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ITS BACK!!!!!! - Load Out and Statiosn CLEARING



  • cdnhawkcdnhawk Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I've also been hit by this bug. My BOFFs on ALL of my ships were unslotted, and when I reslotted them, they didn't stay through one map change. I've also seen one of my Tac BOFFs have a beam skill that I KNOW they had changed to Torp High Yield 1, and the ship in question is a beam boat. I also had a BOFF lose Reverse Shield Polarity, but I don't remember right now what it was replaced with.

    Once I had my BOFFs reslotted, I also had to rebuild my tray from scratch since the skills did not reapper as they used to. This is BEYOND annoying, and for me has made space based missions and STFs unplayable.

    As of this morning, one my alts now has two BOFFs with the same name and identical skills.

    One final question: was it really necessary to change the icons for BOFF abilities? What was wrong with the way it's been for the last several years?
  • petrif666petrif666 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    hugin1205 wrote: »
    this bug has actually evolved - now it also switches skills around.
    Like you change maps and suddently your BOff has Torp high yield and you don't even have torps.

    This happens nowadays also. I normally don't even bother to mind anymore as this reset happens so often but today I wasn't even able to slot officers back on. It looked like they were on correct stations but only one of them showed in the BOFF trays.

    Sad to say but playing STO is starting to feel like work. Every time you switch maps you have to check everything and several times a day you have to adjust everything back to way they were. Loadouts don't help as they don't work at all in this respect.
  • internetonsetaddinternetonsetadd Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Has anyone seen any acknowledgement from Cryptic that the stations clearing issue has gotten worse with the boff system revamp? (For anyone who missed the last few pages, not only are stations being cleared, abilities are sometimes being reset when stations are cleared, which also tends to result in an obliterated loadout with respect to anything boff-related.)

    It'd be nice to know how much of a priority this is, especially compared to the new spate of issues that Geko addressed a couple days ago. I'd love to know when I should look forward to playing teamed space content again. A few months? Another year?
  • dorlos2dorlos2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    aarrrhh wrote: »
    Whoever is in charge of quality control and testing needs sacking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hhmmm no 2nd thoughts those positions probably don't exist!

    off topic: your signature made my day!

    back to topic: tried to reduce the clearing boff stations bug by creating a loadout and recalling it, when the boffs went on vacation. Well.. this is not really working. Used the method once so far.. but only 2 of the 5 boffs where slotted back.
    The loadout-button went on 1 minute cooldown (what the heck???) ... and I had to pick the missing 3 boffs manually from the list. Nice start for an ISA when everybody is waiting...

    Will post an update when I had to use the loadout a second time. Maybe it's been a one-timer.
  • czertik123czertik123 Member Posts: 1,122 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    are you sure it is back ? afaik it was NEVER gone.
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    czertik123 wrote: »
    are you sure it is back ? afaik it was NEVER gone.

    Its true. I maintained a thread with links to every other thread created on this issue up until the release of DR. But since then I haven't had time to keep up with it. There is so much grinding to do now, and there are always so many new threads on this issue I had to chose one or the other. Grinding won because it involved more explosions.
  • spookpwaspookpwa Member Posts: 316 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    This happens every now and then when I log in on an alt or the alt changes maps.

    Very annoying... :(

    A test server is supposed to be used to properly test patches before patching anything....
  • ujam1ujam1 Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I loged on on ESD ground and picked up todays omega mission.
    In sector space the abilities remained perfect since yesterday)
    After beaming down to Andoria ground and back to space the BOFFs and their abillities disappeared. Nothing was changed by myself. Thank you!
    FED: Special Circumstances, Raumpatroullie Elysion, Naeramarth
    KDF: Special Circumstances KDF
  • colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I am now experience more than just the annoying tray issues. Now when I zone, ALL BOs are unslotting so having to refill all the blank stations
  • colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Has anyone seen any acknowledgement from Cryptic that the stations clearing issue has gotten worse with the boff system revamp? (For anyone who missed the last few pages, not only are stations being cleared, abilities are sometimes being reset when stations are cleared, which also tends to result in an obliterated loadout with respect to anything boff-related.)

    It'd be nice to know how much of a priority this is, especially compared to the new spate of issues that Geko addressed a couple days ago. I'd love to know when I should look forward to playing teamed space content again. A few months? Another year?

    well since its been happening for a year or longer and just a couple of weeks ago the grumpy Dev claims they "reproduced it internally" I would say its a low priority.
  • masumunemasumune Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    jam3s1701 wrote: »
    How about you stop talking for people. .

    Not all of us feel this way thanks. .

    On another note. . .

    Just save the load out and load it up etc. . Had this issue myself and just clicked load out and boom problem solved. .

    I would like to reply to this gentleman...

    I was very excited with the new Load out ship system until i found it works only when it wants.
    I fly a fleet avenger with 4 loadouts. (yes i bought a loadout token...waste of 500 good zen)

    After the 5th anniversary patch, i re-saved all my loadouts, in space, with my BOff assigned to their
    respective stations and assigned skills.

    Today... i jumped in CC.. and BAM... BOff are gone... skill tray.. is a mess...
    I take a quick look to try to set my BOffs back to their stations...
    My 2 Tactical BOff suddenly ALL have Torpedo spread on every rank... WTH???!?!
    My ship never had any torpedoes on it, it's a cannon ship.

    So... yes it bothers me that Cryptic finds the time to implement such a USELESS thing which will be mosty used by beginners. And boy, do STO needs new players.. 'cause it's an Exodus of the old ones...

    I'm a lifer, i bought the Packs.. Delta, Dyson, etc...

    Fix what REALLY needs to get fixed... FIRST!

    On a more positive note, i love the revamp effort that is going on... keep it up...
    And really love the new Training system (just need to work properly)

    But, fix things damn it!

    P.S.: please stop thinking that we are all morons by thinking we can "swallow" the lack
    of people in the queues as a "bug"....
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I am now experience more than just the annoying tray issues. Now when I zone, ALL BOs are unslotting so having to refill all the blank stations

    Same issue here and, what's even worse, is loses the saved load-outs on top of that, the very same ones it had saved prior days, when it decided to not drop boffs stations.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • terodorterodor Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    loadout sometimes don't work because boffs are not loaded in memory, i go to 'stations' open a universal boff station to load them in memory and return to loadout then works fine
  • makefluxmakeflux Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Loadout bug is worse than ever....and yet so issues on Tribble. Once a copy has been transferred to tribble all loadout issues disappear for me. Everything works.

    And it's been this way since DR.....

    For the Devs:

    It would be like having to restart your computer every time you had to compile.....
  • xraiderv1xraiderv1 Member Posts: 487 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    ship: benthan assault cruiser
    beamed up from esd(a particularly laggy instance mind) after receiving a key from a friend, and bam..tray's gutted.

    selected the only loadout it has and all but one officer slotted and three of them had the incorrect abilities selected, so I had to reselect the proper abilities.

    please note the locations and what you were doing immediately before hand, this is pertinent information and can only help the game devs.
    Murphy's laws:
    1- Murphy’s Law tells us that anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
    2- And anything that does go wrong will get progressively worse.
    3- And if you survive the first two laws it’s time to panic.
  • ewilpwnyewilpwny Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    All my slotted boffs disappear. When I choose the loadout again, it refreshes my tray, but none of the boffs slot still. The selected loadout circle does NOT fill in, indicating it recognizes my loadout is different.

    I am having the same issue on my main toon. The only way to make the loadout to slot the Boffs correctly is to first select at universal station and click on the list so that it "preloads" all the Boffs.

    Then when I select a loadout it slots the Boffs correctly.

    It feels like it is a timeout issue when it tries to load and sort the Boff list. The Boff slot list on the left is not sorted correctly when the loadout fails.

    Could it be related to the number of Boffs you have on your Captain?

    I have 24 Boffs on my main toon.
    See you in space :D
  • lieutenantusherlieutenantusher Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    It never left. I've had this problem since the loadout system came about. That's why I've never actually utilized it (has anybody really?) but a friend did find a workaround for it.

    1. Take off any one peice of gear from your ship
    Alternatively if you're setting up a new ship leave one (any) gear slot empty
    2. Set up your gear, and boffs
    3. Save your loadout
    4. Equip the final peice of gear

    The system seems to only really focus on the gear on a ship when it loads loadouts. Once in every 25 or so ship changes it changes my doffs, but it really only seems to care about gear. The weird thing is if you have all your gear equipped, save your loadout, and then it goes wrong it will reload your loadout but it saves your powertrays in the broken state.

    As for boffs falling off their station this doesn't stop that. It just gives you a fix if the game drops your powertray icons. But if your boffs just fall off it's been my experience that reslotting the same boff restores the tray. Boffs falling off are rare and seemingly random but neither Cryptic nor you making changes to boffs, or the arrangement of ships in their slots should allow all your ships to be battle ready and your loadout to work all the time.
  • jymowardjymoward Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Another bug not fixed when they said they fixed it.

    Just happened to me - after patching.
  • swamarianswamarian Member Posts: 1,506 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Happened to me beaming up from starbase 39. Liville@swamarian
  • qrtrmstrqrtrmstr Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I love how people are posting these "fixes" lol

    They don't work. This bug existed before. They either fixed it or for some reason went away. But when they nerf'd the rep system traits, re-worked the code, and changed the rules so that we had to select specific traits and couldn't change them in battle maps, this nasty bug reared its ugly little head.

    However, as I posted in my new thread that I just created so that maybe they'd realize this is more of a significant problem than they realize, the bug isn't exclusive to BOFFs and our power buff/ability tray load outs.

    I have been warping into STF's and battle areas like Defera and the Undine/Voth battle zones and find my BOFFs, DOFFs, as well as personal and ship traits have all reset to "default blank" and that's just not right. Sure, we can simply re slot our BOFFs, and maybe even our DOFFs, but the traits can't be re-slotted unless you warp/beam out. And depending on where you are, like in an STF, you either have to run the event without your traits, or take the leaver penalty. It's kinda stupid to play a game when the rep system everyone did their grinds gets nerf'd, they don't make sure it's working properly, and then go over a year and they still haven't fixed the problem.

    And give me a break with this saved load out trick. The ONLY thing it's done is reduce the frequency of the bug, but it hasn't fixed it for me, or for a lot of people. In fact, not only has it NOT fixed the problem, but the only thing that happens when I select the saved load out is some of the consoles or weapons the remained on my ship when it glitches and reset, those start disappearing off the ship as well, adding more things that need to be re-slot.

    Why bother giving us traits at all if we have no better than a 50/50 shot we'll actually get to use them in any given event we choose to participate in, whether it's Ker'rat, Defera, Argala space patrol, a story arc mission (that's awesome to have to restart a story mission at midpoint because it glitches and you lose your traits all of the sudden---said no one ever) an STF, and basically any time we need to change maps to do something

    Want to get some players back and have them stick around for longer than a week? Fix this. It's amazing how people can enjoy doing something when it actually works. When it's just another thing to be frustrated with, why would anyone bother? We get enough frustration with our families, jobs, kids, and everything else...we come to STO to relax and have fun...not get even more frustrated...it's why people rage and create DOOM threads...they are venting...and considering the support (especially financially) that some of us have put into STO since Closed Beta...you guys really need to look at stuff from our perspective for a second. Fix these bugs already. This one has gone on for far too long.
  • colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    qrtrmstr wrote: »
    I love how people are posting these "fixes" lol

    They don't work. This bug existed before. They either fixed it or for some reason went away. But when they nerf'd the rep system traits, re-worked the code, and changed the rules so that we had to select specific traits and couldn't change them in battle maps, this nasty bug reared its ugly little head.

    However, as I posted in my new thread that I just created so that maybe they'd realize this is more of a significant problem than they realize, the bug isn't exclusive to BOFFs and our power buff/ability tray load outs.

    I have been warping into STF's and battle areas like Defera and the Undine/Voth battle zones and find my BOFFs, DOFFs, as well as personal and ship traits have all reset to "default blank" and that's just not right. Sure, we can simply re slot our BOFFs, and maybe even our DOFFs, but the traits can't be re-slotted unless you warp/beam out. And depending on where you are, like in an STF, you either have to run the event without your traits, or take the leaver penalty. It's kinda stupid to play a game when the rep system everyone did their grinds gets nerf'd, they don't make sure it's working properly, and then go over a year and they still haven't fixed the problem.

    And give me a break with this saved load out trick. The ONLY thing it's done is reduce the frequency of the bug, but it hasn't fixed it for me, or for a lot of people. In fact, not only has it NOT fixed the problem, but the only thing that happens when I select the saved load out is some of the consoles or weapons the remained on my ship when it glitches and reset, those start disappearing off the ship as well, adding more things that need to be re-slot.

    Why bother giving us traits at all if we have no better than a 50/50 shot we'll actually get to use them in any given event we choose to participate in, whether it's Ker'rat, Defera, Argala space patrol, a story arc mission (that's awesome to have to restart a story mission at midpoint because it glitches and you lose your traits all of the sudden---said no one ever) an STF, and basically any time we need to change maps to do something

    Want to get some players back and have them stick around for longer than a week? Fix this. It's amazing how people can enjoy doing something when it actually works. When it's just another thing to be frustrated with, why would anyone bother? We get enough frustration with our families, jobs, kids, and everything else...we come to STO to relax and have fun...not get even more frustrated...it's why people rage and create DOOM threads...they are venting...and considering the support (especially financially) that some of us have put into STO since Closed Beta...you guys really need to look at stuff from our perspective for a second. Fix these bugs already. This one has gone on for far too long.

    its really an example of how they have been operating the last couple of years. This is actually a pretty old issue. But it was only effecting "some" users some of the time so appears to have been acceptable to the team.

    Then they started reworking all the systems and with every change they made its effected more and more people more often until now where its more common to have the issue than not have it.

    but here is what you have to do now when you log in or zone to a map

    1. Check and fix ship visuals
    2. Check space gear to make sure something hasn't unslotted or changed or in some cases just vanished
    3. Check Active Doffs
    4. Check BO stations to make sure all are manned (and if BOs are still the correct rank)
    5. Check BO skills to make sure they are all the right skill
    6. Check tray to make sure all powers are slotted.

    And you have to do that more or less everytime you are on a new map
  • ffttfftt Member Posts: 715 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Here's something new I discovered last night during my playtime and yet another BOff wipe of my stations after zoning (pretty much a daily thing for me now :( ). I checked the stations and sure enough they were empty and I did the standard, futile activation of a loadout as the easiest attempt to bring 'em back. No affect on the toolbar, as expected. However when I switched to the station tab they all decided to come back and it appeared that the act of switching to the station tab populated my toolbar.

    Just behavior I hadn't noticed or seen before.
  • internetonsetaddinternetonsetadd Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    The patch appears to have solved the issue with boff abilities sometimes being changed when stations were wiped.

    Still experiencing stations loss about 15 times a day across 11 characters. In most cases, it's back to a simple fix of clicking on a station to force load all boffs and then activating a loadout.

    I've still had a few instances of a mangled loadout -- boffs load, but some abilities aren't placed in the tray, and some are placed in the wrong positions, necessitating a rebuild.
  • spookpwaspookpwa Member Posts: 316 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Yup this is another big problem from anniversry patch. :rolleyes:

    And it has gotten worse for me every day now.

    At first it was only every now and then, but it has become very frequently occurring, which is a real bother, especially with all the other problems like game client crashing , boffs skills not working properly on all boffs, all boffs can not be trained et.c. et.c. :(

    A test server is supposed to be used to properly test patches before patching anything....
  • lebtronlebtron Member Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Does not happen often, but its much worse than before the boff system change when it happens. Had to reslot boffs manually and to reset their skills, because they had their standard skills again.

    I had not changed my ship or its layout for hours, did fly several stfs before. But right after starting dust to dust my skills where gone and my loadout did not work anymore.
  • ask4spock1ask4spock1 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I thought this bug was fixed a while back but tonight it came back.

    I joined PvE Queues from Delta Quadrant and had no issues. I returned to ESD to heal from Bug Hunt and joined Borg Disconnected PvE. Upon entering I noticed that all of my bridge officers had been removed. I played the event with the handicap and reset my bridge and use tray upon returning to ESD.

    From ESD Sector space I joined Cured Space PvE and once again all my settings / bridge officers were reset and removed.

    I think this qualifies as a bug.

    It's seems they don't have a strong enough bug killer as this loadout issue is back with a vengeance.

    With all my characters; doesn't matter whether I've save the loadout or not; all my bridge officers go AFK.
  • sentinel64sentinel64 Member Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Nothing better than fighting the game mechanics more than actually fighting the enemies in the game. :rolleyes:
  • vnm51vnm51 Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I use my biography tab as a "note pad", where I write down the boffs name for each station /ship.
    Since "save loadout" doesn't work properly, this is the only way not to lost boffs at stations.
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    vnm51 wrote: »
    I use my biography tab as a "note pad", where I write down the boffs name for each station /ship.
    Since "save loadout" doesn't work properly, this is the only way not to lost boffs at stations.

    You know you can make entries in your personal log right? Explore the mission menu and you should find it. I keep all kinds of data there, from builds to exchange prices and the results of tests I run on game mechanics.

    Its not perfect but you can make as many entries as you like so you may find it slightly easier to organize. Just a shame about the system generated spam in there... but you can filter that.
  • jackal1701apwjackal1701apw Member Posts: 669 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    After the latest patch which had a few notes on fixing issues with disappearing bridge officers I take no pleasure in reporting that this is still broken.

    Multiple characters on my account (@Jackal1701a) end up with no bridge officers assigned to their stations when beaming from ground to my ship.

    Pressing to load the saved loadout does NOTHING. Swapping a console or putting in one boff then selecting the loadout does NOTHING.
    I have to go back and slot boffs one by one then select the skills I want them to use (new BOFF training mechanic - makes this take much longer) and drag power buttons onto a laggy tray that doesn't even work when I click the buttons.

    My STO experience is pretty much doffing and omega minigame now. I avoid any form of combat content (be it missions or queues) due to these issues.

    It may be the slightest bit of courtesy to add this issue to the list of known issues at the bottom of every patch note. As it's exactly that... a game-breaking and KNOWN issue that was introduced MONTHS ago.

    I loaded through my 10 toons this morning and 8 of them had this issue (and were fine last night). This isn't a once in a blue moon occurance. THIS HAPPENS ALL THE TIME.

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