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  • mikearoomikearoo Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    Not sure there is anything I could do well there. I wish everyone else good luck :)
  • technical42ndtechnical42nd Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    You don't have to do anything particularly well, just enjoy the festivities, have fun, and don't forget to bring some disco.
    Official STARFLEET DENTAL Bug Hunter
  • samt1996samt1996 Member Posts: 2,856 Arc User
    Well there isn't a paraplegic in a wheelchair costume so I'll have to find something else... I'm not overly familiar with the tailoring options in this game can anyone point me toward the lab coats?
  • burstorionburstorion Member Posts: 1,750 Arc User
    I suppose the spire outfit painted white is the closest you'll find to a lab coat in sto...which makes sense as its supposed to be a scientist outfit​​
  • bones1970bones1970 Member Posts: 953 Arc User
    We've had a blast throwing this event every year so far, I can't wait to see what costumes people will come up with this time!

    I had a blast last year, Hope cryptic look at how you throw a party, maybe the will learn something !!!
  • raxicoricoraxicorico Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    Hi there. Quick question for you. How do you want us to post our fan fiction entries. Given the minimum entry is 500 words long, I can't see that being suitable to a copy/paste job in the STO forum. I'm working on one at the moment and was thinking that posting a link here to a pdf containing the story on a filesharing site or something is what you are after? I know i'd prefer to see it in a format like that as it will be easier for reading.


    Looking forward to the event. Sounds really cool, didn't know about last years and only found out about it by accident this year!

  • waldotrekwaldotrek Member Posts: 319 Arc User
    Thanks for putting this on. I had a great time at last year's event! Hopefully a lot of new players can discover the fun this year.
    Former Moderator 10-28-16
  • wesleycrasherwesleycrasher Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    burstorion wrote: »
    Drat...I heard it was fun last year, but 11pm gmt is way too late a time for me to be online (darn reality)

    We're really quite sorry its too late for you, but we tried our best to schedule a time that conceivably allowed the greatest portion of players to participate. Any earlier and it would cut out AUS players, any later and it would do the same to the EU base. In any case, we still encourage you to participate in the forum events!

    All the toys you can't afford.
  • countvampulacountvampula Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Will you have multiple instances for the party? I'm worried that whatever zone will be filled for the events.
    But otherwise I can't wait to attend! Thanks guys.
  • This content has been removed.
  • tick0tick0 Member Posts: 243 Arc User
    This is some sort of trick, isn't it?!
    @f4tamy | Sad Pandas
  • jarvisandalfredjarvisandalfred Member Posts: 1,549 Bug Hunter
    tick0 wrote: »
    This is some sort of trick, isn't it?!

    Yeah, everyone knows of Shutup Wesley. They're terrible people, this is all a ploy to distract you. I, for one, won't be tricked into 'having fun' while playing a game, let alone getting 'free stuff' - I have to go to my mailbox, or, god forbid, open a trade window! Outrageous! What kind of people do they think they are?
    SCM - Crystal C. (S) - [00:12] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 8.63M(713.16K) - Fed Sci

    SCM - Hive (S) - [02:31] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 30.62M(204.66K) - Fed Sci

    Tacs are overrated.

    Game's best wiki

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  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,164 Arc User
    tick0 wrote: »
    This is some sort of trick, isn't it?!

    Yeah, everyone knows of Shutup Wesley. They're terrible people, this is all a ploy to distract you. I, for one, won't be tricked into 'having fun' while playing a game, let alone getting 'free stuff' - I have to go to my mailbox, or, god forbid, open a trade window! Outrageous! What kind of people do they think they are?

    Clearly a plot to stop me from running around in circles on ESD.

    It'll be late my time.. but I'll try and attend for one or two of these events.

    Cheers guys.
    Thank you for the Typhoon!
  • tick0tick0 Member Posts: 243 Arc User
    tick0 wrote: »
    This is some sort of trick, isn't it?!

    Yeah, everyone knows of Shutup Wesley. They're terrible people, this is all a ploy to distract you. I, for one, won't be tricked into 'having fun' while playing a game, let alone getting 'free stuff' - I have to go to my mailbox, or, god forbid, open a trade window! Outrageous! What kind of people do they think they are?

    Calm down. :|
    @f4tamy | Sad Pandas
  • chrisofborgchrisofborg Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    My entry for the Fanfic Bonanza:
    Crystal Clear

    "Be careful, Wesley. The controls are very sensitive!" said the Traveler. He knew for certain that Wesley would pick up the subtleties of navigating a temporal stream, but he was less confident that Wesley would be able to navigate well enough for what the humans would call a "smooth ride".

    "I've almost got the hang of it!" Wesley shot back at the Traveler. "It's a lot like kayaking back on Earth, just with a lot of... Calculus". Wesley had a huge smile on his face. He had never known the Traveler to really get a joke, but he had also never seen him get agitated. He was really enjoying the experience of trying to fly the Traveler’s odd ship in a temporal stream. The ship itself was only about as large as worker bee shuttle, but was sturdy enough to bear the forces of space and time lapping on the hull like water on a shore. The only discernable console was a floating orb that looked like it was made out of blue glass. The Traveler had shown Wesley how to make a mental link with the orb, which allowed Wesley to literally think the ship across space and time.

    “Have you decided where you are wanting to go this time?” asked the Traveler.

    “Well, I was hoping this time we could…” Wesley’s voice trailed off as he was suddenly thrown back from the orb, hitting the wall behind him. He could feel himself losing consciousness and wondered if he had hit his head. The last thing he could remember was the Traveler’s voice saying “Don’t worry, Wesley, I believe I can…”

    Wesley woke to find himself sitting in the corner of the ship. The orb no longer looked like glass, but was completely black. The Traveler stood only a few feet away with his back turned. Before he could speak, the Traveler turned his head sharply toward Wesley’s direction and put his hand over his mouth. Without saying a word, the Traveler was able to impart knowledge to Wesley that they had landed on a planet in the extreme past of Wesley’s own life. This place was inhabited by creatures made of some kind of fragile crystal that would shatter at the sound of either Wesley’s or the Traveler’s voice. The simple vibration of their vocal chords could wipe out life on the entire planet. In so many words, the Traveler had simply said “Shut up, Wesley”. Wesley was both scared and excited. He had so many questions, but was unable to ask them.

    “The time for questions will come”, said the Traveler in his thoughts to Wesley.

    “I can hear you!” thought Wesley. “Can you hear me?”

    “Yes, Wesley, thoughts are my specialty. We will be able to communicate telepathically with each other as we wait for my ship to recharge. We must take special care not to disturb the crystalline people of this world. They will play a very important role in your future.”

    “My future?” thought Wesley. “I know you can do a lot of things, but I didn’t know you could predict the future”.

    “I cannot, but as I have explored what you consider to be your past, I can tell you that these inhabitants will one day create a probe based loosely on their own crystalline makeup. A probe originally designed to gather electromagnetic energy to provide power for their people”.

    If gasping wouldn’t have ended the world, Wesley would have done so right then and there. The Traveler was talking about the Crystalline Entity that had been responsible for ravaging several planets in the 24th century. No one had ever been able to discover its point of origin, but here he was, Wesley Crusher, a boy from Earth, standing on the home world of the race that created one of the most destructive creatures in the galaxy. He wondered if maybe speaking wouldn’t be a bad idea after all, but for the time being, he decided not to speak aloud.

    Hours passed as the Traveler sat in an almost meditative state near the orb on his ship. Wesley stepped out of the ship to see if he could get a better view of their surroundings. As soon as he got outside, he saw what looked like transparent skyscrapers that must have reached up at least a kilometer in the air. Everything had a blue or purple hue, with fantastic lights all around. He couldn’t so much hear the inhabitants as he could somehow feel their presence. From the hillside where they had crashed he could see thousands of the crystalline creatures below. They were like crustaceans with how slowly, but purposefully they moved.

    “Beautiful, aren’t they?” came the Traveler’s thoughts. “Peaceful beings are these. Unfortunately, this planet is insufficient to provide enough energy to sustain them. “

    “So they looked for other ways to get power?” asked Wesley. “That’s why they created the probe?”

    “Yes, they built the probe to gather the specific energy they needed, and in doing so, modeled it after their own genetic makeup.”

    “So what went wrong? Why did the Crystalline Entity start killing people?”

    “The probe was built too well. It was designed to be able to expand its capacity on its own in the event that it found a bountiful enough energy source. Regrettably, the probe never knew when to stop gathering energy.”

    “And it never did stop until it was destroyed”, thought Wesley. “These people must have all died out waiting for the Crystalline Entity to return”.

    “Oh, Wesley” thought the Traveler. “They launched more than one probe. The one your ship encountered was simply the one that made it to the Alpha Quadrant. Speaking of ships, we can leave whenever you are ready”.

    “My ship”, thought Wesley. “I haven’t thought about them since the wedding… You know, I was tempted to speak out loud to stop these creatures from ever launching their probes. I’m glad I didn’t. I think I’ve learned a great lesson today, that all life is precious, and it’s not my place to decide who lives and who dies.”

    “Wesley…” thought the Traveler. “I think the only thing you need to remember from this experience is that you can save an entire world by simply keeping your mouth shut.”
  • wesleycrasherwesleycrasher Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Will you have multiple instances for the party? I'm worried that whatever zone will be filled for the events.

    This has ever been a problem. Last year we managed to fill four instances of DS9 before people gave up on trying to join in. Since then the zone caps have been reduced from 75 to 30, making things much more difficult. As a result, events will slightly overlap to give people different things to do and, as mentioned, we will try to stream some things like the costume contests so everyone can see what's happening. The trickiest bit will be the races, since they're not as fun with fewer people running in each one, but there will likely be several concurrent races being run in multiple instances.

    All the toys you can't afford.
  • rebuilthk47rebuilthk47 Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    The day works, but the time sort of doesn't. I'll be gone to watch TFA that day an hour and a half before the start time.

    I have a few toons to enter into a few of the character look contests. But my plans were made far in advance of this.
  • asimosaasimosa Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    tick0 wrote: »
    This is some sort of trick, isn't it?!
    Nope. Well, unless it's a trick to get everyone in silly costumes and having fun.

    And don't forget, we'll try to have video up and we'll definitely have a bunch of screenshots for the folks who can't make it!
    EGO operor non vere tutela
  • asimosaasimosa Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    This has ever been a problem. Last year we managed to fill four instances of DS9 before people gave up on trying to join in. Since then the zone caps have been reduced from 75 to 30, making things much more difficult. (...)
    And yeah, this is definitely going to be the biggest problem. Fortunately the only events it would potentially cause problems with are the costume contest and the races, but those are some of the fun ones. Hopefully the lower instance cap won't make things too bad.

    And it's all the more reason to join the channels early so you don't miss anything!
    EGO operor non vere tutela
  • wesleycrasherwesleycrasher Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    The day works, but the time sort of doesn't. I'll be gone to watch TFA that day an hour and a half before the start time.

    I have a few toons to enter into a few of the character look contests. But my plans were made far in advance of this.

    The last one lasted... four hours, I think? We've tried to organize this one to actually take less time, but I'm just going to predict that with all the prizes and the zone cap problems, wrangling players will take longer. Basically, we'll likely still be going on by the time you get back!

    If you need insurance, though. Start writing that fanfic!
    All the toys you can't afford.
  • captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    <Modded - Keep it nice!>
    Post edited by jodarkrider on
    I need a beer.

  • tick0tick0 Member Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    [QUOTE="asimosa;12806705"]unless it's a trick to get everyone in silly costumes[/QUOTE]

    I don't know about the rest of it, but I'm so there for this bit.

    (Edit: quoting seems to be broken on the mobile website.)
    @f4tamy | Sad Pandas
  • technical42ndtechnical42nd Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    <Modded - Keep it nice!>

    And just like last year, when PWE shuts it's doors for the weekend, the trolls come out to throw baseless accusations in the thread.

    Can't wait to see you at the party oblivious. Who knows, maybe you'll get one of the fabulous prizes!

    EDIT: Removed inflammatory post. Thanks Jo!
    Post edited by technical42nd on
    Official STARFLEET DENTAL Bug Hunter
  • rebuilthk47rebuilthk47 Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    The day works, but the time sort of doesn't. I'll be gone to watch TFA that day an hour and a half before the start time.

    I have a few toons to enter into a few of the character look contests. But my plans were made far in advance of this.

    The last one lasted... four hours, I think? We've tried to organize this one to actually take less time, but I'm just going to predict that with all the prizes and the zone cap problems, wrangling players will take longer. Basically, we'll likely still be going on by the time you get back!

    If you need insurance, though. Start writing that fanfic!

    Let's hope I can get back in time. I'm going to an Omni-max (dome shaped Imax) that's an hour away to see TFA. So let's hope so!

    I can always log in remotely, but moving my character is impossible unless only going forward, or if I spend twenty minuets attempting to turn a little bit. I'd need to know the location ahead of time so when I log in, they'll be where they need to be.
  • jodarkriderjodarkrider Member Posts: 2,097 Arc User
    And just like last year, when PWE shuts it's doors for the weekend, the trolls come out to throw baseless accusations in the thread.
    Not to worry, keeping eye out on this. No matter what personal beefs people have with the OP & fleet in question, derailing this thread shall not pass. It's a party-thread, don't go ruining it, everyone's been mostly rad so far. Keep it up.
    [10:20] Your Lunge deals 4798 (2580) Physical Damage(Critical) to Tosk of Borg.

    Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator
    "bIghojchugh DaneH, Dumev pagh. bIghojqangbe'chugh, DuQaHlaH pagh."
    "Learn lots. Don't judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness." ~Day[9] 
    "Your fun isn't wrong." ~LaughingTrendy

    Find me on Twitterverse - @jodarkrider

  • asimosaasimosa Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    Typical "bribe the people" tactic to keep the masses on side, or at least quiet, while the dental/wesley/nop crowd go about their usual business of trolling anyone who dares disagree with them.
    Handing out nearly eight billion credits worth of stuff (and probably over it, I haven't checked the fleet bank in a few days) is a rather expensive bribe. Also, Starfleet Dental isn't part of Shutup Wesley; we're friends, but they have to compete the same as everyone else, and will have fun doing so.

    If you have a problem with us, then you don't have to attend. We'd like to see everyone around and enjoying the holidays though, and there's no bribe or trickery or anything else involved. :smile:
    Let's hope I can get back in time. I'm going to an Omni-max (dome shaped Imax) that's an hour away to see TFA. So let's hope so!
    Also note you don't have to be there the whole time, too. We usually try to hand out prizes directly (or by mail if it's a different instance) once the individual games are done, so there's no real harm in popping in midway through or leaving before the event's over if real life isn't complying. So don't worry too much about being on time, or if anyone needs to leave early!
    EGO operor non vere tutela
  • aotcaotc Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    Typical "bribe the people" tactic to keep the masses on side, or at least quiet, while the dental/wesley/nop crowd go about their usual business of trolling anyone who dares disagree with them.

    I think your fan fiction is a few hundred words short. You might want to fix that before you get disqualified.

    Goodnight, troll sweet prince.
  • wesleycrasherwesleycrasher Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    asimosa wrote: »
    Handing out nearly eight billion credits worth of stuff (and probably over it, I haven't checked the fleet bank in a few days) is a rather expensive bribe. Also, Starfleet Dental isn't part of Shutup Wesley; we're friends, but they have to compete the same as everyone else, and will have fun doing so.

    Substantially more than that, but who's counting? This thread is for fun having.

    As for Dental... this is true, there is no favoritism at Wesley Christmas. For example, last year Starfleet Dental players only won 4 of 38 Trivia Questions, Zero Races, 1 of 4 Where's Wesleys, and 6 of 16 costume prizes. And that last one is really only because a single true master of the tailor showed up and won three prizes on their own.
    All the toys you can't afford.
  • jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    I doubt i will be able to attend but cheers ,beers and SHUT UP WESLEY!! :D
  • imjinscout19imjinscout19 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    Looks like a lot of fun!
    Andorian Space Jesus has Blessed this event
    TAF will be there
This discussion has been closed.