Hey everyone!
I'm really excited to announce that we're now starting up our latest initiative: the
Operational Support Team! I've seen a huge interest in the community to help improve the game, so the team and I have built this program. The Operational Support Team is a volunteer force that will work with our team in order to submit, review, and resolve bugs that you might find. Our goal is to stomp out the bugs!
We will be taking volunteers from the community to join the Operational Support Team. We're looking for high-caliber members from the community who can effectively work alongside us in hunting down bugs. We have a process to assess potential candidates, and will be taking a select amount of people for the program. Members will work alongside the STO QA Team tracking down bugs by developing reproducible steps for issues. As we review the program and its effectiveness, the roster for the team will grow.
Let us know if you're interested in joining the program or if you have any questions!
But to answer your question more readily, this is a volunteer program. You can opt in to do this if you so choose.
Best wishes.
K'Nor - IKS Ch'Tang, Mat'Ha Raptor T6: http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=ikschtang_8710
I Broke the Server, for season 9, 9.5 and season 10. I also Broke ESD in the Foundry and caused the Foundry Editor Bug, but more importantly when I break something I usually spend an hour or more trying to find out way, providing a written account of what happened along with Pictures, and if possible Video. I also enjoy spending time in the Bug Forums, helpuign where I can and pointing people to dev responses and duplicate Threads.
So in Short, I'm ready to go and when Something Breaks remember... #ItsAllMarcosFault
So a ferengi would ask what it pays, A gorn would likely ask if they can eat the bugs, Trill would probably ask if they could join with them, and the orion would just enslave them.. xD
The orions would only enslave the Males.. the Females would become Vanity Pets. LOL
For instance, one of the big concerns is that many people can say "Something doesn't work." However, your ability to discern and disseminate the reasoning for why something doesn't work, reproducing the behavior allows a better understanding of the interworkings that are causing said bug. This is our big goal I'm looking for.
You expected SciFi fans wouldnt get it? Especially with a mission in game that is basically just Starship Troopers anyway? :P
Anywho I do have a good amount of QA experience in the game Industry, and if for some wonderful reason you could hire someone from Georgia... that would be wonderful. I would love the chance to talk with y'all!
I worked at Sony in San Diego for a little over 2 years in their FPQA Department. I was a game tester there, and i understand fully what you are wanting. I would still be working there, but unfortunately I had to move out of state...
I understand new builds coming out 2-4 times a day; as well as partaking in regression testing and focused testing.
My email is I guess attached to my forum account? Dunno if i want to put it on the web!
I worked in QA as a tester and test developer for nearly a year at the company I currently work for. I moved to development afterwards where I've remained for the past 7 years. It's not a gaming company, but there is a lot in common.
I'm also a modder for the game Space Engineers (I wrote the code for the Stargate and FTL mods).
Not to mention I've been here since open beta nearly 6 years ago, use tribble off and on, and submitted countless bugs.
I can send more information in a PM.
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Like i said I'm a big Star Trek fan and if given the opportunity, I will dedicate time to helping find and squash bugs. Just let me know if there is an opening and if I can be of some help in anyway.