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Retiring Lohlunat Pearls



  • tobiashirttobiashirt Member Posts: 630 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Amazingly there doesn't seem to be a single person defending this decision. Totally universal condemnation. Three years, I don't think I've ever seen the community so united before. That really says just how bad a call this is.

    Seems like a bit of mental sifting of the thread and moving of goalposts...not many people are actively defending, but a fair few don't care or aren't that bothered and are happy to be getting something for the pearls...the forums have never been great at being united on topics, and the people represented here are those who self-select and feel strongly enough to post. It'd be better to boast of the solidarity when we see player traffic numbers and spending figures during the event.
  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Context... you were having a go at them for being excited for the event and not having done the previous events - I have done them and am looking forward to this year's summer event!

    I was specifically responding to the guy who didn't participate ... and your response is "But I did" ... well ok then ... I guess .... you must be very important ...
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
  • rikwesselsrikwessels Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    As far as I ever saw and heard, it was never stated that you can use anything previously earnt.
    This was allowed previously, but on that event they stated you could use what had been earnt before and not that anything you then earnt on that event could be used for future events.

    this was , however , always the case .If you're going to retire a currency ( after an event ) it would be wise to say so prior to start of the event using that currency and not after . Doesn't matter which event it is...

    This doesn't bode well for Winter Wonderland either (seems they'll go to "one-event- currency only "scheme ) and is decidedly unfriendly towards new players ( or returning players who came back because of the DR-event ) . What you're doing by adding more grind at every opportunity is make sure these folks will once again leave the game ,this time never to look back ...

    The game is becomng more and more a "grind 'till you drop " title - not unlike some of the asian MMO's PWE's also running ...

    - grind for marks
    - grind for event currency
    - grind for reputation
    - grind for R & D

    let me enlighten Cryptic on this issue : grind is not the equivalent of content ( they seem to think it is , these days )
  • sennahcheribsennahcherib Member Posts: 2,823 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'm sorry but I really, really, REALLY am having a hard time understanding what a lot of this rage is about. As someone who actually read the release (as opposed to just seeing the thread title and flying straight to snitfit mode) it actually looks like there are more positives to this change than negatives:

    - It's the pearls that are being retired, not the favors. That means if you stockpiled favors you can still use them.

    - Already slotted Risian Corvette or Cruiser projects can still be completed with the new currency. No cash purchase of lobi required.

    - There will be a brand new Risian ship available, and it will most likely be a T6. That's right, a free T6 you can earn by running a single mini-game once a day. Same as it's been for all seasonal events since they started (and what most players who had saved pearls had done anyway to begin with.)

    - Unused pearls can be used to purchase (among other things), Specialization Points, tech upgrades, XP bonuses and R&D materials. You know, things that players have been screaming for months.

    Yeah, it is kind of sad the Cruiser and Corvette wont be available afterwards, but as someone who had both of those ships (and admittedly was looking forward to having a toon with an all Risian fleet) they weren't really anything that special aside from cosmetics and a couple consoles.

    From where I sit Cryptic hasn't "screwed" anyone out of anything. Those who were hanging on to pearls can still can get some nice perks and bonuses, those who had unfinished ship projects can still complete them, and everyone still has an opportunity to get a free T6 ship.

    What exactly is the problem?


    my english is not enough good for writing such a post; so thx :)
  • takegurutakeguru Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    From where I sit Cryptic hasn't "screwed" anyone out of anything. Those who were hanging on to pearls can still can get some nice perks and bonuses, those who had unfinished ship projects can still complete them, and everyone still has an opportunity to get a free T6 ship.

    What exactly is the problem?

    One person screwed right here.

    I never had time to "finish" either summer event, so I'm sitting on 800 pearls, no slotted projects, and I don't even get to get the ship I spent time grinding for.

    Also, I can't get the spec packages because the grind is hellish from 50-60, and you can only grab them at level 60.

    And then the precedent issue sets in.
    They're likely to pull this same BS for the winter event.
  • midniteshadow7midniteshadow7 Member Posts: 787 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    why exactly is that a problem, a problem for whom

    the player still had to grind those horribly boring and repeative missions. so why does it matter when and how they do it.

    could it be it messes up the metrics.

    maybe people aren't "playing" it because it has no replay value. its just another soul sucking grind no one actually enjoys. hot needles in our eyes are better than collecting more pearls day after day after day.

    I guess the problem for them is where people get the ship on day 1 and then don't have to login in again until next year!!
  • elusiveonen7elusiveonen7 Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I wonder if they intend to revoke access to the Plesh Brek and Chel Grett in the future. Not complaining, just wondering.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'm sorry but I really, really, REALLY am having a hard time understanding what a lot of this rage is about.

    Yeah, it is kind of sad the Cruiser and Corvette wont be available afterwards, but as someone who had both of those ships (and admittedly was looking forward to having a toon with an all Risian fleet) they weren't really anything that special aside from cosmetics and a couple consoles.

    From where I sit Cryptic hasn't "screwed" anyone out of anything. Those who were hanging on to pearls can still can get some nice perks and bonuses, those who had unfinished ship projects can still complete them, and everyone still has an opportunity to get a free T6 ship.

    What exactly is the problem?

    The way you feel is not how everybody else feels. A lack of understanding that can be as simple as having a lack of empathy or it can signify much deeper issues.
  • tobiashirttobiashirt Member Posts: 630 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    People wanted to fly the ship the first day just so they can show off something that would take most people 25 days to get.

    Another front in the e-peen race that's inherent to any mmo, then?
  • gl2814egl2814e Member Posts: 328 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I guess the problem for them is where people get the ship on day 1 and then don't have to login in again until next year!!

    I doubt they care about people being in that ship on day one. If they did, they wouldn't let people TRIBBLE away Lobi to buy the marks faster.
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    That's really too bad. I wanted to use my leftovers to buy the ship. :(

    You really should've announced the new currency at the same time.

    Yes, if Cryptic truly gave a rat's TRIBBLE about the players they would announce the change NOW for the event in 2016. Instead they give some lame store TRIBBLE we have no choice but to buy (or just discard the pearls).

    I'm really pissed that all the grinding I did last year to have those extra pearls means nothing to Cryptic this year. I was helping your damn metrics last summer and you didn't seem to care that it meant I was stockpiling.

    So TRIBBLE you guys, I'm not even going to bother with any holiday events anymore. I hope your metrics hit the floor.

    And I'm assuming the thousands of Q autographed photos are toast too. :mad:

    iconians wrote: »
    Stop punishing us for your team's poor sense of foresight.

    Jesus! You just summed up all of Cryptic's various issues in one sentence! Gold Star for you!
    Sometimes I think I play STO just to have something to complain about on the forums.
  • takegurutakeguru Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I guess the problem for them is where people get the ship on day 1 and then don't have to login in again until next year!!

    They still have to login to do the grind for next year, so this argument is invalid.
  • ccarmichael07ccarmichael07 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    why exactly is that a problem, a problem for whom

    the player still had to grind those horribly boring and repeative missions. so why does it matter when and how they do it.

    could it be it messes up the metrics.

    maybe people aren't "playing" it because it has no replay value. its just another soul sucking grind no one actually enjoys. hot needles in our eyes are better than collecting more pearls day after day after day.

    Keen observations.

    The past year (maybe even 2) has felt like channelizing devices.

    Channelizing devices (for the uninitiated) is the technical term used for Traffic Control apparatus like cones, barrels and concrete barrier within work zones that direct the traffic where to go, when to go there, and at what speed.

    In the purely "Office Space" corporate sense of the word, we're being re-engineered into drones, given a specific pattern to follow at specific times, so that Cryptic can easily quantify our actions, for reporting purposes to their bosses, and to make purchasable goods from micro-transactions a more lucrative business venture.

    Once they get everyone on the same track, and at the same speed, and at the same generally speaking level of completion, then they can make adjustments and changes that come incredibly close to necessitating the purchase of boosts, new ships, gear, etc. They will tell everyone they can still grind for what they want, but we've ll seen it right before our own eyes, the grind is getting steeper and steeper every passing Season.

    "Yeah...I'm gonna need you to come into the Summer Event this...Saturday. We lost some metrics this week and need to play some catch up. M'kay? Great. Thanks."

    "You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
    I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
  • karcornerkarcorner Member Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    From Summer of fun, to Summer of bummer. Whats next, Winter on Risa and Summer on Rura Penthe?
  • midniteshadow7midniteshadow7 Member Posts: 787 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I was specifically responding to the guy who didn't participate ... and your response is "But I did" ... well ok then ... I guess .... you're probably very important then ...

    No, not important; as I said just wanted to show support for those few of us that are still looking forward to the event as, like does happen, people who do not automatically shout doom get shot down pretty quickly!

    rikwessels wrote: »
    this was , however , always the case .If you're going to retire a currency ( after an event ) it would be wise to say so prior to start of the event using that currency and not after . Doesn't matter which event it is...

    This doesn't bode well for Winter Wonderland either (seems they'll go to "one-event- currency only "scheme ) and is decidedly unfriendly towards new players ( or returning players who came back because of the DR-event ) . What you're doing by adding more grind at every opportunity is make sure these folks will once again leave the game ,this time never to look back ...

    The game is becomng more and more a "grind 'till you drop " title - not unlike some of the asian MMO's PWE's also running ...

    - grind for marks
    - grind for event currency
    - grind for reputation
    - grind for R & D

    let me enlighten Cryptic on this issue : grind is not the equivalent of content ( they seem to think it is , these days )

    If they had decided that this would be the case before the event, I am sure they would have.
    But as they never specified that rewards from last year's event would be carried over to this year's event I do not see why people are expecting them to do so.

    Regarding grind - I've not played too many MMOs, but those I have played have all been exactly the same - you do X to get Y!
  • grnlbrtnfrntgrnlbrtnfrnt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I guess the problem for them is where people get the ship on day 1 and then don't have to login in again until next year!!

    why is that a problem?
  • captrod71captrod71 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Another one of Cryptics Dumb moves to control the game more. All you have done is pissed off people who worked hard each year(faithfully i may add) and stuck them hard. This must be your intention to Force players to leave the game. I for one will not participate in any annual events any more due to this stupid move and i hope there are many others who share this feeling and will do the same.
    I've supported you throughout the years and stuck through the good and bad times. This is it for me now. Keep your annual events and your "special Ships" till your heads come out of that dark, dismal void you sit on and come up with these terrible ideas. In all honesty, i would welcome the original team and be willing to go back to how things were before LOR. Giving the players these "cosmetic" rewards is a pitiful attempt of making seem like a great idea.

    Thank you for the run, its been fun
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Contradicts this:
    No it doesn't. You can finish last year's projects during the summer event, but every project will be removed after this year's summer event.
  • hyefatherhyefather Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    ltminns wrote: »
    That would probably be Geko, and the Samsar is a T6 so it may survive but being any Anniversary Ship you probably wouldn't be able to get it anyway. The Sarr Theln may also survive this 'Night of the Long Knives' as it to is a T6; however, they will need to do something to address the issue iff they retire the Plesh Brek as that unlocks the Raiders on the Sarr.

    As I said in an earlier post this just shows what they think of all the T5Us (nothing); probably didn't sell many Upgrade Tokens during the recent 20% off sale.

    Burn me once shame on you, burn me 2x shame on me. The people have evolved.
  • gl2814egl2814e Member Posts: 328 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    karcorner wrote: »
    From Summer of fun, to Summer of bummer. Whats next, Winter on Risa and Summer on Rura Penthe?

    Winter on Nimbus III maybe? (An unpleasant winter retreat?)

    Summer on Rura Penthe though, that is pretty good.
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Virus, you're fired for not inspiring this faster.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • takegurutakeguru Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    No, not important; as I said just wanted to show support for those few of us that are still looking forward to the event as, like does happen, people who do not automatically shout doom get shot down pretty quickly!

    If they had decided that this would be the case before the event, I am sure they would have.
    But as they never specified that rewards from last year's event would be carried over to this year's event I do not see why people are expecting them to do so.

    Regarding grind - I've not played too many MMOs, but those I have played have all been exactly the same - you do X to get Y!

    Because they set their own precedent the first time they let it carry over to next year.

    Changing that decision a short time before it is scheduled to take event again is a good way to draw ire.

    I've mentioned it before, I'm sitting on 8-900 pearls that I can't do anything worthwhile with this year.
    It's like they're telling me that I wasted my time grinding them.
  • midniteshadow7midniteshadow7 Member Posts: 787 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    The way you feel is not how everybody else feels. A lack of understanding that can be as simple as having a lack of empathy or it can signify much deeper issues.

    People who are happy about something don't tend to hit the forums saying "I am fine with this" - so just because so many people who dislike it are hitting the forums does not make them the majority.

    takeguru wrote: »
    They still have to login to do the grind for next year, so this argument is invalid.

    But they don't have to - they only have to login next year not this year!
  • midniteshadow7midniteshadow7 Member Posts: 787 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    takeguru wrote: »
    Because they set their own precedent the first time they let it carry over to next year.

    Changing that decision a short time before it is scheduled to take event again is a good way to draw ire.

    I've mentioned it before, I'm sitting on 8-900 pearls that I can't do anything worthwhile with this year.
    It's like they're telling me that I wasted my time grinding them.

    MMOs are always changing how they do things, just because they chose to do something last year does not mean they have to do it again next year.
  • hamishmacdoogalhamishmacdoogal Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I've read the rants and comments for the first 20 pages of rants before deciding to toss my two cents worth into the bag:

    The problem isn't that the ships are retiring or the currency is changing.
    The problem is that it was a surprise announcement just shortly before the event.

    Kudos for offering the ability to trade in existing pearls for something else.
    Penalty points for removing the ability to slot at the beginning of the event instead of the end.
    That large generation of new Delta recruits don't thank you for that!

    HOWEVER, The best solution would have been to announce that this is the last summer that the pearls or old ships will be available. Grind this year or kiss them goodbye.

    As for the Qmendation,s autographs and other hoardables, that this will occur with, I suggest the same thing. Announce the retirement of the old trinkets will occur after this one last chance to do something about it.

    Its just that we players are asking for some respect. Our time is somewhat valuable and we chose to spend it in STO. Please don't make that a decision regrettable.
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    But they don't have to - they only have to login next year not this year!

    Some would say planning ahead for one's future and taking steps now to make life more convenient for yourself later is a positive trait that should be encouraged.
  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    takeguru wrote: »
    I've mentioned it before, I'm sitting on 8-900 pearls that I can't do anything worthwhile with this year.
    It's like they're telling me that I wasted my time grinding them.

    Nah they're also telling you that you shouldn't "waste your time" this year ... ;) ... that's the funny part ...
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
  • captwilhelmcaptwilhelm Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Really, Cryptic? You incentive we to make new alts. We do. Now, perhapos some people would be planning on flying the old ships. But guess what? You are forbbiding us from using them!!! Way to go!!! :(

    Also, health people have life outside this game. And this life might require that perhaps in a specific year, some people will not be able to complete the event. And these people will be locked out of using the ship forever!!! Not a nice move as well...

    And lastly: The game already has too many currencies. Shoudn't we be moving in the direction: Let us unify the currencies? This is just overcomplicating things. Also, this game has seen too many currencies conversions. The Dev's should decide what they want and just settle at it. Otherwise, we players will just start thinking there is a complete lack of planning inside the development team. And who will want to throw money in a disorganized team???
    Pre-forum change name: Captain Wilhelm
    Join Date: March 2009

    Thanks Cryptic for introducing the Kelvin Timeline. It remembered why I decided to never more put any money on this game.
  • midniteshadow7midniteshadow7 Member Posts: 787 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I've read the rants and comments for the first 20 pages of rants before deciding to toss my two cents worth into the bag:

    The problem isn't that the ships are retiring or the currency is changing.
    The problem is that it was a surprise announcement just shortly before the event.

    Kudos for offering the ability to trade in existing pearls for something else.
    Penalty points for removing the ability to slot at the beginning of the event instead of the end.
    That large generation of new Delta recruits don't thank you for that!

    HOWEVER, The best solution would have been to announce that this is the last summer that the pearls or old ships will be available. Grind this year or kiss them goodbye.

    As for the Qmendation,s autographs and other hoardables, that this will occur with, I suggest the same thing. Announce the retirement of the old trinkets will occur after this one last chance to do something about it.

    Its just that we players are asking for some respect. Our time is somewhat valuable and we chose to spend it in STO. Please don't make that a decision regrettable.

    If the decision had been made back then, then they probably would have announced. Once the event was up and running the devs would have been working on their next job... it has nothing to with respecting the player base - they are working on the event now and the decisions was made now, players are now informed.
  • tostrekkie7tostrekkie7 Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    starkaos wrote: »
    ... adding a method to convert the Pearls to the new token a couple of weeks after the event starts will certainly help.

    This is a good idea, just add a conversion mission to the Special Event Rep system. If Cryptic REALLY wanted to be fair, allow players to buy this years event ship with pearls and the understanding any excess pearls are worthless thereafter.
This discussion has been closed.