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  • newnjanewnja Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    My Wesley entry:

    broken link

    EDIT: removed the image since it won't be judged here
    Post edited by newnja on
  • thefang444thefang444 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Entry for my immersion from Doctor Who
    My best version of the 13th Doctor:
  • wesleycrasherwesleycrasher Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    rahamet wrote: »
    Costume stuff
    newnja wrote: »
    Costume stuff
    thefang444 wrote: »
    Costume stuff

    Again, thanks for the enthusiasm, but this is not the place for costume entries. Costume contests are judged in-game during the event, not here.
    All the toys you can't afford.
  • longshadowace1longshadowace1 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Afew years afater Council Moartok was killed & J'mpok take over the the klingon empire & decrease war on the fedation. There was a smal world 7 rare metal alloys & a native locals in the the
    medium of the fedation & the klingon space was dicscovered by both the federation & the klingons.Not long afterlong afterboth sides landed troopers& mining workers. Wesley & the Travertry to
    help the local natives to keep a balance inbetween the Federation & the klingongs.As wthe Traveler & Wesley was forced to watch a once peaceful world with afew small world with afew small
    quick warsin a life time.Turn to 3 sides Fedation allied, Klingon Allied & a large groupthat stay peaceful, without need saying the whole planet was a war zone for it 7 rare alloys in it dirt.
    Secretly underground the peaceful natives just wanted peace to mine the 7 rare metal alloys as much as they could.The problem was themore all 3 sides mined the planet, more deterioting it becomeas
    earthqack was becoming ever more continuaslly.After a yearof the start of the warover the planetrare resources.There was underground area far from the battle zones.Named the safe ground for
    peaceful natives that wanted nothing to do with the war Including Wesley & the Travaler.As the Fedation side & the klingon side was racking up bodies counts. Secretly Wesley & the Traveler was
    making plans with the others peaceful leader natives trying to keep a balance for there people saftly.Over time period of afew monthswith Wesley &the Traveler leading in a secret projectto get
    all the peaceful local natives off world with allthe rare metal alloys that they mined for over a year. 1st step was to designthe colony ship. The 2nd step was to biuld the colony ship Flame,
    decks layout,Hull with the rare matels that was mined with no problems or microfactures in it.Wesley & the Traveler Engineering teams was making the neededsystem parts for the colony ship.
    As earth quack was ever more increasing each day.Welsey & the Traveler engeering teams couldn't make all the needed system & parts, left with no optains but to steal the needed systems & parts
    from the Fedation & the Klingons to integrating them into the colony ship.By time thefedation & the Klingon connect the dots.The colony ship was completed by Welsey & the Traveler engeering
    teams.Hours before a jointed attack them, they espcape on the colony ship open through a secret hungar bay door into space. Just as a target lock was on them Weslsry & the Traveler used
    there power to jump the ship to the Delta Quadrant.
  • longshadowace1longshadowace1 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    This Picture make Welsey cry home to his mommy.
    Worst Overall - Literally the worst tailoring abomination you can create!
    Post edited by longshadowace1 on
  • mikejfmikejf Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    I bring love.


    Like it or not.

  • hailoblivionhailoblivion Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2015

    Post edited by hailoblivion on
  • captainkenny1captainkenny1 Member Posts: 326 Arc User
    my entry :)
  • hailoblivionhailoblivion Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    here is my entry to the ship event.
  • gazurtoidgazurtoid Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    USS JJ Abrams
  • bones1970bones1970 Member Posts: 953 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Here is my entry to the ship event (any if i lose, fire all weapons !!!) .
  • spezies0001spezies0001 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Hi, here is my entry for the Starship Barbie Contest:

    The White Star orbiting Z'ha'dum

    And better lighting / different angles



  • grinkl3grinkl3 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Some say the Borg queens research into individuality has gone too far :D
    (Starship Barbie Entry)
  • princenoonienprincenoonien Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Sigh, here's my attempt:/ Good luck everyone!


    Post edited by princenoonien on
  • anyajenkinsanyajenkins Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    There's my entry for the starship paint contest :

    The R.R.W. Nemo :

    The R.R.W. Melanota :
    coffee the finest organic suspension ever devised - Janeway
  • apostleerebusapostleerebus Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    snowcovered sleigh for contest first timer
  • apostleerebusapostleerebus Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Boris the animal from men in black for my favourite protagonist contest entry[img][/img]boristheanimal_zps7a3hzqnn.jpg
  • rebuilthk47rebuilthk47 Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    Ship Barbie entries:

    Unable to load images to this post (the "OK" and "Cancel" buttons aren't showing up). So links will have to do.

    Ship name: Gravestone (three designs, though I'm fond of the Orange/Blue one)

    Gravestone Red side

    Gravestone Red top

    Gravestone Red bottom

    Gravestone Orange/Blue side

    Gravestone Orange/Blue top

    Gravestone Orange/Blue bottom

    Gravestone Green/Blue side

    Gravestone Green/Blue top

    Gravestone Green/Blue bottom

    Ship name: Gantrithor

    Got it as close to a Protoss colored ship look as I could.

    Gantrithor side

    Gantrithor top

    Gantrithor bottom

    Finally, my trollpedo boat. I use it when I don't care about what I'm doing.

    Ship name: Aluminium Falcon

    Aluminium Falcon side

    Aluminium Falcon top

    Aluminium Falcon bottom
  • For his entire life Wesley Crusher had felt like an outsider. He'd been too smart to relate to his peers and, despite being valued for his intelligence aboard the Enterprise, he knew the crew still viewed him as a child. Even as he grew into an adult his classmates viewed him as privileged and garnering special favor because of his experiences aboard the Federation's flagship.

    By the time he met the Traveler on Dorvan V, he was depressed, lonely, and on his way to failing out of Starfleet Academy. The meeting gave him a purpose, a companion, a new hope that he might finally find happiness and satisfaction in his life. He left with the Traveler, to explore the unknown, bursting with excitement over the opportunity.

    That excitement was short lived. The Traveler, who's real name was the quite pronounceable "Chad", was kind of a TRIBBLE. He took great delight in wasting the time of "lesser beings". It made so much sense when Wesley thought back on how Chad had stoked Kosinski's ego, convincing him he'd designed a revolutionary engine. He'd used that same ruse to waste the Enterprise crew's time testing the stupid thing. In retelling the story, laughing heartily, Chad revealed that even his presumed weakness during the incident was nothing more than an act designed to cause them all greater distress. Now that Chad had someone he considered a peer to explore with, he dropped his benevolent façade entirely, but he did keep true to his promise to teach Wesley more about his abilities.

    As Chad busied himself gleefully knocking planets slightly out of orbit, just enough to make their clocks noticeably incorrect, Wesley daydreamed about his old home in the Alpha Quadrant. As Chad had taught him, he visualized time as a rolled up rug. He mentally unfurled it, revealing the past, present, and future of the Alpha Quadrant in turn. At first he smiled, the achievements of humanity past and present laid before him in a way only he could experience. Then as the future rolled out before his mind's eye, a deep frown settled on his youthful features. What he saw shook him to the core.

    Conflict after conflict. First the Klingons and the Federation, a battle that would leave all the major powers bruised and vulnerable. Then it just kept going. Even if all the major powers combined their might in the end, they would not survive.

    Wesley scrambled for a plan to help his home. He was not a Q. There were limits to what he could do. He couldn't create matter, simply alter it. Building ships wasn't feasible, requiring him to turn inert matter into parts, and then those parts into ships, and then transport them. It would be a monumental effort and, even then, he'd be able to send a few thousand ships at best. Not to mention he'd have to work on it non-stop and that was sure to irritate Chad to the point of sabotage.

    Wesley still cringed when he remembered the time he'd spent a couple days helping irrigate the agricultural world of Sarno VI to stave off their record setting drought. Chad became so bored and annoyed at losing his "friend" that he'd convinced the population to water their crops with a popular sports drink. Wesley had watched impotently as the inhabitants ran "Brawndo" brand drink through his masterfully constructed irrigation equipment. He shook his head silently in frustration and tried to push the Alpha Quadrant problem to the back of his mind for the moment.

    On a visit to Sacritor Prime, the bureaucracy capitol of the Sacritor sector, it was Chad who proved to be an accidental source of inspiration. The red-tape planet was thrown into chaos when every pen (the only approved instrument for signing official documents) disappeared. Of course, they hadn't actually disappeared, only been altered to microscopic size. As the inhabitants organized emergency meetings, and generally rushed frantically from office to office, Chad turned to Wesley excitedly.

    "Pretty sweet, eh Brah?"

    Wesley stretched his lips across his teeth tightly, putting on a strained smile "Yeah, sick dude". He rolled his eyes when Chad looked away.

    As Chad transported himself away, still chuckling Wesley quickly grew the pens to their proper size, sparing the Sacritor sector from total societal collapse.

    It was then that an idea struck him. Building ships wouldn't work, but what if he stole ships from other galactic power and shrunk them? Not only would it make them easier to transport and distribute, but he could weaken the Alpha Quadrant enemies at the same time, helping to further even the odds.
    The very next world, Lysen IV, provided the final piece for Wesley's plan. It was a post-scarcity society, but not in the way the Federation worlds had become that way. Every single resource, aside from air, was carefully rationed and cataloged in crates by a central computer. Each crate was biometrically flagged, openable only by the intended recipient. Every transaction on Lysen IV was governed by these crates, from a mother feeding her family to an office worker getting a shiny new pen. Every single item had a chain of custody log that had all but eliminated fraud.

    "Hey! I'm going to TRIBBLE in a bunch of these boxes!"
    Chad's voice echoed in Wesley's brain like nails on a chalkboard. His plan complete, he decided it was time to put it into action.

    "Hey douchebag, I'm going to go do my own thing for a bit. See you in a few months!"
    With that, Wesley vanished.

    He recalled the Barzan Wormhole from his time on the Enterprise. It had one entrance, near Barzan II, and its endpoint jumped unpredictably, making it useless for most purposes but suitable for Wesley's plan. He arrived to find it destabilized. He glanced into the past to discover how it had been done.
    "Oh," he thought, "Janeway. Of course. She was probably looking for coffee, that animal."
    He and Chad had taken a Delta Quadrant tour a few years back. It had been like following the path of a tornado that had gained a lunatic form of sentience. The damage left in her wake was indescribable.

    He rolled his eyes, shrugged off the memory, and searched for a convenient theoretical exit point for the wormhole. Finding one, he re-stabilized the wormhole (an easy task for him), and reversed its cosmic polarity so that it would remain stable on his end, while the exit point in the Alpha Quadrant would jump. Then he set up shop in a large asteroid base and began his great work.

    First, he traveled the cosmos stealing ships like a master thief. He'd effortlessly transport himself to a ship in drydock, shrink it, and put it in a sack. Then he'd travel back in time one second and steal it again. Contrary to popular temporal belief, the universe doesn't explode when faced with a paradox. Wesley had no problem stealing the earlier ship while still having the later ship in his sack. Of course, it didn't help much with the whole "weaken the enemy" portion of his plan but it did enable him to amass a lot of ships quickly. Temporal mechanics made Wesley feel strange, but also good. He gathered ships for several weeks, as he perceived weeks, then moved on to the next part of his plan.

    Secluded in his asteroid base, he altered scrap into a machine to manufacture biometric crates similar to the ones he'd seen on Lysen IV. Unexpectedly, this was the chokepoint in his plan. The crates took significantly longer to make than the ships took to steal. Once he built the machine, though, he (quite easily) bypassed the security of all the major powers in the Alpha Quadrant to link their military databases to the boxes. The intended effect, and Wesley was certain it would work, was to grant any Admiral in the Alpha Quadrant the ability to open the box and use the included instructions to "grow" the ship. They'd have a brand new, combat ready, vessel. A steady stream of these boxes, in the right hands, should be enough to help turn the tide of the conflicts to come.

    Ten thousand ships, shrunken, biometrically boxed, and dropped into the Barzan Wormhole. The wormhole would vomit them across the Alpha and Beta quadrants, but they'd only be useful to allies of the Alpha Quadrant. He took a moment to glance into the future and smiled with satisfaction. His plan would work. The powers that needed them, would get the ships. It would help them survive. He gave himself a mental pat on the back.

    "Well, this looks like another problem that Crusher…crushed!" He felt a little disappointed that no one was there to hear his new catchphrase. He disappeared to search for Chad.

    He was too far away to hear Chad's muttered "Shut up, Wesley" as he bent over Wesleys new machine and made a few, key, alterations.

    On a remote outpost, Lort, a Ferengi businessman was cursing his fortune. He'd invested heavily in nearly useless "skill training" devices, barely lucrative dilithium "claims" for the Vlugta asteroid field, and beautiful orange crystals that his idiot subordinate "Lobi" had insisted would make them both rich. Of course, the orange crystals turned out to hold no industrial value at all. Lort's only comfort was that the entire quadrant knew those were Lobi's crystals. He glowered, trying to think of a way to get rid of all the junk, along with all the slaves he'd collected at a time when such practices were heavily frowned upon.

    Just then, a brilliant explosion of color bloomed just outside his window. Checking his sensors, he saw a wormhole had opened, expelled thousands of small objects, and then closed. As he prepared to get to the shuttle bay to launch and investigate, he spotted a PADD on his desk where there hadn't been one before. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously as he picked it up.

    "This is your lucky day. You'll find these boxes all over the galaxy. Enjoy - Chad"

    Lort touched the screen and watched the note disappear, only to be replaced with schematics. Lort read through them. It was a lockbox that could only be opened using a single-use object to calculate an insanely complicated algorithm. The lockboxes were the items the wormhole dumped just outside his outpost. Lort's eyes went wide as he saw that the PADD also included schematics to build the Mater Keys needed to unlock the boxes. He looked at the useless junk threatening to crowd him out of his own office, and grinned "I am going to be RICH!"
  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    Here's my ship screenshot entry. U.S.S. Elysian Darkness.

    Not very colorful but that's the whole point of her.

    Been trying to go for the closest to all black you can get without going full intel. She's supposed to be a stealth ship in my mind, even if she's not a true intel ship. She was designed to sneak up an unload a barrage of science and kinetic doom on unsuspecting enemies, long before the Alliance dreamed up the intel ships.

  • onlyslightlybentonlyslightlybent Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited December 2015

    I.S.S. Hydrogen Sonata

    Temporal destroyer with aeon time shuttle skin, wells timeship windows, aegis shields, aegis engines and aegis deflector doing a temporal backstep.


    me @onlyslightlybent
  • tmassxtmassx Member Posts: 827 Arc User
  • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    My handle is exactly the same @szim And thank you very much!

    And many many thanks to all of you guys who are involved in the giveaway!
  • samt1996samt1996 Member Posts: 2,856 Arc User
    Couldn't get off work in time... still working actually. Fourteen hours and counting.

    Well congrats to the winners! I may post my screen shots anyways...
  • blazeritterblazeritter Member Posts: 203 Arc User
    Is this on? I joined the chat channels, see several hundred others on, but no text...nothing. Do you have to be sent an invite or something first?
  • raxicoricoraxicorico Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    HI. Wow I'm blow away… I’m speechless (ironic huh). THANKS SO MUCH to the judges and also, a shout out to those who left nice messages too. I’m so very grateful. My in-game handle is @M_Portelli … I just realised I had down wrong on the cover of the fan fiction lol. Hope to see you all enjoying the festivities in-game shortly :) Merry Christmas!
  • gazurtoidgazurtoid Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    Forever the bridesmaid...

    But I have to say that @raxicorico was a worthy winner. Excellent presentation, good plot and a nice Christmas message. A very worthy winner!
  • elvisqshatnerelvisqshatner Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Wow! Just discovered that thix event even existed!
    What happened to regularly sending event announcements via email as well?
    Last notification I got was for the startup of Q's Winter Wonderland on the 3rd...
  • jodarkriderjodarkrider Member Posts: 2,097 Arc User
    Just popping in & hoping that everyone's having fun. :smiley:
    [10:20] Your Lunge deals 4798 (2580) Physical Damage(Critical) to Tosk of Borg.

    Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator
    "bIghojchugh DaneH, Dumev pagh. bIghojqangbe'chugh, DuQaHlaH pagh."
    "Learn lots. Don't judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness." ~Day[9] 
    "Your fun isn't wrong." ~LaughingTrendy

    Find me on Twitterverse - @jodarkrider

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