. Or maybe even some combination of 2 different specializations. All in all the wait is longer then I thought it would be, and there are still no any word when we might expect T6 Sovereign release. I just hope it is not the last ship on the list to get her T6 variant.
FED ENG:FA Sirius Verax (USS Leviathan) , FED TAC (Delta): FA Adria Tyllex (USS Thunderblade) , ROM TAC:ADM Kill'ina (IRW Imperix Thrai) , KLING ENG (Delta):LT. GEN Ghol'Vaq Martok (IKS Qeh'Ral II) - 44th Fleet member SUPPORTING PLAYABLE CARDASSIAN AND DOMINION FACTIONS!
I suspect we'll see a T6 Sovereign before we see ships that were of lesser significance in the series, such as the Nova and Nebula classes.
I think it depends on timing. For example the next ship revamped probably won't be the sovereign, as we are getting three FED cruisers with roughly the same configuration. And there's still clamoring for more T6 sci vessels, so a T6 Vesta (with some kind of KDF/ROM analog) may be the next set of ships to look for. That may then open things back up to Sovy speculation, but what if cryptic is planning a new spec type for next season? Well, then we may get something different (ex. T6 Patrol Escorts) while the Sovereign is held onto for the big release (assuming cryptic doesn't get other ideas).
So, its pretty much a craps shoot. You would think all the weight of 1701-E would carry it on through to an immediate T6 revamp but, no, it has to be made to fit a video game release window. There's no doubt it will come eventually but that probably just puts it at sometime within the next year.
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
I suspect we'll see a T6 Sovereign before we see ships that were of lesser significance in the series, such as the Nova and Nebula classes.
I think it depends on timing. For example the next ship revamped probably won't be the sovereign, as we are getting three FED cruisers with roughly the same configuration. And there's still clamoring for more T6 sci vessels, so a T6 Vesta (with some kind of KDF/ROM analog) may be the next set of ships to look for. That may then open things back up to Sovy speculation, but what if cryptic is planning a new spec type for next season? Well, then we may get something different (ex. T6 Patrol Escorts) while the Sovereign is held onto for the big release (assuming cryptic doesn't get other ideas).
So, its pretty much a craps shoot. You would think all the weight of 1701-E would carry it on through to an immediate T6 revamp but, no, it has to be made to fit a video game release window. There's no doubt it will come eventually but that probably just puts it at sometime within the next year.
Hold on, did you just said that we might wait for another year for T6 Sovereign to be released?! And after we have waited a year already to be released? I'm sorry, but that seems way too much time and I'm pretty certain that they should release it sooner. Somewhere before/during summer event or maybe a little after it would be my best guess. Besides that I don't think Vesta should be released before her. Nebula or Nova might, but Vesta as non canon ship would hardly get a T6 release before any of 3 ships mentioned including Sovereign. Sure it is possible they throw her in before, but the chances for that are small. And besides the sci lovers just got a sci ship for free (yes I'm talking about that anniversary ship) and also sci flagship variants, so they should be happy with that for quite some time.
FED ENG:FA Sirius Verax (USS Leviathan) , FED TAC (Delta): FA Adria Tyllex (USS Thunderblade) , ROM TAC:ADM Kill'ina (IRW Imperix Thrai) , KLING ENG (Delta):LT. GEN Ghol'Vaq Martok (IKS Qeh'Ral II) - 44th Fleet member SUPPORTING PLAYABLE CARDASSIAN AND DOMINION FACTIONS!
I'd say the chances for a T6 Sovereign-class are better for a sooner rather than later release. Think of this: There are only a handful of canon ships that have not made the transition to T6. Off the top of my head:
The D-7 is a stretch. It's by now a very old design but it had seen use in the Dominion War. Even then, it was old for that time. The Vor'Cha is the last recent, very prominent canon Klingon battlecruiser that hasn't gone into T6. The B'Rel, Negh'Var have made the move to T6 already.
The Sovereign-class is the last major, canon Starfleet ship to not make the T6 transition. Galaxy, Galaxy-X, Intrepid, etc. have all made the transition. Even the old Excelsior made the move to T6. This is why the chances of seeing her come to T6 are better than the average T5 or lower tiered Starfleet ship that has yet to transition to T6. I will place a bet on Sovereign coming to T6 first before something like Vesta or some other non-canon design. Because canon ships hold weight.
Romulans? Believe it or not, with the T6 T'Varo's release, all the canon Warbirds, except for the ancient T'Liss, which is in the same boat as the Constitution-class, have made the transition.
I don't think the Sovereign-class will get a big T6-3pack release. It will be just like the T6 Galaxy, Galaxy-X, Excelsior which received single releases for their conversion because that was what they were in T5. The only 3pack releases at T6 with previously lower tiered ones are the ones that had precedent for it, like the upcoming Flagship T6 releases.
Its entirely possible a T6 sovvie is taking so long because its still technically the property of Paramount, not CBS. The Sovvie was only ever in movies and has not shown up in the TV shows. Its in the game already because it was the Enterprise, but its likely that Cryptic need to go through a few extra legal hoops since the CBS license doesn't technically cover it.
Its entirely possible a T6 sovvie is taking so long because its still technically the property of Paramount, not CBS. The Sovvie was only ever in movies and has not shown up in the TV shows. Its in the game already because it was the Enterprise, but its likely that Cryptic need to go through a few extra legal hoops since the CBS license doesn't technically cover it.
What negotiation is there? The Sovereign-class is already in the game as an NPC and playable ship.
Legalese might as well be Breen for all I understand it most of the time. I'm just suggesting that it might be a possibility, the T5 refit assault cruiser also took a long time to come around, it might be that cryptic needs to do more to re-release it again even though its already in game.
5/5 is even more out guys. You're setting yourselves up for disappointment like the Defiant guys have with unrealistic expectations. Look at the stats of other ships, especially those that have actually transitioned from T5->T6. You will find that other than Specialization Hybrid Stations, improvements to BOFF layouts, new consoles, that T6 is half a step better than T5U. Things like weapon slots, turn rates, etc. remain the same from the T5U versions.
Always kinda liked the Sovereign-X...wish we could see one in game.
Major differences are one Boff slot, 5th trait mastery and profession specialization and new specific console. They may make the lieutenant tac in a universal and bump up the other universal to Lieubtenant Commander. Now that would be cool.
Also the only reason why the Galaxy is getting 'better" is simply because it sucked that badly. Of course the improvement will be astounding as it has a lot of ground to cover to be so.
"Look at me I'm a target!"
"Fire the Lance on my mark... MARK!
"How many times have we gone into the breach again R'shee?"
My proposal for a Galaxy bundle
Except the Galaxy is just like every other T6 Retrofit...there are no major changes to it...people just act like they can't do any damage at all unless they have FaW III.
Come on man, remember where the T5/T5U Galaxy was at before then look at what it can do now at T6
Personally, I think the Galaxy would have been better served and have the Guardian's BOFF layout to make it markedly different from it's Galaxy-X sister. Or enable the Guardian to use the Galaxy skins. But that boat has sailed already. I still will take it's current T6 version any day of the week over what it used to be able to do with T5 only.
I'm not saying the Galaxy wasn't weak or anything...I'm just saying that the Galaxy hasn't broke the mold which some people seem to make it sound, it got a 2nd Lt Commander like a lot of ships and a Ens Uni like some ships.
Plus was more a shot at the people who call the Jupiter useless because it doesn't have a Lt Cmdr Tac...
Ah! that clears it up
The only changes from the T5u version of the Sovereign to a T6 version will include:
I would not expect any other changes from it's current configuration. The Fleet version would get the same console upgrade as the Fleet T5u gets. If we get anything else I'd be shocked.
Still what I mentioned as a possible idea for T6 sovereign class plus I think it should have +5 all bonus power levels or +5 to 3 of the 4 power systems and +10 to weapons. Same boff layout as sovereign or regent class but increased in level. If it is going to be post season 10 ship, it should have newer technologies learned and added. Same goes for all other ships. For example have the ship made from a new materiel, which increases the resistance. It is a cruiser after all and should have the similar abilities plus that added assault for a ship of that size. Also increase turn rate and impulse speed, possibly increase FTL speed as well. How about a new deflector dish, that combines the features of a neutrino and one other? Increase to hull strength and shield strength. Also have a two designs for the ship, a new one to match season 11 era and the sovereign refit, which John Eaves posted an image on his website years after Star Trek Nemesis was released.
From what I remember about Star Trek and the technologies used, when something new or newer is available it goes to all ships able to have that technologies. Same should be done in STO.
Some of these ideas can also go towards the fleet version.
The Assault Cruiser Refit, which the Fleet T5 is based on, has a LtC Tac, Lt Eng, and Lt Universal (instead of a Lt Sci). The T6 Sovy will more than likely be based on the Refit, with the Lt Eng becoming a LtC Eng with a Command Specialization. That is on the basis that there is a rule of thumb for which Bridge Officer slot gets upgraded. Similar to what they did when they added a console slot to the T5U ships. An Engineer ship, with a LtC ship in either Sci or Tac, but with a Lt Eng receiving the upgrade to LtC.
Hard mounted Quantum Torpedo weapon is an awesome idea. Just like the patrol escort or the Science Destroyer with the Proton cannons. They need to do something special that distinguishes it from other T6 cruisers.
I'm hoping that with regards to the bridge officer seating, the Lt Universal will be converted into a Lt. Com Univ/Hydrid (Intel I hope but most likely Command) seating. Unfortunately the cynical/realistic part of me tells me the Lt. Engineer will be changed to Lt.Com ENG/Hydrid (most likely command). That change will make it not much different from the Resolute (T6 Excelsior) which really sucked.
I don't know...I hope the Devs do something special. It is the last canon Enterprise and its going to be Star Trek's 50th anniversary. Devs PLEASE throw us a bone....and we'll empty our wallets for you.
It's very similar to it, and very FED style. Would love if it had a Lt.Cmdr Univ/Univ Spec (I'd go for Intel, Override Subsytem Safeties III is pure gold to me); so we could fit in anything we wanted. And the rest basically like every T5 ship upgraded to T6...
Here is my list of demands.
-A +20 to weapons, and +15 to all else.
-An 8/8 weapons layout
-hull HP at base 150k
-shield mod at 3.0
-8 tac console slots, 7 eng, 6 sci
-Pilot, command, and intel abilities, shipboard, not just boff posts
-Cloak make that battlecloak make that enhanced battlecloak and make it shipboard!!! I am not wasting a console slot on the Defiant console
-Turn rate at 15, don't you bork my cruiser just because it's a cruiser.
-Can load cannons Make that Can load 3 wide arc cannons!
-I want to be able to see through cloaking devices. I don't want no warbird sneaking up on me.
-I want ship mastery traits that double my beam damage, and another ship mastery trait at Tier 6 mastery that doubles beam damage again. I want to drop a cube in a second.
Now that's how you build the ultimate ship!
That's right, I'm being silly here.
This is very Tier 8. Nerfed stats, would be Tier 7 (which is what I expect for the inevitable Flagship pack).
Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.
Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.
Well, I suppose that may be worth the $50 at T8 for you, but not for me. By the time it gets to T8, I would have already learned my lesson about the dev's willingness to render things people pay for obsolete. I am not doing this again even at T7.
At least from where things look now, there will only be a handful of T7 ships, and only 4 T8 ships.
Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.
That's what I thought would happen with the T6s I was wrong.
Anyways, we should get back to plugging for a T6 Assault Cruiser. Plug.
Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.
That design seems very decent indeed. As for the specialization I also think Intel (or Pilot maybe) would be the most appropriate. Or maybe even some combination of 2 different specializations. All in all the wait is longer then I thought it would be, and there are still no any word when we might expect T6 Sovereign release. I just hope it is not the last ship on the list to get her T6 variant.
I think it depends on timing. For example the next ship revamped probably won't be the sovereign, as we are getting three FED cruisers with roughly the same configuration. And there's still clamoring for more T6 sci vessels, so a T6 Vesta (with some kind of KDF/ROM analog) may be the next set of ships to look for. That may then open things back up to Sovy speculation, but what if cryptic is planning a new spec type for next season? Well, then we may get something different (ex. T6 Patrol Escorts) while the Sovereign is held onto for the big release (assuming cryptic doesn't get other ideas).
So, its pretty much a craps shoot. You would think all the weight of 1701-E would carry it on through to an immediate T6 revamp but, no, it has to be made to fit a video game release window. There's no doubt it will come eventually but that probably just puts it at sometime within the next year.
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Hold on, did you just said that we might wait for another year for T6 Sovereign to be released?! And after we have waited a year already to be released? I'm sorry, but that seems way too much time and I'm pretty certain that they should release it sooner. Somewhere before/during summer event or maybe a little after it would be my best guess. Besides that I don't think Vesta should be released before her. Nebula or Nova might, but Vesta as non canon ship would hardly get a T6 release before any of 3 ships mentioned including Sovereign. Sure it is possible they throw her in before, but the chances for that are small. And besides the sci lovers just got a sci ship for free (yes I'm talking about that anniversary ship) and also sci flagship variants, so they should be happy with that for quite some time.
The D-7 is a stretch. It's by now a very old design but it had seen use in the Dominion War. Even then, it was old for that time. The Vor'Cha is the last recent, very prominent canon Klingon battlecruiser that hasn't gone into T6. The B'Rel, Negh'Var have made the move to T6 already.
The Sovereign-class is the last major, canon Starfleet ship to not make the T6 transition. Galaxy, Galaxy-X, Intrepid, etc. have all made the transition. Even the old Excelsior made the move to T6. This is why the chances of seeing her come to T6 are better than the average T5 or lower tiered Starfleet ship that has yet to transition to T6. I will place a bet on Sovereign coming to T6 first before something like Vesta or some other non-canon design. Because canon ships hold weight.
Romulans? Believe it or not, with the T6 T'Varo's release, all the canon Warbirds, except for the ancient T'Liss, which is in the same boat as the Constitution-class, have made the transition.
I don't think the Sovereign-class will get a big T6-3pack release. It will be just like the T6 Galaxy, Galaxy-X, Excelsior which received single releases for their conversion because that was what they were in T5. The only 3pack releases at T6 with previously lower tiered ones are the ones that had precedent for it, like the upcoming Flagship T6 releases.
What negotiation is there? The Sovereign-class is already in the game as an NPC and playable ship.