This game that costs me not a cent to play that releases regular updates and a monthly new mission these days is trying to convince people into spending money on it! And some people actually take them on on it!
Horizontal progression and greater depth of play I'd happily support. .
But they are not going to sell that to you directly. Ever. Because that's what they promised with the F2P move.
And the Starship Mastery Traits, the Specializations? That's pretty much all horizontal progression, since the amount of specs you can have active and the amount of traits you can slot is limited.
Greater Depth? Tough luck, I guess.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
If they give us free reign on the "kitbash" options Saucer/Hull/Wings/Pylons/Nacelles et al, then you might be able to make something 'not quite as fugly' with the Fed and KDF ships ... maybe.
The Romulan Ship looks pretty decent, but then, it's more or less only a very slight variation on the Mogai/Valdore, so I guess that's both good and bad.
i take it you didn't read the entire blog? lol we get free reign on customizing the ships with the original versions parts as said here
Each of these 3 ships will have its own costume, but can use parts from lower tier ships within the same family. The Arbiter Class Battlecruiser has access to the Avenger Class Battlecruiser’s costume. The Kurak Battlecruiser has access to the Mogh Battlecruiser’s costume. Lastly, the Morrigu Heavy Warbird has access to the Mogai’s costumes and can gain access to the Valdore’s costumes if that ship is owned.
i take it you didn't read the entire blog? lol we get free reign on customizing the ships with the original versions parts as said here
Each of these 3 ships will have its own costume, but can use parts from lower tier ships within the same family.
Sometimes the customization isn't so... "free reign-y". Sometimes it's just ability to swap two or three pieces. It says you can use parts, but not which or how many. The Fed Intel ships can "use parts" from ships within the same [intel] family, but that amounts to swapping nacelles and nothing more.
When I saw battlecruisers I had a flash of hope that they would make a more modern looking K'tinga, but no. This is a more squared off ugly thing with wings and over-sized nacelles. Klingons = Ugly ships. This may be uglier than a Borg cube.
That trait is where I really didn't want to see this game going. I know it's been on the road for some time now, but it just took a shortcut through the shortcut to a more DPS-centric destination.
Fed and KDF ships look kinda bad - the Fed ship is especially a departure.
If the stats are good, I might take a look. But we already have more than enough battlecruisers on the Romulan side, so hopefully it's something very different. If not, that's very disappointing.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
Each of these 3 ships will have its own costume, but can use parts from lower tier ships within the same family. The Arbiter Class Battlecruiser has access to the Avenger Class Battlecruiser’s costume. The Kurak Battlecruiser has access to the Mogh Battlecruiser’s costume. Lastly, the Morrigu Heavy Warbird has access to the Mogai’s costumes and can gain access to the Valdore’s costumes if that ship is owned.
5 ECs says the Morrigu will also be able to use the Mirror Mogai hull material.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
It's gonna be really funny when T7 comes out, and they do this yet again...
And when T7 hits, are you still going to be tightly clinging to your T5 ship afraid of what's going to come with T8? Are you that scared of "The Great Wine Pressing?"
As a T5 Avenger owner I can wholeheartedly say that, to me, buying again the same ship a year and a half later sounds like... bad. Same goes for Excelsior, Defiant and so on.
The Arbiter is uglier than the new forums, so there's that.
You wont get any argument from me on that one. The best looking one out the bunch is the Romulan one. Although the starship trait sounds interesting and might be worth a look. But 3000 zen for something that might not perform as well as it sounds or might be out performed by my current set of traits. It'll have to wait I'm afraid, especially given how butt ugly the ships are.
As a T5 Avenger owner I can wholeheartedly say that, to me, buying again the same ship a year and a half later sounds like... bad. Same goes for Excelsior, Defiant and so on.
Yep, more money saved. Yippee.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
And more pain for F2P people trying to grind out the Dilithium for Zen.
We REALLY need a counterbalance to all this. Zen prices are getting worse on the DL Exchange.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
As a T5 Avenger owner I can wholeheartedly say that, to me, buying again the same ship a year and a half later sounds like... bad. Same goes for Excelsior, Defiant and so on.
A pretty good chunk of the players in these forums were asking for exactly that, though. 'Demanding,' more like it. All the players who're convinced their T5 / T5-U ships are somehow now obsolete, and want new shiny T6 versions of the same ships.
Doesn't mean everyone has to sign on, but this was definitely asked for. Scroll through the Fed areas in particular, and you'll see threads devoted to making a T6 version of just about every existing ship.
I'm really not fond of the Federation and Klingon designs. Too non-Trekish for my tastes. Though the Mogai looks pretty much okay.
But honestly, I'm disappointed with this Battlecruiser blog. I know it's now getting old to say it, but I find it disturbing that Cryptic keeps replacing Tier 5 ships with Tier 6 "upgrades". Especially when we went out of our way to buy these Tier 5 ships, their fleet versions, plus upgrading them to T5U. It makes me reluctant to purchase anymore ships. I wish they rethink the ship system and let us upgrade to Tier 6.
Well that was unexpected. I was hoping we'll get T6 Sovereign first, but I was wrong again.
And while I already do have Avenger, I don't think I really need Arbiter. Besides, her front part of secondary hull looks really ugly. KDF ship is looking even worse imo. Romulan one is great, but not that much different from Mogai. I think I'll skip those and do what I've been doing all this time - waiting on T6 Sovereign
FED ENG:FA Sirius Verax (USS Leviathan) , FED TAC (Delta): FA Adria Tyllex (USS Thunderblade) , ROM TAC:ADM Kill'ina (IRW Imperix Thrai) , KLING ENG (Delta):LT. GEN Ghol'Vaq Martok (IKS Qeh'Ral II) - 44th Fleet member SUPPORTING PLAYABLE CARDASSIAN AND DOMINION FACTIONS!
I have to admit I'm a bit surprised that people aren't liking the KDF style. I really like that flat, blocky front. Oh well, more KDF ships for me I guess lol.
Let's celebrate another cruiser. I know they sell, and and most people are FAW space bar heroes, so this will sell. I would rather see another escort, science ship, or nerf to FAW. Cruisers are jist so lack luster. Nothing is so easy as to broad side a target. While I support them adding new ships, they need to make money to keep the game moving, they need to work on balancing mechanics first.
Let's celebrate another cruiser. I know they sell, and and most people are FAW space bar heroes, so this will sell. I would rather see another escort, science ship, or nerf to FAW. Cruisers are jist so lack luster. Nothing is so easy as to broad side a target. While I support them adding new ships, they need to make money to keep the game moving, they need to work on balancing mechanics first.
While there is truth to what you're saying, people were also saying pretty much the same thing when STO was "Escorts Online" and DHCs ruled the roost. Back then, any ship capable of fitting DHCs already had a leg up on the competition.
Let's celebrate another cruiser. I know they sell, and and most people are FAW space bar heroes, so this will sell. I would rather see another escort, science ship, or nerf to FAW. Cruisers are jist so lack luster. Nothing is so easy as to broad side a target. While I support them adding new ships, they need to make money to keep the game moving, they need to work on balancing mechanics first.
While there is truth to what you're saying, people were also saying pretty much the same thing when STO was "Escorts Online" and DHCs ruled the roost. Back then, any ship capable of fitting DHCs already had a leg up on the competition.
I'll have to see stats but as of right this second I'm only planning on buying the Mogh, and then immediately switching to the Mogh classic skin. Might pick up the bundle if the Mogai is any good but I'll never touch an Avenger with a ten-foot pole.
Unless that Avenger is Black Widow or Scarlet Witch but now I'm crossing franchises.
Between the three of these, the Romulan Morrigu Heavy Warbird is yet another Iconic ship that we are getting a Tier 6 version of (the Avenger and Mogh are Cryptic designs so they're not canon in a sense). Here's what we have so far for Tier 6 Iconics:
We still have a bunch of ships to go, but at least we're slowly getting the ships that people loved flying back at Tier 5. I can't wait to see what other ships come (keep in mind that we're probably only getting ships that were endgame ships already, so no Connies.)
And I was hoping they would continue to release T6 versions of all iconic ships. I'm pretty sure the Galaxy/Negh'var/D'deridex T6 release was a huge success.
I rather have the Typhoon than the new Fed ship. The new ship looks like TRIBBLE. It takes the reward for epic horrible that is for sure. The KDF is meh, I see they going with the lego look on them. Really sad too. The Romulan is the best out of these.
I will keep my T5 Avenger. Once I get around to it. I rather take the new Concord or wait out the Typhoon. With new choices like this makes my decisions lot easier.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
And the Starship Mastery Traits, the Specializations? That's pretty much all horizontal progression, since the amount of specs you can have active and the amount of traits you can slot is limited.
Greater Depth? Tough luck, I guess.
Each of these 3 ships will have its own costume, but can use parts from lower tier ships within the same family. The Arbiter Class Battlecruiser has access to the Avenger Class Battlecruiser’s costume. The Kurak Battlecruiser has access to the Mogh Battlecruiser’s costume. Lastly, the Morrigu Heavy Warbird has access to the Mogai’s costumes and can gain access to the Valdore’s costumes if that ship is owned.
> The Arbiter is uglier than the new forums, so there's that.
Epic in every way. Like Ah epic.
Sometimes the customization isn't so... "free reign-y". Sometimes it's just ability to swap two or three pieces. It says you can use parts, but not which or how many. The Fed Intel ships can "use parts" from ships within the same [intel] family, but that amounts to swapping nacelles and nothing more.
That trait is where I really didn't want to see this game going. I know it's been on the road for some time now, but it just took a shortcut through the shortcut to a more DPS-centric destination.
The Klink ship is fugly. What are those blocky, boxy thingies in the front?
But the Rommie ship - ooohhh, I'm sooooo having you, my beautiful!
If the stats are good, I might take a look. But we already have more than enough battlecruisers on the Romulan side, so hopefully it's something very different. If not, that's very disappointing.
5 ECs says the Morrigu will also be able to use the Mirror Mogai hull material.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
And when T7 hits, are you still going to be tightly clinging to your T5 ship afraid of what's going to come with T8? Are you that scared of "The Great Wine Pressing?"
> vo ist mein GD T6 Vesta??
That's what I'm wondering.
It has been mentioned. Somewhere.
You wont get any argument from me on that one. The best looking one out the bunch is the Romulan one. Although the starship trait sounds interesting and might be worth a look. But 3000 zen for something that might not perform as well as it sounds or might be out performed by my current set of traits. It'll have to wait I'm afraid, especially given how butt ugly the ships are.
Yep, more money saved. Yippee.
We REALLY need a counterbalance to all this. Zen prices are getting worse on the DL Exchange.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
A pretty good chunk of the players in these forums were asking for exactly that, though. 'Demanding,' more like it. All the players who're convinced their T5 / T5-U ships are somehow now obsolete, and want new shiny T6 versions of the same ships.
Doesn't mean everyone has to sign on, but this was definitely asked for. Scroll through the Fed areas in particular, and you'll see threads devoted to making a T6 version of just about every existing ship.
But honestly, I'm disappointed with this Battlecruiser blog. I know it's now getting old to say it, but I find it disturbing that Cryptic keeps replacing Tier 5 ships with Tier 6 "upgrades". Especially when we went out of our way to buy these Tier 5 ships, their fleet versions, plus upgrading them to T5U. It makes me reluctant to purchase anymore ships. I wish they rethink the ship system and let us upgrade to Tier 6.
> I can see these being brought for the trait, can't say the same for the looks :/
According to the blog. The ships are awesomeness to spend $$$ or dollar bill's on.
And while I already do have Avenger, I don't think I really need Arbiter. Besides, her front part of secondary hull looks really ugly. KDF ship is looking even worse imo. Romulan one is great, but not that much different from Mogai. I think I'll skip those and do what I've been doing all this time - waiting on T6 Sovereign
Mine Trap Supporter
While there is truth to what you're saying, people were also saying pretty much the same thing when STO was "Escorts Online" and DHCs ruled the roost. Back then, any ship capable of fitting DHCs already had a leg up on the competition.
I would rather see game balance! That is all
DPS ruining STO one FAW at a time!
Unless that Avenger is Black Widow or Scarlet Witch but now I'm crossing franchises.
I Support Disco | Disco is Love | Disco is Life
Federation: Galaxy, Intrepid
Klingon: Negh'Var
Romulan: D'deridex
We still have a bunch of ships to go, but at least we're slowly getting the ships that people loved flying back at Tier 5. I can't wait to see what other ships come (keep in mind that we're probably only getting ships that were endgame ships already, so no Connies.)
I will keep my T5 Avenger. Once I get around to it. I rather take the new Concord or wait out the Typhoon. With new choices like this makes my decisions lot easier.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.