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Galaxy class



  • nataku302nataku302 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    reynoldsxd wrote: »
    I just want a t6 galaxy with at least a ltcom tac seat, 3-4 tac consoels....
    And perhaps a mastery trait that gives a global [overload] proc chance... ^^

    And no, i do not want to have perks tied to separation since the galaxy's most potent weapons are those 2 main arrays....

    Yes I agree we need a tier 6 galaxy class with at least a lt com tac seat and 3-4 tac consoles.
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    asuran14 wrote: »
    I am not sure as gtting rid of the saucer would mean the warp-core would have to power fewer systems, while the saucer would be powered by back-power as such i could see them making the lance from it beign weaker for that reason.

    I was strictly referring to the Saucer Module's Phaser Lance.

    Honestly I find it weird that the Stardrive even has one seeing as how it's just the root stub of it. MOST of the lance is on the Stardrive. If it became a Lance cannon closer to a dual heavy cannon like on the Defiant then it would make more sense to me. I understand the shotgun blast but a lower powered rapid fire that you could use more often would be more useful.

    I get why people would want a Saucer separating X, but truth be told it never made that much difference to me. If they want better turn rate it has two extra giant impulse engines and a third nacelle, it should be more maneuverable as a whole in the first place.

    As i said earlier i would love to see a redigned version of the Galaxy in a pack that are command ships like the command battle-ships yet in a more command-cruiser style like a mother-ship that cordinates the fight. Witht he dreadnaught being a front line command ship that acts like a relay-ship for orders an rally point of sorts. Add in that based on which cruiser command you have up the command abbilties gian secondary buff effects would make these very interesting and flexible ships.
    Indeed command abilities stacked with Cruiser commands would pretty much make it the ultimate mother ship.

    The next step is making sure support abilities are desirable over brute DPS.
    Honestly? No it doesn't. Mostly because I don't see command powers in particular to work that well on escorts anyway. The intel ones, yes sure but that still doesn't make me wanna get a new one. 500+ mil to get the same ship with a new layout? Hell no lol

    I don't fly the original one that often anyway, I actually prefer the dreadnought with the bug pets instead. But honestly, even if I fly my JHAS, she does everything I need of her and she has no big weaknesses that I feel need to change.
    Can't be mad at that.

    And a Dreadnaught with the Bug pets makes perfect sense. Battle of Cardassia Canon in fact.

    Frankly the damn ship is vastly overpriced to begin with.
    Anyway, back to the Galaxy.

    Picard was a great example of why the Galaxy would work well as a command ship. Wouldn't you literally feel inspired by having one of these spearheading your task force? (assuming we wouldn't know the current one sucks)? I know I would be. A ship and a captain are always associated with one another. To me, the Galaxy kinda symbolizes the great leadership that Picard had and a command version would fit perfectly. Its a big ship with tons of support powers right now, but it lacks something to make it truly viable in the Post-DR meta and its currently the most inflexible BOFF layout imaginable. Inspiration mechanics and some command seating would go a long way for me.
    Absolutely, I'll say it again...

    "Sir, there's another starship coming in.....It's the Enterprise!"

    Those words will turn the tide like Optimus Prime showing up. Surely there's nothing more inspiring...which reminds me, Shon should have inspiration everytime he shows up with the Enterprise, just automatic command boosts.

    She's a born command ship.
    caasicam wrote: »
    I saw something about a T6 Gal with COM Engi, LTC Sci/Engi, LT Tac, and Ens Uni way back there. (And then Gal-X with LTC Tac/Engi and LT Sci.)

    Cryptic just take my monies already.


    Decided that I should probably stop just lurking in the thread.

    Welcome brother.

    And I think that's a general realistic consensus right there.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • mrhardkillmrhardkill Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I always saw the Galaxy Class as Diplomatic ship and I think that is what they intended
  • jer5488jer5488 Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    caasicam wrote: »
    I saw something about a T6 Gal with COM Engi, LTC Sci/Engi, LT Tac, and Ens Uni way back there. (And then Gal-X with LTC Tac/Engi and LT Sci.)

    Cryptic just take my monies already.


    Decided that I should probably stop just lurking in the thread.

    I would buy these variants - especially if they got cleaned up models/textures. Though my preferred layout would be:

    Galaxy: lt tac, Comm Eng, Lt Eng/Com, Ltcom Sci, lt Uni with 5 eng, 3 sci, 3 tac consoles.

    Galaxy X: Ltcom Tac, Comm Eng, lt Eng/Com, lt Sci, lt Uni with 5 eng, 2 sci, 4 tac consoles.

    I do have to say - with these loadouts - I would almost definitely fly the Galaxy standard as my flag.
  • caasicamcaasicam Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    jer5488 wrote: »
    I would buy these variants - especially if they got cleaned up models/textures. Though my preferred layout would be:

    Galaxy: lt tac, Comm Eng, Lt Eng/Com, Ltcom Sci, lt Uni with 5 eng, 3 sci, 3 tac consoles.

    Galaxy X: Ltcom Tac, Comm Eng, lt Eng/Com, lt Sci, lt Uni with 5 eng, 2 sci, 4 tac consoles.

    I do have to say - with these loadouts - I would almost definitely fly the Galaxy standard as my flag.

    I'd take this as an alternative Boff layout too, even if I'd rather get a Lt upgraded to Ltcom rather than Ens to Lt.

    It does work rather well, though. Even if the Odyssey has taken over the role of "Multi-role adaptable ship" in STO lore, the higher level Uni station does bring some of that back to the Galaxy. (And then it'll at least have the same tactical staying power as the Nebula, finally.)

    As for the X, I'm much more inclined to that having a Lt Commander Tac seat than the base Galaxy having one, as has been mentioned. Also the Command specialization works amazingly well for the Galaxy, and unless the next specialization is even more tanky mothership support focused, I'd definitely like to see hybrid seats of that on any T6 Gal.
  • asuran14asuran14 Member Posts: 2,335 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    captaind3 wrote: »
    I was strictly referring to the Saucer Module's Phaser Lance.

    Honestly I find it weird that the Stardrive even has one seeing as how it's just the root stub of it. MOST of the lance is on the Stardrive. If it became a Lance cannon closer to a dual heavy cannon like on the Defiant then it would make more sense to me. I understand the shotgun blast but a lower powered rapid fire that you could use more often would be more useful.

    I get why people would want a Saucer separating X, but truth be told it never made that much difference to me. If they want better turn rate it has two extra giant impulse engines and a third nacelle, it should be more maneuverable as a whole in the first place.

    Indeed command abilities stacked with Cruiser commands would pretty much make it the ultimate mother ship.

    The next step is making sure support abilities are desirable over brute DPS.

    I agree with you on the strange fact of the sauser sectoion using the lance weapon, yet that the lance is actually attached to the star-drive section, but if the lance weapon had more than one emitter it could be that the lance's damage is reduced from the emitters being split between the star-drive an saucer. THough i also just like the idea of having three lance emitters one on the underside of the saucer as is now, but than having two on the top of the saucer with one on either side of the saucer, with this set up than when saucer seperated it would make sense how both use the lance weapon an also why it is of reduced effective in this state.

    Well like with the idea of having the lance-weapon on the Gal-X adopting the primary weapon energy type of your build, than you could also make it that the saucer uses the primary weapon type of your build/set-up (cannons, beam array, dual beams, torpedos, and mines.). This is in ways more of a look and style thing, but could also influence other thigns, since if weapons used on the saucer gain the same type bonuses (like the higher damage an rate of fire of heavy dual cannons compared to dual cannons.) than it could affect balance.

    On a side note though i would love to see them add into the weapon types of the game lance bea emitters as a scaled back weapon type to equalize the ratio of beam type weapons to cannon types. I would make this type of beam weapon a high damage yet single or two shot cycle beam weapon, compared to the eight weapon cycle of the arrays, with maybe having the highest drain on energy per shot of all weapon types to make up for the higher damage. Also a single large damage pair of hits for beams, would contrast well to the high rate of fire the cannons types.

    I am not sure i would say that a Galaxy command-cruiser Tear-6 ship with cruiser commands as well as command abilities, maybe some interaction between what cruiser command you are in an what command ability you use while in it, would have to be more desirable than brute power/dps. I mean there are alot of ships an styles of ships that are not per-say desireable over others yet are still used, and also you have only a small degree of ships that are completely seen as competitive (like how only really two ships are seen as viable for toop level dps). I would want them to just try and make the abilites, or buffs you gian from using them in specific cruiser commands useful an worthwhile, also though i would love to see them add a new hanger pet tied to a command cruiser/mothership that could make the ship more desirable.
  • asuran14asuran14 Member Posts: 2,335 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I am not sure if i would want a t6 variant of the Galaxy line to be a single ship, or a ship pack with several ships in it. If it went the muti-ship pack than i would agree the console an boff line up should reflect what the different ships are geared towards, along with updated visuals for each of them. Yet i could also see a single ship version that has three ships worth of updated parts included, with maybe a console that improves on the older consoles of the previous galaxy's, or that has the older galaxy consoles are standard now. Yet this single T6 ship variant could have a uni-commander an uni-Lieutentant commander seat, which in my option would give the ship a Very flexible layout to suit the idea of the ship being a multi-purpose/versitility style ship, though some might say giving the ship a third uni-seat would be within reason i think it might be too much (Even as a uni-ensin).
  • jer5488jer5488 Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Well, something is definitely coming - and relatively soon. A new hull graphic for a new T6 Explore cruiser was posted on Reddit.

    Please let us finally have a good looking, actually fun to fly Galaxy...
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I'm tentatively excited. On one hand, it's finally happening. On the other, it all depends on the stats. Give me a good ship and I'll throw my money at the screen. Give me a another stinker of a ship and I'll just flip out at Cryptic.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • caasicamcaasicam Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    reyan01 wrote: »
    From what I've seen it's an entirely new shape/design.

    Which HOPEFULLY means that they're going to do the same thing as they did with the Pathfinder class - namely that it'll be an entirely new class of ship that happens to be able to use the skin(s) from an older design.

    Eitherway, this will definitely be one of those 'regardless of cost' scenarios for me personally if it does transpire that this new T6 Exploration Cruiser can use the Galaxy skin.

    Took the words right out of my mouth. Very glad I decided to stockpile dil. Even if the new class can't use Galaxy/Venture skins, I love the ship design itself. Besides, after what they did with the Pathfinder, I'm fairly confident that the new skin will be pretty good.
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    It would be a monumentally stupid move to not allow the Galaxy/Venture skins on it. So stupid that all the facepalm pics on the internet would not be enough. But as you guys said, since the Pathfinder exists I'm not really worried.

    I do have the Galaxy pack from way back when, so I'm totally ready with all of those goodies to use on the T6 version.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • papesh1papesh1 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    jer5488 wrote: »
    Well, something is definitely coming - and relatively soon. A new hull graphic for a new T6 Explore cruiser was posted on Reddit.

    Please let us finally have a good looking, actually fun to fly Galaxy...

    Do you have a link to this graphic?
  • jer5488jer5488 Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Considering it's listed along with a Negh'var, and it's classified as an Exploration Cruiser, I'm cautiously optimistic. I just hope they did a beautifying of the Galaxy to go along with it. I'd really be willing to throw Pathfinder pack money at a new Galaxy ship, interior, and 'revamp'.

    And yes, I know that's wishful thinking on my part.
  • papesh1papesh1 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Not one that I can post here - it would result in thread-lock.

    Perhaps the search term that will pull it up?
  • jer5488jer5488 Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Hmm... Search results... 'New Kazon Stuff' will link to a Reddit page that might show you where you want to go. Even that is 'pushing' what we can do here, though.
  • reynoldsxdreynoldsxd Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Allow galaxy skins on guardians and command cruisers.... done deal.

    There would be a decent setup for any taste and they sell more of those ships for minimal effort.
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Way too late for the Galaxy on the Guardian thing. We asked for that back before it released, it never happened.

    I feel bad for the Galaxy fans that bought the Guardian to try to make a pseudo-Galaxy with some of the options it had that were clearly geared toward us. I knew they were going to do something like this which is why I didn't buy one. So glad I didn't.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited March 2015
    reynoldsxd wrote: »
    Allow galaxy skins on guardians and command cruisers.... done deal.

    There would be a decent setup for any taste and they sell more of those ships for minimal effort.

    What you ask makes way too much sense and to top it off its logical

    Idea Rejected!
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    lan451 wrote: »
    I'm tentatively excited. On one hand, it's finally happening. On the other, it all depends on the stats. Give me a good ship and I'll throw my money at the screen. Give me a another stinker of a ship and I'll just flip out at Cryptic.

    Thing is , if it can wear the 1701-D skin , it's a sale .
    If not then it's another "keep yer Guardian Cryptic" story.
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,016 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    lan451 wrote: »
    Way too late for the Galaxy on the Guardian thing. We asked for that back before it released, it never happened.

    I feel bad for the Galaxy fans that bought the Guardian to try to make a pseudo-Galaxy with some of the options it had that were clearly geared toward us. I knew they were going to do something like this which is why I didn't buy one. So glad I didn't.

    Agreed. The Guardian though never struck me as a Galaxy evolution. It's an Ambassador support cruiser in my book, it uses parts directly from Probert's original Ambassador design. The command cruisers have a variant that is very clearly a new Excelsior. We'll see how the new Explorer will look like, but if it can use Galaxy/Venture parts there's basically no risk involved.

    I would suspect it gets a Pathfinder layout tailored for a command exploration cruiser, but I would be pleasantly surprised if they went out of their way and made something unexpected. After all it's klingon sibling the Negh'Var probably comes with it. I'm curious wether they will be carbon copies.
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I think it's highly likely that they will be carbon copies of each other. With traits being a big deal now, having different traits for different factions just doesn't work. Look at what happened with Reciprocity. The recent Command ships avoided that, so I have no doubt that this will be the new ship release MO. Although no new Rom ship incoming (that we know of right now) so, I dunno what's going to happen with that.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • caasicamcaasicam Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    lan451 wrote: »
    I think it's highly likely that they will be carbon copies of each other. With traits being a big deal now, having different traits for different factions just doesn't work. Look at what happened with Reciprocity. The recent Command ships avoided that, so I have no doubt that this will be the new ship release MO. Although no new Rom ship incoming (that we know of right now) so, I dunno what's going to happen with that.

    Perhaps a D'derpidex later on to complete the TNG trio?
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    Thing is , if it can wear the 1701-D skin , it's a sale .
    If not then it's another "keep yer Guardian Cryptic" story.

    See for me it isn't. If all I wanted was a ship that looked like a Galaxy, then I can do that right now in game with the fail whale that dares to call itself a Galaxy. If we want a ship that looks like Galaxy and can operate at the top end of things, then the stats and performance of the ship are absolutely a concern.

    If the new T6 Exploration cruiser can look like a Galaxy but sucks, then it's no different from what we already have right now.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • jer5488jer5488 Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    lan451 wrote: »
    See for me it isn't. If all I wanted was a ship that looked like a Galaxy, then I can do that right now in game with the fail whale that dares to call itself a Galaxy. If we want a ship that looks like Galaxy and can operate at the top end of things, then the stats and performance of the ship are absolutely a concern.

    If the new T6 Exploration cruiser can look like a Galaxy but sucks, then it's no different from what we already have right now.

    My base line on buying is a command tiered pathfinder layout.

    Lt tac, Comm eng, ltcom eng/com, ltcom Sci, lt uni is my base for 'will I buy'.

    I don't care how gorgeous it is, how awesome the new skin and console are - if it isn't fun to fly and reasonably competitive - I'm not biting this time.
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Watch it turn out to be a pilot spec ship even though it has no business being a pilot spec ship.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • edited March 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • jer5488jer5488 Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Well, someone posted a list of 'maybe' pilot powers - so... I think I could live with it having a lt eng/pilot seat.

  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,016 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    jer5488 wrote: »
    Well, someone posted a list of 'maybe' pilot powers - so... I think I could live with it having a lt eng/pilot seat.


    A Galaxy had no real business having a pilot seat, those abilities scream Defiant (remember, she was at risk at tearing herself apart due to the power that was crammed in her).

    Sure, command avilities are kinda underwhelming in comparison but maybe they will tweak thm a little bit later on.

    Intrepid - Intel (although that makes not much sense as well), Galaxy - Command and Defiant - Pilot seems reasonable. All will probably have a Lt spec seat and lt universal added to what they already have.

    For Klingons I'd suspect the Negh'Var be the command hybrid and a BoP become the Pilot ship. I don't think we have a Lt intel hybrid KDF ship, though...
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • jer5488jer5488 Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    angrytarg wrote: »
    A Galaxy had no real business having a pilot seat, those abilities scream Defiant (remember, she was at risk at tearing herself apart due to the power that was crammed in her).

    Sure, command avilities are kinda underwhelming in comparison but maybe they will tweak thm a little bit later on.

    Intrepid - Intel (although that makes not much sense as well), Galaxy - Command and Defiant - Pilot seems reasonable. All will probably have a Lt spec seat and lt universal added to what they already have.

    For Klingons I'd suspect the Negh'Var be the command hybrid and a BoP become the Pilot ship. I don't think we have a Lt intel hybrid KDF ship, though...

    I agree completely - I'd prefer the Galaxy to have command powers. They 'fit her' better. But - if everything else is awesome for me except for the hybrid seat being pilot - I could live with it.
  • asuran14asuran14 Member Posts: 2,335 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I will agree i would rather see the Galaxy get either a hybrid commander or Intel seat than a pilot seat (that seems abit more escort, or smaller cruisers like.). Yet still think making a T6 variant having a uni-commander and a uni- Ltcommander seats, while maybe having one of those seats being a hybrid uni/commander (or uni/intel) seat would work the best to allow it to be what it was a versatility ship.

    My one hope as a change for the phaser lance on the Galaxy-X is that you can toggle between the wide-spread phaser shot and the narrow lance phaser-beam shot, so that you use what is best for the time without needing to be either saucer-separated or connected. Raising the accuracy i can see though i find that i rarely miss with the phaser lance, but for me that the lance weapon is locked into being only a phaser based weapon on the Galaxy (or any other variant) is annoying. I wish that any such weapon would/should adopt the dominant beam-energy type of the ship, as this would make these ships have more versatility in their weapon load-outs.

    Where the look of the ship would go i actually like a design at least the nacelles/hoop-drive (that uses vulcan looks in ways) would look great on a galaxy-styled ship. Such as the Galaxy-X instead of the tri-Nacelle design which i like a lot too just from a look to me. This are not done by me, but still amazing designs.


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