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Sector Space Revamp



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    ssbn655ssbn655 Member Posts: 1,894 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Thank you! Wow very nice to see this happen!
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    jotofedjotofed Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Checked it out on Tribble - probably some polish incoming, but it looks pretty BADA$$! great work guys, and thanks for making this happen! Many of us were drooling over this idea for years now!

    It would be great to see missions on these new Federation homewords eventually, even if it takes a while - heck, maybe a future expansion or season could insert the Klingon homeworlds some were asking about (Gornar, etc) and expand the story in the Empire!

    Thanks again. Looks great.
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    tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
    edited February 2015
    First of all, let me say that I do like this new update, it was about time to add iconic locations to the map such as Betazed, Tellar, Ferenginar and more. Of course now everybuddy would like to see new missions or social maps being installed later in this year for these new planets. Ever wanted to kiss the Grand Nagus's stick or visit the statue of the legendary Ambassador Lwaxana Troi on Betazed? Now chances might rise a lot ... lolies. ^^

    However ...

    I do have a few questions flying around in my mind: Where did the fluidic space (Pelia Sector) actually go? Why is part of the Delta Quadrant now in the upper right corner of the Beta Quadrant (what used to be the Gamma Orionis end-game area)? And ... wasn't Earth in the Alpha Quadrant as the central hub of Starfleet and now it's in the Beta Quadrant? Maybe I'm wrung, butt the TV shows almeowst never talked about the Beta Quadrant, only about Alpha.

    A few suggestions from my side: Could you purrhaps move the fluidic space and four Borg sectors to the Delta Quadrant? That would make the Delta Quadrant portion almost double as large as it is now and it would have a more rectangular shape instead of a "snickers-bar" shape.

    The rest looks really good actually, not much need to change anything. Overall, a good jub, really!

    ~ Eris The Vorta

    The Pelia Sector, and Gamma Orionis Sector blocks were added to the upper right corner of the Beta Quadrant. Neither of these were Delta Quadrant areas. Pelia was entirely invented by us, and the Systems of Gamma Orionis were located far south of Klingon/Fed playable space. Which is why they needed to move. Remember, Sector Blocks no longer exist. And Sectors have been renamed. So it's only the systems that were located there that have moved, and some of those have been renamed.

    Most of those systems (Kuda, Quatlek, Zemet, Etc.) were invented by us (Cryptic) and have nothing in them that requires them to be where they were. The two or three canon systems that moved, (Cestus, Mutara Nebula, maybe something else?) had to be moved as well. We acknowledge that these are not in their right places, but we are not going to extend the Beta Quadrant 10 more sectors south just to put them there.

    I've gone over where Sol is and why it is there, a bunch.
    Only YOU can prevent forum fires!
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    zedbrightlander1zedbrightlander1 Member Posts: 14,773 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Taco already mentioned earlier in the thread that he felt compelled to use that phrase in the blog because people have been posting it all over since the announcement about the sector blocks merging.


    Oh, I see. Well, I guess SWTWF just became STO's version of the RW's literally. That's actually kind of funny. :D

    Give the people what they want. Even if it's wrong. Earth? Flat. Sun? Orbits the flat Earth.

    I'm kidding, of course. It's makes perfect sense. Walls ARE falling after all. Everywhere ( 'cept on the moon). That is a not so private joke between me and the Taco from another thread.

    Mars you say? That'll be cool when it's all connected.

    That's enough out of me, so...

    The river Temarc in winter.
    Sig? What sig? I don't see any sig.
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    frosty20151frosty20151 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I keep looking over and must be missing when?
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    fltcaptalanfltcaptalan Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    After some more exploration, i have found four systems that don't look good where they are, the first three have already been talked about by tacofangs, Sol, Cestus, and the Mutara Nebula. The one that looks like it's in the wrong spot is Nimbus III, considering this was supposed to be a world built by the Federation, Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Empire, I would have thought it to be somewhat centralized to all three powers like it was originally. On the new map though, it seems really far out of reach of the Klingons, being in the same sector as Romulus.
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    lleisetlleiset Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Hello, just wondering WHEN this new map will be active? Please don't tell me to check the forum, this one alone has 34 pages. Thanks.
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    lleisetlleiset Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    When will this new map be active?? Please don't tell me to check the forum, this one alone has 34 pages. Thank You.:)
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    jarenriccarjarenriccar Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    lleiset wrote: »
    When will this new map be active?? Please don't tell me to check the forum, this one alone has 34 pages. Thank You.:)


    but it is on tribble.

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    hyperionx09hyperionx09 Member Posts: 1,709 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    "Cryptic Team, tear down these walls." ~STO Players

    And then the Sector walls came down, and factions once denied continuous access to others could now come together as one.

    Good work thus far Cryptic.

    Though as far as the debate between Alpha/Beta for Sol, I would suggest the possibility of doubling up on the Sol System (all planets with doors; this is basically just doubling up); except have warping to Sector space ask which Quadrant do you want to warp out from. Just so that the ones being anal about the location can be satisfied with it while the rest stays as-is to avoid further complications for the new players (such as Vulcan remaining on the Beta side).

    - Exit ESD
    - Select Warp to Sector Space
    - Prompt: "Helm, take us to: [Alpha Quadrant] or [Beta Quadrant]"

    For missions on Sol Planets, same dialogue at the end of the mission: "Exit to [Alpha Quadrant] or [Beta Quadrant]".

    Of course, for new players, you'd have to code in a minor guide that tells them that they do need to read their mission outline and select the appropriate Quadrant (Beta for those literally new enough to not immediately make use of the paid Transwarp option).

    And sure, an extra pop up would be a pain in the TRIBBLE; but it's not any more of a pain in the TRIBBLE as the endless ESD "greeting" for Romulans. But at least it can be avoided via use of the Transwarp/Mission Transwarp options.

    Aside from that, here's to hoping this will actually release with little to no bugs.
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    lleisetlleiset Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2015

    but it is on tribble.

    Sorry I'm not schooled in all STO like I would like to be, what is Tribble?? Thanks.
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    voyagersixvoyagersix Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I don't know where to begin. It's all so great. It's like they mind-melded with me.
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    amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    lleiset wrote: »
    Sorry I'm not schooled in all STO like I would like to be, what is Tribble?? Thanks.

    Tribble is STO's test server.
    U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-71895 - Nebula-class
    Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
    Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
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    fruitvendor12fruitvendor12 Member Posts: 615 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I'm going to miss those big 'roads' (the big coloured ribbon type things in astrometrics). I always pictured them as showing "trade routes" heading to and from big hubs where most civilian traffic and activity would be.
    Perhaps they could have been retained as route markers, with a small speed buff for those who kept to them, but oh well.
    I felt the same way. When I first started playing I was sure they'd use these trade routes as opportunities for side missions. Learning it was all eye candy was one of my first realizations the game would be mainly about battle.

    I'm really glad for this change though. The other very early realization I had some five yeas ago was the frustration I couldn't use the system list to truly set course anywhere. Maybe this enhancement will help.
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    lleisetlleiset Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    amosov78 wrote: »
    Tribble is STO's test server.

    Oh, Ok. Do I have access to that and how would I find it?? Thank you.
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    tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
    edited February 2015
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    - Back in the day when Sector Space was first first revamped , I suggested that the entrance points to the Exploration Clusters be marked by unique background elements that could be recognised as you flew past them (like waymarker posts) , thus giving you a general sensation of where you were in sector space without relying on a map .
    Thus if X is to my left , I'm on the right heading to Y .

    Another recognizable "waymarker posts" currently implemented is the Tau Dewa sector's Azure Nebula .
    On the other side of that scale , the Delta Quadrant is a bit over done with too many nebula's crammed into such a small space .

    However , with the opening of the sector blocks , this would be an opportunity to add a few more of these "waymarker posts" , as we will no longer pass by entrances to Exploration Clusters ,thus it will be harder to get that feeling of "ahh , there's X , I'm going in the right direction" -- which is an innate feeling all (or most) drivers / pilots / sea navigators feel , and this feeling should be replicated when flying minutes at a time through the darkness of Sector Space .

    Again , plz don't over do it like in the DQ, but you can put , nebulas , or space stations , or perhaps a remnant of a star system or asteroid fields . As is , there are a particular low number of space stations in game , as in Trek they numbered by a over a hundred by the 24th century . Another idea is "Fleet XX" as a stationary or fleet exercise , just like we have the New Romulan Fleet in TD. Or space relay antennas ? I can go on with the ideas ... :) .

    Not sure I'm following here. We have not added Stations everywhere. As with the systems in the game, for the most part they are systems (stations) that have relevance to some story/mission in game. We don't show Alpha Centauri, or Kora, or K'Tinga, just as we don't show Sierra Outposts III-XXIV.

    Astrometrics is you best way of knowing where you are, and where you're traveling in game. The Galactic Core will also be a guide in the background, so you know which way "north" is. But Astrometrics will label the sector you're in.

    While Nebulae are present throughout the quadrants, we don't want those to be visible from across the galaxy. I don't think that would accomplish what you're looking for anyway.

    I'm open to suggestions on other ways to inform players of their location in the game space without having to rely on astrometrics or the map, but those are the two main ways of understanding where you are. I think that as people fly around, they will learn where systems are in the quadrant (just as they did within sector blocks before). If I'm near Risa, and I can see The Briar Patch ahead of me, I know that I'm pointed South East, for instance.

    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    - My second comment kind of relates to the first (perhaps in an illustrative manner) .
    By the pics you've posted , here's what I'm looking at :

    Klingon sector view background
    Romulan sector view background

    Through looking at the background alone , can you spot where you are in general ?
    Let me save you the trouble -- no , you can't tell if you are in Romulan or Klingon space .
    Why ?
    Because you reused the texture , the shading and coloring .
    Don't wait for the 3rd sector space revamp , fix this now please .
    Tell me , through a visual differentiation of the background where I am , without the aid of the Astrometric View .

    I'm not sure what you're saying here? Yes, Astrometrics is the best way to get a sense of where you are in the world (the color of Astrometrics will tell you what territory you're in, and the Sector Boundaries will tell you what Sector you're in/near.

    Are you talking about the stars in the background? Those do not change as you move about the quadrant, no. Remember that we are not showing you the full quadrant. You are in a few sectors which are all in pretty much the same area of the galaxy. That means that the Galactic Core is in the same direction (within a couple of degrees) no matter where you go through the Alpha/Beta Quadrants.

    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    - And my last comment has to do with what others have requested as well , and that is to have the Nexus Ribbon fly through sector space , and have some interaction with player ships it encounters .
    That interaction can be the momentary engagement of the tech that you use to visually simulate "Ionic Turbulence" and apply it to any ship that it touches / pass through it .
    Ships that are in Transwarp may be immune due to the physics that exist in a Transwarp tunnel , and ships that are in motion should resume their course after no longer being in contact with the Ribbon .

    Yeah , I know , this is purely a "decorative" idea , but you guys did go so far as to put the Ribbon as a background in Azure Nebula Rescue ... , why not go a step further (if time & budget allows) ?

    The Nexus is not what's in the background of the Azure Nebula, that was one of our artists making something like a subspace tear (can't remember offhand) but it was never meant to be the Nexus.

    I have no idea what our plans are for the Nexus, but I'm sure it'll pop up at some point.

    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    That's it from me , you're now welcome to tell me how wrong I am about it all ... . :P

    You're wrong.

    lithulan wrote: »
    This was teh perfect time to place Feregenar on the map.


    antzudan wrote: »
    This is so ace!! Also massive props for the Hitchhikers guide reference.

    Hopefully the system display will also finally give us a DS9 that's orbiting Bajor rather than just near it too!

    DS9 is in the Bajor system, but is not orbiting the Planet Bajor.

    frtoaster wrote: »
    So the sector blocks don't exist anymore. Did you remember to change all the mission text that says to fly to such and such sector block?

    Yes. I'm sure we've missed some edge case somewhere, but that was a major task CommanderAnder undertook.

    You can't do this!
    Because Leonard Nimoy!
    How about his voise at first visit every sector blocks?

    I fail to see how this has any impact on Leonard Nimoy? His voice is still used when you first enter federation sectors. . .

    kagasensei wrote: »
    Can't you simply REMOVE Cestus (for now)? There are no Cryptic mission hooked up to it as of now. Foundry missions that use that door could be moved to another door. Sure, that would require those authors to correct their mission texts, and maybe compromise their mission canon, but that is a rather small prize to pay for not having to move Cestus, a well-known canon-system, somewhere, where absolutely no canon/soft-canon source puts it, not even close. It HAS to be close to Gorn space, anything else would make no sense.

    So, simply remove it, i.e., rename and move it.

    There was some reason design wanted Cestus to remain Cestus. I'm afraid I don't know the reason offhand.

    shpoks wrote: »
    Tacofangs a minor nitpick, but since you guys are redoing the maps as well - can you please mark Ganalda space station with a proper icon on the map in the manner in which all the other space stations are marked?
    This has been missed last time when you enhanced the maps to have actual icons for certain locations and the way Ganalda isn't even mentioned on the new map (not even the Ganalda system as far as I can see) will create confusion, especially for new players. A lot of people asking "Where's Ganalda Station" these days with the anniversary game. :o

    The Ganalda System is on the map, and located just south of the Klingon Fleet Starbase, in the Archanis Sector.

    I think it's a fine idea to add Ganalda Station in orbit of Ganalda IV (which is the planet listed at the moment). Please post that as a request in the tribble forum, so I can keep track of it better than the mass of posts here.

    makbure wrote: »
    The idea of having real-time planet rotation and orbit has merit. It's a really good idea to implement into this game, so before we just write it off, how about some kind of compromise. Interact/door on a moving object is not going to work, that's fine, but what about a very large interact/door on the local star so yeah, you have to go into the direction of the star for said system, but the interact/door "zone" is very big so all you have to do is get kind of in the vicinity.

    I guess I should ask can you adjust the size of the interact/door/click zones so they can be very big to encompass a lot of the system that it's centered in.

    As I've said before, that's how the current sector space systems work. And it's ok when the system is 2 or 3 ship lengths across. But it felt REALLY dumb to click on "Bajor System" and then just fly straight to the center of the sun, and be able to click on the sun, to get to DS9. It's a trade off, rotation is cool, but I feel that this is more useful and immersive.

    lordfuzun wrote: »
    I very much doubt that players would be able to tell a cicular orbit from a elliptical orbit at the scale of sector space. Earth's orbit for example, is only 3% difference between aphelion and perihelion (furthest and closest to the sun).

    Only YOU can prevent forum fires!
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    lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I'd just like to say two things:

    1) This revamp looks very good and looks like it might at least go some way to starting to revitalize the game a bit. It'll make the sector space feel more Trek or at the very least more "space", rather than the current setup which is just a bunch of loading screens you fly between.

    2) The blog you guys put together for it is excellent and is exactly what you guys should be posting when you revamp or introduce content. It is detailed and covers nearly all of the areas that could be affected by any changes. Also tagged on to this it is good to see various devs posting in this thread and actively answering questions pretty quickly.
    This is how community interaction should work...well done guys. :)
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    thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    After some more exploration, i have found four systems that don't look good where they are, the first three have already been talked about by tacofangs, Sol, Cestus, and the Mutara Nebula. The one that looks like it's in the wrong spot is Nimbus III, considering this was supposed to be a world built by the Federation, Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Empire, I would have thought it to be somewhat centralized to all three powers like it was originally. On the new map though, it seems really far out of reach of the Klingons, being in the same sector as Romulus.

    Was wondering about Nimbus myself but according to Memory Alpha :
    According to Star Trek: Star Charts (pg. 66), the Nimbus system was located in or near the Romulan Neutral Zone, in the Beta Quadrant. This system was in close proximity to Earth Outpost Stations 9 and 10. This was a single star system. Primary was a Class F star with a magnitude of +5, which was the same brightness as Sol.

    => & "Earth Outpost Stations" are "next to" Romulus


    => probably depends on what Source / Map you're using :P
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
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    grylakgrylak Member Posts: 1,594 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    antzudan wrote: »
    This is so ace!! Also massive props for the Hitchhikers guide reference.

    Hopefully the system display will also finally give us a DS9 that's orbiting Bajor rather than just near it too!

    DS9 left Bajor orbit in the pilot episode. It's now in a stationary position in the Denorias Belt, about 2-7 hours travel from Bajor, depending on where the planet is in it's orbit (that's my head-cannon reason for why the travel time from the station to Bajor was always different).

    This looks pretty awesome. I can't wait till this goes live. Coupled with the Foundry top 3 thingy, it'll finally fell like exploring Trek style.

    A Romulan Strike Team, Missing Farmers and an ancient base on a Klingon Border world. But what connects them? Find out in my First Foundary mission: 'The Jeroan Farmer Escapade'
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    nobakimotonobakimoto Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Interesting that you guys have added Tzenketh. Does this mean we might see the Typhon Pact in game sometime?
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    livintiuslivintius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015

    Any chance you might (or possibly already did) post/share out the system database you compiled during the re-vamp?
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    ddesjardinsddesjardins Member Posts: 3,056 Media Corps
    edited February 2015
    nobakimoto wrote: »
    Interesting that you guys have added Tzenketh. Does this mean we might see the Typhon Pact in game sometime?

    Hopefully 'no'. While he books were a great read, like the JJ movies they exist in an alternate reality where Cryptic doesn't have to license them.

    Really. The DON'T.
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    mgs010lunamgs010luna Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Way too late, shame now most of your players left because of the large amount of grind and farm work since Delta Rising plus that almost everything now has a dilithium price tag on it in game, this will not save the game against the other bigger space games that are out now and releasing soon. Should have done this 3 years ago.
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    baconmaesterbaconmaester Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    mgs010luna wrote: »
    Way too late, shame now most of your players left because of the large amount of grind and farm work since Delta Rising plus that almost everything now has a dilithium price tag on it in game, this will not save the game against the other bigger space games that are out now and releasing soon. Should have done this 3 years ago.

    Too late for whom?

    I'd love to see where you got your information about 'most of the playerbase' abandoning the game.

    If you were not clear on the status of this game its a F2P game. People can come and go as they please. There will always be someone new to the game or someone returning.

    And if youve left the game and dont intend on coming back. Im not really sure why youre still lingering on these forums. What happens here should not interest you or urge you to comment about it.
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    gallothrixgallothrix Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
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    captinjacksparowcaptinjacksparow Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    ktetch wrote: »
    Not seeing the borg space (pelia sector and Gamma orianis sector block)

    Have they gone?

    Nope, they've been moved to the top right of the Beta Quadrant.
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    thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    nobakimoto wrote: »
    Interesting that you guys have added Tzenketh. Does this mean we might see the Typhon Pact in game sometime?

    Wouldn't read too much into it ... most of these "new" iconic Star Systems will probably stay Foundry Doors forever ... unless Cryptic secretly made ~20 new Social Zones ...

    Just sayin :

    - Betazed
    - Ferenginar
    - Orion
    - Trill
    - Breen
    - Tzenketh
    - Terra Nova
    - Denobula
    - Tellar

    etc etc
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
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    link8912link8912 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Just been and had a look on Tribble, and blimy this looks amazing, you guys at Cryptic out did your self’s this time.

    I really like that in order to get to a planet you have to literally go to that planet instead of just the system like before, and I know this was brought up in this forum but I like that the planets don't orbit round the stars anymore, a full orbit of our planet round the sun takes a year to do so it makes more sense to just not have them move at all than to have them flying round a star like now.

    The only things I think need improving on is the art of the old Enemy Encounters, Exploration Clusters and the Nebulars, the Clusters look very old hat compared to the rest of space and I think the Encounters would be better if they were just enemy ships patrolling around, the tech for the Nebular (flying into one and the background changing) is still great as well as them being large clouds in space, the only thing is really the variety of them in terms of shapes, sizes and general feel, like one could be a long string of clouds while others are big clusters of them like what they are in the current Delta Quadrant maps, in terms of feel the Badlands could have (not sure what the corret term is) lighting going on in it and the Mutara Nebular could have that static screen effect when you fly into it.

    Other than that I really like where this is all going, great job Cryptic.
    "I think, when one has been angry for a very long time, one gets used to it. And it becomes comfortable like…like old leather. And finally… it becomes so familiar that one can't remember feeling any other way."
    - Jean-Luc Picard
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    c0nd1t10nr3dc0nd1t10nr3d Member Posts: 638 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    PLEASE Add Axanar! Don't make me start a useless petition! Add Axanar PLEASE! :)
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    thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Nevermind 10chars
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
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