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Server Downtime 02-19-2015



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    arathinarathin Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Here is an interesting thought.....
    People are asking for compensation....
    someone (maybe a "plant" for pwe/cryptic) will point out that its a free to play game we haven't lost anything....
    that's true for the free to play people...
    but there are those of us with lifetime subs and those who pay monthly to play and they are NOT getting their money's worth when the game is down now I am not saying everyone who plays shouldn't get something for their trouble as even free to play people invest their most precious resource "time" in this game I am just trying to head off the those who will do the "it's a free to play game blah blah blah"
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    This is intolerable! Every damned week, look, just get someone competent to take care of this stuff and leave it the hell alone. Is this what happens when you take the incompetent guy in charge of tech and put him in charge of the whole show? Holy frakk!

    Urge to kill rising! -.-

    Psstt... It's Delta Rising, not urge to kill... it's the best expansion ever and the players love it. :P
    captsquash wrote: »
    thats cool. and all but how are we the loyal players going to be compensated for the time lost?

    They should make the FUBAR Tribble...
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    haubrockhaubrock Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    wolfpacknz wrote: »
    I've worked in Customer Service over 24yrs and can assure you, service is the LAST thing you will ever get from Pakled World. They don't know or care about what customer service is. THey are some of the worst I have experienced in the industry...

    worse than cryptic?
    Proofe it... PLEASE...

    I wonder thou if anyone could pull up a shard showing how the money income for this company is distributed... who gets how much and how many people are working on what...
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    giannicampanellagiannicampanella Member Posts: 424 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I would like to see more of the Enterprise, I am surprised it's not been in the missions in delta rising.

    Good point.
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    bobtheyakbobtheyak Member Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    cdnhawk wrote: »
    Well, it makes me happy that the event has been extended to March 2nd, but on the other hand, so has the server downtime.

    ^ Win

    Seriously though I'll take a day's worth of downtime to fix the server/UI lag. Here's hoping... :cool:
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    ninjazinsideninjazinside Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    bobtheyak wrote: »
    ^ Win

    Seriously though I'll take a day's worth of downtime to fix the server/UI lag. Here's hoping... :cool:
    Unlikely to happen bud, just saying :P
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    sgtkokkensgtkokken Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    sov42 wrote: »
    They should make the FUBAR Tribble...

    The FUBAR tribble just went FUBAR.... :eek:
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    tlaloconeinfptlaloconeinfp Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    The devs were in the role of klinks, the boss of the company got pissed, so thatz what happened!

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    dashremdashrem Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Is it wrong that I love the chaos of these situations? The negative creativity really flows through you.


    give me more...
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    zadetrekker1zadetrekker1 Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I want to see 'Enterprise' MACO uniforms with all the weapons and stun baton!!
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    lunar1974lunar1974 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Can we have a locked thread for the server updates? Really hate digging through all the rants to see if there was a status update.
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    dolphin63dolphin63 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    To Ants the Earth is Galactic size xD, and in all honesty Humanity barely has the resources to push out from our Birth world (Earth), One state alone can not afford to push us beyond the Solar system or even colonize within our own system. And it's already difficult enough to get everyone to agree to just not attack each other, let alone work together. We all fear each other on a national scale. Russia fears NATO, China fears India, Middle East fears both Israel and NATO etc.

    Necessity is the mother of invention. I don't subscribe to the Malthusian overpopulation myth which includes proclaiming a scarcity of resources. In the United States we still have Northerners and Southerners fearing each other. Idiot Liberals fearing gun rights and demonizing Conservatives who refuse to be disarmed. It is always a back and forth.

    In the United States we have 50 separate states. Each a laboratory of invention.

    We may end up with a One World Government in the end. That is the current goal, but it is not being done because of overpopulation, or scarcity of resources. Rather it is being done so that those in power can keep their place at the top of the food chain. Too many people threaten their power and control. They prefer a dumbed down human herd smart enough to push the buttons and do the paperwork, but stupid enough to be subjected to brainwashing and accept being culled which suits the status quo.

    This is not the forum for such a debate. Beside the fact that you seem to not be familiar enough with how Hegelian Dialectic has been used on humans for thousands of years by the ruling class.

    The sad reality is that war has always been what the ruling class refers to as a necessary waste. The threat of foreign invasion is the glue that holds society together. Always has. If there is no convincing threat to keep a population united then the rulers must invent one. The 50 year "Cold War" between the USSR and the United States was one such invention. Make no mistake it was a 50 year hoax. To keep people poor and toiling one must steal their productivity from them. The military industrial complex works perfectly to that end.

    Global Warming was and is one such invention. Alien threat was yet another that was considered.

    The whole idea was to do away with wars and threats of invasion and replace them with other invented threats to brainwash people into accepting a one world system.

    It used to be called Communism. Today it is called Globalization, but what it really is in fact was dreamed up decades ago and is called Technocracy.

    In other words a single global colony of human insects.

    A tiny minority of royalty backed up by a privileged class of enforcers and bureaucrats who will manage the vast majority of drones who will willingly allow themselves to be culled and/or bred as needed.
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    daviesdaviesdaviesdavies Member Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    The guys they send down to fix server in the catacomb, first some of them got lost in the maze and then th rest dropped dead on the ramp lol
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    chad4231chad4231 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    They must have used my transport officer, he probably beamed the engineers 26 miles from the omega particle ...er ...sorry, server ..& made them run the rest of the way.
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    lurka72lurka72 Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    How come the server crashes after applying a game patch? Is it a patch issue or a system issue?

    How long to repair it, Scotty?
    An hour!
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    truchuckfutruchuckfu Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    arathin wrote: »
    Here is an interesting thought.....
    People are asking for compensation....
    someone (maybe a "plant" for pwe/cryptic) will point out that its a free to play game we haven't lost anything....
    that's true for the free to play people...
    but there are those of us with lifetime subs and those who pay monthly to play and they are NOT getting their money's worth when the game is down now I am not saying everyone who plays shouldn't get something for their trouble as even free to play people invest their most precious resource "time" in this game I am just trying to head off the those who will do the "it's a free to play game blah blah blah"

    Um.. I even noted above even the "play for free players" like me... I have no subscription but I also have about 4 T6 ships and 4 fleet ships that required up to 5 fleet ship modules. I've also against my better judgement purchased keys. NO ONE plays for free here regardless that they advertise the game as free to play. It's like Virus makers... they design the systems to steer you into spending cash at one point or another including subscription users. One of the reasons I don't get a subscription... is they don't come with a TRUE master key that should simply open every lockbox you get as long as you are paying your bill. I can live with having to pay to unlock if I won't commit to a subscription ya know? That's fair.
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    dashremdashrem Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    chad4231 wrote: »
    They must have used my transport officer, he probably beamed the engineers 26 miles from the omega particle ...er ...sorry, server ..& made them run the rest of the way.

    Speaking of running... I see some people running REAL fast... How do they do that?
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    cdnhawkcdnhawk Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I have it on very good authority that the Devs are taking advantage of this server problem to make a major hardware upgrade. They're finally installing Celeron 300A's and 28.8 modems, and have expanded the server's memory to 256k.
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    fudgemonkfudgemonk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Hmmmm, at least the server massage has change. Might be a good sign.
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    zadetrekker1zadetrekker1 Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Everybody's ranting is starting to die down. :( all we need now is for smirk to post and let and ranting begin again hahaha :D
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    raetharraethar Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    canavet wrote: »
    I just downloaded STO yesterday for the first/second time. By that I mean I had to uninstall/re-install the game to make it work. So far I have been disconnected multiple times from the server, can't get a mission to work right, even after walk throughs on it, and now this fiasco with the maintenance. And I was seriously checking this game out with the intent of giving up my 2+ year subscription on another MMO in favor of this game.

    And who the heck puts in a time limited ban, right from the start, on posting new threads??? I can't even ask a simple question in your academy forum for the purpose of leaning this game.

    I'm starting to reconsider.

    And who the heck puts in a time limited ban, right from the start, on posting new threads??? I can't even ask a simple question in your academy forum for the purpose of leaning this game.


    STUPID. I was an active player in 2010 when this game released. FFS.
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    ninjazinsideninjazinside Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    dolphin63 wrote: »
    Necessity is the mother of invention. I don't subscribe to the Malthusian overpopulation myth which includes proclaiming a scarcity of resources. In the United States we still have Northerners and Southerners fearing each other. Idiot Liberals fearing gun rights and demonizing Conservatives who refuse to be disarmed. It is always a back and forth.

    In the United States we have 50 separate states. Each a laboratory of invention.

    We may end up with a One World Government in the end. That is the current goal, but it is not being done because of overpopulation, or scarcity of resources. Rather it is being done so that those in power can keep their place at the top of the food chain. Too many people threaten their power and control. They prefer a dumbed down human herd smart enough to push the buttons and do the paperwork, but stupid enough to be subjected to brainwashing and accept being culled which suits the status quo.

    This is not the forum for such a debate. Beside the fact that you seem to not be familiar enough with how Hegelian Dialectic has been used on humans for thousands of years by the ruling class.

    The sad reality is that war has always been what the ruling class refers to as a necessary waste. The threat of foreign invasion is the glue that holds society together. Always has. If their is no convincing threat to keep a population united then the rulers must invent one.

    Global Warming was and is one such invention. Alien threat was yet another that was considered.

    The whole idea was to do away with wars and threats of invasion and replace them with other invented threats to brainwash people into accepting a one world system.

    It used to be called Communism. Today it is called Globalization, but what it really is in fact was dreamed up decades ago and is called Technocracy.

    In other words a single global colony of human insects.

    A tiny minority of royalty backed up by a privileged class of enforcers and bureaucrats who will manage the vast majority of drones who will willingly allow themselves to be culled and bred as needed.
    That's a very dark, and depressing view of the world and the system but just that, it's not one you can out right prove. Parts of what you state are true, inevitably, but parts are murky without any shred of evidence to back you up. Still as you say this is not the place for such discussions :)
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    sgtkokkensgtkokken Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    fudgemonk wrote: »
    Hmmmm, at least the server massage has change. Might be a good sign.

    Yea... instead of waiting for the disconnect msg in 2 min, we get it immediately... its seems likely that they found and killed the server... at last...
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    cdnhawk wrote: »
    I have it on very good authority that the Devs are taking advantage of this server problem to make a major hardware upgrade. They're finally installing Celeron 300A's and 28.8 modems, and have expanded the server's memory to 256k.

    On that note, would be nice if some of the money from the endless monetization went back into their server infrastructure, wouldn't it?
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    truchuckfutruchuckfu Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    [QUOTE Originally Posted by cdnhawk View Post
    I have it on very good authority that the Devs are taking advantage of this server problem to make a major hardware upgrade. They're finally installing Celeron 300A's and 28.8 modems, and have expanded the server's memory to 256k.[/QUOTE]

    You are the DEVIL! :) I think I just sharted a lil' bit.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    dashrem wrote: »
    Speaking of running... I see some people running REAL fast... How do they do that?

    Ice boots from the winter event, certain traits, or the motion accelerator kit module.

    As far as server stability goes, I can't help but wonder if the bean counters realize the vicious circle they create.

    Lack of money = Poor server performance
    Poor server performance = downtime
    Downtime = angry customers
    Angry customers = lack of money.

    Simplistic, but ultimately true.
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    arathinarathin Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    truchuckfu wrote: »
    Um.. I even noted above even the "play for free players" like me... I have no subscription but I also have about 4 T6 ships and 4 fleet ships that required up to 5 fleet ship modules. I've also against my better judgement purchased keys. NO ONE plays for free here regardless that they advertise the game as free to play. It's like Virus makers... they design the systems to steer you into spending cash at one point or another including subscription users. One of the reasons I don't get a subscription... is they don't come with a TRUE master key that should simply open every lockbox you get as long as you are paying your bill. I can live with having to pay to unlock if I won't commit to a subscription ya know? That's fair.

    My point was more to point out that everyone invests at least time in the game and should get something, and also to keep those who will start saying its "free to play you don't deserve anything" from using that stupid argument. I agree though you are right 99% of the players of this game have invested at least some cash in this game. I did not mean to offend anyone.
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    shraannshraann Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Was really hoping to avoid the real world today (standard nerd problem), but with this update dragging on and after having putting up with real life all afternoon, I'm now resorting to giving LotRO a shot. Anyone ever play it before?

    ....hopes are not high..
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    travino68travino68 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    1 more hour so the Launcher says.
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    truchuckfutruchuckfu Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    arathin wrote: »
    My point was more to point out that everyone invests at least time in the game and should get something, and also to keep those who will start saying its "free to play you don't deserve anything" from using that stupid argument. I agree though you are right 99% of the players of this game have invested at least some cash in this game. I did not mean to offend anyone.

    Fair enough. Agreed and none taken :) I like to exchange views :)
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