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Planet of the Cats



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    quistraquistra Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    ashkrik23 wrote:
    These arguments are normal anytime you mention a caitian or ferasan. Welcome to STO :p.

    I'm not sure how not having Cait - a planet not physically anywhere near this region of space - on the map is persecuting you.

    Most of the homeworlds added were added as filler because they're actually present in those sectors. Cait isn't in the sectors they added. It's three or four sectors south. And there's a significant Caitian diaspora as it is, so it's not like your homeworld can't be somewhere else.

    You are not persecuted because your planet happens to fall outside the map.
    Heh, these sort of arguments were common back in the Deep South since after the Civil War...

    "Whut? Them damn yankee city folk dun gave the colored folk the vote, and now theys asking for special treatment such as being allowed into the poling station to USE it? Hell with that, where's mah .30-06..."

    Oh my god. Are you kidding me.

    Not having a cat planet in the game is not the same thing as racism.
    The artist formerly known as PlanetofHats.
    Actual join date: Open beta, 2009ish.
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    demonicaestheticdemonicaesthetic Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    quistra wrote: »
    Because I'm fundamentally opposed to any time being put in to cater to narrow fringe groups as opposed to things that improve STO for everyone.

    so you oppose dev time for klingons because most people dont play one, and alien races, and non cruiser class ships, and pvp, and bug fixes on the less popular pve queues, and anything not majority mainstream.

    Good to know.
    <center><font size="+5"><b>Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day...
    Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...</b></size></center>
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    llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    This is the best thread on the STO forums.
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    demonicaestheticdemonicaesthetic Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    quistra wrote: »
    Oh my god. Are you kidding me.

    Not having a cat planet in the game is not the same thing as racism.

    "Race X MUST NOT be allowed to ask for what Race Y already has..."

    Yes, technically, it IS racism, albeit digital racism in a fictional context.
    <center><font size="+5"><b>Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day...
    Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...</b></size></center>
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    ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    quistra wrote: »
    I'm not sure how not having Cait - a planet not physically anywhere near this region of space - on the map is persecuting you.

    Most of the homeworlds added were added as filler because they're actually present in those sectors. Cait isn't in the sectors they added. It's three or four sectors south. And there's a significant Caitian diaspora as it is, so it's not like your homeworld can't be somewhere else.

    You are not persecuted because your planet happens to fall outside the map.

    Oh my god. Are you kidding me.

    Not having a cat planet in the game is not the same thing as racism.

    Are you drunk? I never said anything about
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
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    quistraquistra Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    so you oppose dev time for klingons because most people dont play one, and alien races, and non cruiser class ships, and pvp, and bug fixes on the less popular pve queues, and anything not majority mainstream.

    Good to know.

    The entire KDF faction is not a fringe group. Nor are escorts and science vessels and bug fixes. This right here is called creating a false equivalence. You're trying to make putting Cait where it shouldn't be seem like a sign of progress akin to giving Klingons more ships or escorts more whatever.

    It's not. If this were Congress, Caitian players would be the very definition of a loud special interest group.
    "Race X MUST NOT be allowed to ask for what Race Y already has..."

    Yes, technically, it IS racism, albeit digital racism in a fictional context.

    So I'm racist... against... your collection of pixels...?

    If you think your avatar, the one you actively choose to play, is your actual race and you're persecuted because of it, you may take STO a little too seriously.
    The artist formerly known as PlanetofHats.
    Actual join date: Open beta, 2009ish.
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    wbaker256#3172 wbaker256 Member Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    quistra wrote: »
    The entire KDF faction is not a fringe group. Nor are escorts and science vessels and bug fixes. This right here is called creating a false equivalence. You're trying to make putting Cait where it shouldn't be seem like a sign of progress akin to giving Klingons more ships or escorts more whatever.

    It's not. If this were Congress, Caitian players would be the very definition of a loud special interest group.

    So I'm racist... against... your collection of pixels...?

    If you think your avatar, the one you actively choose to play, is your actual race and you're persecuted because of it, you may take STO a little too seriously.

    "Help! I'm being racially persecuted! My Pakled can't visit his homeworld! I DEMAND it be added!"

    See? I can do it too.

    I'm all for adding Cait/Ferasa as accessible planets down the line, but there are far more important things that should be tended to. I never thought I'd be agreeing with the troll king in even the smallest sense, but here I am doing just that; Cait can wait.

    - Thot Gar - Commanding Officer of the Braaktak Kaan
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    quistraquistra Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    mgoblin2 wrote: »
    "Help! I'm being racially persecuted! My Pakled can't visit his homeworld! I DEMAND it be added!"

    "Help! Help! I'm being oppressed!"
    The artist formerly known as PlanetofHats.
    Actual join date: Open beta, 2009ish.
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    wbaker256#3172 wbaker256 Member Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    So I take it you're opposed to the addition of Ferenginar, Trill, Betazed, and Tellar Prime? Do you want them removed? Or is it just the Caitians you're so opposed to?

    I think you're missing the point that ALL of those are within the main accessible regions of space.

    There's also the fact that all four of the homeworlds you mentioned have more canonical significance than Cait.

    - Thot Gar - Commanding Officer of the Braaktak Kaan
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    demonicaestheticdemonicaesthetic Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    quistra wrote: »
    The entire KDF faction is not a fringe group. Nor are escorts and science vessels and bug fixes. This right here is called creating a false equivalence. You're trying to make putting Cait where it shouldn't be seem like a sign of progress akin to giving Klingons more ships or escorts more whatever.

    It's not. If this were Congress, Caitian players would be the very definition of a loud special interest group.

    So I'm racist... against... your collection of pixels...?

    If you think your avatar, the one you actively choose to play, is your actual race and you're persecuted because of it, you may take STO a little too seriously.

    I have 4 chars, only one is a caitian, and if you knew me at all, or anything about me, you'd know I cannot abide rabid roleplayers who take their games too seriously.

    However I do take pretentious statements from people who claim to know better seriously...

    You stated you opposed the use of dev time for minority interests, you stated that you think it's special treatment for one playable race to ASK for what other playable races already have, because said race isn't a majority.

    Just because you're racist against a fictional race in a game doesn't alter the fact that your anti-caitian statements are an example of racism, go look the word up in an English dictionary.

    As for 'false equivalency'... Why am I not surprised you start touting University Debate Society "get out of losing free cards"

    How does fixing a minor script bug in a pve that 95% of people never play benefit the majority of STO, by your own statements, you are opposed to said fix.

    Same for anything in STO which isn't a Mainstream Majority, now, if that is not what you meant to say... then correct your statements, but don't whine when what you do say is opposed on its semantic content, simply because you didn't think what to say before posting it.
    <center><font size="+5"><b>Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day...
    Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...</b></size></center>
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    quistraquistra Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    So I take it you're opposed to the addition of Ferenginar, Trill, Betazed, and Tellar Prime? Do you want them removed? Or is it just the Caitians you're so opposed to?

    I play a Betazoid. I've actually never asked for Betazed to be added, but they did it because it was actually in that sector.

    I actually think that if the game map expands that far south, Cait should be added to its appropriate sector, and Kzin to its appropriate sector. I don't think they should be arbitrarily moved to places they shouldn't be. A lot of Federation species are "off the map" too. That's not unique to cat people.
    The artist formerly known as PlanetofHats.
    Actual join date: Open beta, 2009ish.
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    wbaker256#3172 wbaker256 Member Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    quistra wrote: »
    I play a Betazoid. I've actually never asked for Betazed to be added, but they did it because it was actually in that sector.

    I actually think that if the game map expands that far south, Cait should be added to its appropriate sector, and Kzin to its appropriate sector. I don't think they should be arbitrarily moved to places they shouldn't be. A lot of Federation species are "off the map" too. That's not unique to cat people.


    Where are Sauria, Benzar, Bolarus IX, Rigel V and Pakled? Nowhere to be seen. Heck, same with Gornar, Nausicaa, Ter'jas Mor and whatever the Lethean homeworld is.

    However, I'm not going to flail and rage on the forums because they aren't in playable space. If they get added, yay. Otherwise, I can wait.

    - Thot Gar - Commanding Officer of the Braaktak Kaan
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    wbaker256#3172 wbaker256 Member Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I can wait as well. What would be very nice is to hear "We understand, we can't promise anything but if we can we'll see about hooking you up when we get a chance". That would be awesome.

    I'm the OP, and in my first post and in the rest of them going forward I've not insulted, demanded, claimed to be oppressed or said we were owed anything. I merely ASKED, and said I wish for and would very much like a Caitian planet on the map. I didn't say it had to be soon, or be of any detail that would take any more than the most token effort.

    In fact I specifically asked that those who joined me in my request be polite and respectful to Taco and the Devs, and not to bring flames into the thread.

    I don't see how people can be angry for us merely asking politely for what we want and trying to make a convincing case for it.

    A lot of what I've seen here hasn't exactly come off as polite, from BOTH parties I might add.

    You asked about it, and you got your answer from one of the Developers.

    And like Quistra says, if the game ever expands southward into the area where Cait's supposed to be, then there's a good chance you'll get your planet, and other players will hopefully get what they want as well.

    - Thot Gar - Commanding Officer of the Braaktak Kaan
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    ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Getting a little too crazy by calling this stuff racism against pixels.
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
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    demonicaestheticdemonicaesthetic Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    nabreeki wrote: »
    Considering my comments -- though harsher -- are more or less in line with what Taco said earlier, I don't really see how I'm "trolling." I'm more or less speaking as one voice of many that say the following: Not every playable race gets a homeworld in STO. Caitians especially do not deserve a homeworld in STO, and, moreover, it's simply not going to happen.

    If being correct is trolling (and apparently it is), then I guess I must be guilty.

    The guy who has already accused other players of digital racism, on the other hand, is a perfectly healthy, well-balanced individual with no underlying psychological conditions at all causing him to get really annoyed at perceived digital racism against his cat toon.

    Yes, absolutely NO issues there at all.

    1. Gal, and old one at that... And my cat toon is perfectly happy playing the game when the damn thing is working without a care in the world for rp homeworlds or the comments in local/zone by others about being a cat toon rather than a more politiaclly acceptible race to self appointed forum pundits

    2. It's the forum hypocrisy I dislike along with amateur debate society bs... I'm just waiting for the almost inevitable "u r makin an ad-hominem attack gainst meh" post, that always arrives...

    3. You obviously didn't read the thread that well, or you'd have seen that I don't care about a caitian homeworld that much, and even suggested if it's that big a deal, why not just pick one as a diaspora site as per the caitian doff mission tree

    4. I am annoyed that our "nothing for minorities" friend seems to have plenty of time to say "nothing for Caitian Minority" but doesn't seem to mind the "we want battleshiips with 8 side mounted dual heavy cannons and fore and aft bfaw" minority, or any of about 20 odd minorities asking for something on the forums in the last two days, and yet still denies that their opposition to caitians seems to be firmly based on "they are caitians" rather than on "they are a minority"

    5. Your implication that getting annoyed at foollish hypocrisy is some sort of mental illness by that oh so clever sarcastic reverse statement, and thus everything said is irrelevant, is rather amusing consideriung how many of your assumptions are wrong, but good effort...

    6. Yes, a Scenery Artist said it wont happen, that still doesn't mean people can't ask for a rethink on that, nor does it mean that somebody higher up the dev chain of command won't do so in the future, who knows, Season 17 might be adding new sectors with all kinds of "never going to happen" in it
    <center><font size="+5"><b>Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day...
    Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...</b></size></center>
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    quistraquistra Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Nor have you explained adequately why or how this hurts you, as many things are added that might only appeal to a few. Technically, everything ever added to the KDF falls into that category if we're going by sheer numbers. And yet I don't see you protesting that, or even protesting Betazed which is just as much a sliver of the game population and Trek lore as anything else you could name.

    ...Deanna was a major character in TNG. Multiple Betazoid characters appeared in TNG, DS9 and VOY. How is Betazed a sliver of Trek lore equivalent to Caitians, who appeared on screen in the background of one movie and in TAS?

    More to the point, it's not about hurting or helping anyone. The game map was changed to roughly conform to Star Charts. I suppose I don't see why that now has to be undone so cat people can have their own non-functional planet.

    The out-of-place planets right now are that way because content was tied to them in advance. This is not the case with Cait.
    Just because you're racist against a fictional race in a game doesn't alter the fact that your anti-caitian statements are an example of racism, go look the word up in an English dictionary.

    You guys literally compared not having a kitty planet to the lynching of black people in the post-Civil War South. See below:
    "Whut? Them damn yankee city folk dun gave the colored folk the vote, and now theys asking for special treatment such as being allowed into the poling station to USE it? Hell with that, where's mah .30-06..."

    "I think Cait shouldn't be put in a non-canon place because a small group of people insist on it" is not the same thing as "I want to lynch and kill Caitian players because of their race."

    The hyperbole against anyone who disagrees with you, even on minor issues, needs to stop.
    4. I am annoyed that our "nothing for minorities" friend seems to have plenty of time to say "nothing for Caitian Minority" but doesn't seem to mind the "we want battleshiips with 8 side mounted dual heavy cannons and fore and aft bfaw" minority, or any of about 20 odd minorities asking for something on the forums in the last two days, and yet still denies that their opposition to caitians seems to be firmly based on "they are caitians" rather than on "they are a minority"

    See, hyperbole like that.

    Nobody is persecuting you because you do not have the Caitian homeworld on the map in a place where it actually is not suppose to be. Your homeworld is just outside the game boundary. That does not mean Caitians are homeless in-universe. It means the playable area of the game doesn't extend far enough to reach 15 Lyncis.

    That's called a fact.
    And yes, we got an answer. But that doesn't preclude continuing to discuss it, and doing a little pleading our case along with a bit of begging. Many things we have today were asked for and put on the wishlist for years before they happened.

    There just isn't a reason, beyond blatant trolling, for some people to act as upset over this as they are.

    I don't think any of us are upset or even wounded. We might be rolling our eyes at all this fervent lobbying, though.
    nabreeki wrote:
    Considering my comments -- though harsher -- are more or less in line with what Taco said earlier, I don't really see how I'm "trolling." I'm more or less speaking as one voice of many that say the following: Not every playable race gets a homeworld in STO. Caitians especially do not deserve a homeworld in STO, and, moreover, it's simply not going to happen.

    If being correct is trolling (and apparently it is), then I guess I must be guilty.

    I'm guilty too.
    The artist formerly known as PlanetofHats.
    Actual join date: Open beta, 2009ish.
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    ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    quistra wrote: »
    ...Deanna was a major character in TNG. Multiple Betazoid characters appeared in TNG, DS9 and VOY. How is Betazed a sliver of Trek lore equivalent to Caitians, who appeared on screen in the background of one movie and in TAS?

    More to the point, it's not about hurting or helping anyone. The game map was changed to roughly conform to Star Charts. I suppose I don't see why that now has to be undone so cat people can have their own non-functional planet.

    The out-of-place planets right now are that way because content was tied to them in advance. This is not the case with Cait.

    You guys literally compared not having a kitty planet to the lynching of black people in the post-Civil War South. See below:

    "I think Cait shouldn't be put in a non-canon place because a small group of people insist on it" is not the same thing as "I want to lynch and kill Caitian players because of their race."

    The hyperbole against anyone who disagrees with you, even on minor issues, needs to stop.

    See, hyperbole like that.

    Nobody is persecuting you because you do not have the Caitian homeworld on the map in a place where it actually is not suppose to be. Your homeworld is just outside the game boundary. That does not mean Caitians are homeless in-universe. It means the playable area of the game doesn't extend far enough to reach 15 Lyncis.

    That's called a fact.

    I don't think any of us are upset or even wounded. We might be rolling our eyes at all this fervent lobbying, though.

    I'm guilty too.
    Who are "these guys" that said it was persecution? Far as I recall, it was one person.
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
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    demonicaestheticdemonicaesthetic Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    quistra wrote: »
    ...Deanna was a major character in TNG.

    Hmm, memory check time... ex TRIBBLE star drafted in to play a combination of eyecandy for the older viewers and provide some typically tng PC plot lines
    You guys literally compared not having a kitty planet to the lynching of black people in the post-Civil War South. See below:

    No, I compared the "group x shouldn't be allowed to ask" mentality of some posters statements to the exact same mentality in some inhabitants of the Southern States
    The hyperbole against anyone who disagrees with you, even on minor issues, needs to stop.

    Again go back and read the thread... the anti caitian mob seem quite happy to refer to caitian players as a variety of unflattering and in some cases blatantly offensive names, thats not hyperbole.
    I don't think any of us are upset or even wounded. We might be rolling our eyes at all this fervent lobbying, though.

    Fervent lobbying? 1 Damn thread in which the OP asked and was instantly witch hunted and insulted by a certain crowd.
    I'm guilty too.

    No comment...
    <center><font size="+5"><b>Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day...
    Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...</b></size></center>
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    demonicaestheticdemonicaesthetic Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    ashkrik23 wrote: »
    Who are "these guys" that said it was persecution? Far as I recall, it was one person.

    You're correect, and the person who used the persecution word was... the person claiming you used it because you said, and I'll quote...
    ashkrik23 wrote: »
    These arguments are normal anytime you mention a caitian or ferasan. Welcome to STO :p.

    ...to which the reply was...
    quistra wrote: »
    I'm not sure how not having Cait - a planet not physically anywhere near this region of space - on the map is persecuting you.[/I]
    <center><font size="+5"><b>Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day...
    Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...</b></size></center>
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    quistraquistra Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Hmm, memory check time... ex TRIBBLE star drafted in to play a combination of eyecandy for the older viewers and provide some typically tng PC plot lines

    ...Marina Sirtis was never a TRIBBLE star. She appeared topless in one movie, a thriller.
    No, I compared the "group x shouldn't be allowed to ask" mentality of some posters statements to the exact same mentality in some inhabitants of the Southern States

    So racism in the Deep South is the same thing as saying Cait shouldn't be moved 80 light years coreward. Got it.

    You can ask all you want. You actually got your answer. Twice. Except you keep asking. You're free to do that. I'm free to say it's silly, so long as I don't flame or insult you. I've done neither.
    Again go back and read the thread... the anti caitian mob seem quite happy to refer to caitian players as a variety of unflattering and in some cases blatantly offensive names, thats not hyperbole.

    I have referred to you by no such names.
    Fervent lobbying? 1 Damn thread in which the OP asked and was instantly witch hunted and insulted by a certain crowd.

    We're on page 16 after the devs told you it's not going to happen. What more do you need, a signed letter of intent from SalamiInferno?
    The artist formerly known as PlanetofHats.
    Actual join date: Open beta, 2009ish.
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    alethkiraenalethkiraen Member Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Pretty sure the cat planet got blown up by Luke Skywalker at the end of Wing Commander III, OP.
    To boldly funk where no-one has funked before.
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    grimrak1grimrak1 Member Posts: 251 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Stop trying to destroy Trek lore by moving Cait, thanks.
    But you know what? I guess it doesn't matter now does it? By being allowed to visit their studios Cryptic has pretty much signed off on you and your fleet haven't they? They've said in deed what most of us have suspected for years. They're not going to stop you. They're not going to correct you. You won. After long last, you really, really won. STO is yours and no one is going to do a thing about it. Congratulations.
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    ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    quistra wrote: »
    ...Marina Sirtis was never a TRIBBLE star. She appeared topless in one movie, a thriller.

    So racism in the Deep South is the same thing as saying Cait shouldn't be moved 80 light years coreward. Got it.

    You can ask all you want. You actually got your answer. Twice. Except you keep asking. You're free to do that. I'm free to say it's silly, so long as I don't flame or insult you. I've done neither.

    I have referred to you by no such names.

    We're on page 16 after the devs told you it's not going to happen. What more do you need, a signed letter of intent from SalamiInferno?
    Just because devs gave an answer does not mean people cannot still discuss a topic. It has happened with many other features in this game.
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
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    captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    ashkrik23 wrote: »
    Just because devs gave an answer does not mean people cannot still discuss a topic. It has happened with many other features in this game.

    Hah! This is so true, so very true! :D
    I haz mai t6 connie nao?
    I need a beer.

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    ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Hah! This is so true, so very true! :D
    I haz mai t6 connie nao?

    How dare you talk about things which have already been given an answer! You selfish person!
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
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