May i ask you if there is any posibility to get as Federation any type of Carrier class ship other way than fleet / zen?
Klingons have tier 5 carrier with 2 hangar bays purchasable for Dilithium, i didnt saw any for Federation.
In wiki there are carriers for Lobi crstals but i am completly green about this type of currency (how to get it, how long it get to reach 800, if even possible to get it now).
Basicaly, i started playing this game for this awesome ships but i got a little disappointed when i saw posibilities to reach them .
I am thinking about spending money and buy 2,5k zen (converting Dilithium to Zen will take forever..... unfortunely) to buy Caitian Atrox Carrier but from other way - it is easier to get Fleet Caitian Atrox Carrier if i could find good fleet who would let me buy it?
Wish you cheer me up a bit with good informations, thanks
May i ask you if there is any posibility to get as Federation any type of Carrier class ship other way than fleet / zen?
Klingons have tier 5 carrier with 2 hangar bays purchasable for Dilithium, i didnt saw any for Federation.
In wiki there are carriers for Lobi crstals but i am completly green about this type of currency (how to get it, how long it get to reach 800, if even possible to get it now).
Basicaly, i started playing this game for this awesome ships but i got a little disappointed when i saw posibilities to reach them .
I am thinking about spending money and buy 2,5k zen (converting Dilithium to Zen will take forever..... unfortunely) to buy Caitian Atrox Carrier but from other way - it is easier to get Fleet Caitian Atrox Carrier if i could find good fleet who would let me buy it?
Wish you cheer me up a bit with good informations, thanks
There is no "federation" carrier, only the atrox. There are however fed flight deck ships, like the galaxy dread, vests class, and the new command cruisers. But those all require a Zen purchase.
Buying the atrox from the fleet is probably the only cash neutral way to get one, since you can get fleet modules off the exchange, upgrade tokens as well I think. However you wont get the unique pets that come with the cstore atrox.
As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
May i ask you if there is any posibility to get as Federation any type of Carrier class ship other way than fleet / zen?
Klingons have tier 5 carrier with 2 hangar bays purchasable for Dilithium, i didnt saw any for Federation.
In wiki there are carriers for Lobi crstals but i am completly green about this type of currency (how to get it, how long it get to reach 800, if even possible to get it now).
Basicaly, i started playing this game for this awesome ships but i got a little disappointed when i saw posibilities to reach them .
I am thinking about spending money and buy 2,5k zen (converting Dilithium to Zen will take forever..... unfortunely) to buy Caitian Atrox Carrier but from other way - it is easier to get Fleet Caitian Atrox Carrier if i could find good fleet who would let me buy it?
Wish you cheer me up a bit with good informations, thanks
There is only one other way and that is to wait until the next winter wonderland event where one can be gained for free.
Other than that they cost. Zen as you have seen. Lobi which is gained by opening lock boxes. Then there are ones you can get for EC, and lots of itEC. Finally there is one that only costs fleet credits, around 200,000 and your fleet needs a tier 1 spire for that.
The ones in the lobi store are not bound when boxed. People buy them to make EC as they sell well and for a hefty sum on the exchange.
Carriers, especially free ones, are a perk of KDF and before the zen and cross faction one Feds didn't have one at all. Even when we got one frigates were still a KDF thing where free was concerned. The only carriers that Feds can get hold of that have frigates are cross faction and have a buying and equiping restriction.
Question: In the Battle Analysis window, what do the 2 sets of numbers represent? 1 is within the brackets the other is the left out side the brackets.
i.e: Your plasma array deals 1 (262) Plasma Damage to TRIBBLE
Im new, I got to about lvl 11 and noticed a federation badge in my inventory, it looks like another crew member named nem or nom, im romulan. I clicked on the badge to use it and i cant find this new guy any where, I dont see how to use him?
hi, new captain here (tactical, flying a sovereign class right now)
i am a solo player and at lvl47 right now, but i am already glaring at all those nice, shiny high-end ships so, i'd like to know how much does ship choice affect the lategame?
i really like the design of the avenger battlecruiser, but comparing the stats on the wiki, the ship seems a little weak? trading defence for only a tiny bit speed? then again, i couldn't find any stats of the upgraded version.
or would it be better to shoot straight to one of the T6 ships?
are battlecruiser even a viable choice for solo play, or should i stick to the big cruisers?
i am mostly playing for fun, but i dont want to gimp myself too much because of lacking knowledge..
I just started playing just over a week ago, and I have been absolutely loving it, until yesterday. I got so frustrated that I ragequit. But I dusted myself off and wont let it win.
I am just now starting the Kobali Prime missions and I find them incredibly frustrating. I have never died so much, I mean, I have died more on this planet than I have in all the previous levels combined. I spent all my money buying new gear on the exchange for my away team, new shields, new weapons, new armor. But I just cannot seem to get my survivability up. If I go too fast, I get swamped with adds, if I go too slow, I get caught in respawns. I've tried getting people to team up, but I'm noticing more and more that people don't seem to want to group up in this game unless it's for a STF or an event.
I really like the game, and I am enjoying it, but I need help, or this planet is going to ruin the fun for me.
This will be an open question thread, as I have noticed a lot of people responding only to criticize a players time/skill level/knowledge instead of helping them answer their questions, so basically, you ask a question, and there's a 99.9% chance I will know the answer so ask away, I'll try to check. This thread as much as possible. All hands, ask away
Just got back in the game after an extended absence, and am re-learning everything.
What I really a TOS bridge for my TOS ship. I seem to remember the game had them, once upon a time, but I can't find them now.
Also not seeing any Constitution refits--meaning the Enterprise from the TOS movies.
There is a TOS-era bundle which includes that bridge and the TOS-style phaser pistol and some (though not all; some are sold separately) of the TOS-style uniforms, as well as the Galileo-type shuttle. After purchasing that bundle, you will need to visit a ship customization officer in order to make the ship use it.
The Constitution Refit (although I do not believe it is labeled as such) is the Tier 2 "Cruiser", which you can get for free with your promotion token at level 10 (or purchase afterward with dilithium, if you chose one of the other two options with that token). There's also a "Cruiser Refit" which is a purchasable Tier 2, uses the same pool of skins, but has slightly better stats (an extra sci console slot and one eng BOFF upgraded from ens to lt) and a special console included. Both versions (like any other Tier 2 ship) cannot be used until you reach level 10.
Unfortunately, if you want a state-of-the-art ship, you'll have to move out of the Constitution types after level 20 (when you unlock Tier 3 ships; however, at Tier 3 and Tier 5, there are two purchasable versions of the Excelsior, listed as "Advanced Heavy Cruiser" and "Advanced Heavy Cruiser Retrofit"; the Retrofit is also available in a Fleet variant).
You can - if you like - dismiss, strip, and reclaim your TOS Enterprise cruiser several times (your initial purchase, as with any ship bought directly with Zen, is actually a permanent, account-wide unlock) in order to obtain an unlimited supply of the self-levelling blue phasers. They're one of the best ship weapons easily available until you get into the 30s-40s levels, and you won't have to worry about replacing them every so often as you gain levels. After you reach level 50, you can load them into the Upgrade screen, and they will autoconvert (without cost) to mark 12.
In the C-Store? Hmmm...couldn't find it. I'll check again.
Hmmm...I saw the Discount tab, but nothing concerning TOS. I'll check again.....
Being a lowly Lieutenant it'll be some time, it seems, before I can get the Enterprise/Enterprise "A" from the classic films. But that's fine, I'm happy with the Classic ship.
I see that I already have the classic uniforms. If, by chance, I already have the TOS bridge, where would I find it so that I might switch what I have now to it?
Been running around through the Deferra battlezone thing, building up them thar Omega Marks for rep and making the Borg stuff for my ship and I could swear I've seen people with Boffs following them (saw a Tovan Khev earlier). How does one pull that off? Is it a Klingon/Romulan thing? High enough rep, some trait or option I have a blindspot for?
Been running around through the Deferra battlezone thing, building up them thar Omega Marks for rep and making the Borg stuff for my ship and I could swear I've seen people with Boffs following them (saw a Tovan Khev earlier). How does one pull that off? Is it a Klingon/Romulan thing? High enough rep, some trait or option I have a blindspot for?
I think it's a bug involving disconnecting that can be exploited. I'm not sure if I am safe mentioning how to do it, but it's been around for years.
pls help. Maybe I'm an idiot, but I can't seem to get OUT of Ops on Earth spacedock . . . . . I am supposed to go to the shipyard but all the doors are locked and all I can do is run up and down the stairs from the admiral's desk to the big window !!!! Help?
pls help. Maybe I'm an idiot, but I can't seem to get OUT of Ops on Earth spacedock . . . . . I am supposed to go to the shipyard but all the doors are locked and all I can do is run up and down the stairs from the admiral's desk to the big window !!!! Help?
nevermind ... i ran around the back of the admiral's office :rolleyes:
I got a new ship requisition and went to pick up my new ship apparently my inventory was full so it put it in a overflow bag but before I realized that I dismissed or deleted my first ship thinking I didnt have enough room in my ship slots. Is getting rid of that first ship something thats going to make me weaker and I will regret? I dont think its going to hurt anything now or in the future but just checking.
I got a new ship requisition and went to pick up my new ship apparently my inventory was full so it put it in a overflow bag but before I realized that I dismissed or deleted my first ship thinking I didnt have enough room in my ship slots. Is getting rid of that first ship something thats going to make me weaker and I will regret? I dont think its going to hurt anything now or in the future but just checking.
No. Losing lower Tier ships does not make you weaker. At this point in the game anything below T5 is just taking up space.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
No. Losing lower Tier ships does not make you weaker. At this point in the game anything below T5 is just taking up space.
Thanks for the quick answer, just hit lvl 30 last night and that happened. Now to figure out how to fill that last officer slot on my new D'deridex, i think im one short of an engineer none of my other officers will fit. That should'nt be to hard if not I might be back:D
You can get extra BOFFs off the Exchange or there's a vendor at ESD/Qo'noS (and I think one at the Romulan Flotilla?) that sell them for a small amount of dilithium.
If you've gt the free D'Deridex... you could disimss every ship you have other than that (and one shuttle if you have one); then dismiss the D'Deridex (if you want to) when you hit level 40 and get your last "free" (promotion-token) ship... and then you'll have plenty of room, at least in the short term.
I always recommend keeping the last ship you had, if you liked it until you are sure you like the new one. This way, if you end up not liking the new ship, you are not stuck using it, or dishing out Dil for another ship you wouldn't have needed to.
I picked a ship I didn't like once, and was stuck with it till I hit the next free token because I dropped ships after I was done with them. And when you pick the DD for the first time on the Rommies, it is the slowest turning ship that they have at that low of level. Some might not like it.
When I play my first 5 Rommies, they didn't have another ship at that level to get, so I learned quick to keep the ship I had before it, in case I wanted to run with a fast moving build, and use cannons. Otherwise, it is a really good tank at that level.
Leader of Elite Guardian Academy.Would you like to learn how to run a fleet? Would you like to know how to do ship builds (true budget as well as high end)?The join the Academy today!
So, please forgive my ignorance but I've got 2 questions...
1) What's the difference between a kit module and a kit? Cause I figured out how to equip and use the kit, but the modules I am clueless about!
2) How do your officers improve if they have a different career path than you? It was explained to me that I can only buy training manuals for those who are in my career! How do the others improve and at what level can you promote them?
Other than this, and the occasional glitch, I am absolutely LOVING this game! My husband and I tried it when it first came out, and frankly, we didn't fall in love with it. I can't believe how much it's improved! Wow!
Oh yeah, do you join Fleets? And what's the point of them?
Thx, again.
May i ask you if there is any posibility to get as Federation any type of Carrier class ship other way than fleet / zen?
Klingons have tier 5 carrier with 2 hangar bays purchasable for Dilithium, i didnt saw any for Federation.
In wiki there are carriers for Lobi crstals but i am completly green about this type of currency (how to get it, how long it get to reach 800, if even possible to get it now).
Basicaly, i started playing this game for this awesome ships but i got a little disappointed when i saw posibilities to reach them
I am thinking about spending money and buy 2,5k zen (converting Dilithium to Zen will take forever..... unfortunely) to buy Caitian Atrox Carrier but from other way - it is easier to get Fleet Caitian Atrox Carrier if i could find good fleet who would let me buy it?
Wish you cheer me up a bit with good informations, thanks
There is no "federation" carrier, only the atrox. There are however fed flight deck ships, like the galaxy dread, vests class, and the new command cruisers. But those all require a Zen purchase.
Buying the atrox from the fleet is probably the only cash neutral way to get one, since you can get fleet modules off the exchange, upgrade tokens as well I think. However you wont get the unique pets that come with the cstore atrox.
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
There is only one other way and that is to wait until the next winter wonderland event where one can be gained for free.
Other than that they cost. Zen as you have seen. Lobi which is gained by opening lock boxes. Then there are ones you can get for EC, and lots of itEC. Finally there is one that only costs fleet credits, around 200,000 and your fleet needs a tier 1 spire for that.
The ones in the lobi store are not bound when boxed. People buy them to make EC as they sell well and for a hefty sum on the exchange.
Carriers, especially free ones, are a perk of KDF and before the zen and cross faction one Feds didn't have one at all. Even when we got one frigates were still a KDF thing where free was concerned. The only carriers that Feds can get hold of that have frigates are cross faction and have a buying and equiping restriction.
My character Tsin'xing
i.e: Your plasma array deals 1 (262) Plasma Damage to TRIBBLE
My character Tsin'xing
He's hanging around telling me facts about different species.
Like, did you know that the one species with the worst sense of humor in the galaxy is the Bajorans?
i am a solo player and at lvl47 right now, but i am already glaring at all those nice, shiny high-end ships
i really like the design of the avenger battlecruiser, but comparing the stats on the wiki, the ship seems a little weak? trading defence for only a tiny bit speed? then again, i couldn't find any stats of the upgraded version.
or would it be better to shoot straight to one of the T6 ships?
are battlecruiser even a viable choice for solo play, or should i stick to the big cruisers?
i am mostly playing for fun, but i dont want to gimp myself too much because of lacking knowledge..
I just started playing just over a week ago, and I have been absolutely loving it, until yesterday. I got so frustrated that I ragequit. But I dusted myself off and wont let it win.
I am just now starting the Kobali Prime missions and I find them incredibly frustrating. I have never died so much, I mean, I have died more on this planet than I have in all the previous levels combined. I spent all my money buying new gear on the exchange for my away team, new shields, new weapons, new armor. But I just cannot seem to get my survivability up. If I go too fast, I get swamped with adds, if I go too slow, I get caught in respawns. I've tried getting people to team up, but I'm noticing more and more that people don't seem to want to group up in this game unless it's for a STF or an event.
I really like the game, and I am enjoying it, but I need help, or this planet is going to ruin the fun for me.
Just got back in the game after an extended absence, and am re-learning everything.
What I really a TOS bridge for my TOS ship. I seem to remember the game had them, once upon a time, but I can't find them now.
Also not seeing any Constitution refits--meaning the Enterprise from the TOS movies.
Any help for Captain Noob would be appreciated!
In the C-Store? Hmmm...couldn't find it. I'll check again.
Being a lowly Lieutenant it'll be some time, it seems, before I can get the Enterprise/Enterprise "A" from the classic films. But that's fine, I'm happy with the Classic ship.
I see that I already have the classic uniforms. If, by chance, I already have the TOS bridge, where would I find it so that I might switch what I have now to it?
I think it's a bug involving disconnecting that can be exploited. I'm not sure if I am safe mentioning how to do it, but it's been around for years.
nevermind ... i ran around the back of the admiral's office :rolleyes:
Thanks for the quick answer, just hit lvl 30 last night and that happened. Now to figure out how to fill that last officer slot on my new D'deridex, i think im one short of an engineer none of my other officers will fit. That should'nt be to hard if not I might be back:D
I always recommend keeping the last ship you had, if you liked it until you are sure you like the new one. This way, if you end up not liking the new ship, you are not stuck using it, or dishing out Dil for another ship you wouldn't have needed to.
I picked a ship I didn't like once, and was stuck with it till I hit the next free token because I dropped ships after I was done with them. And when you pick the DD for the first time on the Rommies, it is the slowest turning ship that they have at that low of level. Some might not like it.
When I play my first 5 Rommies, they didn't have another ship at that level to get, so I learned quick to keep the ship I had before it, in case I wanted to run with a fast moving build, and use cannons. Otherwise, it is a really good tank at that level.
Is there a setting / option somewhere I am missing so it always stays Fullscreen?
1) What's the difference between a kit module and a kit? Cause I figured out how to equip and use the kit, but the modules I am clueless about!
2) How do your officers improve if they have a different career path than you? It was explained to me that I can only buy training manuals for those who are in my career! How do the others improve and at what level can you promote them?
Other than this, and the occasional glitch, I am absolutely LOVING this game! My husband and I tried it when it first came out, and frankly, we didn't fall in love with it. I can't believe how much it's improved! Wow!
Oh yeah, do you join Fleets? And what's the point of them?
Thx, again.