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Sector Space Revamp



  • dantbeckdantbeck Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Also, I know that the new system is live on Tribble, but when is it going on live on the Holodeck?
  • mrspidey2mrspidey2 Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I agree with this about Mutara, Cestus, and Nimbus. As for the Bassen Rift, in STO they call it the "Great Bloom" unfortunately the mission that said that was removed with the revamp of the Romulan arc.
    The term "Great Bloom" was originally coined in the second Titan novel The Red King. Basically, the destruction of the Scimitar caused a lingering subspace anomaly that sort of resembled a great bloom.
    In the novel the anomaly flung the Titan into one of the Magellanic clouds.
  • amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    fildaskirk wrote: »
    Yes, I remember that episode in VOY which introduced "Mutara class nebula" and that could work if it wasn't for the fact that it is Mutara sector and McCoy in St3 TSFS clearly stated he wanted to go to the Genesis planet in the Mutara sector. Therefore a different "in-universe" explanation would be needed.

    Except in-game on Tribble the Mutara Nebula is in the Vorn Sector. So it clearly isn't the same place anymore: http://i.imgur.com/AyJtgMy.jpg
    U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-71895 - Nebula-class
    Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
    Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
  • starwheelerstarwheeler Member Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    wooo!hooo! that will be awsome will it be on trible soon?
  • captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    shocknuttz wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure you will still have the option to manually change intances. So if any of what you just mentioned is going on then just simply move to a less / more populated instance.

    You can only chance to an instance if it has been created and that will only do any good if one of those instances is quieter than the one you are leaving.
    wooo!hooo! that will be awsome will it be on trible soon?

    It is on tribble and has been for several days. It's nifty and it seems stable enough, but a ghost town. However, with that said tribble just isn't a decent test anymore. Hardly anyone uses it. As is par for the course nowadays, the real test will be when it goes live.
    I need a beer.

  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2015
    Still thinking how you Warp in sector space, aren't you in Warp already?

    At the border it just asks if you want to "go to the Alpha/Beta quadrant" now, it no longer asks if you want to warp there. :)
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
  • zeuslegion1zeuslegion1 Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Shouldn't the blue Federation color be leaking into the yellow-green Cardassian space since, according to STO lore, Bajor officially joined the Federation in 2393?

    I expect after the Dominion War, the Federation continued to expand its territory while the Cardassians either froze what they had prior to the war or gave up some territory due to post-war concessions after their surrender.
  • tuskin67tuskin67 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Hopefully 'no'. While he books were a great read, like the JJ movies they exist in an alternate reality where Cryptic doesn't have to license them.

    Really. The DON'T.

    Erm, but they have several characters and references to the novels already. Mackenzie Calhoun is on K-7, and the Ent-F's counselor is from the novels, she even references her replacing Ezri on DS9 when she went and joined the Aventine.

    This one really doesn't count since he is a character from TOS, but Leonard James Akaar being a full Admiral is also in the novels. Though how he looks in STO looks a lot like how he does on novel covers.

    But as you said, STO is in an alternate timeline from the novels so they can do their own thing.
  • danielhunter1991danielhunter1991 Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Shouldn't the blue Federation color be leaking into the yellow-green Cardassian space since, according to STO lore, Bajor officially joined the Federation in 2393?

    I expect after the Dominion War, the Federation continued to expand its territory while the Cardassians either froze what they had prior to the war or gave up some territory due to post-war concessions after their surrender.

    That's exactly what I've been saying. You could argue that Bajor is below or above Cardassian space but just looks like it's in Cardassian space.
  • painfullylargepainfullylarge Member Posts: 174 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Good god, can we please do something about rubber-banding & disconnects? I like the idea of this update, but seriously, if you guys released a season with nothing but bug fixes and stability fixes--that would be the best season ever. It's currently 6PM CET, and I can't even connect, the lag is so bad. :(
  • caldannachcaldannach Member Posts: 485 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    tacofangs wrote: »
    That's a mistake on my part. I'm sorry, there are over 300 systems to keep track of, and I mistook one 'J' system for another 'J' system that is very nearby.

    The Dyson Gateway is in the Jouret System, as before.

    Looks great Taco. Just one question...

    " Experience is a hard mistress, she gives the tests first, and the lessons after... "
  • captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    caldannach wrote: »
    Looks great Taco. Just one question...


    As was said easlier, S10.
    I need a beer.

  • smugsuksmugsuk Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Sounds great. Maybe STO will finally have that big game feel MMOs are supposed to have.
  • kaltoh9kaltoh9 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    The change to seamless and improved sector space is an excellent and welcome one. Positive feedback is flowing in, and rightly so. Way to update a vital piece of the already-great Star Trek Online!

    Oft-repeated suggestions that deserve more repetition:
    Consider the sector space two-doors approach for Earth to be accessed and visible from both Beta and Alpha Quadrant. It's sensible and we both know you just won't hear the end of this minor canon detail unless some compromise is found.
    Publicize--with special event excitement and intensity--and get to the remaining, most at large bug-fixes. Start with a top-25 list with older, crippling issues taking priority. Replace or update the in-game feedback mechanism to favor usefulness to developers.
    Enable PVP-centric players with multiple new Ker'rat- and Capture/Hold-like areas to appease the min-maxer crowd...and maybe grow it some by competing against external PVP gaming options. Free-for-all PVP zones would be best, perhaps with Fleet reinforcement options (see below).
    Continue large-scale PVE story areas, but include PVP friendly areas therein for ground and space.
    Remove the 1-shot vaporizing capability during space PVP (controversial, I know). Replace with 1-shots capped-at-90%-target-HP, and for diversion simultaneously add the PVP zones.
    Insulate game meta better by seeking revenue from sources other than new ships and lock boxes. Ship performance does not need to shift every season, to endless power creep and in spite of gameplay consistency expectations. Instead, maybe give the PVP'rs, predator-pilots, and min-maxers something to do with themselves.
    Perhaps the era of can't-gank-certain-maps-without-zen-unlocks could allow limited access to go hunt in otherwise "safe" zones. You might increase PVE rewards with victim-exclusive defensives-focused equipment to compensate PVE-centric players for their sacrifices. High risk, high reward. Allow full access to fleet reinforcement items and a new "fleet help" button to give all fleet-mates the access option (up to ~5 cap) to transwarp in instantaneously (15k proximity) to defend. Pit fleet groups against aggressors.
    And allow fleets (huge dilithium/zen cost) to surprise attack other equal-tier fleet starbases--perhaps only vulnerable when 10 fleet members are available to warp in and defend as a team--with starbase defenses blazing (another legit grind or zen opportunity).
    Gameplay evolution itself can be at a slower rate: piling specializations onto crafting onto traits onto reputations at the speed of Cryptic development is tiresome to keep up with.
    Generally, less raw gotta-keep-up grind, and more free-play and risk of losing something tangible (10 unrefined dilithium per death-by-player; or a default universal buff for a while) but small, whilst bringing lesser ships gradually back up to par with new ones.

    Anyway, there are good ideas out there to mull.

    Meanwhile, I think it's safe to say the player base is looking forward to Season 10! Naysayers create nothing but negativity, and meanwhile Cryptic impresses once again.

  • lillianstormlillianstorm Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2015

    Thankyou for finally openeing up and merging the maps as it should be. Just looking @ the pre-map you have available it already feels like a vast amount of space to cover without the burden of wondering, "what the hell was between the space before the Beta Ursae Sector Block". With Trill and Betazed being a very big part of Trek canon it's refreshing to finally see them on the map a plottable locations. The entry into Borg space seems to be in a great location as well. It gives Wolf 359 even more subtance with the up coming changes. One question and I know it's probably early for this one, but when will we see the Gamma Quadrant? I'll hold out for that answer....thanks for the changes and I can't wait to try them out!

    R.I.P Leonard Nimoy

    Captain T'Rek
  • commanderkassycommanderkassy Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    tacofangs wrote: »
    Derp. Yes, the upper right block that's labeled "Omega Leonis" should be "Gamma Orionis." Again, there's a lot to keep track of, and apparently I failed on a few things. If you look at the sector names, those are correct. Sorry I flubbed on the Sector Block.

    And yes, the Gamma Orionis sector Block would technically be like 4 or 5 sectors further south of our Beta Quadrant map. We couldn't extend down that far. However, the content located there mostly didn't need to be located there. We had to move Cestus to the wrong location, but Kessik and the sectors have been renamed so they make more sense where they are now.

    Well Cestus is hardly critical plot-wise, just rename it on the map and in the missions.
    ♪ I'm going around not in circles but in spirographs.
    It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
  • andrewkurylaandrewkuryla Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Can anyone who tested on Tribble tell me if when you open your map you're centered in it?

    Or do you still default to some random location then have to scroll to find yourself every time you open the map?
    "This isn't Azeroth, there shouldn't be magical-forced-dancing spells here." -Me on magical dancing disco balls
  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2015
    Can anyone who tested on Tribble tell me if when you open your map you're centered in it?

    Or do you still default to some random location then have to scroll to find yourself every time you open the map?

    You are centred when you open the map... But that's not new, that happens already on Holodeck. Not sure why you don't have that happen. Though on the note of having to scroll to find yourself, there is a "centre on player" button at the bottom of the map too.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
  • andrewkurylaandrewkuryla Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    You are centred when you open the map... But that's not new, that happens already on Holodeck. Not sure why you don't have that happen. Though on the note of having to scroll to find yourself, there is a "centre on player" button at the bottom of the map too.

    Ah! I should have been more specific -- I meant the Galaxy map. That one is never centered on me, and there is no center button.

    "This isn't Azeroth, there shouldn't be magical-forced-dancing spells here." -Me on magical dancing disco balls
  • johncampbell07johncampbell07 Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I'm taken aback by the words I've read in this and I seriously hope someone will take the initiative to reconsider this one aspect of the new layout.
    Star Trek canon, as well as it's allure, has always been grounded in science, exploration, advancement in the human endeavor. Warp drive itself comes from scientific theory. Black holes come from actual science. This list is endless and along the way comes the Star Trek technology, once viewed by most as science fiction, becoming science reality.

    The Star Trek communicator being the forerunner to the common flip phone. The Star Trek medical tricorder now available on the shelves of Walmart. With all these things an more this is no time for game expediency to overshadow all the good that STO has brought to the new generations of would-be star ship captains and their dedicated crews.

    When I read things like this:

    "There were some canon systems however, which, for gameplay/story reasons could not be moved. Vega, which according to the Star Charts map should be located in one of the newly added sectors in the Alpha Quadrant, is too important to the early Federation gameplay to be moved from its current location in the Risa Sector. We know about these discontinuities, but decided that while following the Star Charts is nice, it's ultimately not as important as the functionality of the game."

    Vega most certainly needs to be placed where it belongs, not held for expediency that is within the full grasp of the developers to rectify. Be it location change or a rename, the power to make things right is well within the capability and I can think of no one who's going to get lost if Vega suddenly turns up where it's supposed to be.

    When canon conflicts with science, default and defer to science. When expediency conflicts with canon, default and defer to canon. Make STO a trusted home for learning.
    When you can be so much more, be so.
  • commanderkassycommanderkassy Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    tacofangs wrote: »
    Well, technically Sol is directly on the divide between Alpha and Beta. But we can't put half of it in one and half in the other. We made a choice.

    Why not? Couldn't you have doors to the system from both, with a warp-out dialogue to choose which side to warp out to? And if you use the exit system button just dump them in Beta?
    ♪ I'm going around not in circles but in spirographs.
    It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
  • jarenriccarjarenriccar Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited March 2015

    When canon conflicts with science, default and defer to science. When expediency conflicts with canon, default and defer to canon. Make STO a trusted home for learning.
    When you can be so much more, be so.

    dude, the star charts they are following are Star Trek Star Charts. not the real ones in an astronomy book

    so the only thing they are taking liberties with is a fictional universe that occasionally takes liberties of itself

  • freakiumfreakium Member Posts: 439 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I am also curious with what will happen with "Diplomatic Immunity". I myself tend to pass it out as often as I can, mostly to random people of lower level than me to give them a little driver coil boost. It's a fun little power than makes you feel good inside.
  • theatreguytheatreguy Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I've never seen anything that suggested Sol system is on the line, thus technically in both quadrants. Even Kingon space is in the Alpha Quadrant with the exception of Quonos. Every mention of the major Federation planets has always been Alpha quadrant, at the very least since Best of Both Worlds and ST VI. Yeah, they're near the Beta Quadrant line, but this idea that all this stuff can just be put in the Beta Quadrant because canon isn't clear, is bull. Canon has been very clear. The only thing this means is that all attempts to call the attempts at keeping to canon is just an attempt at suspending disbelief.

    Is it the end of the world? No. Does it make this whole thing uncool? No… its still a very cool update. But, lets not talk about things as though they're easily interchangeable when even one of the sites referenced, memory alpha, states that Sol, Vulcan, Andoria, etc. etc. are in the Alpha Quadrant.

    I don't see why the map can't be shifted over with the majority of the boxes being in the alpha quadrant, but perhaps keeping it all slightly off canon helps remind people that this isn't exactly we the players making our own next next generation tv series. lol
  • james1900james1900 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    theatreguy wrote: »
    I've never seen anything that suggested Sol system is on the line, thus technically in both quadrants. Even Kingon space is in the Alpha Quadrant with the exception of Quonos. Every mention of the major Federation planets has always been Alpha quadrant, at the very least since Best of Both Worlds and ST VI. Yeah, they're near the Beta Quadrant line, but this idea that all this stuff can just be put in the Beta Quadrant because canon isn't clear, is bull. Canon has been very clear. The only thing this means is that all attempts to call the attempts at keeping to canon is just an attempt at suspending disbelief.

    Is it the end of the world? No. Does it make this whole thing uncool? No… its still a very cool update. But, lets not talk about things as though they're easily interchangeable when even one of the sites referenced, memory alpha, states that Sol, Vulcan, Andoria, etc. etc. are in the Alpha Quadrant.

    I don't see why the map can't be shifted over with the majority of the boxes being in the alpha quadrant, but perhaps keeping it all slightly off canon helps remind people that this isn't exactly we the players making our own next next generation tv series. lol

    You do know that they didn't just pull their info out of a hat? They are using a very detailed map to help map out the quadrants in game. They even gave a link to it in an earlier post in this thread. Explaining why they picked the map they picked even........
  • baconmaesterbaconmaester Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I'm taken aback by the words I've read in this and I seriously hope someone will take the initiative to reconsider this one aspect of the new layout.
    Star Trek canon, as well as it's allure, has always been grounded in science, exploration, advancement in the human endeavor. Warp drive itself comes from scientific theory. Black holes come from actual science. This list is endless and along the way comes the Star Trek technology, once viewed by most as science fiction, becoming science reality.

    The Star Trek communicator being the forerunner to the common flip phone. The Star Trek medical tricorder now available on the shelves of Walmart. With all these things an more this is no time for game expediency to overshadow all the good that STO has brought to the new generations of would-be star ship captains and their dedicated crews.

    When I read things like this:

    "There were some canon systems however, which, for gameplay/story reasons could not be moved. Vega, which according to the Star Charts map should be located in one of the newly added sectors in the Alpha Quadrant, is too important to the early Federation gameplay to be moved from its current location in the Risa Sector. We know about these discontinuities, but decided that while following the Star Charts is nice, it's ultimately not as important as the functionality of the game."

    Vega most certainly needs to be placed where it belongs, not held for expediency that is within the full grasp of the developers to rectify. Be it location change or a rename, the power to make things right is well within the capability and I can think of no one who's going to get lost if Vega suddenly turns up where it's supposed to be.

    When canon conflicts with science, default and defer to science. When expediency conflicts with canon, default and defer to canon. Make STO a trusted home for learning.
    When you can be so much more, be so.

    Get off your high horse. Theres plenty of things not in the location it should be in reality. But since Star Trek isnt actual reality. Cryptic doesnt need to change things because youre having a nerdrage over a planets location. Vega has been where its located the entire life of this game. And now that they expand the map youre POed its not where it should be according to Science? By the way...A Planetary Systems location isnt Science. Its fact.
  • sch3ff3lsch3ff3l Member Posts: 118 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2015
    OH MY GOD...
    i just snooped around this night and my head just EXPLODED WITH AWSOMENESS! now this game feels a little more trekkie.
    and my character is (and will be) FINALLY HOME (on Betazed).
    i just think that vega should be moved as well too if new player are going to be massacrated by this new scale of sector space why not actually put the system where it should be? STO attract A LOT of Series Nostalgia and some fans would be (who by some coincidence) stumble on the game would see and say "WOW THE STAR CHARTS OF THE GAME FOLLOW (mostly) THE CANNON!!!" would be a major free advertising and a space game where space is really big is always coo,lts very rare someone who actually complain about it.
    besides this little itty bitty detail you guys are doing a great job.:eek::D
    9gagger, starfleet captain, bug hunter...

    spocked thumb face...
  • baconmaesterbaconmaester Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Why not? Couldn't you have doors to the system from both, with a warp-out dialogue to choose which side to warp out to? And if you use the exit system button just dump them in Beta?

    Hes already explained why. The very fact that everyone keeps picking at this one post while ignoring the post that actually EXPLAINS WHY is just mind blowing.

    Its like you act as if you ignore the explanation long enough he'll have to give in and give you what it is you want.
  • tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
    edited March 2015
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    My point was twofold :
    1) you can use space stations (or other things) as "markers" or "waymarker posts" to signal to the player where he is .

    Sure, but why are Stations better waymarks than the systems that are already all over the quadrants?
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    2) as to the highlighted segment -- STO actually features very-very few space stations in STO .
    The shows had a vast list of Federation starbases , and STO has close to none of that .
    I'm not saying that these should be starbases to beam to and visit , all I'm saying is that their "miniature forms" could show up in Sector Space maps and be used as "markers" of sorts so that the players can use them as reference points while navigating the new larger maps .

    Sure, and I'd be ok with adding a few of those, but I don't want to add a ton of stations that are inaccessible. But again, why is flying by Starbase 174 any better than flying by a solar system with a more unique and memorable name, which people will be learning the positions of as they fly around the galaxy anyway?
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    I also noted that these "waymarker posts"need not all be space stations .
    They can be nebulas , or remnant of a star system , or asteroid fields , or locations of certain ship groups like the Seventh_Fleet as a stationary or in fleet exercise (there are other task forces / fleets such as Second Fleet , Third Fleet , Fifth Fleet , Sixth Fleet , Seventh Fleet , Ninth Fleet , Tenth Fleet) just like we have the New Romulan Fleet in TD .

    The "items" above can be used not just as proverbial sign posts but for additional decoration as well , perhaps to replace some of the freighters that you see in sector space (of which you see relatively a lot) .

    I agree with you there, but even so, it's going to take a while to make much of that stuff, and distribute it. We certainly don't have time for that with this particular project.

    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    I never said that they should be visible across the galaxy .
    Remember the ... (I don't want to say excuse ., but I'll say excuse) that your company used to pull the star clusters ? "players got lost" was used there and with the (stated) 7-8 minutes it takes to fly across the new map , some new players might very well feel lost .
    "Markers" or "waymarker posts" will help them as well to adjust .

    Yupp , that's the sort of recognition I was talking about , exactly .

    Not to keep harping on this, but I'm saying that will already happen as people fly around the galaxy. We can add more stations and nebulae and such, but there are already a lot of those 'waymarker posts' as you call them, around, which help guide players through the galaxy as it stands today.

    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    Yes , I was talking about the background , specifically this bit of it .
    Now I'm not sure if that is what you refer to as "the Galactic Core" , but if it is , then that should be visible from the Northern edges of the Alpha & Beta quadrants , but not from all the way from Klingon teritorry (if you want to keep in line with your own supposition that objects that are very far should not be visible across the whole map) .

    You're twisting things a bit there. Individual objects (like, a specific nebula) should not be easily distinguishable from a distance. The overall plane of the galaxy/galactic core, should be. This is why when we look at the night sky, in a dark place, we can see the rest of the galaxy. That doesn't mean you can (with the naked eye) pick out the Pillars of Creation within the Eagle Nebula.

    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    Hate to tell you this but while that idea is sound (in relation to the Tholians and their cross-dimensional antics) -- almost everybody I know saw that and said -- Nexus . ;)

    I'm not surprised people think it is, that was a critique we had when it was made. I'm just saying it is NOT the Nexus.

    Why not? Couldn't you have doors to the system from both, with a warp-out dialogue to choose which side to warp out to? And if you use the exit system button just dump them in Beta?

    Ok, let's say we put Earth DIRECTLY on the border between Alpha and Beta. Half of the system now sits outside the playable space of the map. You can fly up to Earth, and some other planets, but those planets on the other side of the sun? You can NEVER get to them.

    Keep in mind that Sol is the ONLY system in the entire galaxy that is made up of real planets we know about, have pictures of, have data on, etc. And this is THE ONLY system in the entire STO galaxy, that you wouldn't be able to fly through in it's entirety.

    Now, that may not be a big deal at the moment, but let's say we add maps to those other planets. The only way you could get to those planets is if they were ALL on the playable side of the system, which would look/be weird.

    And we need to add that on the Alpha Quadrant side too, right? Same thing applies, but the the whole system has to be rotated 180º so that the planets are accessible on THAT side of the border.

    All of the above makes my skin crawl. We want Sol to be a special system, but not like that.
    Only YOU can prevent forum fires!
  • gulberatgulberat Member Posts: 5,505 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    tacofangs wrote: »
    Keep in mind that Sol is the ONLY system in the entire galaxy that is made up of real planets we know about, have pictures of, have data on, etc.

    On that note, it would be so much fun for us geeks to get one or two of the Gliese or Kepler systems in game someday, or at least visible on the map. I noticed that the stars seem to look more like actual spectral types in the new Sector Space, so having a few systems we have pretty good indications on in there just for kicks would be sweet. :D

    Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
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