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Master Thread: Winter Event Known Issue - Breen Ships Not Applying Unlock Discount

mrmoonsin01mrmoonsin01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited January 2015 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
So, as there are a gazillion threads floating around on here about this specific issue, I figured it would probably be prudent to have one master log of the issue.

Below the initial post and any Dev replies have been documented, with links and quotes.
Hopefully someone from Cryptic will see this and realise quite how frustrating it is to be kept in the dark.

This issue was first reported by scrooge69 on 12-04-2014
scrooge69 wrote: »
I got the chel gret on 2 or 3 toons and still rep prokect want 1000 pictures on my newer toons

worked fine with the T6 ship and the raider thou

And while the post was not the most informative, it was still a bug report.
Over 9 pages, there has been 1 Dev reply to the thread that scrooge69 created, it was posted on the same day that the report was filed by jheinig but no updated in the thread since.
jheinig wrote: »
There's an odd condition with how the access is set up for the discount that makes it a bit . . . unreliable for characters who previously got the ship. We're looking into ways to sort it out smoothly.

It was next reported by praitor on 12-06-2014
praitor wrote: »
Ok so i started the event quest but didnt notice straight away that it was not giving me the new breen carrier ship , it wants to give me the old breen ship i have put all my q pics on it already before i noticed some 849 . is this going to be fixed or am i going to miss out on the new ship because i was stupid and did what i was supposed to do and upgrade my old breen ship to t-u5.......

This thread was only 1 page long and recieved no Dev attention whatsoever.

scrooge69 then made another thread, and this is the thread that has recieved the most attention.
scrooge69 wrote: »
what thae titel says....

I have the ship on 3 toons

still game watns 1000.....
I tried to add>cancel it still wants 1000
i tried ot put 40 in ot see if its a visual bug says 40/1000

so not fixed or me

The first Dev reply is from crypticfrost on Page 2 of the thread.
It looks like the issue is those who got the Chel Gret the first year, before the current Reputation System was designed, are the ones not getting the discount.

There's been some discussion on how we might address this, but I have no idea where that stands.

So, for now, to get the discount one has to complete the Reputation project on at least one character at the full 1000 cost. The discount is looking for the completion of that initial project. If you acquired the ship any other way than via the Reputation project, the discount will not apply. That's my understanding of the issue.

Another reply in the same thread from crypticfrost
I'm not saying you'll never get the discount.

However, if you want the ship discount now, the Reputation project will need to be completed with one character. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until some fix is devised, and I have no idea how long that will take or even if one will be possible this year. I just do not know, nor do I have enough information to even venture a guess when/if this might be resolved.

I was just trying to provide some information as to where we stood with this right now.

I can see that COLOR="Orange"]crypticfrost[/COLOR] is trying to appease a rather disappointed crowd, but I would like to take this moment to point out that he says he has a lack of information. Surely, if you want your player base to understand what is going on, you need to inform your Devs / forum mods / community managers so they can pass the message on to the players?

Now we get another update this time from jheinig
jheinig wrote: »
Here's what's going on.

Right now, the discount unlocks are checking to see if you have previously completed the reputation project for a ship. If so, you get the account unlock that gives a discount for that ship.

Now, in the case of the older Breen ships, the discount unlocks were added after the projects had already been completed. So, they would not reliably know that your character had completed the project -- nothing was prompting them to check. Normally the account unlock is applied at the time that you finish the reputation project. If you had already finished the project, the account unlock might never get the trigger telling it to apply.

I added a trigger condition so that if you talk to Q, it forces the account unlock to check the project again immediately. This would allow players who had done the event project before, but not gotten the discount, to get the discount applied.

There is not, however, currently a way for the account discount to tell if you got a ship by a means other than the reputation project. If you got a Chel Grett before it was an event reputation project, the unlock can't "hear" this.

One of our programmers is currently investigating the feasibility of getting the account unlock to "hear" if you currently have the Chel Grett or the T5U Chel Grett. If this is feasible, I will update the account unlock feature so that it will also check to see if you already have a Chel Grett (of either type), and grant the account-wide discount in such a case. (A similar hook would be needed to add the discount if you have the console that comes with the Chel Grett, but had discarded the ship -- perhaps putting the console on a different ship or keeping it in your bank.)

If you previously claimed the Chel Grett before the event reputation existed and then you discarded it, that's an even more difficult ball of wax, and one that we don't currently have the technology for which to create a solution. This case is still under development.

... and a little later
jheinig wrote: »
Currently the account unlocks do not have the same data hooks as stores. (Has to do with certain kinds of server transactions.) Hence why this is taking programmer time.

... and a little after that
jheinig wrote: »
Quick update: Got some new tech from one of our programmers, currently working on updating the Chel Grett unlock and testing it locally. Going to send an update off to QA for testing.

... and then
jheinig wrote: »
I have an internally-functioning update that is now able to provide the account unlock if a character already has a ship but didn't get it through an event reputation project. It is being sent to QA for testing and hopefully will be in a patch in the next week or so.

So, at this point it looks like things are on the up. And that the problem is getting the attention that it needs to be solved. This is great. Do note, however that last post from jheinig was on page 6 of scrooge69s' thread on 12-11-2014. Since then this thread has risen to 18 pages without further Dev input. We have had a few patches since then, but none of them has solved the issue.

nekofury86 then reported the problem was worse than we were aware of on 12-19-2014, stating that the problem was not only for the Chell Gret, but also for the Plesh Raider.
nekofury86 wrote: »
So finally after busting my butt for two weeks getting Autographs and EC for keys to get Lobi to get more Autographs... I got my Raider (NOT THE GRETT). So me being excited about this, I opened it, named it, upgraded it, slapped on some gear from my other ship, took it for a spin, was AWESOME, with a 58.9 degree/sec turn, so fun. So anyway, I got finished with the queue, changed to my carrier only character, I only use carriers with it, Xindi, Atrox, Obelisk, Tholian, BREEN!!! and so on. Went to go claim my raider to slap some good ole frigates on my Breen carrier, WHAT!? 1000 autographs!!, Well that doesn't seem right, I'll log out and wait a while, see if that changes.. Nope. So now I have to bust my butt for another 2 weeks, and hopefully get my Autographs again before the event is up.

Now before all the trolls run all over this with, "This has been posted 500 times, go read one". Well I did, and after about 10 forum posts of everyone not being able to claim their Grett Warship, I gave up, not spending 8 hours trying to find a Raider post, which I did find one, that quickly turned into Grett Warship... So bottom line is, is there a fix for this? Can I undo something, redo something without spending another 300 mill EC for keys? or waiting another 25 days? Or am I just **** out of luck?

And by the way, I did submit a ticket for this, no response, and fear of none. PWE really doesn't care. Not looking forward to reading the automated response, I might just snap.

Thanks to all you kind souls willing to give a reasonable response, and TRIBBLE all the trolls who just want to be heard.

The thread has reached 5 pages long, and has had no attention from Devs.

crusaders4christ tossed together a bug report thread, trying to cater to the criteria that Cryptic ask for in its bug reports on the 12-20-2014.
Had to make a new thread regarding the matter with proper bug report criteria.

Dev your assessment may possibly be incorrect

This is what I did -

My old rep from last year, I completely canceled and started this year rep for the "Breen Chell Grett Warship" - Now keep in mind this is the "NEW," this year's new rep system, since I canceled the old one from the previous year.

This may have to do with either the old Q pictures from last year, or the data that should register the old "Q" pictures for the discount, but may not be working properly.

Below is my screen shot:

Please click on the image to enlarge, so you can see the details - Remember I canceled last year, ran the new one, got the ship, then started the event rep project back up for the same ship to show you it may not be last yr rep progression - Possible issue may be that the program is not reading the old "Q" pictures from last yr, or something else entirely.


Devs here is some vital information:

Character name & handle:

Simon Templar@crusaders4christ

I posted a screenie and ran the same project again, as you can see in my inventory is the Breen Chell Grett Warship, and on the Event Rep menu you can see I ran the project again but the discount was not applied.

Note: I canceled last years old rep and started this year when I receieved my Chell Grett, so both projects, the one used to earn the Chell grett and the new one I am running to show you that the data is not being applied. This can either be an issue with the system registering the old "Q" pictures, or something in the data being corrupted or not read correctly.

It may be possible that the system is not registering properly between the New event rep project and the old event rep project, some conflicting data. However; that does not explain why some players get the discount while others do not.

Despite his intentions to efforts to provide evidence in a clear and concise manor, there has been no Dev activity on this thread.

pashgan recently submitted this thread
pashgan wrote: »
Got all 3 Breen ships today on different characters, Chel Grett and Plesh Brek didn't unlock discount for other toons. Could be nice to see the fix before event's end though somehow I doubt dear Cryptic can do it since 3 weeks weren't enough for them =(

Merry x-mas!

The thread has reached 5 pages, and still no Dev activity.

There was a thread created by pepamipa on 12-12-2014
pepamipa wrote: »
I can't claim a second breen ship (same type) for 40 glossy pictures of Q after upgrading it to T5-U.
I own the ship with a secon character, but it demands 1000 pictures.

Please change this before the event ends.


To which we got a reply from crypticfrost
There is a known issue where players who got the Chel Grett during the first year it was available, before the current Reputation system existed, are not getting the discount. There is a fix for this in the works which still needs testing, and so may be in next week's update.

Who again posted on 12-15-2014
The problem is with those who got the ship the first year, before the Event Reputation system was in use. If you get it this year, there should be no problems.

For those with the issue, there is a fix inbound.

There has been no Dev activity since.

Cryptic, while I appreciate that this is a busy time of the year, it really does not excuse you for the handling of this situation. Many of us players have been looking forward to getting these ships, I'm an older player, I got my Chell Gret on an alt when it was first released back in the 2012 Q's Winter Wonderland, and last year could not claim the Plesh Raider due to not being able to get online much over the winter season. This year, I figured I could get them all and have it done and dusted. But it appears I was wrong.

If I recall correctly, Farktoid5000 is the Lead Quality Assurance guy, and JTFrost also does QA? Surely these things should have been passed through QA before ever going live? It would be nice to have answers and reassurances that mistakes akin to this will be dealt with in a faster manner in the future.

At the VERY LEAST, it would be nice to have updates regarding the status of the fixes mentioned before by jheinig and crypticfrost.

It is also now clear that the problem is not just the Chell Gret, but also the Plesh Raider

So the Devs need to stop hiding behind the silly 'before the rep system' excuse.

In short, what we the players would like are:
  • Updates on the progress of the fix
  • Fix rollout date
  • Compensation if the fix will not be implemented this year

There have been plenty of solutions suggested to fix these problems, and I believe there is a partial fix on Tribble. But there is no communication between the Cryptic team and the players. And that NEEDS to change.
Post edited by mrmoonsin01 on


  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,615 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    If you keep reading some of the other threads, the bug is not limited to old ships or old Q pics.

    As of yesterday all of us doing our very first Winter Wonderland, starting with 0 ships and 0 pics, had our 1000 x 3 pics (on 3 alts) and claimed our ships.

    At that point the carrier shows the discount for other alts, but the other 2 ships do not. New ships, new pics, no discount except on the carrier.

    If the devs are not able to reproduce this for some reason, they just need to ask and they can get as many accounts with the problem as they need.
  • saber1973asaber1973a Member Posts: 1,225 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I got the same problem
    (got the Cruiser last year and this year it did show discount,
    but the Raider still costs 1000 pics - did new pics and new project this year).

    I did wait for next patch and...
    it's only
    ...Stability Update for the Holodeck server...
    ? :confused:

    Don't get me wrong, I understand need for stable server,
    but the Raider discount issue is getting time critical! :mad:

    No chance to do 25 races on my alts this year,
    so I really hope they fix the issue before 15th

    Or I really change my launcher icon name
    to Bug Trek Online - really.
  • inthefluxxinthefluxx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    If you keep reading some of the other threads, the bug is not limited to old ships or old Q pics.

    As of yesterday all of us doing our very first Winter Wonderland, starting with 0 ships and 0 pics, had our 1000 x 3 pics (on 3 alts) and claimed our ships.

    At that point the carrier shows the discount for other alts, but the other 2 ships do not. New ships, new pics, no discount except on the carrier.

    If the devs are not able to reproduce this for some reason, they just need to ask and they can get as many accounts with the problem as they need.

    I'm having the same problem. Starting all three this year. New Q pictures, new event reputation project. It can't be old pictures, since these are new. Carrier unlocks for everyone at discount after one claims it, the other two do not.

    I really wanted the frigate pets for my carrier, and the set bonus for one of my alts. It appears that at this time that won't happen, as the event will cease before I can unlock them.
  • willamsheridanwillamsheridan Member Posts: 1,189 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    inthefluxx wrote: »
    I'm having the same problem. Starting all three this year. New Q pictures, new event reputation project. It can't be old pictures, since these are new. Carrier unlocks for everyone at discount after one claims it, the other two do not.

    I really wanted the frigate pets for my carrier, and the set bonus for one of my alts. It appears that at this time that won't happen, as the event will cease before I can unlock them.

    if they can´t fix it they should use the patch on January 8th to reduce all prices of those ships from 1000 to 40 pictures or give them out for free. Just make them a special unlock in the c-store from 8th to 15th or a week longer
  • mrmoonsin01mrmoonsin01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Yeah, I'm aware that the problem extends to ships other than the Chell Gret, if you read the post rather than skimming it you would have seen that :P
  • keladorkelador Member Posts: 318 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Yeah its not limited to old characters who did this event last year or the year before so I guess the Devs are at a loss... Its strange the discount works on the new ship and not the two older ships.

    I ran the event this year on all new characters wasn't around for the events last year or the year before that! unlocked all three ships on one on each alt the discount works for the Carrier but not the other two.
  • hordequesthordequest Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Certainly not restricted to people that did the event before. I've never done a breen photo event and the discount unlock is not applying when claiming the Plesh or the Grek. But, contrary to the billion posts saying this..the dev replies all seem to think it's just old unlocks from previous years.

    I can assure you, that is not the problem. The 2nd reward in the turn in list (the unlock) is not being claimed on ship collect except for the Carrier. Regardless of having done an event before or not. That is the key to the bug..the unlock doesn't post to screen or anything on the other two ships and then the carrier posts it every claim on every toon even after getting it. So, you know what the problem is..you know where the problem is..how about fixing it?

    Edit: Seems there's a fix on Tribble for this issue but they have not moved it live yet. I suppose that's good news. Nice of them to bother to tell everyone. I swear Cryptic doesn't know it's hand from it's TRIBBLE (meaning programmers don't tell PRs ****)
  • uthyeruthyer Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Well then,

    Here is the simple fix, send us all the ship free

    You know you want to

    So do it now

    Second Option:

    Find some programers that can do the job, Find some people that can relay problems like this to the programers that dont take a month to do it.

    I really think we should notify the UN commision on human rights violations as this is clearly torture
  • mrmoonsin01mrmoonsin01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    hordequest wrote: »
    Edit: Seems there's a fix on Tribble for this issue but they have not moved it live yet. I suppose that's good news. Nice of them to bother to tell everyone. I swear Cryptic doesn't know it's hand from it's TRIBBLE (meaning programmers don't tell PRs ****)

    THIS is the problem.
    Cryptic just does -not- communicate.

    They whisper of a patch and then leave it at that.

    Communication is key when managing an online service, and Cryptic are showing an appalling way of handling it.
  • nalfyrnalfyr Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Started Projects all new THIS year 0 ships 0 pics at start
    3 alts 1 ship each - Only the Carrier gave the unlock the other two just got ship
    and No unlock for others not even themselves if they were to reclaim it

    so Definitely not just a problem for people who had the ship before.. since I did not have Any of them till this years Projects and Still No Unlock for Cruiser or Raider..
  • crb2442crb2442 Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    nalfyr wrote: »
    Started Projects all new THIS year 0 ships 0 pics at start
    3 alts 1 ship each - Only the Carrier gave the unlock the other two just got ship
    and No unlock for others not even themselves if they were to reclaim it

    so Definitely not just a problem for people who had the ship before.. since I did not have Any of them till this years Projects and Still No Unlock for Cruiser or Raider..

    Same here with me, I just started playing STO this past October so this is my first ever winter event and only the carrier is unlocked account wide after completing all 3 ships on 3 different toons.
  • saber1973asaber1973a Member Posts: 1,225 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Actually I got the Warship last year and... this winter I got discount for it.
    I did new projects this year for Raider and Carrier.
    Carrier unlocked the discount. Raider - did not.
  • kapla1755kapla1755 Member Posts: 1,249
    edited December 2014
    Not an old reputation issue for me.....

    On main account was able to claim outstanding Chel Grett ships on my Roms without issue ran races for 1000 pics on a character for the carrier, and then claimed the discounted price on all my alts without issue, even claimed all 3 ships on a new Talaxian I made after DR that is only L30 atm without issue.


    On my second account which was started as of this last mirror event [Thursday, October 30th, 2014 - a cool shotgun project why not make some new alts they could slot it now and finish it on the next playthrough if they were level 50].

    I ran the race on 3 separate alts holding pics till end of 1000 pics obtained to slot a project and pick a ship to unlock.

    The Chell was claimed 1st, then the Plesh Brek, then the carrier. Carrier is the only one which received the account unlock notice popup and then the discount.

    Obviously a 2 month old account can't be having "before the reputation system" issues, In fact I just unlocked reputation on 1 alt on this 2ndary account yesterday when they reached L50 so they could buy a T5 B'rel during the sale and that is the only L50 so far on that account.

    Maybe they should just check the Sarr Theln account unlock "code" and copy paste that to the others as it seems to be working without issue, and the next event triple check the updated section of "code" before pushing it to the live server.

    ATM no one I have noted has been able to test on tribble if the patch from 12/16 to fix the unlocks actually works as there has been a character copy issue with tribble.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Better get this fixxed soon, will make 1k photo's on all my toons tomorrow, and tho I already have the Chel Grett from the first year on all my toons I really want the raider on them as well.

    I could care less about the carrier tho, but might get one just to have the discount next year.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • quickdraw74quickdraw74 Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    This bug should have been handled before they left for the holidays. My only problem is the Chet Gret. It unlocked on tribble just fine after they did the patch fixing it, so I am not sure why it wasn't pushed to holodeck.

    You can bet if this project had a bug and was handing out excess dilithium or XP it would have been fixed in 2 hours even if it was on Christmas day and the office was snowed in.

    At the very least they could have provided us with an update.
  • kapla1755kapla1755 Member Posts: 1,249
    edited December 2014
    This bug should have been handled before they left for the holidays. My only problem is the Chet Gret. It unlocked on tribble just fine after they did the patch fixing it, so I am not sure why it wasn't pushed to holodeck.

    You can bet if this project had a bug and was handing out excess dilithium or XP it would have been fix in 2 hours even if it was on Christmas day and the office was snowed in.

    At the very least they could have provided us with an update.

    Thank you for confirming that the tribble chell grett issue is resolved on tribble was hoping someone was able to test.

    Even if it was on xmas day and the entire building was infested with rabid mice and zombies they would send some poor redshirt tech-coder in to turn off functionality :P:P:P
  • philhodgsonphilhodgson Member Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    For what its worth, I am having the same issue.

    I have never claimed a winter or summer event ship before, this is my first time seeing a rep project like this through.

    Got the 1000 photos yesterday, and claimed a Chel Grett (I believed it was a bug only affecting people from 2012) - and yep, no account wide unlock.

    I do have some other accounts building up the photos, but they are limited, so I am not wanting to risk losing the 1000 photos testing the raider or the carrier.
  • geoffman72geoffman72 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Chel Grett - Claimed first year it was out. Unlock active
    Plesh Brek - Started last year, finished this year. Unlock NOT active
    Sarr Theln - Unlock Active

    Hope its fixed soon. Have 40 pics on all alts waiting for the raider.
  • mrmoonsin01mrmoonsin01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    geoffman72 wrote: »
    Chel Grett - Claimed first year it was out. Unlock active
    Plesh Brek - Started last year, finished this year. Unlock NOT active
    Sarr Theln - Unlock Active

    Hope its fixed soon. Have 40 pics on all alts waiting for the raider.
    • I unlocked the Chel Grett on its release in 2012, and have no unlock for my alts.
    • I've almost finished collecting pics to unlock the raider AND the Chel Grett (again to see if it helps), but these are both on Alts (the original Chel Grett was unlocked on an Alt).
    • My main unlocked the Carrier and the 40 pic unlock is active for my Alts.

    This is all very strange.
    Why would you have the Chel Grett unlock active from the 1st year, but my account does not have the unlock?
  • hordequesthordequest Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    • I unlocked the Chel Grett on its release in 2012, and have no unlock for my alts.
    • I've almost finished collecting pics to unlock the raider AND the Chel Grett (again to see if it helps), but these are both on Alts (the original Chel Grett was unlocked on an Alt).
    • My main unlocked the Carrier and the 40 pic unlock is active for my Alts.

    This is all very strange.
    Why would you have the Chel Grett unlock active from the 1st year, but my account does not have the unlock?
    There was a Grett "fix" released: "Players who had previously completed the projects to claim one of these ships should be able to unlock their account discount after they talk to Q, or upon acquiring another ship." But, again, that's ONLY if you finished it the release year and you have to talk to him with the character that has the ship.
  • sleel43sleel43 Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    nalfyr wrote: »
    Started Projects all new THIS year 0 ships 0 pics at start
    3 alts 1 ship each - Only the Carrier gave the unlock the other two just got ship
    and No unlock for others not even themselves if they were to reclaim it

    so Definitely not just a problem for people who had the ship before.. since I did not have Any of them till this years Projects and Still No Unlock for Cruiser or Raider..

    Same here. This is the first year I bothered with the winter event. So did all 3 ships at the same time on different alts at the same time. ONLY the carrier unlocks.
  • scrooge69scrooge69 Member Posts: 1,108 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    XD yeah this^^

    nice sum up

    but actually i created 3 topics!

    the last was after the patch notes which said it has been fixed
  • highlandrisehighlandrise Member Posts: 354 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Exactly the Same Problem here, never had a Winter Ship before, this Time done the Races with 4 Chars per Account ( 2 Accounts ) the Forth is for next year. I Claimed the 3 Ships on 3 Different Characters on my Second Account, while on the Carrier a Text said that it was Unlocked Account Wide, there was no such thing on the other 2 Ships, i was able to claim the Carrier on all my Alts on my Second Account but NOT the Chell Grett and NOT the Plesh brek :mad:
    Why cant they just Chek whats OK on the Carrier that is NOT ok on the other Ships and Change that...

    The Maintenance Today was like a....Middle Finger to all Players :mad: I was not able to test it myself for now, but many Players say that there is a Working Patch on the Tribble Testserver and that the Discount for all Ships work there....and that this Patch is there for around 2 Weeks...... so the Question is WHY NOT BRING IT TO THE LIVE SERVER ALLREADY?! Today was the Perfect Opportunity, but no, instead they Just "Reboot" the Server....Iam so angry....i better dont Write here what i think right now :mad::mad:
  • crb2442crb2442 Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    After today's maintenance problem still exists with both tier 5 ships.
  • dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I filed a ticket through the website and the GM that replied told me it was a known issue, but to post about it on the forums. I'm sure this will get fixed regardless, but here's my little addition to the pile:

    I'm not getting a discount for either the Chel Grett or Plesh Brek. I started the Plesh Brek last year, but never finished it, and I never had the Chel Grett slotted, so I finished up all three ships on different characters this year. Only the Sarr Theln is getting discounted.

    My @handle is the same as my forums username. CS ticket is [Incident: 141229-002126]

    And geez, to the poster a few above me, calm down. It's the holidays.
  • kriskringle3kriskringle3 Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    saber1973a wrote: »
    the Raider discount issue is getting time critical! :mad:

    OK.... I am in the same boat as the rest of you, 6 toons waiting on the ships, but has anyone noticed that tribble has the patch, and we're just waiting on Holodeck implementation?

    it's NOT time critical. So long as you have your 80 portraits in your inventory (40x2 ships), I am sure they will let the project sit out there even without the winter event running. let them confirm the fix so they only need to do it one time.

    So my advice, (1) make sure you have your portraits in inventory, (2) claim each ship on at least one toon, and (3) wait for the fix to go live. Continual B.T.ching is not going to get this done any faster.
  • merthenmerthen Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    This is my first time doing the winter event so i did all 3 ships on difrent toons. What i notice was that when i claim the t6 carrier it said account unlock, while the other 2 ships didnt say that. It only said that i claimed it. So the only 40 pic ship i can get on my other toons is the t6 ship.
  • shandarilshandaril Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    indeed only the t6 is working as it should for the discounts for me .. both the raider and the chel are stuck at needing 1k photos

    and i only ever did the wonder land this year.... missed previous year/s so its not just effecting ppl with older versions sloted

    eh well i expect theyll find some way around it or theyll compensate some how ... its a bit irritateing but its nothing to get really mad about O.O its jsut a game after all
  • bucklerpwbucklerpw Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Same experience for me. I accumulated the 1000 pictures on 3 different characters and bought a different ship on each character expecting to unlock the discount on all three ships, but only the new carrier was discounted.

    I'm guessing the people that can fix this problem are on vacation for the holidays and the PR people don't know what the solution is or when it will be implemented. So they are not saying anything.

    I'm not upset now, but if the answer comes back that it is working as intended, I may be upset. :D
  • coolantleekcoolantleek Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    T6 worked, Breen warship didn't, even on characters created after last years event. One of my charaters has it 4 don't. Just adding my name to list.
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