There's a bug in Availability currently, where you can get a 2nd copy of an Assignment presented to you while the first copy is "in progress." The system correctly considers them unique (which they should be) while Available or On Deck, and properly registers Cooldowns that begin after the Assignment is completed... but that middle step is not currently working correctly.
It sounds like you've run into this, and your "Transport Materials..." Assignment is still in cooldown.
Jeremy Randall
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
Hey borticus, just wanted to let you know that it is possible for Federation-aligned Romulans to get the Tier 5 Support Cruiser Retrofit card, in case that was unintended.
How did you manage that? You can't commission the T5 ship.
The T3 ship in your list is fine. But the T5 A-ship, called "Support Cruiser Retrofit," should be unobtainable by Roms.
Jeremy Randall
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
Hey borticus, just wanted to let you know that it is possible for Federation-aligned Romulans to get the Tier 5 Support Cruiser Retrofit card, in case that was unintended.
How did you manage that? You can't commission the T5 ship.
The T3 ship in your list is fine. But the T5 A-ship, called "Support Cruiser Retrofit," should be unobtainable by Roms.
It is, actually. It shouldn't be, but you can commission it if you got the account unlock version from the giveaway a year and a half or whatever ago.
There's a bug in Availability currently, where you can get a 2nd copy of an Assignment presented to you while the first copy is "in progress." The system correctly considers them unique (which they should be) while Available or On Deck, and properly registers Cooldowns that begin after the Assignment is completed... but that middle step is not currently working correctly.
It sounds like you've run into this, and your "Transport Materials..." Assignment is still in cooldown.
idk any one said this before but maybe add a system were we can buy admiralty ships for resources or maybe sometimes be rewarded them in missions
You can actually get shipcards in missions.
Beta, LTA, CE, Multiple preorder Versions, all Addon Packs except AoY, nearly all KDF/Rom and ~50% of all Fedships, over 25 LockboxShips, Endurer of Atari's "Year of Hell", but...
It is, actually. It shouldn't be, but you can commission it if you got the account unlock version from the giveaway a year and a half or whatever ago.
Ok, after investigating the issue a bit, I think we're just going to have call this an acceptable exception to the rules. Roms should not have been granted access to the Ambassador and Kamarag Retrofits, but we don't wanna take away access to the ship from those that've already claimed it. So you can consider this Working as Designed.
Jeremy Randall
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
Insider tip: This is a video game. You can't really use real-world comparisons to justify game mechanics. If you'd like another way to look at it, you can think of the Assignment+Maintenance part of the same "cooldown" but you get to collect your rewards more quickly.
The balance between durations and maintenance are designed as they currently are for very specific reasons:
I understand this
I just feel it's a bit silly to log on at, say, 5pm, start an assignment using a T6 ship, play for a few (too many) hours, log off, sleep, work, log on later the next day, and see that ship still in maintenance. At the very least, I would expect maintenance times to factor in assignment length. Low tier ships would still be optimal, but I'm not waiting 36 hours because I sent a single T6 on a 15 minute assignment instead of 3 of my lower tier ships.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that the system encourages using my lower tier ships. I can't wait til this comes to holodeck and I can claim all my T1-4s from the C-Store. Maybe the long maintenance times won't even bug me then. It just seems like right now, using only ships I bought for dilithium, I can't avoid sending some of my T5-6s on shorter assignments.
How did you manage that? You can't commission the T5 ship.
The T3 ship in your list is fine. But the T5 A-ship, called "Support Cruiser Retrofit," should be unobtainable by Roms.
This was given away last summer, and yes, Romulans can claim it. At the time, we brought it up and never heard any word from a dev on whether it was intentional or not. This is only an issue with the Fed Support Cruiser Retrofit reward, KDF-Romulans can't claim the Varanus that was also given away.
That's why I'm not passing judgement on anything on Tribble, until I see what gets transferred to Holodeck.
Doesn't that kinda defeat the purpose of having a test server? The reason why people are being particularly critical of the system pre-release is because ALL-TOO-OFTEN, Tribble Version = Holodeck version, bugs be damned.
Rhetorical question and bug report: Are Admiralty ships supposed to be used for DoFF assignments? I am assuming not but for one of my DS9 Haggle for... missions, My Jem'Hadar strike ship showed up as a "DoFF".
So far, all of your posts have been to justify and sell what's there and it doesn't seem like any criticism has gotten through.
The system doesn't suck. It can be more. There are benefits, I think, to letting this system grow before you let it out of the nest.
I think this snippet is fair, with much love and respect to Bort's (and other Devs) hard work. I am not clear if any of the useful suggestions have been taken to heart -replies to comments and queries often come across as more like justifications. But then again, they can be helpful as well.
Anyhow, back on topic. I think the maintenance CD for the missions needs to be reworked others have stated, there's no alignment in having redonkulous CDs for 15 minute missions.
You know what, I'm now entirely in favour of the maintenance cool down. It is opposite of grining, it is the game saying "okay, sod off and do something else for a while. Play a mission, play that indie steam game you got 2 years ago for 5 cents and never played, reorganise your dvd collection, go for a walk, frolic in a field with anthropomorphic kittens. Just anything but keep clicking me!" I like that. STO should tell us to get a life more often.
Having had a day and change to play around with it, I agree. I can't speak for anyone else, but I think I did overreact to the maintenance times. The system works.
As it stands right now, it would be a significant server performance hit for us to allow A-Ships to exist entirely separate from their associated flyable ships. The current implementation is meant to be as streamlined and friendly on our character/item databases as possible, to hopefully prevent (or at least lessen) Day 1 crashing/lag. Using any other method increases those risks significantly.
Alright; I can live with this. I'd rather have something slightly unintuitive than something laggy. (I really think there should be some clarifying text or something, though.)
It is, actually. It shouldn't be, but you can commission it if you got the account unlock version from the giveaway a year and a half or whatever ago.
Ok, after investigating the issue a bit, I think we're just going to have call this an acceptable exception to the rules. Roms should not have been granted access to the Ambassador and Kamarag Retrofits, but we don't wanna take away access to the ship from those that've already claimed it. So you can consider this Working as Designed.
Rhetorical question and bug report: Are Admiralty ships supposed to be used for DoFF assignments? I am assuming not but for one of my DS9 Haggle for... missions, My Jem'Hadar strike ship showed up as a "DoFF".
No, this is definitely a bug. But I'm curious how well your ship performed at Haggling.
Jeremy Randall
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
I think this snippet is fair, with much love and respect to Bort's (and other Devs) hard work. I am not clear if any of the useful suggestions have been taken to heart -replies to comments and queries often come across as more like justifications.
In the same post you're referring to, I said:
All that said, we are listening to your feedback, and may consider tweaking some things.
... in fact, I just finished reviewing a preliminary rework of Maintenance timers with Gorngonzolla.
Jeremy Randall
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
It's not like we want players to blaze thru the whole system in a weekend.
Maybe a compromise from taking 25 billion years to maybe say 3 weekends? All kidding aside and stuff it would be great if season 11 made the game somewhat alt friendly. It isn't that I don't like the content from DR/Season 10 its the overwhelming amount of time it takes to get things done.
Just my 2 cents but if you want it to last a decent enough time my positive feedback would be to start design out on the account wide level and not the per character because being overwhelmed just puts me off/or someone like me from even logging into the game.
Rhetorical question and bug report: Are Admiralty ships supposed to be used for DoFF assignments? I am assuming not but for one of my DS9 Haggle for... missions, My Jem'Hadar strike ship showed up as a "DoFF".
No, this is definitely a bug. But I'm curious how well your ship performed at Haggling.
It was the Haggle for Jevonite and the result was Extremely profitable. Maybe we need more ships haggling.
It is, actually. It shouldn't be, but you can commission it if you got the account unlock version from the giveaway a year and a half or whatever ago.
Ok, after investigating the issue a bit, I think we're just going to have call this an acceptable exception to the rules. Roms should not have been granted access to the Ambassador and Kamarag Retrofits, but we don't wanna take away access to the ship from those that've already claimed it. So you can consider this Working as Designed.
But ... KDF Romulans don't have access to the Kamarag Retrofit, they never had.
Beta, LTA, CE, Multiple preorder Versions, all Addon Packs except AoY, nearly all KDF/Rom and ~50% of all Fedships, over 25 LockboxShips, Endurer of Atari's "Year of Hell", but...
Does the M period start from collect rewards? It looked like it did when I just logged on and cleared the first batch. This does mean log on to start, wait a day or so then log on just to collect then wait another day or so and log on to start the next one. Can we just have it so the maintenance starts from the completion time rather than the collection time so it isn't so needy for attention?
Hmm.. the Enterprise (1701/1701D) was on a 5 year mission, did all the "stuff" (missions) I saw in the Admiralty System, and she never had a maintenance period. Starships, are inherently self sustaining; self sufficient; vessels "INTENDED" to be on long deployments.
I want to say, it should be called "shore leave" instead but if the navy has 2 month leave for 2 weeks of service then I'm totally signing up! Maybe there is a better term for this cooldown that pleases everyone. If not, I think we should fire the whole of SCE for such dodgy engineering and then get on with it.
But ... KDF Romulans don't have access to the Kamarag Retrofit, they never had.
Right, I misunderstood that portion of the issue, and now know that KDF-Roms have access to the Varanus Retrofit instead. It still stands as an acceptable exception to the standard rules, though.
Jeremy Randall
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
Rhetorical question and bug report: Are Admiralty ships supposed to be used for DoFF assignments? I am assuming not but for one of my DS9 Haggle for... missions, My Jem'Hadar strike ship showed up as a "DoFF".
Hahaha! That just made me think of a really old bug from Beta where you would sometimes beam down to a surface map and your character model wouldn't change so you'd just be a ship running around the place. At least it performed well.
Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
Rhetorical question and bug report: Are Admiralty ships supposed to be used for DoFF assignments? I am assuming not but for one of my DS9 Haggle for... missions, My Jem'Hadar strike ship showed up as a "DoFF".
Hahaha! That just made me think of a really old bug from Beta where you would sometimes beam down to a surface map and your character model wouldn't change so you'd just be a ship running around the place. At least it performed well.
Or vice versa: your ground character would end up going around in sector space.
Rhetorical question and bug report: Are Admiralty ships supposed to be used for DoFF assignments? I am assuming not but for one of my DS9 Haggle for... missions, My Jem'Hadar strike ship showed up as a "DoFF".
Right, I misunderstood that portion of the issue, and now know that KDF-Roms have access to the Varanus Retrofit instead. It still stands as an acceptable exception to the standard rules, though.
My KDF-Rom can't claim the Varanus, does that affect everyone? I know both the Support Cruiser Retrofit and Varanus were given away as account-wide unlocks during the events, but the Varanus doesn't seem bugged to me.
Ok, after investigating the issue a bit, I think we're just going to have call this an acceptable exception to the rules. Roms should not have been granted access to the Ambassador and Kamarag Retrofits, but we don't wanna take away access to the ship from those that've already claimed it. So you can consider this Working as Designed.
I seem to recall filing a ticket about being able to claim the T5 Supper Cruiser Retrofit on my Romulan the day after the giveaway, but I guess after letting it sit for so long you gotta make it an 'ascended glitch' as they say. Figured I could bring attention to it here
I must ask, if you do the same for the T5 Kamarag Retrofit in the future, would KDF-Romulans be able to claim that one? It would be a shame if it were treated differently.
I'm curious: what's the lore justification for the limited-use ships? I can see how they work gameplay-wise, but from a plot standpoint it seems weird to just suddenly have a ship join my fleet, only to disappear again as soon as it's done a mission.
*squawk* "Admiral Kirimuffin, I have Admiral Quinn on a Priority channel."
"Thank you, Lieutenant, patch him through here to my Ready Room."
"Admiral, thanks again for single-handedly fending off the Iconians and saving the entire galaxy. I understand you have to escort a shipment of gakh to Qo'nos, and while I have no doubt you could tackle this difficult assignment yourself, I'd like for you to include Captain Dumbledore and the U.S.S. Whatzit on your team for this one. They have been temporarily assigned to your command for the duration of the mission."
"I understand, sir. We'll make 'fleet proud, as always."
"Outstanding. The Whatzit is already enroute to your coordinates. Good luck, Admiral."
"You Iconians just hung a vacancy sign on your asses and my foot's looking for a room!"
--Red Annorax
I'm curious: what's the lore justification for the limited-use ships? I can see how they work gameplay-wise, but from a plot standpoint it seems weird to just suddenly have a ship join my fleet, only to disappear again as soon as it's done a mission.
*squawk* "Admiral Kirimuffin, I have Admiral Quinn on a Priority channel."
"Thank you, Lieutenant, patch him through here to my Ready Room."
"Admiral, thanks again for single-handedly fending off the Iconians and saving the entire galaxy. I understand you have to escort a shipment of gakh to Qo'nos, and while I have no doubt you could tackle this difficult assignment yourself, I'd like for you to include Captain Dumbledore and the U.S.S. Whatzit on your team for this one. They have been temporarily assigned to your command for the duration of the mission."
"I understand, sir. We'll make 'fleet proud, as always."
"Outstanding. The Whatzit is already enroute to your coordinates. Good luck, Admiral."
My KDF-Rom can't claim the Varanus, does that affect everyone? I know both the Support Cruiser Retrofit and Varanus were given away as account-wide unlocks during the events, but the Varanus doesn't seem bugged to me.
I don't think that whatever glitch happened with the Ambassador happened with the Varanus, sadly. Ah well.
Is that the Delta shield visual? I ask because I'm trying to figure out which gear would work best to make my Fed-Rom's Ambassador look like... well, that.
Is that the Delta shield visual? I ask because I'm trying to figure out which gear would work best to make my Fed-Rom's Ambassador look like... well, that.
Is that the Delta shield visual? I ask because I'm trying to figure out which gear would work best to make my Fed-Rom's Ambassador look like... well, that.
The Breen shield, actually.
Oh! I'd totally forgotten about Breen visuals, haha. Thanks!
(Though, I found a picture on the wiki of what the Ambassador looks like with the Delta set, so I might go with that. I dunno.)
Anyway, to get back on topic:
Is there a way to "un-attach" an event from an assignment? Like, I got the second KDF Tour of Duty mission, and... it required 95 sci due to the event. >_< Also, like, how do events work in general? Are they random, or are they tied to specific missions?
It sounds like you've run into this, and your "Transport Materials..." Assignment is still in cooldown.
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
How did you manage that? You can't commission the T5 ship.
The T3 ship in your list is fine. But the T5 A-ship, called "Support Cruiser Retrofit," should be unobtainable by Roms.
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
It is, actually. It shouldn't be, but you can commission it if you got the account unlock version from the giveaway a year and a half or whatever ago.
Yeah, that's exactly what I hit.
You can actually get shipcards in missions.
Ok, after investigating the issue a bit, I think we're just going to have call this an acceptable exception to the rules. Roms should not have been granted access to the Ambassador and Kamarag Retrofits, but we don't wanna take away access to the ship from those that've already claimed it. So you can consider this Working as Designed.
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
I understand this
I just feel it's a bit silly to log on at, say, 5pm, start an assignment using a T6 ship, play for a few (too many) hours, log off, sleep, work, log on later the next day, and see that ship still in maintenance. At the very least, I would expect maintenance times to factor in assignment length. Low tier ships would still be optimal, but I'm not waiting 36 hours because I sent a single T6 on a 15 minute assignment instead of 3 of my lower tier ships.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that the system encourages using my lower tier ships. I can't wait til this comes to holodeck and I can claim all my T1-4s from the C-Store. Maybe the long maintenance times won't even bug me then. It just seems like right now, using only ships I bought for dilithium, I can't avoid sending some of my T5-6s on shorter assignments.
This was given away last summer, and yes, Romulans can claim it. At the time, we brought it up and never heard any word from a dev on whether it was intentional or not. This is only an issue with the Fed Support Cruiser Retrofit reward, KDF-Romulans can't claim the Varanus that was also given away.
Doesn't that kinda defeat the purpose of having a test server? The reason why people are being particularly critical of the system pre-release is because ALL-TOO-OFTEN, Tribble Version = Holodeck version, bugs be damned.
I think this snippet is fair, with much love and respect to Bort's (and other Devs) hard work. I am not clear if any of the useful suggestions have been taken to heart -replies to comments and queries often come across as more like justifications. But then again, they can be helpful as well.
Anyhow, back on topic. I think the maintenance CD for the missions needs to be reworked others have stated, there's no alignment in having redonkulous CDs for 15 minute missions.
Having had a day and change to play around with it, I agree. I can't speak for anyone else, but I think I did overreact to the maintenance times. The system works.
Alright; I can live with this. I'd rather have something slightly unintuitive than something laggy. (I really think there should be some clarifying text or something, though.)
YAY. I was hoping this would be the case
No, this is definitely a bug. But I'm curious how well your ship performed at Haggling.
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
In the same post you're referring to, I said:
... in fact, I just finished reviewing a preliminary rework of Maintenance timers with Gorngonzolla.
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
Maybe a compromise from taking 25 billion years to maybe say 3 weekends? All kidding aside and stuff it would be great if season 11 made the game somewhat alt friendly. It isn't that I don't like the content from DR/Season 10 its the overwhelming amount of time it takes to get things done.
Just my 2 cents but if you want it to last a decent enough time my positive feedback would be to start design out on the account wide level and not the per character because being overwhelmed just puts me off/or someone like me from even logging into the game.
It was the Haggle for Jevonite and the result was Extremely profitable. Maybe we need more ships haggling.
But ... KDF Romulans don't have access to the Kamarag Retrofit, they never had.
I want to say, it should be called "shore leave" instead but if the navy has 2 month leave for 2 weeks of service then I'm totally signing up! Maybe there is a better term for this cooldown that pleases everyone. If not, I think we should fire the whole of SCE for such dodgy engineering and then get on with it.
Right, I misunderstood that portion of the issue, and now know that KDF-Roms have access to the Varanus Retrofit instead. It still stands as an acceptable exception to the standard rules, though.
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
Isn't it a bit early to do that? I'm not sure the current specs are even close to final.
Hahaha! That just made me think of a really old bug from Beta where you would sometimes beam down to a surface map and your character model wouldn't change so you'd just be a ship running around the place. At least it performed well.
Or vice versa: your ground character would end up going around in sector space.
Fun times.
My KDF-Rom can't claim the Varanus, does that affect everyone? I know both the Support Cruiser Retrofit and Varanus were given away as account-wide unlocks during the events, but the Varanus doesn't seem bugged to me.
I seem to recall filing a ticket about being able to claim the T5 Supper Cruiser Retrofit on my Romulan the day after the giveaway, but I guess after letting it sit for so long you gotta make it an 'ascended glitch' as they say. Figured I could bring attention to it here
I must ask, if you do the same for the T5 Kamarag Retrofit in the future, would KDF-Romulans be able to claim that one? It would be a shame if it were treated differently.
"Thank you, Lieutenant, patch him through here to my Ready Room."
"Admiral, thanks again for single-handedly fending off the Iconians and saving the entire galaxy. I understand you have to escort a shipment of gakh to Qo'nos, and while I have no doubt you could tackle this difficult assignment yourself, I'd like for you to include Captain Dumbledore and the U.S.S. Whatzit on your team for this one. They have been temporarily assigned to your command for the duration of the mission."
"I understand, sir. We'll make 'fleet proud, as always."
"Outstanding. The Whatzit is already enroute to your coordinates. Good luck, Admiral."
--Red Annorax
This made me smile
I don't think that whatever glitch happened with the Ambassador happened with the Varanus, sadly.
Is that the Delta shield visual? I ask because I'm trying to figure out which gear would work best to make my Fed-Rom's Ambassador look like... well, that.
Oh! I'd totally forgotten about Breen visuals, haha.
(Though, I found a picture on the wiki of what the Ambassador looks like with the Delta set, so I might go with that. I dunno.)
Anyway, to get back on topic:
Is there a way to "un-attach" an event from an assignment? Like, I got the second KDF Tour of Duty mission, and... it required 95 sci due to the event. >_< Also, like, how do events work in general? Are they random, or are they tied to specific missions?