I could definitely see the Perception class as a successor to the Sovereign class design, and would welcome it into the STO universe!
Unfortunately, I'm more expecting something along the lines of what they did to the T6 Excelsior (gawd-awful shaped saucer section, ugly nacelles). Good thing we'll still have the original hull to fall back to.
IF a ship HAS to go to Sto'Vo'Kor when the warp core (or singularity core) explodes...
I'd take the Sovereign, the Negh'Var, the Dderidex right to the hall where plasma fuel flows like water and a full fleet of engineers is caressing the nacelles while you battle borg cubes and tarantulas all day long in a celestial holodeck.
Not bad, but I think you should widen nacelle pylons, and make saucer section a little higher than it currently is. Because these awfully reminds me of JJ Trek Enterprise which I'm not really fond of. Try to get your desing somewhere along the lines of those ships I posted in my post above.
And here are some of mine own designs:
1st design
2nd design
Now these designs are originally for ship class which is going to be mentioned in my ST book I'm working on. However, still some guidelines could be used in T6 design. And don't mind third nacelle concept. It's just my version of Sovereign X
Btw sorry for bad picture quality. I've taken the shots with my cellphone, so pictures might not be that good. And if you have any questions about designs feel free to ask me.
FED ENG:FA Sirius Verax (USS Leviathan) , FED TAC (Delta): FA Adria Tyllex (USS Thunderblade) , ROM TAC:ADM Kill'ina (IRW Imperix Thrai) , KLING ENG (Delta):LT. GEN Ghol'Vaq Martok (IKS Qeh'Ral II) - 44th Fleet member SUPPORTING PLAYABLE CARDASSIAN AND DOMINION FACTIONS!
I don't think that they will make the Eng Command seat a hybrid, that is usually the province of specialty ships (e.g. any of the Intel ships included in the DR pack, Command Cruisers, and Pilot Escorts). And I don't see them making the Universal seat, a Universal Hybrid. If it were a lockbox ship, maybe. My expectations are more realistic.
While I would like the T6 Sovereign to be:
Lt Tac/Intel or Pilot
LtC Tac
Lt Eng
Cmd Eng
Lt Uni
Eng Consoles: 4 (5 at Fleet)
Sci Consoles: 2
Tac Consoles: 4
However, using the T6 Excelsior as a guide, we will probably get this:
Ens Tac
LtC Tac
LtC Eng/Command
Cmd Eng
Lt Uni
Eng Consoles: 4 (5 at Fleet)
Sci Consoles: 2
Tac Consoles: 4
My wish for the Ens Tac to be upgraded to Lt Tac is, of course, biased to the build I am currently using on my T5U FACR. I use the Lt Tac ability CSV1 and Deft Cannoneer to increase the inertia to compensate for the drift.
"I'm not big on telepaths myself. I'm not big on guns either. But if everyone else has them, I want to make sure I can get my hands on the biggest one I can."
However, using the T6 Excelsior as a guide, we will probably get this:
Ens Tac
LtC Tac
LtC Eng/Command
Cmd Eng
Lt Uni
Eng Consoles: 4 (5 at Fleet)
Sci Consoles: 2
Tac Consoles: 4
I mentioned this before, I don't think we'll see a Lt.Cmd ENG boff seat on the Assault cruiser because 1) it needs to be more tactical focused (as it is an assault ship) and 2) it would make it very close to the current T6 Exploration cruiser boff layout. Also, now reviewing all the other T6 cruisers I'm not sure if they'd just make the Ens. TAC seat into a Lt TAC seat because this cruiser than would be underpowered compared to other cruisers (minus the Command Cruisers) that have 2x Lt.Cmd seats.
I think we should have something more along the lines of
Lt.Cmd TAC
..and have the Hybrid Pilot (preferred) seat on either the Lt ENG or Lt.Cmd UNIV
However, using the T6 Excelsior as a guide, we will probably get this:
Ens Tac
LtC Tac
LtC Eng/Command
Cmd Eng
Lt Uni
Eng Consoles: 4 (5 at Fleet)
Sci Consoles: 2
Tac Consoles: 4
I mentioned this before, I don't think we'll see a Lt.Cmd ENG boff seat on the Assault cruiser because 1) it needs to be more tactical focused (as it is an assault ship) and 2) it would make it very close to the current T6 Exploration cruiser boff layout. Also, now reviewing all the other T6 cruisers I'm not sure if they'd just make the Ens. TAC seat into a Lt TAC seat because this cruiser than would be underpowered compared to other cruisers (minus the Command Cruisers) that have 2x Lt.Cmd seats.
I think we should have something more along the lines of
Lt.Cmd TAC
..and have the Hybrid Pilot (preferred) seat on either the Lt ENG or Lt.Cmd UNIV
I did say that I was biased to the Ens Tac to Lt Tac (just a personal opinion) and that we would probably get something else. I do not think they will upgrade the Lt Uni to a LtC seat though.
Here is my reasoning for what I think we will get.
The seating on the Avenger is similar to the seating on the Regent. With the Regent's Lt Eng turned into a Lt Uni on the Avenger and the Regent's Lt Uni turned into a Lt Sci on the Avenger.
The T5 Excelsior had a Lt Eng seat, when it was upgraded to T6, that seat became a LtC. When the T5 Galaxy got the T6 treatment, it already had a LtC Eng, so something else had to given the upgrade. I think that they are inclined to follow a rule of thumb when doing the T6 upgrades, like they did with the console slots for the T5Us. For example, on a T5 Cruiser getting upgraded to T5U, the science or tac console slots could not outnumber the eng console slots. However, with the T6 upgrades, the rule of thumb may be that if there is a Lt Eng, it will be upgraded to LtC. In most cases, when a cruiser had a Lt Eng slot, it had a LtC Tac (T5 Excelsior and T5 Assault Cruiser) or a LtC Sci (T5 Support Cruiser).
So, comparing the Arbiter to the possible T6 Sovereign; the Arbiter's Lt Sci would become a Lt Uni and the Arbiter's LtC Uni slot would become the LtC Eng.
"I'm not big on telepaths myself. I'm not big on guns either. But if everyone else has them, I want to make sure I can get my hands on the biggest one I can."
I did say that I was biased to the Ens Tac to Lt Tac (just a personal opinion) and that we would probably get something else. I do not think they will upgrade the Lt Uni to a LtC seat though.
Here is my reasoning for what I think we will get.
The seating on the Avenger is similar to the seating on the Regent. With the Regent's Lt Eng turned into a Lt Uni on the Avenger and the Regent's Lt Uni turned into a Lt Sci on the Avenger.
The T5 Excelsior had a Lt Eng seat, when it was upgraded to T6, that seat became a LtC. When the T5 Galaxy got the T6 treatment, it already had a LtC Eng, so something else had to given the upgrade. I think that they are inclined to follow a rule of thumb when doing the T6 upgrades, like they did with the console slots for the T5Us. For example, on a T5 Cruiser getting upgraded to T5U, the science or tac console slots could not outnumber the eng console slots. However, with the T6 upgrades, the rule of thumb may be that if there is a Lt Eng, it will be upgraded to LtC. In most cases, when a cruiser had a Lt Eng slot, it had a LtC Tac (T5 Excelsior and T5 Assault Cruiser) or a LtC Sci (T5 Support Cruiser).
So, comparing the Arbiter to the possible T6 Sovereign; the Arbiter's Lt Sci would become a Lt Uni and the Arbiter's LtC Uni slot would become the LtC Eng.
I agree, we're not likely to get a Lt.Cmd Universal, but it sure would be nice! That is basically what the Avenger got, though. It upgraded a Lt. Univ to a Lt.Cmd Univ and the Lt.Cmd Tac became a hybrid. If the T6 Sovereign were to follow this lead we might see a Lt.Cmd Univ and the Lt.Cmd Tac would become the hybrid. Both ships are considered assault ships with the Avenger/Arbiter being a heavily focused assault ship.
Either way, can't wait for a T6 Sovereign to be released.
I did say that I was biased to the Ens Tac to Lt Tac (just a personal opinion) and that we would probably get something else. I do not think they will upgrade the Lt Uni to a LtC seat though.
Here is my reasoning for what I think we will get.
The seating on the Avenger is similar to the seating on the Regent. With the Regent's Lt Eng turned into a Lt Uni on the Avenger and the Regent's Lt Uni turned into a Lt Sci on the Avenger.
The T5 Excelsior had a Lt Eng seat, when it was upgraded to T6, that seat became a LtC. When the T5 Galaxy got the T6 treatment, it already had a LtC Eng, so something else had to given the upgrade. I think that they are inclined to follow a rule of thumb when doing the T6 upgrades, like they did with the console slots for the T5Us. For example, on a T5 Cruiser getting upgraded to T5U, the science or tac console slots could not outnumber the eng console slots. However, with the T6 upgrades, the rule of thumb may be that if there is a Lt Eng, it will be upgraded to LtC. In most cases, when a cruiser had a Lt Eng slot, it had a LtC Tac (T5 Excelsior and T5 Assault Cruiser) or a LtC Sci (T5 Support Cruiser).
So, comparing the Arbiter to the possible T6 Sovereign; the Arbiter's Lt Sci would become a Lt Uni and the Arbiter's LtC Uni slot would become the LtC Eng.
I agree, we're not likely to get a Lt.Cmd Universal, but it sure would be nice! That is basically what the Avenger got, though. It upgraded a Lt. Univ to a Lt.Cmd Univ and the Lt.Cmd Tac became a hybrid. If the T6 Sovereign were to follow this lead we might see a Lt.Cmd Univ and the Lt.Cmd Tac would become the hybrid. Both ships are considered assault ships with the Avenger/Arbiter being a heavily focused assault ship.
Either way, can't wait for a T6 Sovereign to be released.
Agreed. Incidently, when I started using Deft Cannoneer on my Sovy, it's maneuverability became more like I think it should be. I use the Counter-Command Engine on mine, for the bonus to Inertia and I run with high engine power so I get more speed out of it. Add in Subwarp Sheath and the armor penetration can get up to 14.1 with Momentum. I have also found that on the Sovy, when the inertia gets to 65, she doesn't loose speed while turning, which helps maintain Subwarp Sheath's armor penetration. It also nullifies the drift experienced from high speed turns, which helps to keep the ship in range of the enemy longer. My turn rate runs at about 29, while not escort level, also adds to maintaining range and positioning. I did have to sacrifice some of the ship's attack power; but it is a bit more fun for me to fly it this way.
"I'm not big on telepaths myself. I'm not big on guns either. But if everyone else has them, I want to make sure I can get my hands on the biggest one I can."
What I want from the T6 Sovereign class is an increase to the Boff rank to use more abilities. An increase stats, for example hull. A new ship design and improve the original design with post-nemesis design which John Eaves made on his website, which should be known as the Original/refitted design as STO is 30 plus years from ST Nemesis. One of the new designs I like is sovereign 47 first design he or she posted. Could you add more pictures with different views please?
Possibly add special console or consoles or have them be part of the ship so it does not take up console slots, I was thinking the corbomite reflector from Star Trek Armada, new QSD, new warp core, new impulse engine, deflector array or as a set. Maybe a set of new beam arrays or both a set of beam arrays and torpedo tubes.
Obviously not have the ship be overpowered but it has to have something to make it unique. At least some of the things I have suggested could be part of that uniqueness of the ship.
A T6 Soviergn should be more of a war ship. It is a post Defiant class design, in a universe where the Borg are a threat and the Dominion war was looming. The ship after a massive refit or re-design would likely keep the ship along those lines with just improving on the ship. A high hull hit point ship, with a standard 4 and 4 weapon set up, 5 tac consoles, 3 engineering and 2 science (3rd engineering console on a fleet version) The special consoles could be a second wide arc quantum torpedo able to be equipped with the other one, and an improved eps conduit that is a combination of the gel pack and a turn rate console so the ability to up all stats by 3 if fully upgraded while then kicking the maneuverability to near that of an escort would make the ship very nice
Not sure about another wide angle torpedo launcher. May be an ablative generator or a beam array set console or an improved QSD that can move as fast as the Vesta class.
There were no other ships added other than a Fleet variant.
I could definitely see a beam array of some sort that has something special to or like FAW (much like what was used in Nemesis while they searched for the scimitar cloaked) or something to make it more manueverable (see the Manual Steering Column).
Would be cool to see if Cryptic makes whatever new console they come up with part of a 2 and 3-console bonus and what those bonuses will be.
There were no other ships added other than a Fleet variant.
I could definitely see a beam array of some sort that has something special to or like FAW (much like what was used in Nemesis while they searched for the scimitar cloaked) or something to make it more manueverable (see the Manual Steering Column).
Would be cool to see if Cryptic makes whatever new console they come up with part of a 2 and 3-console bonus and what those bonuses will be.
The Manual Steering Column... I think that could be a great Sovereign Console. And it's another argument for the Sovereign as a Cruiser with a Pilot Hybrid slot.
Universal Console - Manual Steering Column
When slotted, you gain a +15 % turn rate bonus.
When activated, you gain +5 Turn rate and +10 % speed and increase the recharge time for all Pilot bridge officer skills, evasive maneuvers and ramming speed by 33 %. This buff lasts for 30 seconds.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
Metreon Gas Canisters can be equiped on any ships now. So giving a set bonus with Wide angle Quantum would make it available for every ship...
"Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
Universal Console - Manual Steering Column
When slotted, you gain a +15 % turn rate bonus.
When activated, you gain +5 Turn rate and +10 % speed and increase the recharge time for all Pilot bridge officer skills, evasive maneuvers and ramming speed by 33 %. This buff lasts for 30 seconds.
Metreon Gas Canisters can be equiped on any ships now. So giving a set bonus with Wide angle Quantum would make it available for every ship...
Good point, but I don't think that should stop adding a set bonus to these consoles. Some of these consoles should be able to be equipped on multiple ships except for consoles that are specific to a species (like the Jem'Hadar consoles only on Jem'Hadar ships, etc) or type of ship (like DHC's on escorts and battlecruisers, etc).
The top of the nacelles need to be in with the top of the saucer, the nacelles look really chunky and not very streamlined
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Not bad, but I think you should widen nacelle pylons, and make saucer section a little higher than it currently is. Because these awfully reminds me of JJ Trek Enterprise which I'm not really fond of. Try to get your desing somewhere along the lines of those ships I posted in my post above.
And here are some of mine own designs:
1st design
2nd design
Now these designs are originally for ship class which is going to be mentioned in my ST book I'm working on. However, still some guidelines could be used in T6 design. And don't mind third nacelle concept. It's just my version of Sovereign X
Btw sorry for bad picture quality. I've taken the shots with my cellphone, so pictures might not be that good. And if you have any questions about designs feel free to ask me.
Any way those designs could be more streamlined, that secondary hull is looking rather tubby
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
cmdr engi lt com tac lt com uni lt engi ensign universal. it would give it a very different bridge officer layout. The hybrid seat could be anything really hopefully a new one or pilot/intel.
Nice ship, though it doesn't seems fitting for T6 Sovereign mostly because of that neck section. Sovereign class doesn't have one, so a new T6 shouldn't have it too.
FED ENG:FA Sirius Verax (USS Leviathan) , FED TAC (Delta): FA Adria Tyllex (USS Thunderblade) , ROM TAC:ADM Kill'ina (IRW Imperix Thrai) , KLING ENG (Delta):LT. GEN Ghol'Vaq Martok (IKS Qeh'Ral II) - 44th Fleet member SUPPORTING PLAYABLE CARDASSIAN AND DOMINION FACTIONS!
Unfortunately, I'm more expecting something along the lines of what they did to the T6 Excelsior (gawd-awful shaped saucer section, ugly nacelles). Good thing we'll still have the original hull to fall back to.
I'd take the Sovereign, the Negh'Var, the Dderidex right to the hall where plasma fuel flows like water and a full fleet of engineers is caressing the nacelles while you battle borg cubes and tarantulas all day long in a celestial holodeck.
And here are some of mine own designs:
1st design
2nd design
Now these designs are originally for ship class which is going to be mentioned in my ST book I'm working on. However, still some guidelines could be used in T6 design. And don't mind third nacelle concept. It's just my version of Sovereign X
Btw sorry for bad picture quality. I've taken the shots with my cellphone, so pictures might not be that good. And if you have any questions about designs feel free to ask me.
While I would like the T6 Sovereign to be:
Lt Tac/Intel or Pilot
LtC Tac
Lt Eng
Cmd Eng
Lt Uni
Eng Consoles: 4 (5 at Fleet)
Sci Consoles: 2
Tac Consoles: 4
However, using the T6 Excelsior as a guide, we will probably get this:
Ens Tac
LtC Tac
LtC Eng/Command
Cmd Eng
Lt Uni
Eng Consoles: 4 (5 at Fleet)
Sci Consoles: 2
Tac Consoles: 4
My wish for the Ens Tac to be upgraded to Lt Tac is, of course, biased to the build I am currently using on my T5U FACR. I use the Lt Tac ability CSV1 and Deft Cannoneer to increase the inertia to compensate for the drift.
I mentioned this before, I don't think we'll see a Lt.Cmd ENG boff seat on the Assault cruiser because 1) it needs to be more tactical focused (as it is an assault ship) and 2) it would make it very close to the current T6 Exploration cruiser boff layout. Also, now reviewing all the other T6 cruisers I'm not sure if they'd just make the Ens. TAC seat into a Lt TAC seat because this cruiser than would be underpowered compared to other cruisers (minus the Command Cruisers) that have 2x Lt.Cmd seats.
I think we should have something more along the lines of
- Lt.Cmd TAC
- Ens TAC
- Cmd ENG
- Lt ENG
- Lt.Cmd UNIV
..and have the Hybrid Pilot (preferred) seat on either the Lt ENG or Lt.Cmd UNIVI did say that I was biased to the Ens Tac to Lt Tac (just a personal opinion) and that we would probably get something else. I do not think they will upgrade the Lt Uni to a LtC seat though.
Here is my reasoning for what I think we will get.
The seating on the Avenger is similar to the seating on the Regent. With the Regent's Lt Eng turned into a Lt Uni on the Avenger and the Regent's Lt Uni turned into a Lt Sci on the Avenger.
The T5 Excelsior had a Lt Eng seat, when it was upgraded to T6, that seat became a LtC. When the T5 Galaxy got the T6 treatment, it already had a LtC Eng, so something else had to given the upgrade. I think that they are inclined to follow a rule of thumb when doing the T6 upgrades, like they did with the console slots for the T5Us. For example, on a T5 Cruiser getting upgraded to T5U, the science or tac console slots could not outnumber the eng console slots. However, with the T6 upgrades, the rule of thumb may be that if there is a Lt Eng, it will be upgraded to LtC. In most cases, when a cruiser had a Lt Eng slot, it had a LtC Tac (T5 Excelsior and T5 Assault Cruiser) or a LtC Sci (T5 Support Cruiser).
So, comparing the Arbiter to the possible T6 Sovereign; the Arbiter's Lt Sci would become a Lt Uni and the Arbiter's LtC Uni slot would become the LtC Eng.
I agree, we're not likely to get a Lt.Cmd Universal, but it sure would be nice! That is basically what the Avenger got, though. It upgraded a Lt. Univ to a Lt.Cmd Univ and the Lt.Cmd Tac became a hybrid. If the T6 Sovereign were to follow this lead we might see a Lt.Cmd Univ and the Lt.Cmd Tac would become the hybrid. Both ships are considered assault ships with the Avenger/Arbiter being a heavily focused assault ship.
Either way, can't wait for a T6 Sovereign to be released.
Agreed. Incidently, when I started using Deft Cannoneer on my Sovy, it's maneuverability became more like I think it should be. I use the Counter-Command Engine on mine, for the bonus to Inertia and I run with high engine power so I get more speed out of it. Add in Subwarp Sheath and the armor penetration can get up to 14.1 with Momentum. I have also found that on the Sovy, when the inertia gets to 65, she doesn't loose speed while turning, which helps maintain Subwarp Sheath's armor penetration. It also nullifies the drift experienced from high speed turns, which helps to keep the ship in range of the enemy longer. My turn rate runs at about 29, while not escort level, also adds to maintaining range and positioning. I did have to sacrifice some of the ship's attack power; but it is a bit more fun for me to fly it this way.
Possibly add special console or consoles or have them be part of the ship so it does not take up console slots, I was thinking the corbomite reflector from Star Trek Armada, new QSD, new warp core, new impulse engine, deflector array or as a set. Maybe a set of new beam arrays or both a set of beam arrays and torpedo tubes.
Obviously not have the ship be overpowered but it has to have something to make it unique. At least some of the things I have suggested could be part of that uniqueness of the ship.
- Metreon Gas Canisters (a take off of its use in Star Trek Insurrection, I assume)
- Wide Angle Quantum Torpedo Launcher (not sure where this comes from the show/movies, but a good launcher nonetheless)
There were no other ships added other than a Fleet variant.I could definitely see a beam array of some sort that has something special to or like FAW (much like what was used in Nemesis while they searched for the scimitar cloaked) or something to make it more manueverable (see the Manual Steering Column).
Would be cool to see if Cryptic makes whatever new console they come up with part of a 2 and 3-console bonus and what those bonuses will be.
Universal Console - Manual Steering Column
When slotted, you gain a +15 % turn rate bonus.
When activated, you gain +5 Turn rate and +10 % speed and increase the recharge time for all Pilot bridge officer skills, evasive maneuvers and ramming speed by 33 %. This buff lasts for 30 seconds.
The top of the nacelles need to be in with the top of the saucer, the nacelles look really chunky and not very streamlined
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Any way those designs could be more streamlined, that secondary hull is looking rather tubby
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
cmdr engi lt com tac lt com uni lt engi ensign universal. it would give it a very different bridge officer layout. The hybrid seat could be anything really hopefully a new one or pilot/intel.
-3rd Commmandment of Chivalry
Impressive ship. Do you have any more images from different angles?