Moments like this have me welcome the idea of a Pilot specced T6 Exploration Cruiser. It could just be really really cool.
The Galaxy-class is far more nimble than this game gave it credit for. She was the most sought after ship for me back in STO's very beginnings, until it's direly poor mobility killed all the fun and pleasure there was in flying her.
A reversal of that would be ironic, but I cannot help but look forward to it.
The Exploration Cruiser's flaw, besides its maneuvering, is its overabundance of engineering powers, but -
Say that becoming Tier 6 has its engieering ensign turn into a Lieutenant Eng seat. Then, the LtC Engineering seat turns out to be an LtC universal. And after that, both the Lt Tactical and the Cmd Engineering could turn up being Pilot specced...
To sum up:
Lt Tac (Pilot)
Cmd Eng (Pilot)
LtC Universal
Lt Eng
Lt Sci
That could end up being both feasible... and pretty darn nice.
A Galaxy had no real business having a pilot seat, those abilities scream Defiant (remember, she was at risk at tearing herself apart due to the power that was crammed in her).
The idea of a Pilot seat is universal (and why isn't it called Conn?)
On one hand it certainly screams Defiant, Jadzia was the boss pilot.
BUT if we look at what a ship needs in its crew to offset its natural tendency, then a Galaxy may benefit the most from a Pilot seat.
That said it's of course a Command ship by nature easily.
Sure, command avilities are kinda underwhelming in comparison but maybe they will tweak thm a little bit later on.
Intrepid - Intel (although that makes not much sense as well), Galaxy - Command and Defiant - Pilot seems reasonable. All will probably have a Lt spec seat and lt universal added to what they already have.
For Klingons I'd suspect the Negh'Var be the command hybrid and a BoP become the Pilot ship. I don't think we have a Lt intel hybrid KDF ship, though...
Well a science ship with advanced sensor arrays would be the simplest conversion to a reconnaissance vessel and on that note, why haven't the Luna class ships been similarly upgraded since they have Recon in their title.
Negh'var is also a born and built command ship literally made for the Chancellor of the high council to command from.
Frankly an Intel Pilot Bird of Prey would be perfect.
Well, something is definitely coming - and relatively soon. A new hull graphic for a new T6 Explore cruiser was posted on Reddit.
Please let us finally have a good looking, actually fun to fly Galaxy...
You could at least link us man.
"Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many they are few"
haven't looked at that page in question in a wile, quite a number of interesting things in there now. well, looks like tier 6 galaxy is finally happening, a negvar too. but no d'deridex? not even surprised that a decent galaxy class would only exist after i absolutely could no longer stomach the game.
not even surprised that a decent galaxy class would only exist after i absolutely could no longer stomach the game.
I know, right?
"After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true. Except for a T5 Connie. That would be f*%#ing awesome." - Mr. Spock
I am hoping that we actually get a decent ship this time; historically, the Devs have shown a certain disdain toward the Galaxy. The T5/T5-U version is inferior to ships that have no business being it's superior and the 'revamp' (Galaxy bundle) strongly favoured the Dreadnought, with the base T5 Galaxy receiving almost no attenion (and the attention it DID receive was less than helpful).
So fingers crossed, bigtime - I sincerely hope that they don't take the lazy option and simply open one of the engineering BOFF seats to a eng/command hybrid, because I am not convinced that would make it all that much better.
it would have to at least follow the pattern of the intrepid, if not be better, have more then a LT worth hybrid, or even multiple types of hybrid.
so at the very least, the non fleet version would be this
COM eng
LTC eng LT tac* LT sci LT uni 4/3/3 consoles
so at the very least, the non fleet version would be this
COM eng
LTC eng LT tac* LT sci LT uni 4/3/3 consoles
Which would still be less useful than most of the non-T5U Fleet cruisers. Even the fleet Ambassador without T5U still beats it. Serious players won't be dumb enough to drop tac powers like APB or FAW2 for command powers on a ship with such weak combat potential.
In another thread, someone complained about the Galaxy class in game being a "gimped Titanic" and wanted a better one. That sentiment is one I've seen a lot, with people who grew up on TNG having an attachment to that ship and wanting it to be made as a viable endgame ship if not THE main flagship as it was lo those decades ago when TNG was still on the air. My reply to him was as follows:
But even if the Galaxy was an amazing ship, she's still vastly outdated just like my beloved Refit Enterprise from TMP and TWOK. Time moves on and beloved ships get outdated and replaced by modern designs. That's how it works. It happens to cars too. Why can't some people accept that and move on from the Galaxy, especially when the Guardian exists to represent the Ambassador / Galaxy design lineage in the modern setting?
If you built a new Galaxy hull and a new Guardian hull and if they were the same size
Put the same equipment and engines on both
There would be ZERO difference between the ships
Upgrading equipment and engines in this game on any ship has no drawbacks so your argument makes no sense at all
The only difference is STO limits the speed and inertia on hull types...which also makes no sense , Engines should limit that not hull type , That's cryptics nonsense
The first thing you have to realize is cryptic uses no laws or rules in ship performance or design ...They make it the way they want it to be
That's why ships that can land in your shuttle bay outgun your battleships...........nonsense ships
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
Which would still be less useful than most of the non-T5U Fleet cruisers. Even the fleet Ambassador without T5U still beats it. Serious players won't be dumb enough to drop tac powers like APB or FAW2 for command powers on a ship with such weak combat potential.
at least its also got a LT uni to use for tac, so it wont have less tac then it did, wile still being able to use low end command skills. still would have been better if it got Intel instead of command, but i guess the guardian has that covered. but really, only a single LT hybrid truly is damn near worthless. given how several skills are locked at LTC and above, every tier 6 ships should come with a COM hybrid, the more focused ships can get a COM+.
part of whats killing cryptic i think is how insanely over walled off and exclusive its made these specialization station powers, and everything else for that mater, behind grind walls. also the entire concept of tier 5U, that get none of the good stuff. now that cryptic has experienced layoffs, its time for a REALITY CHECK. you wont last long enough to re sell us all our tier5 ships in tier 6 form with this business model.
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
it would have to at least follow the pattern of the intrepid, if not be better, have more then a LT worth hybrid, or even multiple types of hybrid.
so at the very least, the non fleet version would be this
COM eng
LTC eng LT tac* LT sci LT uni 4/3/3 consoles T6 a ship bearing the "exploration" designation needs to have:
2/4/4 console setup with an additional 3-rd tactical on the fleet variant
I agree that the specialization hybrid would fall on the Lt.Tactical Boff seat, however I'd like to see it fall on the Lt.Cmdr Engineering Boff seat. That's assuming it will not be a fully specialized ship in some new or current specialization, which would make the Commander and another Liuetenant Boff slot both hybrid ones. T6 a ship bearing the "exploration" designation needs to have:
2/4/4 console setup with an additional 3-rd tactical on the fleet variant
I agree that the specialization hybrid would fall on the Lt.Tactical Boff seat, however I'd like to see it fall on the Lt.Cmdr Engineering Boff seat. That's assuming it will not be a fully specialized ship in some new or current specialization, which would make the Commander and another Liuetenant Boff slot both hybrid ones.
What DDIS posted is, however, the Pathfinder layout. The ship didn't get a second LTC and right now we have no reason to assume that either the Negh'Var or the new Explorer will get a second LTC. I would be excited if they did, but I *expect* a Lt Uni and a Lt Tac hybrid for the Explorer and a Lt Sci hybrid for the Negh'Var.
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
Whatever the boff seating ends up being, I just hope they don't Slap A Hangar Bay On It. I gave the Command Cruisers a pass on the hangar since the reasoning they gave made sense. I won't exactly be mad if they do, but you can bet that I'll be sitting here rolling my eyes at my screen.
Heh. You know as well as I do that at least one of the devs was sitting there saying "WE NEED A HANGAR BAY ON TEH GALAXY BECAUSE REASONS!" They won't be satisfied until we have an uber bugship that launches a pair of JHDCs that then launch more bugships. And then after everyone buys into that, Geko comes along and nerfs carrier pets. Again. It's like what they do. :P
Heh. You know as well as I do that at least one of the devs was sitting there saying "WE NEED A HANGAR BAY ON TEH GALAXY BECAUSE REASONS!" They won't be satisfied until we have an uber bugship that launches a pair of JHDCs that then launch more bugships. And then after everyone buys into that, Geko comes along and nerfs carrier pets. Again. It's like what they do. :P
Sorry, it seems someone beat you and the devs. to it:
I just really hope they both will come with inspiration mechanics but I won't be mad either if they aren't should Cryptic decide to keep that exclusive to the CBCs (need to keep a reason around to buy those right?).
Either way, the poor Galaxy can only get better from this. Cryptic knows that the thing will sell based on skin alone but they would be silly to not give it decent stats.
Wonder what the new model will exactly look like though. I wasn't too excited about the Pathfinder class model.
I just really hope they both will come with inspiration mechanics but I won't be mad either if they aren't should Cryptic decide to keep that exclusive to the CBCs (need to keep a reason around to buy those right?).
Either way, the poor Galaxy can only get better from this. Cryptic knows that the thing will sell based on skin alone but they would be silly to not give it decent stats.
Wonder what the new model will exactly look like though. I wasn't too excited about the Pathfinder class model.
Considering the Pathfinder and such don't have the intel pod, I seriously doubt the Galaxy will have Inspiration. I'd LOVE it to, but I doubt it will.
Space is big, the Federation is vast, replacing older ships on mass and distributing newer classes around the Federation is not a easy task to replace these older ships,
It would take decades to faze out all the Miranda's and Excelsior's and replace them with Akira's, Sabre's Steamrunners and Defiants.
Also in space the wear and tear of weather and atmospheric conditions are not a concern therefore hulls do not rust or weaken overtime, the only thing that becomes obsolete is the equippment such as computers, power distribution, sensors, weapons ect.
We have seen the Federation keep Miranda's, Excelsior's in service for over 70 plus years and used them as frontline units in major conflicts, such as the Cardassian Wars, the Battle of Wolf 359 and more recently the Dominion War.
Sensors, Power distribution, Warp Cores, Weapon systems, Computers can all be upgraded and the fact those 2 ships are still frontline units after all these years shows that Starfleet maintains all its ships within its fleet and keeps them moving with the times. Even if the they seemed to take a pounding during the DW. {They were the most common ships seen in fleet battles, Akira, Sabres ect where far and few between.)
The Galaxy is still is young class of ship, the intially 6 from TNG was the 1st line of production, the next production run would have taken data from these ships seen whatever weakness or defects where present and they would had been updated and corrected. Any new technology breakthroughs in computer, warp core, sensor ect tecnhology would have been incorporated into the next batch.
The Enterprise D herself had several upgrades during the TNG TV run
Using the age arguement saying she's outdated is pure BS. Technology does move on and the Galaxy would be moved on with it to keep her up to date as proven by the shows where the D did get upgrades to its warp core and computers during the shows run.
The issue with the Galaxy whether you agree with this or not, is she one of the 2 most popular ships in Trek, we all know what the other one is, Cryptic are afraid of this ship and what it would mean to have one that could compete with a Regent, Excelsior or Odyssey for sales.
Biggest issue i see between those for and against the Galaxy is simply a case of you either love the ship or you hate the ship
None of the arguements made against the ship are worthy of note i.e Odysseys destruction, Ent-D destruction, Yamato's destruction. Its call plot and every other ship class put in the same position would have ended up the same way.
Those for a upgrade look past those episodes and look at the tech and specs of the Galaxy and everything about her specs and tech tells you she is totally misspresprented in this game. T6 a ship bearing the "exploration" designation needs to have:
2/4/4 console setup with an additional 3-rd tactical on the fleet variant
I agree that the specialization hybrid would fall on the Lt.Tactical Boff seat, however I'd like to see it fall on the Lt.Cmdr Engineering Boff seat. That's assuming it will not be a fully specialized ship in some new or current specialization, which would make the Commander and another Liuetenant Boff slot both hybrid ones.
Considering the extra engineering console is the 'fleet console', the T6 Exploration should come with:
4 Eng, 3 Sci, 3 Tac console layout. With eventual T6 Fleet being 5, 3, 3.
I expect them to try to keep the Trinity going with the 'Big 3' - as much as I dislike it. So for layout, we're honestly probably looking at:
Lt Tac/Com, Comm eng, ltcom eng, ltcom sci, lt uni.
I hope I"m wrong and I hope the /command station makes it's way to an engineering station so it'll be more useful, but... In either case, it'll at least be more useful then the current exploration cruiser.She won't be top of the line, but she won't be as useless as the current model.
Considering the extra engineering console is the 'fleet console', the T6 Exploration should come with:
4 Eng, 3 Sci, 3 Tac console layout. With eventual T6 Fleet being 5, 3, 3.
I expect them to try to keep the Trinity going with the 'Big 3' - as much as I dislike it. So for layout, we're honestly probably looking at:
Lt Tac/Com, Comm eng, ltcom eng, ltcom sci, lt uni.
I hope I"m wrong and I hope the /command station makes it's way to an engineering station so it'll be more useful, but... In either case, it'll at least be more useful then the current exploration cruiser.She won't be top of the line, but she won't be as useless as the current model.
Why are we looking at LTC Sci?
Pathfinder got CMDR Sci, LTC Sci, Lt Eng/Intel, Lt Tac, Lt Uni. I don't want to say it's impossible but really we have no reason to assume a LTC Sci on a T6 Explorer. I expect CMDR Eng, LTC Eng, Lt Tac/Comm, Lt Sci, Lt Uni.
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
You're right, Targ. I was being unhappily optimistic.
Actually, looking at the Pathfinder again, the Pathfinder doesn't have a second ltcom station. If it's a pathfinder copy, we're going to get:
lt tac/command, comm eng, ltcom eng, lt sci, lt uni.
with 5 eng, 3 sci, 2 tac consoles. Hope that gets switched to 5 eng, 2 sci, 3 tac though.
I still don't think we're going to get what we 'want' from her, but I'm trying to be hopeful.
The Pathfinder has the 3/5/2 console layout because the intrepid got a third tac for a fleet upgrade. The Galaxy got it's fifth eng console with it's fleet upgrade, though. The T6 console on a Galaxy is/was a tac console (T5U upgrade).
If Cryptic is consisent, the T6 Explorer will probably have 4/3/3 consoles and a fleet upgrade will grant the fifth eng console. The Intrepid for some reason was treated differently at fleet level than both the Galaxy and Defiant.
Don't get me wrong, some part of me is still optimistic that something will change or be special as well, I think it's the tip of my right hindleg's cloven hoof. But logically there's no reason that this ship will be different from the PAthfinder since the Defiant, Intrepid and Galaxy are forever bound in a STO trinity. To me it's not all that bad though, I never dropped the galaxy on my main and today I score a lot of first places with it while having fun, so I take a pathfinder'ed Galaxy at T6, no problem ^^
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
The Pathfinder has the 3/5/2 console layout because the intrepid got a third tac for a fleet upgrade. The Galaxy got it's fifth eng console with it's fleet upgrade, though. The T6 console on a Galaxy is/was a tac console (T5U upgrade).
If Cryptic is consisent, the T6 Explorer will probably have 4/3/3 consoles and a fleet upgrade will grant the fifth eng console. The Intrepid for some reason was treated differently at fleet level than both the Galaxy and Defiant.
Don't get me wrong, some part of me is still optimistic that something will change or be special as well, I think it's the tip of my right hindleg's cloven hoof. But logically there's no reason that this ship will be different from the PAthfinder since the Defiant, Intrepid and Galaxy are forever bound in a STO trinity. To me it's not all that bad though, I never dropped the galaxy on my main and today I score a lot of first places with it while having fun, so I take a pathfinder'ed Galaxy at T6, no problem ^^
Don't get me wrong, a 'Pathfinder' layout for the Galaxy will make me quite content. I'd prefer different, but if we get a Pathfinder-esque layout for the new T6, I'll buy it.
Don't get me wrong, a 'Pathfinder' layout for the Galaxy will make me quite content. I'd prefer different, but if we get a Pathfinder-esque layout for the new T6, I'll buy it.
This. Honestly the only thing that could really dissuade be from buying it would be if it had the same layout as it does now, only the Ens Engi slot was upgraded to Lt.
Considering the extra engineering console is the 'fleet console', the T6 Exploration should come with:
4 Eng, 3 Sci, 3 Tac console layout. With eventual T6 Fleet being 5, 3, 3.
I'm not sure I follow you, but I think I do - are you saying that the fleet variant must have a 5-th engineering console because it's a cruiser or are you saying that you expect that because the Fleet T5 Exploration cruiser got a 5-th engineering console?
Because if it's the former, what they said is that class specific ships will only get a 5-th console compatible with their career profile, but they didn't say that every "full/fleet" version of any ship necessarily has to have a 5-th console of one kind at all. That'w why I went with 3/4/4 on a future fleet variant.
If it's the latter you're saying - well....yeah, then we're left to Cryptic logic and I'm afraid that usually doesn't end well. *sigh*
It will still be the chump of the T6 Cruiser roster, just as it's predacessor was and is the chump of the T5 Cruiser roster. I'm still holding on to some left hope that after all these years of player complaints - they won't make the exact same mistake again. And since exploration does not resonate with a tactical cruiser much, I feel it's natural that a second Lt.Cmdr would be sci.
And because it's a new ship I'd assume Cryptic would want to sell well instead of turning out to be a flop.
But now that you said it, and seeing how a double D is suposedly out of the equation (and we know that she was the one that got the *good* layout), plus remembering that it's Cryptic we're dealing with - I wouldn't put what you and others pointed to past them, even though I personally think it would be a dumb decision to make and a bad direction to take.
I'm not sure I follow you, but I think I do - are you saying that the fleet variant must have a 5-th engineering console because it's a cruiser or are you saying that you expect that because the Fleet T5 Exploration cruiser got a 5-th engineering console?
Because if it's the former, what they said is that class specific ships will only get a 5-th console compatible with their career profile, but they didn't say that every "full/fleet" version of any ship necessarily has to have a 5-th console of one kind at all. That'w why I went with 3/4/4 on a future fleet variant.
If it's the latter you're saying - well....yeah, then we're left to Cryptic logic and I'm afraid that usually doesn't end well. *sigh*
My thought on the consoles is - most cruisers get the 5th eng console, and the Galaxy at T5U already has a 5th eng console, so I don't see her successor getting something different. The Fleet variant got a 5th eng console, the T5U variant got a 3rd tac console. So I think the safest assumption is - a T5U and T6 will have the same console layout and a T5U fleet and T6 fleet will share the same layout.
Personally I find it irritating how the Tier 6 pathfinder has an Intrepid costume option yet the Tier 6 Guardian has no Galaxy class costume option, if it did I would gladly buy it in a heart beat.
But if I must settle for the Tier 5-U version then so be it, a Federation character is incomplete without the beauty and majesty of the legendary Galaxy class Starship.
The Galaxy-class is far more nimble than this game gave it credit for. She was the most sought after ship for me back in STO's very beginnings, until it's direly poor mobility killed all the fun and pleasure there was in flying her.
A reversal of that would be ironic, but I cannot help but look forward to it.
The Exploration Cruiser's flaw, besides its maneuvering, is its overabundance of engineering powers, but -
Say that becoming Tier 6 has its engieering ensign turn into a Lieutenant Eng seat. Then, the LtC Engineering seat turns out to be an LtC universal. And after that, both the Lt Tactical and the Cmd Engineering could turn up being Pilot specced...
To sum up:
Lt Tac (Pilot)
Cmd Eng (Pilot)
LtC Universal
Lt Eng
Lt Sci
That could end up being both feasible... and pretty darn nice.
On one hand it certainly screams Defiant, Jadzia was the boss pilot.
BUT if we look at what a ship needs in its crew to offset its natural tendency, then a Galaxy may benefit the most from a Pilot seat.
That said it's of course a Command ship by nature easily.
Well a science ship with advanced sensor arrays would be the simplest conversion to a reconnaissance vessel and on that note, why haven't the Luna class ships been similarly upgraded since they have Recon in their title.
Negh'var is also a born and built command ship literally made for the Chancellor of the high council to command from.
Frankly an Intel Pilot Bird of Prey would be perfect.
You could at least link us man.
Mine Trap Supporter
I know, right?
it would have to at least follow the pattern of the intrepid, if not be better, have more then a LT worth hybrid, or even multiple types of hybrid.
so at the very least, the non fleet version would be this
COM eng
LTC eng
LT tac*
LT sci
LT uni
4/3/3 consoles
Which would still be less useful than most of the non-T5U Fleet cruisers. Even the fleet Ambassador without T5U still beats it. Serious players won't be dumb enough to drop tac powers like APB or FAW2 for command powers on a ship with such weak combat potential.
If you built a new Galaxy hull and a new Guardian hull and if they were the same size
Put the same equipment and engines on both
There would be ZERO difference between the ships
Upgrading equipment and engines in this game on any ship has no drawbacks so your argument makes no sense at all
The only difference is STO limits the speed and inertia on hull types...which also makes no sense , Engines should limit that not hull type , That's cryptics nonsense
The first thing you have to realize is cryptic uses no laws or rules in ship performance or design ...They make it the way they want it to be
That's why ships that can land in your shuttle bay outgun your battleships...........nonsense ships
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
at least its also got a LT uni to use for tac, so it wont have less tac then it did, wile still being able to use low end command skills. still would have been better if it got Intel instead of command, but i guess the guardian has that covered. but really, only a single LT hybrid truly is damn near worthless. given how several skills are locked at LTC and above, every tier 6 ships should come with a COM hybrid, the more focused ships can get a COM+.
part of whats killing cryptic i think is how insanely over walled off and exclusive its made these specialization station powers, and everything else for that mater, behind grind walls. also the entire concept of tier 5U, that get none of the good stuff. now that cryptic has experienced layoffs, its time for a REALITY CHECK. you wont last long enough to re sell us all our tier5 ships in tier 6 form with this business model.
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse T6 a ship bearing the "exploration" designation needs to have:
2/4/4 console setup with an additional 3-rd tactical on the fleet variant
I agree that the specialization hybrid would fall on the Lt.Tactical Boff seat, however I'd like to see it fall on the Lt.Cmdr Engineering Boff seat. That's assuming it will not be a fully specialized ship in some new or current specialization, which would make the Commander and another Liuetenant Boff slot both hybrid ones.
What DDIS posted is, however, the Pathfinder layout. The ship didn't get a second LTC and right now we have no reason to assume that either the Negh'Var or the new Explorer will get a second LTC. I would be excited if they did, but I *expect* a Lt Uni and a Lt Tac hybrid for the Explorer and a Lt Sci hybrid for the Negh'Var.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Mine Trap Supporter
Oh great, now you've done it! :mad:
Mine Trap Supporter
Sorry, it seems someone beat you and the devs. to it:
I really shouldn't be surprised at that.
All my facepalms.
Mine Trap Supporter
Either way, the poor Galaxy can only get better from this. Cryptic knows that the thing will sell based on skin alone but they would be silly to not give it decent stats.
Wonder what the new model will exactly look like though. I wasn't too excited about the Pathfinder class model.
"Let them eat static!"
Considering the Pathfinder and such don't have the intel pod, I seriously doubt the Galaxy will have Inspiration. I'd LOVE it to, but I doubt it will.
It would take decades to faze out all the Miranda's and Excelsior's and replace them with Akira's, Sabre's Steamrunners and Defiants.
Also in space the wear and tear of weather and atmospheric conditions are not a concern therefore hulls do not rust or weaken overtime, the only thing that becomes obsolete is the equippment such as computers, power distribution, sensors, weapons ect.
We have seen the Federation keep Miranda's, Excelsior's in service for over 70 plus years and used them as frontline units in major conflicts, such as the Cardassian Wars, the Battle of Wolf 359 and more recently the Dominion War.
Sensors, Power distribution, Warp Cores, Weapon systems, Computers can all be upgraded and the fact those 2 ships are still frontline units after all these years shows that Starfleet maintains all its ships within its fleet and keeps them moving with the times. Even if the they seemed to take a pounding during the DW. {They were the most common ships seen in fleet battles, Akira, Sabres ect where far and few between.)
The Galaxy is still is young class of ship, the intially 6 from TNG was the 1st line of production, the next production run would have taken data from these ships seen whatever weakness or defects where present and they would had been updated and corrected. Any new technology breakthroughs in computer, warp core, sensor ect tecnhology would have been incorporated into the next batch.
The Enterprise D herself had several upgrades during the TNG TV run
Using the age arguement saying she's outdated is pure BS. Technology does move on and the Galaxy would be moved on with it to keep her up to date as proven by the shows where the D did get upgrades to its warp core and computers during the shows run.
The issue with the Galaxy whether you agree with this or not, is she one of the 2 most popular ships in Trek, we all know what the other one is, Cryptic are afraid of this ship and what it would mean to have one that could compete with a Regent, Excelsior or Odyssey for sales.
Biggest issue i see between those for and against the Galaxy is simply a case of you either love the ship or you hate the ship
None of the arguements made against the ship are worthy of note i.e Odysseys destruction, Ent-D destruction, Yamato's destruction. Its call plot and every other ship class put in the same position would have ended up the same way.
Those for a upgrade look past those episodes and look at the tech and specs of the Galaxy and everything about her specs and tech tells you she is totally misspresprented in this game.
Considering the extra engineering console is the 'fleet console', the T6 Exploration should come with:
4 Eng, 3 Sci, 3 Tac console layout. With eventual T6 Fleet being 5, 3, 3.
I expect them to try to keep the Trinity going with the 'Big 3' - as much as I dislike it. So for layout, we're honestly probably looking at:
Lt Tac/Com, Comm eng, ltcom eng, ltcom sci, lt uni.
I hope I"m wrong and I hope the /command station makes it's way to an engineering station so it'll be more useful, but... In either case, it'll at least be more useful then the current exploration cruiser.She won't be top of the line, but she won't be as useless as the current model.
Why are we looking at LTC Sci?
Pathfinder got CMDR Sci, LTC Sci, Lt Eng/Intel, Lt Tac, Lt Uni. I don't want to say it's impossible but really we have no reason to assume a LTC Sci on a T6 Explorer. I expect CMDR Eng, LTC Eng, Lt Tac/Comm, Lt Sci, Lt Uni.
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Actually, looking at the Pathfinder again, the Pathfinder doesn't have a second ltcom station. If it's a pathfinder copy, we're going to get:
lt tac/command, comm eng, ltcom eng, lt sci, lt uni.
with 5 eng, 3 sci, 2 tac consoles. Hope that gets switched to 5 eng, 2 sci, 3 tac though.
I still don't think we're going to get what we 'want' from her, but I'm trying to be hopeful.
The Pathfinder has the 3/5/2 console layout because the intrepid got a third tac for a fleet upgrade. The Galaxy got it's fifth eng console with it's fleet upgrade, though. The T6 console on a Galaxy is/was a tac console (T5U upgrade).
If Cryptic is consisent, the T6 Explorer will probably have 4/3/3 consoles and a fleet upgrade will grant the fifth eng console. The Intrepid for some reason was treated differently at fleet level than both the Galaxy and Defiant.
Don't get me wrong, some part of me is still optimistic that something will change or be special as well, I think it's the tip of my right hindleg's cloven hoof. But logically there's no reason that this ship will be different from the PAthfinder since the Defiant, Intrepid and Galaxy are forever bound in a STO trinity. To me it's not all that bad though, I never dropped the galaxy on my main and today I score a lot of first places with it while having fun, so I take a pathfinder'ed Galaxy at T6, no problem ^^
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Don't get me wrong, a 'Pathfinder' layout for the Galaxy will make me quite content. I'd prefer different, but if we get a Pathfinder-esque layout for the new T6, I'll buy it.
This. Honestly the only thing that could really dissuade be from buying it would be if it had the same layout as it does now, only the Ens Engi slot was upgraded to Lt.
Something in lines of this would be my personal bet:
Pic 1
Pic 2
I'm not sure I follow you, but I think I do - are you saying that the fleet variant must have a 5-th engineering console because it's a cruiser or are you saying that you expect that because the Fleet T5 Exploration cruiser got a 5-th engineering console?
Because if it's the former, what they said is that class specific ships will only get a 5-th console compatible with their career profile, but they didn't say that every "full/fleet" version of any ship necessarily has to have a 5-th console of one kind at all. That'w why I went with 3/4/4 on a future fleet variant.
If it's the latter you're saying - well....yeah, then we're left to Cryptic logic and I'm afraid that usually doesn't end well. *sigh*
Because with a Boff layout of:
It will still be the chump of the T6 Cruiser roster, just as it's predacessor was and is the chump of the T5 Cruiser roster. I'm still holding on to some left hope that after all these years of player complaints - they won't make the exact same mistake again. And since exploration does not resonate with a tactical cruiser much, I feel it's natural that a second Lt.Cmdr would be sci.
And because it's a new ship I'd assume Cryptic would want to sell well instead of turning out to be a flop.
But now that you said it, and seeing how a double D is suposedly out of the equation (and we know that she was the one that got the *good* layout), plus remembering that it's Cryptic we're dealing with - I wouldn't put what you and others pointed to past them, even though I personally think it would be a dumb decision to make and a bad direction to take.
My thought on the consoles is - most cruisers get the 5th eng console, and the Galaxy at T5U already has a 5th eng console, so I don't see her successor getting something different. The Fleet variant got a 5th eng console, the T5U variant got a 3rd tac console. So I think the safest assumption is - a T5U and T6 will have the same console layout and a T5U fleet and T6 fleet will share the same layout.
But if I must settle for the Tier 5-U version then so be it, a Federation character is incomplete without the beauty and majesty of the legendary Galaxy class Starship.
And people thought the original Galaxy looked top-heavy. Good thing that doesn't matter in space.
Your father was captain of a starship for twelve minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mother's, and yours.
I dare you to do better.