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Account Server Login Issues



  • earthwindblazeearthwindblaze Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    My family member can get in. So....I figured it wasn't the network. I had previously tried to reinstall these games by using the ARC 'Uninstall' option AND also on Steam the 'Delete Local Files'. Those methods failed to actually remove the entire games. So after my family member logged in I decided to try to reinstall again. This time I went into my C drive and deleted everything with perfectworld, cryptic, steam game files for Startrek online and I removed ARC from my system.

    I reinstalled both of the launchers for Neverwinter and Star Trek online through the steam library. Then first launched Neverwinter and the launcher downloaded about 5G of data so I knew that one had been reinstalled completely.

    Next I reinstalled ARC , then I reinstalled Star Trek Online through ARC and again I downloaded 6-7G of data so I knew that had been reinstalled fully.

    I then launched Neverwinter from the Desktop Icon. I got to the splash screen with the character selection then I was disconnected. THIS time I did not just shut down the game, instead I logged in again and the Characters were there ready to be selected. I selected a character, then I was disconnected as the world was loading. I had logged into my lowest level one in protector's enclave. So...again I did not shut down the launcher but again relogged in and FINALLY I was in Neverwinter again! I was able to log into each character, I moved a level 60 character out of a level 70 zone and ..as I went through the 'Gate' portal to get back to Protector's enclave, BOOM ...disconnected. Relogged in and then I was able to move around. BUT changing Zones is VERY unstable. I've had this game a long time and it has never been this unstable. BUT the good news is that I can log into Neverwinter...however I hold my breath since I haven't played through a quest yet since all this happened.

    My MAIN concern was Star Trek online. So here is what happened. I managed to log into that game too. HOWEVER, EVERy SINGLE TIME I LOG IN I MUST FIRST RELOG INTO THE LAUNCHER ABOUT 4-5 TIMES. EVERY SINGLE TIME! First the splash screen with the Iconian war loads, BOOM disconnected. Do not close the luancher, relog in again, the character select starts to load then BOOM, disconnected, do not exit but again relog in and the character is there to select, select a character then hit play, BOOM, disconnected again, do not close the launcher but log in AGAIN and when I hit Play I am able to play for quite a while. Again with this game I have been Disconnecting when changing zones, I created a Delta Recruit, of course 3 weeks to late as this is the final week. I have played up to level 12, I have been disconnected when transitioning from the introduction quests between the combat challenge that KDF characters go through before going through the door to QoNoS. Then at various other times when I have had to transition between a quest zone and the player zone I will get randomly disconnected. I have set my Graphics down to medium for this game and use DX9. I have a Geoforce 660, I have 16 GIGS of RAM, I have an AMD 8 core CPU. I have a GAMING computer. This type of thing seems to be some type of graphics overload. Especially with the Iconian War splash screen, the 3D animated characters in the character select screen. I am not sure why the new disconnecting between zones is happening.

    So. Bottom line is Star Trek online works...but is unstable.

    Neverwinter I an get in, it is unstable during zone transitions & character select screen loading but not as bad at the log in screen as Star Trek Online. I have not focused on Neverwinter because of the Delta Recruit event on STO so I can't say how much I can play this one yet.

    But at least I have a work around to log in repeatedly until I am once again playing the game. Is this fixed? Not completely.
  • pwlaughingtrendypwlaughingtrendy Member Posts: 2,966 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Alright everyone. Here comes that fateful time.

    I will be monitoring the situation as always, especially tomorrow when the patch is applied. That being said, resolutions to both server lag AND login issues makes me extremely happy. I might feel bruised and bloodied, but by hell I will see this get fixed.
  • ujam1ujam1 Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Fingers crossed! ;)
    FED: Special Circumstances, Raumpatroullie Elysion, Naeramarth
    KDF: Special Circumstances KDF
  • sirnobodysirnobody Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    My issues are with the launcher only.

    It stops in these 4 points at random:

    1) as soon as it is loaded: Black screen with "Loading, please wait" white text
    2) while showing the animated gif of the bar placeholding the credentials fields
    3) Just after having entered my credentials and having hit "Login"
    4) After having hit "Login" while the launcher is loading the images of the "Pacthing"/"Engage" button

    Once the game finally started (like now, it took me 30 minutes... eh) i have no issues anymore.

    Is the loader a stripped down browser? Why does it takes so much loading simple and small images?
  • pinballmaster12pinballmaster12 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    As of 10:51 PM CDT, I have verified that my copy was patched, and everything seems to be working on my end. Thanks to those who got this fixed!!!!
  • tilviustilvius Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'm hoping the maintenance will fix the crashing issues I've been having during heavy space and ground combat.
  • pwlaughingtrendypwlaughingtrendy Member Posts: 2,966 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    As of 10:51 PM CDT, I have verified that my copy was patched, and everything seems to be working on my end. Thanks to those who got this fixed!!!!
    Thank Cthulhu!
  • hatchetl4dhatchetl4d Member Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Just did an ISA run. Me and a friend were lagging harder than ever before right from the start. Lag in ESD Orbit too. One guy in the ISA run seemed to play lag free tho.

    Connection to server timeout also shows up occassionally.
  • themariethemarie Member Posts: 1,055 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    So far so good -- casual lag around Space Dock is gone. We'll see how it does once the load picks up this evening.

    Trendy: How many Dev Heads do you have on your desk and do you have any recommendations to keep severed heads from drying out too quickly?
  • eradicator84eradicator84 Member Posts: 1,116 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    "Login2_Timeout" error after loading to toon select screen and clicking play. Drops me back to login screen. No play for me :(
  • rikwesselsrikwessels Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    didn't take long for client to crash to desktop when switching characters again .... so much for the ultimate fix :)
  • pwlaughingtrendypwlaughingtrendy Member Posts: 2,966 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    rikwessels wrote: »
    didn't take long for client to crash to desktop when switching characters again .... so much for the ultimate fix :)
    There's a reason I didn't close the thread. I want to get a solid confirmation that this is fixed or if there needs to be more patchery. :)
  • vilecalamitousvilecalamitous Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Yeah, I keep crashing on the character screen as soon my ships begin to load up behind my characters still.
  • rikwesselsrikwessels Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    "Login2_Timeout" error after loading to toon select screen and clicking play. Drops me back to login screen. No play for me :(
    There's a reason I didn't close the thread. I want to get a solid confirmation that this is fixed or if there needs to be more patchery. :)

    It's all related , if you ask me ( I base this on how client "acts" prior to crash to desktop , I have IT background myself ) : the crashes when transferring maps , the crashes on Voth battleground and Zaria-map ( amongst others ) and the ones when switching characters . The client already seems to "hang "just prior to that . As if it's trying to communicate with server and is unable to . My suspicion is that it has to do with client-server communication rather than directx . The latter would happen all the time and on every map
  • intrepid31intrepid31 Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Nope login issue still not fixed. Put video card setting under display tab back to auto and game crashed at the Iconian War splash screen with the same Direct3D fatal error.
  • nandospcnandospc Member Posts: 1,260 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    The lag ingame isn't fixed with this patch. I just did a normal ISA and it was the usual lag party like always, no command ships involved :(
  • rekeebrekeeb Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Apparently, this patch was supposed to fix the CTD issues. Didn't work for me. Still can't get past the Iconian War splash screen.

    Sorry, Trendy, I know you were hoping for this to be "THE" fix.

    EDIT: Patching again, and this time I believe it's today's patch. Keeping my fingers crossed. 4:48 MST

    EDIT 2: Nope. Still can't get past the splash screen. 5:31 PM MST
    Fleet Battle Cruiser Presto
    T6 Tac Command Battlecruiser Roll The Bones
    Xindi Aquatic Narcine Dreadnaught Carrier Different Stages
    IVXX Senior Officer

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    So far working for me. Never could log on with my main at this time before. Fingers crossed this is the real deal and it is fixed and no more error reports to send in.
  • malkoth21malkoth21 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Yeah patch doesnt work,doing the same thing. It's going to take a month to solve :(
  • simonpgrubersimonpgruber Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Not sure why you want tracert when the problem is an application error. I guess you like giving us busy work. I think it is shameful that this is not a priority issue. You'll fix graphical mistakes fast yet major issues like this or the transporters on dyson ground are left for months. I am signing in on safe mode since season 10 came out.
  • hatchetl4dhatchetl4d Member Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Seems like nothing has changed unfortunately regarding lag/login/CTD. I really wonder why the lag hits some maps harder than others.
  • nazelnagnazelnag Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Why, why were we so foolish to try integrating dilithium-infused tribbles into our warp core!?

    i could use a "dilithium-infused tribble" to squeeze him once in a wile ... :D

    (actually, it wouldn't be practical) :)
  • rikwesselsrikwessels Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I now also experienced a CTD on the Kassae IV map ( that's the one with the shield generators you have to disable, a level 4 or 5 mission ) > this is not good news if more maps are affected ( and early ones at that)
  • jamesstjamesjamesstjames Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I was able to log in this morning without safe mode for the first time in weeks. Won't be able to play around properly to see how well it works until tomorrow/Sunday - but fingers crossed this fixed it!
  • captainkenny1captainkenny1 Member Posts: 328 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    The lag issue is still not fixed, I can play a few minutes without lag and after that i get lag spikes that last a few minutes and return every 5 minutes which is really annoying.
    It is more like 3 minutes lag free, 5 minute lag, 3 minutes lag free, 5 minutes lag, etc
    No matter where I am in game, wheter it is on esd, story mode, stf or whatever, it doesn't stop.

    Please fix this...
    I have faith in you trendy!
  • pwlaughingtrendypwlaughingtrendy Member Posts: 2,966 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    We have the team working on a large list of systems that are creating the lag that you are all experiencing. The Command Ships was the first of many in a roll-out that we'll be doing to solve the lag as a whole. This was the first step. We will take care of this. :)
  • rekeebrekeeb Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    We have the team working on a large list of systems that are creating the lag that you are all experiencing. The Command Ships was the first of many in a roll-out that we'll be doing to solve the lag as a whole. This was the first step. We will take care of this. :)

    I so want to believe you, Trendy. I really do. History suggest otherwise. This is going on 7 weeks now, and it seems that the team behind you doesn't appear to be very concerned with a large part of the playerbase not being able to play. Is there going to be an extension of the DR event? No. What if this issue persists into the Summer Event? Will there be an apology? Doubtful.

    Don't get me wrong - YOU seem to be doing everything you can to get this fixed. But, it also appears that no one else in the team is willing to step forward and say "We know this is a serious issue, and it's our PRIORITY to get it fixed."

    Thank you, sincerely, for all your efforts, Trendy.

    Fleet Battle Cruiser Presto
    T6 Tac Command Battlecruiser Roll The Bones
    Xindi Aquatic Narcine Dreadnaught Carrier Different Stages
    IVXX Senior Officer

  • pwlaughingtrendypwlaughingtrendy Member Posts: 2,966 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    rekeeb wrote: »
    I so want to believe you, Trendy. I really do. History suggest otherwise. This is going on 7 weeks now, and it seems that the team behind you doesn't appear to be very concerned with a large part of the playerbase not being able to play. Is there going to be an extension of the DR event? No. What if this issue persists into the Summer Event? Will there be an apology? Doubtful.

    Don't get me wrong - YOU seem to be doing everything you can to get this fixed. But, it also appears that no one else in the team is willing to step forward and say "We know this is a serious issue, and it's our PRIORITY to get it fixed."

    Thank you, sincerely, for all your efforts, Trendy.

    I have a verifiable list of systems that are being analyzed for the amount of server stress and subsequent lag that some people are facing from the EP himself. :)
  • rekeebrekeeb Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I have a verifiable list of systems that are being analyzed for the amount of server stress and subsequent lag that some people are facing from the EP himself. :)

    That's excellent, and good information to pass on! Thanks for that.

    Perhaps (and I speak ONLY for myself) I wasn't clear enough in my previous post. I, personally, have not been able to get past the Iconian War splash screen for almost 7 weeks now. I don't know how bad the lag is, outside of what I've read on the forums, because I can't get INTO the game to play. I've tried every "fix" and "workaround" I've been able to find on the forums. Some of my fleetmates are game programmers, and even THEY haven't been able to help me get to the character select screen, much less into the game itself. I truly enjoy playing STO - witness that after 4 years of FTP, I bought a lifetime sub. I'm not whining (okay, maybe a little). I'm not threatening. I'm not even screaming "I'LL NEVER SPEND ANOTHER DIME ON THIS GAME!!!!" I just want to PLAY.

    Again, thank you for your time on this, and a BIG thank you for responding personally to my post.

    Fleet Battle Cruiser Presto
    T6 Tac Command Battlecruiser Roll The Bones
    Xindi Aquatic Narcine Dreadnaught Carrier Different Stages
    IVXX Senior Officer

  • edited May 2015
    This content has been removed.
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