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breen chel gret still 1000 post patch 11/12/14



  • senselockesenselocke Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Could someone give me details on what the "discount" is supposed to even be? I'm trying to outfit 3 alts, had I known there were discounts I'll be doing things differently.
  • aelrhianaaelrhiana Member Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    senselocke wrote: »
    Could someone give me details on what the "discount" is supposed to even be? I'm trying to outfit 3 alts, had I known there were discounts I'll be doing things differently.

    They implemented this (the discount) with the summer event. Basically, all you're supposed to be able to do is run the race to get the 1,000 pictures, once. After that, each alt you run will only need 40; in other words you only need to run it once on all of your other alts, once one has already paid full-price for the ship.

    That is the way it's supposed to go. Either this is broken, or they decided to do away with it, though why they would do that is beyond me.
  • mm06360mm06360 Member Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Today, on my Tactical romulan character I spent 1000 pics on the Heavy raider. Expecting that the discount would appily, I tried to unlock it on my Human Science officer. To my suprise the discount never applied.

    This is the first time I ever tried to claim this ship so this ship so it was not prereputation system.

    edit: Account @mm06360
  • kriskringle3kriskringle3 Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Confirmed (as with others here)

    Completion of Breen Warship for 1000 Pictures does NOT award "Winter Event Cruiser Complete", so discount for other characters unavailable (BUG)

    Completion of Breen Raider for 1000 pictures does NOT award "Winter Event Raider Complete", so doscount for other characters unavailable (BUG)

    Confirmed using new character contacts to "Q".

    Report: 141228-001327 made Today (sun, 28 DEC)
  • kriskringle3kriskringle3 Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    December 16 -Tribble is being brought down for maintenance to update it to build ST.46.20141123a.17

    . . .
    [*]Resolved an issue that was blocking the account discount for the Breen Chell Grett and Breen Plesh Brek Raider.
    • If players have owned either ship, the account wide discount for the Winter projects which unlock these should be applied upon logging in.
    • If the discount is not immediately applied upon logging in, speak with Q during the Winter Event and transfer to another map.

    So, apparently this bug is addressed on Tribble, and waiting for implementation to Holodeck. Assuming it will be in the New Years day patch.
  • highlandrisehighlandrise Member Posts: 354 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I have the same Problem that all of you have, thats the First Time i was Grinding for the 3 Ships, and i just Claimed all 3 Ship on my Second Account (on 3 Different Chars) while the Carriers Account Wide Discount Triggered, the Chell Gretts and the Plesh Breks did NOT, i also Grinded for all 3 Ships on my Main Account but iam holding back the Pics seing that this TRIBBLE does not work right now :mad:

    i REALLY hope that they will Fix this WHILE the Winter Event is Running, OR Extend the Time where you can Que up the Ship Projects UNTIL its Fixed, Cryptic Promised us that we can get ALL 3 Ships for just 40 if we get it with one of our Characters for 1000 first, so they should make it work :mad:

    I i cant get all 3 Ships on all my Characters on both Accounts ( i grinded for it) than i will be Frigging MAD, Lately the Game is Throwing so many Bugs at our Faces that it gets harder and harder to keep Playing this Game, reason why iam still here is because iam a BIG Star Trek Fan and Love Playing Star trek Online but all those Bugs are starting to Grind down my Nerves :mad:


  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,644 Bug Hunter
    edited December 2014
    So, apparently this bug is addressed on Tribble, and waiting for implementation to Holodeck. Assuming it will be in the New Years day patch.

    There wont be a New Year's day patch. It's a public holiday, if we're getting a patch this week it'll likely be on Tuesday. Though there have been two Holodeck patches since the fix for this issue went live on Tribble and it hasn't been included so I'm not holding my breath for it being fixed this week.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
  • yorethelyorethel Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I have completed the Sarr Theln Carrier rep grind a week ago and was able to buy it on other characters for 40 without issue.

    Today I completed the rep grind for the Plesh Brek Raider on another character but when I try to slot it the item to buy it on other characters is asks for 1000. CLEARLY BUGGED!

    I have the Chel Gret from before the rep grind on 2 characters on my account and it hasn't applied any discount at all again CLEARLY BUGGED!

    C'mon Cryptic it's supposed to be the festive season and so far all we have is a can of bugs and gameclient.exe errors with a side helping of lag and connection issues.

    Sort it out and at least compensate everyone for making our Christmas a tedious one where we have to log in repeatedly in order to finish events which are bugged to death. Not to mention not being able to complete some as we can see the game crashes unexpectedly.
  • kingaurthirkingaurthir Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    It looks like the issue is those who got the Chel Gret the first year, before the current Reputation System was designed, are the ones not getting the discount.

    There's been some discussion on how we might address this, but I have no idea where that stands.

    So, for now, to get the discount one has to complete the Reputation project on at least one character at the full 1000 cost. The discount is looking for the completion of that initial project. If you acquired the ship any other way than via the Reputation project, the discount will not apply. That's my understanding of the issue.

    Nope. Mines bugged too. I didn't get one from last year.
  • gizmox64gizmox64 Member Posts: 322 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    There are so many threads and posts on this that it's clearly bugged for sure, and all we can hope for is that Cryptic fixes it before the event ends.
    They need to hot fix it as soon as they are back from vacation.
  • highlandrisehighlandrise Member Posts: 354 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    gizmox64 wrote: »
    There are so many threads and posts on this that it's clearly bugged for sure, and all we can hope for is that Cryptic fixes it before the event ends.
    They need to hot fix it as soon as they are back from vacation.


    I and i am Sure most or all others, DONT want to wait till Next Year to be able to Claim the last 2 Ships, it was Promised THIS Winter Event, so they should make sure that we get what they Promised. Dont know about you guys, but if i dont get the 3 Ships (on all my Chars) before the end of the Winter Event, i will Activate the Furious Madness Mode :mad:
  • kapla1755kapla1755 Member Posts: 1,249
    edited December 2014
    Tribble is being brought down for maintenance to update it to build ST.46.20141123a.17

    [*]Resolved an issue that was blocking the account discount for the Breen Chell Grett and Breen Plesh Brek Raider.
    • If players have owned either ship, the account wide discount for the Winter projects which unlock these should be applied upon logging in.
    • If the discount is not immediately applied upon logging in, speak with Q during the Winter Event and transfer to another map.

    Silly question , But has anyone tested that this is in fact working on the current Tribble build?

  • highlandrisehighlandrise Member Posts: 354 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    kapla1755 wrote: »
    Silly question , But has anyone tested that this is in fact working on the current Tribble build?


    Just Re-Copyed 2 of my Characters to the Tribble Servers, waiting for them to be Avaible on the Server than i can test how it looks over there
  • nyx219nyx219 Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I'm just letting it be known that the discount unavailable explanation early in the thread for those having received the ships in prior events may be, to be blunt, bunk. Or perhaps an inaccurate blanket explanation.

    This is the first year I've done the race for the photos, I had precisely zero interest in them before. Now? I've got certain ones earmarked for certain alts I think they'd work well for. Thus, I've never acquired any Breen ships before, yet the only one unlocked for the discount for me is the ST. They ALL should be if the explanation given was accurate.

    I'll try talking to Q again, see if that helps, and continue dragnetting the thread for other tips.
  • allelujahx2allelujahx2 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I am also having the issue with the discount. I bought the ships over 3 toons and the carrier discount unlocked without a problem however the other two ships wont give me a discount. I have talked to Q and nothing triggered, I tried logging out and back in again so yeah :/
  • rifor83rifor83 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    highlandrise, you might be waiting just as long for your toons to be copied to tribble as you will be for the breen ship discount fix to be applied. I've been waiting 3 days now for my characters to be copied across (tried several times the first 2 days but then thought I'd leave it in case I was causing issue "overwriting" them) but still nothing copied when I checked just now. I wanted to see if the fix worked on tribble too. Seems there are a few others who are having the issue with copying to tribble, but I don't know if thats a widespread issue as well, but it certainly shows the devs are having a long and merry holiday! I wonder whether they've checked their emails or the forums or if they're in for a lovely new year's gift of surprise ragehate when they return?! :P

    Place annoying e-peen boasting signature here!
  • highlandrisehighlandrise Member Posts: 354 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Yea i gues....the Character Copy and Paste Function from the Server is also on Vacation together with the Devs......-_-Someone in Game was Mentioning that they will Fix it on the 6th, but i doubt that this is something official, he also mentioned that the Devs would be back from their Vacation Tomorow >_> Lets hope its True and that they will have a Fix avaible ASAP :eek:
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I've been playing on this account on and off since launch. I had never before completed the projects for the cruiser or raider. I completed them *today*, as well as the one for the new carrier. Note that I had never slotted those projects before this year's event either, they were not "old" projects I continued, but brand new as well.

    of all the ships, only the carrier got the account wide discount. The other two still show 1k autographs to purchase on mouse-over. I did not slot the projects on my alts which I wish to obtain the ships on, for fear that it will bug the issue further (and no point slotting it at 1k anyway, as i would likely have to unslot/reslot to get the discount once it's fixed).

    I'm not sure if that information helps, but there it is.
  • draconir83draconir83 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited December 2014

    Like generalklang I pretty much have the same problem. Unlocked the three ships on three different characters on this account today and only the carrier said I unlocked the account wide discount (and checked on other characters and was OK) but unfortunately did not apply for the Plesh Brek or Chel Grett which I have unlocked but no discount.

    Tried logging off and back on, switching characters a few times and even changing instances and no change unfortunately.

    I really hope they fix it before the event ends!
  • hmallow42hmallow42 Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    nyx219 wrote: »
    I'm just letting it be known that the discount unavailable explanation early in the thread for those having received the ships in prior events may be, to be blunt, bunk. Or perhaps an inaccurate blanket explanation.

    This is the first year I've done the race for the photos, I had precisely zero interest in them before. Now? I've got certain ones earmarked for certain alts I think they'd work well for. Thus, I've never acquired any Breen ships before, yet the only one unlocked for the discount for me is the ST. They ALL should be if the explanation given was accurate.

    I'll try talking to Q again, see if that helps, and continue dragnetting the thread for other tips.

    I am in exactly the same boat. Just unlocked each of the Breen ships on one char each. The only one that is discounted on the other chars is the carrier.
  • highlandrisehighlandrise Member Posts: 354 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Same goes for me, never Slotted or Started the Projects before, Yesterday Finished all 3 on 3 Different Characters, while on the Carier a Text Said that the Ship was Account Wide unlocked, nothing like that was on the Chell Grett or the Plesh Brek, i Logged off and On Several Times, speaked to Q, Changed Instances, Slotted and Canceled the Projects on other Characters but nothing. :confused:
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,771 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Same here: this is the first year I did the winter event, so no old photos of Q, no old ships, no old projects. All new this year.

    I finished my 75th ice race today (plus 12 more for alts), unlocked each ship, and only the carrier has a discount.

    I've logged out, talked to Q, even yelled "Enhance!", but no discount.
  • razor8472razor8472 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    So any workaround was found since 2012s? Just got same problem with Breen Chel Grett Warship and writen bug report.

    They should create some fixing routines and NPC for it, when you get such common for all problem, you come to npc, speak with him and corresponding routine runs and fix some of such issues.
  • ecotec1983ecotec1983 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Well add me to the list. Carrier unlocked ok on my characters. Chel Gret unlocked on main and is not granting discount. Have not done the plesh brek yet as i need 200 more photos but i suspect it will be the same deal.
  • hordequesthordequest Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    All 3 unlocked, only carrier 40. Yeah, it's just not giving the unlock at Collect. This isn't just random..it's everyone that I've spoken to in game and all these people here. It's not cool to go this long with nothing fixed or even noted in known issues.
  • donowickdonowick Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    The only ship I can't discount for is the chell grett warship. I already had raider and and had discount. But had to unlock cruiser and carrier and carrier was the only one which I got discount.

    So thinking it to do with event unlocking discount for only one ship.
  • betrayedbyyouallbetrayedbyyouall Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    raider unlock broken. ticket number 3,021,832
    I know who I are.
  • sleel43sleel43 Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Can add me to the, it's not because I claimed it before list. And not the warship either. Finished raider today on my main. First time I bothered with the winter event at all. Completely ignored it last year, much less the ships. Nope. Not unlocked on the next char I logged into.
  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,644 Bug Hunter
    edited December 2014
    I see we have a four hour downtime tomorrow, yet no actual fixes included. I don't understand why this fix hasn't gone live considering it's been on Tribble for two weeks at this point.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
  • arrmateysarrmateys Member Posts: 466 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    they probably just returned and are rebooting the server.
    Now clowns, that's another story. They scare the cr​ap out of me.
    We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
    We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.
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