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AFKers in Mirror Invasion



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    peetapipmacpeetapipmac Member Posts: 2,131 Arc User
    ssbn655 wrote: »
    Just a thought on how to deal with the AFK parasites ... You see one BAIL the mission. Why feed them with your efforts? Instaed of B*tching and moaning about them by bailing it will teach them a lesson real quick. You sit and do nothing you get nothing.
    I'll gladly take a deserter hit then feed a lazy parasite afk sleaze.

    I have considered the 'just bail' strategy, but I usually find it a less appealing option if the majority of the team is actually trying. The most common scenario for me is that I get in a match and one member of the team is AFK'ing and doing nothing while everyone else is trying. I then have one of two options, I can bail out as a way to keep from helping the leech, or I can keep going to help the other 3 that are trying. If I bail, the leech will just que up and do it again but I can help the other 3 actually complete the que. (Also helping myself in the process.)

    Sadly, the 'solution' I have employed is to just quit doing the event entirely. This event is awful and it happens to coincide with the release of Fallout 4 so for now I have just taken a hiatus from STO until this abortion of an 'event' is over. If you use the 'bail out' method, you'll almost never be able to do the event due to the sheer number of AFK'ers.

    Bailing wouldn't do anything. Even if everyone did leave (as happened once last time the event was on) I'd just wait out the first round as normal and solo the dreadnought.

    It's fairly easy.
    It's not my fault if you feel trolled by my Disco ball... Sorry'boutit.

    R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
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    warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    ssbn655 wrote: »
    Just a thought on how to deal with the AFK parasites ... You see one BAIL the mission. Why feed them with your efforts? Instaed of B*tching and moaning about them by bailing it will teach them a lesson real quick. You sit and do nothing you get nothing.
    I'll gladly take a deserter hit then feed a lazy parasite afk sleaze.

    Feel free. The dreadnought can be soloed on Normal very easily, so you're not hurting anyone else's game. Advanced is harder, but it should be soloable with DPS. I haven't seen it myself, but I have two-manned it one time no problem.

    As far as I'm concerned, you already served the only purpose I needed you for when the mission started.
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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    warpangel wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    ruinthefun wrote: »
    Borg disco is time gated, gateway to grethor is time gated, there are a few queues that are time gated [not all, but a few], and yet people still tend to try to do only just enough to avoid the afk penalty, whiel the rest of the time they sit doing nothing, or being a pest!
    But there are key differences to those missions that makes them the province of specific, annoying pests who do it, rather than broad swaths of the normally non-AFK public:
    1. Those particularly queues have those objectives as required conditions, so it's not simply a clock to wait out.
    2. Those events are not mandatory events. You aren't required to attend them. The same things can be had elsewhere, at any time.
    3. The troop transports from the starbase are moving towards the planet!

    Despite each and every one of those missions having different objectives than the MI, their objectives are still time gated, and cannot be advanced any faster no matter what.

    So, it is really no different than the MI!!!
    None of those queues give any reason to be repeatedly played by people who don't like them.

    If there was a Borg Disco event that encouraged everyone to play it on every toon every day, players would wait it out too.

    The reason they don't wait it out now, is because they are likely to suffer an afk penalty, add such a penalty to events and viola, problem solved for many people!

    Wrong. The reason they don't wait it out is its faster to do ISA or something.

    ISA only provides omega marks, if you want to get other kinds of marks, than it's either Disco or find them eslwhere!

    I myself like some others, don't do Borg Disco for the Omega marks, we do it for the choice of other marks!!!

    At the very least, if you don't like BD, there is an "elsewhere" to get those marks. And it may be faster and/or easier.

    In the mirror event, there is no "elsewhere." You have to do the waiting mission to get it. Over and over again.

    You completely miss the point, the point is regular missions like Borg Disco is time gated, and trying to afk like people are doing in the MIE, will grant them a penalty.

    The events do not even though they should, despite peoples whinnning excuses because it's time gated.

    Well, news flash, so are some missions!!!

    There is no real excuse for genuine laziness, other than they are just that, lazy and good for nothing!

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    gazurtoidgazurtoid Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    To the people who won't stop whining about this, I have to ask: why on earth are you pugging Mirror Incursion in the first place?

    If you are genuinely concerned about getting the maximum possible number of marks, the obvious solution is to do Mirror Incusion as a pre-made STF on Advanced difficulty. There are plenty of channels set up for that kind of thing.

    That way you can ensure that everyone in the team is both fully committed to expending useless effort to close the maximum number of portals for a few measly marks. Furthermore, doing a pre-made via a DPS or other PVE channel generally ensures a competent group, rather than the hopeless scrubs you would probably get via pugging.

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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    gazurtoid wrote: »
    To the people who won't stop whining about this, I have to ask: why on earth are you pugging Mirror Incursion in the first place?

    If you are genuinely concerned about getting the maximum possible number of marks, the obvious solution is to do Mirror Incusion as a pre-made STF on Advanced difficulty. There are plenty of channels set up for that kind of thing.

    That way you can ensure that everyone in the team is both fully committed to expending useless effort to close the maximum number of portals for a few measly marks. Furthermore, doing a pre-made via a DPS or other PVE channel generally ensures a competent group, rather than the hopeless scrubs you would probably get via pugging.


    I believe the primary reason, is because not everyone can assemble a team quickly enough, for many reasons!

    The notion of players simply refusing to actually contribute, shows their lack of effort in general to others!

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    gazurtoidgazurtoid Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited November 2015

    I believe the primary reason, is because not everyone can assemble a team quickly enough, for many reasons!

    The notion of players simply refusing to actually contribute, shows their lack of effort in general to others!

    If someone can't be bothered to use one of the many channels out there to assemble a team (which generally fill in seconds), I have to wonder who is the lazy one...
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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    gazurtoid wrote: »

    I believe the primary reason, is because not everyone can assemble a team quickly enough, for many reasons!

    The notion of players simply refusing to actually contribute, shows their lack of effort in general to others!

    If someone can't be bothered to use one of the many channels out there to assemble a team (which generally fill in seconds), I have to wonder who is the lazy one...

    There's no actual guarantee, of it actually filling in seconds for everyone, hence the pug system doing a find job instead!

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    gazurtoidgazurtoid Member Posts: 423 Arc User

    There's no actual guarantee, of it actually filling in seconds for everyone, hence the pug system doing a find job instead!

    Every time I have seen an MIA get announced in the dps channels it fills in seconds.

    My point is - for those who WANT to play the PVE in a certain way - ie: expending a huge amount of effort to close some portals (incidentally creating more work by aggroing the NPCs into attacking the station) in exchange for a few measly marks - there are ways to GUARANTEE a skilled and committed team - by making/joining a pre-made.

    If however, people insist upon pugging, they have to accept the limitations of the pug system - namely that you end up with a completely random bunch of people. You have no control over their 1) intelligence, 2) level of ability, 3) dps, or 4) the strategy that they use for that queue.

    People have a choice as to whether to join a pre-made or pug. If people CHOOSE to pug a particular PVE, they can't complain when people use an alternate strategy for that PVE.

    Any time I pug anything I always expect the PVE to fail, unless I am capable of soloing it without help. I have no control over the composition or ability of my team - so why fret about something we can't control?
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    storulesstorules Member Posts: 3,253 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Not many people would use the DPS channels since in itself is polluted with DPS elitists...heck no prob there since it's called "DPS" and more power to them for using it. In a way I rather deal with AFKs than with DPS elitists who have to measure every single sneeze your ship takes.

    I just bail out when I see AFKers and start a new team. It's so much easier than solo the boss and teaches AFKers a lesson. Better than just ignore it.​​
    Post edited by storules on
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    warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    gazurtoid wrote: »

    I believe the primary reason, is because not everyone can assemble a team quickly enough, for many reasons!

    The notion of players simply refusing to actually contribute, shows their lack of effort in general to others!

    If someone can't be bothered to use one of the many channels out there to assemble a team (which generally fill in seconds), I have to wonder who is the lazy one...

    There's no actual guarantee, of it actually filling in seconds for everyone, hence the pug system doing a find job instead!
    The queue system is certainly doing a fine job for me. But then I'm not the one who's complaining about pugs not playing the way I want them to.
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    xyquarzexyquarze Member Posts: 2,116 Arc User
    Again, the main complaint about people afk-ing (and thanks that we who don't are serving a purpose to you but you couldn't be bothered to do some favors yourself) is not that it diminishes the payout but severely diminishes the fun of actually going through the event. Yes, I know you don't have any fun whatsoever because it is a mindless zerg rush, but that is not the fault of those who actually want to PLAY the event/mission, so taking it out on us is rather unfair.

    About rewards though: you can easily overcome any marks loss of a killed station by powering up defences and closing rifts, so that argument falls on deaf ears - even not considering that the station does not have to be killed if you play strong enough. But again, that is not the main point here. AFKers are actively depriving other players of their fun and reading some of the explanations here (admittedly not all) about "well, you can't harm us because I always go with three", "I deserve a break because I am tired of this" and "you served your purpose" just shows what kind of personal attitude towards others some of them have, so a discussion is probably completely useless.
    My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
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    warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    xyquarze wrote: »
    AFKers are actively depriving other players of their fun

    Other people are having more fun doing something else than closing portals for peanuts while waiting the requisite 11 minutes. Who says your fun is more important than theirs?
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    lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    Lol, someone decided to start the same topic on Reddit and it caught fire quickly. Frankly, not sure why people waste their time complaining about this. I bet these people have to restart the game at least 10 times a day and they don't say a peep about it, but go bezerk about this which doesn't really change the outcome of things in a meaningful way.
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    jelly0jelly0 Member Posts: 560 Arc User
    Ran into this gem today


    Name was removed dont worry but after his statement one person left the team, then had the audacity to message me after then ignore me. Gotta love the high and mighty afkers who go into this thing with the intent of doing nothing but sit there and yet feel free to give attitude when you call them out on it.
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    chemistrysetchemistryset Member Posts: 229 Arc User
    jelly0 wrote: »
    Ran into this gem today


    Name was removed dont worry but after his statement one person left the team, then had the audacity to message me after then ignore me. Gotta love the high and mighty afkers who go into this thing with the intent of doing nothing but sit there and yet feel free to give attitude when you call them out on it.

    That´s a gem, indeed.

    Starbase defenses: 5/5. That´s nice, really. But it won´t help you. The station will get swamped with mirror ships.
    Rifts closed: 7. And that´s why.

    I don´t think the AFKer was the problem.
    The fact that jellyfish have survived for 650 million years despite not having brains is great news for stupid people.
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    nxenterprise02nxenterprise02 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    xyquarze wrote: »
    AFKers are actively depriving other players of their fun...
    I have to disagree with that.

    My favourite rounds were those where there was at least one AFKer. I'd have to work harder, quickly disabling portals and clearing the area around the starbase. I actually do not understand what is such a problem. I have 6 characters I'm playing this event on, and, by the time I reach the 5th or 6th, I already lost over an hour. It will take even longer for people with more characters. So, if they want to AFK, fine. It's not like they're harming you, especially not on Normal.

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    iceeaglexiceeaglex Member Posts: 375 Arc User
    If you see a AFKer you leave?
    First off, you are doing more harm to the team than the afker. Since most Come back at the end and kill the dread.
    So all you are doing is TRIBBLE over the other 3 people.
    So you are worse than the afker you are complaining about. Congrats.

    Second. How long does it take you to do a MI if you leave if theres an afker. An hour per mi? 2? Yeah you're sure showing them.....

    Also it's funny to think how many people who are writing these posts are afking a mi as they write it :)
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    earwigvr6earwigvr6 Member Posts: 293 Arc User
    I use Mirror invasion to eat my lunch, Sort out my doffing, My admirality, My latest Rep projects and also my R&D projects. :)
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    xyquarzexyquarze Member Posts: 2,116 Arc User
    warpangel wrote: »
    xyquarze wrote: »
    AFKers are actively depriving other players of their fun

    Other people are having more fun doing something else than closing portals for peanuts while waiting the requisite 11 minutes. Who says your fun is more important than theirs?

    First fo all, you cannot turn it around that easily. The one who is deviating from accepted behavior (in almost every other queue) is the one going AFK not actually playing the mission. And they are forcing this upon the other players. So the question that needs to be answered first is: why does the AFK player think his fun is more important than mine.

    Second: this is a game, so its main purpose is playing it. Being somewhere else doing something else is not playing this game. It is okay that you like it more, but then do not pretend to be playing the game.

    Third: a pug is a team effort. Joining a team and then explicitly not partaking in the team effort because you can and others in the team are just a purpose is generally quite annoying, to avoid terms that would be starred out in the forums. You may have your own motives for joining it, but then you should go along with what you signed up for.
    I have to disagree with that.

    My favourite rounds were those where there was at least one AFKer. I'd have to work harder, quickly disabling portals and clearing the area around the starbase. I actually do not understand what is such a problem. I have 6 characters I'm playing this event on, and, by the time I reach the 5th or 6th, I already lost over an hour. It will take even longer for people with more characters. So, if they want to AFK, fine. It's not like they're harming you, especially not on Normal.

    When you have three of them in one pug, it gets more difficult. Yes, playing with four is still easy, with three can be rewarding if you manage to do it. But again, that's not for the AFK player to decide. If somebody has more fun doing something different from what is expected and more or less announced, like playing in a smaller team than usual, like doing nothing except for the technically needed, it would be their responsibility to take care that everybody is okay with these new rules.

    If you play game X and decide you have more fun doing it differently, all power to you, do so and enjoy it. But do not tell people you want to play a game and when it started make up your own rules.

    And playing an event on multiple toons or even playing it at all is a decision you have to make yourself. If you do not enjoy it, it is not other players' fault who actually do enjoy it.
    My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
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    ssbn655ssbn655 Member Posts: 1,894 Arc User
    iceeaglex wrote: »
    If you see a AFKer you leave?
    First off, you are doing more harm to the team than the afker. Since most Come back at the end and kill the dread.
    So all you are doing is TRIBBLE over the other 3 people.
    So you are worse than the afker you are complaining about. Congrats.

    Second. How long does it take you to do a MI if you leave if theres an afker. An hour per mi? 2? Yeah you're sure showing them.....

    Also it's funny to think how many people who are writing these posts are afking a mi as they write it :)

    Actually the ones that stay and feed the AFK parasite are the ones hurting themselves by being stupid and letting a parasite feed off thier efforts so sorry I don't feel any guilt on leaving. I say TRIBBLE em if they are that stupid to stay and let a parasite feed off them.
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    ssbn655ssbn655 Member Posts: 1,894 Arc User
    ruinthefun wrote: »
    ssbn655 wrote: »
    I'll gladly take a deserter hit then feed a lazy parasite afk sleaze.
    Well, it's fortunate for you that there is not a leaver penalty, other than the time you wasted. However, there are no parasites, because we don't depend on your existence to finish the mission, and fully intend to finish it ourselves, with or without you.

    In fact, we honestly prefer it if you go away. You're noisy and disruptive. Did you know that your actions actually cause the destruction of the starbase and result in a lower score? We discovered this when we noticed the starbase would, quite consistently, survive, totally undamaged, when we would 5-man it privately when we could, and people had hit the level of burnout that they no longer wished to even shoot up the scenery...and the base lived and we ended up with more than if people had done anything.

    In fact, given the sheer rapidity with which the base otherwise dies on Advanced, your actions almost certainly assure the destruction of the base and a lower mark pay for everyone unless you're flying with a premade DPS team. As a mandatory participation event where everyone must bring in every ship, the odds of the stars aligning and everything having to run their heavy hitters at the same time is remote.

    So it is actually YOU that is harming the team. YOU lower everyone's pay. YOU get the base killed. It is fortunate for you that those of us who have discovered this truth are largely beyond actually caring. It's a public queue. You do your thing, man.
    Nice try I could give a rats rear end how you feel. If you are that stupid to stick around and let a AFK parasite feed off your efforts you deserve the lesser rewards.
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    monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    I haven't noticed any AFK'ers myself because I'm always too busy blasting the hell out of everything in my T6 Gal-X. I'm always wondering why I even bother to summon my elite yellowstone runabouts because I blow everything up before they can even attack anything LOL. :D

    But, you people complaining and getting angry about the AFK'ers are giving them exactly what they want. They're probably out there laughing at you guys because they think it's funny.

    Besides, the only people who AFK this event are Star Wars fans who play Fallout 4 while waiting for the Dreadnought to appear. They know nothing about Star Trek or even how to play this game properly. If they weren't getting blown up every 5 seconds because of how much they suck, they wouldn't need to AFK this event.

    Don't get angry with the AFK'ers. Take pity on them. They can't help being nOObs because they were born this way.
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    sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    I haven't had any problems. I play this year on normal. Every team has made the effort and most have been good enough. 60 runs down 24 to go.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

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    monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    ruinthefun wrote: »
    ssbn655 wrote: »
    Nice try I could give a rats rear end how you feel. If you are that stupid to stick around and let a AFK parasite feed off your efforts you deserve the lesser rewards.
    I don't think you understand my position on this issue at all. Also, action, not inaction, is what produces the lesser reward. Aggroing the map, getting the station killed, and failing to accomplish anything because the map is spammed in enemies that interrupt everything you do is not productive or rewarding.
    But, you people complaining and getting angry about the AFK'ers are giving them exactly what they want. They're probably out there laughing at you guys because they think it's funny.
    Well, yes and no. In truth, we don't care one way or another. Others are simply a loud, noisy disruption.
    They know nothing about Star Trek or even how to play this game properly. If they weren't getting blown up every 5 seconds because of how much they suck, they wouldn't need to AFK this event.
    An overly broad generalization that excludes the fact that high-end players also use this strategy, as less a question of need than efficiency.

    I don't know what you're talking about. I fly around blowing stuff up and closing portals and never have an issue being overrun with too many enemies. Probably because I keep joining with PUGs that actually have the brain capacity to know how to do this mission properly.

    Like I said, people who AFK don't know how to do do anything properly, especially if you think you get rewarded more for only defeating the dreadnought.

    With the daily bonus rep marks, and what I have left in my bonus mark pool, I walk away with around 132 marks a day from this event (I only do it once a day for the event project item). Without the bonus pool I would still be getting over 100 (around 110 I think). I have over 1200 Terran marks and almost T3 Terran rep at this moment. I'm getting marks faster than I can use them. Of course it also helps that I built my character pretty decent. I'm no DPS powerhouse but I do pretty damn good in this event.

    But I suppose I can educate you.

    Close portals *then* get the base defenses going. Rinse and repeat. After the base reaches T5 just close whatever few portals open up.

    Each time the base defenses are started more portals open up. If you get the defenses going too fast you'll wind up with too many portals at once.
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