I have been saying this for a while now. Play the game and spec happens. 2345678 threads complaining about the grind, 1238566345 threads complaining the queues are dead. Now there are more reasons than ever to get off the Argala fixation and queue for STFs. The game is SO much bigger than 1 system patrol. Go play and spec will happen!
You cant teach and old dog new tricks...what you are saying the past logic of STO for 5 years was WRONG. Meaning to level up completely at 51 and be happy most of the time enjoying end content fully loaded with all the shinies respectfully attained at that level.
As opposed with a system of 4 months from its infancy which basically you cant reach a state of end game and endless virtual grinding for anything "good".
It is a different way to look at things but for sure most of those players who were for 5 years find this "difficult". IMO... just hoping that those lost players who cannot adapt to this upside down system will be compensated for those coming with the system.
As of now with repeated nerfs, empty queus and empty fleets..I'm remaining cautiously hopeful.
And I need people who CAN play the game. Flocking to PvE's is grand, except about 2/3 of the people out there don't have high enough gear for Elite or Advanced (yet insist on playing them) don't know what to do, and WILL NOT listen to anyone who tries to help them.
Half the reason I spent so much time farming to get Spec points was so I could carry a team through Advanced or Elite.
I expect at least 3 of the 4 PUGs in a group to be useless and have for the last year.
You sir are correct !
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
Maybe its an American thing, that could be the problem. Others are used to living in commie countries where they tell you how to live so more restrictions are welcomed and celebrated. All hail the Fatherland, Cryptic! Come whack us with the nerfbat for we have sinned and tried to play the game and have fun! Okay enjoy the nerfs everyone!
But the spec trees do not "require grind" any more than Mk XIV epic consoles, or the latest lockbox ship require grind. All end game content can be completed without investing anything beyond the 10 specialization points you get during leveling, and probably even without those.
Specialization is clearly meant as a long term reward for constant end game play, and not something to be ground out just as soon as possible using whatever poorly balanced mission reward is determined to be most efficient.
But the spec trees do not "require grind" any more than Mk XIV epic consoles, or the latest lockbox ship require grind. All end game content can be completed without investing anything beyond the 10 specialization points you get during leveling, and probably even without those.
Specialization is clearly meant as a long term reward for constant end game play, and not something to be ground out just as soon as possible using whatever poorly balanced mission reward is determined to be most efficient.
Yeah. Except, of course, when you're like me, and you buy a 3-pack Command ships, and want to have your boffs, you know, actually use higher-Tiered Command abilities, and you'll find out you need at least 10 points in Command Officer to train them in those. Likewise for Intel.
Maybe its an American thing, that could be the problem. Others are used to living in commie countries where they tell you how to live so more restrictions are welcomed and celebrated. All hail the Fatherland, Cryptic!
Rational discourse on the STO forums, ladies and gentlemen.
Yeah. Except, of course, when you're like me, and you buy a 3-pack Command ships, and want to have your boffs, you know, actually use higher-Tiered Command abilities, and you'll find out you need at least 10 points in Command Officer to train them in those. Likewise for Intel.
Good thing you only need 10 points in each then ^^
That's the game where most people keep dying when they try to dock with the stations isn't it?
Only if they dont know how to fly or dock in stations lol just take your time and dock slowly you will be fine just dont land in the wrong landing pad thats a no no
Nobody has to worry anymore that they are wasting time playing non-DR-patrol content, nobody has to worry that they could be doing something more efficient with their time.
Now, you just play what you think is fun, and there isn't any nagging bitterness that you could be progressing faster if you did something else.
They removed the grind from STO by removing grinding. Don't like grinding? Now y'ins can't grind.
Problem solved!
This also removes the issues with hardcore vs. casual gaming.
Locking the patrols so you can't grind them means that everyone is on the same page, everyone is in the same boat, and that boat moves at a casual and leisurely pace.
More likely this was done to effectively forc...er "entice" players with Alt characters to start using said alts again. Personally while I dislike what seems to be a major focus on grindable/repeatable content, I'm 100% against time gating EVERYTHING under the stars in this game; and if anything it's just one more aspect that is making me NOT want to really bother playing this game more at all.
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
I'm a bit confused. I often see people express here that they hate delta rising. Like all the siggies quoting gecko. But at the same time you don't want cryptic to change the patrols there? I thought you hated it? I know it was the fastest way to get xp before the maintenence right now, but they're boosting it in other places you apparently like better.
I'm a bit confused. I often see people express here that they hate delta rising. Like all the siggies quoting gecko. But at the same time you don't want cryptic to change the patrols there? I thought you hated it? I know it was the fastest way to get xp before the maintenence right now, but they're boosting it in other places you apparently like better.
Why the rage?
Welcome to the official STO forums, where anything Cryptic does is a slap in the face.
Why does Cryptic find it so challenging to simply balance the xp rewards across all content? 15 minutes of advanced play should be roughly equal to fifteen minutes of advanced play anywhere else. I don't understand what the motive is in encouraging some content over other content. It doesn't matter where people are playing, if they're playing, they're filing a seat and possibly spending money. If that's the goal, I'd think Cryptic/PWE would most profit by rewarding and pleasing everyone who puts their time in, about equally.
I'm was more likely to buy a ship or an item or zen for dil if I believe it will help me run and be rewarded by the content that I enjoy.
Cryptic broke in to my house stole all my beer and abused my favorite donkey I am very angry right now because that was my best friend in the whole world. Then yall made my game unfun and I am really mad.
10 points = 1,580,000 XP. Good luck grinding that getting a whopping 20 XP per Tact Cube in Red Alerts.
Hrmm.. I get 6-700ish per Cube/Sphere in RAs.. In a good RA run (without n00bs finishing off the one probe I leave in each group) I get between 1.5 and 2.5 of those bars on XP meter.. Fast enough for me..
Undine Assault Adv are another place where theres huge amounts of ships (and assuming you do errants you are guaranteed completion)
Korfez also have huge numbers of ships, and they are fairly easy to kill
I have .. Maxed pilot, all space + 6 ground points in Intel and 6 points in Command.. With less than 20 Argala runs under my belt..
Only if they dont know how to fly or dock in stations lol just take your time and dock slowly you will be fine just dont land in the wrong landing pad thats a no no
None of which they actually tell you how to do either.
Youtube search: Elite Dangerous crashing while trying to dock
I highly suggest getting a bowl of popcorn first however ^^
"Why all the sales"?
And a merry freaking Christmas to you too, Ebenezer.
-jonsills, 'Cryptic Why the sales..instead of Fixing XP leveling and this game?'
Ugh, and here I was thinking I could get away with not throwing my #twocents into this... circus... but:
Nice to see a few more bugs being squashed, don't care much for Argala, well - don't really care much for this whole "race to be the best"... Satisfied and content taking my sweet time, farming dill & contraband on 9 alts and building up some wealth.
I just feel like some of you need an intervention or something - some of you are OBSESSED with INSTANT GRATIFICATION, and that needs to STOP. STO IS NOT about one patrol mission, no matter what your psyche is commanding you to believe.
This "grind" that you all speak of, isn't a product of Cryptic (not as before), but within yourselves. Is your life going to end if you don't get all of your specialization points instantly? Are your trillions and trillions of cells in your body just going to just an hero because Argala, and DR and Tau Dewa patrols get a timer now? Honestly, if it they do, please do record it and upload it to you Youtube for posterity. Would make for an interesting watch.
Anyway, most of us haven't even seen what this xp redistribution will become, and frankly I've learned to not care about such petty things. Specialization points and crafting aren't everything in STO last time I checked...
When the servers are back online, i'll be prowling the PvE queues. I figured while the whiners take their time to lick their wounds and find the next big thing to cry about - I'll play my way and get what I want on my own schedule. That is after all, what STO is really about.
#twocents deposited, and I'M OUT.
Ugh, and here I was thinking I could get away with not throwing my #twocents into this... circus... but:
Nice to see a few more bugs being squashed, don't care much for Argala, well - don't really care much for this whole "race to be the best"... Satisfied and content taking my sweet time, farming dill & contraband on 9 alts and building up some wealth.
I just feel like some of you need an intervention or something - some of you are OBSESSED with INSTANT GRATIFICATION, and that needs to STOP. STO IS NOT about one patrol mission, no matter what your psyche is commanding you to believe.
This "grind" that you all speak of, isn't a product of Cryptic (not as before), but within yourselves. Is your life going to end if you don't get all of your specialization points instantly? Are your trillions and trillions of cells in your body just going to just an hero because Argala, and DR and Tau Dewa patrols get a timer now? Honestly, if it they do, please do record it and upload it to you Youtube for posterity. Would make for an interesting watch.
Anyway, most of us haven't even seen what this xp redistribution will become, and frankly I've learned to not care about such petty things. Specialization points and crafting aren't everything in STO last time I checked...
When the servers are back online, i'll be prowling the PvE queues. I figured while the whiners take their time to lick their wounds and find the next big thing to cry about - I'll play my way and get what I want on my own schedule. That is after all, what STO is really about.
#twocents deposited, and I'M OUT.
you are so hard core look guys this is the face of god right here the god of gamers he is going to show us all up.
Ugh, and here I was thinking I could get away with not throwing my #twocents into this... circus... but:
Nice to see a few more bugs being squashed, don't care much for Argala, well - don't really care much for this whole "race to be the best"... Satisfied and content taking my sweet time, farming dill & contraband on 9 alts and building up some wealth.
I just feel like some of you need an intervention or something - some of you are OBSESSED with INSTANT GRATIFICATION, and that needs to STOP. STO IS NOT about one patrol mission, no matter what your psyche is commanding you to believe.
This "grind" that you all speak of, isn't a product of Cryptic (not as before), but within yourselves. Is your life going to end if you don't get all of your specialization points instantly? Are your trillions and trillions of cells in your body just going to just an hero because Argala, and DR and Tau Dewa patrols get a timer now? Honestly, if it they do, please do record it and upload it to you Youtube for posterity. Would make for an interesting watch.
Anyway, most of us haven't even seen what this xp redistribution will become, and frankly I've learned to not care about such petty things. Specialization points and crafting aren't everything in STO last time I checked...
When the servers are back online, i'll be prowling the PvE queues. I figured while the whiners take their time to lick their wounds and find the next big thing to cry about - I'll play my way and get what I want on my own schedule. That is after all, what STO is really about.
#twocents deposited, and I'M OUT.
For someone who ties the 'THE JAPORI INCIDENT' to 'MY EXISTENCE' (see your sig), I'd say the physician need to heal himself first.
Ugh, and here I was thinking I could get away with not throwing my #twocents into this... circus... but:
Nice to see a few more bugs being squashed, don't care much for Argala, well - don't really care much for this whole "race to be the best"... Satisfied and content taking my sweet time, farming dill & contraband on 9 alts and building up some wealth.
I just feel like some of you need an intervention or something - some of you are OBSESSED with INSTANT GRATIFICATION, and that needs to STOP. STO IS NOT about one patrol mission, no matter what your psyche is commanding you to believe.
This "grind" that you all speak of, isn't a product of Cryptic (not as before), but within yourselves. Is your life going to end if you don't get all of your specialization points instantly? Are your trillions and trillions of cells in your body just going to just an hero because Argala, and DR and Tau Dewa patrols get a timer now? Honestly, if it they do, please do record it and upload it to you Youtube for posterity. Would make for an interesting watch.
Anyway, most of us haven't even seen what this xp redistribution will become, and frankly I've learned to not care about such petty things. Specialization points and crafting aren't everything in STO last time I checked...
When the servers are back online, i'll be prowling the PvE queues. I figured while the whiners take their time to lick their wounds and find the next big thing to cry about - I'll play my way and get what I want on my own schedule. That is after all, what STO is really about.
#twocents deposited, and I'M OUT.
Unless you have in fact got all your spec points instantly from one patrol, don't tell us how to do it.
There is nothing at the end of the tunnel. Nothing. It's an ouroboros circle of grind Dil for this, grind XP for that and when you think you are finished...something new comes along and it begins anew.
Meanwhile the content remains unchanged and unchallenging. The grind is all that is keeping you playing. It is the endgame and no amount of timegates or reward fiddling will change that.
You are trapped. Trapped forever! To end, allow me to quote the classic passage from Dante's Inferno:
Through me the way into the suffering city,
Through me the way to the eternal pain,
Through me the way that runs among the lost.
Justice urged on my high artificer;
My maker was divine authority,
The highest wisdom, and the primal love.
Before me nothing but eternal things were made, and I endure eternally.
Abandon every hope, who enter here*
* My copy of the Divine Comedy omits the 'all ye who enter here' in it's translation of the original Latin.
Ive just started to focus on developing two characters. I have a total of 9 alts, but its just to time demanding these days. IMO it is good to releave the pressure on yourself by not working on so much alts at same time. It takes a lot of effort if one also has a AFK life to worry about. Less stress is good, might be something to consider so one doesnt have to quit the game or be angry.
Sure i scream at my screen on a daily basis like: beep beep beep these battlezone enemies dont give a lot of beeping SP and EXP beep beep beeper the beep!!!
But i find my calm place again and continue to enjoy what i can. Its still good playing if you know where you want to be in the game and dont give yourself to much of a high ceiling to reach. Although i am a bit of a hypocrit because i want to reach 1mil dil again lol
The time gated lockouts on patrols have solved STO's grinding problem.
I suspect a troll here, but Poe's Law is in effect so I can't be sure... in this response I will operate on the assumption that you are being sincere and not trolling.
The root reason (in my opinion) people were griping about "the Argala grind" wasn't because they were bored doing Argala over and over, it was because they wanted to get spec points at a pace that felt reasonable and rewarding, and Argala grinding was the least worst solution. (Still far, far, FAR too slow for me, which is why I stopped playing to wait for the game to be re-balanced.)
If you view the problem that way: no way to get XP at a satisfactory pace, it becomes easy to see how this change makes things worse, not better.
However, it _could_ be the foundation of actually fixing the problem. Call this step (1): rebalance the game so that a wide variety of content rewards XP at a consistent rate. You're just missing step (2): Multiply all rewards by ~6-8x of their current values, so that all content rewards XP at a rate that feels reasonable and rewarding.
Unless you have in fact got all your spec points instantly from one patrol, don't tell us how to do it.
My point, proven in three responses:
1. Didn't claim to be hardcore/elitist/whatever the f*** the word du jour for douche is today - I'm just stating how things look like from my screen. Everyone is entitled to play STO in the manner they choose to. However, when you start pushing your style of gameplay on everyone else using Cryptic as your proxy, then yeah.... there's a problem. But, I digress.... next:
2. Well, let's use the slingshot maneuver to go back in time a bit - you DO remember why it's called the "Japori Incident?" You know, where Cryptic, in their immense and omnipotent wisdom, decides to nerf Tau Dewa patrols because a dev forgot how to calculate xp reward rates for NPC enemies under certain conditions that caused people to "exploit" said mistake on Cryptic's part (which BTW would have been resolved, or at least have had a better chance of said "exploit" being discovered and/or taken care of if IDK, Q&A? or, Or, OR - TRIBBLE HAD STAYED OPEN TO ANYONE WILLING TO HELP TEST AND NOT JUST SUBS and LTS???) But yeah, maybe I should go heal myself. How does one heal best - Sci team or TSS???
3. I haven't gotten all my spec points - THAT'S NOT THE POINT. The point of spec points is to take your time on it and enjoy the process of getting there. S**t, if the immense and omnipotent wise men at Cryptic would have really wanted you to "get all your spec points instantly from one patrol" then guess what? THIS WHOLE SPEC TREE DISCUSSION WOULD HAVE NEVER HAPPENED. AMIRITE?
Look, I get it - ya'll is pissed. Take a page out of the Borg - ADAPT. Change your gameplay style up. If that spec tree is really what you seek to fill, then there will always be a way to get to that goal.
You cant teach and old dog new tricks...what you are saying the past logic of STO for 5 years was WRONG. Meaning to level up completely at 51 and be happy most of the time enjoying end content fully loaded with all the shinies respectfully attained at that level.
As opposed with a system of 4 months from its infancy which basically you cant reach a state of end game and endless virtual grinding for anything "good".
It is a different way to look at things but for sure most of those players who were for 5 years find this "difficult". IMO... just hoping that those lost players who cannot adapt to this upside down system will be compensated for those coming with the system.
As of now with repeated nerfs, empty queus and empty fleets..I'm remaining cautiously hopeful.
You sir are correct !
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
That's the game where most people keep dying when they try to dock with the stations isn't it?
And a merry freaking Christmas to you too, Ebenezer.
-jonsills, 'Cryptic Why the sales..instead of Fixing XP leveling and this game?'
Quoted for emphasis.
Yeah. Except, of course, when you're like me, and you buy a 3-pack Command ships, and want to have your boffs, you know, actually use higher-Tiered Command abilities, and you'll find out you need at least 10 points in Command Officer to train them in those. Likewise for Intel.
Rational discourse on the STO forums, ladies and gentlemen.
Good thing you only need 10 points in each then ^^
Only if they dont know how to fly or dock in stations lol just take your time and dock slowly you will be fine just dont land in the wrong landing pad thats a no no
Sorry, Im done ranting for now!
More likely this was done to effectively forc...er "entice" players with Alt characters to start using said alts again. Personally while I dislike what seems to be a major focus on grindable/repeatable content, I'm 100% against time gating EVERYTHING under the stars in this game; and if anything it's just one more aspect that is making me NOT want to really bother playing this game more at all.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
10 points = 1,580,000 XP. Good luck grinding that getting a whopping 20 XP per Tact Cube in Red Alerts.
Why the rage?
Welcome to the official STO forums, where anything Cryptic does is a slap in the face.
I'm was more likely to buy a ship or an item or zen for dil if I believe it will help me run and be rewarded by the content that I enjoy.
Hrmm.. I get 6-700ish per Cube/Sphere in RAs.. In a good RA run (without n00bs finishing off the one probe I leave in each group) I get between 1.5 and 2.5 of those bars on XP meter.. Fast enough for me..
Undine Assault Adv are another place where theres huge amounts of ships (and assuming you do errants you are guaranteed completion)
Korfez also have huge numbers of ships, and they are fairly easy to kill
I have .. Maxed pilot, all space + 6 ground points in Intel and 6 points in Command.. With less than 20 Argala runs under my belt..
None of which they actually tell you how to do either.
Youtube search: Elite Dangerous crashing while trying to dock
I highly suggest getting a bowl of popcorn first however ^^
And a merry freaking Christmas to you too, Ebenezer.
-jonsills, 'Cryptic Why the sales..instead of Fixing XP leveling and this game?'
Nice to see a few more bugs being squashed, don't care much for Argala, well - don't really care much for this whole "race to be the best"... Satisfied and content taking my sweet time, farming dill & contraband on 9 alts and building up some wealth.
I just feel like some of you need an intervention or something - some of you are OBSESSED with INSTANT GRATIFICATION, and that needs to STOP. STO IS NOT about one patrol mission, no matter what your psyche is commanding you to believe.
This "grind" that you all speak of, isn't a product of Cryptic (not as before), but within yourselves. Is your life going to end if you don't get all of your specialization points instantly? Are your trillions and trillions of cells in your body just going to just an hero because Argala, and DR and Tau Dewa patrols get a timer now? Honestly, if it they do, please do record it and upload it to you Youtube for posterity. Would make for an interesting watch.
Anyway, most of us haven't even seen what this xp redistribution will become, and frankly I've learned to not care about such petty things. Specialization points and crafting aren't everything in STO last time I checked...
When the servers are back online, i'll be prowling the PvE queues. I figured while the whiners take their time to lick their wounds and find the next big thing to cry about - I'll play my way and get what I want on my own schedule. That is after all, what STO is really about.
#twocents deposited, and I'M OUT.
you are so hard core look guys this is the face of god right here the god of gamers he is going to show us all up.
Yeah, I'm not going miss Argala.
For someone who ties the 'THE JAPORI INCIDENT' to 'MY EXISTENCE' (see your sig), I'd say the physician need to heal himself first.
Unless you have in fact got all your spec points instantly from one patrol, don't tell us how to do it.
There is nothing at the end of the tunnel. Nothing. It's an ouroboros circle of grind Dil for this, grind XP for that and when you think you are finished...something new comes along and it begins anew.
Meanwhile the content remains unchanged and unchallenging. The grind is all that is keeping you playing. It is the endgame and no amount of timegates or reward fiddling will change that.
You are trapped. Trapped forever! To end, allow me to quote the classic passage from Dante's Inferno:
Through me the way to the eternal pain,
Through me the way that runs among the lost.
Justice urged on my high artificer;
My maker was divine authority,
The highest wisdom, and the primal love.
Before me nothing but eternal things were made, and I endure eternally.
Abandon every hope, who enter here*
* My copy of the Divine Comedy omits the 'all ye who enter here' in it's translation of the original Latin.
Sure i scream at my screen on a daily basis like: beep beep beep these battlezone enemies dont give a lot of beeping SP and EXP beep beep beeper the beep!!!
But i find my calm place again and continue to enjoy what i can. Its still good playing if you know where you want to be in the game and dont give yourself to much of a high ceiling to reach. Although i am a bit of a hypocrit because i want to reach 1mil dil again lol
Bwhahahahaha nice spot check dude!
And a merry freaking Christmas to you too, Ebenezer.
-jonsills, 'Cryptic Why the sales..instead of Fixing XP leveling and this game?'
I suspect a troll here, but Poe's Law is in effect so I can't be sure... in this response I will operate on the assumption that you are being sincere and not trolling.
The root reason (in my opinion) people were griping about "the Argala grind" wasn't because they were bored doing Argala over and over, it was because they wanted to get spec points at a pace that felt reasonable and rewarding, and Argala grinding was the least worst solution. (Still far, far, FAR too slow for me, which is why I stopped playing to wait for the game to be re-balanced.)
If you view the problem that way: no way to get XP at a satisfactory pace, it becomes easy to see how this change makes things worse, not better.
However, it _could_ be the foundation of actually fixing the problem. Call this step (1): rebalance the game so that a wide variety of content rewards XP at a consistent rate. You're just missing step (2): Multiply all rewards by ~6-8x of their current values, so that all content rewards XP at a rate that feels reasonable and rewarding.
My point, proven in three responses:
1. Didn't claim to be hardcore/elitist/whatever the f*** the word du jour for douche is today - I'm just stating how things look like from my screen. Everyone is entitled to play STO in the manner they choose to. However, when you start pushing your style of gameplay on everyone else using Cryptic as your proxy, then yeah.... there's a problem. But, I digress.... next:
2. Well, let's use the slingshot maneuver to go back in time a bit - you DO remember why it's called the "Japori Incident?" You know, where Cryptic, in their immense and omnipotent wisdom, decides to nerf Tau Dewa patrols because a dev forgot how to calculate xp reward rates for NPC enemies under certain conditions that caused people to "exploit" said mistake on Cryptic's part (which BTW would have been resolved, or at least have had a better chance of said "exploit" being discovered and/or taken care of if IDK, Q&A? or, Or, OR - TRIBBLE HAD STAYED OPEN TO ANYONE WILLING TO HELP TEST AND NOT JUST SUBS and LTS???) But yeah, maybe I should go heal myself. How does one heal best - Sci team or TSS???
3. I haven't gotten all my spec points - THAT'S NOT THE POINT. The point of spec points is to take your time on it and enjoy the process of getting there. S**t, if the immense and omnipotent wise men at Cryptic would have really wanted you to "get all your spec points instantly from one patrol" then guess what? THIS WHOLE SPEC TREE DISCUSSION WOULD HAVE NEVER HAPPENED. AMIRITE?
Look, I get it - ya'll is pissed. Take a page out of the Borg - ADAPT. Change your gameplay style up. If that spec tree is really what you seek to fill, then there will always be a way to get to that goal.
When most of us are on the same page, it's usually a bad sign.
Spoken like a true jagoff. :cool: