I wonder if they're going to make a set from the old T5 flagships. 6-piece set includes a new ability, the coveted plot device!
Reading the blog, it gives the impression only one of the 3 consoles can be equipped at any one time. Figure it'd be a 4-set piece bonus when the 'old' 3 consoles are equipped alongside it. Hopefully it won't just be a +% passive.
I hope they'll work like this. Unless they've upped the console slots, it'll be bad enough sacrificing one of my consoles from my T5 to incorporate one of the T6 ones, let alone THREE.
In other news ABOUT TIME. Been waiting for this one. Just hope the three packs won't be too expensive, since I need at least the Fed one...
So, will the existing faction flagships (Enterprise, etc) be refit with the new T6 appearances for future episodes?
I suppose if we get an episode where the Enterprise-F gets destroyed, then we'll know it's coming. You don't usually see a name recycled until/unless a ship is destroyed or decommissioned due to age. Don't think we can consider the -F decommissioned due to age, certainly?
A refit doesn't require a ship being destroyed or decommissioned, for a refit they take the existing ship, put it in dry dock for many months and upgrade all the systems. The Enterprise in TMP is technically the exact same ship from TOS, just refit. Similarly, the Galaxy X in "All Good Things" is the same Enterprise-D from every other episode, but at some point it underwent a lengthy refit to add the third nacelle, spinal lance, and dorsal cannons.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
They pretty much had to do it this way, or you'd have those that are fans of the 2 T5 variants that don't get a new version up in arms about not getting their version at T6. Expect the same if we ever see Dysons, Kumaris or Vestas at T6.
No, they didn't 'have' to do it this way. All they 'had' to do was let people reuse their skins and their consoles on a unique ship with a reasonable layout, and maybe provide a universal LtCmdr seat to let people tweak their builds the way they want.
Once upon a time I was thrilled with my new Vesta bundle just because of the awesome set bonuses for equipping all three consoles. But I knew there was a slippery slope there and that it was the same ship with three minor variations I was paying twice the price for. I've realized that I just can't fly more than one ship at a time. It's the reason why I've opted out of every single 9-ship variant bundle so far, and most of the 3-ship bundles. The only bundles I like are the 3-ship cross-faction bundles.
What's worse is that we now have Ship Mastery traits in the mix, thus enticing people to grind through ship mastery three times for basically the same ship. But you know, once you get to a certain point you realize you can't slot them all and some of them are more useful than others. I'm already tired of grinding Mastery... Having to grind it three times for the same ship is not going to make that better.
And Admiralty cards, so we get 3 cards instead of one. But have you noticed? No matter how many ships you have in your fleet of cards, you can only complete so many assignments a day. I've got more ships than I know what to do with and I still run out of the 'right' ships. My Vesta cards are practically useless because their special ability only applies when they're flying solo and there are precious few assignments that will actually hit 100% success with one. No assignments that really pay out well.
What's true is that they're going to continue to do this as long as people are still paying for the dubious 'value' of these bundles. I'm okay with upgrading older ships to T6. I'm not okay with more meaningless eng/tac/sci variations of the same ship. I'd even be okay with that if they let people build their own bundles, so that if I only want the science variant for each faction I get the bundle price for it. I'm okay with the nerd rage of the few who want to pay for those 9-ship variations over and over again being disappointed.
What I want are unique ships with a different feel, not three different variations of the same ship. There is so much room to expand the fleets in meaningful ways, like species-specific ships and new classes of ship. The "triple-paste" is overused and due to be retired in favor of something better.
So, will the existing faction flagships (Enterprise, etc) be refit with the new T6 appearances for future episodes?
I suppose if we get an episode where the Enterprise-F gets destroyed, then we'll know it's coming. You don't usually see a name recycled until/unless a ship is destroyed or decommissioned due to age. Don't think we can consider the -F decommissioned due to age, certainly?
A refit doesn't require a ship being destroyed or decommissioned, for a refit they take the existing ship, put it in dry dock for many months and upgrade all the systems. The Enterprise in TMP is technically the exact same ship from TOS, just refit. Similarly, the Galaxy X in "All Good Things" is the same Enterprise-D from every other episode, but at some point it underwent a lengthy refit to add the third nacelle, spinal lance, and dorsal cannons.
Very true! I wasn't thinking of these as refits. That's certainly a good perspective.
Don't rail at Cryptic for trying to make money with new content and ship designs. How else do you think this game will survive another six years? It's a business, not a charity.
Except, they aren't really new ship designs, are they? They're somewhat different, I'll grant you, but they're not new or unique except for the skins. Everything else is just a triple-paste and a few tweaks.
We've learned the hard way that they tend to stick with the basic layouts of the older ships even when the players consistently criticize them. I'll bet that they will carry forward the same basic weakness of the Bortasqu in the T6 version, instead of updating it to make sense. It's just putting new makeup on an old pig and doesn't change the fact that you don't want to kiss it for free let alone pay for the privilege.
I would absolutely buy truly new ship designs and probably end up spending more than I do now. I would absolutely buy updated ship designs that pay homage to an older, classic ship, as long as it's a meaningful update. If I could buy ships like I buy my cars, with the options and features I really want, I'd do that. But triple-paste variants suck and I'm not doing it anymore. If other people want to pay for it and encourage Cryptic to keep doing it, well, that's their issue.
Hmmm those twitter pics they actually look really nice for the ody and bortasqu' verdict still out on the scimitar though.
I am just hoping that they learned from almost a half decade ago why the bortasqu' didn't sell well and wasn't even used after it was purchased for most players. I have to say though of looking at them all the Gorkon is the best looking just hope it is as useful as it is looking
Edit: The Kahless one I am still iffy about it kinda looks like a bigger mogh clone but you can't really tell because of the angle of the picture doesn't give a good layout of the ship imo.
We've learned the hard way that they tend to stick with the basic layouts of the older ships even when the players consistently criticize them. I'll bet that they will carry forward the same basic weakness of the Bortasqu in the T6 version, instead of updating it to make sense. It's just putting new makeup on an old pig and doesn't change the fact that you don't want to kiss it for free let alone pay for the privilege.
This is a concern of mine, as well; that, compared to the Romulan ships in particular, the only reason for the T6 Bortasqus to exist will be the Admiralty cards, and the faction already has plenty of cruisers to supply those. The new models and skins look terrific, but I'm waiting to see the stats before I get really interested.
Disappointed you opted to stick with the Scimitar instead of doing something truly Romulan Republic flavored, but I appreciate the Romulan Republic skins you opted to use. May actually pick up a Flambard in the future, if I start playing again...
We've learned the hard way that they tend to stick with the basic layouts of the older ships even when the players consistently criticize them. I'll bet that they will carry forward the same basic weakness of the Bortasqu in the T6 version, instead of updating it to make sense. It's just putting new makeup on an old pig and doesn't change the fact that you don't want to kiss it for free let alone pay for the privilege.
This is a concern of mine, as well; that, compared to the Romulan ships in particular, the only reason for the T6 Bortasqus to exist will be the Admiralty cards, and the faction already has plenty of cruisers to supply those. The new models and skins look terrific, but I'm waiting to see the stats before I get really interested.
Well they kind of learned with the b'rel when they pushed out the Kor with that 3 ship pack. Plus with the way they released the latest season and rep it all syncs together very nicely. So lets hope they took that to these ships too. One big reason I sort of came back was for that and then the ability for battle cloak for the defiant the icing on the cake will be if these are all fun ships to play too. Here is to hoping
I can remember a time when they were making the claim that they wanted to keep the t5 ships relevant, which is why we got t5-u, for all the players that had spent so much time and money on t5 ships. Yet here we are with t6 for almost every t5 out there thus making t5-u completely irrelevant.
-Rule of Acquisition #113: Always have sex with the boss.
-I am one of the many victims from the hijacked Caspian Division.
I will not let the childish acts of a criminal ruin this game for me.
-The actions of Cryptic, on the other hand......
Someone senior did acknowledge that there was a significant power gap between the Oddy/Bort and the Scimitar, and that they wanted to narrow that gap significantly when the T6 variants come out. How--if--that is achieved we'll see when the stats blog comes out.
Disappointed you opted to stick with the Scimitar instead of doing something truly Romulan Republic flavored, but I appreciate the Romulan Republic skins you opted to use. May actually pick up a Flambard in the future, if I start playing again...
I agree, would have been nice to get a new design that was based on a modern Romulan Republic line of thinking. Though in that case, it would then be nice if they came out with a ship that was a Remen design, and not the Scimitar either.
Honestly though I think I would rather just have a nice well designed science ship for the Romulans than anything else.
ruff, meow, moo, whatever.... *shrug* [ Still Waiting for a Shiny New T6 Romulan Science Ship to Command ]
The only one of these I would go for is the Scimitar. However my Romulan loves her D'Deridex. So its really hard to remove her from that ship. The other 2 I always hated them. So I will pass.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
The only one of these I would go for is the Scimitar. However my Romulan loves her D'Deridex. So its really hard to remove her from that ship. The other 2 I always hated them. So I will pass.
Likewise, this would have to be unspeakably OP to get my FedTac out of his Fleet Arbiter. That overcharge trait is pretty impressive though.
Unless i get a discount of some kind...NO, i got the last packs for each individually because they didn't have mega packs at the time... (mega packs didn't appear until the Dyson destroyer, and i didn't get that pack because i don't much care for fused weaponry)
Interestingly enough the sci oddy is still competitive end game if built right and chock full of inertial dampeners.
I hear there's a decent bort build too but in my opinion The t5 version looks more menacing
That scimatar fits my definition of the romulan republic perectly...SPACE hippies... you could probly out do "Spaceballs" with that thing, though i doubt the foundry can compare to that level of comedy genius.
and what's with the new oddy look, all the other federation for the most part ships look like spoons or shovels with redundant handles, i get that authentic human feel overdone by the Battlestar Galactica franchise but realize that new doesn't go well with a franchise that can be as volitile as the sonic fanbase on certain issues (Voyager, Startrek/starwars ship comparisons, if SIsko would've done better in Picard's shoes or Picard would've done better in Siskos shoes) Also, the Species aren't JUST human, so there's that.
they make it sound like it's going to be a standalone pack, which is just moneygrubbing, Blood for the blood god, skulls for the skull throne i guess,
While Cryptic is dishing those T6 Flagships, why don't they just start designing newer model of ships in a same way that they did several months ago with the Jupiter carrier. Let the players decide, that's what I say.
"Our history, our past, our present and our future is now forever changed. All we can do is preserve what is left and continue onwards. This is not a surrender nor defeat, we will continue the fight. This is our last hope, our last chance... for victory."
Vlasek D. Lasor - 4.19.3580 Star Trek Online: Foundry Storyline Series
Glad to see new ships. But my knee jerk reaction is ANGER! I purchased the original Oddy & Bortasqu bundles. Then they come out with T6 ships, making my money poorly spent. So I do the stupid T5 upgrade to keep them going. Now they're making them completely non-relevent!! Arrrgh! See if PWE gets any more of my money....
I haven't played this game as much as I used to over the last year, thus I haven't spent any money. I will be spending money on this, as the Odyssey is my ship. It's about time it got Tier 6.
Any chance of a discount if you already own any of the nine, now defunct, ships these are replacing?
This is what needs to happen. The T5s from the store needs to drop in price considerably. Why buy a T5 now, if you can get the T6 at the same level. So now the T5s are just for skins and consuls. And for the regular player on a limited income, which you think they will go for. The newest version.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
While Cryptic is dishing those T6 Flagships, why don't they just start designing newer model of ships in a same way that they did several months ago with the Jupiter carrier. Let the players decide, that's what I say.
Let the players decide that way and unless you have a run-away winner you will have a larger group of people who collectively supported the other 7 than the 1 that got chosen. As a way to disappoint it's not a bad one. :P
But, at any rate you do have to accept that game design by referendum isn't a very efficient or reliable process. Interesting things generally come about because someone decided to do something that wasn't in keeping with popular conventions. See, for example, these Scimitars (which have the opposite design language as the original ships). That likely wouldn't have happened if it was put to a popular vote. But we have it in game and its different, and that will make it a much more visually interesting place than if they and everything else were voted on first.
Design contests? Yeah, do them every once and a while for a bit of spectacle. But please let's not be defaulting to it (because at the very least that's just going to get tedious. If you want a bit of choice here's three variants, their combinations, their paint schemes, their hull types, and (presumably) their T5 permutations to boot.)
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
Glad to see new ships. But my knee jerk reaction is ANGER! I purchased the original Oddy & Bortasqu bundles. Then they come out with T6 ships, making my money poorly spent. So I do the stupid T5 upgrade to keep them going. Now they're making them completely non-relevent!! Arrrgh! See if PWE gets any more of my money....
Its not poorly spent. You enjoyed them when they were top tier back then. Just because they come out with new current top tier variants after a level cap increase doesn't mean you made a mistake. You didn't know that things would change this much back then.
You don't have to buy them if you don't want to. However if you want to, you will be able to make them look like your current T5s.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Its not poorly spent. You enjoyed them when they were top tier back then. Just because they come out with new current top tier variants after a level cap increase doesn't mean you made a mistake. You didn't know that things would change this much back then.
Well, it is if you had just recently bought the bundles. If they'd waited a couple weeks that zen could have gone into 6 T6 ships with unique customization variants (Bort and Oddy didn't have those), traits, and higher value admiralty cards. Those old ships are still worth something in terms of fun and resources (still +6 admiralty cards and unique consoles) but the T5 variants are no longer the best choice if you want an in-faction flagship class.
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
I like the look of the engineering Oddy. Be good if each variant had a different look considering the T5 Odyssey had a static look, but I'm not holding out much hope.
The original flagship variants didn't have different class names, that seems to imply now there will be a different look for each one.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
Ok... maybe if it was a recent purchase... On the bright side, if and when you get the T6 ones, MORE customization! *shrug*
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
In other news ABOUT TIME. Been waiting for this one. Just hope the three packs won't be too expensive, since I need at least the Fed one...
A refit doesn't require a ship being destroyed or decommissioned, for a refit they take the existing ship, put it in dry dock for many months and upgrade all the systems. The Enterprise in TMP is technically the exact same ship from TOS, just refit. Similarly, the Galaxy X in "All Good Things" is the same Enterprise-D from every other episode, but at some point it underwent a lengthy refit to add the third nacelle, spinal lance, and dorsal cannons.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
No, they didn't 'have' to do it this way. All they 'had' to do was let people reuse their skins and their consoles on a unique ship with a reasonable layout, and maybe provide a universal LtCmdr seat to let people tweak their builds the way they want.
Once upon a time I was thrilled with my new Vesta bundle just because of the awesome set bonuses for equipping all three consoles. But I knew there was a slippery slope there and that it was the same ship with three minor variations I was paying twice the price for. I've realized that I just can't fly more than one ship at a time. It's the reason why I've opted out of every single 9-ship variant bundle so far, and most of the 3-ship bundles. The only bundles I like are the 3-ship cross-faction bundles.
What's worse is that we now have Ship Mastery traits in the mix, thus enticing people to grind through ship mastery three times for basically the same ship. But you know, once you get to a certain point you realize you can't slot them all and some of them are more useful than others. I'm already tired of grinding Mastery... Having to grind it three times for the same ship is not going to make that better.
And Admiralty cards, so we get 3 cards instead of one. But have you noticed? No matter how many ships you have in your fleet of cards, you can only complete so many assignments a day. I've got more ships than I know what to do with and I still run out of the 'right' ships. My Vesta cards are practically useless because their special ability only applies when they're flying solo and there are precious few assignments that will actually hit 100% success with one. No assignments that really pay out well.
What's true is that they're going to continue to do this as long as people are still paying for the dubious 'value' of these bundles. I'm okay with upgrading older ships to T6. I'm not okay with more meaningless eng/tac/sci variations of the same ship. I'd even be okay with that if they let people build their own bundles, so that if I only want the science variant for each faction I get the bundle price for it. I'm okay with the nerd rage of the few who want to pay for those 9-ship variations over and over again being disappointed.
What I want are unique ships with a different feel, not three different variations of the same ship. There is so much room to expand the fleets in meaningful ways, like species-specific ships and new classes of ship. The "triple-paste" is overused and due to be retired in favor of something better.
Oh wait, I get paid on Thursday.
o.o! I get paid on Thursday!
Very true! I wasn't thinking of these as refits. That's certainly a good perspective.
Except, they aren't really new ship designs, are they? They're somewhat different, I'll grant you, but they're not new or unique except for the skins. Everything else is just a triple-paste and a few tweaks.
We've learned the hard way that they tend to stick with the basic layouts of the older ships even when the players consistently criticize them. I'll bet that they will carry forward the same basic weakness of the Bortasqu in the T6 version, instead of updating it to make sense. It's just putting new makeup on an old pig and doesn't change the fact that you don't want to kiss it for free let alone pay for the privilege.
I would absolutely buy truly new ship designs and probably end up spending more than I do now. I would absolutely buy updated ship designs that pay homage to an older, classic ship, as long as it's a meaningful update. If I could buy ships like I buy my cars, with the options and features I really want, I'd do that. But triple-paste variants suck and I'm not doing it anymore. If other people want to pay for it and encourage Cryptic to keep doing it, well, that's their issue.
I am just hoping that they learned from almost a half decade ago why the bortasqu' didn't sell well and wasn't even used after it was purchased for most players. I have to say though of looking at them all the Gorkon is the best looking just hope it is as useful as it is looking
Edit: The Kahless one I am still iffy about it kinda looks like a bigger mogh clone but you can't really tell because of the angle of the picture doesn't give a good layout of the ship imo.
This is a concern of mine, as well; that, compared to the Romulan ships in particular, the only reason for the T6 Bortasqus to exist will be the Admiralty cards, and the faction already has plenty of cruisers to supply those. The new models and skins look terrific, but I'm waiting to see the stats before I get really interested.
I Support Disco | Disco is Love | Disco is Life
Well they kind of learned with the b'rel when they pushed out the Kor with that 3 ship pack. Plus with the way they released the latest season and rep it all syncs together very nicely. So lets hope they took that to these ships too. One big reason I sort of came back was for that and then the ability for battle cloak for the defiant the icing on the cake will be if these are all fun ships to play too. Here is to hoping
-Rule of Acquisition #113: Always have sex with the boss.
-I am one of the many victims from the hijacked Caspian Division.
I will not let the childish acts of a criminal ruin this game for me.
-The actions of Cryptic, on the other hand......
I agree, would have been nice to get a new design that was based on a modern Romulan Republic line of thinking. Though in that case, it would then be nice if they came out with a ship that was a Remen design, and not the Scimitar either.
Honestly though I think I would rather just have a nice well designed science ship for the Romulans than anything else.
[ Still Waiting for a Shiny New T6 Romulan Science Ship to Command ]
Cryptic got the cookie cutter doing overtime
My meditation... IS OVER! ^^
"To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Likewise, this would have to be unspeakably OP to get my FedTac out of his Fleet Arbiter. That overcharge trait is pretty impressive though.
Interestingly enough the sci oddy is still competitive end game if built right and chock full of inertial dampeners.
I hear there's a decent bort build too but in my opinion The t5 version looks more menacing
That scimatar fits my definition of the romulan republic perectly...SPACE hippies... you could probly out do "Spaceballs" with that thing, though i doubt the foundry can compare to that level of comedy genius.
and what's with the new oddy look, all the other federation for the most part ships look like spoons or shovels with redundant handles, i get that authentic human feel overdone by the Battlestar Galactica franchise but realize that new doesn't go well with a franchise that can be as volitile as the sonic fanbase on certain issues (Voyager, Startrek/starwars ship comparisons, if SIsko would've done better in Picard's shoes or Picard would've done better in Siskos shoes) Also, the Species aren't JUST human, so there's that.
they make it sound like it's going to be a standalone pack, which is just moneygrubbing, Blood for the blood god, skulls for the skull throne i guess,
"Our history, our past, our present and our future is now forever changed. All we can do is preserve what is left and continue onwards. This is not a surrender nor defeat, we will continue the fight. This is our last hope, our last chance... for victory."
Vlasek D. Lasor - 4.19.3580
Star Trek Online: Foundry Storyline Series
(Accidental double post due to arcgames.com forum error.)
This is what needs to happen. The T5s from the store needs to drop in price considerably. Why buy a T5 now, if you can get the T6 at the same level. So now the T5s are just for skins and consuls. And for the regular player on a limited income, which you think they will go for. The newest version.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Let the players decide that way and unless you have a run-away winner you will have a larger group of people who collectively supported the other 7 than the 1 that got chosen. As a way to disappoint it's not a bad one. :P
But, at any rate you do have to accept that game design by referendum isn't a very efficient or reliable process. Interesting things generally come about because someone decided to do something that wasn't in keeping with popular conventions. See, for example, these Scimitars (which have the opposite design language as the original ships). That likely wouldn't have happened if it was put to a popular vote. But we have it in game and its different, and that will make it a much more visually interesting place than if they and everything else were voted on first.
Design contests? Yeah, do them every once and a while for a bit of spectacle. But please let's not be defaulting to it (because at the very least that's just going to get tedious. If you want a bit of choice here's three variants, their combinations, their paint schemes, their hull types, and (presumably) their T5 permutations to boot.)
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Its not poorly spent. You enjoyed them when they were top tier back then. Just because they come out with new current top tier variants after a level cap increase doesn't mean you made a mistake. You didn't know that things would change this much back then.
You don't have to buy them if you don't want to. However if you want to, you will be able to make them look like your current T5s.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
The original flagship variants didn't have different class names, that seems to imply now there will be a different look for each one.
I tend to try and look on the bright side.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode