We're pleased to announce that our Elachi Sheshar promotion is now live! Captains can enjoy either
10 Lobi or the chance at our Sheshars!
Few starships are as menacing and massive as the Tier 6 Elachi Sheshar Dreadnought Cruiser. For a limited time, you have a chance to grab your very own Dreadnought! This time, we're offering two variations of the Elachi Sheshar with different seating. Captains can choose between the previous Intelligence seating or a new Command seating.
Learn more about the Sheshar here.~LaughingTrendy
Or at least making the Tranphasic-Chroniton torps that come with Voth ships upgradeable?
Oh boy...
*gets out riot gear*
Yeah, I am totally not surprised by this.
So you only get the choice with this promotions jackpot drop and not if you have already unpacked the last one?
That doesn't seem fair
Oh no... The London riots will be nothing compared to this.
Not to be rude or anything... but wouldn't it of been easier just to slap these stats on a different ship? (Maybe the Tarantula or Tethy? hint hint cough cough) than annoy the current Sheshar holders?
And what about the ones from the previous event that are still boxed?
I still have the one I got back in December boxed, will I have the option to choose, or are they different boxes altogether?
Oh joy, here we go again...
Jem'Hadar Strike Ship 2: The Double Dippening. It's the new summer blockbuster. Hope you have plenty of popcorn.
This. :mad:
Oh, a JHSS with Pilot seating (and Lock Trajectory) won't be more compelling... shoot, make three variants! Intel/Command, Intel/Pilot, and Pilot/Command!
/sarcasm :rolleyes:
In my case at least not annoyed at all, just curious. The way my boffs are set up now (Thanks to destabilizing resonance beam) I couldn't run either science or command powers. :cool:
That is the more appropriate question. Re-rolling an existing ship has never happened, not even the JHAS, which was specifically promised T6 capabilities in its last promo... and yet still has T5-U capabilities. This being after the release of the JHSS, which does in fact have T6 capabilities. Speaking of which...
...you forgot to mention Pilot/Intel, Command/Intel, and Command/Pilot. Since they're Lt Cmdr and Lt seats, you could always vary which was the "primary".
If all (including prior Promotion) crates give you the choice upon opening, that's reasonable; all that does is give folks claiming the new version more options to choose from. On the other hand, if old Sheshar boxes don't have the option (and even better, look the same on the Exchange), I anticipate seeing a few bug reports from folks that buy one wanting the choice and open the crate... to get the Intel version automatically.
Oh who are we kidding? Intel seating is generally better anyway, especially with Reciprocity/Battle Ready/Emitter Synergy not affecting or being triggered by Command abilities...
The box icon is still the same and the info box still shows it as a intel version, no mention of the command flavor.
Then i jumped on the tribble server to check if i had the option to choose when opening the box, and no option was available. It just unpacked the old intel sheshar.
From what i can tell the new ones come in a different box, so there should be 2 different boxes in the exchange from now on. I hope they are clearly identifiable so as to not confuse the buyers.
This was just to verify what was happening with the old boxes.
Either way i would still open it as the intel version even if i got the option for the command one.
EDIT: Nevermind i didnt notice the event only starts tomorrow, felling pretty dumb right now
No if you already have the ship you don't get this new slightly modified in one way version.
Happy gambling!
oh TRIBBLE if miss read it :P lol im being derpy
My point was...
If a JHSS with a Pllot seat comes out (sure seems likely now), then I may want that one instead of the one I unpacked. If it's Intel/Pilot, I absolutely would have chosen that ship over the Intel/Command version. And I was never given the choice, nor any indication that this may happen in the future.
This is bait and switch. This is changing the rules of the game, and it completely undermines any confidence in the already tenuous "gamble ship" system. :mad:
Er...I'm confused. Were you correcting somebody else for not knowing BG/SA/RA is L40 or were you correcting yourself for it?
There was no choice to be given...it didn't exist. How is that any different than getting any ship and some other ship coming along that you'd prefer...and saying you wouldn't have gotten the ship you did if you'd had the choice...er...you didn't have the choice, the later ship didn't exist.
So let me get this right......
Purchase R&D Pack
Chose between 10 Lobi OR an Elachi Sheshar Dreadnought Cruiser??????
It clearly says eitherLobi or choice of cruiser!
This cannot be right....can it?
It clearly says nothing about choosing between 10 Lobi or the ships. You even quoted it. What is there to get straight about it...
You get X or choice of Y/Z...it doesn't say choice of X/Y/Z.
Scotty: Admiral there be whales here!
You are totally right, i can be really dumb sometimes
If it´s too good to be true, probably is.
I understanded your misinterpretation (this word exists?)
And if cryptic actually do something like that, it will be bashed by the ones who wasted lots of money to get this ship before.
Sorry, english is not my native language. :rolleyes: