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Defiant Bundle Stats



  • trip68trip68 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    did I miss something or does the Malem Light Warbird not have the enhanced cloak the T'varo retrofit does?
  • alphahydrialphahydri Member Posts: 391 Arc User
    trip68 wrote: »
    did I miss something or does the Malem Light Warbird not have the enhanced cloak the T'varo retrofit does?

    The Malem does have EBC. It says so above the stats for the ship.

  • rangerryurangerryu Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    trip68 wrote: »
    did I miss something or does the Malem Light Warbird not have the enhanced cloak the T'varo retrofit does?

    "The Malem Light Warbird [T6] is equipped with an Enhanced Romulan battle cloak. Energy Weapons cannot be fired while cloaked, but torpedoes, mines and most Bridge Officer and Captain abilities can be activated. When attacking while cloaked, the ship's cloak will drop for a few seconds, leaving the ship momentarily exposed."

  • khelderukkhelderuk Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    I figure about half of the gripes for the Valiant could be 'fixed' if they add the Quad Cannons to the set, and make the 3pc bonuses turn the cloak into a standard Battle Cloak. But, then you're stuck running a Phaser/Cannon set-up... :neutral:
    (Well, the M5 trait is for cannons anyway)

    Disappointed that it doesn't get any of the Pilot abilities, but wasn't really expecting that anyway, since the Pathfinder didn't have Intel abilities and the Andromeda didn't have Command abilities.
  • alphahydrialphahydri Member Posts: 391 Arc User
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Couldn't see anything pertaining to zen cost - presumably 3000zen each, as per usual pricing; but will there be a 5000zen bundle purchase option?
    They never release pricing info in these blog posts, but your assumption is most likely accurate.

  • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    I was disappointed too that they didn't make the quad cannons part of the set. Oh well...
  • johnnymo1johnnymo1 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    The T 6 defiant is almost perfect, I like the quantum console, but the lack of the pilot maneuvers hurts the ship and the lack of the 5th weapon slot up front makes it less of a damage dealer than it should be. The lack of a 3 piece set bonus on a ship that might have the most variants in the game is a lot confusing. The T 5 trait is good, would have liked it on rapid fire 3 instead, I don't think the 2 pc set is good enough to make me dust off my cloak to put it on the ship, and i do look forward to seeing some of the new terrian gear in with this ship, Love the bridge officer lay out, but the ship can still be tweaked to put it on the level of the other pilot type ships and their ability to deal damage. I'd pay double for the ship if it was even just included into the pilot ships pack even as a skin.
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  • hyefatherhyefather Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
    jam3s1701 wrote: »
    Well that pretty much cans my purchase of the T6 Defiant.

    PEW PEW Pilot escorts still win over.

    The pilot maneuvers and the 5/2 layout is what I was hoping for but never mind.

    I am so gutted tbh but oh well :-(

    Agreed, Why would anyone buy these over the pilot ships. The gimmics are nice but the ships are not any better than thier 5U versions. WTF was cryptic thinking. Why do they have a insanely accurate history of always gutting the cannon ships ppl love most. Compare any of these ships to last 4 or 5 that have came out and its almost like comparing T3 to Fleet T6 or something. Heartbroken forsure.

  • toivatoiva Member Posts: 3,276 Arc User
    bunansa wrote: »
    stoesll wrote: »
    I was quite looking forward to this set but sadly the fact that none of them include the pilot manoeuvres, when arguably they are the best candidates for that feature, has ended my interest in these ships. ​​

    pilot maneuvers can stay with pilot ships as can battle cloak but as said before standard cloak might be nice without a cloak

    May I ask why? The ships are the same size and come with pilot boff seating...logic dictates that it should follow that they also go the pilot maneuvers...

    But as I mentioned above, not spending my money since I cant barrel roll a Defiant. Oh and no 3 piece bonus for using quad cannons...you know the other item the ships come with

    Defiant (and Kor and Malem) don't get Pilot maneuvers for the same reason the Guardian, MatHa or aelahl don't get the intel active sensor array debuffs. Or same as all those ships with a Command spec hybrid don't get the Inspiration mechanic from the Command cruisers. All those gimmicks (some more useful than others) are reserved for the special introductory ships that also get a full Commander hybrid Boff seat for the given specialization (and another Lt. hybrid for it too).
    TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class.
    Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
    Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.

    Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
  • lordgyorlordgyor Member Posts: 2,820 Arc User
    The Kor class BoP seems awesome, you get an enhanced battle cloak, raider, all universal, a turn rate of 23, a special console that both fires quantum torps and enhances kinetic damage, Lt. Com Pilot, but you guys think it sucks?

  • amayakitsuneamayakitsune Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Me: Oh look the T6 Defiant stats. Let's see... Defiant still crippled by Science station. Eh too bad... and hey look its got Quantum Torpedoes now... No built in cloak... thats a bummer but would have been too good to be true...

    *scrolls down to read the BoP stats* *sees Quantum Module also comes on BoP* Wait a minute...

    Too lazy to even copy and paste to make a separate item...

    Lets lay this out:

    T6 Defiant: Quantum Module

    T6 BoP: PHOTON Module

    T6 Warbird: Plasma Module

    Thats how it should be. Give each ship their own damage type...

    Also Id like to echo the questions as to why the Quad Cannons arent included in the set for the Defiant or BoP.

  • hyefatherhyefather Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
    WTF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • vetteguy904vetteguy904 Member Posts: 3,963 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Two questions for a dev to answer.. Will the console be buffed by tac consoles, and is the console using the HYT or TS mechanic?
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Well that certainly sucks. The cloak console is already part of a set for the T6 Gal-X console. I was hoping the phaser quad cannons from the T4 Defiant/Sao Paulo would be part of the set.

    Of course, this explains why the current cloak consoles (from both the T5 Defiant and T5 Gal-X) are showing as a 1/1 set and the console from the T6 Gal-X is showing no set bonuses at all or being part of a set. (I imagine the devs are working to fix it soon though)

    As far as the cloak goes, the Feds get the short end of the stick on this one. Their cloak comes from a console instead of being built in and it's just a standard cloak. What's the point of the 2 piece set reducing cloak cooldown when you can't activate it unless you're out of combat? The B'rels and T'varos all have enhanced battle cloaks built right in. Not only can you cloak in combat but you can fire projectiles and use most boff skills while cloaked.

    It would be nice if the phaser quad cannons were added in as a set as well as the disruptor quad cannons*. Judging by the looks of things they could be given the same 3 piece set bonus as the T6 T'Varo - 3 piece set: Shield Penetrating Projectiles - since it doesn't sound like something that would be unique to the Romulan faction.

    *Although the disruptor quad cannons come from the T3 Ning'tao, the ship is a bird-of-prey and a somewhat similar design to the B'rel. Then again, they may be planning a T6 Ning'tao for all we know.

    Hmm....It does strike me as odd the Fed's cloak console is now going to be part of 2 separate console sets. The reason why this is odd is because the current console is the same for both the Tactical Escorts and Dreadnought Cruisers and can be equipped on either type of ship.

    Are they going to separate the cloak consoles so the one that comes with the T5 Defiant can only be equipped on Defiant variants and the one that comes with the Dreadnoughts can only be equipped on that type of ship? It would make sense since both the T5 Defiant and T5 Gal-X come with their own cloak console.

    Edit: I'll be getting this ship pack either way. One thing I am grateful for is the fact the T6 Defiant isn't stuck with an Ensign Tactical boff station.
  • davideightdavideight Member Posts: 463 Arc User
    i must say im very very pleased with this one.

    ltcom tac/pilot, 2 possible eng lt, i would have asked to make the sci lt an /intel but, overall im very please with the seating and the stats.

    id preferred 5/2 layout but that would have been "to good" since the warhead is already a forward weapon, its okay for me.

    best part is: no doublette tac ltcom/com ;-)

    and i always like the concept costume.

    and yeah to the BoP, finally a worthy ship carrying the name rotarran for my worf alt ;-)

    really really looking forward to this. no big "flawes" (besides scaring me with that photon warhead on the defiant ;-) )
  • laportejlaportej Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    I might be a bit naive, but I was really hoping for piloting maneuvers. Honestly, I'm considering getting the T6 Prometheus now instead. Gonna have to look at the piloting abilities, but I can't really see a reason to go in with a T6 Defiant when I don't even use torpedoes.

    Epic fail for Cryptic and I'm even more heartbroken than I'd been if they'd just not made this sham of a ship.
  • davideightdavideight Member Posts: 463 Arc User
    how can people argue about one aft slot? damn that turret you can put there only drains your power. and if you cant use flanking, you will be wasting dmg in a brel - dont fly it. the flanking bonus alone makes up more than that 1aftslot and 1tacconsole, esp if you skill intel.
  • davideightdavideight Member Posts: 463 Arc User
    it was clear that only the pilot ships have pilot thrusters, as well as only command BCs have inspiration mechanic.

    i think defiant got a lot to make up that thrusters. its a pity those brel/tvaro/defiant didnt become the pilot ships, indeed. but with R'roll and bob and weave you are quite good anyway. but i admitt: i WILL miss my pilot thrusters when switching into the defiant.
  • kyrrokkyrrok Member Posts: 1,352 Arc User
    Me: Oh look the T6 Defiant stats. Let's see... Defiant still crippled by Science station. Eh too bad... and hey look its got Quantum Torpedoes now... No built in cloak... thats a bummer but would have been too good to be true...

    *scrolls down to read the BoP stats* *sees Quantum Module also comes on BoP* Wait a minute...

    Too lazy to even copy and paste to make a separate item...

    Lets lay this out:

    T6 Defiant: Quantum Module

    T6 BoP: PHOTON Module

    T6 Warbird: Plasma Module

    Thats how it should be. Give each ship their own damage type...

    Also Id like to echo the questions as to why the Quad Cannons arent included in the set for the Defiant or BoP.

    Maybe the Kor's quantum module was a typo? :/ Maybe the Kor will indeed have a photon module? I've see plenty of Feds pleading for Q-torps, not so much from Bird of Prey fans. I also prefer the Valiant: Q-torp, Kor: Pho-torp, and Malem:Plasma torp modules.

    I too would have liked to see the 4 shooters be part of a bonus. If they're lacking for ideas in there, the last bonus could be enhanced battlecloak.

    But even despite my previous rants, I have decided to take a look at the big picture and consider picking them up. No guarantees.
  • davideightdavideight Member Posts: 463 Arc User
    i guess its a typo on the KOR now ;-)

    quantums on the brel would be as dumb (setwise) as photon on the defiant ;-) lolz but i guess someone just got told "correct that photon warhead to be quantum" and of course the hamster corrected both ;-)
  • lordbrowaruslordbrowarus Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    alphahydri wrote: »
    B'rel KDF Players are not gonna like this.... Even with a T6 refit the B'rel or the "Kor" BoP is STILL under-powered compared their alleged equivocal counterparts. Yet the T6 B'rel is still tactically insufficient compared to the other two. Still only 2 aft weapons and STILL no 5th Tac console. Sure, it has all uni slots as the original did, but with all the new bells and whistles added to this game with hybrid seating, Starship traits, etc etc it's still under-powered. I mean typically B'rels, due to how squishy they are, are used tactically. Yet they can't effectively do that compared to, let's say, the T6 T'varo which is STILL superior to both the Defiant AND the B'rel. Enhanced Battle Cloak (over that of the questionable basic cloak of the Defiant which, again, DOESN'T EVEN COME WITH THE SHIP), Destabilized plasma torpedo, Plasma Warhead module, 3 aft weapons (compared to the B'rel's 2), and, to top it off, 5 tactical consoles (over the B'rel's 4). Sure, the T6 T'varo might be worth the money (If you're not a vet and bought the T5 version), but the other two ships... Why did you even bother Cryptic? smh

    If by "equivocal counterparts" you're referring to the Valiant and the Malem and not other KDF BoPs, then yes, of course Kor is "underpowered". The Valiant is an Escort, the Malem is a Warbird with aspects of Escorts and Raiders put together, and the Kor is a Raider.

    These ships are not in the same starship family, but they are being sold together. It's the same thing that happened with the last 3-pack, where the Yamato and the Kara were basically Cruiser-type vessels, while the Kolasi is technically classified as a Destroyer. They stats weren't identical because the ships weren't of the same base starship type, and the same thing is happening now.

    Compared to the Malem and Valiant, the Kor does appear weaker, but compared to other ships of its type, Raiders, it is a very good ship. The Kor is not "under-powered", it's just being compared to and listed with ships that aren't like it. Don't be fooled into thinking the ship is gimped or something because of the way Cryptic has decided to market it.

    Personally, I'm beyond excited for this. I've been waiting for a T6 BoP for a long time, and my Rom and Fed mains have the Defiant and T'varo on their rosters. Can't wait!

    Beside that You are saing that all rider class is and it should be underpowered, it is below expectations, at least mine.

    t5u ; t6 ; Baltim
    • hull: 28,463 ; 33,000 ; 42,000
    • shields: 0.8 ; 0.8 ; 0.95
    • tac cons: 4 ; 4 ; 5
    • weap: 4-2 ; 4-2 ; 5-1
    • boffs: 0 ; +1, pilot ; +2, pilot, intel
    • flank: 25% ; 25% ; 33%

    As I fly fleet t5u I have 0.88 shilds. So I understand - I have underpowered fleet t5u ship. Why would I pay 3000 zen for almost equally underpowered t6 ship? If she have pilot mechanics at least.

    I waited for this bundle as my secondary alts use diff and t'varo. They are weak ships and by looking at this stats, buying t6 versions, won't make them much better. Maybe I buy pilot bundle instead... By now I'm little sick of this Cryptic's policy of underpowered iconic ships... like Guardian to Gal t6 and Comm Battlecruisers to Excelsior t6...

    Baltim is so much better. Has also ltcmd intel and she's lobi ship, so in couple of weeks should be at cheaper on exchange.
  • starfleetmacostarfleetmaco Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    Should have added pilot maneuvers, at least for the Defiant... The B'rel and T'Varo can probably live without it due to having battle cloak. But yea, totally lost interest due to lack of pilot maneuvers.
  • chipg7chipg7 Member Posts: 1,577 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Why are there so many posts complaining about a lack of Pilot abilities? It's not like the non-Command ships with Command seating, or the non-Intel ships with Intel seating, had their respective specialization's unique abilities. They released a set of dedicated Pilot ships already, just as they released a set of Intel and Command ships. Any other ship with specialization seats has been just the seating, since the specialzation system became a thing.

    Either way, stats look great. Keeps up the trend of the ships being just that little bit extra above their T5 counterparts - a boost, but not insanely ahead by any means. Very nice :smiley:

    Also very glad that integrated cloak is still remaining a KDF/Rom thing only. Yay for faction diversity!
  • alphahydrialphahydri Member Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    alphahydri wrote: »
    B'rel KDF Players are not gonna like this.... Even with a T6 refit the B'rel or the "Kor" BoP is STILL under-powered compared their alleged equivocal counterparts. Yet the T6 B'rel is still tactically insufficient compared to the other two. Still only 2 aft weapons and STILL no 5th Tac console. Sure, it has all uni slots as the original did, but with all the new bells and whistles added to this game with hybrid seating, Starship traits, etc etc it's still under-powered. I mean typically B'rels, due to how squishy they are, are used tactically. Yet they can't effectively do that compared to, let's say, the T6 T'varo which is STILL superior to both the Defiant AND the B'rel. Enhanced Battle Cloak (over that of the questionable basic cloak of the Defiant which, again, DOESN'T EVEN COME WITH THE SHIP), Destabilized plasma torpedo, Plasma Warhead module, 3 aft weapons (compared to the B'rel's 2), and, to top it off, 5 tactical consoles (over the B'rel's 4). Sure, the T6 T'varo might be worth the money (If you're not a vet and bought the T5 version), but the other two ships... Why did you even bother Cryptic? smh

    If by "equivocal counterparts" you're referring to the Valiant and the Malem and not other KDF BoPs, then yes, of course Kor is "underpowered". The Valiant is an Escort, the Malem is a Warbird with aspects of Escorts and Raiders put together, and the Kor is a Raider.

    These ships are not in the same starship family, but they are being sold together. It's the same thing that happened with the last 3-pack, where the Yamato and the Kara were basically Cruiser-type vessels, while the Kolasi is technically classified as a Destroyer. They stats weren't identical because the ships weren't of the same base starship type, and the same thing is happening now.

    Compared to the Malem and Valiant, the Kor does appear weaker, but compared to other ships of its type, Raiders, it is a very good ship. The Kor is not "under-powered", it's just being compared to and listed with ships that aren't like it. Don't be fooled into thinking the ship is gimped or something because of the way Cryptic has decided to market it.

    Personally, I'm beyond excited for this. I've been waiting for a T6 BoP for a long time, and my Rom and Fed mains have the Defiant and T'varo on their rosters. Can't wait!

    Beside that You are saing that all rider class is and it should be underpowered, it is below expectations, at least mine.

    t5u ; t6 ; Baltim
    • hull: 28,463 ; 33,000 ; 42,000
    • shields: 0.8 ; 0.8 ; 0.95
    • tac cons: 4 ; 4 ; 5
    • weap: 4-2 ; 4-2 ; 5-1
    • boffs: 0 ; +1, pilot ; +2, pilot, intel
    • flank: 25% ; 25% ; 33%

    As I fly fleet t5u I have 0.88 shilds. So I understand - I have underpowered fleet t5u ship. Why would I pay 3000 zen for almost equally underpowered t6 ship? If she have pilot mechanics at least.

    I waited for this bundle as my secondary alts use diff and t'varo. They are weak ships and by looking at this stats, buying t6 versions, won't make them much better. Maybe I buy pilot bundle instead... By now I'm little sick of this Cryptic's policy of underpowered iconic ships... like Guardian to Gal t6 and Comm Battlecruisers to Excelsior t6...

    Baltim is so much better. Has also ltcmd intel and she's lobi ship, so in couple of weeks should be at cheaper on exchange.
    The Baltim is a Lobi/Lock Box/Promotional/Event ship. Those ships are ALWAYS better than other ships within their own starship family because that's how you get people to attempt obtaining them. Nobody would try to get those rarer ships if they were as good or worse than C-Store ships unless you really liked how they looked visually.

    I'm not saying the Kor is underpowered. I'm saying that it LOOKS underpowered because it's being compared to Escorts. Escorts and Raiders are both powerful, but for different reasons. You have to focus on flanking a lot if you want to get the most out of a Raider, while Escorts don't get a bonus from flanking but instead have stronger hulls/shields. Raiders have all or mostly all universal seats, Escorts do not. You basically trade durability for more build flexibility and enhanced flanking damage output when going from an Escort to a Raider.

    Besides, no T6 ship is really underpowered if you build it correctly and know a ship's strengths and weaknesses, and play the ship accordingly.

    TL:DR= Raiders are basically more strategic and tactics-focused Escorts. They are not less powerful than Escorts, they just require more strategy and forethought to play well compared to Escorts.

  • hyperionx09hyperionx09 Member Posts: 1,709 Arc User
    I'm fine with these stats. I don't use the cloak on the Defiant anyway, instead using it as a straight escort. Or at least, I was, until the Phantom came out. The Quantum change just means it'll be fun turning the ship into an experimental Quantum torp boat using Neutronic and Polaron weapons (Vaadwaur Polarons will be perfect), rather than keeping to Photons and using Gravimetrics.

    Not wild about the BoP, if only because it cannot use the Ning'tao skin, but will be worthwhile just for the Starship Mastery Trait to use on better ships like the JHSS, Manasa, or Baltim. Might be tempting to turn it into a Gravimetric or Neutronic torp boat, depending on if they get Quantum or Photon consoles.

    Malem I'm very much looking forward too; Plasma Balls and Plasma torps everywhere. RomPlas, RedPlas, Plasmatic, PlasEmission. Now if only there was a way to extend HY duration onto other torpedoes; besides the Sheshar's Trait and the Command CF1-3 skills.

    Torpedo boats (2 of which can fire torps under cloak) under the guise of Cannon boats. I love the irony. And the sheer beauty of such an assault. Now here's hoping that the console torps also proc with Kemocite.
    Unrelated, but my tank of schadenfreude is overflowing. Expecting anything drastically different from what they've done in the past with Iconic ships since the Pathfinder was delusional at best.
  • officerbatman81officerbatman81 Member Posts: 2,761 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    @laughingtrendy and development team
    Dear sirs and Madams,

    Question regarding this as it pertains to the Valiant:
    "Stealth Fighter (2 pieces)

    Set Bonuses

    Overcloaked (2 pc) – PassiveReduces the recharge time on CloakCritical Ambush (2 pc) – PassiveGrants a bonus to Critical Hit Chance and Critical Severity for a short time after exiting cloak"

    Is this published information accurate and a true representation of what you wanted reflected?

    With titles such as "stealth fighter" and "overcloaked" it implies a focus on cloaking. And it begs the question, how is the benifit of a reduced recharge time on cloak helpful when you have to either out of combat with no enemies in proximity or run away from a fight to a particular distance in order to leave a red alert status to have cloak enabled? A standard cloak recharge time becomes a moot point and seems like superfluous benifit.

    Can you please review this? It seems rather reasonable and a logical conclusion that a set synergy would involve a battle cloak in this instance. Perhaps also the usage of the quad phaser cannons from the T4 Sao Paulo to be in the set.

    Also, to be in a three pack with to other ships that have enhanced battle cloak i dont think its unreasonable that the third federation ship to have some sort of upgrade this way to a "federation battle cloak", as the defiant can be the one unique exception to the societal norm.

    Please give this serious review, thank you and have a great week. God Bless you!
    Post edited by officerbatman81 on
  • trillbuffettrillbuffet Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    Meh I guess I was over extending any hope on this. Seems like all the defiant and kor are really getting is the same ship with a pilot boff option. Not to be ungrateful but is it really worth that much. Also its just a standard cloak on the defiant those sets aren't really worth a TRIBBLE being its not a battle cloak. Then the super one to get hosed is the b'rel/kor I would have hoped that 5 years of grief would have made an imprint but no still going with the decloaks you for 3 seconds design that has utterly failed over the last 5 years with it being its own counter to itself.

    Then I utterly fall out of my seat laughing where as something been asked for like over half a decade now for the b'rel but only t'varo gets it with the built in shield penetration. I guess I will keep saving dilithium for the cold day in grethor there is something to buy thats worth the time spent on it.
  • vetteguy904vetteguy904 Member Posts: 3,963 Arc User
    davideight wrote: »
    how can people argue about one aft slot? damn that turret you can put there only drains your power. and if you cant use flanking, you will be wasting dmg in a brel - dont fly it. the flanking bonus alone makes up more than that 1aftslot and 1tacconsole, esp if you skill intel.

    intel/pilot hybrid? hmmmmmm
  • lordbrowaruslordbrowarus Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    alphahydri wrote: »
    alphahydri wrote: »
    B'rel KDF Players are not gonna like this.... Even with a T6 refit the B'rel or the "Kor" BoP is STILL under-powered compared their alleged equivocal counterparts. Yet the T6 B'rel is still tactically insufficient compared to the other two. Still only 2 aft weapons and STILL no 5th Tac console. Sure, it has all uni slots as the original did, but with all the new bells and whistles added to this game with hybrid seating, Starship traits, etc etc it's still under-powered. I mean typically B'rels, due to how squishy they are, are used tactically. Yet they can't effectively do that compared to, let's say, the T6 T'varo which is STILL superior to both the Defiant AND the B'rel. Enhanced Battle Cloak (over that of the questionable basic cloak of the Defiant which, again, DOESN'T EVEN COME WITH THE SHIP), Destabilized plasma torpedo, Plasma Warhead module, 3 aft weapons (compared to the B'rel's 2), and, to top it off, 5 tactical consoles (over the B'rel's 4). Sure, the T6 T'varo might be worth the money (If you're not a vet and bought the T5 version), but the other two ships... Why did you even bother Cryptic? smh

    If by "equivocal counterparts" you're referring to the Valiant and the Malem and not other KDF BoPs, then yes, of course Kor is "underpowered". The Valiant is an Escort, the Malem is a Warbird with aspects of Escorts and Raiders put together, and the Kor is a Raider.

    These ships are not in the same starship family, but they are being sold together. It's the same thing that happened with the last 3-pack, where the Yamato and the Kara were basically Cruiser-type vessels, while the Kolasi is technically classified as a Destroyer. They stats weren't identical because the ships weren't of the same base starship type, and the same thing is happening now.

    Compared to the Malem and Valiant, the Kor does appear weaker, but compared to other ships of its type, Raiders, it is a very good ship. The Kor is not "under-powered", it's just being compared to and listed with ships that aren't like it. Don't be fooled into thinking the ship is gimped or something because of the way Cryptic has decided to market it.

    Personally, I'm beyond excited for this. I've been waiting for a T6 BoP for a long time, and my Rom and Fed mains have the Defiant and T'varo on their rosters. Can't wait!

    Beside that You are saing that all rider class is and it should be underpowered, it is below expectations, at least mine.

    t5u ; t6 ; Baltim
    • hull: 28,463 ; 33,000 ; 42,000
    • shields: 0.8 ; 0.8 ; 0.95
    • tac cons: 4 ; 4 ; 5
    • weap: 4-2 ; 4-2 ; 5-1
    • boffs: 0 ; +1, pilot ; +2, pilot, intel
    • flank: 25% ; 25% ; 33%

    As I fly fleet t5u I have 0.88 shilds. So I understand - I have underpowered fleet t5u ship. Why would I pay 3000 zen for almost equally underpowered t6 ship? If she have pilot mechanics at least.

    I waited for this bundle as my secondary alts use diff and t'varo. They are weak ships and by looking at this stats, buying t6 versions, won't make them much better. Maybe I buy pilot bundle instead... By now I'm little sick of this Cryptic's policy of underpowered iconic ships... like Guardian to Gal t6 and Comm Battlecruisers to Excelsior t6...

    Baltim is so much better. Has also ltcmd intel and she's lobi ship, so in couple of weeks should be at cheaper on exchange.
    The Baltim is a Lobi/Lock Box/Promotional/Event ship. Those ships are ALWAYS better than other ships within their own starship family because that's how you get people to attempt obtaining them. Nobody would try to get those rarer ships if they were as good or worse than C-Store ships unless you really liked how they looked visually.

    I'm not saying the Kor is underpowered. I'm saying that it LOOKS underpowered because it's being compared to Escorts. Escorts and Raiders are both powerful, but for different reasons. You have to focus on flanking a lot if you want to get the most out of a Raider, while Escorts don't get a bonus from flanking but instead have stronger hulls/shields. Raiders have all or mostly all universal seats, Escorts do not. You basically trade durability for more build flexibility and enhanced flanking damage output when going from an Escort to a Raider.

    Besides, no T6 ship is really underpowered if you build it correctly and know a ship's strengths and weaknesses, and play the ship accordingly.

    TL:DR= Raiders are basically more strategic and tactics-focused Escorts. They are not less powerful than Escorts, they just require more strategy and forethought to play well compared to Escorts.

    All good, but:
    1. I'm comparing all BoPs not escorts,
    2. Baltim is Lobi ship, so she's not rare promotional ship, in fact in few weeks will be one of cheaper t6 on exchange

    I'm not arguing about place of BoPs among other classes. I'm saying that all that bundle is not worth it's price if You have t5 or fleet t5 versions of this ships.

    I'm also familiar with riders role and I know what flanking is. My main flies B'rel almost exclusively for more than 3 years, I'm not arguing - You are probably better pilot than me, but my point is about usefulness of t6 BoP. Are You that good, that You can run Heralds Sphere Elite, not die multipe times and have fun from it? I can't do that on fleet t5u and from this stats I gather that I won't be able to do it in t6. But for example I can do that in Mat'Ha. I know, different ship class, but shows my point: rider class as it is was designed for different, old game mechanics. Their advantages doesn't matter in space-battle-meta-chaos anymore, but their disadvantage do.
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