This would be awesome if I could do it on my main toon. Let me put down some Zen to get that Delta Symbol on an existing toon, please.
Alright, I'll concede that point. If I could shell out some zen for the Delta Recruitment bonuses on an existing character, I'd probably do it. But create a whole new character and grind all the way back up? No thank you.
Well, if they are going to go this route to boost players/logins, I hope they also look at making specializations and reputation gear account bound. Those two things (as well as removing the random crafting mods) would go a long way to undoing the damage that Delta Rising did to my enjoyment of the game.
I make new chars all the time just to level the reps again, but once they are done and all the marks go, they get airlocked .
Needs account bound reps, crafting and specialization to get me to make for for keeping...
And now our characters themselves fall victim to planned obsolescence.
Awesome, just one more nail in the coffin of my continuing desire to play this game. First all my $ ships are obsolete; now toons I've had since the game launched are going to be obsolete. Thanks Cryptic.
I know you guys are desperate and need income but this is not the way to do it.
You just chase more and more of your current players away.
We need more content especially for those at level 60 as in more maps to queue in, some variety would be nice then just to queue for the same maps all the time and this way you keep the game exciting and interesting.
At the moment the grind and farm features like R&D, spec. tree, reputation, getting dilithium cap each day etc etc. feels like a 2nd day job it takes waayyy to long, we aren't "farm drones" for crying out loud!
Not to mention the aweful grinding in the events which takes a whole month, for example winter and summer events, making it boring and annoying fast.
We need more content, less farm and grind work, better rewards for all maps in PvE queues so more people will actually queue and choose different maps and not just queue only for specific maps like Infected Space or CE.
Last but not least, stop releasing all these ships constantly, PvP is already unbalanced since 2010 and now with the T6 ships it just reached a new level of unbalanceness.
Make the game fun again guys, maybe then I will come back but for now I stick with Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous!
What always happens on Tuesdays and what were we told would happen in late spring...
Everywhere I look, people are screaming about how bad Cryptic is.
What's my position?
That people should know what they're screaming about!
(paraphrased from "The Newsroom)
Uh I'd read the blog again, it applies to everyone who makes a new character, not just new accounts/players
Read much- I spoke of making yet another character I have 10 already.. each faction each career and an extra temporal vessel.. (Fed Sci) what is the point of making chars when they WILL NEVER level? 75 alts, one main? POINTLESS - pay for ships and gear and upgrades... and and and and.. never rewarded for loyalty and support.. new is best right..
Gosh guys, there's a lot of complaining and not reading the whole blog going on.
You DO get a free character slot
You DO get the ship trait account wide
There WILL be XP boosts
The rewards go through the Breen Arc, so you don't have to grind Delta Rising to get most of the stuff (unclear language about the starship trait though)
So, if you want the stuff, start an alt to run through the story and get the stuff, and transfer everything you can to your main when you're done, and buy ZEN with your leftover Dilithium.
This would be awesome if I could do it on my main toon. Let me put down some Zen to get that Delta Symbol on an existing toon, please.
THIS. I'd pay 1000, heck 2000 zen to get this on my MAIN CHARACTER who I ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT.
Cryptic, this could be the way to save season 10.
Give us an option to unlock delta recruit features on our existing characters.
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
Jesus Christ! You get a free character slot for nothing. Who cares what Cryptic hopes you'll do with it, you can do what ever you like. Bunch of whiny babies!
I don't see anything in the blog that says our main characters will be made obsolete by delta rercruits. You can unlock an account-wide trait for all your characters if you level up a recruit so that benefits your alts as well. Am I missing the part where it says delta recruits will get exclusive perks and benefits that aren't account-wide unlocks?
Wrong, if we want the new story stuff with the nifty temporal agent, we are forced to play it.
just give us the option to unlock delta recruit status for our REAL characters, even if we have to pay zen for it.
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
I am amazed the question hasn't been asked yet if there are faction-specific or class-specific rewards that will require us to make Delta recruits all three factions to unlock them all.
So, here it goes.
Do we need to only make one, three, nine or twelve Delta recruits to access all unlocks?
THIS. I'd pay 1000, heck 2000 zen to get this on my MAIN CHARACTER who I ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT.
Cryptic, this could be the way to save season 10.
Give us an option to unlock delta recruit features on our existing characters.
If we're doing time travel, would it be impossible to have our max-level characters go back in time to redo alternate versions of old-school levelling missions? If they brought new story elements, I'd buy into that. Seems like this would be easier than making everyone re-roll.
The biggest problem is this statement: " they will earn a host of new benefits and rewards to aid them in their leveling experience." What do the devs mean by that and will those benefits be exclusively for delta recruits or will they be shared across all characters?
Very odd idea given how DR utterly killed the whole alt experience. I for one want nothing to do with it. I have enough problems with one character now. You can forget me wasting any more time on another.
There had better be absolutely no tangible, character specific bonuses given to 'delta recruits' that remains after this event ends. Account wide bonuses like a starship trait? Sure, I can use it on my real characters. But an actual, tangible bonus* to new characters that older characters will never be able to get? That would just be outright insulting on a level well beyond anything you've done before.
I don't really like new characters getting bonuses during the event either, but cryptic is desperate for new players after the DR snafu so they aren't going to change the event to work for old characters no matter how much people complain.
This game is way too alt unfriendly these days to be able to make a new character that you really intend to play properly. It takes far too long to get a character up to scratch, even without factoring in the utter ridiculousness of the spec point grind. Not that cryptic wants alts, they want naive newcomers.
*Even if it's just a uniform or something. About the only thing I'd accept not being able to get on my actual characters would be a title.
Personally, I don't really care about all the rewards and bonuses and stuff. If they want to have a promo where new characters get exp boosts, dil boosts, or whatever, sure go for it. That kind of stuff is great.
What I do have a problem with is the locking of actual content behind only new characters created in a specific time period. A "parallel story", new mission objectives, and a server wide mission objective that none of my existing characters can take part in. That's just horrible in every way.
Finally, during the first six weeks of the seven-week Delta Recruit event, there will be server wide goals that only Delta Recruits can contribute to, but by accomplishing these goals, they unlock bonuses for the entire server for the whole of the next week of the event! For example, in the first week of the event, every Episode First Run that Delta Recruits complete will count towards the goal. How many First Runs they complete will determine the bonus of the week-long event running in Week 2. You will have either a 1.5x XP bonus, a 2x XP bonus, or possibly even a 2.5x XP bonus for the entire week!
Can we get a little clarification... if I delete a character that contributed to these server-wide goals, will it still count towards the goal? Since I might use the one character slot to participate, would actually like to see the missions on each faction, and there are three factions... yeah, I'll be deleting my Eeyore (because that's how enthusiastic I am about progressing a new character) at least twice.
For the content, because I want content... I don't actually want to play or create a new character (thanks to Delta Rising), but I do like content.
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
I'm getting a bad feeling about this event. I feel like it will be an experimental metrics test bed where the devs may try to make older characters obsolete by introducing benefits that will be exclusively enjoyed by new players deemed "delta recruits." And if it doesn't go down that way, the next event probably will. Every event since DR seems to try to test how much veteran players can stomach and take in terms of new grind schemes. Buyer beware as they people say with this event and future events like it.
I'm getting a bad feeling about this event. I feel like it will be an experimental metrics test bed where the devs may try to make older characters obsolete by introducing benefits that will be exclusively enjoyed by new players deemed "delta recruits." And if it doesn't go down that way, the next event probably will. Every event since DR seems to try to test how much veteran players can stomach and take in terms of new grind schemes. Buyer beware as they people say with this event and future events like it.
I am getting that feeling, also. Already went through it when they obsoleted most of my ships in favour of new T6 ships that have stuff that my old ones cannot use...
If they do this with my chars.................. :mad:
Since the advent of Delta Rising, this game has become incredibly Alt-unfriendly.
Short of a couple of account wide unlocks, why would anyone want to build yet another character?
I actually REDUCED my amount of alts after DR dropped, because there was simply no way all of them could ever get the attention they needed for me to be satisfied with their progress.
Pretty sure I'll be skipping this event. Nice idea, but no reason to create another character to sit around and do nothing.
"You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
Completing the story arcs of your chosen faction will reward you with a unique Starship Trait for all characters on your account: Temporal Insight
Is this faction locked so we have to do both factions as a new toon?
Do we have to get all the way to the new Dust to Dust mission or is there a lower point? Hoping it is not the DQ missions as I cannot get toons to 60 on that due to XP being so tedious to acquire so far.
Alright, I'll concede that point. If I could shell out some zen for the Delta Recruitment bonuses on an existing character, I'd probably do it. But create a whole new character and grind all the way back up? No thank you.
I make new chars all the time just to level the reps again, but once they are done and all the marks go, they get airlocked .
Needs account bound reps, crafting and specialization to get me to make for for keeping...
Ground missions make me want to throw my PC out the window. Will have to read more as time passes to develop an opinion.
... but then I remember that new char means another million Di for upgrades and tens of millions of XP for spec points to grind out.
Which going to total to about 1% new content and 99% of grinding the same content I'm tired of.
And there goes my excitement!
Awesome, just one more nail in the coffin of my continuing desire to play this game. First all my $ ships are obsolete; now toons I've had since the game launched are going to be obsolete. Thanks Cryptic.
You just chase more and more of your current players away.
We need more content especially for those at level 60 as in more maps to queue in, some variety would be nice then just to queue for the same maps all the time and this way you keep the game exciting and interesting.
At the moment the grind and farm features like R&D, spec. tree, reputation, getting dilithium cap each day etc etc. feels like a 2nd day job it takes waayyy to long, we aren't "farm drones" for crying out loud!
Not to mention the aweful grinding in the events which takes a whole month, for example winter and summer events, making it boring and annoying fast.
We need more content, less farm and grind work, better rewards for all maps in PvE queues so more people will actually queue and choose different maps and not just queue only for specific maps like Infected Space or CE.
Last but not least, stop releasing all these ships constantly, PvP is already unbalanced since 2010 and now with the T6 ships it just reached a new level of unbalanceness.
Make the game fun again guys, maybe then I will come back but for now I stick with Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous!
A Tuesday in late spring.
What always happens on Tuesdays and what were we told would happen in late spring...
What's my position?
That people should know what they're screaming about!
(paraphrased from "The Newsroom)
Read much- I spoke of making yet another character I have 10 already.. each faction each career and an extra temporal vessel.. (Fed Sci) what is the point of making chars when they WILL NEVER level? 75 alts, one main? POINTLESS - pay for ships and gear and upgrades... and and and and.. never rewarded for loyalty and support.. new is best right..
You DO get a free character slot
You DO get the ship trait account wide
There WILL be XP boosts
The rewards go through the Breen Arc, so you don't have to grind Delta Rising to get most of the stuff (unclear language about the starship trait though)
So, if you want the stuff, start an alt to run through the story and get the stuff, and transfer everything you can to your main when you're done, and buy ZEN with your leftover Dilithium.
If you don't want the stuff, don't play it.
THIS. I'd pay 1000, heck 2000 zen to get this on my MAIN CHARACTER who I ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT.
Cryptic, this could be the way to save season 10.
Give us an option to unlock delta recruit features on our existing characters.
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
Wrong, if we want the new story stuff with the nifty temporal agent, we are forced to play it.
just give us the option to unlock delta recruit status for our REAL characters, even if we have to pay zen for it.
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
So, here it goes.
Do we need to only make one, three, nine or twelve Delta recruits to access all unlocks?
If we're doing time travel, would it be impossible to have our max-level characters go back in time to redo alternate versions of old-school levelling missions? If they brought new story elements, I'd buy into that. Seems like this would be easier than making everyone re-roll.
I don't really like new characters getting bonuses during the event either, but cryptic is desperate for new players after the DR snafu so they aren't going to change the event to work for old characters no matter how much people complain.
This game is way too alt unfriendly these days to be able to make a new character that you really intend to play properly. It takes far too long to get a character up to scratch, even without factoring in the utter ridiculousness of the spec point grind. Not that cryptic wants alts, they want naive newcomers.
*Even if it's just a uniform or something. About the only thing I'd accept not being able to get on my actual characters would be a title.
What I do have a problem with is the locking of actual content behind only new characters created in a specific time period. A "parallel story", new mission objectives, and a server wide mission objective that none of my existing characters can take part in. That's just horrible in every way.
Mine Trap Supporter
Can we get a little clarification... if I delete a character that contributed to these server-wide goals, will it still count towards the goal? Since I might use the one character slot to participate, would actually like to see the missions on each faction, and there are three factions... yeah, I'll be deleting my Eeyore (because that's how enthusiastic I am about progressing a new character) at least twice.
For the content, because I want content... I don't actually want to play or create a new character (thanks to Delta Rising), but I do like content.
I am getting that feeling, also. Already went through it when they obsoleted most of my ships in favour of new T6 ships that have stuff that my old ones cannot use...
If they do this with my chars.................. :mad:
Short of a couple of account wide unlocks, why would anyone want to build yet another character?
I actually REDUCED my amount of alts after DR dropped, because there was simply no way all of them could ever get the attention they needed for me to be satisfied with their progress.
Pretty sure I'll be skipping this event. Nice idea, but no reason to create another character to sit around and do nothing.
"You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
Is this faction locked so we have to do both factions as a new toon?
Do we have to get all the way to the new Dust to Dust mission or is there a lower point? Hoping it is not the DQ missions as I cannot get toons to 60 on that due to XP being so tedious to acquire so far.
Still waiting to be able to use forum titles