Aside from trays, loadouts, ship visuals and skills resetting, I also lost gear again, had a Borg shield just vanish this weekend - likely due to having full bank and inventory when an old load out was applied trying to get my trays and BOs fixed. I don't use it currently but its just another thing I need to spend more resources on to replace.
I've been trying to reproduce this, but I'm just not seeing it. Nor did I see it while playing over the weekend on my personal account. So I've got some questions to try and track this down.
Do you see this on every map transfer? If not, how often and on what type of transfer? e.g. beaming up from ground to space, loading into space queues, etc.
Are there any particular maps that seem to cause this to happen more than others?
Do you change ships and/or Boffs often? If so, how often after a change of Boffs do you see this happen?
Does this occur from the moment you log in, or do you have to be playing a while first? If the latter, approximately ow long before you see it happen?
Do you experience the same issue on Tribble? If so, is it more frequent or less?
I took a screen shot of my ship I have now after saving it to loadout, with the chat window showing confirmation. No boffs where in place so I selected the loadout, nothing is saved where it should be. This is an ongoing problem on every ship every alt I have. Go into a mission and there is a good chance I am either fighting with a severe handicap of no boffs, no abilities, or I take the time to fix everything in mission and take the chance of being marked afk. This is a clear error that affects the quality of the game. Love STO but this is crazy.
Confirmed. Spent what seemed like an age last night setting up boffs for an new KDF command cruiser.
Probably worth noting that I did this while in the Dyson command then beamed up to the ship.
While still in the sphere I then set up weapons, consoles, etc. Saved load out.
Exit sphere, bam! all the boffs have headed for bar again :mad:
Trying to reload the boffs, even after going to the stations tab first, did not work.
And I haven't really seen a pattern to when or where it strikes.
I could get beaming up from ESD or Starfleet academy, either to the Sol system or Sirius sector block. Going into PvE queues. Frankly all over the place.
I have gotten it mostly from transferring from a ground map to a space map, but recently I have also been getting it while transitioning form space map to space map (sector space to system space).
So I finally started using the loadout system, as other had mentioned some success with it.
And it did work, but last night I got a new one.
After beaming up from Starfleet academy to the Sirius sector block, I was going to head to Beta Ursae... and no officer abilities showing.
OK, reset to loadout, and to my shock... it loaded the officers.. but not the abilities..
I use the Officer interface from the HUD, and I could see their names and portraits, but their abilities boxes were empty.
Great a new variation...
I had to manually go into the station interface and unslot officers that were missing their abilities and reslot them.
I'm using a Vesta, and a Pathfinder. And I have found this issue occurs no matter what ship I am using.
i dont see anything about this bug in new release notes and nothing in KNOWN issues.. so? are you going to fix it??? or we should every day for 100+ times assign boffs to their sits?
I doesn't get me when changing maps but Every single time I log on all of my character will have all of there boff slots empties and loading a loadout has yet to help.
How can you not ackowledge that this is a problem crypyic?:mad:
The universe is driven by the complex interaction between three ingredients: matter, energy, and enlightened self-interest. G'Kar
Because everything is working as intended? I'm getting it as well but really don't care anymore I don't expect Cryptic to fix it or listen to the community unless it suits them so I'm just making do.
Why fix existing features when you can make more features that are equally bugged and can profit off? Fixing bugs isn't profitable and while yes Cryptic does fix things it seems they fix what they want, when they feel like it. I mean we've got game breaking bugs going on with explicit detail and yet under known issues we've got KDF pvp score....prority bug fixing ftw!
But we should stop our whining and look at the positive things like the pretty boff icons while we grind the metrics wheel :P.
I first experienced this bug after dismissing an old ship from inventory, after a frustrating month or so it seemed to go away, within 24 hours of claiming free Kobali ship the bug was back. Seems that problem is connected (at least for me it is) with movement on my ships inventory. Think i will leave off getting new ships since it upsets my bridge officers so much they kick all my tray icons around in their haste to run off.
Aside from trays, loadouts, ship visuals and skills resetting, I also lost gear again, had a Borg shield just vanish this weekend - likely due to having full bank and inventory when an old load out was applied trying to get my trays and BOs fixed. I don't use it currently but its just another thing I need to spend more resources on to replace.
When items sometimes vanish by using the load out system, they don't always vanish for good.
Sometimes, they go into what I like to call the STO purgatory phase.
When this happens, closing the client and restarting it will sometimes fix it instantly, while other times I have seen it take hours for the items to reappear.
after switching from shuttle to mainship, the layoutsystem doesn't work AT ALL on one of my chars. i saved 2 layouts. It usually changes at least some of the stuff/boffs/doffs - now: nothing. Not after changing maps, not on Ground/Space and not after a complete restart.
it even doesn't go to that 1min CD and i'm able to select both layouts.
the whole system is just absurd
after switching from shuttle to mainship, the layoutsystem doesn't work AT ALL on one of my chars. i saved 2 layouts. It usually changes at least some of the stuff/boffs/doffs - now: nothing. Not after changing maps, not on Ground/Space and not after a complete restart.
it even doesn't go to that 1min CD and i'm able to select both layouts.
the whole system is just absurd
I had significant problems with loadouts after changing my characters back to starships after the last shuttle event. They persisted until the next round of loadout fixes/bugs, so... good luck man. I'm skipping it entirely. The game really isn't in a state to support events like this, a fact that seems to be escaping Cryptic at the moment.
after switching from shuttle to mainship, the layoutsystem doesn't work AT ALL on one of my chars. i saved 2 layouts. It usually changes at least some of the stuff/boffs/doffs - now: nothing. Not after changing maps, not on Ground/Space and not after a complete restart.
it even doesn't go to that 1min CD and i'm able to select both layouts.
the whole system is just absurd
I think part of the issue here, is that typically when changing ships, is we also change so much other stuff with it. (boff skill(s), doff(s), gear, etc.)
Than when we switch back, it remains slightly stuck on what you were just using prior.
Otherwise, if both ships used exactly the same EVRYTHING, than chances are it would work far more often and, correctly.
Also, I find it helps to give the uploading of a saved load out some 5mins to process each and, every time you save one.
Treat it like waiting in line to get something, because it isn't instantaneous as people might think.
I think there's a bit of myopia here. There is a lot of talk about the load-outs, and thus it seems that the load-out system is being looked to as the culprit. I have not used the load-out system at all; never once - never even played with it. Still, I have the BOff stations clearing almost constantly from ALL my factions on a fairly regular basis.
What bothers me even more is I don't see this as a "known problem" in the release notes. It's not like we haven'd MADE it know (as I comment on the twenty-third page of this tread)
I haven't read through the thread but I have come upon a work-around that has worked about 99% of the time.
When I go to ship and the loadout is cleared, I have no abilities in tray, and I have no BOFFs on station. I select the loadout I want to use, and the abilities still don't appear, but when I click the station tab, then everything shows up exactly where it's supposed to be.
What that means for the programming I have no idea, but it has worked for me, and I hope it works for you.
"Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many they are few"
With some hope that this will help the devs track down some of these issues, here are some of my observations:
1. Swapping a ship in space seems to make it more likely to have an issue where gear/trays don't revert to how they were set last. Usually selecting the loadout will fix it.
2. Gear with abilities that is shared between multiple ships seems to randomly reslot those abilities when switching ships. Examples of gear that I have had do this are the Fleet Singularity Cores with the Weapon Capacitor, the Experimental Romulan Plasma Beam Array's Plasma Hyperflux ability, and the Kobali Universal Console Regenerative Integrity Field. If they are saved to a loadout and you reload it, it usually fixes it.
3. Today I had an issue where my loadout wouldn't load the trays. When I selected the loadout. it would try to load the tray, meaning I would see the correct ability go where they were supposed to be, then revert to where they defaulted when I switched into the ship. Being frustrated with this I simply dragged the abilities back where they were, and then my Loadout highlighted as being active. So the information was saved in it, but it couldn't load it for some reason. Right before this happened I called another ship (my Samsar) to fit it with the Shields from Dust to Dust, and then I saved that loadout. When I switched back to my Command Cruiser it wouldn't load.
you are actually correct. These issues were reported AGES ago- at least a year to a year and 1/2. But since it was a "minor inconvience" for "some" players they simply ignored it. Then with every new system update it got worse and worse and worse until its now common for everyone.
It gotten really worse for me. Its back to just changing maps clears out BO stations. And a good deal of the time I have to still redo the tray after I re slot some.
ground skills revert back to the orginal skills a lot.
Loadbug is still a issue with boffs going awol and power tray being reset. To add to this misery the new Boff system also if the stations are cleared reset BOFF skills to the default with which they were commissioned so you then have 2 things to sort out with this bug.
1. Reload stations and sometimes rearrange powertray
2. Re-organise Boff skills to what you trained them to be.
Also regarding UI lag there is a def issue with using the mouse to select powers be it space or ground to using the Keyboard.
Keyboard lag for me is barely noticable, using the mouse however just using my gun to shoot 1 & 2 modes, no other skills is horrible and has anything up to 3-4 second delays.
Keybinds seem to be working okish and far more playable.
Select and click with a mouse is certainly suffering since new UI went live.
Loadbug is still a issue with boffs going awol and power tray being reset. To add to this misery the new Boff system also if the stations are cleared reset BOFF skills to the default with which they were commissioned so you then have 2 things to sort out with this bug.
1. Reload stations and sometimes rearrange powertray
2. Re-organise Boff skills to what you trained them to be.
Also regarding UI lag there is a def issue with using the mouse to select powers be it space or ground to using the Keyboard.
Keyboard lag for me is barely noticable, using the mouse however just using my gun to shoot 1 & 2 modes, no other skills is horrible and has anything up to 3-4 second delays.
Keybinds seem to be working okish and far more playable.
Select and click with a mouse is certainly suffering since new UI went live.
The UI lag right now is worse for me than any loadout issues I'm suffering. I can clear my loadout problems with three clicks. It sometimes takes three clicks on a power to get it to activate. It really damages ones ability to fight how they like.
I've managed to incorporate this into my role play experience. I just assume that my bridge crew is late for work, or they are on strike.
Well played.I take it you're pleasantly surprised when they show up for their shift?
"Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many they are few"
The UI lag right now is worse for me than any loadout issues I'm suffering. I can clear my loadout problems with three clicks. It sometimes takes three clicks on a power to get it to activate. It really damages ones ability to fight how they like.
Well played.I take it you're pleasantly surprised when they show up for their shift?
Yep, that's why they are all Commanders. Basically everyone's a boss. But I get that they are used to seeing me, as a Fleet Admiral, that does every task so they must think "Ah, he doesn't need us"
They actually sent me an e-mail stating they are a bit fed up with doing Crewman or Ensign duties as well as having to man stations way bellow their rank. I told them I would take it up with Starfleet, but they (SF) told me that since everyone is now a Fleet Admiral there isn't much they can do.
I think there's a bit of myopia here. There is a lot of talk about the load-outs, and thus it seems that the load-out system is being looked to as the culprit. I have not used the load-out system at all; never once - never even played with it. Still, I have the BOff stations clearing almost constantly from ALL my factions on a fairly regular basis.
What bothers me even more is I don't see this as a "known problem" in the release notes. It's not like we haven'd MADE it know (as I comment on the twenty-third page of this tread)
I haven't used the load-out system either and I get the exact same problem.
I log in, my BOffs are all AWOL and I need to re-seat them. Then I get to rearrange my trays and pray that the next switch between ground and ship doesn't wipe them all out again.
Which in nearly always does.
I've given up even playing the game aside from running my dailies. I haven't run a mission, aside from Dust to Dust, in over a month. I haven't played a queue in over a month. I'm just so tired of having to reset everything that it has killed my will to play.
I hope they'll get this bug fixed soon, not Soon, as I really do want to play the game, but right now I just can't with it in the current state it is in.
Hello. My name is iamynaught and I am an altaholic.
Its to the point now where the game is literally unplayable for me. I am not really exaggerating.
Every time I enter a map there is a series of problems. And I cant fix them in the 30 secs we have before the maps start.
If tray isn't messed up BOs have the wrong skills. If activating a load out reseats the BOs the tray doesn't fill in. If I get all that sorted out I get UI lag and cant play because skills are grayed out, have to be pressed several times or lag behind the action.
I am not engaging in hyperbole when I say that in game morale is very low. There are many many people who have reached the breaking point. Its just not worth the hassle to grind. If this goes on another month, I really thing you are going to start bleeding players. Most people are just fed up.
I took a screen shot of my ship I have now after saving it to loadout, with the chat window showing confirmation. No boffs where in place so I selected the loadout, nothing is saved where it should be. This is an ongoing problem on every ship every alt I have. Go into a mission and there is a good chance I am either fighting with a severe handicap of no boffs, no abilities, or I take the time to fix everything in mission and take the chance of being marked afk. This is a clear error that affects the quality of the game. Love STO but this is crazy.
Confirmed. Spent what seemed like an age last night setting up boffs for an new KDF command cruiser.
Probably worth noting that I did this while in the Dyson command then beamed up to the ship.
While still in the sphere I then set up weapons, consoles, etc. Saved load out.
Exit sphere, bam! all the boffs have headed for bar again :mad:
Trying to reload the boffs, even after going to the stations tab first, did not work.
And I haven't really seen a pattern to when or where it strikes.
I could get beaming up from ESD or Starfleet academy, either to the Sol system or Sirius sector block. Going into PvE queues. Frankly all over the place.
I have gotten it mostly from transferring from a ground map to a space map, but recently I have also been getting it while transitioning form space map to space map (sector space to system space).
So I finally started using the loadout system, as other had mentioned some success with it.
And it did work, but last night I got a new one.
After beaming up from Starfleet academy to the Sirius sector block, I was going to head to Beta Ursae... and no officer abilities showing.
OK, reset to loadout, and to my shock... it loaded the officers.. but not the abilities..
I use the Officer interface from the HUD, and I could see their names and portraits, but their abilities boxes were empty.
Great a new variation...
I had to manually go into the station interface and unslot officers that were missing their abilities and reslot them.
I'm using a Vesta, and a Pathfinder. And I have found this issue occurs no matter what ship I am using.
How can you not ackowledge that this is a problem crypyic?:mad:
Why fix existing features when you can make more features that are equally bugged and can profit off? Fixing bugs isn't profitable and while yes Cryptic does fix things it seems they fix what they want, when they feel like it. I mean we've got game breaking bugs going on with explicit detail and yet under known issues we've got KDF pvp score....prority bug fixing ftw!
But we should stop our whining and look at the positive things like the pretty boff icons while we grind the metrics wheel :P.
When items sometimes vanish by using the load out system, they don't always vanish for good.
Sometimes, they go into what I like to call the STO purgatory phase.
When this happens, closing the client and restarting it will sometimes fix it instantly, while other times I have seen it take hours for the items to reappear.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
it even doesn't go to that 1min CD and i'm able to select both layouts.
the whole system is just absurd
I had significant problems with loadouts after changing my characters back to starships after the last shuttle event. They persisted until the next round of loadout fixes/bugs, so... good luck man. I'm skipping it entirely. The game really isn't in a state to support events like this, a fact that seems to be escaping Cryptic at the moment.
I think part of the issue here, is that typically when changing ships, is we also change so much other stuff with it. (boff skill(s), doff(s), gear, etc.)
Than when we switch back, it remains slightly stuck on what you were just using prior.
Otherwise, if both ships used exactly the same EVRYTHING, than chances are it would work far more often and, correctly.
Also, I find it helps to give the uploading of a saved load out some 5mins to process each and, every time you save one.
Treat it like waiting in line to get something, because it isn't instantaneous as people might think.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
What bothers me even more is I don't see this as a "known problem" in the release notes. It's not like we haven'd MADE it know (as I comment on the twenty-third page of this tread)
When I go to ship and the loadout is cleared, I have no abilities in tray, and I have no BOFFs on station. I select the loadout I want to use, and the abilities still don't appear, but when I click the station tab, then everything shows up exactly where it's supposed to be.
What that means for the programming I have no idea, but it has worked for me, and I hope it works for you.
1. Swapping a ship in space seems to make it more likely to have an issue where gear/trays don't revert to how they were set last. Usually selecting the loadout will fix it.
2. Gear with abilities that is shared between multiple ships seems to randomly reslot those abilities when switching ships. Examples of gear that I have had do this are the Fleet Singularity Cores with the Weapon Capacitor, the Experimental Romulan Plasma Beam Array's Plasma Hyperflux ability, and the Kobali Universal Console Regenerative Integrity Field. If they are saved to a loadout and you reload it, it usually fixes it.
3. Today I had an issue where my loadout wouldn't load the trays. When I selected the loadout. it would try to load the tray, meaning I would see the correct ability go where they were supposed to be, then revert to where they defaulted when I switched into the ship. Being frustrated with this I simply dragged the abilities back where they were, and then my Loadout highlighted as being active. So the information was saved in it, but it couldn't load it for some reason. Right before this happened I called another ship (my Samsar) to fit it with the Shields from Dust to Dust, and then I saved that loadout. When I switched back to my Command Cruiser it wouldn't load.
you are actually correct. These issues were reported AGES ago- at least a year to a year and 1/2. But since it was a "minor inconvience" for "some" players they simply ignored it. Then with every new system update it got worse and worse and worse until its now common for everyone.
ground skills revert back to the orginal skills a lot.
1. Reload stations and sometimes rearrange powertray
2. Re-organise Boff skills to what you trained them to be.
Also regarding UI lag there is a def issue with using the mouse to select powers be it space or ground to using the Keyboard.
Keyboard lag for me is barely noticable, using the mouse however just using my gun to shoot 1 & 2 modes, no other skills is horrible and has anything up to 3-4 second delays.
Keybinds seem to be working okish and far more playable.
Select and click with a mouse is certainly suffering since new UI went live.
and btw, rate game now as "low-quality product", fan project could be better.
totally dissapointed.
FIX THE BUGS AND STOP LAGS!!! :mad::mad::mad:
Well played.I take it you're pleasantly surprised when they show up for their shift?
Yep, that's why they are all Commanders. Basically everyone's a boss. But I get that they are used to seeing me, as a Fleet Admiral, that does every task so they must think "Ah, he doesn't need us"
They actually sent me an e-mail stating they are a bit fed up with doing Crewman or Ensign duties as well as having to man stations way bellow their rank. I told them I would take it up with Starfleet, but they (SF) told me that since everyone is now a Fleet Admiral there isn't much they can do.
I haven't used the load-out system either and I get the exact same problem.
I log in, my BOffs are all AWOL and I need to re-seat them. Then I get to rearrange my trays and pray that the next switch between ground and ship doesn't wipe them all out again.
Which in nearly always does.
I've given up even playing the game aside from running my dailies. I haven't run a mission, aside from Dust to Dust, in over a month. I haven't played a queue in over a month. I'm just so tired of having to reset everything that it has killed my will to play.
I hope they'll get this bug fixed soon, not Soon, as I really do want to play the game, but right now I just can't with it in the current state it is in.
Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.
Every time I enter a map there is a series of problems. And I cant fix them in the 30 secs we have before the maps start.
If tray isn't messed up BOs have the wrong skills. If activating a load out reseats the BOs the tray doesn't fill in. If I get all that sorted out I get UI lag and cant play because skills are grayed out, have to be pressed several times or lag behind the action.
I am not engaging in hyperbole when I say that in game morale is very low. There are many many people who have reached the breaking point. Its just not worth the hassle to grind. If this goes on another month, I really thing you are going to start bleeding players. Most people are just fed up.